2012 - Gracilaria Culture Handbook For New England
2012 - Gracilaria Culture Handbook For New England
2012 - Gracilaria Culture Handbook For New England
Wrack Lines University of Connecticut Sea Grant
October 2012
Sarah Redmond
University of Connecticut - Stamford, [email protected]
Jang K. Kim
University of Connecticut - Stamford, [email protected]
Recommended Citation
Yarish, Charles; Redmond, Sarah; and Kim, Jang K., "Gracilaria Culture Handbook for New England" (2012). Wrack Lines. 72.
New England Gracilaria Culture Handbook
System Implementation & Operation
For Production of Young Plants
Project Title: Seaweed Aquaculture for Bioextraction of Nutrients from LIS and
Bronx River Estuary (Project # 24266**)
This project was funded by the Long Island Sound Futures Fund (National Fish and Wildlife
Foundation), under project title “Bioextraction of Nutrients from Long Island Sound” (1/3/2011-
4/2/2012) to Dr. Charles Yarish, University of Connecticut. Additional support was provided by
the Connecticut Sea Grant College Program (Project Number R/A-38), under the title,
“Development of Seaweed Culture System Technologies to Support Integrated Multi-trophic
Aquaculture and Sea Vegetable Aquaculture in New England Coastal Waters” (2/1/2010-
1/31/2013). The principal investigator wishes to thank his co-PIs including Dr. George P.
Kraemer (Purchase College, Purchase College), Mr. John Curtis (Bridgeport Regional
Aquaculture and Science Technology School in Bridgeport, CT and to his UConn seaweed
research team including Sarah Redmond and Dr. Jang K. Kim. We would also like to thank the
many the UConn and Purchase College undergraduate students, BRASTEC students and staff,
and Rocking the Boat (Mr. Adam Green and Ms. Dawn Henning) for all their efforts logistical
support for the Bronx River estuary and Long Island Sound sites.
The seaweeds are a diverse group of large marine macroalgae that are as important to the
marine world as land plants are to our terrestrial world. Seaweeds were the precursors to land
plants, and like land plants, they are critical primary producers, forming living links between the
inorganic and the organic world, using photosynthesis to convert CO2 and nutrients into living
biomass. These primary producers support and encourage other marine life through the
production of oxygen, contribution to marine food webs, and by providing structure and habitat
for refuge, breeding, and nursery grounds for fish and invertebrates. Seaweeds are an
important resource for humans. Coastal peoples have always utilized seaweeds for food,
minerals, medicine, fertilizer and fodder, and these sea-plants continue to provide for an ever-
increasing world population. A multi-billion dollar industry worldwide, seaweeds are consumed
as nutritious sea vegetables, processed to extract valuable phycocolloids including agar,
carrageenan, and alginate, and utilized in the agricultural industries for animal fodder or plant
Wild harvest still constitutes a significant portion of seaweed production, however, there is an
ever increasing amount of seaweed production from aquaculture, principally in Asia (China,
Korea and Japan) and South America (Chile). Seaweed aquaculture makes up about 24% of all
aquaculture production (~19 million metric tons) with a value of ~US $5.65 billion (FAO, 2012).
Most of the cultured harvest is the kelps, Saccharina japonica and Undaria pinnatifida, the red
algal carrageenophytes species including Kappaphycus and Eucheuma, the edible red algal
species known as nori (including Porphyra and Pyropia species) and the red algal agarophyte
species known as Gracilaria. China is the world’s top producer of cultured seaweeds, though
other countries in Asia (Japan, Korea, and the Philippines) and in Europe (France, Ireland,
Norway, Scotland, and Spain) also grow seaweed. In North America, seaweed industries are
mainly small wild-harvest cottage operations located along the East and West Coasts of Canada
and the United States, however, there is a newly developed sugar kelp industry in the Gulf of
Maine (Maine and New Brunswick, Canada).
As populations expand, culture of seaweeds will be important to supplement the wild resource.
Seaweeds can be cultivated like land plants, in the sea on suspended lines, rafts, or nets, or on
land in tank-based culture systems. A sustainable, low- impact process, seaweed culture can
provide much needed employment and independence to rural coastal areas. The development
of a seaweed aquaculture industry can also encourage development of other aquacultured
species higher up in the food chain, since seaweeds are bioextractive organisms, taking up
excess nutrients generated by other species, such as fish or shrimp. The integrated culture of
fed aquaculture (fish and shrimp) with extractive aquaculture (seaweeds and shellfish) has been
called ‘Integrated Multi-Trophic Aquaculture’, or IMTA. The IMTA concept is an ecologically
based model that couples an inorganic bioextractive organism (seaweed) with an organic
bioextractive organism (shellfish) to balance the intensive culture of fed organisms (finfish and
shrimp), in order to produce a more sustainable, cleaner, and diversified aquaculture system
(Neori et al., 2007). The development of new ecologically based, sustainable culture
technologies will ensure future employment for coastal communities, healthier coastal
ecosystems, and the protection of important wild populations.
There are many interesting seaweed species in the Northeast with great economic and
environmental potential. There are economically important kelp species—Alaria esculenta,
Laminaria digitata, and Saccharina latissima, which are all large brown algae. They are the
largest of the North American seaweeds, some species exceeding 10 m in length. They are an
excellent source of iodine and other trace minerals, as well as a source of alginate, a
phycocolloid used in many different industries (Sahoo and Yarish, 2005). The native red
seaweeds of interest in the Northeast include Gracilaria tikvahiae, Chondrus crispus, and
Porphyra/Pyropia (hereafter referred to as Porphyra) species. Gracilaria species are cultivated
at a large scale in some countries for food, as a feed for abalone, and for agar, an important
phycocolloid in the food, medical, and microbiological industries. Chondrus crispus is cultured
in land- based tank systems for sea vegetables and wild harvested for a variety of carrageenans,
which are important in the food and consumer products industries as thickeners and stabilizers.
Porphyra species are cultivated on nets in Asia and are pressed and dried into the valuable nori
sheets that are an integral part of the Asian diet. In New England, the development of Porphyra
cultivation in land-based recirculating IMTA systems has been a topic of particular interest
(Yarish and Pereira, 2008; Pereira and Yarish, 2010). However, it will be the goal of this manual
to introduce cultivation techniques for native red alga Gracilaria tikvahiae to the inquisitive
aquaculturalists, as well as providing a resource to coastal managers. A video that compliments
this Manual on Gracilaria cultivation may be found at
Introduction ............................................................................................................................................ 6
General Seaweed Culture System Components .......................................................................... 9
System ................................................................................................................................................................... 9
Seawater ............................................................................................................................................................................ 9
Sterilization .................................................................................................................................................................... 10
Diatom Control.............................................................................................................................................................. 15
Temperature .................................................................................................................................................................. 15
............................................................................................................................................................................................. 16
Lighting ............................................................................................................................................................................ 16
Laboratory ...................................................................................................................................................................... 18
Long-Term Maintenance........................................................................................................................................... 21
Gracilaria ............................................................................................................................................... 22
Biology ............................................................................................................................................................... 22
Cultivation ........................................................................................................................................................ 25
Culture Systems .............................................................................................................................................. 31
Suggested Readings ............................................................................................................................ 37
Appendix ................................................................................................................................................ 40
Lighting .............................................................................................................................................................. 40
Supplies ............................................................................................................................................................. 40
Artificial Sea Water ..................................................................................................................................................... 40
Pre-mixed Enrichment Stocks ................................................................................................................................ 40
Aquarium Equipment & Supplies .......................................................................................................................... 40
Laboratory ........................................................................................................................................................ 41
Agar Media for Preparation of Agar Plates........................................................................................................ 41
Haemocytometer counts for cell density ........................................................................................................... 42
Germanium Dioxide .................................................................................................................................................... 43
Micropipette Preparation ......................................................................................................................................... 43
Nutrient Media ................................................................................................................................................ 44
VON STOSCH'S ENRICHED SEAWATER MEDIUM ................................................................................. 44
Nutrient Media Supplies List ................................................................................................................................... 47
Worldwide demand for seafood has increased steadily over the years, while for the past 20
years the amount of seafood harvested from wild populations has remained constant (FAO,
2002, 2003, 2006, 2010, 2012; New 1999). The increased demand has been met entirely
through marine aquaculture, which is a multi-billion dollar industry (FAO, 2010, 2012; Fig 1).
The United States is a major consumer of marine aquaculture products, yet we grow only a
small fraction of what we consume (FAO, 2010). A major obstacle to the growth of a U.S.
aquaculture industry has been the need to find environmentally sustainable methods of
farming fish and crustaceans. Two issues of particular concern are 1) nutrient loading of coastal
waters from effluent generated by coastal and shore-based fish aquaculture operations, and 2)
the depletion of wild fish stocks harvested for fishmeal used in marine finfish aquaculture diets.
One goal for the development of domestic sustainable aquaculture is to ensure that
commercial aquaculture has minimal adverse effects on the environment. One way to achieve
this goal is through development of improved methods of waste management for land-based
and coastal/offshore aquaculture. Fish, through metabolic processes, excrete nitrogen,
phosphorus and carbon dioxide (Beveridge 1987; Mugg, et al. 2000; Neori et al. 2004, 2007). Up
to 49 kg nitrogen (N) and 7 kg phosphorus (P) can be released per ton of finfish produced per
year (Chopin et al. 1999; Kautsky et al. 1996; Troell et al. 2003). In coastal waters, high levels of
these nutrients can trigger harmful algal blooms and contribute to excessive growth of nuisance
algae, which in turn have serious negative consequences on coastal ecosystems and the
economy. These nutrients could instead be used to support the growth of economically
important seaweeds (Neori et al. 2004; Chopin et al. 2008, Yarish & Pereira, 2008).
et al. 1999). The primary commercial use of seaweed is as human food, either as sea
vegetables or functional foods (Cordero, 2006; Nisizawa, 1987, 2006; Smit, 2004; Teas, 2006).
Seaweeds are also used as a source of colloids for the food and cosmetic industries, as an
ingredient in pharmaceuticals and neutraceuticals, as a supplement in livestock feed and as a
soil amendment in agriculture (Yarish and Pereira, 2008; Neori, 2008; Braden et al. 2007; Saker
et al. 2003; Turner et al. 2002; Pereira and Yarish, 2010, Pereira et al., 2012; Holdt and Kraan,
2011; Craigie, 2011; Browdy et al. 2012). It has been used as a food source for abalone and
urchin aquaculture and is currently being investigated as a replacement for fishmeal in finfish
diets (Neori et al. 2004; Neori et al. 2007; Robertson-Anderson et al. 2008; Francis et al. 2008,
Walker et al. 2009). In the 1980s, there was significant interest in seaweeds as a biomass source
for methane production (Flowers and Bird, 1984; Gao and McKinley 1994), and there is current
renewed interest in seaweed as a biofuel source for ethanol and methanol production (Horn et
al. 2000; Matsui et al. 2006; Yokoyama et al. 2007). However, the potential of most seaweeds
as a feedstock for biodiesel is low, as the lipid content generally tends to below 5% dry weight
except for some species of Porphyra/Pyropia, Codium and Hypnea (Sanchez-Machado et al.
2004; Pereira and Yarish, 2010). There are a number of potential applications for habitat
restoration (Carney et al. 2005), have been proposed as large-scale carbon sinks, as a method
of removing heavy metals from marine environments (Davis et al, 2003), and even as a way to
detoxify and remove TNT from seawater (Cruz-Uribe et al. 2007).
Seaweeds have been successfully incorporated into a number of demonstration and pilot-scale
IMTA and nutrient bioextraction systems. A pilot-scale coastal IMTA project in New Brunswick,
Canada uses kelp (Saccharina latissima and Alaria esculenta) and mussels (Mytilus edulis) as the
extractive components in close proximity to salmon (Salmo salar) net pens (Chopin et al. 2008).
In Portugal, Matos et al. (2006) demonstrated the effectiveness of three red seaweeds,
Palmaria palmata, Gracilaria bursa-pastoris and Chondrus crispus in removing nutrients from
the effluent of tank-based production of turbot (Scophthalmus maximus) and sea bass
(Dicentrarchus labrax). In Israel, Neori (1996) and Neori et al. (1996, 1999, 2000, 2003, 2004,
2007, 2008) have developed small commercial scale IMTA systems incorporating gilthead
seabream (Sparus aurata), the green seaweed Ulva lactuca, abalone and sea urchins. In South
Africa, kelp (Ecklonia maxima) grown in the effluent of abalone aquaculture tanks was fed back
to the abalone. Nutrient load in the effluent was significantly reduced and more of the
exogenous nutrients were converted to abalone biomass (Bolton et al. 2006; Troell et al. 2006;
Robertson-Andersson, 2008; Francis et al. 2008). The seaweed in these systems can be used for
human food, as a protein source in finfish aquaculture diets, as a source of pharmaceuticals,
phycocolloids and other biochemicals, or as a carbon source for biofuel production (Horn et al.
2000; Chopin and Sawhney, 2009; Chopin et al. 2008; Buschmann et al. 2008a; Kim et al., 2010;
Pereira et al., 2012).
A trial of nutrient bioextraction technologies in Long Island Sound and the Bronx River estuary
cultivating native strains of Gracilaria tikvahiae has been supported by the Long Island Sound
Futures Fund and the Connecticut Sea Grant College Program (Yarish et al., 2012a,b; Kim et al.
2012). To grow seaweed in a nutrient bioextraction (or IMTA systems), it is necessary to have a
source of young plants. In Asia, native species have been isolated from wild populations; strains
have been selected for desirable traits and are maintained as “seed” cultures. Seaweed
farmers often belong to a cooperative and obtain “seed” nets or lines from a seaweed culture
facility (i.e. a seaweed nursery). This manual describes how to set up a seaweed culture
laboratory, defines the basic resource needs of these plants, and provides a culture system
roadmap for the production of young “seed” plants of the native red alga, Gracilaria tikvahiae.
General Seaweed Culture System Components
In order to cultivate seaweed, a simple but well-equipped laboratory is essential. The three
most important components of a culture system are seawater media (seawater and nutrients),
temperature and light. This chapter offers a broad overview for laboratory system components
that will be applicable to all types of seaweed culture. For more information on algal culturing
techniques, the reader is urged to consult Andersen (2005).
Successful seaweed culture requires a reliable supply of clean seawater. Natural seawater is
preferred over artificial seawater, as natural seawater contains all of the essential mineral
components (over 50 known elements) in the natural ratios, which may or may not be available
in artificial seawater. Seawater salinities should be between 28-34 parts per thousand (ppt),
and it is critical that it be clean and free of any organic or inorganic contaminants. To avoid
terrestrial runoff or salinity variation, natural seawater collection should occur during periods of
dry weather, preferably at high tide, and at depths of approximately 3 meters (10 feet) below
the surface. Seawater can be collected by boat or from a shore facility with a well-placed intake
pump. Water storage and transfer can be done in polyethylene tanks or 20-liter (5 gallon)
carboys. All new containers need to be leached before use by filling with clean water (ideally
distilled water, but clean seawater can be used) and allowed to sit for several days before
rinsing for use. All containers and tanks should be well sealed to prevent contamination, and
kept in a cool dark place to prevent growth of unwanted algae.
Seawater should initially be filtered through a coarse filter during collection from the sea, using
a sand filter or a canister filter, then further fine-filtered from there. Initial rough mechanical
filtration can be accomplished with sand filters (pool filters) or polyester bag filters with 20-35
micron pore sizes. Further filtering can be accomplished with common household water filters,
down to 0.2 microns, by pumping water through a series of canister filters of decreasing filter
size (10-, 5-, 1-μm). A 0.45-micron filter will separate out organics from dissolved inorganics,
and filtering water down to 0.2 microns should eliminate almost all possible biological
contaminants in the water, though organisms can get through if there are tears or holes in the
filters. For this reason, further sterilization of the water and periodic inspection of filters may
be necessary to eliminate any contaminants that could threaten the culture (Fig 2).
Figure 2 . Seawater system for culture. Initial filter, transport, storage,
second filter, sterilization (UV, fine filter, or autoclave) culture.
Artificial seawater (AS) can be used, but caution is advised, for artificial mixes tend to have
limited success compared to natural seawater. If it is necessary to use AS, a certain amount of
experimentation may be required to determine the best source of mixed salts. They tend to be
inconsistent, with great variability both between brands and within batches of the same brand.
Artificial mixes may not have the same ratios of essential microelements present in natural
seawater, which is why natural seawater is recommended for all culture work.
Once filtered, seawater should be sterilized, especially during culture initiation. While it is not
necessary to have axenic (“pure”) cultures to grow seaweed, the microscopic and juvenile
phases are sensitive to contamination. There are a host of microorganisms that can feed on,
compete with, or overgrow the macroalgal cultures, including other algae, fungi, bacteria,
cyanobacteria and micro zooplankton (primarily protozoans). Protozoan grazers can especially
be a problem for the microscopic stages of the kelp and other seaweeds, if present at high
concentrations. The only way to completely ensure sterility of seawater is through heat
There are a few different methods available to sterilize seawater, and the best method will
depend on the facilities available. The most effective method of sterilizing seawater is by
autoclaving, which ensures sterility through a treatment that applies extreme heat and
pressure to seawater (Fig. 3). Autoclaves are heavy
walled closed chambers that can be used to sterilize
liquids, metals, glass, or autoclavable plastics.
Seawater can be sterilized in polypropylene,
polycarbonate, or Pyrex containers. Containers should
only be filled ¾ of the way, with loosely applied caps,
to allow for pressure changes within the container
during the heating and cooling of the liquid. Aluminum
foil covers can be applied around the loose caps during
the sterilization process to minimize exposure to air
currents. A liquid cycle (121°C; 1-2 PSI, 15-30 minutes
depending upon the volume of liquid) is sufficient to
kill all living organisms, including bacteria, viruses, and
heat resistant spores. In order to ensure the entire
volume of liquid reaches the required temperature for Figure 3. Autoclave for sterilization
a sufficient amount of time, containers should be of seawater and glassware.
allowed to equilibrate to the temperature of the
warmed-up autoclave (30min-1hour) before running the cycle, and the cycle time should be
increased for larger volumes of liquid. After the cycle has run, the door of the autoclave should
not be opened until the pressure inside is the same as the room to avoid boiling over of the
Autoclaving can result in the formation of precipitates, especially phosphates, which are a
critical micronutrient for seaweed growth. This occurs because the high temperature and
pressure applied drives CO2 gas out of the seawater, resulting in an increase in pH.
Precipitation increases with higher levels of nutrients, so to avoid this, seawater is sterilized
first, then nutrient solutions are added after it has cooled. Seawater should be removed from
the autoclave when it is safe to do so, and allowed to cool at room temperature before storing
in a cool dark place. It is best to store all sterilized water at 5-10°C to minimize chances of
recontamination. After the water has cooled, caps should be completely tightened to avoid any
chance of contamination through air exposure. Autoclaved seawater should be allowed to sit
for several days before using or aerated with regular air to restore CO2 equilibrium and lower
pH levels. If a traditional autoclave is not available, a large pressure cooker may be used to
apply heat and pressure to sterilize smaller amounts of water in the same way.
Seawater can be sterilized by application of heat only, through the processes of pasteurization
and tyndallization. Pasteurization is accomplished by heating seawater up to a boiling point, to
90-95°C for 30-60 minutes, and then cooling rapidly to less than 10°C. Tyndallization applies
the process of pasteurization three consecutive times to the liquid, over the course of three
days. This method takes longer to accomplish, but provides extra treatment to kill heat
resistant spores that will not be effectively destroyed in the first pasteurization. This can be
accomplished with a stovetop or a microwave oven, making sure that the seawater is well
covered to avoid contamination.
Another way to sterilize water by application of heat is through flash sterilization. This will kill
most organisms in seawater, but may not kill heat resistant spores. This method heats water
up to a high temperature (70-90°C) in a very short time by passing through a tube or plate heat
exchanger. This may not kill all possible contaminants, but can be an effective way to treat
larger amounts of seawater.
Filter sterilization of liquid uses very fine filtration to exclude all living organisms, effectively
sterilizing water without the application of heat. This method is used for small volumes of
seawater or heat sensitive liquids, such as nutrient media and vitamin solutions. Liquid is
filtered through a 0.2-micron filter, which, in theory, should exclude all organisms, though
imperfections or defects in the filter pore size can allow some through. For small volumes, a
reusable or disposable filter assembly is set up on a side arm flask, and liquid is pulled through
the filter using a vacuum pump. Fine filtering can also be a part of a multi canister filter system,
where seawater is pumped through a series of decreasing filter sizes.
A filtering system coupled to a UV light system may ensure extra treatment of seawater.
Enclosed high-energy UV bulbs can be installed as part of the water filtration process. Filtered
seawater passing through a UV sterilizer will be exposed to UV radiation, destroying any
remaining organisms that may have passed through the filter. UV radiation may not be 100%
effective, but can be an additional treatment to incoming seawater or water that cannot be
autoclaved or heat sterilized.
Seawater can be sterilized with a chlorine treatment, by adding liquid bleach (5% sodium
hypochlorite) to sterilize, and sodium thiosulfate to neutralize after treatment. After water is
filtered to remove organic matter, bleach is added at concentrations of 1-5 mL of bleach per
liter of seawater. Water should be left to stand for several hours, avoiding exposure to direct
sunlight. After treatment, the bleach needs to be sufficiently neutralized before using. To
neutralize, a sodium thiosulfate solution (Na2S2O3 5H2O) is added at concentrations of 1 mL per
4 mL bleach added. The sodium thiosulfate solution is made by dissolving 250 grams of
Na2S2O3*5H2O in 1 liter of water (Kawachi and Noel, 2005). Neutralization of seawater should
be verified with a chlorine test kit.
Table 1. Seawater sterilization options.
Nutrient Media
While natural seawater contains many of the necessary trace elements needed for seaweed
culture, the quality and amount of nutrients can be variable and insufficient for culture work.
Both natural and artificial seawater need to be enriched with a concentrated nutrient solution
after the water has been sufficiently sterilized. There are several different types of media, but
all provide a mixture of essential macronutrients (nitrogen, phosphorus, calcium, potassium,
sodium, chloride, etc.) and trace elements (iron, manganese, zinc, molybdenum, copper,
cobalt, zinc, etc.), metal chelators (EDTA), vitamins (B12, thiamine, biotin), and hydrogen-ion
and metal-ion buffers (TRIS, EDTA). Reagent laboratory-grade chemicals should be used to
reduce the likelihood of contamination or impurities. Macronutrient, trace metal, and vitamin
solutions are usually made up separately then added together to produce the concentrated
stock solution. All solutions should be filter sterilized and refrigerated. Vitamin solutions can
be frozen or refrigerated, but care should be taken to maintain sterility (Harrison & Berges,
Nutrient solutions are made up in large quantities beforehand, filter-sterilized into clean stock
bottles, and refrigerated. It is useful to pre-proportion the nutrient solution into smaller bottles
that are ready to be added to the volume of the culture tank to make seawater preparation
easier. Preparation of enrichment solution requires a clean, sterilized table space, clean,
sterilized glass and plastic ware, and sterile techniques. Only non-reactive metal instruments or
glass should be used, as some latex and rubber can be toxic if leached into the media. In order
to filter sterilize media, self- assembly glass filter units with disposable filter papers (0.2 micron
or µm) can be used. These units are placed into the mouth of a side-arm flask, and the liquid is
pulled through the filter paper by suction underneath, created by a vacuum pump (Fig. 4).
Instructions for preparation of this media can be found in Appendix A.
Figure 4. Vacuum pump assembly for filter sterilization (0.2 µm) of nutrient media (top).
Filter assemblies can be disposable (left, bottom) or reusable (right, bottom).
Seawater media must be changed regularly during the culture period in order to provide
sufficient nutrients to the growing plants. This is a simple operation that involves transferring
plants from one culture vessel to a new one with fresh seawater media, taking care that the
new culture water is at the same temperature as the old culture water to avoid stressing the
seaweed. This should be done in a clean environment, using sterilized forceps and gloves,
avoiding any chance of contamination through air currents or contact. Culture changes are
usually done once per week or more in actively growing or dense cultures, and once every two
to four weeks in cultures that are just being maintained and not actively growing.
Diatom Control
The most common and problematic contaminants in a seaweed culture are single celled
microalgae called diatoms (Fig. 5). Diatoms are one of the most
common types of phytoplankters, characterized by unique
symmetric cell walls made of silica. Centric diatoms are radially
symmetrical (round), while pennate diatoms are bilaterally
symmetrical (shaped like a long thin football). Diatoms can exist as
single cells, colonies, or filaments. They are able to rapidly
proliferate through both asexual and sexual means, and tend to
smother all available surfaces, including culture substrates and
young blades. They are very likely to be introduced into cultures
through natural seawater or on blades collected from the wild.
Their small size and variable shapes allow them to pass though
filtration systems and even UV sterilization. In order to control
growth of diatoms in cultures of young seaweeds, a saturated
solution of germanium dioxide is added to the culture media at 1-2
mL per liter of seawater. This compound inhibits silica deposition in
diatoms (necessary for cell wall formation) and effectively
eliminates diatoms in the culture (Lewin, 1966). Germanium
dioxide should only be used when initiating cultures, and will not be
a cost effective measure in large volumes of water.
Water temperature control is a critical component in any seaweed
nursery operation. Seaweeds have an optimal temperature range
for growth, as well as a range of upper and lower survival
temperatures (see Lüning, 1990 for a general introduction to
Figure 5. Diatoms
environmental factors regulating seaweed growth and production).
problematic in seaweed
Cultures can either be placed inside a refrigerated space (cold
culture. Top: diatom
rooms or incubators) or in individual tanks that may be cooled with
embedded in kelp blade,
an aquarium-type chiller (Fig. 6). If standard household
second: pennate diatoms,
refrigerators are available they can be converted into homemade
third: pennate and centric
incubators by installing fluorescent lights on the inside walls (make
diatoms, bottom: centric
sure to install ballasts on the outside). Temperature alarm
diatom. Scale bar = 10
monitoring systems with automatic dialers can alert culturists in the
event of a temperature failure (Omega Systems make a variety of
these alarms monitoring devices).
Figure 6. Environmental Culture Chambers, also known as incubators. These can be any size, and
can be purchased commercially or can be homemade. Environmental chambers all have a means of
temperature control, a light source with photoperiodic control, and aeration. Left: Hotpack brand
Incubator, Middle: Percival Biological Incubator, Right: Room- sized environmental chamber.
Seaweeds are photosynthetic organisms that incorporate inorganic materials into organic
biomass using the energy of the sun. Seaweeds, like land plants, utilize photosynthetically
active radiation (PAR), which is the portion of light available for photosynthesis. PAR comprises
the same part of the light spectrum as visible light, and can be broken down into its colored
components, from blue/violet (400nm, high energy) to red (700nm, low energy). The
underwater light environment is highly variable and dynamic, because as light passes through
water it is absorbed and scattered by water molecules and particles. The longer, lower energy
red wavelengths are usually absorbed near the surface, while shorter, higher energy blue
wavelengths tend to penetrate deeper into the water column. While all of the algal groups
(green, red, and brown) contain chlorophyll a and carotenoids, they have different
photosynthetic accessory pigments. Each type of pigment absorbs wavelengths in different
parts of the spectrum, as shown below (Fig. 7), however, only certain wavelengths elicit a
physiological response (often referred to as the action spectrum).
Figure 7. Light absorption spectra for photosynthetic pigments
For the laboratory, fluorescent light bulbs will provide sufficient light energy for the culture of
plants. There are many different varieties of bulbs on the market, and the technology is ever
evolving, so it is helpful to understand what type of light each bulb offers. Light quality and
quantity are important when choosing a bulb. Higher output bulbs will provide higher light
intensity or photon fluence levels. For this reason, the “high output” bulbs (or “HO”) are used in
order to ensure enough light for the cultures. The quality of light available from each type of
bulb is determined by the difference in the inside coating of the glass. There are three main
types of bulbs, differentiated by their color temperature. The color temperature is a value in
Kelvins printed on the bulb. Daylight bulbs have the highest color temperature, at 5000K or
above, and are made to simulate natural sunlight. Cool white bulbs have more light in the blue,
with a color temperature around 4000K. Warm white bulbs emit light in the red portion of the
spectrum, with a lower color temperature of 3000K or less. Cool white bulbs are best, because
most of the photosynthetic pigments in algae are able to absorb light in the blue portion of the
spectrum (Fig. 8).
To provide artificial lighting in the laboratory or indoor culture facility, cool white high output
T12 fluorescent bulbs with electronic ballasts are best. However, more energy efficient bulbs
including T8 and T5 technologies are now replacing T12 bulbs. One note of caution, the
spectral composition of all the bulbs are not equivalent, hence our reticence to use T5 bulbs vs
the older T12 bulbs. The spectral compositions of all these bulbs are readily available by the
manufacturers including General Electric, Phillips and Sylvania. Light can be provided from
above or from the sides of clear containers, and several independently controlled bulbs can be
used to increase or decrease light levels. Window screening can also be used to control light
intensity by placing layers between the light source and the cultures, each layer of 1mm mesh
screen resulting in a 40-50% reduction in light.
It is important to know the intensity of light available to plants, as light requirements change
over time. Usually, new cultures require lower light levels, while developing plants require
more light. Very low light levels (1-10% of normal culture conditions) can be used to maintain
cultures over a long period of time. Quantum light meters are used to measure the amount of
light available for algal growth. Light meters measure photosynthetic photon flux density, given
in units of micromoles of photons per meter squared per second (μmol m-2 s-1). Very good
handheld quantum meters (e.g. Apogee Instruments, LI-COR) can be found on the Internet for
order, with a wide variation in the cost, ranging from $300 – $2000.
Basic laboratory equipment for successful algal culture will
include a microscope, a thermometer, a refractometer, a
light meter, and some simple laboratory glassware.
Some useful equipment to have in the lab will include a refractometer (Fig. 10), a light meter, a
pH meter, a thermometer, and a magnetic stir plate. A refractometer is a simple handheld tool
that measures salinity of seawater. A pH meter is required for
culture media preparation, as well as for monitoring culture pH.
pH meters need to be calibrated with buffer solutions before each
use, rinsed before and after each use in deionized water, and
stored in an electrode storage solution. A magnetic stir plate with
stirrer bars is used for preparing nutrient media solutions (Fig. Figure 10. A Refractometer.
Glass and plastic ware for the lab will include volumetric flasks, graduated cylinders, beakers,
flasks, and various culture dishes (Fig. 11). Borosilicate glass, Teflon, and polycarbonate are all
common laboratory materials. Any material used in the lab should be non-reactive and non-
toxic, and thoroughly cleaned before use. New glass or plastic ware needs to be pre-cleaned
before use. This is done by washing, soaking in a dilute 10% hydrochloric acid solution,
followed by a soaking in deionized water for at least 1-2 days. This step ensures the removal of
any residue or chemical that could leach into the seawater or nutrient media. All lab ware
should be carefully washed using laboratory detergent, rinsed in tap water, followed by a rinse
in deionized water to remove any residual nutrients, or trace or heavy metals that can be
present in tap water. All types of rubber, metal, or reactive materials should be avoided, and
new tubing should be thoroughly rinsed before use. The size and type of glassware will depend
on the needs of the grower. Glassware, brushes, and glassware detergents are available from
laboratory supply companies. If buildup occurs on glassware with use, it can be soaked in a
10% hydrochloric acid bath for at least several hours, and then rinsed twice with deionized
water. Acid baths should be prepared with proper protective equipment (goggles, gloves, and
apron) and stored in a closed container to avoid evaporation. Any critical portion of the culture
process should utilize only clean, rinsed, covered and sterile glassware to avoid any
contamination. Washed, dried, and sterilized glassware should be stored in a clean cupboard,
away from air currents.
Glassware, tanks, and all laboratory equipment and working spaces should be clean and sterile
to avoid contamination in cultures. Glassware and metal instruments can be sterilized by
applying moist heat or dry heat. Moist heat is applied in an autoclave or pressure cooker, (1-2
bars of pressure at 121°C), making sure the steam penetrates the material, and caps (either
aluminum foil or a plug) are applied loosely to containers. Dry heat can be used to sterilize
glass or metal, by heating in an oven for 3-4 hours at 150°C. Aluminum foil is used to cap or
cover equipment, ensuring that all openings are covered to maintain sterility upon removal
from oven or autoclave.
Figure 12. Necessary laboratory equipment for successful cultivation: Left: sterile vacuum
filter for making stock solutions, “Algal Culturing Techniques”, various sized Erlenmeyer
flasks, beaker, refractometer, thermometer, graduated cylinder, Petri dishes, multiwall
plates, air pump, and Pasteur pipettes. Right: Custom filter (10-100 micron mesh), squirt
bottle with sterilized seawater, and glass stir rod with rubber policeman scraper useful for
culture changes.
A spray bottle of bleach solution or ethyl alcohol solution is very useful to have in the lab, for it
can be used to sterilize and clean working areas and other equipment (Fig. 12). A clean working
station will ideally be set up in a laminar flow cabinet (Fig. 13), but if this is not available, a clean
room with minimal air movement is best. To set up a clean working station, the working
surface should be cleaned with a microbial disinfectant (e.g. Amphyl ® cleaner & disinfectant)
or 70% ethyl alcohol solution before and after use. The ethyl alcohol solutions can be stored in
small bottles or plastic containers. 95% solutions of the ethyl alcohol should be available to
sterilize stainless steel tools (forceps, dissecting needles, blades). An open flame from an oil
lamp or gas burner is also useful for sterilizing metal tools that are dipped in the ethyl alcohol
solution. Parafilm®, a plastic wrap used in laboratories, is very useful for covering and sealing
containers, minimizing contamination and reducing evaporation of cultures.
Figure 13. Two types of clean hoods. Left, a biological safety cabinet, suitable for working
with cultures or hazardous materials. Right, a laminar flow cabinet, suitable for working with
cultures and non-hazardous materials.
A record of all cultures in the lab, nursery, or culture center should be kept in the lab with the
source, history, and details of all of the cultures. This will allow the grower to track cultures
over time. All cultures, chemicals, and seawater media should be well labeled, and appropriate
federal and state laws should be followed in the handling, storage, and disposal of all chemicals
and cultures.
Long-Term Maintenance
It is a good idea to maintain stock cultures of all cultivars in the lab. Stock cultures should be
kept at lowered temperatures and light levels to minimize growth and need for culture
changes. For long-term maintenance, cold-temperate plants should be kept at 5-10°C, warm
temperate plants at 15-20°C. Illumination is best kept at 1-10% of normal culture conditions,
which is at or near compensation level (generally 2-7µmol photons m-2 s-1).
Gracilaria tikvahiae
Gracilaria tikvahiae has a variable morphology, which depends on the strain and growing
conditions. It is a bushy, branching seaweed, comprised of rounded branches which are
irregularly or dichotomously branched from rounded,
compressed, or flattened axes (Fig. 15). Blades are usually red,
but can be brownish, green, or almost black depending on light
and nutrient conditions. Blades arise from a flattened disc that
is formed from a spore. Growth occurs by an apical meristem,
located at the tip of each branch. Blades can reproduce
through spores or by vegetative propagation, and can be found Figure 15. Gracilaria tikvahiae
as either attached or free floating in coastal areas.
Gracilaria is a species that has a wide range of tolerance for changing environmental
conditions. It is common in estuaries or bays, often found in intertidal or shallow subtidal
areas, less than 1 meter deep, either attached to rocks or free floating. It is often found in
embayments, which are environments with reduced water flow and may be rich in ammonia
and nitrate. They are a euryhaline species, which means they can tolerate a wide range of
salinities, from about 10-40 ppt, though they grow best in the 25-33ppt range. They can survive
temperature ranges from 0-35°C but have an optimal range of 20-28°C.
Figure 16. The Gracilaria life cycle.
Gracilaria has a three-stage life history that is similar to many other red seaweeds, often called
a Polysiphonia-type life history (Fig. 16). It has an isomorphic (“same shape”) alternation of
generations. This indicates that two of its three life stages, the tetrasporophyte and the
gametophyte stage, are morphologically identical. The life cycle has three different stages; a
diploid tetrasporophyte stage, a haploid gametophyte phase, and a diploid carposporophyte
phase that occurs on the female blades. These stages are distinguishable only by microscopic
examination of the reproductive structures or presence of the third stage, which appear as
bumps on the branches of the female blade. The mature diploid tetrasporophyte produces four
haploid tetraspores within each tetrasporangium by undergoing meiosis. Tetrasporangia occur
in the cortex (the outer edge of cells) of the thallus, and can be found anywhere on the blade.
The tetraspores appear as red cross-shaped (cruciate) spots, and can be observed with a
microscope or even a hand lens. When tetraspores are released from the blade, they drift
passively in the water column until they settle and adhere to a substratum. The spore will
begin to internally divide, then enlarge and develop a multicellular disc. The center of this disc
will then develop a raised dome and the blade will develop from this initial growth. Each disc
may produce many upright thalli, each of which may separate from the disc and continue to
grow as a free-floating plant.
The plants that develop from tetraspores are either male or female haploid gametophytes,
indistinguishable until maturity. Mature male gametophytes produce white spotted areas with
spermatangia on their thallus, observable under a microscope. Female gametophytes become
apparent when their eggs (carpogonia), produced within the cortex of the plant, are fertilized
by spermatia (non-motile sperm), and new tissue is built up around the zygote. The new
diploid, globular structure is the third phase of the life cycle, the carposporophyte, occurring on
the haploid female thallus. The small bump is a cystocarp, and inside the cystocarp, the original
zygote undergoes many cell divisions (mitosis), eventually producing many diploid spores,
called carpospores. These non-motile, spherical spores are released into the water column and
carried to a suitable substratum by water currents. Once settled on a substratum, the spores
will adhere, divide and form a multicellular disc. These multicellular discs will initially produce a
protuberance that develops into an upright thalli, which will develop into a tetrasporophytes,
thus completing the life cycle. Each disc may also produce many upright thalli, each of which
may separate from their disc and continue to grow as a free-floating plant.
Besides the relatively complicated three-phase sexual reproductive life cycle, Gracilaria is also
able to reproduce asexually, through vegetative propagation. A single individual has the
capacity to become hundreds or thousands of individuals, through continual fragmentation.
Each fragment produced will grow and develop into an individual, and these blades can be
further fragmented into several individuals, and so on. This is possible because the growth
occurs in the apical meristem, which is growth from the tips of the branches. Each tip, then,
has the capacity to grow and branch into its own blade. This allows for a much simpler means
of propagation, and also creates consistency in a culture environment. Vegetative propagation
is the most common means of culture, as it is quicker, easier, and more efficient than starting
from spores, and it allows for consistency, as all blades in a culture can be genetically identical,
all having the same parent (sometimes referred to as a clone). This is very important if the
blades are being grown for a specific characteristic, such as agar consistency, specific
morphology, or favorable growth rates and biomass yields. However, the vegetative
propagation of a blade does not have an attachment stage, so the culture method needs to be
adapted to the local needs and situation of the grower.
There are several different methods used for the cultivation of Gracilaria, and the ideal system
for any one grower may be a combination of two or several of these following options:
Culture Initiation
Tip Isolation
Spore Isolation
Biomass Production
Sexual Propagation:
Spore seeded substratum (the use of carpospores or tetraspores)
Culture Initiation
When making a wild collection, fronds should be held and transported in an environment
similar to (or cooler than) the one it was collected in to minimize stress. Clean plastic bags,
plastic containers, or buckets can be used for collection and transport. Gracilaria should be
transported in moist paper towels or gauze to avoid drying and exposure. Regardless of the
culture initiation method used, the critical step in culturing Gracilaria (or any seaweed) is the
cleaning process. Any wild collected frond will be carrying a host of microscopic organisms
(diatoms, protozoans, fungi, other micro-, macro-organisms, or cyanobacteria) that can
potentially contaminate, inhibit or destroy cultures. An initial rinse of the seaweed in the field
can remove any visible fouling organisms, followed by a more thorough cleansing process in the
lab. Whenever possible, it is recommended to make voucher herbarium specimens for more
rigorous genetic study.
A successful culture is established in the lab with a healthy, actively growing, unialgal isolate
free of any contamination. One successful culture can provide all of the ‘seedstock’ necessary
to “seed” an entire farm. It is important to maintain a ‘seedstock’ culture in the lab for back-up
and preservation purposes. To increase biomass from one isolate, fronds are fragmented and
given sufficient light, space, and nutrients to multiply in number and size, and the process is
repeated until enough biomass is reached to either “seed” a larger farm system or for direct
Tip Isolation
The area of new and active growth is located at the tips of every branch on a Gracilaria frond,
the apical tissue. To obtain new ‘starter plants’ to initiate a culture, tips are cut from the parent
frond, cleaned thoroughly, and placed in favorable growing conditions. Each tip will then grow,
elongate, and branch into a new frond. To prepare a tip for isolation, a clean working area
should be set up in a clean room with a draft-free, clean working space and a flame for
sterilization of metal instruments to avoid any contamination of cultures.
Collected fronds from the field should be processed in a separate room from your culture
isolation working space for the initial rinsing. The fronds are initially placed in the first
container, and then fronds are individually selected and rinsed in a series of vessels by grasping
with large forceps, submerging and shaking vigorously underwater several times. This can be
repeated several times in a series of vessels where the last should contain the fronds ready for
tip isolation. If there are still epiphytes present on the tissue, gentle scrubbing with cotton
balls, cotton-tipped swabs, or paper towels can remove any clinging organisms. Gracilaria is a
euryhaline algae (able to tolerate a wide range of salinities), so a quick rinse (30-60 seconds) in
clean, deionized freshwater can be used as a final cleansing step. A small section of the frond
can then be removed for tip isolation, and placed in a small dish with sterilized seawater and
moved to the clean working space (Fig. 17).
To isolate tips, a clean, sterilized work surface is essential. The work area should be set up with
sterilized jeweler’s forceps (fine tipped tweezers), a sharp scalpel or razor blade, ethanol, and a
flame source. A small section of the parent frond is placed in a Petri dish with sterile seawater,
and healthy tips are excised with a scalpel or razor blade. Once all tips from a section are cut,
the excess frond is removed and the tips are further cleansed. It is useful to cut the tip a little
longer than what is needed, about 1mm, in order to grasp the cut end of the tip with jeweler’s
forceps (Fig. 18).
Once a number of healthy tips have been excised, each tip is individually cleaned in sterile
seawater. A series of Petri dishes can be set up in the working area to clean individual tips. A
tip is placed in sterile seawater, grasped at the cut end with fine tipped forceps, and wiped
down with a sterile cotton-tipped swap. This is followed by an agar drag through a prepared
agar plate (see index for instructions), which will pull off any additional microscopic
contaminants. A scrubbed tip is grasped, again, at the cut end, and dragged through the agar
gel at least three times. Each drag should go through an unused portion of the agar gel. When
the agar gel is used up, plates should be properly disposed of. The tip should now be free of
contaminants, and can be placed in sterilized seawater prepared with Von Stosch’s Enrichment
media (VSE) and germanium dioxide (GeO2). Multiple tips should be isolated from each frond in
order to increase chances of obtaining a clean culture, because even all of these careful steps
will not guarantee a unialgal culture. To maximize success, always check your culture under a
A. Excising Healthy Tips B. Tip collection C. Agar Drag for cleansing tips
Figure 18. Isolating and cleaning tips for establishing a unialgal culture.
Individual tips can be isolated and cultured separately in small Petri dishes or flasks. They
should be placed in VSE seawater with GeO2 under low light (10-20 µmol photons m-2 s-1), with
a 12:12, L:D photoperiod, at 20°C (=68.8°F). Lower light may discourage the growth of any
remaining epiphytic contaminants. Tips will begin to elongate in about a week or two. Once
tips have begun to grow and appear clean, light aeration can be applied to cultures to increase
growth rates. Cultures should be changed once every two weeks initially, then once per week
as growth rates increase. Once tips begin to elongate and branch into larger fronds, they
should be transferred to larger and larger containers to encourage growth (Fig. 18).
Spore Isolation
kept under low light at 20°C. Release may take place at once, or can occur over several days.
Spore release can be checked under a dissecting microscope.
Once there are spores released in the water, a small sample can be removed from the Petri dish
and placed in a fresh dish with new media. Individual spores can then be selected with a very
fine-tipped Pasteur pipette under a microscope. Selected spores are placed on cut glass slides
(25mm x 25mm) or on coverslips in small Petri dishes with sterilized VSE seawater. Dishes can
be kept undisturbed at 20°C under 30 µmol photons m-2 s-1 light, with a 12:12, L: D
photoperiod. Spores will settle within 12-24 hours after release, adhere to the glass slide, and
begin to divide. After the initial division, the diameter will begin to increase as a multi-cellular
disc is formed, a few days after settlement. The center of the disc will then undergo further cell
division to create a raised dome in the center, but this is a slow process, taking up to 2 months
to form a 2-3 cm cylindrical axis. This is the beginning of the new frond (Fig. 20).
Spore initiation will result in an attached frond, and this can easily be transferred to new dishes
by moving the glass slide, or the disc can be carefully scraped off the slide for an unattached
frond. Once the first shoot begins to grow, light can slowly be increased, aeration can be added
and sufficient water changes and larger containers can increase growth rates (Fig. 21). While
spore isolation reduces the opportunity for contamination, the period of development is much
longer than tip isolation. It can take 2-3 months to reach the size of an isolated tip. Spore
isolation allows the grower to start new cultures from a known point, however, for more
control over their cultures. If a culture is started from a carpospore, the grower can be certain
that the resulting frond is a tetrasporophyte, and if started from a tetraspore, it is certain that
the resulting frond is a haploid gametophyte, though it is impossible to determine the sex until
the frond is mature.
Biomass Production
Asexual Propagation
The most common method of Gracilaria cultivation is through vegetative propagation. This is a
simple process that allows the grower to start many new fronds from the tips of any single
frond. This is a form of clonal propagation, where all of the new fronds started from the initial
“parent” will be genetically identical, which is useful for consistency in production. This is
probably the easiest form of propagation, but it results in unattached, free floating fronds,
which lends itself well to tank cultivation, but presents some challenges for any type of
attached culture.
Culture Systems
Tank Culture
Figure 22. Building biomass for Gracilaria culture: Laboratory scale, small
tanks, medium tanks, large outdoor seawater tanks.
Gracilaria does very well in a tumbled tank culture system (Fig. 22). This is due to its ability for
unattached vegetative growth over long periods of time, ease of propagation, and high growth
rates under ideal conditions. In this type of system, fronds are stocked in a tank of appropriate
size and are given light, nutrients, and aeration. This type of system is intensive, requiring an
input of energy (light, nutrients, and water movement) for culture. While tank culture may
require more input energy, it allows for full control of the growing parameters as well as
contamination control. It is the best method for developing ‘seedstock’ for further out-
planting, and will result in the highest quality fronds for edible or
cosmeceutical/nutraceutical/pharmaceutical markets.
Aeration is a critical component of the tank culture, and is responsible for delivering several
critical elements to the system. Aeration should be well distributed throughout the tank to
deliver sufficient water movement to constantly ‘tumble’ the fronds around the tank. This
allows for a higher stocking density, as the constant movement reduces shading limitations,
increases light exposure, and increases photosynthetic efficiency throughout the culture.
Aeration also increases availability of carbon dioxide and stabilizes the pH, which can rise to
very high levels in an actively photosynthesizing culture. Water movement created by aeration
simulates natural water currents, which are important for delivering nutrients to the surface of
the fronds. Seaweeds will take in nutrients from the surrounding water, and if there is no water
current to replenish the water around the thallus, a “boundary layer” of nutrient-depleted
water will be established, and growth will be inhibited. Water current is very important for
sufficient nutrient delivery to all fronds in any culture, especially an intensive culture with a
high stocking density. Current can also be important for reducing contamination on the fronds,
as it may make it more difficult for other organisms to settle on the surfaces of the fronds if the
water around the fronds is turbulent.
Any type of air blower can provide aeration, though the air should be filtered before entering
the cultures (Fig, 23). The distribution of air can be established by running rigid tubing or PVC
pipes throughout the tanks to create full circulation. Air should be moving up from the bottom
of the tanks on the outside and the center of the tank to ensure there are no ‘dead spots’
where fronds could accumulate.
Figure 23. Aeration system for tank culture. A blower with air filter and aeration
tube arrangement for a round tank.
The addition of sufficient nutrients to a culture is essential to obtain maximum growth rates
and biomass yields. In a tank culture, this can represent a system expense, though the coupling
of seaweed tanks with other ‘waste’ streams for alternative nutrient supplies is a possibility, as
Gracilaria has a high bioremediation potential. Some alternative nutrients may include waste
from other cultured animals (fish or shellfish), sewage, or fermentation residue from anaerobic
digesters. In the absence of an alternative fertilizer, conventional land-plant fertilizer may be
added. Fertilizer should be added in small daily increments to avoid ammonia toxicity.
Gracilaria is able to take up nutrients in excess of their immediate needs and store these
‘reserves’ in their tissue for use in nutrient depleted situations. This storage capacity is useful
to the farmer, for fronds can be ‘fertilized’ by soaking in high-nutrient media for 6-12 hours,
then transferred to another site that may be low in nutrients. The seawater media in a culture
should be changed on a regular basis to remove possible contaminants and to provide fresh
nutrients. Larger cultures can be monitored for nutrients levels and half of the water volume
changed on a regular basis to conserve inputs.
Light should be provided to the culture system in such a way to maximize growth while
minimizing cost. Initially, lighting inside the laboratory can be provided with fluorescent lights
or greenhouse growing lights, and light should be placed on a photoperiodic timer. As the
culture system is expanded, natural lighting should be utilized, though fronds should be
protected from extreme exposure by covering with neutral density screening. A light meter is
an essential tool for determining and adjusting light levels as appropriate. Light (given non-
limiting levels of nutrients) is an important parameter for controlling pigment levels in
Gracilaria, and a controlled environment allows the grower to adjust light levels for desired
pigment levels or the production of photo-protective pigments. This may or may not be
important, depending on what the final product is being sold for. Light, aeration, and nutrients
all work together to produce the final product. It is important to ensure that all fronds are
exposed to enough light through constant turn over and tumbling, and nutrients need to be
provided at non-limiting levels to allow for optimal growth rates, given sufficient light.
The culture is easily expanded by breaking apart, or fragmenting, the fronds, which will
continue to branch and grow into new fronds (Fig. 24). The culture should be kept at a density
that will maximize growth with efficient use of the resource inputs (e.g. 2-4 g L-1). As the
culture expands, the density can be reduced by removing fronds or by moving to a larger
container or tank. This is an efficient way to grow up a large amount of initial biomass for
further cultivation in a field setting or in larger tanks. For more in-depth discussion of lab and
tank rearing technologies see Craigie and Shacklock (1985), Craigie (1990) and Craigie et al.
Suspended Rope Culture
In order to reduce input costs of culturing seaweeds, field culture is an option, wherein
seaweed fronds are placed out in the coastal
environment to take advantage of the available
natural resources. This is an extensive farming
practice, where inputs and labor are relatively low,
compared to the highly controlled intensive
laboratory and tank culture. Suspended rope culture
is a relatively simple fixed grow-out system,
comprised of a floating longline held in place by
anchors and buoys. Gracilaria plants are attached to
the line by entwining or tying, and are further grown
out on the lines (Figs. 25, 26). Gracilaria can be Figure 25. Gracilaria bundle inserted in
outplanted on longlines when temperature rises line for field culture.
above 15 ˚C (60 ˚F). As biomass increases, fronds can
be harvested by ‘trimming’ the outer portion of fronds and leaving fronds to re-grow to cut
again every two to four weeks, or by a total harvest, by taking in the whole frond. Culture sites
will vary considerably in their conditions, and local prevailing light, temperature, nutrient and
salinity conditions should be determined for optimal growth (Fig. 27).
Problems associated with field culture of Gracilaria include grazing, fouling, and environmental
stress. Grazing by herbivorous fish or other predators is not as much as a problem in the
Northeast as in the warmer climates, but smaller grazing animals are a possibility. Fouling is the
biggest challenge in an open water grow-out situation. Many different types of fouling
organisms may settle on the lines, including epibionts, such as tunicates, hydroids, bryozoans,
mussels, worms, and amphipods, and epiphytes, such as other green, red, and brown seaweeds
or microalgae. There are several methods available for minimizing fouling. These include
controlling depth, stocking density, and out-planting or harvest time. Depth can be adjusted,
either up or down, to minimize settlement or survival of particular organisms, which tend to be
more abundant at a particular depth. Increasing stocking density and maximizing growth rates
will allow the fronds to outcompete or exclude potential fouling organisms. All organisms in
the Northeast, including fouling organisms, have a seasonally controlled life cycles. Once the
life cycle is understood, timing the outplanting of the seaweed lines and harvest of the crop can
be a very important method for avoiding fouling settlement windows.
Extreme weather events can pose a hazard to the farm, either by causing damage to the
infrastructure or by stressing the fronds. Farms should be sited in protected areas, and should
be strong enough to withstand storms or high wind events. Flexibility in the design of a farm is
important to minimize losses. An example of farm risk management would be the ability to
bring lines in for storage in holding tanks during dangerous storms, or being able to adjust
depth so that lines could be lowered to avoid extreme wave action or runoff events. Gracilaria
is a stress tolerant species, but extreme changes in light, salinity or temperature can stress a
culture unit and reduce growth and production.
Figure 27. Gracilaria open water farm (left). Deployment and cultivation of Gracilaria on
longlines in the open water farm (middle). The harvesting of Gracilaria bundles.
Bottom Culture
Bottom culture is a popular culture technique in warm temperate climates, but may be difficult
in the Northeast due to leasing area limitations. Bottom culture involves either growing fronds
that are ‘seeded’ onto rocks and spread on the bottom in a shallow area, or by attaching fronds
to lines that are strung on stakes and suspended just above the bottom. The technique of
suspending lines from stakes is very similar to the suspended line culture, but is a little less
flexible with depth adjustment. Access, however, may be easier in shallow sites.
Sexual Propagation:
Spores can be released over the desired substrata (seed line or rocks) by laying prepared,
mature spore-bearing thalli on a screen suspended in water. Spores are released over a 2-4 day
period at 20°C, and once released, spores are allowed to settle undisturbed for 24-42 hours in
dim light. If seeding both sides of a line wound on a frame, the frame is inverted and the same
release and settlement period is done for the other side. The seeded substratum is then kept
at 20°C under low light (20-40 µmol photons m-2s-1) for approximately two months for
development of the juvenile fronds. Culture media (VSE) should be changed every two weeks
to start, then more often as fronds start to develop. Gentle aeration can be applied for water
movement. Once juvenile fronds are visible, they can be transferred to the culture site. A
protected site should be chosen to avoid frond loss in high-energy environments.
Spore seeding of rocks may be a way to reseed or restock natural populations of Gracilaria.
Once the fronds are established, the seeded rocks can be broadcast on the bottom of a
protected shallow area, in order to help reestablish natural populations or supplement
Several different culture methods may be employed in the culture of Gracilaria, and best
practices will depend on the facilities available to the grower. Fronds grown in tanks may be
used to stock long lines, and additional spore seeding of ropes may be possible to supplement
the harvest and increase productivity. Other types of grow out systems are possible, including
net tubes instead of lines, or floating cages stocked with unattached fronds. A ‘spray culture’ is
another option, where recirculating water is sprayed continuously over fronds that do not have
to be submerged in a tank of seawater. Fronds grown in areas or time periods of low levels of
nutrients in the field can be ‘fertilized’ by placing in land-based tanks with high levels of
nitrogen for 6-12 hours, then placed back into the field. Successful culture and production will
depend on the grower’s flexibility, inventiveness, and good management practices. For more
in-depth discussion of cultivation techniques the reader is urged to consult Yarish and Pereira
Suggested Readings
Abreu, M.H., R. Pereira, I. Sousa-Pinto and C. Yarish. 2011. Nitrogen uptake response of Gracilaria vermiculophylla (Ohmi)
Papenfuss under combined and single addition of nitrate and ammonium. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and
Ecology. 407 (2): 190-199. ‘
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- Light Resources: Bulbs, Information, and Distributors
- GE Lighting: www.gelighting.com
- Philips: www.usa.lighting.philips.com
- Sylvania: www.sylvania.com
Light measurements
- µE=µmol photons m-2 s-1=(lux)(0.013)
- Light measurements conversions http://www.egc.com/useful_info_lighting.php
- Percival Scientific (www.percival-scientific.com)
- Omega Engineering Inc. (www.omega.com)
- Hydroponic and Greenhouse Suppliers (www.sunlightsupply.com, www.hydrofarm.com,
Haemocytometer counts for cell density
Density Calculation:
Count the number of spores found in the 25 blocks that make up the middle block of the
haemocytometer. This number represents the amount of cells in 10-4 ml, so to find the density
of spores per ml, just add 4 zeros to your count.
Count = 40 spores
Just add 4 zeros to your count = 400,000 spores / mL
Now to find the total amount of spores available, multiply this by the total amount of spore
solution that you have: Ex: 100ml * 400,000 spores = 40,000,000 spores / 100 mL
To determine the amount of spore solution to add to your spools for inoculation, determine the
total amount of seawater being used for the inoculation:
Ex: 6 Liters = 6,000 mL
Spools should be inoculated at 2,000-5,000 spores/mL. To find the total amount of spores
needed for your inoculation, multiply your desired density by the total amount of seawater
being used.
Ex: 2,000 spores/mL * 6,000 mL = 12,000,000 spores total
Now you can divide the total amount of spores by the number of spores per mL in order to
determine how many mL of spore solution you should add to inoculate your spools.
Ex: 12,000,000 spores / 400,000 spores ml-1 = 30 mL spore solution
Germanium Dioxide
Diatoms are a common type of contamination in seaweed cultures, but can be eliminated with
addition of a saturated solution of germanium dioxide to culture media. A saturated stock
solution can be prepared by dissolving 250mg of GeO2 per 1 Liter of deionized water. This stock
solution is then added to culture media at a concentration of 2mL/L seawater. Stock solutions
should be stored in a refrigerator and properly labeled. Brown algae are also sensitive to high
concentrations of GeO2, so this concentration should not be exceeded when culturing kelp.
One to two weeks of treatment is usually sufficient to eliminate diatoms in a culture.
Micropipette Preparation
Micromanipulation by micropipette allows for the selection and isolation of microscopic spores
under a microscope. Micropipettes can be prepared in the laboratory using disposable glass
Pasteur pipettes.
Holding the top of the pipette in one hand, and the small-bore end with a pair of steel forceps,
hold the end of the pipette over an open flame to soften the glass until malleable. Take the
pipette out of the flame and pull the ends apart, stretching the glass to form a very small bore.
Snap the end off, and carefully place aside. Several of these micropipettes can be made up
beforehand for isolation work under the microscope.
Nutrient Media
The seawater should be filtered (Whatman's #1) to remove large organic particles and sand.
Then sterilize by autoclaving (time: 100 ml requires 10 minutes; 2 liters requires 40 minutes; 3
liters requires 50 minutes; and 5 liters requires 70 minutes). To each liter of seawater, then add
the following:
(6a) Thiamine-HCl 0.20 mg
(6b) Biotin 1.00 ug
(6c) B12 1.00 ug
It is convenient to prepare a stock solution of each salt in distilled water; of such concentration
that 1 ml of the stock solution gives the required concentration of each ingredient. The three
vitamins may be incorporated in the same stock solution, which should be refrigerated. The
salts and vitamins after preparation into stock solutions should be filter sterilized.
I. To make stock solutions use deionized distilled water and clean volumetric flasks.
II. Filter each stock solution through separate 0.22 um Millipore filters. Each solution will
have to be sterilized separately.
III. Aseptically pour filtered volume of liquid into autoclaved stock bottles.
1 liter stock solution 2 liter stock solution
(1) 42.500 grams 85.000 grams
(2) 10.750 21.500
(3) 0.278 0.556
(4) 0.0198 0.039
(5) 3.720 7.440
(6a) 0.200 0.400
(6b) 0.001 0.002
(6c) 0.001 0.002
Modified Von Stosch Enrichment (VSE) for use with red algae
**To sterilized seawater, add 1 mL per 1 L of seawater of prepared solutions 1-6 after combining 3 and 4
together prior to addition**
Solution Components
Deionized water 1L 2L 3L
Deionized water 1L 2L 3L
Deionized water 1L 2L 3L
Deionized water 1L 2L 3L
Deionized water 1L 2L 3L
Solution 6: Vitamins* (Store in freezer) Quantity Quantity (X2) Quantity (X3)
Deionized water 1L 2L 3L
The original source of nitrogen for VSE is sodium nitrate (NaNo 3). This can also be used
at 42.5 g per 1 L of deionized water. The original source of phosphate for VSE is Na 2 β-
glycerophosphate. This can be substituted at 6.48 g per L of deionized water.
Prepare all six solutions separately using clean sterilized volumetric flasks, clean
pipettes, digital balance, and mix with magnetic stirring bars.
Filter sterilize each solution using a 0.2µm filter and a vacuum pump assembly. Vitamins
should not be heat sterilized.
Media solutions should be stored in the refrigerator, vitamins (solution 6) should be
stored in the freezer and thawed for use
All chemicals should be dated when received and when opened on the bottle
All solutions should be clearly labeled at every step, and aseptic technique should be
used in preparation
It is easiest to make up large amounts of the solutions initially, then aliquot out usable
amounts in smaller bottles (well sealed) for convenience. The prepared bottles can then
be kept ready in the refrigerator for water changes.
Full strength is 1ml/L
Germanium dioxide is another, separate component that is added to cultures to prevent
growth of diatoms. The solution can be prepared in advance and refrigerated. This
solution is added at 2mL/L of water.
All glassware should be sterilized, and the working space should be very clean and
include a flame of some sort to prevent contamination of this high nutrient media.
Nutrient Media Supplies List
Media preparation
Glassware: (Pyrex)
Volumetric flask (1000mL; measuring)
Erlenmeyer flasks (3000mL; mixing and storing)
Graduated cylinders (500 or 1000 mL)
Storage flasks and bottles
Digital scale (0.0001 g; 3 decimal places)
Weigh paper/boats
Metal chemical spoon or spatula (measuring)
Safety goggles and gloves
0.2 micron filter for media sterilization (Corning Disposable Sterile Bottle Top Filter, 150mL
Funnel, #25965-45)
Pyrex screw-cap media storage bottles (media storage)
Clean work space
Flame (for sterile technique; Bunsen burner, etc)
Sterile pipettes, 10mL (measuring; disposable plastic or glass autoclavable)
Pipette bulb or motor
pH meter and associated buffers
Stirring plate and magnetic stir bars
General Culture System Materials and Estimated Costs
Item Base
Seawater System
Seawater filters—3-step cartridge system, down to 1 micron Online, Hardware stores
Filter cartridge housings 40 Pentek Blue
Filter cartridges (20, 5, 1 micron size) 5 Pentek
Seawater Holding Tank System
500 gallon plastic holding tank 400 Ace Roto-mold
Smart UV Sterilizers/Emperor
UV Light for seawater sterilization 400 Aquatics
External water pump to circulate water 200 Marinedepot.com
Aquatic Ecosystems, tank
Round Polyethylene or Fiberglas Tanks, various sizes 200-2000 suppliers
Laboratory, Homebrewing
Polycarbonate or glass 10L clear autoclavable Carboys 50-200 suppliers
Flasks Laboratory suppliers
Petri Dishes
Pasteur pipettes (box of200) www.sigmaaldrich.com
Temperature and Power Alarm and Auto Dialer 330 www.omega.com
CW-HO Fluorescent Lamps - High Output - Cool White Greenhouse growers supply
Light Bulbs & Fixtures 200 Lighting Suppliers
Photoperiodic timers 30 Aquarium, Hardware supply
Aquarium aeration pumps 30 Aquarium Supply
Aeration tubing, small diameter, 25' 6 Aquarium Supply
Rigid Aeration tubing for large tanks, large diameter 30 Aquarium, Aquaculture Supply