ICAR Syllabus NET

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Unit 1: Computer Organization and Architecture

oolean Algebra, Minimization of Boolean
Functions, Number System, Basic concepts of floating point number system,

Comparison. Input/Output Unit, Memory Organization, ALU and Control Unit,

Instruction and Execution Cycle in CPU, Introduction to Microprocessors, Interrupts,
CISC and RISC Architecture.

Unit 2: Programming Languages & Data Structure

Programming Languages (Java, C++), Computer Algorithms, Flow Charts,
Encapsulation, Inheritance, Polymorphism, Building Blocks, Control Structures,

Text Markup Language (HTML) and XML, Building Static and Dynamic Web Pages,
Client Side and Server Side Scripting Languages (JSP,.NET,PHP ), Interaction with
Data Structure-Representation of Character, String and their Manipulation, Linear
List Structure, Stack, Queue, Heaps, Linked list, Arrays. Tree: Representation of Tree
Structures and Different Tree Traversal Algorithms, Graph, Sorting and Searching

Unit 3: Software Engineering

Software Engineering Definition; Requirement Analysis and Specification; Software
Development: Phases, Process Models, Project Structure, Project Team Structure,
Types of Metrics, Measurement, Software Quality Factors. Planning and Software
Project : Requirement analysis, Cost Estimation, Project Scheduling, Quality
Assurance Plan and Project Monitoring Plans, Gantt Charts, PERT and CPM, Coding
Tools and Techniques, Testing Maintenance, CASE Tools, Object Oriented Analysis
and Design, UML Modeling and Diagrams.

Unit 4: Networking & Operating System

Types of Networks, Network topology. Data Communication: Concepts of Data, Signal,
Channel, Bandwidth, bit-rate and baud rate. Maximum Data-Rate of Channel; Analog
and Digital Communications, Asynchronous and Synchronous transmission. ISO-OSI

Framing, Error Control, flow control; sliding window protocol, IP-v4 & IP-v6, Dual
Stack. Internet standards and Services, Cryptography, Authentication and firewalls,
Adhoc networks.
Inter-Process Communication, Process
Scheduling; Memory management: Swapping, Virtual Memory, Paging and
Segmentation; Device Management: Deadlock
directories, Security and Protection Mechanisms: Basics of Unix/Linux/Windows
Server Configuration.

Unit 5: Compiler Construction

Machines, Lexical Analysis, Semantic Analysis, Parsing Algorithms, Symbol tables,

Error Handling, Types of Languages.

Unit 6: Data Base Management System
Definition and Features, Data Models, Relational Database: Logical and Physical
Structure, Relational Algebra, Relational Calculus, Database Design, Normalization,
Concurrency Control, Security and Integrity, Query Processing and Optimization,

Structured Query Language (SQL), Concepts and Principles of Data Warehousing,

Data Warehousing Design and Schema, GIS Concepts and Principles, Big Data
Concepts & Architecture.

Unit 7: Computer Graphics

Raster Scan and Random Scan Graphics; Continual Refresh and Storages Displays;
Display Processors and Character Generators; Colour Display Techniques. Frame
Buffer and Bit Operations, Raster graphics, Points, Lines and Curves, Scan
Conversion; Line-Drawing Algorithms; Circle and Ellipse Generation; Polygon Filling;
Conic-Section Generation. Anti-Aliasing; Two-dimensional viewing; Basic
Transformations; Co-ordinate systems; Windowing and Clipping; Segments; Interactive
Picture-Construction Techniques; Interactive Input/Output Devices. Three-
Dimensional Concepts: 3-D Representations and Transformations; 3-D Viewing;
Algorithm for 3-D Volumes, Spline Curves and Surfaces.

Unit 8: Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing

Introduction to Artificial Intelligence (AI); Games, Theorem Proving, Natural Language
Processing, Robotics, Expert System. Knowledge: General Concept of Knowledge,
Knowledge Based System, Representation of Knowledge, Knowledge Organization and
Manipulation, Acquisition of Knowledge, Ontologies. Symbolic Approach: Syntax and
Semantics for Prepositional Logic (PL) and First Order Predicates Logic (FOPL),
Properties of Well-Formed Formulas (wffs), Conversion to clausal form, Inference
Rules, Resolution Principle, Non deductive inference methods. Search and Control
Strategies: Blind Search, Breadth-first se
Method, Branch and Bound Search. Machine Learning: Concept of Learning,
Supervised and Unsupervised Learning, Neural Networks, Genetic Algorithms, Fuzzy
Logic. Expert Systems: Introduction to Expert System, and its Characteristics,
Application and Importance, Rule Based System Architecture; Software Agents.

Unit 9: Statistics, Modeling and Simulation

Frequency distribution, Measures of Central Tendency, Dispersion, Skewness and
Kurtosis. Theory of Probability. Random variable and mathematical expectation.
Correlation and regression. Basic Principles of Design of Experiments. Analysis of
Variance. Completely randomized design (CRD), Randomized complete block design
(RCBD), Latin Square Design (LSD), Split Plot and Strip Plot Design. Probability
Distributions: Binomial, Poisson, Normal Distributions and their Applications.
Concept of sampling, Sampling vs. Complete Enumeration, Sampling from a Finite
Population, Simple Random Sampling. Generation and Testing of Random Numbers,
Simulation of Stochastic Events and processes, Discrete Event Simulation.

Unit 10: Bioinformatics
Basics of Bioinformatics, Basic Molecular Biology; Introduction to the Basic Principles
of Structure/Function Analysis of Biological Molecules; Genome Analysis; Different
Types and Classification of Genome Databases (HTGS, DNA, Protein, EST, STS, SNPs,
Unigenes etc.) Role of Bioinformatics in Genomics; Nature of Genomic Data; Overview
of Available Genomic Resources on the Web; NCBI/ EBI/ EXPASY etc; Nucleic Acid
Sequence Databases; GenBank/EMBL/ DDBJ; Database Search engines: Entrez, SRS.
Overview/Concepts in Sequence Analysis; Pairwise Sequence Alignment Algorithms:
Needleman & Wunsch, Smith & Waterman; BLAST, FASTA; Scoring matrices for
Nucleic Acids and Proteins: PAM, BLOSUM, Dynamic Programming Algorithm,
Multiple Sequence Alignment: PRAS, CLUSTALW. Sequence Based Gene Prediction
and its Function Identification, Use of Various Derived Databases in Function
Assignment, Use of SSR, SNPs and Various Markers for Identification of Genetic
Traits, Gene Expression. Phylogenetic Analysis Algorithms; Maximum Parsimony,
Distance based: UPGMA, Neighbour-Joining.

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