Containerization and Terminal Area Requirements

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ISSN 0554-6397

UDK 656.615:621.798.1
Primljeno (Received): 07/2002
Assoc. Prof. Nil Güler, Ph. D.
Istanbul Technical University, Maritime Faculty
Tuzla 81716, Istanbul, Turkey




Containerisation is still spreading all over the world and the containerisation requirements in the
ports had to be taken into account to meet national and international demand. Based on the present
trends, it is expected that containerisation will be between 70% - 80% of all general cargo in the
next decade.

A container terminal layout is usually based on various requirements for container storage and transfer
between ship and land feeder modes. When planning a new container terminal quite a number of
decisive factors have to be considered which again will lead to the type of handling system request-
ing appropriate and special types of equipment.

Further decision factors are the available area, the number of shipping lines to be served, access
for operational reasons and the flow of information within the port. In addition to the above basic
decisive factors, further factors are the need for handling of special containers, the market analysis
and forecasting for containerisation.

In this paper, after showing the increase in containerisation in the world and in Turkish Ports, the
planning of container terminals, the area requirements will be discussed with a special reference to
UNCTAD planning charts.

1. Introduction

After the World War II, the economies of developed countries were marked
by the progress of mass production and mass consumption centring on consumer
goods, Shipping lines were faced with an expansion of world trade together with
bottlenecks at ports (Bubeer, 1983) A system was required to accommodate the needs

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of physical distribution, from manufacturer to final destination, eliminating costly

and complicated transhipment operations at ports. As a result of this, containerisa-
tion was developed, a new concept, which involved a combined transport operation
to and from the port, involving highway and rail services. In this new system, there
was less physical handling, breakage and pilfering of cargo. The basic difference of
containerisation was the movement of goods under continuous supervision ensuring
an integrated transport process between the consignor and consignee. A container
could be moved on the basis of one or several unimodel transport contracts or on the
basis of a multimodal transport contract (Faust, 1985).
The world growth rate for container port throughput increased by 7,3 % in 1999
following a substantial increase of 10,1 % in 1998. This reflects the trade slowdown
due to the 1998 financial crisis in SouthEast Asia. In the following tables, figures
related with world container port traffic and figures related with world tonnage by
types of vessel are given. As can be understood from the table 2, container tonnage
is steadily increasing in world fleet.

Table 1: Change in World Container Port Traffic

(Source: UNCTAD, Review of Maritime Transport, 2001)

Table 2: Share of World Tonnage by Types of Vessel

(Source: UNCTAD, Review of Maritime Transport, 2001)

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Table 3: Top 10 Container Ports in the World

(Source: Containerisation International, March 2001)

2. Containerisation in Turkish Ports

Haydarpaşa: It is the key import terminal as far as Turkey’s container trades

are concerned. It is located in the Asian side of Istanbul. New investment is put to
improve performance levels and has a satellite container storage area away from the
port. It is in central Istanbul and expansion is almost impossible.
Ýzmir: It is the Turkey’s leading export port and it has a healthy increase in its
container traffic. The port has five specialised cranes. Over the past years, Turkish
Government has installed new computerised terminal management systems.
Mersin: It is the third biggest container port. A computerised container control
system is being installed. It is the port viewed as the logical gateway for cargoes
moving into the area for the massive GAP (South Anatolian Project) irrigation project
is completed.
Ýskenderun: Together with Mersin port this is also expected to handle cargoes
from GAP.
Samsun: It is the north country port on Black Sea Coast. Also a dedicated
container terminal is planned at this port. This is expected to handle traffic to/from
CIS states.
Below, the capacities and physical situations of Turkish Container Ports are
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Table 4: Container Ports of Turkey and Their Characteristics

(Source: State Maritime Secretary, Dep. of Ports, 2001)

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Table 5: Groups of Commodity Handled at Turkish Ports Between 1996-2000

(given as 1000 Ton)

(Source: State Maritime Secretary, Dep. of Ports, 2001)

2.1. Container Productivity in Turkish Ports

In comparison to world ports and the other ports in the region, port productivity
is not high especially related with container handling which is the basic function of
a port.
In many ports, container productivity is about 20-25 TEU/hour. But if this is
analysed per machine, this number becomes 15 TEU/hour/crane. The below tables
will explain this better:

Table 6: Port Productivity in the 3 Biggest Container Ports of Turkey Based on

Container Throughput

* Gross productivity includes the time the machine is not working whereas net productivity
does not.
(Source: Master Plan for Turkish Ports, 2000)

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Table 7: Comparison of Port Productivities of 3 Biggest Container Ports of Turkey

* This does not include the berth where the ship crane exists.
(Source: Master Plan for Turkish Ports, 2000)

Table 8: Comparison of Port Productivities of 3 Biggest Container Ports of Turkey

with World Ports

(Source: Master Plan for Turkish Ports, 2000)

As can be understood from the above analysis, the productivity in the Turkish
ports is low in comparison with world ports. The reason for this can not only be ex-
plained with insufficient infrastructure or equipment since the operational productivity

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of quay cranes is also low. One of the main reasons of this is insufficient training of
port personnel.

3. Container Logistics

Container flow through a terminal is a complex series of interconnecting activi-

ties, The output of the whole system is dependent on the capacity of the weakest link
in that chain; there is a great deal of interdependence between all terminal activities
which depends on container status as FCL (Full Container Load), LCL (Less Than
Container Load), Empty, and Transit (Thomas and Roach, 1988). The flow of activi-
ties is as follows:

a) Ship Operation: Loading and discharging of containers between the vessel and
the quayside. This is the dominant system since it ultimately determines terminal
handling rates.

b) Quay Transfer Operation: Movement between the quayside and the container yard.
It directly influences ship loading and discharging rates.

c) Storage Operation: The temporary storage of containers while documentary,

administrative and other formalities are completed.

d) Receipt/Delivery Operation: In this activity, containers are moved between the

container yard and road, rail or inland waterway interchange points, and then to
the gate, where formalities are completed (Frankel, 1987).

As it is shown in figure 1, not all of the arrival or departure containers pass

through CFS (Container Freight Station), but only the LCL containers are stored in
CFS. The area requirements both for container storage and for CFS will be discussed
in section 4.

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Fig. 1. Container Terminal Circulation Scheme (Frankel, 1987)

A container terminal includes the following operations as shown in Fig. 2. Ship-

apron links simulate how containers are picked up from the ship moved to the storage
area or to the container freight stations.
Fig. 2. Network of Container Terminal

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4. Container Terminal Area Requirements

The capacity of a container terminal is usually measured in terms of the number

of containers that can be handled by the terminal per year. Since containers come in
two standard sizes – 20 feet and 40 feet respectively-the capacity is usually expressed
in terms of 20-ft, container equivalents called TEU (Agerschou, and Lundgren, 1983).

Container Terminals May Serve:

– Mainline transocean vessels 230 to 250 m. long (11,0 to 12,8 m, Draft), with a
carrying capacity of 1.800 to 4.200 TEUs,
– Mainline secondary service with 200 to 230 m. long and 10,0 to 11,2 draft vessels
with a carrying capacity of 750 to 1.800 TEUs.
– Container feeder vessels or barges, used in coastal intraport feeder service 120 m.
to 150 m. long, 7-8 draft, with a carrying capacity of 150 to 500 TEUs.

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4.1. The Factors That Affect the Container Area Requirements

Container area requirements mainly depend on the following factors:

a) Container Throughput
b) Yard Handling Equipment
c) Dwell Time of the Containers
d) Utilisation Factors

a) Container Throughput

The starting point for the planning and design of a container terminal is of
course the projected throughput of containers expected to be handled over the life
of the facility. The assessment of activity will normally be the subject of historical
trends as well as geographic, demographic, economic factors. For forecasting, the
most important technique is the multiple regression analysis model. The independent
variables of the analysis can be:

– Commodity statistics,
– GNP of hinterland,
– GNP of the region,
– GNP of the country,
– Population growth,
– Housing construction,
– Industrial production,
– Per capita income etc.

If the cargo volume is to be linked to the country’s GNP, the model can be as

C = a + (b) GNP + µ .

Where a, b = regression coefficients,

GNP = Gross National Product of the country,
µ = error term

In order to have sound model, it is necessary to collect at least 20 years of annual

data or 7 years of quarterly data (Frankel, 1987).
b) Yard Handling Equipment: The type of yard handling equipment is another
critical area of terminal design because various options have implications of different

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yard layouts and paving types and has different stacking heights and aisle spacing.
Thus, to handle the same cargo, a variety of land areas could be necessary.

The main yard equipment is as follows (Agerschou and Lundgren, 1983):

a) Chassis system,
b) Straddle carrier,
c) Yard gantry cranes.

Chassis system: Containers are placed on or picked up from semitrailers by

shipside cranes, The trailers are pulled to and from the yard by tractors. While in the
yard, containers are stored on the trailers.
Straddle carriers: They pick up and deliver containers at the apron and in the
yard, stack containers two or three high and remove them from the stacks.
Gantry cranes: They can be either on rubber wheels or on rails and containers
can be stacked 3-5 high. They can be combined with chassis system.

c) Dwell Time: It is the average storage time of containers in the yard area, Al-
though the dwell time changes between 6-9 days on the average in many big ports
of the world, this is around 15 days in Turkish Ports (Turkish Ministry of Transport,

d) Utilisation Factor: The value of area utilisation factor will be in the range of 0,25-
0,5 for no stacking and up to about 1,0 when stacking containers two high (Frankel,
Haumb, Moe and Bratteland, 1981).

In the planning of required container area the aim is to provide space sufficient to
match the projected throughput. The required area is normally defined by the number
of ground slots which is the projected area of a standard 20 ft. container. Containers
can then be stacked one or more high on these ground slots (Drewry, 1998).

The required container terminal storage area can be computed in rough terms
as follows:

T = yearly throughput in TEUs,

D = average dwell time per container in days
d = standard deviation of dwell time in days
a = projected area per 20 foot container = 21,60 m2
U = total storage area utilisation – this is affected by with of lanes, span of gantries,
etc. This is usually taken 0,4 to 0,6
H = average expected stack height by average number of containers in utilised stacks.

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This is 0,5 to 0,7 of maximum stack height,

h = standard deviation of stack height by the number of containers,
Z = storage utilisation factor depends on stack or storage, control, management etc,
A = storage area in ha = (T*(D + 2d)*a) / (365*Z*104*(H + 2h)*U)

A numerical example in the terminal area calculations is below:


1) Port equipment capacity must be enough for loading and unloading container
ships of 1600 TEU/day
2) Draught is 11 m, of the above mentioned ships,
3) Working time/berth time ratio = 0,90,
4) Average output per gantry crane: 30 TEU/hour,
5) K = Loss of output for opening and closing hatches, 5% of basic output rate,
6) Port is working 24 hours,
7) Gang work 8 hours per day,
8) Dwell time is 6
9) Standard deviationof dwell time is 0.5

Average throughput/day = 24* (average output per crane)*(average number of crane

allocated)* (1-K)* (working time/berth time)

1600 = 24*30*X*0,90*0,95
X = 2,593 gantry cranes/ship are needed

Average throughput per year;

1600x* 365 = 584.000 containers/year

The required container storage area:

A = (T* (D + 2d) * a) / (365*Z*104*(H + 2h)*U)

A = (584.000*6,1*21,60) / (365*0,7*104*1,2*0,5) = 50 ha.

In this example Z is taken 0,7; U is taken 0,5 and (H + 2h) is taken 1,2. Here, the
maximum stack height is thought te be 2 and H which is between 0,5 to 0,7 of max.
stack height is taken 1,0 and the stand. deviation is assumed to be h = 0,1.
4.2. Container Terminal Planning Charts

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These charts were originally reproduced by UNCTAD for container terminal

planners (UNCTAD, 1979). Actually the methodology of the calculations for the
construction of these charts will be explained here rather than the usage of the charts.
Although there are 4 of these charts, 2 of them which are related with the area require-
ments will be handled: a) Container storage area requirement b) Container freight
station area requirement.
Container storage area requirements is discussed in section 4.1. Container
storage are requirements depend on many factors. In the UNCTAD method the area
requirements are given dependent on throughput, handling equipment, stacking height,
safety factor, and dwell time.
Container Freight Station Area Requirement (CFS): CFS is a common feature
of many container terminals. It is where the stuffing and unstuffing of LCL (less
than container load) traffic is performed. In this way container handling activity is
streamlined and congestion is minimised (Kybart, 1985).

4.2.1. Container Terminal Planning Chart I

This chart (Appendix 1) is used to determine the container storage area. For the
calculation of the storage area, the area requirement per TEU should be known which
depends on the type of container handling equipment used and stacking height. This
is shown in Table 9 (Monie, G. De,1983).

Table 9: Container Area Requirement in Relation with Handling Equipment

The needed data for this calculation is given below by a numerical example.

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Numerical example:


Expected container throughput per year : 250.000 TEU

Dwell time : 12 days
Area requirement per TEU for 2 stack
high straddle-carrier system : 15 m2
Ratio of average to max stacking height : 0,8
Safety factor : 40%


Holding Capacity : 250.000 TEU* 12 days / 365 days = 8219 TEU

Net Transit Storage are : 8219 (15 m2) = 123.285 m2

Gross Transit Storage are : 123.285 / 0,8 = 154.106 m2

Container stacking area : 154.106 m2 × 1,4 = 215.748 m2  21 ha.

4.2.2. Container Terminal Chart II

This chart (Appendix 2) has been designed to help the planner to estimate area
requirements for the container freight station (CFS), the area used for packing and
unpacking containers. The needed data for this calculation is as follows;

– the percentage of containers that pass through CFS,

– average transit time of consignment,
– average stacking height in CFS (in m.),
– access factor to allow for circulation and operational areas in the CFS,
– reserve capacity safety factor for periods of peak demand.

Numerical Example:

Total annual throughput : 200.000 TEU

Containers that pass through CFS facility : 120.000 TEU
Mean transit time : 10 Days
Stacking height :2m
Access factor : 0,4

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Safety factor : 25 %
Volume per TEU via the CFS : 35 m3

Calculation :

Holding capacity = (120.000 TEU × 10 ) / 365 = 3288 TEU

CFS stacking area = (3288 TEU*35 m3) / 2 = 57.450 m2
CFS average storage area = 57.540 m2 × 1,4 = 80.556 m2
CFS design storage area = 80.556 m2 × 1,25 = 100.695 m2
CFS design storage area = 10,1 ha.

5. Conclusion

A very characteristic of containerisation is the space requirements for the termi-

nals. The storage of containers in an elevated depot, or on secluded inland sites pushes
up operating cost in the port, and therefore a good planning of the area requirements
must be done before the development of the port.
In this paper, the terminal capacity is discussed specifically in relation to the
area requirements and the logic behind the UNCTAD charts are explained. Sizing
port requirements is one of the basic process to be analysed in planning a container
port. For this, forecasting of throughput, equipment selection, dwell time analysis,
and space utilisation data are needed.
In a container port environment, complexity and change are great. The capital
costs are heavy and once decided, the investment is immobile. So some of the im-
portant considerations with area requirements are as follows:

a) The choice of operating methods and equipment and thus the area of land needed
depends to a high degree on the availability of local land and soil conditions.

b) If the teminal is located far from the urban centres, and if the land is inexpensive,
a system of storing containers only one high may be the most economical. For
this layout, no costly equipment is needed for stacking containers.

c) If the land is scarce and expensive, the stacking of containers as high as physical
conditions allow becomes a necessity.

d) A special attention should be given that the maximum stacking height cannot always
be attained. In reality, the average stacking height is lower than the expected.
e) There should be a sound analysis about the dwell time of containers.

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f) In addition to the container storage area, and CFS areas, the terminal requires space
for marshalling areas, vehicle parking, rail and road access, customs, damaged
containers, staff, administration, maintenance and dangerous goods storage facility.


1) Bubeer, E.; “ Introduction to Containers”, UNCTAD Seminar on Container Terminal

Management, Antwerp, Belgium, 1983,
2) Faust, P.;”Multimodal Transport”, Port Management Textbook, No,10, Institute of Shipping
Economics and Logistics, Bremen, Germany, 1985
3) UNCTAD; “ Review of Maritime Transport”, Geneva, 2001
4) Containerization International, July, 2001
5) State Maritime Secretary, Dep. of Ports, Ankara, Turkey, 2001
6) Master Plan for Turkish Ports, Ministry of Transport, Ankara, Turkey, 2000
7) Thomas, B,J. and Roach, D,K.; “ Operating and Maintenance Features of Container Handling
Systems”, UNCTAD, Geneva, 1988
8) Frankel, E.G.; “Port Planning and Development”, John Wiley and Sons, New York,1987
9) Agerschou, H. and Lundgren, H.;”Planning and Design of Ports and Marine Terminals”,John
Wiley and Sons, Chichester, 1983
10) Frankel, E,G., Houmb, O.G., Moe, G. and Bratteland, E.; “Port Engineering”, Gulf Publishing
Co,, Houstan, 1981
11) Drewry Shipping Company, “ World Container Terminals”, London, 1998
12) UNCTAD, “ Port Development : A Handbook for Planners in Developing Countries”,Geneva,
13) Kybart, W.; “ Container Equipment Evaluation”, Port Management Textbook, No,10, Institute
of Shipping Economics and Logistics, Bremen, Germany, 1985
14) Monie, G.De; “ Container Terminal Capacity Calculations”, UNCTAD Seminar on Container
Terminal Management, UNCTAD and APEC, Antwerp, 1983

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Nil Güler Containerization and terminal area requirements

Nil Güler



Kontejnerizacija se nastavlja širiti svijetom i o zahtjevima kontejnerizacije valja voditi računa radi
zadovoljavanja domaće i međunarodne potražnje. Temeljem prisutnih kretanja očekuje se da će u
narednome desetljeću kontejnerizacija obuhvatiti 70-80% od ukupnoga generalnog tereta.
Raspored kontejnerskoga terminala obično se temelji na raznim zahtjevima za skladištenjem i
premještanjem kontejnera između broda i kopnenih načina dostavljanja (feeder). Pri planiranju
novih kontejnerskih terminala nužno je razmotriti poveći broj odlučujućih činitelja koji opet vode
do sustava rukovanja teretom koji zahtijeva odgovarajuće i posebne vrste opreme.
Daljnji odlučujući činitelji uključuju raspoloživu površinu, broj brodskih linija koje treba opsluživati,
operativni pristup te tijek informacija unutar luke. Pored spomenutih temeljnih odlučujućih činitelja,
dodatnu ulogu ima potreba za rukovanjem specijalnim kontejnerima, analiza tržišta te predviđanje
kretanja kontejnerizacije.
U ovome će radu, nakon prikaza rasta kontejnerizacije u svijetu i u turskim lukama, biti riječi o
planiranju kontejnerskih terminala i prostornim potrebama uz poseban osvrt na UNCTAD-ove
planske karte.




La containerizzazione si sta ancora diffondendo in tutto il mondo e i porti ristrutturati per accogliere
i contenitori hanno dovuto conformarsi alle condizioni imposte dagli organi nazionali ed interna-
zionali. In base agli odierni orientamenti per la prossima decade si prevede una con­tainerizzazione
del carico generale tra il 70 e l’80 per cento.
La sistemazione di un terminale contenitori di solito deve tener conto di varie esigenze per lo
stoccaggio dei contenitori ed il trasbordo tra la nave ed i “feeder” a terra. Nella progettazione di
un terminale per contenitori nuovo bisogna prendere in considerazione una molteplicità di fattori
come ad esempio il sistema di movimentazione dei contenitori e il tipo adequato e specializzato
delle attrezzature.
Altri fattori decisivi riguardano l’area disponibile, il numero delle linee marittime facenti capo allo
scalo, l’accesso al porto, il sistema di flusso di informazioni entro lo stesso porto. Oltre a ciò altri
elementi determinanti possono riguardare il maneggio di contenitori specializzati, l’analisi di mercato
e previsione di trasporto containerizzato.
Lo studio, oltre a porre l’accento sull’incremento della containerizzazione nel mondo e nei porti della
Turchia, tratta la progettazione dei terminali per contenitori, le esigenze di superficie con speciale
riferimento al quadro di progettazioni UNCTAD.

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