Pharmacologic Treatment of Hypertensive Urgency in The Outpatient Setting: A Systematic Review
Pharmacologic Treatment of Hypertensive Urgency in The Outpatient Setting: A Systematic Review
Pharmacologic Treatment of Hypertensive Urgency in The Outpatient Setting: A Systematic Review
BACKGROUND: Hypertensive urgency (HU), defined as KEY WORDS: hypertension; hypertensive urgency; cardiovascular disease.
acute severe uncontrolled hypertension without end- J Gen Intern Med 33(4):539–50
organ damage, is a common condition. Despite its associ- DOI: 10.1007/s11606-017-4277-6
ation with long-term morbidity and mortality, guidance © The Author(s) 2018. This article is an open access publication
regarding immediate management is sparse. Our objec-
tive was to summarize the evidence examining the effects
of antihypertensive medications to treat.
METHODS: We searched the PubMed, Cochrane Central
Register of Controlled Trials (CENTRAL), Database of Hypertensive urgency (HU) is defined as systolic blood pres-
Abstracts of Reviews of Effects (DARE), Cochrane Data- sure of at least 180 mmHg and/or diastolic blood pressure of at
base of Systematic Reviews, Web of Science, Google Schol- least 110 mmHg, without associated end-organ damage.1
ar, and Embase through May 2016. Study selection: We
Patients with HU may be completely asymptomatic or may
evaluated prospective controlled clinical trials, case–con-
trol studies, and cohort studies of HU in emergency room
present with symptoms such as headache, epistaxis, faintness,
(ER) or clinic settings. We initially identified 11,223 pub- malaise, psychomotor agitation, nausea, or vomiting.2
lished articles. We reviewed 10,748 titles and abstracts Up to 65 million Americans have hypertension; about 1%
and identified 538 eligible articles. We assessed the full will have an episode of HU during their lives. The prevalence
text for eligibility and included 31 articles written in En- of HU in emergency room (ER) or office settings is estimated
glish that were clinical trials or cohort studies and provid- at 3–5%.3, 4 In a recent cohort study, cardiovascular events
ed blood pressure data within 48 h of treatment. Studies were found to occur in less than 1% of patients within a 6-
were appraised for risk of bias using components recom-
month period.4
mended by the Cochrane Collaboration. The main out-
come measured was blood pressure change with antihy- Guidance for immediate management of HU is unclear,
pertensive medications. Since studies were too diverse since there is no consensus on the optimal target for acute
both clinically and methodologically to combine in a blood pressure reduction or the time frame for achieving a
meta-analysis, tabular data and a narrative synthesis of normal blood pressure range. Most patients receive drug ther-
studies are presented. apy for elevated blood pressure within the first 48 h of pre-
RESULTS: We identified only 20 double-blind random- sentation.2–4 Knowledge of the effectiveness and safety of
ized controlled trials and 12 cohort studies, with 262
different medication choices and associated comorbidities is
participants in prospective controlled trials. However, we
could not pool the results of studies. In addition, comor- crucial for clinicians, especially generalists.
bidities and their potential contribution to long-term The aim of this systematic review is to summarize evidence
treatment of these subjects were not adequately of the benefits and harms associated with antihypertensive
addressed in any of the reviewed studies. medications used to treat HU in adults, either in the clinic or
CONCLUSIONS: Longitudinal studies are still needed to ER. This systematic review is intended for a broad audience,
determine how best to lower blood pressure in patients including clinicians—especially general internists—along
with HU. Longer-term management of individuals who
with policymakers and funding agencies, professional socie-
have experienced HU continues to be an area requiring
further study, especially as applicable to care from the
ties developing clinical practice guidelines, patients and their
generalist. care providers, and researchers.
Study Selection. Studies that 1) reported on adults with HU angina, heart failure, pulmonary edema, arrhythmia, re-
who received pharmacologic therapy in outpatient settings nal impairment, new-onset proteinuria, and hospitaliza-
(clinic or ER) and 2) reported initial and subsequent blood tion. None of the studies reported on cardiovascular or
pressure values within 48 h of medication administration all-cause mortality.
were reviewed. Studies were excluded if they included Data extraction: Using standardized Excel forms, four
animals, pediatric or pregnant patients, or the presence groups of two investigators each (JLW, AJC, KO, DJ, CLC,
of acute end-organ damage. Because the U.S. Food and AA, BB, CH) independently extracted data including the
Drug Administration (FDA) prohibits the use of nifedipine author, country, year, study type, setting, sample size, demo-
for acute management of elevated blood pressure, articles graphics, medications, details of treatment, primary outcome,
that included only this drug were also excluded (532 adverse effects, and initial and subsequent blood pressure
studies).7 values. The team calculated MAP values when not explicitly
Primary outcome(s): Given the lack of consensus regarding calculated by the authors.
the blood pressure reduction goal when treating HU, most Two members of the team independently graded the
studies did not report dichotomous outcomes. The primary strength of clinical data and subsequent recommendations
measures of treatment efficacy were reduction in SBP, DBP, for treatment of patients with HU according to the Oxford
and mean arterial pressure (MAP; in mmHg) within 48 h of Centre for Evidence-Based Medicine levels of evidence. Any
pharmacologic treatment. discrepancies were resolved after a joint review and discussion
Secondary outcomes: We extracted adverse effects with a third reviewer. Levels of evidence were as follows:
including headache, dizziness, dry mouth, hypotension, level 1A, systematic reviews (with homogeneity of random-
stroke, transient ischemic attack, myocardial infarction, ized clinical trials); level 1B, individual randomized clinical
JGIM Campos et al.: Pharmacologic Treatment of Hypertensive Urgency 541
trials (with narrow confidence intervals); level 2A, systematic Amlodipine (5 or 10 mg PO) was evaluated in one
reviews (with homogeneity of cohort studies); and level 2B, small (n = 46) retrospective cohort.14 Both doses signifi-
individual cohort studies (including low-quality randomized cantly reduced the MAP at 1 h (from 140 and 148 to 103
clinical trials). Grades of recommendation are as follows: A = and 131, respectively). No side effects were reported.
consistent level 1 studies; B = consistent level 2 or 3 studies, or Isradipine was investigated in two trials, one a prospective
extrapolations from level 1 studies; C = level 4 studies or cohort10 and the other an RCT,9 which found that PO
extrapolations from level 2 or 3 studies; and D = level 5 doses ranging from 1.25 to 5 mg reduced SBP from
evidence or inconsistent or inconclusive studies of any level. 196–204 to 155–165 at 2 h. Reported side effects with
Studies with a high loss to follow-up were flagged. isradipine were dizziness and nausea. In four trials,8, 15, 16,
lacidipine (4 mg, 10 mg, 20 mg), in SLl or PO for-
mulations, significantly reduced SBP, from 238–186 to
Risk of Bias Assessment 178–145, over 2–24 h. Four trials of nicardipine in vari-
ous formulations significantly reduced SBP over 1–2 h,
For controlled trials, we used the Cochrane Risk of Bias
from 186–238 to 161–163. Reported side effects from
Assessment tool. For cohort studies, we used the Newcastle-
nicardipine were mild headache, hypotension, orthostasis,
Ottawa Scale to assess study quality.
chest pain, and tachycardia. In single trials, nitrendipine
5 mg PO (n = 85) reduced SBP from 228 to 156 over 2–
Data Synthesis
8 h,22 and verapamil SL reduced SBP significantly over
We could not combine results statistically because of 1–2 h, with 80 mg more effective than 40 mg. Reported
heterogeneity among interventions and outcome meas- side effects with verapamil were decreased heart rate and
ures. Furthermore, studies often lacked clearly defined headache.13
primary outcomes. Therefore, we qualitatively synthe-
sized results by antihypertensive medication class and ACE Inhibitors
created tables summarizing the evidence across all stud-
ies reviewed. There were nine trials of ace inhibitors (one retrospective
cohort,14 two prospective cohorts,23, 24 five RCTs,16, 25–28
one non-randomized controlled trial29). All used captopril in
doses ranging from 6.25 to 25 mg in both PO and SL for-
mulations. SBP values were reduced from 244–198 to 177–
144 at 0.17–12 h of captopril administration, with greater BP
Our search strategy identified 11,223 published articles. We reduction seen using higher doses (25 mg).
reviewed 10,748 titles and abstracts (after duplicates were Side effects reported with captopril were dizziness, head-
removed) and identified 538 eligible articles. We identified ache, nausea and vomiting,24 dry mouth, vertigo,15 and
20 double-blind randomized controlled trials and 13 cohort flushing26.
studies, with 262 participants in prospective controlled trials
(Fig. 1). After applying our eligibility criteria to the full texts Beta-Blockers
of these articles, we included 31 English-language articles
(Fig. 1). We included studies with nifedipine only if it was There were five trials of beta blockers (three prospective
included as a comparison drug. We excluded the results of the cohorts30–32 and two RCTs18, 33). Labetalol was studied in
nifedipine arm because of its black box warning in the man- doses ranging from 20 to 300 mg in both IV and PO formu-
agement of HU. lations. Blood pressure values were reduced after 0.33–24 h of
The characteristics of included trials are summarized in labetalol administration in all studies. Labetalol PO was in-
Table 1. Studies were generally characterized by small sample vestigated in only one small RCT (n = 10), which found that
size, different timing of the effects of antihypertensive thera- the mean PO dose of 221 mg reduced SBP from 195 to 154 at
pies (0.17–24 h), and short-term follow-up. Most recent stud- 4 h. Side effects reported with labetalol were dizziness,31, 33
ies were conducted outside the United States. drowsiness,33 headache,33 bradycardia,31 and pain at the in-
We compiled the blood pressure effects by antihypertensive jection site.32
class (Table 2) and their reported side effects:
Centrally Acting Antihypertensives
Calcium Channel Blockers Two centrally acting agents, clonidine and ketanserin, were
Seven calcium channel blockers were studied in 14 trials. 8–20 studied in seven trials. Clonidine was investigated in six trials
Nicardipine and nifedipine were the most commonly studied (one prospective cohort,34 one retrospective cohort,35 four
(three trials15, 16, 20 and four trials,8, 11, 19, 21 respectively). RCTs11, 12, 33, 36), which found that PO doses ranging from
Isradipine and lacidipine each had two studies,8–10, 13, 19 and 0.1 to 0.6 mg reduced SBP from 204–196 to 165–155 at 2 h.
amlodipine, nitrendipine, and verapamil each had one study.12–14 Side effects reported with the use of clonidine were
542 Campos et al.: Pharmacologic Treatment of Hypertensive Urgency JGIM
Table 1 Studies
Trial, year, Medication(s) Study design Sample size Age, years Male, % Ethnicity
country (mean)
Al-Waili, 1999, Verapamil RCT Verapamil 40 mg SL: n = 30 42–70 56% Not specified
International Verapamil 80 mg SL: n = 30
(UAE, Iraq, UK)
Atkin, 1992, USA Labetalol RCT n = 36 47 58% AA = 34
vs. Labetalol 200 mg: n = 18 W=2
Clonidine Clonidine 0.2 mg: n = 18
Bottorff, 1988, Urapidil Prospective Urapidil 103 mg IV: n = 9 43 78% Not specified
USA cohort
Castro del Castillo, Captopril Prospective Captopril 12.5 mg SL: n = 41 Not specified Not specified Not specified
1988, USA dose–response
Finnerty, 1963, Diazoxide Prospective Diazoxide 300 mg IV: n = 33 Not specified Not specified Not specified
USA cohort
Garrett, 1982, Diazoxide Prospective Diazoxide 15 mg/min IV (300– 43 33% AA = 13
USA cohort 1095 mg): n = 9 W=5
Diazoxide 30 mg/min IV
(300–1200 mg): n = 9
Gemici, 2003, Captopril RCT Captopril 25 mg SL: n = 15 Captopril: 56 ± Not specified Not specified
Turkey vs. Nifedipine 10 mg SL: n = 13 11
Nifedipine Nifedipine:
54 ± 10
Greene, 1990, Clonidine Prospective Clonidine 0.1–0.2 mg oral: n = 50 46% AA = 10
USA cohort 13 W=3
(then 0.1 mg/h as needed
(average 0.24 mg) PO)
Habib, 1995, USA Nicardipine RCT Nicardipine 30 mg oral: n = 26 48 ± 11 68% AA = 43
Placebo Placebo: n = 27 W = 10
Hirschl, 1998, Urapidil RCT Urapidil 60 mg PO: n = 20 59 40% Not specified
Austria vs. Placebo: n = 20
Huey, 1988, USA Labetalol Prospective Labetalol 20–300 mg IV: n = 20 55 100% AA = 12
cohort W=8
Jaker, 1989, USA Clonidine RCT Clonidine 0.1 mg hourly up to 48 39% H=5
vs. 0.6 mg PO: n = 28 AA = 46
Nifedipine Nifedipine 20 mg oral: n = 23
Joekes, 1976, Labetalol Prospective Labetalol 0.5–1 mg/kg IV: n = Not specified Not specified Not specified
England cohort 14
Just, 1991, USA Clonidine Retrospective Clonidine 0.1–0.2 mg and 0.1 48 50% AA = 78
vs. cohort hourly as needed PO: n = 32 W = 16
Nifedipine Nifedipine 10–20 mg oral:
vs. n = 35
Variety of drug Grp 3: n = 27
therapies (Grp
Kaya, 2016, Captopril RCT Captopril 25 mg SL: n = 108 Captopril SL: 46% Not specified
Turkey Captopril 25 mg PO: n = 104 63 ± 13
Captopril PO:
64 ± 11
Klocke, 1992, Nitrendipine RCT Nitrendipine 5 mg. If BP did 58 ± 12 52% Not specified
Germany vs. not fall below 180/100 mmHg
Clonidine 60 min after administration,
nitrendipine 5 mg was given:
n = 140
Clonidine 0.15 mg IV. If BP did
not fall below 180/100 mmHg
60 min after administration,
nitrendipine 5 mg was given:
n = 139
Komsuoglu, 1991, Nicardipine RCT Nicardipine 20 mg SL: n = 22 62 51% Not specified
Turkey vs. Captopril 25 mg SL: n = 20
Captopril Nifedipine 20 mg bite &
vs. swallow: n = 23
Lechi, 1981, Italy Labetalol Prospective Labetalol 1 mg/kg IV bolus: n = 25–60 57% Not specified
cohort 15
Labetalol 1–4 mg/kg IV over
3 h.: n = 6
(continued on next page)
hypotension, orthostasis, impotence, sedation, 37 dry Ketanserin (unavailable in the U.S.) was studied in one
mouth,33,36 mild transient drowsiness, and lower heart rate RCT, also reducing BP after IV and SL administration. Som-
(average 6.2 beats/min).34 nolence was reported.11
JGIM Campos et al.: Pharmacologic Treatment of Hypertensive Urgency 543
Table 1. (continued)
Trial, year, Medication(s) Study design Sample size Age, years Male, % Ethnicity
country (mean)
Maleki, 2011, Iran Grp A - Nifed- RCT Grp A - Nifedipine 5 mg SL: Grp A: 61 45% Not specified
ipine n = 40 Grp B: 58
vs. Grp B - Captopril 25 mg SL: Grp C: 63
Grp B - Capto- n = 40
pril Grp C – Nitroglycerin SL:
vs. n = 40
Grp C - Nitro-
McDonald, 1993, Labetalol RCT Labetalol 200 mg oral Labetalol: 46 50% AA = 20
USA vs. 200 mg repeated if DBP was Nifedipine: 48
Nifedipine ≥120 mmHg; 100 mg given if
DBP was >110 mmHg but
<120 mmHg. Mean dose
221 mg: n = 10
Nifedipine 10 mg bite and
swallow every hour up to a total
dose of 20 mg: n = 10
Panacek, 1995, Fenoldopam RCT Fenoldopam - Fenoldopam: Fenoldopam: Fenoldopam:
International vs. IV starting dose 0.1 mcg/kg/min 46 ± 1 52% AA = 57
(mainly USA) Nitroprusside and increased in increments of Nitroprusside: Nitroprusside: W = 33
≤0.2 mcg/kg/min. Max rate 1.6 48 ± 1 53% Nitroprusside:
mcg/kg/min. Mean titrated dose AA = 59
0.41 mcg/kg/min: n = 90 W = 33
Nitroprusside - Other = 4
IV starting dose 0.5 mcg/kg/min
and increased in increments of
≤1 mcg/kg/min. Max rate
8 mcg/kg/min. Mean titrated
dose 1.67 mcg/kg/min: n = 93
Peacock, 2011, Nicardipine RCT Nicardipine Nicardipine: 53 47% AA = 172
USA vs. Dosing per physician discretion. ± 15 W = 52
Labetalol Recommended 5 mg/h IV, Labetalol: (2 patients
increased every 5 min by 52 ± 14 withdrew)
2.5 mg/h, until target SBP
reached or max of 15 mg/h
achieved. IV median titrated
dose 3.1 mg: n = 110
Dosing per physician discretion.
Recommended 20 mg IV over
2 min, then repeated at 20, 40, or
80 mg injections every 10 min,
until target SBP reached or max
of 300 mg given. IV median
titrated dose 40 mg: n = 116
Ram, 1979, USA Diazoxide Non- Grp 1 - Diazoxide 105 mg IV, Grp 1 - Diazo- Not specified Not specified
randomized followed by 150 mg every 5 min xide 105 mg:
controlled until DBP of ≤110 mmHg or 48 ± 2
cumulative dose of 600 mg Grp 2 - Diazo-
achieved: n = 12 xide 150 mg:
Grp 2 - Diazoxide 150 mg IV, 46 ± 3
followed by 150 mg every 5 min
until DBP of ≤110 mmHg or
cumulative dose of 600 mg
achieved: n = 20
Sahasranam, 1988, Captopril Prospective Captopril 12.5 mg SL: n = 16 Not specified Not specified Not specified
India cohort
Salkic, 2015, Captopril Non- Captopril 12.5 mg – 25 mg SL: 58 ± 11 50% Not specified
Bosnia vs. randomized n = 60
Urapidil controlled Urapidil 12.5 mg – 25 mg IV:
n = 60
Sanchez, 1999, Lacidipine RCT Lacidipine 4 mg PO: n = 15 55 ± 11 31% Not specified
USA vs. Nifedipine 20 mg PO: n = 14
Saragoca, 1992, Isradipine RCT 1.25 mg SL: n = 10 Not specified Not specified Not specified
Brasil 2.5 mg SL: n = 10
5 mg SL: n = 7
Saragoca, 1993, Isradipine Prospective Mean 3.9 mcg/kg/h IV: n = 10 Not specified Not specified Not specified
Brasil cohort
(continued on next page)
544 Campos et al.: Pharmacologic Treatment of Hypertensive Urgency JGIM
Table 1. (continued)
Trial, year, Medication(s) Study design Sample size Age, years Male, % Ethnicity
country (mean)
Sechi, 1989, Italy Nifedipine RCT Nifedipine 20 mg SL: n = 12 53 Not specified Not specified
vs. Ketanserin 20 mg SL: n = 13
Ketanserin Ketanserin 10 mg IV: n = 12
Sruamsiri, 2014, Amlodipine Retrospective Amlodipine 5 mg PO: n = 11 57 43% Not specified
Thailand vs. cohort Amlodipine 10 mg PO: n = 36
Captopril Captopril 6.25 mg PO: n = 2
vs. Captopril 12.5 mg PO: n = 58
Hydralazine Captopril 25 mg PO: n = 20
vs. Hydralazine 25 mg PO: n = 19
Nifedipine Nifedipine 10 mg PO: n = 5
Woisetschlaeger, Captopril RCT Captopril 25 mg PO: n = 29 56 ± 13 50% Not specified
2006, Austria vs. Urapidil 12.5 mg IV: n = 27
Zampaglione, Lacidipine Retrospective Lacidipine 4 mg SL: n = 20 Lacidipine: 69 Lacidipine: Not specified
1994, Italy vs. cohort Nifedipine 10 mg SL: n = 20 Nifedipine: 64 60%
Nifedipine Nifedipine:
Zeller, 1989, USA Clonidine + RCT Grp 1 (n = 21) Not specified Not specified Not specified
Chlorthalidone Initial: clonidine
0.2 mg + chlorthalidone 25 mg,
then clonidine 0.1 mg/h (max 4
Maintenance: clonidine 0.2 mg
PO QD and chlorthalidone
25 mg PO BID:
Grp 2 : n = 16)
Initial: 0.2 mg clonidine +25 mg
chlorthalidone, then hourly
Maintenance: clonidine 0.2 mg
PO QD + chlorthalidone 25 mg
Grp 3 (n = 27)
Initial: 0.2 mg clonidine and
25 mg chlorthalidone, no further
acute meds
Maintenance: clonidine 0.2 mg
PO QD and chlorthalidone
25 mg PO BID: n = 27
Zellkanter, 1991, Labetalol + Prospective Labetalol + Furosemide 20 mg 44 69% H=1
USA Furosemide cohort IV – 300 mg PO: n = 16 AA = 12
RCT = randomized controlled trial, H = Hispanic, AA = African American, W = white, SL = sublingual, PO = oral, IV = intravenous, QD = daily, BID =
twice a day
Any class of medication not included did not have studies that met our guidelines for being included
lacidipine (one prospective cohort,8 one RCT19), one against retrospective cohort 14 ), urapidil (one RCT 25 and one
ketanserin (RCT11), and one against captopril and nitroglyc- prospective cohort29), and with nitroglycerin and nifedipine
erin (RCT26). Captopril was evaluated in four comparative (one RCT26). Clonidine was compared with labetalol (one
trials: with amlodipine, hydralazine and nifedipine (one RCT33) and nitrendipine (one RCT12).
546 Campos et al.: Pharmacologic Treatment of Hypertensive Urgency JGIM
Table 2. (continued)
Clonidine 0.15 mg IV. If BP did not Klocke RCT 229 124 159 2 156 89 111
fall below 180/100 mmHg 6 155 88 110
60 min after administration, 8 156 90 112
Nitrendipine 5 mg was
0.2 mg PO followed by Atkin RCT 196 132 153 6 172 108 129
hourly 0.1 mg, up to 0.7
0.1–0.2 mg, then 0.1 mg Greene Prospective 202 126 151 1.4 149 97 114
hourly as needed (average cohort
0.24 mg) PO
0.1 mg and 0.1 hourly as Just Retrospective 200 124 149 0.33–4.9; 159 99 119
needed PO cohort mean
time 1.3
0.1 mg hourly, up to 0.6 mg Jaker RCT 206 132 157 2 171 113 132
Ketanserin 20 mg SL Sechi RCT 195 120 145 3 178 110 133
10 mg IV 184 119 141 3 183 118 140
Diazoxide 15 mg/min IV (300–1095 Garrett Prospective 225 141 169 0.63 183 102 129
mg) cohort
30 mg/min IV (300–1290 214 145 168 0.35 159 103 122
150 mg IV followed by 150 Ram Non- 216 139 165 0.25 186 111 136
mg every 5 min until DBP randomized
of ≤110 mmHg, or controlled
cumulative dose of 600 mg
IV achieved
150 mg followed by 150 214 138 163 0.25 187 117 140
mg every 5 min until DBP
of ≤110 mmHg or
cumulative dose of 600 mg
300 mg IV Finnerty Prospective 175 113 133 4 129 73 91
Fenoldopam IV starting dose 0.1 mcg/ Panacek RCT 212 135 161 1 178 106 130
kg/min and increased in 6 173 106 128
increments of ≤0.2 mcg/kg/ End (24) 183 106 132
min. Max rate 1.6 mcg/kg/
min. Mean titrated dose
0.41 mcg/kg/min
Hydralazine 25 mg PO Sruamsiri Retrospective * * 144 0.5 * * 126
Nitroglycerin SL Maleki RCT 190 * * 1 150 * *
Nitroprusside IV starting dose 0.5 mcg/ Panacek RCT 210 133 159 1 165 101 122
kg/min and increased in 6 166 100 122
increments of ≤1 mcg/kg/ End (24) 168 102 124
min. Max rate 8 mcg/kg/
min. Mean titrated dose
1.67 mcg/kg/min
Urapidil 12.5 mg IV Woisetschlaeger RCT 216 110 145 12 163 85 111
Urapidil (con’t) 12.5 mg IV Salkic Non- 213 130 158 0.5 179 110 133
25 mg IV randomized 213 130 158 1 152 95 114
60 mg PO Hirschl RCT 165 89 114 12 132 79 96
103 mg IV bolus Bottorff Prospective 190 126 147 0.2 164 105 125
(continued on next page)
One direct comparison study (RCT17) evaluated fenoldo- In two studies comparing captopril and urapidil,25, 29 both
pam and nitroprusside. drugs were found to effectively lower blood pressure within
When captopril was compared to amlodipine, hydralazine, 1 h29 and at 12 h25 (p = 0.38/0.40).
and nifedipine in a retrospective cohort study,14 there were no When fenoldopam and nitroprusside were compared,17 the
significant differences between these medications in their ef- two antihypertensive agents were equivalent in controlling and
fect on BP reduction (p = 0.513). Captopril was superior to maintaining BP. The adverse effect profiles of the drugs were
sublingual nitroglycerin in the first hour following administra- similar: headache, dizziness, flushing, hypotension, nausea,
tion (p = 0.001).26 vomiting, hyperhidrosis, and hypokalemia.
JGIM Campos et al.: Pharmacologic Treatment of Hypertensive Urgency 547
Table 2. (continued)
Clonidine + Initial PO: clonidine 0.2 mg Zeller RCT 193 126 148 24 142 99 113
Chlorthalidone and chlorthalidone 25 mg,
then clonidine 0.1 mg/
h (max 4 doses)
Maintenance: clonidine
0.2 mg PO QD and
chlorthalidone 25 mg PO
Initial PO: 0.2 mg clonidine 183 124 144 24 137 94 108
and chlorthalidone 25 mg,
then hourly placebo
Maintenance: clonidine
0.2 mg PO
QD + chlorthalidone 25 mg
Initial PO: clonidine 0.2 mg 182 123 143 24 136 97 110
and chlorthalidone 25 mg,
no further acute meds
Maintenance: clonidine
0.2 mg PO QD and
chlorthalidone 25 mg PO
Labetalol + 300 mg PO Zell-Kanter Prospective 206 132 157 3 154 110 123
Furosemide 20 cohort
mg IV
SBP = systolic blood pressure, DBP = diastolic blood pressure, MAP = mean arterial pressure, RCT = randomized controlled trial, SL = sublingual,
PO = oral, IV = intravenous, QD = daily, BID = twice a day
*No data
Any class of medication not included did not have studies that met our guidelines for inclusion
Clonidine and labetalol were compared in an RCT,33 with a drugs that lowered blood pressure but are unavailable in the
similar reduction in blood pressure at 6 h and similar side U.S. include lacidipine, ketanserin, and urapidil. Clinical
effect profiles. Sedation, dizziness, orthostatic hypotension, choices in the setting of HU seemed to broaden as we con-
and dry mouth were reported with clonidine; dizziness, drows- ducted our extensive literature search. Side effects ranged from
iness, and headache with labetalol. mild (dizziness, headache, nausea and vomiting, dry mouth,
Nitrendipine and IV clonidine were compared in one mild tachycardia, and sedation) to severe (hypotension, tran-
RCT,12 with similar reductions in BP up to 8 h. Side effects sient ischemic attack, uremia, and acute pulmonary edema).
reported with nitrendipine were flushing and headache, and Most studies limited data collection to the first few hours after
with clonidine were dizziness, somnolence, and bradycardia. initial presentation, which is not sufficient to assess morbidity
Risk of bias is summarized in Table 3. Most studies had and mortality.3 Studies were too clinically and methodologically
unclear quality control standards regarding blood pressure diverse for a meta-analysis, and those that met our criteria for this
measurements and excluded patients with significant comor- systematic review included few patients. Most studies excluded
bidities, such as chronic kidney disease,15, 34–36, 38, 41 which patients with significant comorbidities, such as chronic kidney
are seen frequently in patients with hypertension. impairment; however, HU is a common complication in patients
Among the controlled trials, only those by Komsuoglu,16 with associated comorbidities. In light of these factors, the
Woisetschlaeger,25 and Just35 had a low risk of bias for both generalizability of our findings is limited. Most studies that
the study design (random sequence generation and conceal- met our inclusion criteria provided only surrogate endpoint data,
ment of allocation) and the primary clinical outcome (blinding i.e. blood pressure lowering, and were short-term, lacking long-
of outcome assessor). term morbidity and/or mortality outcomes, and providing statis-
tical power only for differences in blood pressure lowering.
Our comprehensive systematic review regarding treatment
of outpatient HU includes office and ER settings, limiting data
DISCUSSION to short-term observations of blood pressure (less than 24 h).
In this systematic review of HU, the optimal choice of antihy- This review also included studies based on blood pressure cut-
pertensive agent remains unclear (level 2B). Many agents offs, allowing us to distinguish studies that were mislabeled as
demonstrated blood pressure-lowering benefit: captopril, labe- urgencies or emergencies.
talol, clonidine, amlodipine, verapamil, nitrendipine, isradi- A limitation of this review is that it evaluated only English-
pine, nifedipine, nitroglycerin, hydralazine, chlorthalidone, fu- language reports. However, Morrison et al.44 found no evidence
rosemide, diazoxide, nitroprusside, and fenoldopam. Other of a systematic bias from language restrictions in systematic
548 Campos et al.: Pharmacologic Treatment of Hypertensive Urgency JGIM
link to the Creative Commons license, and indicate if changes were 23. Sahasranam KV, Ravindran KN. Sublingual captopril in severe hyper-
made. tension. J Assoc Phys India. 1988;36:643–4.
24. Castro del Castillo A, Rodriguez M, Gonzalez E, Rodriguez F, Estruch
J. Dose-response effect of sublingual captopril in hypertensive crises. J
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