Nelson, 2011
Nelson, 2011
Nelson, 2011
treatment algorithm for the management of hyper- those seen in a general population of patients with
tension improved BP control. Notwithstanding, the hypertension, considering that only patients with
BP control rates achieved through the course of the uncontrolled hypertension at entry could participate
STITCH study were similar to those seen in a com- in the STITCH study. The 6-month control rate of
munity setting. These control rates fall far short of 58% among the population of STITCH patients
those seen in large clinical trials where patients (presumably) aware of their diagnosis is less than
were treated according to a fixed treatment proto- the control rates among ‘‘aware patients’’ reported
col (and where compliance to adherence to the pro- in several recent North American population-based
tocol was closely monitored). The data collected surveys (eg, 62% in National Health and Nutrition
from the STITCH trial offered an opportunity to Examination Survey [NHANES] 20083 and 76%
explore the drug-related determinants of poor BP in ON-BP14). On the other hand, the STITCH pop-
control. This analysis demonstrated that patients ulation would have included proportionally more
who did not achieve target BPs were not prescribed patients with newly diagnosed ⁄ uncontrolled hyper-
more antihypertensive therapy. This analysis also tension and ⁄ or more refractory hypertension, con-
confirmed the observation that patients with diabe- siderations that would be expected to result in a
tes have significantly lower BP control rates. somewhat lower control rate than that seen in a
Despite their poor BP control rates, patients with general population of patients with hypertension.
diabetes were prescribed only marginally greater Notably, these control rates were almost identical
intensity of antihypertensive therapy. Lastly, our to those reported during a comparable follow-up
analysis demonstrated that this resistance to more period for Canadian sites in the Antihypertensive
aggressive treatment in patients with diabetes was and Lipid-Lowering Treatment to Prevent Heart
not due to an obvious aversion to the use of diuret- Attack Trial (ALLHAT) (55% at 6 months20).
ics. In the general population of patients studied in
Overall, the BP control rates achieved in the the STITCH trial, those who failed to reach target
STITCH trial would appear to be representative of BPs started with higher baseline pressures and