1st Q - Science (MULTIPLE ALLELE)
1st Q - Science (MULTIPLE ALLELE)
1st Q - Science (MULTIPLE ALLELE)
Learning Outcomes
Identify the role of cell, DNA and chromosome in heredity.
Define cell, DNA and chromosomes.
Name the process involve in cell division- mitosis and meiosis.
Differentiate autosome from sex chromosomes.
Learning Materials
Glue Computer
Coloring Pencils WIFI connectivity
Let’s Investigate
Are you also hooked up with the latest trend in the social media called plantitos and plantitas?
The quarantine does it, people now started and obsess with collecting plant may it be good for
indoor or outdoor. But did you know plants are known to be used in studying patterns of
inheritance. Look at the figure on the left. Do you know the name of that plant? What do you
observe about the color pattern? What might be the reason behind it?
Good job! Your response shows that you really want to learn further! In this module lesson, you are
going to perform the various activity that will help you figure out whether your ideas and explanation
objectives are in line or supported by Science.
By the way, do not forget to read the objectives and remember the skills you are expected to learn.
Let’s rock in roll to know more!
Activity 1. Let’s Review Genetic Terms
Part C Heterozygous Vs. Homozygous
Heterozygous: The term used for different alleles. There is always one dominant and one recessive allele.
Example: Gg.
Heterozygous dominant: Gg, Ll, Kk
Homozygous: The term used for having the same alleles. This will be either 2 dominant alleles or 2 recessive alleles.
Example: GG or gg.
Homozygous dominant – GG, LL, KK
Homozygous recessive – gg, ll, kk
Exercise No. 3
Instruction: Classify the following allele. On the second column write if HETERO if heterozygous and HOMO if
homozygous. On the third column further classify if it is heterozygous dominant (HED), homozygous dominant
(HOD) and homozygous recessive (HOR)
1. TT _____________ _____________
2. Aa _____________ _____________
3. ww _____________ _____________
4. Qq _____________ _____________
5. dd _____________ _____________
Part D. Phenotypic Ratio Vs. Genotypic Ratio
Phenotypic Ratio: Simply counting how many phenotypes is in a Punnett Square.
Genotypic Ratio: Simply counting how many genotypes is in a Punnett Square.
Percentage- 1 square is equivalent to 25 %...
Ratio- 1 square is equivalent to 1:3…
Fraction- 1 square is equivalent to 1/4
Exercise No. 4
Instruction: Give the phenotypic and genotypic ratio of crosses below.
Activity 2
Part A What do you know?
Instruction: Before we start solving a problem, let’s try first to see if you know anything with the word multiple
allele and human blood groups. Write as many thoughts/idea you may have.
What do you about the word?
Multiple Allele Human Blood Type/Group
(Write your answer here.) (Write your answer here.)
Activity 3
Part A Fil me up:
1. Penotype: ____________ 1. Penotype: ____________
2. Genotype/s: ___________ and 2. Genotype/s: ___________ and
____________________ ____________________
Identify the following genotypes of blood type if it is homozygous or heterozygous. homozygous then write
HOMO then the type of blood and if it is heterozygous write HETER then the type of blood on the last column.
The first item is done for you.
GENOTYPES HOMO or HETERO then blood type
1. iA iA Homozygous type A
2. iB iB
3. iB i
4. iA i
5. iA iB
6. i i
Guide Questions:
1. What are the different human blood type? ____________________________________________________.
2. Where can we get our gene for human blood type? ____________________________________________.
Activity 4 Solving a Pattern
Part A. Solving Multiple Allele (Human Blood Typing) Problem
Sample Problem: A woman with a blood type O marries a man who is type AB . What are the possible
blood type of their kid.
1. Identify the genotype of the parent. Blood Type O (i i )
Blood Type AB ( iA iB )
i i Male genotype
on top.
2. Construct the Punnett square and
show the possible outcome of the i i i i i
iB iB i iB i
Female genotype on the side.
NOTE: In crossing i allele from the male parent to iA allele from the female parent, we cannot write i i A since
there is no genotype exist only iA i. The same rule will apply to any other allele when cross.
Sample Problem: What are the possible blood types of a child who’s parent is both heterozygous for
Blood type B
Heterozygous Blood Type B (iB i )
1. Identify the genotype of the parent.
Heterozygous Blood Type B (iB i )
iB i
Male genotype on top.
2. Construct the Punnett square and
show the possible outcome of the iB iB iB iB i
i iB i ii
Female genotype on the side.
NOTE: In crossing i allele from the male parent to iA allele from the female parent, we cannot write i i A since
there is no genotype exist only iA i. The same rule will apply to any other allele when cross.
5. Finally answer the question of the The possible blood type of their kid is type A and
problem. type B.
Part B. Your Turn
Instruction: Its now your turn to try solving problem related with incomplete dominance. Remember to follow
the four steps. Copy and follow the steps from the sample problem was done. (Copy the solution so that you will be
mastered in solving a genetic problem.)
Problem No. 1 A male parent from United Kingdom whose blood type is homozygous A will travel
to the Philippines to marry a Filipina woman whose blood type is heterozygous B. What
possible blood type of their offspring?
Sample Problem: Cross blood type O to heterozygous blood type A. Find the possible blood type of
their children.
Give the genotypic and phenotypic ratio of the offspring.
Problem No. 2 What are the chances of a woman with type AB and a man type A having a child of
Type O.
Great! You have done a good job! Remember BLOOD TYPE Self- Check
A and B has two genotypes. Let us widen more your Afte r a n sw e rin g t h e te st, c h e c k
yo u r a n sw e rs b y re fe rrin g to th e
knowledge with the Punnett square and crossing. a n sw e r ke y fo u n d a t th e e n d
o f th is m o d u le .
Read ANY of the given recommended links (you may also read other web-based information on
Cell, Cell Division and Chromosme)
Learn more
https://biologydictionary.net/multiple-alleles/#:~:text=Multiple%20alleles%20exist%20in%20a,is%20called%20a%20homozygous%20genotype .
Cross both genotypes from your chosen parents inside the box. Remember to copy and follow
the steps from the sample problem.
Cross both genotypes inside the box. Remember to copy and follow the steps from the sample
Let’s Wrap It up
1. What are the different blood types of human?
2. How many blood types does human have?
3. How many pairs of genotype does human blood type have? Name them.
1 2 3
LEARNING TARGETS Lack of confidence Somewhat Confidently
1 2 3
LEARNING TARGETS Lack of confidence Somewhat Confidently
3. How will you improve your learning process in the next module?