Drug Tabulation
Drug Tabulation
Drug Tabulation
Name of Content Class and Indications Contraindication Side Effects (per Nursing
drug mechanism of s system) Considerations
methyldopa methyldop Drug class: Hypertensio Contraindicated CNS: sedation Assess for general
a Alpha- n with head ache, appearance
(Aldomet) Adrenergic hypersensitivity to asthenia
Agonist methyldopa, active weakness, Observe 12 rights
250mg/tab hepatic disease, dizziness,
Therapeutic previous lightheadedness, Monitor vital signs
1 tab class: methyldopa CV: bradycardia
Antihypertensive therapy associated prolonged carotid Instruct patient to ask
PO with liver disorder. sinus for assistance if any
hypersensitivity deviation occurs
Action: not rush skin as
8am-1pm- conclusively eczema or
demonstrated; lichened.
6pm probably due to ENDOCRINE:
drugs breast
metabolism, enlargement,
which lowers gynecomastia,
arterial BP by lactation.
stimulating CNS hyperprolactinemi
alpha2- a
adrenergic GI: nausea,
receptors. vomiting,
diarrhea, colitis,
dry mouth, sore or
back tongue
Name of drug Content Class and Indication Contraindications Side Effects (per Nursing
mechanism of s system) Considerations
cetirizine cetirizine Drug class: Allergy Contraindicated for CNS: Assess for general
antihistamine patients with condition of the
(Levocetirizine Hydroxyzine Drowsiness, patient
Therapeutic sensitivity excessive
) class: Observe 12 rights.
Anti-allergy tiredness
5mg/tab Instruct patient to
Mechanism of GIT: dry mouth, rest because of
1tab Action: Cetirizine possible side effects
stomach pain,
competes with
PO histamine for diarrhea, vomiting Document respiratory
binding at H1- status; note any
ODHS receptor sites on increase in
the effector cell secretions,
8PM surface, resulting wheezing, breathing
in suppression of rate.
histaminic edema,
flare, and pruritus.
The low incidence
of sedation can be
attributed to
penetration of
cetirizine into the
CNS as a result of
the less lipophilic
carboxyl group on
the ethylamine
side chain.
Name of drug Content Class and Indications Contraindications Side Effects (per Nursing
mechanism of system) Considerations
furosemide furosemide Drug class: Hypertensio Hypersensitivity to CNS: dizziness Assess general
Loop Diuretic n drug, severe renal CVS: condition.
(Lasix) disease hypotension
Therapeutic associated with GIT: Observe 12 Rights
20mg class: azotemia and water/electrolyte
Cardiovascular oliguria, hepatic depletion, Monitor Vital signs
IVTT Agent coma associated pancreatitis,
with electrolyte abdominal pain Observe for signs of
STAT Mechanism of depletion. INTEG: Jaundice toxicity
Action: EENT: hearing
Furosemide, like impairment,
other loop
diuretics, acts by
inhibiting the
luminal Na-K-Cl
cotransporter in
the thick
ascending limb of
the loop of Henle,
by binding to the
chloride transport
channel, thus
causing sodium,
chloride, and
potassium loss in
Name of drug Content Class and Indications Contraindications Side Effects Nursing
mechanism of (per system) Considerations
MTV+Fe+FA Multivitamins, Drug class: It is used to Contraindicated to RS: wheezing; Assess general
Folic Acid, Vitamins and treat or patients with tightness in the condition
(Hemarate) and Iron minerals prevent low allergy to any part chest or throat
Capsules nutrition in of this medicine. Integ:Rash; Observe 12 rights
1tab Therapeutic body mainly hives; itching;
class: Iron. red swollen, Instruct patient
PO Antianemics blistered, or importance of the
peeling skin with compliance to the
ODAC Mechanism of or without fever drug
8AM Helping RBC to
deliver oxygen to
all over the body.
required vitamins
for the body.
Name of drug Content Class and Indications Contraindications Side Effects Nursing
mechanism of (per system) Considerations
MTV+Fe multivitamins Drug class: Iron Contraindicated to CNS: headache; Assess general
and iron multivitamins deficiency patients GIT: Upset condition of the
(Sorbifer) anemia hypersensitive to stomach; or patient
Therapeutic components of the unusual or
1 tab class: drug, heavy unpleasant taste Observe 12 rights
antianemic bleeding and in your mouth.
PO gastrointestinal Instruct patient and
Mechanism of diseases, kidney folks to report to
BIDAC Action: and liver failure, staff on duty for any
Ferrous sulfate peptic ulcer. unusuality
1 hour before compensates for
the deficiency of
dinner iron in the body
which is
necessary for the
functioning of the
body: it is part of
the hemoglobin
and some other
cells, carries
oxygen to the
tissues, is
involved in the
redox reaction,
stimulates the
production of
Name of drug Content Class and Indications Contraindications Side Effects Nursing
mechanism of (per system) Considerations
Vitamin C Ascorbic acid Drug class: Prevention Renal, urinary or GIT: Heartburn, Assess general
Vitamins c of vitamin c gall bladder upset stomach; appearance
(Poten-cee) deficiency stones. or nausea,
Therapeutic diarrhea, Observe 12 rights
1 tab class: stomach cramps.
Non-therapeutic Instruct patient of
PO the importance of
Mechanism of compliance to drugs
OD Action:
Improves the Instruct patient to
30 min. after patient’s report if
condition by experiencing any
taking performing the unusuality.
Hemarate functions: both
ascorbic acid and
oxidizing to
acid in the body