Financial Year 2017-2018
Financial Year 2017-2018
Financial Year 2017-2018
Important Note
Enable Macros
(i)Install the pre-requisite softwares to proceed. The path for the same is as follows:
MCA Portal >> Investor Services >> IEPF >> IEPF Application >> Prerequisite Software
(ii) Upload the excel file in the format xls only
(iii) Do not make any changes in the excel format/sheet name. Also do not delete any tab/sheet in the file
1) Kindly ensure that Summation of amounts in the excel(s) should be equal to that in IEPF Form, else your excel shall get rejected
2) Kindly ensure that AGM Date in the excel(s) should be same as in IEPF Form, else your excel shall get rejected.
(i) Fill in the required details in Columns A to P for Investor Details (row 15 onwards)
(ii) Follow the below mentioned validations for filling in the details.
First Name -> Mandatory if 'Last Name' is blank and Length should be less or equal to 35 characters.
Middle Name -> Length should be less or equal to 35 characters.
Investor Last Name -> Mandatory if 'First Name' is blank and Length should be less or equal to 35 characters.
Father/Husband First Name -> Mandatory if 'Father/Husband Last Name' is blank and Length should be less or equal to 35 characters
Father/Husband Middle Name -> Length should be less or equal to 35 characters.
Father/Husband Last Name -> Mandatory if 'Father/Husband First Name' is blank and Length should be less or equal to 35 characters
Address -> Mandatory and Length should be less or equal to 300 characters.
Country -> Mandatory and Select value from the dropdown.
State -> Mandatory and Select value from the dropdown.
(1)If the Country is “INDIA”, the state should Indian state
(2)If the Country is other than INDIA state should be “NA”.
District -> Select value from the dropdown.
(1)If the Country is “INDIA”, the district should be Indian districts corresponding to the State selected in dropdown.
(2)If the Country is other than INDIA district will be “NA”
Pin code -> Alphanumeric and Length should be eithe 6 or 12 dight
Folio Number -> Mandatory and Length should be less than or equal to 20 characters.
Investment Type -> Select value from the dropdown.
Amount Due -> Mandatory and should be greater than zero.
Date of Event-> should be in DD-MON-YYYY format where 'MON' implies first three letters of Month.
(iii) Click on "Validate" button
(iii) Details of the Errors will be shown in "Error" Sheet.
*Make sure that Error sheet contains no errors.
If you have multiple excels for the same CIN and SRN; use the below nomenclature:
(ABC_1.xls, ABC_2.xls,ABC_3.xls ...) where ABC represents the CIN of the Company
Path to upload the excel file is HOME -> IEPF SERVICES -> Upload Investor details.
Note: This sheet is applicable for uploading the particulars related to the unclaimed and unpaid amount pending with co
Make sure that the details are in accordance with the information already provided in e-form IEPF-2
CIN/BCIN L36999KA1999PLC025195 Prefill
Father/Husband Last
Address Country State
ures 0.00
shares 0.00
DP Id-Client Id-
District Pin Code Folio Number
Account Number