Golden Gate Colleges Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering

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A Major Design Project on




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Title Page

Chapter I


1.1 Statement of the problem

1.2 Objectives of the Design
1.3 Importance of the Design
1.4 Scope of the Design
1.5 Methodology of the Design
1.6 Definition of Terms

Chapter II

Review of Related Literature

Chapter III

Design Process

Chapter IV


Chapter V

Conclusion/ Recommendation


I. Introduction

The field of fluid machinery is a significant area of application of fluid mechanics

and thermodynamics. Fluid energy machines are the most important group of machines.

This field plays a fundamental role in the training of future engineers. Knowing about the

function, setup, properties, and operation of fluid machinery is an essential part of the

technical training.

The field of machinery in general and the field of systems engineering in

particular requires – in addition to general fluid mechanics – separate lectures and

practical training on fluid machinery. Providing sufficient water of appropriate quality and

quantity has been one of the most important issues in human history. Most ancient

civilizations were initiated near water sources. As populations grew, the challenge to

meet user demands also increased. People began to transport water from other

locations to their communities. For example, the Romans constructed aqueducts to

deliver water from distant sources to their communities.

Water, a substance composed of the chemical elements hydrogen and oxygen

and existing in gaseous, liquid, and solid states. It is one of the most plentiful and

essential of compounds. A tasteless and odorless liquid at room temperature, it has the

important ability to dissolve many other substances. Indeed, the versatility of water as a

solvent is essential to living organisms. Life is believed to have originated in the

aqueous solutions of the world’s oceans, and living organisms depend on aqueous

solutions, such as blood and digestive juices, for biological processes. In small

quantities water appears colorless, but water actually has an intrinsic blue color caused

by slight absorption of light at red wavelengths.

The water on the surface of Earth is found mainly in its oceans (97.25 percent)

and polar ice caps and glaciers (2.05 percent), with the balance in freshwater lakes,

rivers, and groundwater. As Earth’s population grows and the demand for fresh water

increases, water purification and recycling become increasingly important. Interestingly,

the purity requirements of water for industrial use often exceed those for human


Today, a water supply system consists of infrastructure that collects, treats,

stores, and distributes water between water sources and consumers. Limited new

natural water sources, especially in the southwest region of the USA, and rapidly

increasing population has led to the need for innovative methods to manage a water

supply system. For example, reclaimed water has become an essential water resource

for potable and non-portable uses.

Structural system additions including new conveyance systems and treatment

and recharge facilities and operation decisions, such as allocating flow and

implementing conservation practices, are made with the present and future demands in

minds. As additional components and linkages between sources and users are

developed, the complexity of the water supply system and the difficulty in understanding

how the system will react to changes grows.

Many efforts on the development of a water supply system have been made

through for sustainable water supply. However, the complexity of system limited the site

specific application at the first era. As water demands pressures raise increasingly on

the existing water supply system, many studies attempted to develop a general water

supply system to assist decision makers to design more reliable systems for a long

range operation period. These attempts also include the optimization of total system

construction and operation cost. Under given situations such as pipeline maintenance,

non-revenue water, advanced metering infrastructure, the ultimate goal of this paper is

to ensure water distribution system challenges are overcome and   supply water

sources to users reliably in a more sustainable and timely manner as a long-term plan.

1.1 Statement of the Problem

This project generally plans to design a Proposed Potable Water Supply

System at Sirang Lupa, Batangas City. This also states the benefits of a water supply

system in commercial and industrial use and for us students especially Mechanical

Engineering students to truly understand and apply this in reality.

This project also seeks to:

1. To know what are the advantages and disadvantages of every water

supply system.

2. To calculate the economic costs that is needed in this water supply


1.2 Objectives of the Design

The main objective if this design is to create/design/plan a Proposed Water

Supply System to a barangay, and this I chose Sirang Lupa, Batangas City. This also

aims to help students apply their knowledge about pumping system etc.

1.3 Importance of the Design

The design of the proposed potable water system is important to the following:

To Mechanical Engineering students:

For them to fully understand and apply what they have learned in Pumping

Systems topics, and for them to be able to design a proposed pumping system within

themselves in the future when they graduated. It would count a lot to the society.

To researchers:

This design project will serve as guide to researchers if they will be under the

same situation where they will also design a water pumping system.

1.4 Scope of the Design

∙The present design aims to study the present state of the existing scheme.

∙The scope of the design covers a new water supply scheme.

1.5 Methodology of the Design:

Water Source: Deep Well

Water Storage: Elevated Vertical Cylindrical Steel water tank

Type of Pump: Centrifugal Pump (One Operating Unit and One Standby Unit)

Pump Drive: Electric Motor

Type of Consumer: Residential

Faucet Outlet Pressure Load: 10 psi or 7m

Water Velocity: 1.25 m/s

Peak Factor: 1.5

Peak Hours: 6:00am – 10:00 am

5:00pm – 8pm

Pipe Materials: Cast Iron

Load Projection: 5 years


I. Market Aspect

A. Area Description

1. Present Source of the supply

2. Population

3. Socio Economic

B. Water Demand Analysis

1. Domestic Water Demand

2. Water Unaccounted For

3. Demand Variation

II. Technical Aspect

A. Pumping System

1. Total dynamic suction load

2. Total dynamic discharge load

3. Pump specification

4. Pump drive specification

5. Pipe and fittings specification

B. Distillation System

1. Pipe and fitting sizes and specifications

2. Piping system and layout

3. Total head loss for the distillation system

C. Storage System

1. Tank capacity

2. Design of elevated steel vertical cylindrical tank

3. Tank elevation

4. Design structure for tank column

D. Plans layout

1. Location

2. Piping plans/ layout

3. Pump plans// layout

4. Tank plans/ layout



Faucet pressure, p = 10 psi or 76 m

Velocity, V = 1.0 to 1.28 m/s


Faucet pressure, p = 20 psi or 7m

Velocity, V = 1.0 to 1.28 m/s

Peak Factor, PF:

Residential = 1.50

Commercial = 1.75

Rural = 2.0


Maximum Day Demand= Total Average Day Demand x P.F

Peak Day Demand= Total Ave. Day Demand x P.F

Total Average Day Demand= Water Accounted for+ Water Unaccounted for

Water Unaccounted for= 20% of the total Average Day Demand (Industrial



P2= P1 (1+GR)n

Where: n= number of years

P1= present population

P2= projected population

GR= Population growth

Reynold’s Number


Relative Roughness


Head loss at the suction line

L V2
HLS = f
D 2g

Head loss at the discharge line

HLD = f
D 2g

For Finding Total Dynamic Head (TDH)


For Computing the Brake Power

BP =
1000 η

Solving for specific speed to determine the classification of pump

N √Q
Ns= 51.65523641
H (0.75)

DETERMINATION LPCPD (Liters per capita per day)

1. Table (in accordance with piping)

2. Survey (average water consumption of a sample area having the same

characteristics of the same study area)


1. Volume of reservoir

2. Effective Capacity of reservoir


1.6 Definition of Terms

 Water quality- refers to the chemical, physical, biological, and radiological

characteristics of water. It is a measure of the condition of water relative to the

requirements of one or more biotic species and or to any human need or purpose. It

is most frequently used by reference to a set of standards against which compliance

can be assessed. The most common standards used to assess water quality relate

to health of ecosystems, safety of human contact and drinking water.

 Water resources- are sources of water that are useful or potentially useful. Uses of

water include agricultural, industrial, household, recreational and environmental

activities. The majority of human uses require fresh water.

 Water supply- is the provision of water by public utilities, commercial organizations,

community endeavors or by individuals, usually via a system of pumps and pipes.

Irrigation is covered separately.

 Water tower- is an elevated structure supporting a water tank constructed at a

height sufficient to pressurize a water supply system for the distribution of potable

water, and to provide emergency storage for fire protection. Water towers often

operate in conjunction with underground or surface service reservoirs, which store

treated water close to where it will be used. Other types of water towers may only

store raw (non-potable) water for fire protection or industrial purposes, and may not

necessarily be connected to a public water supply.

 Water Well- is an excavation or structure created in the ground by digging, driving,

boring, or drilling to access groundwater in underground aquifers. The well water is

drawn by a pump, or using containers, such as buckets, that are raised mechanically

or by hand.

 Centrifugal Pumps- is a sub-class of dynamic axisymmetric work absorbing turbo

machinery. These are used to transport fluids by the conversion of rotational kinetic

energy to the hydrodynamic energy of the fluid flow.

 Check valves- are mechanical valves that permit gases and liquids to flow in only

one direction, preventing process flow from reversing.

 Drinking water- also known as potable water or improved drinking water, is water

safe enough for drinking and food preparation.

 Fire Hydrant- is a connection point by which firefighters can tap into a water supply.

It is a component of active fire protection.

 Francis type impeller pump- range of specific speed is between 1500 to 4500 rpm.

 Valve- is a device that regulates, directs or controls the flow of a fluid (gases, liquids,

fluidized solids, or slurries) by opening, closing, or partially obstructing various

passageways. Valves are technically fittings, but are usually discussed as a

separate category. In an open valve, fluid flows in a direction from higher pressure to

lower pressure. The word is derived from the Latin valva, the moving part of a door,

in turn from evolver, to turn, roll.

 Water distribution system (WDS) - being an important component of any water

supply scheme, is commonly designed with an objective of distributing water at the

required levels of service in satisfying quantity and quality. It accounts for a

substantial portion of installation cost.

 Water District- is a utility that is legally and financially separate from the


 Water metering- is the process of measuring water use.

 Water Pipe- is a pipe or tube, frequently made of plastic or metal , that carries

pressurized and treated fresh water to a building (as part of a municipal water

system), as well as inside the building.

 Gate Valve- also known as a sluice valve, is a valve that opens by lifting a round or

rectangular gate/wedge out of the path of the fluid.

 Hydraulic motor- is a mechanical actuator that converts hydraulic pressure and

flow into torque and angular displacement (rotation). The hydraulic motor is the

rotary counterpart of the hydraulic cylinder.

 Mixed-flow type impeller pump- range of specific speed is between 4500 to 8000


 Moody chart or Moody diagram- is a graph in non-dimensional form that relates

the Darcy-Weisbach friction factor fD, Reynolds number Re, and relative roughness

for fully developed flow in a circular pipe. It can be used for working out pressure

drop or flow rate down such a pipe.

 Peak factor- an important aspect associated with the sizing of pipe and

corresponding cost in water distribution network varies with countries.

 Stainless steel strainer- is a type of perforated metal sieve used to strain or filter

out solid debris in the water system. Different varieties are used in residential

premises and for industrial or commercial applications. Such strainer elements are

generally made from stainless steel for corrosion resistance.

 Standpipe- is used interchangeably to refer to a water tower, especially one with tall

and narrow proportions.

 Suction line- is a pipe, hose, or tube that delivers a fluid to the suction or inlet side

of a pump or compressor.

 Tap water- (running water, city water, municipal water, etc.) is water supplied to a

tap (valve). Its uses include drinking, washing, cooking, and the flushing of toilets.

Indoor tap water is distributed through "indoor plumbing", which has existed since

antiquity but was available to very few people.

 Total Dynamic Head (TDH) - is the total equivalent height that a fluid is to be

pumped, taking into account friction losses in the pipe. TDH = Static Height + Static

Lift + Friction Loss.

 Plumbing- is the system of pipes, drains, fittings, valves, and fixtures installed for

the distribution of potable water for drinking, heating and washing, and waterborne

waste removal. "Plumbing" also refers to a skilled trade which deals with installation

and maintenance.

 Propeller- type impeller (Axial flow type) pump- range of specific speed is greater

than 8000 rpm.

 Radial-type impeller pump- range of specific speed is between 500 to 1500 rpm.

 Relative roughness of a pipe- is its roughness divided by its internal diameter or

e/D, and this value is used in the calculation of the pipe friction factor, which is then

used in the Darcy-Weisbach equation to calculate the friction loss in a pipe for a

flowing fluid.

 Reynolds number- is a dimensionless quantity that is used to help predict similar

flow patterns in different fluid flow situations. The concept was introduced by George

Gabriel Stokes in 1851, but the Reynolds number is named after Osborne

Reynolds (1842–1912), who popularized its use in 1883.



In this chapter an overview of the relevant literature on water supply is provided.

Information on the challenge of people who lack access to clean water is provided.

Included also is the information regarding people who have died as a result of water-

borne diseases, and the lack of sanitation.


Around the world, over one billion people – including men, women and children –

live in extreme poverty. Their poverty is multifaceted: They have limited access to

education, health facilities like clinics and hospitals; and they are vulnerable to external

hazards, like droughts and economic crises. Moreover, they lack access to clean water.

Most of these people live in developing countries like South Africa.

Unsafe water and poor sanitation have been primary casual factors in the vast

majority of waterborne diseases, especially diarrheal ones. Every year 1.6 million

children die globally because of unsafe water and the lack of basic sanitation

(UNICEF/WHO, 2006:41). The intention of this literature review is to identify the

weaknesses and to seek solutions to address the challenges faced by District

Municipality in securing accessible clean water for the local residents.


Water is a scarce resource in many parts of the developed world. Two solutions

are possible to address water scarcity: conservation of existing resources, or the further

production of water from new sources e.g. through recycling of wastewater or

desalination of seawater. However, the main hurdle to implementation of many of these

solutions is often viewed as a lack of public willingness to adopt these alternative water

behaviors. Research in this area is therefore crucial. Yet, and possibly due to the

interdisciplinary nature of such research, there is currently no comprehensive overview

of what has been done before.

This study fills this gap by (1) choosing a general consumer behavior perspective

as a starting point, (2) developing a conceptual model of research required in the area

of water-related public acceptance studies, (3) identifying eight key water-related

behaviors which require future research attention, and (4) reviewing which areas of the

conceptual model have been investigated in the past by conducting an extensive

literature review of water-related social science research. The review established that

the majority of work which has been conducted is located at the cross-roads of personal

characteristics and behavioral intentions. Significant gaps exist in relation to researching

the adoption of a wide range of demand-side water behaviors. This indicates a

dominance of supply-side solutions in social-research exploration. The review identifies

a number of research needs including: the exploration of actual adoption of water-

related behaviors (rather than behavioral intentions); and to widen the scope of water

behavior enquiry to include more demand-side solutions. Given the increasing scarcity

of water in many areas of the world, addressing these identified gaps will be of

significant importance. Thus our model informs the social-research agenda for water



The Philippines obtains its water supply from different sources. These include:

rainfall, surface water resources, i.e. rivers, lakes, and reservoirs, and groundwater

resources. It has 18 major river basins and 421 principal river basins as defined by the

National Water Regulatory Board (NWRB).

The Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources (BFAR) reports that there are 79

lakes in the country, mostly utilized for fish production. Laguna Lake is the country’s

largest lake with a total area of 3,813.2 sq km and is also one of the largest lakes in

Southeast Asia. Lake Lanao, the largest lake in Mindanao, is one of the 17 ancient

lakes on earth (Environmental Management Bureau, 2006).

In terms of groundwater, the country has an extensive groundwater reservoir

with an aggregate area of about 50,000 sq km. Data from the Mines and Geosciences

Bureau (MGB) show that several groundwater basins are under laid by about 100,000

sq km of various rock formation and that these resources are located in:

Northeast Luzon
Central Luzon
Laguna Lake basin
Cavite-Batangas-Laguna basin
Southeast Luzon

Mindoro Island
Negros Island
Northeast Leyte
Ormoc-Kananga basin
Agusan-Davao basin
Occidental Misamis basin
Lanao-Bukidnon-Misamis basin

Groundwater resources are continuously recharged by rain and seepage from rivers

and lakes (PEM, 2003; EMB, 2006).

As a tropical country, rainfall in the Philippines ranges from 1000 to 4000 mm per

year, of which 1,000-2,000 mm are collected as runoff by a natural topography of more

than 421 principal river basins, some 59 natural lakes and numerous small streams,

with significant variation from one area to another due to the direction of the moisture-

bearing winds and the location of the mountain ranges (Kho, J., 2005; NWRB, 2003).

Overall, the Philippines’ total available freshwater resource is at 145,900

MCM/year based on 80 percent probability for surface water, and groundwater recharge

or extraction at 20,000 MCM/year (NWRB-SPM, 2003; PEM, 2003; ASEAN, 2005).

Theoretically, the freshwater storage capacity and the high rate of precipitation

assure the country an adequate supply for its agricultural, industrial and domestic

GREENPEACE | The state of water in the Philippines 12 uses. However, seasonal

variations are considerable and geographic distribution is biased, often resulting in

water shortages in highly populated areas, especially during the dry season.

The report also mentions that groundwater contributes 14 percent of the total

water resource potential of the country.

As noted in the table above, Region II or Cagayan Valley has the highest

potential source of groundwater, while Region X or Northern Mindanao has the highest

potential source of surface water. On the other hand, Central Visayas has the lowest

potential source for both groundwater and surface water.

This same report projects that by year 2025, water availability deficit would take

place in several river basins such as in Pampanga and Agno, in Pasig-Laguna, in

Cagayan Valley, all other regions in Luzon, in Jalaur and Ilog Hilabangan, and in the

island of Cebu in Visayas.

In general, water deficits are said to be time and site-specific. Data from the JICA

Master Plan on Water Resource Management in the Philippines estimate that only

1,907 cubic meters of fresh water would be available to each person each year, making

the Philippines second to the lowest among Southeast Asian countries with fresh water

availability (PEM 2003).


R.A. No. 9275, Clean Water Act (2004)

- Provides for a program and regulations for the abatement and management of water

pollution from point and non-point sources.

-Introduces market-based instruments (MBIs) such as the wastewater charge system

that imposes fees based on the volume of effluents discharged

- Strengthens enforcement by providing stiffer penalties for violations of standards

-The permitting system has been modified to accommodate the fee system based on

amount of pollution discharged

Commonwealth Act 383, AntiDumping Law (1938)

- Prohibits dumping of refuse, waste matter or other substances into rivers Presidential

Decree 984, Pollution Control Law (1976)

- Provides guidelines for the control of water pollution from industrial sources and sets

penalties for violations, also requires all polluters to secure permits.

Republic Act No. 9003, Ecological Solid Waste Management Act of 2000

- Calls for the institutionalization of a national program that will manage the transfer,

transport, processing, and disposal of solid waste in the country

GREENPEACE | The state of water in the Philippines 34 Republic Act 6969, Toxic

Substances & Hazardous & Nuclear Wastes Control Act

- Mandates the control and management of the import, manufacturing, processing,

distribution, use, transport, storage, treatment, and disposal of toxic substances and

hazardous and nuclear wastes

Republic Act 4850 (1966), Laguna Lake Development Authority Act, as amended

by PD 813

- Regulates and controls the pollution of the Laguna de Bay Region, including sewage

works and industrial waste disposal systems

Republic Act 6234, Creation of Metro Waterworks and Sewerage System (1971) -

Constructs, operates, and maintains water systems, sewerage and sanitation facilities in

the Metro Manila area

Presidential Decree 281, Creation of the Pasig River Development Council (1973)

- Regulates and controls pollution of the Pasig River DENR Administrative Order No.

90- 34, Revised Water Usage and Classification / Water Quality Criteria

- Section 68 defines classification of water bodies according to their best usage;

- Section 69 identifies the different parameters and criteria for water quality required for

each type of classification

DENR Administrative Order No. 90- 35, Revised Effluent Regulations of 1990

- Prescribes the standards for discharge of effluents to the different classifications of

water bodies DENR Administrative Order No. 94- 26A, Philippine National Standards for

Drinking Water

- Provides the different parameters and value for drinking water quality Œ Defines

guidelines for assessing water quality for drinking water Presidential Decree No. 856,

Sanitation Code of the Philippines

- Covers solid and liquid waste disposal

- Prescribes standards for sewage collection and refuse and excreta disposal

- Assigns to cities and municipalities the responsibilities to provide for efficient and

proper disposal, and to handle nuisance and offensive trades and occupations

DENR Administrative Order No. 97- 39, Chemical Control Order for Mercury and

Mercury Compounds

- Regulates the importation, manufacture, distribution and use of mercury and mercury

compounds and the storage, transport, and disposal of their wastes .

DENR Administrative Order No. 2000-18, Chemical Control Order for Cyanide and

Cyanide Compounds

- Identifies requirements and procedures pertaining to the importation, manufacture,

distribution, and use of cyanide and cyanide compounds and the storage, transport and

disposal of their wastes

DENR Administrative Order No. 98- 58, Priority Chemical List

- Identifies existing and new chemicals that the DENR has determined to potentially

pose unreasonable risk to public health, workplace, and the environment.

- Requires all manufacturers, distributors, users, and importers of chemicals included in

the PCL to submit bi-annual reports


Water supplies in developing countries are devoid of treatment and the

communities have to make use of the most convenient supply (Sobsey, 2002; Moyo et

al., 2004). Many of these water supplies are unprotected and susceptible to external

contamination from surface runoff, windblown debris, human and animal faecal pollution

and unsanitary collection methods (Chidavaenzi et al., 1998; WHO, 2000; Moyo et al.,

2004). Detection of each pathogenic microorganism in water is technically difficult, time

consuming and expensive and therefore not used for routine water testing procedures

(Grabow, 1996). Instead, indicator organisms are routinely used to assess the Chapter

2 9 microbiological quality of water and provide an easy, rapid and reliable indication of

the microbiological quality of water supplies (Grabow, 1996). In order for a

microorganism to be used as an indicator organism of pollution, the following

requirements should be fulfilled (Grabow, 1986; WHO, 1993; NRC, 2004):

• The concentration of the indicator microorganism should have a quantitative

relationship to risk of disease associated with exposure (ingestion/recreational contact)

to the water;

• The indicator organism should be present when pathogens are present; • The

persistence and growth characteristics of the indicator organism should be similar to

that of pathogens;

• Indicator organisms should not reproduce in the environment;

• The indicator organism should be present in higher numbers than pathogens in

contaminated water;

• The indicator organism should be at least as resistant to adverse environmental

conditions, disinfection and other water treatment processes as pathogens;

• The indicator organism should be non-pathogenic and easy to quantify;

• The tests for the indicator organism should be easy, rapid, inexpensive, precise, have

adequate sensitivity, quantifiable and applicable to all types of water;

• The indicator organism should be specific to a faecal source or identifiable as to the

source of origin of faecal pollution. Although many microorganisms have desirable

features to be considered as possible indicators of faecal pollution, there is no single

microorganism that meets all of these requirements (Moe et al., 1991; Payment and

Franco, 1993; Sobsey et al., 1993; Sobsey et al., 1995). Several studies have showed

the limitations of some of the current indicator organisms, which include the following: •

Indicator organisms may be detected in water samples in the absence of pathogens

(Echeverria et al., 1987).

• Some pathogens may be detected in the absence of indicator organisms (Seligman

and Reitler, 1965; Thompson, 1981). Echeverria and co-workers Chapter 2 10 (1987)

have showed that Vibrio cholera (V. cholera) persists in water exposed to solar

disinfection well after E. coli was inactivated. El-Agaby and co-workers (1988) have

showed that potable water supplies in Egypt contained bacteriophages, with zero total

and faecal coliform counts, which indicated the possible risk of the presence of human

enteric viruses.

• Thompson (1981) has showed that E. coli bacteria have a short die-off curve with

temperature playing an important role.

• McFeters and co-workers (1986) have showed that injured coliform bacteria can be

undetected due to several chemical and physical factors and were unable to grow on

commonly used media. • LeChevallier and co-workers (1996) have showed that

improper filtration, temperature, inadequate disinfection and treatment procedures,

biofilms and high assimilable organic carbon (AOC) levels, could all be responsible for

the regrowth of coliform bacteria in water samples.

• Regli and co-workers (1991) and Hot and co-workers (2003) have showed that the

prevalence of viruses in water may differ from that of indicator organisms. Low numbers

of viruses are present in water samples compared to indicator organisms, viruses are

only excreted for short periods of time while coliform bacteria is excreted continuously,

and the structure, size, composition and morphological differences between viruses and

bacteria also had an influence on behavioral and survival patterns of these

microorganisms (Regli et al., 1991; Hot et al., 2003). In spite of the shortcomings of

indicator microorganisms, it is better to use a combination of indicator microorganisms

to give a more accurate picture of the microbiological quality of water (DWAF, 1996;

NRC, 2004). In general, every country has its own set of guidelines for drinking water.

However, most of these guidelines are similar for different countries and the same

indicator microorganisms to indicate the presence of pathogenic microorganisms are



The World Health Organization (WHO) classifies source water supplies as either

improved or unimproved (WHO, 2000; Gundry et al., 2004). Improved water sources

include public standpipes, household connections, boreholes, protected dug wells,

protected springs, boreholes and springs connected via a pipe system to a tap, as well

as rainwater collection (WHO, 2000; Gundry et al., 2004). Unimproved water sources

include unprotected wells, unprotected springs, vendor-provided water, rivers as well as

tanker truck provision of water (WHO, 2000; Gundry et al., 2004).

Several studies carried out in developing countries have determined the

microbiological quality of these improved and unimproved water sources and depending

on the water source, different results were obtained Studies conducted in Iran and in

northern Sudan (Musa et al., 1999) have both showed that water at communal taps

were microbiologically of a better quality than untreated irrigation canal water. Contrary

to these findings, a study in Burma (Han et al., 1989) has showed that tube well and

shallow well water supplies were microbiologically of a better quality than municipal tap

water and pond water source supplies. In South Africa, studies in the Limpopo Province

have showed that communal standpipes were microbiologically less contaminated than

borehole and unprotected spring water sources. Another study in the rural Kibi area of

the Limpopo Province of South Africa have indicated that spring and borehole water

sources were microbiologically less contaminated than river water sources. In addition,

three recent studies conducted in the Vhembe region of the Limpopo Province in South

Africa indicated that rivers and fountains used by rural communities for domestic water

were all contaminated by enteric pathogens including E. coli, Plesiomonas shigelloides,

V. cholera, Enterobacter cloacae, Shigella spp, Salmonella spp, Aeromonas hydrophila,

Aeromonas caviae and Campylobacter spp Escherichia coli isolates obtained from the

Chapter 2 28 different rivers during this study were typed using molecular techniques to

determine the presence of virulent genes Enterotoxigenic E. coli isolates (11.8%)

contained heat stable and heat labile genes; Shigatoxin producing E. coli (4.4%)

isolates contained stx1 and stx2 genes; Necrotoxigenic E. coli (35.6%) contained cnf1

and cnf2 genes and Enteropathogenic E. coli (34.1%) isolates contained BfpA and

EaeA genes (Obi et al., 2004). Necrotoxigenic E. coli may play a role in possible

zoonotic transmission since it has been shown that human and animal strains share

similar serogroups and carry the same genes coding for fimbrial and afimbrial adhesion

(Mainil et al., 1999). All of these studies indicated that the water sources used by

communities in developing countries are microbiologically contaminated and pose a

health risk to the consumers.


Interventions to improve source water supplies Various intervention strategies to

improve the water at the source have been described in the literature (Sobsey, 2002).

These improvements can include the building of reservoirs, building protective

structures around boreholes and fountains, providing communities with communal taps

closer to the dwelling and the treatment of the water source with a disinfectant (Sobsey,

2002). A study in Shangai (Xian-Yu and Hui-Gang, 1982) have showed that continuous

chlorination rather than periodic chlorination of wells is more reliable, safes time and

labour and showed a reduction in the mortality rates due to enteric diseases from 13.7

per 100 000 people to 1.1 per 100 000 people. However, Jensen and co-workers (2002)

have found that in rural areas of Parkistan, where public water supply systems was

chlorinated, no reduction in diarrhoea incidence in children from these villages were

found compared to diarrhoea incidence in children from villages where the people used

untreated ground water supplies. Different interventions can be implemented to improve

the microbiological quality of the source water supply.

A study in rural Malawi (Lindskog and Lindskog, 1988) has showed that

communal piped water supplies situated within a distance of 400 m from a specific

household, improved the microbiological water quality used for drinking because people

collected water more often and did not store water which could have become

contaminated during storage. A year study by Ghannoum and co-workers (1981) in

Libya have showed that the installation of water treatment plants did reduce the

incidence of bacillary and amoebic dysentery between 10% and 50%, but not Chapter 2

36 Giardia infections.

However, studies carried out in peri-urban communities in South Africa have

showed that although the households were supplied with good quality water complying

with South African drinking water specifications, the water in the household storage

containers had increased levels of indicator microorganisms. This implied that

secondary contamination was introduced after the water collection. Consequently, many

of these studies have indicated that improvements at the water source are useless as

water is contaminated during collection and storage in households due to poor

sanitation practices.


Various chemical methods are available for the treatment of drinking water at the

household level and include methods such as coagulation-flocculation, precipitation,

adsorption, ion exchange and chemical disinfection with agents such as sodium


Unfortunately, most of these methods are expensive, requires technical skilled

persons, regular monitoring, specific materials and the efficacy varies. Chemical

disinfectant agents have proved to be the most successful types of treatment and

include free chlorine (which will be discussed in more detail), chloramines, ozone and

chlorine dioxide (Sobsey, 2002). Several factors might play a role in the effectiveness of

a chemical disinfectant. These factors include pH, turbidity, temperature, degree of

microbial contamination and the contact time of the disinfectant to the water and

microorganisms According to Reiff and co-workers (1996), an ideal chemical

disinfectant should have the following qualities:

• The disinfectant must be reliable and effective in the inactivation of pathogens under a

range of conditions likely to be encountered;

• The disinfectant must provide an adequate residual concentration in the water as to

assure safe microbial quality throughout the storage period;

• The disinfectant must not introduce nor produce substances in concentrations that

may be harmful to health, nor otherwise change the characteristics of the water so as to

make it unsuitable for human consumption;

• The disinfectant must be reasonable safe for household storage and use;

• The disinfectant must have an accurate, simple and rapid test for measurement of the

disinfectant residual in the water, which can be performed, when required;

• The disinfectant must have an adequate shelf life without significant loss of potency;

• The disinfectant must have a cost that is affordable for the household. A chemical

disinfectant that has been used effectively since 1850, is chlorine (sodium hypochlorite)

(White, 1999).

During a cholera outbreak in London, chlorine was used Chapter 2 49 to disinfect

water supplies (White, 1999). During the 1890’s, Europe used hypochlorites against

epidemics of typhoid (White, 1999). Only in the early 20th Century Great Britain and

New Jersey City began treatment of potable water supplies on a continuous basis.

Since then chlorine has become the most widely used water treatment disinfectant

because of its potency, ease of use and cost effectiveness (White, 1999).

Chlorine reacts with water to form hypochlorous acid (HOCl) and hydrochloric

acid (HCl) (Carlsson, 2003). The HOCl dissociates further into a hypochlorite ion (OCl- )

and a hydrogen atom (H+ ) which are commonly referred to as the free chlorine residual

(Carlsson, 2003). The main problem to overcome when chemical treatment is used is

the differences in resistance of bacteria, viruses and parasites to these chemical

disinfectants (Sobsey, 1989; Sobsey, 2002). The resistance of waterborne microbes to

be inactivated by chemical disinfectants is influenced by several factors:

(1) their physical status;

(2) their physiological status;

(3) the presence of microorganisms within microbial aggregates (clumps); and

(4) microorganisms embedded within other matrices such as a membrane, a biofilm,

another cell, or fecal matter.

The microorganisms could be protected against chemical disinfectants and by

the oxidant demand of the material in which they are located. Consequently, it has been

showed that bacteria are more susceptible to chlorine than viruses or enteric parasites.

In bacterial cells the free residual chlorine reacts with various structures on the bacterial

cell (Carlsson, 2003). The free residual chlorine can also kill the microorganism by

disrupting the metabolism and protein synthesis, to decrease respiration, glucose

transport and adenosine triphosphate levels and to cause genetic effects by

modification of the purine and pyirimidine basis (LeChevallier and Au, 2004). In viruses

the free residual chlorine targets mainly the nucleic acid and do not have a noticeable

effect on the protein coat (Carlsson, 2003). This means that viruses containing a protein

coat are more resistant to the effect of free residual chlorine (Carlsson, 2003). Free

chlorine residual is not very effective against parasites because of the tough outer coat,

which makes them very resistant to the action of hypochlorous acid (Carlsson, 2003).

Therefore, parasites need to be exposed for longer times to the free chlorine to

be inactivated (Venczel, 1997; Carlsson, 2003). Studies have showed that Giardia

lamblia Chapter 2 50 cysts are inactivated at 1 mg.l-1 free chlorine in water with a pH of

6 to 7 and at temperatures of 5°C only after 1 to 2.5 h (USEPA, 1989) and Giardia muris

cysts under the same conditions are only inactivated after exposure of 10 h (USEPA,

1989). Studies have showed that the use of free chlorine residual together with the CDC

safe storage container has improved the microbiological quality of the water and

reduced the prevalence of diarrhea. The CDC recommends the addition of either a

0.5% or a 1.0% stabilized concentration of sodium hypochlorite solution to obtain a free

chlorine residual between 0.5 and 1.5 mg.l-1 after 60 min (WHO, 1996a; CDC, 2001; Dr

R Quick, CDC, Atlanta, USA, personal communication). In South Africa, the DOH’s

recommendations do not specify the free chlorine residual concentration. However, the

DOH do recommend the addition of 5 ml of a 3.5% stabilized concentration of sodium

hypochlorite solution to a 20 or 25 litre storage container (Appendix C) (Mr H Chabalala,

Department of Health, Pretoria, personal communication).

In addition, several studies have showed that the use of some chemical

disinfectants resulted in the formation of chemical by-products such as trihalomethanes,

haloacetonitriles, chlorinated aldehydes, chlorinated acetones, chlorinated phenols and

chlorinated acetic acids. Some of these by-products are potentially hazardous

(carcinogenic and mutagenic) (WHO, 1996a; Carlsson, 2003). However, the health risk

posed by these by-products is small in comparison to the health risk caused by

waterborne pathogenic and opportunistic microorganisms (WHO, 1996a; Carlsson,

2003). Although various point-of-use interventions have been proposed, the

interventions selected for a particular community must be tailored for the needs of the

community and consider the resources available to the community (Nath et al., 2006).

The ideal solution will be to provide these communities with treated municipal tap water

in the dwelling to eliminate storage of the water. However, this is not possible in many

developing countries due to economic constraints.

In the meantime, interventions at the point-of-use should focus on point-of-use

treatments that are cost effective, easy to obtain and easy to use. The rural

communities of the Vhembe region in Chapter 2 51 South Africa could benefit from

point-of-use interventions such as the use of the CDC safe storage container together

with a sodium hypochlorite solution to improve the quality of household drinking water.


Clean Production is a whole new way of looking at how products are produced

and consumed. More than just good housekeeping and pollution prevention in factories,

it is about redesigning products and product systems so that they are more attuned to

natural processes throughout the product’s entire life cycle. Clean Production is based

on the Precautionary Principle (when an activity has the potential to harm human health

or the environment, a cautious approach should be taken in advance—even if the full

extent of harm has not yet been fully established scientifically) and follows product life

cycles rooted in circular concepts, not linear as is the conventional production system. It

also promotes the use of renewable energy, minimal resource inputs that are non-toxic

in a closed loop and sustainable system, and generates wastes that are benign and

returnable into the production process. Furthermore, it promotes the protection of

biological and cultural diversity. Finally, Clean Production must encourage democratic

processes especially among affected sectors.

Global companies with operations in the Philippines have started to set targets

and timelines for phase out of some of the most toxic chemicals in their products and

product systems. Nokia, for example, has already eliminated Polyviny

Chloride (PVC) from their new mobile phone models and Brominated Flame

Retardants (BFRs) from remaining applications.

And to close the loop for the custody of their end-of-life products, these

companies have established take back systems under an Extended Producer

Responsibility (EPR) regime. In the Philippines, take back systems are still in their

infancy as they are all voluntary in nature. As far as EPR policy is concerned, the

Philippines is lagging far behind some its neighbors including Japan, Taiwan and South

Korea. (An attempt was made by the Eco Waste Coalition and Greenpeace to kick start

the discussion with the National Solid Waste Management Commission and the

Environmental Management Bureau of the DENR. The draft Administrative Order that

would have set into motion the EPR policy discussions never left the Commission or the

EMB's offices.)




Design Consideration

Water Source: Deep Well

Water Storage: Elevated Vertical Cylindrical Steel

Type of Pump: Centrifugal Pump (One Operating Unit and One Standby Unit)

Pump Drive: Electric Motor

Type of Consumer: Residential

Faucet Outlet Pressure Load: 7m

Water Velocity: 1.25 m/s

Peak Factor: 1.5

Peak Hours: 6:00am – 10:00 am

5:00pm – 8pm

Pipe Materials: Cast Iron

Load Projection: 5 years

I. Market Aspect

A. Area Description

Sirang Lupa is located in the City of Batangas in the province of

Batangas which is in the Island of luzon and classified as within Region IV-A.

1. Present source of water supply


2. Population

For the year 2019:

Number of families= 72

Number of individuals= 868 persons

For the year 2024:

Population Growth = 3%

P2 = P1 (1+ GR)n

= 72 (1+ 0.03)5

P2 = 83.47 households

P2 = 83 households

P2 = P1 (1+ GR)n

= 868 (1+ 0.03)5

P2 = 1006.25 individuals

P2 = 1006 individuals

3. Socio Economic Profile

No. of families = 72

No. of individuals = 868 persons


45 (59.59%) 38 (40.41%)

AGE 0-20y/o 21-40y/o 41-60y/o 60-80y/o

367(40.61%) 294(30.60%) 148(18.79% 59(10.00%)


STATUS 598(56.17%) 259(42.53%) 11(1.30%)


CHILDREN 15(10.77%) 12(13.85%) 25(18.46%) 11(21.53%) 9(35.38%)

TOTAL 1,000- 25,000 26,000- 50,000 51,000- 75,000 76,000- 100,000

MONTHLY 29(49.23%) 31(27.69%) 7(12.31%) 5(10.77%)



1. Domestic water demand

For year 2019

No. of families = 72

Number of individuals = 868

Water consumption per person (daily basis) = 113 liters/person-day


For cooking and cleaning the used kitchenware: 6L

For Bath: 60 L

For laundry: 40 L

For Drinking: 3 L

For extra use: 4L

Domestic Water Demand =868-person x 113 liters/person-day + 1000 liters/ day

= 99,084liters /day

= 99,084 liters/day (1day/24hours) (1hour/3600secs)

Domestic Water Demand = 1.147 lps

For year 2024

Since P2 = 1006 individuals

And assuming there will be an increase in water demand assuming 1400 liters/


Domestic Water Demand = 1006-person x 113L/person-day + 1400 liters/day

= 115,078 liters/day

= 115,078 L/day (1 day/24 hours) (1hour/3600s)

Domestic Water Demand =1.332 lps

2. Water Unaccounted for

Water unaccounted for = 23% of the total production of water

= 0.23 x 1.332 lps

Water unaccounted for =0. 306 lps

Total water demand = Domestic water demand + Water unaccounted for

= 1.332 lps + 0.306 lps

Total water demand = 1.638 lps

3. Demand Variation

Maximum water demand = 1.25 times the total water demand

= 1.25 (1.638)

Maximum water demand = 2.0475 lps

Peak factor = 1.50 times the total water demand

= 1.50 (1.638)

Peak factor= 2.457 lps

II. Technical Aspect

A. Pumping System

1. Total Dynamic Suction Head

For the suction line:

Solution for the suction line:

Assume velocity = 1.25 m/s

Q= 2.457 lps = 0.002457m3/s

V= 1.25 m/s

Q=AV ; A= Q/V

πDi^2/4 = 0.002457/1.25

Di = 0.050027m

Di = 50.03mm.

Di= 1.9697 in.

Use schedule no.40

Inside Diameter Sch.40 = 1.9697 in = (nearest to 2 in ) 2.067 in= 0.0525018 m

Nearest nominal diameter =2 in = 0.0508m


0.002457= [π (0.0508m)2/ 4] x V

V= 1.2122 m/s

Reynold’s Number


1000 ( 1.2122 ) (0.0525018)


Re= 5.3026x104

Relative Roughness

ε 0.00025
e= =
Di 0.0525018


Friction factor (using Moody Chart or Diagram)

f = 0.0295

Equivalent Length using Crane

1 Standard elbow 2” nominal diameter 5.5ft x = 1.677m.
3.28 ft

1 Gate valve (fully open) 2” nominal diameter 1.2ft x = 0.366m.
3.28 ft

Straight Pipe 24m.

Total Length 26.043m


L V2 26.043 (1.2122)
HLS = f = 0.0295
D 2g 0.0525018 2(9.81)

HLS = 1.096 m

2. Total Dynamic Discharge Head

For the discharge line:

Assume Velocity = 2.0 m/s

Q= 0.002457m3/s


Q=AV ; A= Q/V

πDi2/4 = 0.002457/2.0

Di = 0.03955m

Di = 39.55mm.

Di= 1.5571 in.

Use schedule no. 40

Inside Diameter Sch.40 = 1.5571 in = 1.610 in = 0.04089 m

Nearest nominal diameter = 1.5 in.

Use Schedule no. 40 and 1.5 in nominal diameter

V= Q/A

= 4(0.002457)/ π(0.04089)2

V= 1.871 m/s

Reynold’s Number


1000 ( 1.871 ) (.04089)


Re= 6.3743 x 104

Relative Roughness

ε 0.00025
e= =
Di 0.04089


Friction factor

(Using Moody Chart)


f = 0.033

Equivalent Length using Crane

2 Standard elbow 1.5” nominal diameter 2[4.0ft x ] = 2.439m.
3.28 ft

1 Gate valve (fully open) 1.5” nominal diameter 0.9 ft x = 0.274m.
3.28 ft

1 Check Valve 25m

Straight Pipe 45m.

Total Length 72.713 m


L V2 72.713 (1.871)
HLD = f = 0.033
D 2g 0.04089 2(9.81)

HLD= 10.47 m


ZA = 5m since below the centerline

ZB= 12m


HLAB= 1.096m + 10.47m

HLAB= 11.566 m


= 12m – (- 5m) + (11.566m)

TDH = 28.57m


Given data: Q= 0.002457m3/s

H= 11.566 m

N= 3500 rpm

N √Q
Ns= 51.65523641
H (0.75)

3500 √ 0.002457
Ns= 51.65523641
11.566 (0.75)

Ns= 1033.096 rpm.

Therefore, use Radial type impeller pump. (Ns=500 to 3000 rpm)


Data: Q= 0.002457m3/s

TDH= 28.57m

Assuming: ɧ= 80%

ρgQTDH 1000 ( 9.81 )( 0.002457 ) (28.57)

BP = =
1000 η 1000 (0.80)

BP= 0.861 KW X 1hp/ 0.746KW

BP = 1.15hp

C. Storage System

For Tank Capacity


Cylindrical Tank


Height= 4m

Volume of a Cylindrical Tank

V= πr2h

= π (2m)2(4m)

V= 50.27 cubic meter x 1000 L/1cubic meter

V= 50265 Liters

3. Pipe and fittings specification


1. Pipe and fitting sizes and specification

2. Piping system and layout


1. Tank elevation

Using Crane Chart



This chapter focuses on the efficiency and economic optimization methods of

pumps. An important characteristic of pumping plant, from an economic point of view, is

its efficiency factor, that is, the efficiency with which it converts the absorbed energy,

usually electrical energy, into hydraulic power. This is especially important, because

efficiency factors have extremely low values. Discussions affiliated to the pump

efficiency, economic factors along with the suggestions for improvement are also

expressed in the chapter. Economic optimization is carried out for a number of

technically feasible alternatives. Several examples are given in the chapter to explain

what is meant by the term “process adaptation.” It further dictates the economic

assessment criteria by calculating the sum of investment cost KI and capitalized

operational costs KDcap.

Interest, Taxation, and Insurance Rates

-The rate of which the Capital Cost is written off to Depreciation and

Obsolescence. Salvage Values

Management Cost

-The amount of general Maintenance which would be required whether or not the

system was operated.

A. Capital Cost

The capital cost of the system includes equipment cost and miscellaneous cost.

Miscellaneous cost includes the cost of other materials that are not included in

equipment cost of building the proposed water system.


Equipment Quantity
Fabricated Tank 375,000.00
Water tank 1
Cast-iron pipe
30m + Xingbang Pipeline $20/ meter Php71, 180.00
(ASME B16.4;
40m= 70m Engineering
ASME B16.12)
Equipment Co., Ltd.
New Antonio’s
Check valve 2
Trading Php 4,648.00/pc Php 9, 296.00
New Antonio’s Php 4,105.00/pc Php4,105.00
Gate valve 1
Francis type Topsteel Builders Php 23, 250.00 Php 23, 250.00
impeller pump Inc.
TOTAL Php507,831.00
Source:, New
Antonio’s Trading & Top
Steel Builders Inc.

The cost specification given is the basis for the calculation of equipment cost.

Assuming that there will be other miscellaneous cost for important a purpose

which is equivalent to 20% of the equipment cost.

Total miscellaneous cost= 0.20(Equipment cost)

Total miscellaneous cost= 0.20(Php507, 831. 00)

Total miscellaneous cost= Php101.566.2

CC = Equipment Cost + Total Miscellaneous Cost

CC = Php507,831. 00+ Php101,566.2

CC = Php 609397.2

Annual water supply Produced = 115,078L/day × 335 days

Annual water supply Produced = 38, 551, 130 liters

Note: There will be approximately one month (30 days) un-operational days

for maintenance purposes. (Assuming 2 days per month)

Annual Operating Cost

It basically includes labor, maintenance and material cost, and cost for supplies,

taxes and supervision. These include most of the frequent cost elements associated

with the operation of the system.

Running Cost

Percentage Analysis of Operating Cost

Item Percentage, %
Labor 5% - 75% 17
5% -20% 8
and Material
Supplies 1% - 5% 4
Operating Taxes 0% - 10% 10
Based on computations used in Power Plant Engineering.

Table5. Operating Cost Percentage Analysis

Labor Cost, LC

Considering LC is 15% of the total capital cost,

LC = 0.15 × total capital cost

LC = 0.15 × Php 609,397.2

LC = Php91,409.58

Maintenance Cost, MC

Considering MC is 5% of the total capital cost,

MC = 0.05 × total capital cost

MC = 0.05 × Php609,397.2

MC = Php30,469.86

Supplies, S

Considering S is 3% of the total capital cost,

S = 0.03 × total running cost

S = 0.03 x Php 609,397.2

S = Php 18,281.916

Operating Taxes, OT

Considering OT is 10% of the total capital cost,

OT = 0.10 × total capital cost

OT = 0.10 x Php609,397.2

OT = Php 60939.72

Summary of Operating Expenses

Item Cost (Php)
used, %
Labor 17 Php91,409.58
Maintenance and Php30,469.86
Php 18,281.916
Supplies 4

Operating Taxes 10 Php 60,939.72

Total 39 Php201,101.076

Table6. Summary of Operating Expenses


By straight line method from the Engineering Economy by Arreola, the annual

depreciation rate is 1 to 5% of the capital cost; considering 4%.

Annual water supply Depreciation = Annual depreciation rate × capital cost

Annual water supply Depreciation = 0.04 (Php507,831.00)

Annual water supply Depreciation = Php20,313.24

Project Forecast

The following assumptions will be considered for economic analyses of the


• The cost of water supply generation for the first year of operation is estimated at

Php15.35/m3 (source: Batangas City Water District)

The revenue for the system operation is the product of annual energy produced and the

power generation price giving the equation,

Revenue = Annual Energy Produced x Power Generation Price

=38,551,130 liters x (1m3/ 1000 liters) x (Php15.35 / m3)

Revenue = Php 591,759.84

A typical value of rate of return is 8 to 12%, of the revenue, consider 9%.

Profit Element = 0.09 (Php507,831. 00)

Profit Element = Php 45.704.79

Annual investment charges = (LC + MC + S + OT + annual water supply depreciation


Annual investment charges= Php201,101.076+ Php20,313.24

Annual investment charges = Php221,414.316

Annual Production Cost = Annual investment charges+ profit element

Annual Production Cost = Php221,414.316+ Php 60,939.72

Annual Production Cost = Php 282,354.036

Total Capital Cost = Capital Cost + Annual Production Cost

Total Capital Cost = Php 507,831.00+ Php 282,354.036

Total Capital Cost = Php 790,185.036



This chapter states the conclusion and recommendation about proposing a

potable water supply in Sirang Lupa, Batangas City.

I. Conclusions

1. Potable water supply system is important in every sitio/barangay in order for the

consumers to have their needs when it comes to water.

2. The capacity of the designed potable water supply system must be according to
the demand of the consumer and with how big the barangay is.

3. The portable water supply system can be designed according to the type of
sources of water and the type of community to be supplied. It also be designed
according to the water demand of the chosen community. The economic aspect
of the designed water supply system was evaluated based on the manufacturer’s
data from the existing waterworks/ water system companies.

II. Recommendations

This Proposed Water Supply is recommended for related research specially to

students who also need reference for designs.


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