MODULE GRADE 9 Olga Tamayo

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Name: Date:

Grade and Section:

Day 5

MELC GR 1 003: Differentiate biases from prejudice.

Sub – Competencies / Sub Tasks:

 Identify fact from opinion.
 Judge the relevance and worth of information and ideas.
 Form decisions based on the ideas mentioned.

I. What should you know?

Let us see the difference of fact from opinion

Fact – a thing that is known or proved to be true.

Opinion – a view or judgment formed about not necessarily based on fact or knowledge.

Next, the difference of bias from prejudice.

Bias – is an inclination toward (or away from) one way of thinking, often based on how you
were raised.

Prejudice – is pre judgment or forming an opinion before becoming aware of relevant facts of a
case. The word is often to use to refer to preconceived, usually unfavorable judgment toward
people or a person because of their gender, beliefs, values, social class status, age, disability,
religion, sexuality, ethnicity, language, nationality, beauty, occupation, education or personal

II. Let us apply what you know.

A. Let’s make an Opinion.

Math is

Gym class

Everyone likes

Girls fun

Pizza is

Popcorn is a

easy. the best food. is fun.

great snack. chocolate. fast.

B. Fact and Opinion

Bored pupils riot as staff walk out Disturbance in Devon School

A MOB of 300 youngsters ran riot A DISTURBANCE involving as many

through their school yesterday – because they as 300 pupils occurred yesterday in a school in
were bored. Bideford, Devon.
It happened when teachers at the 100- Teaching Staff were taking part in a
staff comprehensive refused to do dinner National Union of Teachers pay dispute and
duties and walked out in a union dispute. were unwilling to do unpaid supervision. The
Only the headmaster and two teachers incident took place at lunchtime when, as a
were on duty, and they were powerless to act. result of the dispute, only the headmaster and
People living nearby watched, two other staff were on duty.
terrified, as gangs of 15 and 16 year olds Some local residents were alerted by
rampages through the 1000-pupil school at noise coming from the usually quiet school.
Bideford, Devon, chanting “We want a riot” They contacted the police who arrived quickly
as they smashed windows. and soon calmed the situation, but not before
Police who rushed to the giant at least two of the school’s windows had been
complex in seven cars calmed the frantic broken by pupils.
Direction: Highlight all the facts in one color and then choose another to highlight opinions.
Arsenal beat Manchester United 2-1 yesterday afternoon. Man United fans looked on as Arsenal
managed to score the deciding goal one minute into overtime. Henry was awarded a penalty after
allegedly been tripped by Ferdinand. The controversial decision by the referee sealed the fate of
Man United and severely hindered their chances of winning the Premiership.

III. Let us strengthen your understanding.

Read the next two examples. Is there bias in both? Is it perceived in the same way? Why or
why not?

Eating tomatoes is one of the best things you can do. These beautiful, red fruit not only thrill your
taste buds and brighten your plate, they help fight disease. Studies show that people who eat
tomatoes, and lots of them, lower their risks of cancer because tomatoes contain lycopene, a
powerful antioxidant. – Tomato Farmers of America

Eating tomatoes is one of the best things you can do. These beautiful, red fruit not only thrill your
taste buds and brighten your plate, they help fight disease. Studies show that people who eat
tomatoes, and lots of them, lower their risks of cancer because tomatoes contain lycopene, a
powerful antioxidant. – Dr. Joe Medicine

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