Sleepers, Their Types
Sleepers, Their Types
Sleepers, Their Types
Sleepers / Ties
End Bound
Requirements of ideal sleeper
Short life
Liability of decaying
Easily attacked by vermins (white ants) & weather
Connections b/w a rail and sleepers are not strong
Maintenance of gauge is difficult
Higher maintenance cost
Susceptible to fire
Low scrap value
Sleeper Dimension
Tie Face
How Wooden Sleepers are classified?
Why wooden sleepers require Treatment?
Liquid containing
Air Drying
Dimensions of Wooden Sleepers
Steel Sleeper
• Maintain perfect gauge.
• Should not get pushed easily out of position.
• Contain high strength.
• Provide sufficient bearing area of rail.
Steel sleepers
12 mm
Steel Sleepers
Very durable
Easy to maintain gauge & lesser maintenance probs.
Better lateral rigidity
Lesser damage during handling & transport
Easy to manufacture
Not susceptible to vermin attack
Not susceptible to fire attack
Good scrap value.
Steel Sleepers
Liable to corrosion
Unsuitable for track circuiting areas
Liable to become centre bound due to slopes at two
More fittings are required in number
More ballast is required as compared to other types.
Cast Iron Sleepers
Easy to manufacture
Lesser liable to crack at rail seats
Useful life 50 to 60 years.
Provide high lateral & longitudinal stability to track
Lesser liable to corrosion
Scrap value is high
Low maint cost
Cast Iron Sleepers
High initial cost
Gauge maintenance is difficult as tie bars get bent up
Broken easily if not handled carefully
Need large number of fittings
No elastic bed, so great damage in accidents
Concrete / RCC Sleepers
Concrete sleepers being heavy give more elastic modulus,
strength & stability to track
Great resistance to buckling of track
Best suited for modern maintenance methods for track as
they are flat at bottom
They are neither susceptible to be attacked by vermin,
corrosion nor are they inflammable
Due to longer life, rail and sleeper renewals can be matched
They could be easily manufactured locally with local
available materials
More life
Concrete Sleepers
Manufacturing process, transportation, handling &
laying is difficult & costly because they are heavy
Excessive damage can be caused in derailment
No scrap value
Twin-Block Sleepers
Twin-block sleepers