Osenga 2019
Osenga 2019
Osenga 2019
Aspen Global Change Institute.
University of Michigan, School for Environment & Sustainability.
Key Points:
Soil moisture is key to understanding and predicting change in hydrology and ecology
amid climate variability and change
In situ soil moisture and weather monitoring data are now available across an 1800 m
elevation span in a mountain watershed
The network is supported and guided by resource managers and supports both
research and resource management goals
This article has been accepted for publication and undergone full peer review but has not
been through the copyediting, typesetting, pagination and proofreading process which may
lead to differences between this version and the Version of Record. Please cite this article as
doi: 10.1029/2018WR023653
As climate change drives shifts in temperature and precipitation, researchers and resource
managers can benefit from improved monitoring of soil moisture. Understanding the
relationship between soil moisture and other system components is crucial to improving
water availability projections and understanding ecosystem responses to climate change.
Despite their significance, in-ground soil-moisture measurements are often not available
across multiple elevations within a single watershed.
This paper presents a network in the Southern Rocky Mountains intended to help address this
data gap and compliment data from other networks. The interactive Roaring Fork
Observation Network (iRON) consists of 9 locations across an 1,800 m change in elevation.
Each station measures soil moisture at three depths, soil temperature, air temperature,
humidity, and precipitation. Some stations are equipped with cameras or snow depth gauges,
and for 8 sites vegetation surveys are conducted. The data are available through a simple data
The network was established with local resource manager support, and one of its guiding
purposes is to support management and restoration planning efforts. Because of the network’s
on-going monitoring across multiple elevations and habitats, iRON will provide researchers
and resource managers with access to valuable information about changes in soil conditions
in a changing climate.
Soil moisture dynamics are critical to characterizing regional climate change impacts
on hydrology and ecosystems. Although the full extent of soil moisture and climate
interactions is a developing area of research (Seneviratne et al., 2010), minimum near-surface
soil moisture is projected to decrease in the southwestern United States as climate change
continues (Whener et al., 2017). Soil moisture is increasingly understood to be a key driver—
and indicator—of regional hydrologic variability and change (Seneviratne et al., 2010), and
climate-driven alterations to soil moisture have repercussions for both ecological health (Pecl
et al., 2017; Robinson et al., 2008) and human well-being (Lempert & Groves, 2010). Despite
the importance of soil moisture in understanding hydrologic systems, limited observational
data have hampered both understanding of the relationship between soil moisture and runoff
and the ability to develop and validate hydrologic models. Better understanding of soil-
moisture dynamics has the potential to advance research and better support resource
management in the context of climate change (Seneviratne et al., 2012).
Recent developments in remote sensing of soil moisture, particularly the launch of the
Soil Moisture Active Passive satellite in 2015 (Colliander et al., 2017; Entekhabi et al.,
2010), provide the opportunity for monitoring and modeling soil moisture across multiple
scales (Peng et al., 2017), but the resolution of remotely-sensed soil moisture data is often not
fine enough for watershed-scale applications in mountainous regions where topography and
soil moisture are heterogeneous, and remotely sensed soil moisture is often limited to shallow
depths (Cowley et al., 2017; Dobriyal et al., 2012). There are also a variety of on-the-ground
networks across the globe that include soil moisture (International Soil Moisture Network,
n.d.) including networks in the southwestern United States, such as NEON, SCAN, and select
sites in the SNOTEL program. However, because of the heterogeneity of climate and soil
moisture within mountain watersheds, additional data in previously unmonitored watersheds
has a potential to be valuable in augmenting existing in situ data and complementing
remotely sensed data. With mountains providing the headwaters for millions of water users, it
will be increasingly important to monitor soil moisture in the context of understanding water
availability (Lempert & Groves, 2010) and improving water forecasts for utility managers
(Pagano, 2010).
The interactive Roaring Fork Observation Network (iRON) is a series of in situ soil,
meteorological, and ecological monitoring stations. iRON is hosted and maintained by the
Aspen Global Change Institute (AGCI), a Colorado-based non-profit research organization
that works to advance understanding of global change. Its stations are situated across an
elevational gradient from 1,890 m (near a confluence with the Colorado River) to 3,680 m
(near the Continental divide at Independence Pass) in the Roaring Fork Watershed of the
Southern Rocky Mountains of Colorado (Figure 1). The Roaring Fork Watershed has an area
of 3,760 km2 and is a major tributary of the Upper Colorado River Basin. As a headwaters of
the Upper Colorado, the Roaring Fork River’s flows are critical to meeting present and future
water demands of the western states of the Colorado River Compact, as well as the
downstream water demands of Mexico. In aggregate, the Colorado River serves around 40
million people (Bureau of Reclamation, 2012). Numerous studies of the Upper Colorado
Basin indicate that climate change will reduce streamflow in the coming decades, affecting
recharge of the major reservoirs of Powell and Mead and increasing the likelihood of supply
shortages (Castle et al., 2014; Dettinger et al., 2015; Udall & Overpeck, 2017; Vano et al.,
2013). Abundant concern about climate-related risks to land and water resources, together
with the watershed’s significance to downstream communities, provides compelling reasons
to conduct long-term observations of soil moisture and other environmental variables.
A key feature of the development of iRON has been intensive collaboration with local
resource managers to co-design and help sustain the network. Prior to its establishment in
2012, local interest in bioclimatic change in the Roaring Fork Valley was documented
through studies that surveyed and interviewed practitioners working to manage and conserve
water and land resources (Arnott et al., 2014; Arnott et al., 2015; Aspen Global Change
Institute, 2006). This process occurred through multi-stakeholder roundtables focused on
water and forestry issues, as well as through targeted interaction with specific land
management entities. Local partnerships have ranged from financial support for network
establishment and maintenance to identification of opportunities where monitoring stations
can support planning, restoration, and evaluation for adaptive management. An example of
The multi-use approach of iRON is facilitated by a public website which provides the
availability to view and access live and archived data (agci.org/iron), including access to an
automated data storage platform.
The primary criteria for iRON station selection has been distribution of monitoring
locations across the watershed’s elevational spread and main ecozones (Figure 2), including
shrublands, montane, and alpine environments with the addition of a sub-alpine site planned
for the near future. These ecosystems were subjectively selected because they represent
dominant ecosystem types within the watershed and are of particular ecological interest to
public land managers. Additional criteria used to determine the research sites were: land use
permissions for long-term placement and local management input. For example, two stations
were specifically selected to support pre- and post- monitoring of restoration treatments
planned by local land managers of a formerly grazed open-space and an impacted riparian
Each station is equipped with set of dielectric soil moisture sensors, with one sensor at
each depth of 5, 20, and 50 cm. Additional equipment includes a soil temperature sensor at 20
cm and additional basic meteorological equipment mounted on a 2 m or 3 m tower (Table 1).
Two stations are additionally equipped with a Judd snow depth sensor, and one station
includes a time-lapse camera that takes time-stamped photographs every morning and
evening. Possible applications of the photographs are still being developed and include: the
potential to compare snow depth readings to images that may reveal patchiness in snow
persistence and opportunities for identifying phenological events such as flower blooms.
Two stations, Brush Creek and Spring Valley have been equipped with a second set of
soil moisture sensors. At Brush Creek, the duplicate set is being used to establish baseline
comparisons of a location that will be used as a control and a location that will be replanted
during county restoration efforts. In the case of Spring Valley, the second set of soil moisture
sensors are located approximately 3 m from the primary set of soil moisture sensors and were
included to allow for potential manipulative comparison experiments by local students, as the
station is located near to a Colorado Mountain College campus.
A new station at Castle Creek, slated for addition to the network in spring of 2019,
will expand on the standard instrumentation of iRON stations to include energy balance
measurements, as well snow depth and wind speed and direction. Opportunities for working
with relevant data from other networks are also being explored, including the limited LiDAR
data (Colorado Geological Survey, n.d.) available for the Roaring Fork Watershed and
consideration of data from NRCS SNOTEL sites, particularly the Schofield Pass site-- the
only SNOTEL station in the watershed that includes soil moisture (Natural Resource
Conservation Service, n.d.).
Gravimetric calibrations were carried out for all soil moisture instrumentation:
Decagon EC-5 dielectric sensors (for 5 cm readings) and 10HS dielectric sensors (for 20 cm
and deeper readings). The EC-5 and 10HS sensors were calibrated in-lab by taking sensor
readings of soil moisture after recorded volumes water were mixed into a known volume of
soil collected from each site. A regression equation was developed for each depth and station
to relate sensor readings to actual soil moisture volumes. Root mean squared error (RMSE)
was calculated based on the observed soil moisture volume and soil moisture predicted by the
regression equations. RMSE ranged from 0.010 m3/m3 (at Northstar Transition Zone, 20-cm
depth) to 0.087 m3/m3 (Northstar Transition Zone, 50-cm depth) with a median RMSE of
0.027 m3/m3. Measurement accuracy at some sites may have been impacted by soil texture
and mineral composition. A full table of RSME values by station and soil depth can be found
in supporting information materials (Table S2). In the available literature, calibration results
for the Decagon sensors were within +/– 0.02 m3/m3 to 0.05 m3/m3 accuracy of soil moisture
for most soil mineral compositions in laboratory settings (Kizito et al., 2008). In-lab
calibrations for iRON yielded similar results (Osenga, 2018a).
Other station instrumentation was tested for functionality in-lab but additional, site-
specific calibration was not carried out. Manufacturer standards for equipment accuracy can
be found in the supporting information materials (Table S1).
Real-time data are telemetered from iRON stations every 4 hours to Hobolink, a
cloud-based system for storing and accessing remote monitoring data, operated by the Onset
Computer Corporation. The raw data are then delivered to AGCI’s server by secure file
transfer protocol (SFTP) and are sorted, stored, flagged, and made available to users through
an application programming interface (API). An API is any set of tools and protocols that
enable other software to be built; scientific APIs are intended to allow new or existing
software to connect to some resource or information, typically through an internet
iRON’s API is described and hosted on the iRON Data Board (irondataboard.org).
This interface allows for customizable data exports by range of time and variables. Currently,
data are available from December 2017 forward on this site, and users can filter by time and
station. Data delivery to the server and the server’s internal consolidation of new data occur
once every 6 hours. The iRON Data Board automatically flags values (using the “valid” field,
with values “Y[es]” or “N[o]”) that are out of range for a given measurement type. In general,
any additional rules can be added, facilitating automated quality assurance and quality
checking (QA/QC). These rules, like the soil calibration equations, are applied on top of the
The iRON Data Board includes a browser-based API that uses URL strings to form
requests for data with a standards-based design advantageous for the representation and
serialization of geophysical data (Endsley & Billmire, 2010). A small number of assets are
hosted by the iRON Data Board, corresponding to endpoints in the browser-based API. Most
users will be interested in the “Readings,” which are actual measured values for a given
station. The “Readings” endpoint accepts a few parameters, such as the “from” and “to”
parameters required to specify the date and time range for which observations are requested.
The latency, or time delay, between making a data request and the initialization of a
download increases with the size of the data request, and API requests for more than 90 days
of data across one or more stations will be denied by the server. Therefore, it is recommended
to that API requests be made for individual station data by specifying the “station_id” (see
Table 1) or a portion of the station name with the “station” parameter. If longer than 90 days
of data are needed, exports of archived data through 2018 are available on the iRON Data
Board website (irondataboard.org).
Additional functionality has been developed to include the ability to filter for specific
variables, such as requests for either calibrated or uncalibrated soil moisture data (calibrated
data are the default), the measurement units used (metric or imperial), and the time zone of
time stamps. In addition to rich interfaces for accessing iRON data, the iRON Data Board
provides internal quality assurance and periodic data backups. Archived public datasets are
additionally searchable on Zenodo.org via an ORCID identifier (ORCID 0000-0002-2747-
Initial results also show the impact of seasonal events on soil moisture throughout the
growing season, particularly highlighting the role snowmelt in early spring as critical in
increasing soil moisture prior to late spring and summer drying periods. The Roaring Fork
Valley is a snow-dominated watershed, and the significance of the snowpack on soil moisture
can be seen in soil moisture response, where all depths (5, 20, and 50 cm) show recharge that
brings soil moisture near to saturation in early spring during ground thaw and snowmelt. In
this 2013 example, rain events of less than 0.5 cm occurring during the summer season are
insufficient to increase soil moisture at a 20 cm depth, and soil moisture at a 50 cm increased
only slightly after even the largest summer rain events of 1.5 cm or more in a single day
Understanding the long-term impacts of climate change for natural resources was a
primary motivation for local stakeholders engaged with the initial project development, and
ongoing conversations with community partners have been critical to ensuring local
relevance of and support for the network. In addition to their near-term utility, data from
iRON are also intended to reveal trends over time at longer-term scales (e.g. decadal),
including insight into ecological response to climate change. Data from the Modified
Whitaker plots have the potential to reveal changes in plant abundance or species type and
elevational migration by vegetation over time concurrent with trends revealed in the soil
moisture and meteorological data. Improved understanding of the role played by different
climatic and hydrologic mechanisms in vegetation invasion or mortality will be important in
determining future species ranges and vulnerability to climate change (Allen et al., 2015;
CNHP, 2015; Parida & Buermann, 2014), with application opportunities for land managers
and other stakeholders. Although identifying species shifts is a multi-decadal undertaking,
this project seeks to establish, at the least, baseline ecological records against which future
studies may be compared. Initial results from iRON reveal its potential for application in
understanding these ecology-climate-soil relationships. Moving forward, establishing
partnerships for further application of these data to regional and national scale research will
be critical, and it is hoped that such partnerships will aid in securing additional support for
this research through federal and local research grants.
4 Conclusion
The interactive Roaring Fork Observation Network can help both researchers and
resource managers to better understand the role of soil moisture in mountain watershed
ecology and hydrology. As noted by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)
and abundant other literature, soil moisture is critically important to Earth systems research,
Data collected through iRON can support both regionally-focused and more general
studies on ecological, climatological, and hydrological response to climate change and
variability in mountain areas. In addition, the network also provides a live, simultaneous
comparison of weather events across a mountain watershed. Examples of research pursuits
that could benefit from the incorporation and use of iRON data include:
change in vegetation and soil moisture over time, including opportunities to validate
and inform models of climate-driven vegetation shifts;
partitioning of precipitation into the atmosphere, soil reservoirs, and run-off;
water availability forecasting, with a focus on modeling snowpack-to-streamflow
hydrologic dynamics;
and the relationship between remotely sensed representation of soil moisture and in
situ observations across an elevational gradient.
AGCI wishes to acknowledge and thank the advisors who helped develop the initial concept
for this network, as well as those who provided input and assistance during its development:
Jeffrey Deems, Linda Joyce, David Lawrence, Delia Malone, Gerald Meehl, Jeffrey
Morisette, Michael Ryan, Todd Sanford, Michael SanClements, David Schimel, Diana Six,
Jeffery Taylor, and Alan Townsend.
We do not have any known conflicts of interest associated with publishing this report, nor are
there any conflicts of interest associated with the financial support provided for this research
or its outcomes.
Archived data used for this paper’s results and figures and supporting metadata can be found
at Zenodo.org, under the title “iRON Soil Moisture Calibrated 2013 to 2018,” DOI:
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