MAT 350 Assignment

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MAT 350 Summer, 2020

Department of Data and Science

MAT 350 Mathematics Lab II
Weekly Assignment 2 - (30 Points)
Submission Date: 27 July, 2020

∂f ∂f ∂ 2f
1. Find ∂x , ∂y and ∂x∂y for the following function: [2 points]
(a) f (x, y) = y tan(x) + x tan(y)
(b) f (x, y) = x2x+y2 ln(y) − 3 exy
(x2 +y 2 ) 2

2. Plot the following functions with suitable intervals: [1 points]

3 2 2

(a) f (x, y) = x exp −x − y
(b) f (x, y) = cos(x + y) + sin a(x − y) where 0 ≤ a ≤ 10
3. Evaluate the integrate and show the regions: [1 points]
R 1 R 1−y 2
(a) 0 0 x y dxdy (x=0, y=0, x+y=1)
4. A rod of mass M has a length L. The moment of inertia Iis
defined via the integral: [8 points]
I = x2dM

Here dM can be written as -

dM = λ(x)dx (1)

Where λ(x) is the density function that depends on the posi-

tion along the rod. Take -
Course Instructor: Shaikot Jahan Shuvo (MSJS). Page 1
MAT 350 Summer, 2020

λ(x) = ex (2)
and the length of the rod to be 2 units.
(a) Find the total mass of the rod.
(b) Find the moment of inertia of the rod.
(c) Make a plot that shows both λ(x) and I(x).
(d) Can you make a λ(x) vs I(x) plot?.
5. An integral is defined via - [8 points]
Km = (R2 − x2)mdx

After ab integration by parts we get a recersion relation as,

Km = Km−1 (3)
2m + 1
(a) Take m=1 and find K0.
(b) Using a ”Do” loop, evaluate Km upto m = 100.
(c) Show the result in a table.
(d) Plot the data from the table using ListPlot command.
6. Take a scalar field as - [10 points]
F (x, y) = x2y 2 + y 2z 2 + x2z 2
(a) Find the gradient of F (x, y). Call it v(x, y).
(b) Find Curl & Divergence of v(x, y).
(c) Plot the direction fields for v(x, y).
(d) Plot ∇ × v(x, y).
(e) Calculate the laplacian for v(x, y) using the Laplacian op-
erator in mathematica.

Course Instructor: Shaikot Jahan Shuvo (MSJS). Page 2

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