Rewinding A Brushless Motor
Rewinding A Brushless Motor
Rewinding A Brushless Motor
If you fly brushless you've probably cooked a motor or two. You also probably know
there are many different types of motors. Similar motors when wound differently perform very
differently. Whether you've burned the motor up, or just want to alter performance, rewinding
is a cheap solution for a patient modeller.
Definition of terms
2. Rotor - The rotating part of the motor. This is the can on an out runner.
3. Armature - houses one winding. Each motor has a number of armatures divisible by 3.
9 and 12 are common.
5. Delta - Most common commercial termination. Has three leads and no neutral point.
Spins 1.7 times faster than a WYE termination.
6. WYE - Less common in commercial motors. More efficient in some cases. Has 1.7
times more torque than Delta
Insulating Stator
Deep stator in black paint and take off.
Wait till paint set off.
This is procedure is optional.
If you burned the motor then its mandatory.
If you want to change motor specification or your motor didnt cooked then it is optional
Start winding
Now you can start winding.
I used New-b wire (36 AVG) from nearby winding shop.
It has extra insulation to prevent shorts. I chose three strands of 36 gauge wire. So it
will be an 8 turn of 8 wire bundle wind.
Start winding with any pole you like. Go only in one direction (I went clockwise). Once
you complete the number of turns you decided on earlier, skip two poles and continue
winding the next. Repeat this process until one third of the poles are wired. It should
look like the picture below when you are done.
Here third winding is to be done.
Now before you begin with your next set of armatures, check for stator shorts with an
ohm meter (multi tester). The resistance between the wire and the metal of the stator
should be infinite (i.e. not continuity).
If you don't get a short, good job. Move on to the next set of armatures. If you have a
short, unwind that entire phase get a new wire and start over.
Side note: When winding, do not tug on the wires too hard. 1-2 lbs is plenty. Winding
too tight will result in a shorted winding to the stator. If you find that your wires are not
snug against your stator you can use a non-metallic object such as a broken prop, flat
carbon rod, or my favourite, a credit card to slide between the stator poles.
Do tag the start and end of winding.
Here start tag is S1 and end of 1st winding is E1 as seen in pic on next slide.
Connecting windings
Now we have 6 wire ends tagged S1,E1,S2,E2,S3,and E3.
Connect E3 S1, E1 S2 and E2 S3.
Now we have 3 end which are motor terminals A,B,C