2018 - Abid - JCNC
2018 - Abid - JCNC
2018 - Abid - JCNC
Research Article
Pilot-Based Time Domain SNR Estimation for Broadcasting
OFDM Systems
Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS, Seri Iskandar, Malaysia
Graduate School of Science and Engineering, PAF-Karachi Institute of Economics and Technology, Karachi, Pakistan
Department of Electrical Engineering, COMSATS Institute of Information Technology, Wah Cantt, Pakistan
Copyright © 2018 Abid Muhammad Khan et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution
License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is
properly cited.
The estimation of signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) is a major issue in wireless orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing (OFDM)
system. In OFDM system, each frame starts with a preamble symbol that facilitates the SNR estimation. However, the performance
of preamble-based SNR estimation schemes worsens in the fast-changing environment where channel changes symbol to symbol.
Accordingly, in this paper, we propose a novel pilot-based SNR estimation scheme that optimally exploits the pilot subcarriers that
are inserted in each data symbol of the OFDM frame. The proposed scheme computes the circular correlation between the
received signal and the comb-type pilot sequence to obtain the SNR. The simulation results are compared with the conventional
preamble-based Zadoff-Chu sequence SNR estimator. The results indicate that the proposed scheme generates near-ideal ac-
curacy; especially in low SNR regimes, in terms of the normalized mean square error (NMSE). Moreover, this scheme offers
a significant saving of computation over a conventional time domain SNR estimator.
1 p 2
N −1 Data Pilot Data
PS+N r (m) . (4) subcarriers subcarriers subcarriers
NP m0 P
can be expressed as
Finally, the estimated SNR
1 PS+N − PN .
SNR (6)
Q P k
Figure 2: Conventional OFDM data symbol that contains pilot
3. System Model for Pilot-Based Time Domain subcarriers.
SNR Estimator
In this section, the system model used for pilot-based time
Then, OFDM symbols are transmitted through a frequency-
domain SNR is discussed. Consider a baseband model for
selective channel in the presence of additive white Gaussian
a typical OFDM transceiver where binary data is first
noise, which can be expressed as
mapped by utilizing the 16-quadrature amplitude modu-
lation (16-QAM). The frequency domain data signal can be L−1
d(t) data subcarriers
received signal t
0.045 0.07
0.06 Np
Np 0.05
0.02 0.03
0 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000
0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000
Figure 5: Circular autocorrelation of comb-type pilot sequence.
Figure 4: Circular correlation between received and comb-type
pilot sequence.
Crp (n) Crp m + qNp , (15) independent to the knowledge of channel statistics. By
utilizing (10) and (16), (14) can be rewritten as
KQ m0
w(m) r(m) − h (m) Ⓝ p(m), (18)
Cpp (n) Cpp m + qNp
0 m 1, . . . , Np − 1.
where w(m) is the estimated noise. Hence, the estimated
N becomes
noise power P
N −1
N 1 |w(m)|
Table 1: Complexity comparison of PTD and conventional time Table 2: OFDM simulation parameters [29].
domain SNR estimators (NFFT � 2048, L � 6, NP � 128, and
Q � 16). Parameter Value
FFT points (NFFT ) 2048 (2K-Mode)
Estimator FLOPs Carrier spacing 4.46 kHz
PTD 2Np (Q) + 3NP + L Cyclic prefix 1/16
Conventional ZC [25] 4NFFT + 2 Pilots spacing (Q) 16
Number of pilots (NP ) 128
Pilot constellation P[k] Unipolar BPSK
Np −1
|r(m)|2 −|w(m)|
2 Sampling frequency (FS ) 9.14 MHz
SNR . (21) Bandwidth 8 MHz
|w(m)| Pilot pattern (Dx × Dy ) (16 × 4)
Velocity 50 km/h
In (18), it is assumed that the average transmitted signal Doppler shift 28.98 Hz
is equal to one. Therefore,
Np −1 2
� |h(m)| .
SNR (22) The TU6 channel profile has been adopted because it
m�0 |w(m)| reproduces the terrestrial propagation for mobile reception.
It consists of 6 paths having wide dispersion in delay and
relatively strong power, reproducing an urban environment
5. Complexity Analysis with NLOS, and consequently, following a Rayleigh model.
In the simulation, a perfect synchronization between trans-
In this section, the computational complexity of the PTD scheme mitter and receiver is assumed because the estimates in the
is evaluated and compared with the conventional Zadoff-Chu time domain are robust to carrier frequency offset [25]. The
preamble-based time domain method [25], considering the OFDM simulation parameters for DVB-Mobile transmission
floating point operations per second (FLOPs) as a complexity are shown in Table 2.
metric. In general, FLOPs means the number of complex addi-
tions and multiplications required to perform one SNR estimate.
It can be observed from (21) that the computational 7. Results and Analysis
complexity of the SNR estimator is generated from two
parts: noise power P N and total received symbol power P S+N . This section presents the results and analysis for the pro-
For noise power estimation, the PTD stipulates the (13), (17), posed PTD estimator. It is observed from the description of
and (19). The circular correlation in (13) can be computed the PTD that it solely depends upon the estimated CIR. Thus,
more efficiently by using periodicity of comb-type sequence an important feature of the PTD is shown in Figure 6 where
p(n). Thus, it requires Np (Q − 1) number of complex ad- CIR is obtained from (16) for TU6 channel model at 10 dB
SNR. In the simulation, after utilization of the time reso-
ditions and Np (Q) multiplications. Similarly, (17) involves L
lution 1/FS , the number of significant channel taps that can
number of multiplications. Then, (19) requires NP − 1 and
be resolved are L � 6. The amplitude of Crp (n) at the n � 45
NP + 1 number of additions and multiplications, re-
can be seen in Figure 6. It is further seen that the amplitudes
spectively. However, the computational load due to total
of nonsignificant channel taps are much lower than the
received symbol power is same as (19). Consequently, the
overall number of FLOPs required for the PTD SNR significant ones; this is due to the zero correlation of data to
technique is 2NP (Q) + 3NP + L. pilot sequence, as discussed for (13). It shows that the es-
On the other hand, the Zadoff-Chu sequence SNR esti- timation of channel impulse response is independent of the
mator involves 4NFFT + 2 number of FLOPs, as given in Table 1 transmitted data constellation. Figure 7 depicts the MSE
of [25]. Hence, the PTD SNR estimator provides the com- comparison of the estimated CIR with the existing time
putational saving of approximately 45% (for Q � 16) compared domain channel estimator [30]. In the comparison of MSE,
the legend Chu.Seq. represents the conventional time do-
to the conventional Zadoff-Chu sequence estimator. Further-
main channel estimator, where pilot subcarriers are gen-
more, complexity depends on the number of pilot subcarriers
erated by utilizing the Chu. Sequence (magnitude � 1).
Np and channel taps L. A complexity comparison of two
However, CRB represents the Cramer-Rao Bound as shown
different SNR estimators is given in Table 1.
in Equation (24) of [30]. It can be clearly seen that in the fast
fading scenario (v � 50 m/h), the performance of the PTD
6. Performance Evaluation over Typical Urban channel estimator is similar to the existing Chu. Seq. esti-
(TU6) Channel Model mator. This is due to the utilization of similar magnitudes of
pilot subcarriers. The investigation suggests that the error
The performance of the PTD scheme is analyzed over TU6 component exists in the PTD channel estimation is only
channel model in terms of normalized mean squared error AWGN. Consequently, it reduces the MSE and presents
(NMSE), given as near-ideal estimation CRB, as shown in Figure 7. It is also
i − SNRi 2 investigated that the PTD scheme is independent of
1 10000 SNR
NMSE � . (23) time/frequency interpolation; hence, it offers accuracy even
10000 i�1 SNR2i in the low density of pilot subcarriers.
6 Journal of Computer Networks and Communications
0.04 100
0.03 10–1
Noise power
0.015 X = 45
Y = 0.011885
0.01 10–3
0 10–4
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 0 5 10 15 20 25
Lags SNR (dB)
Est. channel taps
True noise power
Figure 6: Estimated channel taps at (0, 1, 4, 14, 21, and 45). ZC conv. noise power
PTD noise power
Figure 8: Comparison of the noise power estimator with true noise
10–2 power.
X = 13
Y = 0.006387
X = 13
Y = 0.003178
10–4 X = 13
Y = 0.0001632
0 5 10 15 20 25
SNR (dB)
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