A General Description of Common-Mode Feedback in Fully-Differential Amplifiers
A General Description of Common-Mode Feedback in Fully-Differential Amplifiers
A General Description of Common-Mode Feedback in Fully-Differential Amplifiers
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2 authors, including:
Francisco Duque
Universidad de Extremadura
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All content following this page was uploaded by Francisco Duque on 26 November 2015.
Department of Electronic and Electromechanical Engineering, University of Extremadura, (06071)Badajoz (Spain)
Abstract. A general description of fully differential (FD) amplifiers with common-mode feedback (CMFB) net-
work is carried out in this article. The general requirements that any CMFB loop must satisfy allow us to deduce
three suitable figures of merit (linear interaction or conversion gain, relative performances and nonlinear inter-
action between the common-mode and differential-mode loops) in order to compare the different approaches. The
gain or transconductance, sensitivity to mismatching in the devices, and nonlinearity for every common-mode
(CM) signal detector block have been derived. By identifying all the input-output signal paths in a generic FD
amplifier with CMFB, the conversion signals are quantified. From the gain of the detector and the technique used
for injecting back the CM correction signal, the performances provided by the CMFB loops in regard to the
differential-mode counterpart are evaluated. From the CM signal detector nonlinearity, it is shown how the CM
loop impacts on the distortion (nonlinear interaction) on the amplifier. Finally, all the considerations are verified
by means of simulations, and the CMFB networks classified according to these figures of merit. A low-distortion
CMBF loop based on the current steering principle of injection is proposed as well.
amplifier may be considered as two merged amplifiers are verified by means of simulations in a case study,
for all practical purposes. In general, a CMFB network a ranking of CMFB networks is established, and a low-
must satisfy the following requirements: distortion CM loop based on the current steering prin-
ciple is proposed.
1. To set the output CM component at a preset dc
reference level (Vref) , which is usually where the
DM gain reaches a maximum value and/or the max- 2. Signal Paths in Fully Differential Amplifiers
imum symmetric voltage (or current) swing is
obtained FD amplifiers are commonly considered as merged
2. To process the CM component with a speed and amplifiers. The signal to be processed, which consists
accuracy similar to the ones which the DM com- of the DM component of two signals, is the input signal
ponent is processed by the FD amplifier of one amplifier. The second amplifier, which is part
3. To minimize the interaction of the processing of the of the CMFB network, must control the CM compon-
CM output component in the DM output compon- ent of the output signals. In order to satisfy the require-
ent, and vice versa ment 2, both amplifiers are usually merged at the very
Traditionally, not enough attention has been paid to front-end, in such a way that most of the signal paths
the design of CMFB networks for FD amplifiers. In are shared from the very beginning. Below, these
most textbooks and papers on analog IC design, DM amplifiers w i l l be termed as amp1 and amp2
feedback loops are studied much more deeply than their respectively.
CM counterparts. In them, it is a very common prac- Figure 1 illustrates a general block diagram of an
tice only to point out the need of controlling the CM FD amplifier with CM feedback [2]. The inputs in/+
behavior in FD amplifiers and show one of the pos- and in1- are the input terminals of the amplifier amp1.
sible ways to do it, for which most of the time an iden- In the feedback path, a CM signal detector appears.
tical CM loop structure is used and, of course, no prac- Ideally, the detector provides a voltage or current pro-
tical design consideration is given in regard to its very portional to the common-mode component of output
limited performance. Thus, a general treatment on signals Vo+ and Vo . In this case, it is assumed that its
CMFB loops would be very useful to compensate this output signal is a voltage Vs, yet, as we can observe
lack. Here, this task is tried. In particular, a general below, no substantial modification is introduced in the
description of a linearized FD amplifier with CMFB context of this work if the output of CM detector were
is made in Section 2. There, nonidealities have had to a current Is. Following the feedback path (figure 1),
be included in order to find out the different input- the output voltage (Vs) of the CM signal detector is
output signal paths, derive the expression of the effec- compared to the dc reference voltage Vrefto which the
tive gain associated to each of them and so, evaluate amplifier CM output component wants to be set. For
the linear interaction or conversion gains between the that reason both signals are applied to the input ter-
CM and DM loops. In Section 3, the gain or trans- minals (in2+ and in2- respectively) of the second
conductance, sensitivity to mismatching in the compon- amplifier amp2, which close the loop that provides the
ents, and nonlinearity are determined for every CM required stabilization in the output CM component. To
signal detector in CMOS technology. Furthermore it avoid conversion signal from output DM component to
is shown how the last parameter impacts on the total CM component, and vice versa, besides the only linear
harmonic distortion (THD) of the system, and as a con-
sequence, the excess of the distortion can be used to
measure the nonlinear interaction between CM and DM
amplifiers. All the possible ways of merging both vl- ~ ml-- MergedAmplifiers
amplifiers (loops), as well as the relative performance V~f ~ (ampl and amp2)
provided (gains and gain-bandwidths ratio) by each
strategy, are described in Section 4. These three
magnitudes constitute suitable figures of merit to com-
pare the different approaches existing to control the CM
component in FD amplifiers, because they indicate the Detector
degree of fulfillment of the requirements listed above
for any CMFB network. In Section 5, all considerations Fig. 1. Blockdiagram of an FD amplifier with CM feedback.
Control of the Common-Mode Component in CMOS Signal Processing 133
dependence of Vs with the CM component, the paths course it tends to reduce the differential gain ADD. So,
from the inputs in2 + and i n 2 - to the outputs V+ and this loop can be called internal DM feedback loop, how-
Vo- must be identical. As can be observed below, the ever its gain LGDM = AsDADs is negligible with regard
comparison with the reference voltage is usually car- to LGcM. Note that other DM feedback (external) may
ried out in its own detector in current output CM signal exist around the amplifier. Figure 2 also shows the gain
detectors. Then, the secondary inputs (in2+ and in2-) paths which originate the conversion signal from CM
are also input terminals of the CM detector block. to DM, and vice versa. Their gains are (ALGcM =
In order to visualize all different signal paths ex- AcsAsD ) and (zXLGDM = ADsAsc), respectively.
isting in any FD amplifier, nonidealities must be in- By means of Mason's rule, the effective gains, which
chided. Thus, mismatchings in amplifiers amp1 and are denoted by an upper asterisk, can be derived by
amp2 are next considered. These mismatchings cause inspection from the flow graph of figure 2, resulting in
different gains from the inputs to the outputs Vo+ and
Vo- respectively. Moreover and from a general point , ADD(1 - L G c M ) + A D c A L G c M
ADD : D ~ ADD (2a)
of view, the small-signal output vs of CM detector can
be expressed as
, AcD(1-LGcM) + AccALGcM
Vs : OllVo,cm -k- Ol2Vo,dm -t- OL3V2o,dm (1)
ACD = D -~ ACD (2b)
where the first term, c~lVo,em, would be the only out- ADC(1--LGDM) + ADDALGDM
put if the CM signal detector were ideal, the term pro- ADC = D
portional to the DM output component, ~2Voam, arises
as a consequence of the unavoidable mismatches in the ADS
ADD ~ (2c)
CM sense components, and the last and nonlinear term,
a3~,dm, appears due to nonlinear/- V characteristic of
MOS transistors. Of course, other higher terms are in- , Acc( 1 -LGD M) + AcDALGDM
Acc = D
volved but in general, they can be considered as second-
order terms. ADs
To facilitate the calculations, a perfect linear (a3 = ~-- --AcD-'~CS ~. 0 (2d)
0) and nonmatched (a2 ¢ 0) CM signal detector
block will be firstly considered, and later, in the next where D = 1 - LGcM - LGDM. The approximations
section, the opposite case. The flow graph of figure 2 have been done taking into account the order of magni-
shows all the gain paths as well as the physical origin tude of the gains as a consequence of their physical
of them. We must realize that the coefficients oq and origin. Every loop in figure 2 has been assumed stable
O/2 are renamed Acs and ADs respectively in this and the sign of the gains included in their symbols.
linearized system. Also, the input and output amplifier Some remarkable conclusions can be deduced from
voltages have been represented by their respective CM the above set of expressions:
and DM components. Two different feedback loops can
be identified in figure 2. The loop between Vs and Vo,cm The effective open-loop DM gain ADD is nearly equal
is the CM loop and has a gain LGcM = AscAcs. The to ADD.
second loop affects the DM output component and of For typical values, the impact of CMFB loop on the
amplifier CMRR is not significant since CMRR* =
m~ A;D/A D ---- CMI .
However, mismatching on the CM detector can lead to
appreciable D M - C M conversion gain (ADc),
A mainly for high a2/oq and ADD values. Hence, we
denominate conversion-gain factor to the ratio a2/~a.
1 I I
7,171 • Hood wa~conductam
~ = ~ ' ~ (2R + ~ ) a
• Linearisy La ~gard to
• High DC offset ~o~, but oth~ now
~=~.~ • Highly n o n - l i n ~ CM
signal det~tor
lhaemt[~ exist
and nonlinearity (cB) have been determined for each output signals can be chosen• To simplify the calcula-
configuration under the presence of local variations tions, now, a perfect matched (o~2 = 0) and nonlinear
(mismatches) between transistor magnitudes or com- (o~3 # 0) CM signal detector, along with a purely
ponents. Concretely, relative variations in threshold linear DM feedback around the amplifier (figure 3),
voltages (Vr) and transconductance parameters (3) are is studied. From these premises along with figure 3,
considered• Local VT variations come from different the following set of equations can be written:
charge quantities (oxide charge and depletion charge)
Vo,dm = hDDgVi,dm -- ADDfVo,dm + AsoVs (3a)
and nonuniform gate oxide thickness and substrate dop-
ing. Local/3 variations account for variations in carrier Vo,cm = ADcgVi,dm -- ADcfVo,dm + AscV S (3b)
mobility, aspect ratios (W/L), and gate oxide capaci-
YS = ZcsVo,cm "}- Ot3~oo,dm (3C)
tance per unit area as well. For transistors operating
in their triode region (high V6s - Vr values), mis- where g and f are the feedforward and feedback fac-
matches in/3 may be more important than the threshold tors respectively•
voltage counterparts, yet local VT variations can be the
dominant ones in transistors with low gate-source
voltage (saturation zone)• Usually, bias current mis-
matches are separately taken into account since they
also depend on the dc point [3]. All these variations FD amplifier VoAm
(A/3, AVT, and A/e) have been simultaneously consid- with CMFB Vo.cm
mean=ll.5 dB
ff=10.9 dB
0.08 0.025 %
WC=23.6 dB
Control of the Common-Mode Component in CMOS Signal Processing 137
@ ~ ' _ I
VDD mean=21.6 dB
~=8.9 dB 0.82 0.09 %
WC=35.3 dB
mean=7.2 dB
~=7.1 dB 0.83 0.04 %
WC=21.7 dB
IV.3. . V ~ ,v'om,IV~ ,
mean=5.5 dB
cJ=7.8 dB 0.95 0.01%
WC=18.5 dB
II~"I HI IH ["41
much more significant than the characterization of the linearity by using input devices with lower (W/L) ratios,
linear interaction ADC between CM and DM loops in however, their minimum ratios are dictated by the CM
FD amplifiers in terms of worst-case values, results, requirements.
indeed, in terms of their mean value and error distribu-
tions. As indicated by the Monte Carlo analysis, in spite 5. 3. CM Control by Current Steering
of file larger spreads between the best-case and the
theoretical worst-case ADc values in CMFB loops Table 5 illustrates the amplifier behavior when its CM
based on current injection, in practice, these spreads component is controlled by means of CMFB networks
are narrower than in resistive source degeneration based on the current steering principle. Loops 5.1 and
loops. This fact is a consequence of the higher numbers 5.2 incorporate the CM signal detector configuration
of transistors involved in the first ones. Thus, each 2 and 3 of Table 1 respectively. Just to avoid excessive
transistor has a minor impact on the performance of dc shifts, complementary structures of these CM signal
the whole circuit, and therefore, random parameter detectors were actually used in this particular case. As
deviations are averaged out. Concerning the ratio be- can be seen in Table 5, CM current steering loops pro-
tween gains and gain-bandwidths of both loops, cur- vide similar behavior to DM loops in terms of speed
rent injection technique provides a value close to one and accuracy, while the nonlinear behavior varies
as expected from the considerations of table 2. Finally, widely from a structure to another. Thus, a high ex-
the linearity of CMFB networks 4.2 and 4.3 (a3 ~ 0) cess of harmonic distortion is generated by the CMFB
originate a lower nonlinear interaction with the DM network 5.2 due to its high nonlinear coefficient, which
amplifier than structure 4.1. Loop 4.1 can improve its will be a common characteristic to every loop based
138 Duque-Carrillo
A cu _ GB Wcu THD
ADu GBWo~ +lVp.p @I00KHz
i Vo+ mean=8.2 dB
ts=l 1.1 dB 1.1 0.05 %
WC=21 dB
v. q mean=20 dB
t~=9,5 dB 1.2 0.22 %
WC=33 dB
mean=22.1 dB
~=9.6 dB 1.3 0.06 %
WC=36.2 dB
mean=9.4 dB
~=8.5 dB 1.2 0.015 %
WC=23 dB
on the detection of the output CM component in the and therefore, rather similar standard deviation values
common-source node of a simple differential pair. The result when compared with the CMFB network 3.1.
optimization of its linearity is limited by the amplifier Again, very good agreements are achieved between the
output swing, ACM, and GBWcM required. CM loop figures of theoretical and statistical worst cases in every
5.4, which uses the CM detector 7, shows a better CM current steering loop.
nonlinear performance as could be expected from the
result of its analysis (Table 1). Regarding the figure of
merit ADC, it must be noted the wider spread achieved 5. 4. A Low-Distortion Current Steering CMFB Network
with the configuration 5.1, which, in spite of having
a high number of components in its CM detector, its Sometimes, a current mirror can be seen loading the
sensitivity (ct2) to local variations is mainly deter- differential gain stage in current steering CMFB net-
mined by the matching between the passive resistors, works [8], [11]. In such a way, one could think in
Control of the Common-Mode Component in CMOS Signal Processing 139
imresting the increase in the CM loop gain to improve (configuration 4.3), and figure 5 showed superior per-
the linearity and, therefore, to reduce the nonlinear in- formance. They are based on current injection and cur-
teraction with the DM loop. However, the resulting con- rent steering principles and operate along with the CM
figurations are very prone to cause instability in the signal detectors 8 and 7 (table 1) respectively. On the
CM feedback loop as a consequence of the additional other hand, the more often used CM loops, which are
low-frequency pole introduced at the output node of the based on either resistive degeneration of current mir-
current mirror load, and in general these CMFB net- rors or simple differential pair CM signal detector, pro-
works should be avoided. Based on this idea but over- vided very insufficient gain and bandwidth and high
coming the above drawback, a low-distortion current excess of distortion in the DM output component also
steering loop is proposed in figure 5. Here, a diode- respectively.
connected transistor loads the output node of the mirror,
and the pole introduced is placed at a frequency given
by gm/2Cgs where gm and Cgs are its transconductance Acknowledgment
and gate-source capacitance respectively. Now, two sec-
ondary poles appear in the CM loop. Relying on the This work has been supported by C.I.C.Y.T. (Spain)
minimum CM phase margin, the position of the addi- under Grant TIC-90-1059. The author would like to
tional pole can be optimized. Thus, for a minimum CM thank Dr. Sdnchez-Sinencio of Texas A&M University
phase margin equal to the folded-cascode amplifier for his encouragement and valuable discussions.
counterpart, THD was kept below 0.007% for a 2-Vp_p
100-kHz input signal. Of course, similar behavior in
terms of gain and bandwidth are achieved with the References
CMFB loop of figure 5 with respect to the DM loop.
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impedance MOS cascodecircuits," IEEEJ. Solid-State Circuits,
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