Tell Me About Your Yourself

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Tell me about your yourself

I'm a data scientist.

What does a data scientist do?
We analyze data and build models to solve problems
What kind of data?
EHR data

Medical History
Structured Data
What kind of models?
Prediction of an event (cardiac failure)
Adverse Drug event extraction
I'm a Machine Learning Researcher

Adverse Drug Event Extraction paper

Med NLI : Hypothesis is true or false or undetermined given a premise
Computer Vision (Masked RCNN) : Parking lot detected from Satellite images
Bayesian Modeling of Bose-Einstein Condensate

5th state of matter (gas of bosons cooled to absolute zero -273.15 C)

Wave-like behaviour
Modeling Wave function using Gaussian Processes from noisy observations generated by a simulator
Physics-informed Machine Learning
Data-driven solutions to PDE

boundary conditions
noisy observations
Data-driven discovery
Automatically build mathematical models from data
Bachelor's in Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering
Robotics club
Raspberry Pi, Arduino, Micro-controllers
Programming a MC and building circuitry
Linux kernel
Master's in Software Systems
Why? Linux kernel
Wireless Sensor Networks
Routing protocols
Time synchronization
Energy Conservation
Exploration algorithm using Linear Programming
Talk by Prof. C.V. Jawahar
Convolutional Neural Network for Computer Vision
Automatic Representation Learning
I saw the potential in it
Wrote blogs on Neural Network based Chatbots (seq2seq)
Probabilistic Perspective
Joined FSF & FSHM
Traveled with them
Take classes on Python and Machine Learning at Summer Camp and Winter Camps
Talks and Workshops at conferences (4CCON & Startups)
Java backend
Reinforcement learning for Hybrid Code Networks
Question Answering (Reading Comprehension)
High-capacity models Tensorflow
Model-parallelism, Data-parallelism

Why do you want to do a PhD?

Building a bayesian model is an art (so far). Can we transform it into science?
I see the same potential that I saw in CNNs back in 2015.
That changed my life in 2015
Something that is worthy of my time and effort
What I have learned seems superficial.
Best way to learn the art of Bayesian Modeling is by doing it practically
I need a platform where I can apply it and learn from the experience
I need a support system
I need to document my experience

Why this program?


What do you know about our research?

Differential Privacy
Clipping and perturbing gradients
DNA Methylation
Addition of Methyl CH3- to cytosine
CpG dinucleotide (phosphate)
Most somatic cells, CpG are methylated
Unmethylated CpG : CpG islands (promoters in genes)
Differentially Methylated Regions (DMR)

DNA sequences with varying methylation profiles

Aberrant DMR patterns : auto-immune, metabolic, psychological disorders
Genomic Analysis : Quantifying differences in DNA methylation across large number of samples
Effects on regulating Gene Expression
Distinguishing DMR patterns between different cancer types on the whole genomic level
Data from TCGA (The Cancer Genomic Atlas)
10000 profiles, 33 kinds of cancer
220 x 1663 matrix
220 CpG sites, 1663 beta values
93% accuracy
Feature Visualization : which CpG site led to the cancer

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