COMSOL Modelling and Simulation of PEM Fuel Cell's Flow
COMSOL Modelling and Simulation of PEM Fuel Cell's Flow
COMSOL Modelling and Simulation of PEM Fuel Cell's Flow
Abstract: Fuel cells are one of the most accurately solve the equations over the solution
important devices to obtain electrical energy domain. Process simulations of diffusion in
from hydrogen. The Computational Fluid porous media and conduction/convection were
Dynamic (CFD) is a very useful tool to explore studied. Once all of the global iterations had
the connection between the transport of reactants been completed, the experimental data were
and products within the fuel cell and overall cell compared with modelling results. The graphite
performance. CFD simulates hydrogen and plate B exhibited better performance than the A
oxygen gases flow channels to reduce the costs one, that was validated by numeric methods.
of bipolar plates’ production through Such behavior was attributed to the higher
optimization of the mass transport. In this work, channel area in contact with gas diffusion
two configurations of gas flow channels were electrode which provides higher active area
studied by simulation with COMSOL software available for the gas reaction. Besides the area,
and a preliminary experimental test to verify the higher gas velocities in flow fields decrease the
model applied in these configurations was gas stagnation points along the channels.
performed. Two single Proton Exchange
Membrane Fuel Cells – PEMFC – with 144 cm² Keywords: Numerical model, CFD simulation,
of active area were manufactured. The first one PEMFC, hydrogen technology.
(A) was a commercial graphite plate supplied by
ELECTROCELL. The other one (B) was 1. Introduction
projected and constructed at IPEN. The
serpentine flow field was chosen. The Fuel cells and hydrogen technology represent
dimensions of flow field of prototype A were: 2 the most promising alternative pathway for
mm width and 2 mm depth channels and 2 mm automotive and stationary applications. The
ribs. In this case each part of the serpentine flow PEMFC offers low to zero emission for subWatt
field was composed by 6 channels and 5 ribs. to MWatt power generation, meaning
The dimensions of flow field of prototype B applications in transportation, industries and
were: 1.5 mm width and 1.5 depth channels and portable supplies units [1, 2]. In this paper we
0.5 mm ribs. For this prototype, each part of focus on the role of computational tools in order
serpentine flow field was composed by 12 to verify some experimental results and
channels and 11 ribs. A mesh study was demonstrate the better performance of PEMFC
performed on the 3D models to determine the constructed from optimizations techniques.
minimum number of elements required to
Excerpt from the Proceedings of the COMSOL Conference 2007, Boston
(a) (b)
Figure 1: Flow field channels from prototype 1 (a) and prototype 2 (b).
Excerpt from the Proceedings of the COMSOL Conference 2007, Boston
3. Numerical Models
( T
−∇.η ∇u +(∇u) + ρ (u.∇)u +∇p = 0 (1)
∇ .u = 0 (2)
Table 1: Different meshes and corresponding NOF’S, NE, MEQ and SOLUTION TIME.
Potential [mV]
Potential Prot 1
Potential Prot 2
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800
Current Density [mA cm ]