Normoblastic Maturation: Erythropoiesis
Normoblastic Maturation: Erythropoiesis
Normoblastic Maturation: Erythropoiesis
Normoblastic Maturation about one week for the BFU-E to mature to the CFU-E and
another week for the CFU-E to become a pronormoblast,
Terminology which is the first morphologically identifiable RBC precursor.
RBCs are formally called erythrocytes. The nucleated precursors in
the bone marrow are called erythroblasts. They also may be While at the CFU-E stage, the cell completes approximately
called normoblasts, which refers to developing nucleated cells three to five divisions before maturing further.1 As seen later,
(i.e., blasts) with normal appearance. This is in contrast to the it takes approximately another 6 to 7 days for the precursors
abnormal appearance of the developing nucleated cells in to become mature enough to enter the circulation, so
megaloblastic anemia, in which the erythroblasts are approximately 18 to 21 days are required to produce a
called megaloblasts because of their large size.
mature RBC from the BFU-E.
Three nomenclatures are used for naming the erythroid
precursors. Erythroid precursors
Maturation process
Erythroid progenitors
The morphologically identifiable erythrocyte precursors develop
from two functionally identifiable progenitors, burst-forming
unit–erythroid (BFU-E) and colony-forming unit–erythroid (CFU-
E), both committed to the erythroid cell line.
4. Nucleoli disappear. Nucleoli represent areas where the
Criteria used in identification of the erythroid ribosomes are formed and are seen early in cell development
precursors as cells begin actively synthesizing proteins. As RBCs mature,
the nucleoli disappear, which precedes the ultimate cessation
of protein synthesis.
Morphologic identification of blood cells depends on a well-
stained peripheral blood film or bone marrow smear. In 5. The cytoplasm changes from blue to gray-blue to salmon
hematology, a modified Romanowsky stain, such as Wright or pink. Blueness or basophilia is due to acidic components that
Wright-Giemsa, is commonly used. The descriptions that attract the basic stain, such as methylene blue. The degree of
follow are based on the use of these types of stains. cytoplasmic basophilia correlates with the amount of
ribosomal RNA. These organelles decline over the life of the
The stage of maturation of any blood cell is determined by developing RBC, and the blueness fades. Pinkness
careful examination of the nucleus and the cytoplasm. The called eosinophilia or acidophilia is due to accumulation of
qualities of greatest importance in identification of RBCs are more basic components that attract the acid stain eosin.
the nuclear chromatin pattern (texture, density, Eosinophilia of erythrocyte cytoplasm correlates with the
homogeneity), nuclear diameter, nucleus:cytoplasm (N:C) accumulation of hemoglobin as the cell matures. Thus the cell
ratio, presence or absence of nucleoli, and cytoplasmic starts out being active in protein production on the ribosomes
color. that make the cytoplasm basophilic, transitions through a
period in which the red of hemoglobin begins to mix with that
blue, and ultimately ends with a thoroughly salmon pink color
Nucleus-to-Cytoplasm (N:C) Ratio when the ribosomes are gone and only hemoglobin remains.