Agro-Climatic Regions of India
Agro-Climatic Regions of India
Agro-Climatic Regions of India
Module Id AG-30
Map 1
Agro-Climatic Zones of India
The ACRP approach presented the evolution of an innovative planning exercise
encompassing several challenges such as geographical units of disaggregation, agricultural
planning involving crop, husbandry and allied sectors, priorities of planning process viz
profiles, programme strategies, implementation and documentation, integration of
organizational and financial resources at all levels of aggregation and interfacing planning
needs and priorities at micro- level with the district, state and national levels.
This approach therefore, presented a holistic view and tried to strike a balance
between the decentralised planning and resource planning approaches. Moreover it replaced
the conventional wisdom of planning in seeking the resources first to meet the felt needs with
the innovative approach of planning the available resources and technologies to match the felt
On the whole, as the planning process in India adjusts to liberalisation at macro level
and the Panchayati Raj institutions on the ground, ACRP can progress steadily beyond its
present status of an experimental exercise provided it makes judicious use of the links with
the implementing agencies and rapport with the state governments.