Frequently Asked Questions: CVCC/U.Va. Engineering

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Frequently Asked Questions
1. What is the Engineering School in the next few years. One of the primary goals of this
Partnership between CVCC & U.Va.? program is to nurture “local talent for the demand
of local companies.” In order to make this happen it
U.Va.’s School of Engineering and Applied Science was necessary to be able to provide for the education
will join with CVCC to offer a program that would needs of Region 2000. This partnership allows for a
allow students to earn a four-year engineering degree student to earn his/her engineering degree without
without leaving the Lynchburg community. Students leaving the area.
will earn an Associate of Science in Engineering
degree at CVCC and then take third- and fourth-year
classes through U.Va. to earn a Bachelor of Science 4. What are the admission requirements?
Degree in Engineering Science while at CVCC In order to meet the rigid standards of U.Va.’s
engineering program, CVCC will establish an
2. What fields of study will be offered ? Associate of Science in Engineering curriculum
that will satisfy U.Va.’s prerequisites for third-year
CVCC’s program provides students with the basic entry into the engineering school. CVCC will also
fundamentals in engineering plus the general provide bridge courses to meet U.Va.’s entrance
education requirements needed to earn an associate’s requirements for students currently enrolled in one
degree and gain admittance to U.Va.’s School of of its technical degree programs should they
Engineering. U.Va. provides a broader range of choose to advance their education through U.Va.’s
options to meet the specific interest of students. Engineering Science degree program.
Initially, students will be able to select from one of
the following disciplines: Mechanical Engineering, In addition to College admission requirements,
Electrical Engineering, or Material Science admissions requires completion of high school units
Engineering. Additional disciplines may be added or equivalents:
in the future depending on industry demand and
• 4 years English
student interest.
• 3 years mathematics (Algebra I, Algebra II,
3. Why was the program developed? and Geometry),

During the past 15 years, Virginia’s Region 2000 • 1 year laboratory science
has experienced an industry shift toward energy • 1 year social science
and electronics that has accelerated the demand for
engineers and skilled laborers. Even local demand
Continued on next page
demonstrates the need for several hundred engineers
Admission to U.Va. Program: For guaranteed admission 7. I am a student at CVCC — how can I join
into the second two years of the program, given the program ?
by U.Va., the student must have completed his/her
Associate of Science Degree in Engineering with a Call a CVCC academic counselor to help review your
3.4 grade point average . Students who do not meet requirements and make recommendations:
the guaranteed admissions requirements must take • Marc Zoccola (434) 832-7804 [email protected]
the SAT test and apply for admission into the U.Va.
Engineering program.
8. Where will the classes be offered ?
5. What is the math and All CVCC and U.Va. classes will be offered in the
Lynchburg area. Students will also have the option of
science requirement? attending the U.Va. campus in Charlottesville.
The math and science requirements for the
Engineering program are rigorous. A solid grounding
9. When do classes begin ?
in Geometry and Trigonometry are necessary for
successful completion of the math component. The The first classes for the CVCC Associate’s Degree
physics required in this program is calculus based began in August, 2007. The first class to enter the
and substitutions are not possible. bachelor’s program from U.Va. is scheduled to begin
August 2009.
Students will be required to take a math placement
test to determine their readiness for MTH 173.
Those with deficiencies must bridge to MTH 173 10. How much will it cost to take these
by taking additional math courses. Students with classes and who pays ?
deficiencies in math may not be able to complete
Central Virginia Community Colleges tuition
their associate’s degree within two years. CVCC will
is currently $88.15 per credit hour. The College
provide information on admission and eligibility
provides information to
requirements. Students must provide official
attain financial aid for
transcripts and take math placement tests.
all incoming students.
Current tuition and
6. What if I am currently in or have fees for one academic
completed college classes or have year at U.Va.: $ 7,370
an associate’s degree? for Virginia residents.
(For up-to-date costs,
You may need to complete additional coursework
check the U.Va. transfer
in math to fulfill the admissions requirements
admissions website.)
of the Engineering program. To determine your
readiness for MTH 173, you will be required to take However, several
a math placement test even if you have completed companies within
a math course in your associate’s degree. Students Region 2000 have
with deficiencies will bridge to MTH 173 by taking demonstrated an
additional math classes. Most students will need to interested in sponsoring
begin with pre-calculus and chemistry. Courses to students for this program. Sponsorship may
provide applicants with the appropriate background include tuition, tuition reimbursement, books, fees,
in math will be offered. internship, co-op, part-time employment and/or
career opportunity.

Continued on next page

11. How will company sponsorship work? 16. My child is in high school — how can I
Students should first submit and application for prepare him for this program?
admission to the CVCC Engineering program. A list CVCC can provide this information, and works with
of applicants will then be sent out to the companies counselors from local schools to help students prepare
who will decide - based on their own policies and for engineering and other careers.
procedures - what students they will sponsor.
Additional sponsorship information is available on
CVCC’s website,

12. How long will it take me to complete

this program?
The program is designed for students to enter the
U.Va. portion of the program in the third year if they
are full-time students and do not require additional
coursework for math or science deficiencies. These
students would comprise the program’s first
graduating class in 2011.

13. What if I am accepted and cannot

complete the program in four years? 17. Is this program only open to students
interested in transferring to U.Va.?
Working students will be allowed to take more time
to complete the program. They will not be penalized The student can opt to transfer into an Engineering
for taking longer; however, every effort should be program at any four-year university. The college also
made to complete the program as scheduled. has a guaranteed admissions articulation agreement
with Virginia Tech for their Engineering program.

14. Who will be my advisor once I complete The advantage of the U.Va. partnership is that the
degree can be completed without leaving Lynchburg.
the CVCC Engineering Associate Degree?
Company sponsored students will be managed by
the Center for Advanced Engineering and Research
(CAER) with assistance from U.Va. counselors. Other
Engineering transfer students at the junior and senior
level of the U.Va. program will be advised by U.Va.
counselors. Please note that with the initial class
sequence, U.Va. classes are not scheduled to begin in
Region 2000 until 2009.

15. Who will be teaching the classes?

Qualified faculty from CVCC and U.Va. will teach
the classes.

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