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Interaction of Knowledge, Sciences and
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Interaction of Knowledge, Sciences and Civilizational
First Edition 2013
ISBN: 978-967-0882-07-9
Editors: Mohd Yakun @ Zulkifli Mohd Yusoff & Muhamad Alihanafiah Norasid.
Chapter 1:
Chapter 2:
Amine Baïna
Chapter 3:
Siti Patonah Mohamad,
M. Y. Zulkifli M. Yusoff
Durriyyah Sharifah Hasan Adli
Chapter 4:
Chapter 5:
Abdollatif Ahmadi Ramchahi
Faisal bin Ahmad Shah
he Glorious Qur’an is the source of Islamic laws and rulings and the
most valuable time indeed. CQR aims to sustain and promote a vital research
in Quranic studies and Islamic research, as well as to explore any kind of
research (Scientific research/education/heritage etc.), which can relate to
Quranic and Islamic research. To accomplish the goal, CQR conducted many
conferences & symposium on various topics, due to inculcate better
understanding of Islam and it's teaching, based on Al-Quran and Hadith.
Since the foundation of the Centre of Quranic Research (CQR) at
Malaya University in Malaysia, the Centre paid great interest to hold an The
6th Annual International Quranic Conference 2016 or known as
(MUQADDAS VI), which has been held since (2011) till (2016)
consecutively. This conference aims at introducing the latest studies and
researches conducted in the field of Quranic studies. This is achieved through
the participation of researches from all over the world which paves the way for
scholarly communication and interaction between scholars and researches.
This fruitful meeting would help to generate ideas and put them into action.
Furthermore, participating researches are considered as previous studies in the
field of Quranic research and, thus, it is essential to improve these studies and
contribute to it in further studies.
In this regard, the main theme of this year conference (2016) is: “Al-
Qur’an as a center for Knowledge, Sciences, and Civilizational Interaction”,
This is to emphasis on the central role that the Qur’an plays in humankind life
in realizing interaction and mutual understanding in the fields of knowledge,
sciences and the civilizational achievements.
Qur’anic Research: Interaction of Knowledge, Science, and Civilization
Chapter 1:
Qur’anic Research: Interaction of Knowledge, Science, and Civilization
Fatemeh Marzbanpour1
Seyyed Mohammad Amiri2
There has always been a symmetry and long-lasting link between
Islam and the Iranian national culture which is reflected in
linguistic, cultural, and literary propositions common in Farsi and
Arabic languages. One of them is Persian myths which not only
have epic and romantic functions, but they also play an especial
role in inducing religious concepts. The myths, which are bases
of Persian culture and language, bear resemblance to characters
in Qur’anic stories, showing the relationship between language
and culture of various nations. The present study seeks to
compare similarities and differences among “ Persian myths in
The Shahnameh written by the Persian poet Ferdowsi” and “
characters in Qur’anic stories” which include stories like
“Jamshid and Solomon”, “Fereydoun and Moses”, “Joseph and
Siavash”, “Zuleika and Soudabeh”, “Freon and Zahhak”, and
“Khidr and Alexander”. After drawing the comparison, it is
concluded that the origins of many events are the same among
ethnics and nations. The similarity between characteristics of
Persian mythology and characters in Qur’anic stories reveals the
relationship between Persian culture and language and that of
Arabia. Also, an examination of the structural nature of
mythologies and major bases of narrative structure of Qur’anic
stories indicates multilateral interaction and mixture of language
and culture in Iranian and Semitic communities and nations. It
should be noted that such factors are inevitable in social,
political, historical, literary and linguistic relations among
different nations.
1 Candidate PhD, Department of Persian Language and Literature, Najafabad Branch, Islamic Azad
University, Najafabad, Iran (e - mail: [email protected])
2 Department of Persian Language and Literature, Najafabad Branch, Islamic Azad University,
Qur’anic Research: Interaction of Knowledge, Science, and Civilization
Myth is a kind of language to express the inner truths of human beings and facts out
of human imagination. When truths take shapes, images and myths form. Dealing
with the world of myths can be a cheat to freedom, salvation and awakening.
Section One
Solomon is the son of David, the prophet that God had given him great wisdom. With
the permission of Allah, Solomon was proficient in all living creature’s language and
could understand them. Qur’an says that Solomon dominated the wind and goblins
and these goblins built Solomon’s temple for him. The story of Solomon and hoopoe
is mentioned in Qur’an. Hoopoe tells Solomon that people of the Sheba land worship
Sun, but their queen is very powerful and wise. Solomon sent a letter to queen of
Sheba with hoopoe. In the letter, Solomon said that abandon worshiping sun and
worship God. His name was mentioned in Qur’an 16 times in Baghareh, Nesa, Anam,
Anbia, Naml, Saba (Qur’an, Naml).
After death of Tahmores, “Jamshid”, his son, became king and reigned seven hundred
years. Jamshid was wise and had divine charisma3 and divine splendor. He presaged
people justice and defeating wicked people. He thought people making saddles,
armor, spinning, knitting, and sewing garments and divided them into four groups:
righteous and priest people, soldiers and officers, farmers and peasants, artisans and
craftsmen. He removed rubies, gold, silver and gem from the stones. He brought
together camphor, musk, flares and amber. He created seafaring. He became selfish
and arrogance astray him. He disobeyed God’s commands and became ungrateful,
once he called great ones of his country and said: “consider me your Lord, worship
me and pray me”.
By saying these selfish and prideful words, Jamshid’s glory and divine charisma of
his kingdom vanished and he was defeated and overset. Thus, four hundred years of
his kingdom passed away with suffering and defeat (Shahnameh of Ferdowsi, first
3 Divine splendor: Iranian mythology's concept (Dust khan, 1017p) and blessing or a divine glory that
someone with restraint and to acquire the degree of perfection. (Bahar,156p) Each class member can
have their own glory. In Persian mythology combination of divine glory, the glory of the Imperial
Iranian glorious, glorious heroic been used more than others. Kings of legitimacy was dependent on his
divine glory. The king was the legitimate king with the royal glory that sometimes also called divine
glory .only the glory belongs to the Iranian people is virtuous and evil, pride and so it disappears. Iranian
myths are cases in which, due to pride or errors, King lost its glory and its legitimacy is destroyed.
Qur’anic Research: Interaction of Knowledge, Science, and Civilization
Section Two
One night, Joseph dreamed of eleven stars and the sun and the moon felling down in
front of him and worshipping him, he told his dream to his father. His father
interpreted his dream and said God will soon elect you as his prophet. His big
brothers were jealous of Joseph. They got him to desert to play but threw him in a pit
and brought his bloody dress to Jacob. They claimed that the wolf had eaten him. A
convoy found him in a pit a got him to Egypt. They wanted to sell him. Egypt’s Aziz
bought him and recommended his wife to honor him. His wife fell in love with him.
Inevitably, she wanted to have sexual intercourse with him. One day, he shut all the
doors and said “”هیت لک, Joseph did not listen to him and returned to infallibility of
God and said: “( ” معاذ هللا انه ربی احسن مثوای انه ال یفلح الظالمونJoseph, 23)
Zoleykhah chased him and got his shirt by her hands, teared his cloth apart. They
faced Egypt’s Aziz while getting out of the room and Zoleykhah accused him of
malicious intent, but he denied. Finally, they imprisoned him. Joseph interpreted
dreams of two prisoners in jail, one of whom started working in court of Egypt later.
It was the same person that due to him, Joseph interpreted king of Egypt’s dream and
the king released him from prison. The interpretation of his dram was 7 years drought
in Egypt but through Joseph’s wisdom, people were survived from drought. Joseph
became Egypt’s Aziz and found his brothers who came to Egypt to buy some wheat
and forgave them (holy Qur’an, Joseph surah).
Siavash was son of Keykavoos, one of the ancient kings of Iran. Siavash was such a
good-looking man like Joseph that everyone was astonished by his beauty. On the
other hand, his moral sprits like probity, and shame was also his prominent feature.
Sudabeh, daughter of “Hamavaran” king and Keykavoos’s wife fell in love with
Siavash. As in secret, she sent a messenger to Siavash and summoned him to her
royal bedchamber, but he refused. The other day, Sudabeh went to the king and asked
him to send Siavash to the bed chamber and let him choose a wife for himself.
Siavash inevitably went to the bedchamber. The third time, Sudabeh summoned
Siavash, but he became angry and got up bitterly. Sudabeh informed Keykavoos and
she accused Siavash of infidelity. Kavoos was thinking about killing SIavash in
penalty of his sin, but first, he decided to test him, he first smelt Sudabeh’s hand and
smelt musk and wine but he could not smell it in hand and cloth of Siavash. He found
out that Sudabeh lied to him and his son, Siavash, was innocent. Keykavoos decided
to kill Sudabeh, but he thought that Hamavaran’s king would avenge him.
As priests said, he kindled a fire to separate the guilty one from the innocent.
Although Keykavoos knew that Sudabeh was innocent, but he voted for “passing
through the fire” to test his truth, but Sudabeh refused to do that. Keykavoos decided
to kill Sudabeh, but by Siavash’s mediation he forgave her. In wake of the events of
war between Iran and Turkestan, Siavash joined Afrasyab. Since Sudabeh was jelous
of Siavash’s popularity in Turkestan, she sent two of her men to Afrasyab to lie to
him and tell him Siavash wanted to kill him. Afrasyab did not believe her. But after
continuous gossips of the people around him, he finally he believed this plot and
ordered to kill Siavash. Then they beheaded innocent Siavash, the hero, and martyred
him. Therefore, he remained in people’s memory and udabeh was killed due to the
punishment of her foul desires (Shahnameh, volume 3).
1-1: in Qur’an, joseph’s story is considered as the best story. On the other hand,
Siavash’s story is the most beautiful love stories.
1-2: most parts of both stories deal with manly characteristics. Joseph, as a prophet of
the future, and the other characteristic, has divine glory. According to experts, these
two stories are influenced by masculinity period in human civilization (Khan
Mohamadi, 1991, p26).
1-3: in both stories, there is a minor and limited role which appears for a short time.
Minor characteristic in Joseph’s story is Zolekhah and in Siavash’s story is Sudabeh.
They appear in the story to reveal the inner and sacred characteristic of the first
heroes (ibid).
1-4: entry and presence of female characteristics are in such a way that they appear in
a similar position to heroes due to their specific role. However, they have similar
1-5: joseph and Siavash both had beautiful and graceful countenance. Particularly,
Joseph’s special sign of mission between other prophets was his beauty. (it is narrated
that two-third of beauty is given to Joseph and one-third is given to other people)
1-6: joseph enchanted Egyptian woman (when they saw him, they found him such a
beautiful angel that they caught their hands). Siavash’s beauty in Shahnameh is to the
extent that beauties of bedchamber lost their control.
Qur’anic Research: Interaction of Knowledge, Science, and Civilization
1-7: it is Keykavoos who asked Siavash to go to bedchamberand but he did not doubt
if Siavash’s stepmother had any intention. But siavash was very wiser than his father,
first, tried to make his father clear about any doubts. He thought his father wanted to
test him. Then he accepted and the next day he went to bedchamber worriedly.
Soudabeh hugged him and wanted to have sexual relationship with him (ibid). On the
contrary, Joseph did not suspect zoleykhah, maybe because of the fact that Zoleykhah
had always been with him since them buyed him and adopted him as her child and
she loved him like a mother. The other reason is that Zoleykhah did not behave
obscenely. Whatever she does is due to love (Davari, Momtahan, 2011, 181).
1-8: Although Keykavoos satisfied Siavash to go to Sudabeh’s room but Siavash is
But Joseph is not afraid of Zoleykhah in the story, maybe being a prophet had helped
him to calm him down. He just says “I seek refuge to Allah” (Momtahan, Davari, p
1-9: Zoleykhah asked Joseph to come in and she shut the doors. “She closed the doors
and said everything is ready for you”. Sudabeh sent a messengerto Siavash and told
him she was waiting for him in the bedchamber and wants to have sex with him.
1-10: Joseph escaped from Zulaikhah, but Siavash knew his father’s interest to
Sudabeh, if he gave a negative response to Sudabeh, she could easily change his
father’s mind about him.
1-11: both of them seek refuge in God
1-12: Joseph and Siavash both denied their lovers therefore they were found guilty
and deserved punishment. Aziz’s wife said: “if he does not do what I order him he
will go to jail and will be disgraced and humiliated” (Joseph/23)
1-13: in both stories, garment of one person is torn (lover or beloved). In the story:
(… took his shirt and tear it from behind…) (Joseph/25) but Sudabeh tore the cloth
from the front.
1-14: Egypt’s Aziz considers Zuleykhah to be guilty: (… because you are sinner.)
(Joseph/29) and he was negligence about this matter and he was satisfied by her
repentance and asking forgiveness (…ask forgiveness…). But Kavoos was very
serious and angry about this matter and decided to kill Siavash if Sudabeh was proved
to be innocent (Ferdowsi, 2000, p225) and if Sudabeh was sinful, he would kill him
1-15: In order to save his wife’s face, kavoos told Siavash not to talk to anyone about
this matter (Ferdowsi, 226). Egypt’s Aziz told Joseph to (disregard it…) (Joseph/29).
1-16: iavash generous and chivalrous. He went to gallows without committing the
slightest sin. He forgave (Garsivaz), who was plotting against him. Joseph forgave his
treacherous brothers easily who hurt him so badly, or he forgave Zulaikhah after all
difficulties he suffered due to her and even married her.
2-1: Kavoos was very sad because the issue had remained unresolved for a long time.
But Jacob lost his patience and became blind of weeping (his eyes became white due
to sorrow) (Joseph/ 84).
2-2: when Kavoos heard Siavash’s death, he fell from his bed unconsciously and
ripped his dress (Ferdowsi, 287). While he put Joseph’s shirt on his eyes he could see
again: (when the bearer of good news put the cloth on his face, suddenly he could see
again) (Joseph/ 96).
2-3: joseph who was in the bottom of a pit became Egypt’s Aziz (God, you gave me a
huge part of the government…). (ibid, 101), but Siavash who had throne, became
humiliated and desperate.
2-4: there is a big difference in destiny of these two heroes; Siavash had to fight with
the existing government system in order to fulfill his ambitions, but Joseph was
capable to fulfill his ambitions without fighting government system. Because of this
fact, unlike Joseph’s story, Siavash’s story did not have a happy ending and ended in
protagonist’s martyrdom which had such an enormous consequence that it leaded to
revenge Turkish people and emergence of Keykhosrow.
3-1: Zoleykhah and Sudabeh were both beautiful. Sudabeh was defined in Shahnameh
as “moon-faced” and “Canopus of Yemen”. When they met Siavash and Joseph, they
were both young and 3-2: highly beautiful and in peak of desires. Zoleykhah and
Sudabeh were both middle-aged.
3-3: both of them fell in love with young men who grew up in their families.
3-4: both of them followed their passion and sandaled in their forbidden love.
3-5: both of them were powerful and had political and social influence.
3-6: both of them put the blame on the other person to prove their innocence.
3-7: both of them appeared as a minor role but they had direct influence on events of
the story.
4-1: Zoleykhah’s love was considered to be purer and less carnal than Sudabeh’s
love; but, sudabeh fell in love in first sight and she just wanted sexual relationship.
4-2: Egyptian’s women’s description of Joseph: (glory to Allah! he is not a human,
this is an honorable angle) (ibid. 31). Zulaikhah believed that Joseph’s face was a
good reason for people who denied her love. This meeting was arranged to justify
Zoleykhah. But, the reason of sudabeh’s invitation was not to excite other people’s
admiration because he did not need other’s admiration. She arrogantly wanted
Siavash to compare her with beauties of bedchamber and to confess her beauty and
choose her; whereas, Zoleykhas did not have any arrogance and selfishness nowhere
in the story. That is why she has been a symbol of a true lover in the literature
(Momtahan, Davari, 2011, p182).
4-3: Sudabeh was more deceiver than Zoleykhah, tearing up Joseph’s garment from
behind was a good reason for Joseph’s innocence. When Egypt’s Aziz saw the
garment torn up from behind, he said: this woman’s snare, woman’s snare is great.
While, tearing Sudabeh’s dress was evidence of her innocence.
4-4: Sudabeh was a woman who achieved whatever she wanted from his power, she
was powerful, obstinate and vengeful. By the fact that Zoleykhah had influence on
Egypt’s Aziz and despite her fault was proved, she accused Joseph. Due to this
influence, Egypt’s Aziz puts Joseph in jail to save-face reputation of the court. But
Joseph acted so rationally that Egypth’s Aziz decided to justify himself and he invited
Egyptian noble women. After accusing Joseph which Zoleykhah then regret about it,
he did not do anything else.
4-5: reaction of Sudabeh against beauty of Siavash was that she sent a messenger to
him and asked him to come to bedchamber. But Joseph did not do anything which
demonstrated his foreseeing cause had not been aware of Zoleykhah’s love until she
Qur’anic Research: Interaction of Knowledge, Science, and Civilization
openly expressed her interest. He was impressed by Zoleykhah’s pure love and
honesty. So he did not doubt her.
4-6: Zoleykhah was not capricious like Sodabeh and her love is not as ungracious as
Sodabeh’s love. She acted so virtuously that she did not disturbed Joseph. Except the
last scene of this episode, there is no source which mentions that Zoleykhad have let
Joseph have sexual relationship with her before, Qur’an describes this scene in
4-7: after putting Joseph in jail, Zoleykhah regretted of her sin and remained regretful
to the end of the story. But sudabeh did not regret and continued his seduction to the
end of the story and caused Siavash’s death.
4-8: at the end of the story, Zoleykhah became young again and fresh again and
married Joseph and fulfilled her desires but Sodabeh was killed with a sword.
Section three
Pharaoh, an oppressor king of Israel dreamed of fire coming from Sham to Egypt and
burned aristocrat’s homes and ruined palaces, gardens and halls and turned everyone
to ash and smoke. Hypnologists interpreted that soon a boy would born and he would
destroy pharaoh. He ordered to kill every boy that was born. God inspired Moses
mother “breast-feed him and put him in Nile when you feared and do not scared, do
not be sad, we will restore him to you and make him one of the messengers. “Moses’
mother placed the baby in a box and put him in Nile”
Nile’s waves got the box to Pharaoh’s palace. He ordered to kill him but
Asieh, Pharaoh’s wife prevented him. God put love of that child in her heart. She
offered pharaoh to adopt him as their child and pharaoh agreed. God chose Moses as
his prophet. Israelites accepted his invitation. But, even after seeing Moses’ miracle
of the rod and his victory over pharaoh’s witches, pharaoh continued his oppression.
Finally Moses and his followers migrated to Palestine from Egypt by crossing the
Nile but Pharaoh and his armies were drowned in Nile. The story of Moses is
mentioned in Shoara, Ghesas, Araf, Naml, Jonah, Alnazeat, Hood, Abraham,
Momenoon and Asrah (Qur’an/ Ghesas).
After killing his father, Zahak became king through temptations of devil. Devil kissed
Zahak’s shoulders to show his affection to him. Two black snakes grew on his
shoulders where Devil kissed. Devil transformed himself into a skilled physician and
went to Zahak and said: “if you want those snakes to be calm and not to harm you,
you should kill two people every day and make stew for the snakes by their brains.
Zahak dreamed of three fighting men coming to him. One of them who was smaller
and was a brave hero attacked him and knocked his heavy mace on his head.
Interpretation of his dream was that: “a child called Fereydoun who is searching for
your throne will be born in your country and he will kill thee by mace”. He ordered to
look for Fereydoon across the country and bring to him. Fereydun’s father became
snake’s meal. Fereydoun nurtured in mountains and plains with a pious and when he
found out his father’ death and Zahak’s oppression, he was waiting for fight. The
situation is provided through Kaveh’s petition from Zahak, Fereydun fighted Zahak
and abolished his kingdom. (Ferdowsi/ volume1).
1-1: Moses and Fereydun revolted to seize government and create a better situation.
1-2: both of them were away from danger by their mother.
1-3: their father’s name was not mentioned in the story effectively.
1-4: both of them revolted when innocent people were dead. Moses rebelled when a
Coptic man was dead with a hit of fist. He came back to his city after many years.
Fereydun came from Alborz and seized the throne when Kaveh’s sons were dead.
1-4: in the story of Moses, there was a minister who was Moses’ brother. In
Fereydun’s story, Freydun’s brothers were his first consultants and they met Zahak
before their battle.
1-5: water had crucial role in the story. Moses faced his fate through river’s
waterway. Fereydun was grown up in mountains and plains but he passed through
Euphrates River to arrest Zahak as Moses had to pass through Nile to overcome
Pharaoh and survive and in this scene water, the most important element in nature,
played its role as a crucial element.
1-6: both of them were away from their mothers after their birth.
1-7: both of them born in a situation where newborns were killed.
1-8: Moses and Fereydun could finally seize the throne.
1-9: both of them return to their homeland.
2-1: Moses was put into water but Fereydun was grown up on soil.
2-2: Moses was rescued by the ones who could not have children but Fereydun was
nurtured by a pious in the mountain.
2-3: Moses was nurtured by Pharaon and then fought against him. But Fereydun was
nurtured far away from government and he was grown up secretly.
2-4: Moses first invited Pharaon to monotheism and avoiding oppression and etc. but
Fereydun had not had a conversation before overthrowing Zahak’s throne.
2-5: Moses was inspired by Allah and he had miracles. By demonstrating Allah’s
miracle to Pharaoh, he showed God’s power to him. But Fereydun did not have
supernatural power and he destroyed Zahak by using people’s and Kaveh’s revolt and
grace of God.
4-1: Zahak had a long time government, but pharaon did not governed for a long
4-2: pharaon was very oppressive and continued his oppression after Moses’
invitation to monotheism and seeing his miracle, but Zahak tried to justify himself
and his government after seeing Fereydun. He prepared documentary evidence and
asked everyone to sign and testify his justice.
4-3: pharaoh chased Moses and his followers to Nile but in Fereydun’s story,
fereydun pursued zahak while crossing Euphrates.
4-4: Zahak was killed by Fereydun but pharaon and his armies were drowned in Nile
while chasing Moses and his followers.
Islam, with the goal of prosperity for mankind, used different ways to promote its
religion. One of these ways is storytelling and introducing good and bad models.
With the advent of Islam, themes of prophet’s stories entered Persian literature and
inspired poets like Ferdowsi. Shahnameh is one of the pillars of poetry and language
in Persian language which lies on myth and it is closely associated with these stories.
Therefore, there common symbols were created in religious life and myths which had
common goals. Like Solomon’s ring and throne of Jamshid.
There were common beliefs like belief in good and evil, existence of evil that
can indwell in humans or animals body like (Joseph and Zoleykhah, SIavash and
Sudabeh) and having divine approval ( Jamshid and Solomon). Governance of fate
(Pharaoh and Moses, Zahak and Fereydun) hypnology and forecasting, (pharaon and
Zahak, Zahak and Fereydun, Joseph and Zoleykhah, Siavash and Sudabeh) are
closely associated with fate’s governance.
The next conclusion: there are commonalities like burth, gaining power, life
style, fighting oppressive governors, faith and belief in God and … which exists in
Qur’an’s stories of prophets and Iranian myths in Shahnameh gets us to this
conclusion that we cannot deny creation of a conversation between myth and religion.
This agreement and harmony between religious and mythical characteristics could
provide a field for growing and reasoning for humanity.
The third result is that links between Arian and Samies has caused linguistic,
historical, cultural, and religious interference between these two nations. Whether this
interference was deliberate or fault, they had common purpose, they had mutual
effects on each other despite their difference.
Final result is that in fields of language and comparative literature there are
numerous and undeniable similarities among nations and peoples which derive us to
this conclusion that in depth elements of this world, common elements could be found
and that are the same basic, common language with a few changes and evolution.
This is world view towards phenomenon of human thought.
2. Asil, H. (1990) From Jamshid to Fereydun, the story of ups and downs of
power in Shahnameh. Farhang, 7
11. Razi, A. Hossein ibn Ali, M, (1986) ، روض الجنان و روح الجنان فی التفسیر القرآن,
edited by: Yahaghi, M. Naseh, M. Mashhad: Astan GHods Razavi
Qur’anic Research: Interaction of Knowledge, Science, and Civilization
Iman Kanani1
Prof. Dato' Dr. Mohd Yakub @ Zulkifli Mohd Yusoff2
1Phd Candidate, Department of Al-Qur’an and Al-Hadith, Akademy of Islamic Studies, University of
Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
Professor of Academy of Islamic Studies, University of Malaya.
Qur’anic Research: Interaction of Knowledge, Science, and Civilization
One of the most important contemporary topics of Islamic thought that has brought
about a deep conflict and clash among Muslims themselves, on the one hand, and
between Muslims and non-Muslims (especially in multi-religious countries), on the
other hand, is the issue of muwālāt. Nowadays, walāʾ or muwālāt has become the
cause of profound social problems in human society. Furthermore, there are some
scholars who are committed to a literalist understanding of the Qurʾān and prophetic
traditions, arguing that muwālāt means that God has commanded Muslims to
establish and maintain their friendship and love only with their fellow Muslims while
simultaneously disassociating themselves from non-Muslims, who form the majority
of the world population today.
3 Shavit, Uriya, “Can Muslims befriend non-Muslims? Debating al-Walāʾ wa al-Barāʾ (Loyalty and
Disavowal) in Theory and Practice”, Islam and Christian-Muslim Relations, 25/ 1 (2014), p. 67-88.
4 The term People of the Book ( أهل الكتاب′Ahl al-Kitāb) is utilized in the Qurʾān to refer to Jewish and
5 Bænu ˈæws, meaning “Sons of Aws” or simply Aws was one of the main Arab tribes of Medina.
6 Alternate spellings include Quraiza, Qurayzah, Quraytha, and the archaic Koreiza, was a Jewish tribe
which lived in northern Arabia at the oasis of Yathrib (presently known as Medina) until the 7th century
7 Bænu Khazraj was one of the tribes of Arabia living in Medina during the era of the Prophet
8 Also spelled Banu Kainuka, Banu Kaynuka, Banu Qainuqa, Banu Qaynuqa, was one of the three main
In summary, the aims of this study can be listed as follows: (a) to explain the
definition of muwālāt (loyalty); (b) to clarify the various conditions of muwālāt in the
Qurʾān; (c) to explore the evolution of muwālāt before and after revelation; (d) to
analyze the different theories about walāʾ; and, finally, (e) to establish guidelines for
relations between Muslim and non-Muslim countries.
God says: “So if they believe like you do, they will be rightly guided. But if they turn
their backs, then they will be entrenched in opposition. God will protect you from
them: He is the All-Hearing, the All-Knowing.” (Q 2:137).
9 Ibn Fāris, Muʿjam Maqayis al-Lughah, Lebanon, Beirut, Dār al-Fikr, 1979, VI, P. 141.
10Ibn Fāris, Muʿjam Maqayis al-Lughah, VI, P. 141; Al-Juharī, Al-Ṣaḥāḥ fī allugah, Lebanon, Beirut,
Dār al-Kutub al-ʿIlmiyyah, 1999, VI, p. 559; Al-Zubaydī, Tāj al-ʿArūs min Jawāhir al-Qāmūs, Kuwait,
National Council for Culture, Arts & Letters, 2001, IV, p. 253.
Ṣālih Āl al-Shaykh, Usūl al-Īmān fī Ḍaw al-Kitāb wa al-Sunnah, Saudi Arabia, Ministry of Islamic
Affairs, Endowments, Daʿwah and Guidance, 2000, p. 265.
12 Muḥammad Al-Qahṭānī, Al-Walāʾ wa al-Barā fī al-Islam, Saudi Arabia, Mecca, Dār al-Ṭayyibah,
1992, p. 90.
Qur’anic Research: Interaction of Knowledge, Science, and Civilization
Quṭb says that muwālāt is a social alliance which denotes loving, supporting, and
making social contracts with Muslims13.
Loyalty among the communities of the Jāhiliyyah era had two different forms:
ideological and contractual. The loyalty between man and his gods was a form of
ideological loyalty: God says:
“True devotion is due to God alone. Those who choose other protectors [gods]
beside Him, saying, ‘We only worship them because they bring us nearer to God,’
God Himself will judge between them regarding their differences. God does not guide
any ungrateful liar.” (Q 39:3)
“Those who take protectors [gods] other than God can be compared to spiders
building themselves houses—the spider’s is the frailest of all houses—if only they
could understand. God knows what things they call upon beside Him: He is the
Mighty, the Wise.” (Q 29:41-42)
“Say [Prophet], ‘Who is Lord of the heavens and the earth?’ Say, ‘God.’ Say,
‘Why do you take protectors [gods] other than Him, who can neither benefit nor
harm even themselves?’ Say, ‘Are the blind equal to those who can see?’” (Q 13:16)
The loyalty between jinns and their worshipers is another example: God says:
“On the Day He gathers them all together, He will say to the angels, ‘Was it you
these people worshipped?’ They will reply, ‘May You be exalted! You are our
supporter against them! Really, they worshipped the jinn—most of them believed in
them.’” (Q 34:40-41)
These types of loyalty have been forbidden by God.
The second form of loyalty in the era of Jāhiliyyah was established on the
basis of social contract. The walāʾ (loyalty) between a servant and his master in the
pre-Islamic era is an example, God says:
“Name your adopted sons after their [real] fathers: this is more equitable in God’s
eyes—if you do not know who their fathers are [they are your] ‘brothers-in-religion’
and protégés….” (Q 33:5)
13 Sayyid Quṭb, Fī Ẓilāl al-Qurʾān, Lebanon, Beirut, Dār al-Shurūq, 1991, I, p. 387.
their own group and to shun outsiders 14. Some Khārijites say that loyalty and
disavowal are among the attributes of God15. According to Khārijite doctrine, loyalty
with a sinner is impermissible because a sinner is the same as an infidel. Based on
this doctrine, the Khārijites were loyal to the first two caliphs and disavowed the last
two caliphs16.
A similar approach developed in the Shiʿa creed by those who followed ʿAlī
ibn Abī Ṭālib and preferred him over the other caliphs 17. They adopted muwālāt as a
main part of their doctrine18, and believe that loyalty to ʿAlī is the basis of the
acceptance of deeds and, therefore, that all the deeds and worship of those who do not
believe in loyalty to ʿAlī are unacceptable to God19.
A general search in Sunnī sources indicates that the scope of muwālāt takes a
different form. The Sunnī interpretation of loyalty has, however, changed variously
over the duration of Islamic history. According to Ṭabarī’s (224-310 AH / 839-923
CE) interpretation of this verse that God says:
“The believers should not make the disbelievers their allies rather than other
believers—anyone who does such a thing will isolate himself completely from God—
except when you need to protect yourselves from them. God warns you to beware of
Him: the Final Return is to God.” (Q 3:28)
Some historians, such as al-Jāḥiẓ and Ibn ʿAbd Rabbih, have written about
this issue. Al-Jāḥiẓ (159-255 AH / 767-869 CE) narrated in Kitāb al-Bayān wa al-
Tabyīn with regard to muwālāt that: “ʿUmar ibn al-Khaṭṭāb wrote a letter to Abū
Musā al-Ashʿarī telling him that loyalty to infidels was the worst capital for a
Muslim21. In Al-ʿIqd al-Farīd by Ibn ʿAbd Rabbih (246-328 AH / 860-940 CE) a
discussion between Muʿāwiyah and a woman named Darāmyah al-Hajunyah is
narrated. In this discussion, Muʿāwiyah asked her why she liked ʿAlī and disliked him
and why she showed loyalty to ʿAlī and enmity to him 22. Jāḥiẓ’s narration from
ʿUmar ibn al-Khaṭṭāb shows that the prohibited loyalty is for infidels who are
enemies of Muslims. However, the Ibn ʿAbd Rabbih understanding is contrary to the
Sunnī creed of that particular period. Abū Bakr al-Khallāl narrated from Abī Saʿīd al-
1980, I, p. 179.
16 Aḥmad Jalī, Darāsah ʿān al-Firāq fī Tārīkh al-Muslīmīn “al-Shīʿah wa al-Khawārij”, Saudi Arabia,
1992, I, p. 145.
19 Muḥammad Bāqir Al-Majlisī, Biḥār al-Anwār, Lebanon, Beirut, Muʾassasat al-Wafā. 1983, XXVII, p.
Ibn Jarīr Al-Ṭabarī, Jami' al-Bayan fi Ta'wil al-Quran, Lebanon, Beirut, Muʾassasat al-Risālah, 2000,
VI, p. 313.
21 Jāḥiẓ, Kitāb al-Bayān wa al-Tabyīn, Lebanon, Beirut, Dār wa Maktabat al-Hilāl, 2003, II, p. 33.
22 Ibn ʿAbd Rabbih,ʿIqd al-Farīd , Lebanon, Beirut, Dār al-Kutub al-ʿIlmiyyah, 1983, I, p. 352-353.
Qur’anic Research: Interaction of Knowledge, Science, and Civilization
Khudrī that one of the Prophet’s companions had said that al-walāyah is an
innovation (bidʿah)23. This does not, however, mean that all types of muwālāt are an
innovation but that transforming muwālāt from a socio-political to an ideological
term and being loyal to some Muslims and disavowing others is bidʿah.
The Sufi thought with regard to muwālāt also differs from the previous
views. First, they have advocated the loyalty of a murīd (novice) towards his shaykh
(spiritual guide). When the murīd takes an oath (ʿahd) of loyalty and swears
obedience, the shaykh in turn promises to solve the murīd’s problems and deliver him
from every dilemma whenever he makes a request for help. Second, they have
defined walī as a true, sincere believer. Third, walī, as defined by the leader of the
Tijāniyyah order, is a person that God distinguishes by handling his affairs and
permitting him to witness His Divine deeds and attributes 24.
Most jurists, on the other hand, have focused on contractual muwālāt, mostly
discussing walāʾ between a freed slave and his master. For instance, Mālik ibn Anas
(93-179 AH / 711-795 CE) defined walāʾ as an agreement between two persons25.
Shāfiʿī (150-204 AH / 767-820 CE) believed walāʾ between a freed slave and his lord
was not related to faith and religion 26. Al-Sarakhsī (Muḥammad ibn Aḥmad ibn Abī
Sahl Abū Bakr al-Sarakhsī was an important jurist of the Ḥanafī School (Death 490
AH / 1096, CE)) described muwālāt as a contract between two people who both agree
to support each other. He noted that in the era of Jāhiliyyah people would support
each other by making alliances27. In addition, al-Sughdī (Death 461/1068) narrated
that muwālāt between Muslims and freed non-Muslim slaves was permissible28.
However, some Ḥanbalī scholars consider such a concept of loyalty to be an
innovation (bidʿah). Ibn Abī Yaʿlā in his explanation about muwālāt according to the
Ḥanbalī School, says that being loyal to some and disavowing others is an
innovation29. Thus, all types of muwālāt are not innovations.
“Showing loyalty to infidels has three aspects. The first aspect of loyalty to
infidels is to be satisfied with their beliefs and support them in this regard.
This kind of loyalty is forbidden and those who tend towards this method
have deviated from the true way of faith (īmān). The second aspect of loyalty
to infidels is to live in respectful coexistence with them, without being
satisfied with their beliefs and without providing them any support. This form
of loyalty is not prohibited. The third aspect of loyalty to infidels, which is
23 Aḥmad Al- al-Khallāl, Kitāb al-Sunnah, Saudi Arabia, Riyaḍh, Dār al-Rāyah, 1989, V, p. 141.
24 Al. Ṭabarī, “The Other Side of Sufism”. (1988).
25 Mālik ibn Anas, Al-Mudawanah al kubrā, Lebanon, Beirut, Dār al-Kutub al-ʿIlmiyyah, 1994, II, p.
526& 558.
26Muhammad ibn Idrīs al-Shāfīʿī, Kitāb al-Umm, Lebanon, Beirut: Dar al-Maʿrifah.1990, V, p. 132.
27 Al-Sarakhsī, Al-Mabsūṭ Lebanon, Beirut: Dar al-Maʿrifah, 1993, VIII, p. 81.
28 Al-Sugdī, Al-Natf fī al-Fatāwā, Beirut, Dār al-Furqān; ʿAmmān, Muʾassasat al-Risālah, 1984, I, p.
29 Yaʿlā, ibn Abī ,1987, Ṭabaqāt al-Hanabillah, Lebanon, Beirut: Dār al-Maʿrifah. I, p. 35.
between the first and second, is to support, help, and show loyalty to them
due to kinship or love, while holding the belief that their religion is false.
Though this kind of loyalty does not swerve a person from īmān, it is
The Salafī mainstream view with regard to muwālāt has been largely
influenced nowadays by the thought of Ibn Taymiyyah.
The word literalist comes from the root “literal”. The literal meaning of a word or
expression is its basic or original meaning 34. In this regard, the term means using
some texts in their usual or most simple sense without a deep understanding of the all
related texts. A literal understanding is often a shallow understanding of something.
In Islamic thought, this term is used as an opposite of conceptual meaning. For
example: God says in the Quran (16:98):
[Prophet], when you recite the Quran, seek God’s protection from the outcast, Satan.
Those Who are literalist, by relying on this verse, have determined that seeking
protection from God before reading the Quran is obligatory, and those who have not
said “the seeking protection word” is a sin should be punished by God. However,
30 Rāzī, Fakhr al-Dīn .2000. Mafatīḥ al-Ghayb [the keys of paradise] Lebanon, Beirut: Dār Ihyā al-
Turāth al-ʿArabī.
31 Ibn Taymiyyah, Al-Ṣirāṭ al-Mustaqīm, Saudi Arabia, Medina, Mujammā al-Malik Fahd, 1999, I, p. 7,
Qur’anic Research: Interaction of Knowledge, Science, and Civilization
most Muslim jurists assert that the Sunnah and is only voluntary. Nowadays the term
“literalist” has been used by some scholars to describe Salafīs.
“You who believe, do not take the Jews and Christians as allies: they are allies only
to each other. Anyone who takes them as an ally becomes one of them—God does not
guide such wrongdoers.” (Q 5:51)
And they rely on some prophetic traditions that one narrated by Ibn Masʿūd
that The prophet says: “The strongest handhold of Islam is to have loyalty (walāyah)
to God and also love and hate for God.” (Ṭabarānī, 1985, vol. 1, 372)
Also Abū Hurayrah narrated that prophet says:
“Do not begin a greeting ‘al-salām’ with a Jew and Christian, and if you meet one of
them on the road, force him to the thinnest part of it.” (Tirmidhī 1975, vol. 4, 154).
35 Khalaf, Uṣūl Masāʾil al-ʿAqīdah ʿind al-Salaf wa ʿind al-Mubtadaʿah, 2001, II, p. 52.
36 Shavit, “Can Muslims befriend non-Muslims? Debating al-Walāʾ wa al-Barāʾ (Loyalty and
(B) The methodology used by this group to infer the meaning of muwālāt in the
Qurʾān is not comprehensive and there are other verses that are contrary to their idea,
including 3:64, 3:113-115, and 5:5;
(C) A brief glance at the Prophet’s life shows clearly that he did not himself display
such interaction with non-Muslims, and it shows that Muslims' relations with other
faiths is based on peace, not on enmity and disavowal.
“God does not forbid you to deal kindly and justly with anyone who has not fought
you for your faith or driven you out of your homes: God loves the just. But God
forbids you to take as allies those who have fought against you for your faith, driven
you out of your homes, and helped others to drive you out: any of you who take them
as allies will truly be wrongdoers” (Q 60:8-9).
The present study categorizes muwālāt with regard to ideology and faith. It
divides muwālāt into the two groupings of ideological and non-ideological
(contractual). Ideological muwālāt is certain and eternal while contractual muwālāt is
internal and based on different situations. Others have divided muwālāt into
categories of prohibited (undesirable) and not prohibited (desirable). The difference
between two classifications is that the first is based on ideology, spirituality, and
faith. While the second division is based on lawful and prohibited. It means according
to them there are some muwālāt which are permissible while others are
impermissible. The former contains muwālāt between believers themselves, believers
and God, and believers and angels. However, the latter includes muwālāt between
pagans and their gods, among non–Muslims, between devils and their followers, and
between Muslims and non-Muslims.
It is worthy to mention that the paper’s division is based on all verses related
to muwālāt in the Quran, and with special consideration to the nature and culture of
relations among Arab societies during the advent of revelation. The prophet’s
(PBUH) dealing with Non-Muslims in his life as the best interpreter of the Quran is
the main basis of this research. Based on this classification, the present study
represents a new guideline and structure for the concept of muwālāt.
Ideological muwālāt
Ideological muwālāt is a relationship of loyalty that does not have any connection to
human social life. It refers only to metaphysical and spiritual existence. Although
most Salafī scholars, including Ibn Taymiyyah, Ibn al-ʿUthaymīn, and Fawzān,
considered muwālāt to be only an ideological concept, this article infers that muwālāt
must be divided into two categories: ideological and contractual. Ideological muwālāt
is further divided to four categories, as follows.
In the Qurʾān, the muwālāt that exists between believers and God is only ideological.
In Q 6:1420 God mentions that muwālāt must be only for Him. God says:
“Say, ‘Shall I take for myself an ally other than God, the Creator of the heavens and
the earth, who feeds but is not fed?’ Say, ‘I am commanded to be the first [of you] to
devote myself [to Him].’ Do not be one of the idolaters.” (Q 6:14)
Muwālāt in such verses denotes worship. Consequently, worship must be for God
alone. Polytheism is the antithesis to this sense of muwālāt. This means that seeking
closeness to anyone other than God through worship, asking for help, and showing
humility are considered polytheism41.
Be aware! Unquestionably, for Allah is the pure religion. And those who take walī
besides Him [and say], “We only worship them that they may bring us nearer to
Allah in position.” Indeed, Allah will judge between them concerning that over which
they differ. Indeed, Allah does not guide he who is a liar and [confirmed] disbeliever.
(Q 39:3)
In the context of this verse and some other verses, such as 29:41-42 that God says:
“Those who take allies other than God can be compared to spiders building
themselves houses—the spider’s is the frailest of all houses—if only they could
understand. God knows what things they call upon beside Him: He is the Mighty, the
Wise.” (Q 29:41-42).
It is obvious that muwālāt denotes tawḥīd and is a relationship between God and His
servant. When God says that He is the ally (walī) of those who believe, as in Quran
such as the below verses it means that He is a gracious protector and guardian:
God says:
“God is the ally of those who believe: He brings them out of the depths of darkness
and into the light….” (Q 2:257)
“My ally is God: He has revealed the Scripture, and it is He who protects the
righteous, but those you call on instead of Him cannot help you or even help
themselves.” (Q 7:196-197)
“…God is the ally of [true] believers.” (Q 3:68)
“….Wrongdoers only have each other to protect them; the righteous have God
Himself as their ally.” (Q 45:19)
This ideological muwālāt was very popular among people in the era of Jāhiliyyah.
Polytheists had great cordial and spiritual relationships with their idols. They
worshiped them and called upon them for help, especially in difficulties. This kind of
muwālāt was prohibited by Islam and, in order to rectify the people’s conception of
worshiping God, the following guidance has been provided: God says:
Those who take allies other than God can be compared to spiders building themselves
houses—the spider’s is the frailest of all houses—if only they could understand. God
knows what things they call upon beside Him: He is the Mighty, the Wise. (Q 29:41-
On the Day He gathers them all together, He will say to the angels, “Was it you these
people worshipped?” They will reply, “May You be exalted! You are our supporter
(walī) against them! Really, they worshipped the jinn—most of them believed in
them.” (Q 34:40-41)
These verses clarify that seeking goodness and removal of harm from anyone
other than God is forbidden whether it be through worship, prayer, or calling upon
angels, jinns, or idols.
The loyalty between believers and angels in the Qurʾān is ideological. It refers only to
a cordial and spiritual relationship. This means that angels provide benefits to
believers and repel harms from them in this world and the hereafter by praying for
them and seeking forgiveness for them God says:
“Those [angels] who carry the Throne and those who surround it celebrate the praise
of their Lord and have faith in Him. They beg forgiveness for the believers: ‘Our
Lord, You embrace all things in mercy and knowledge, so forgive those who turn to
you and follow your path. Save them from the pains of Hell….’” (Q 40:7).
“As for those who say, ‘Our Lord is God,’ and take the straight path towards Him,
the angels come down to them and say, ‘Have no fear or grief, but rejoice in the good
news of Paradise, which you have been promised.’” (Q 41:30)
“Your Lord revealed to the angels: ‘I am with you: give the believers firmness; I
shall put terror into the hearts of the disbelievers—strike above their necks and strike
all their fingertips.’” (Q 8:12)
And welcoming them at the time they enter paradise God says:
“…those whose lives the angels take in a state of goodness. They will say to them,
‘Peace be upon you. Enter the Garden as a reward for what you have done.’” (Q
The muwālāt between devils and disbelievers is utilized in the Qurʾān in many verses.
It refers to spiritual and ideological loyalty. In the following verses muwālāt means
worshipping and following devils. God says:
“…Whoever chooses Satan as a walī instead of God is utterly ruined….” (Q 4:119)
“Fated to lead astray those who take satans as a walī, he will guide them to the
suffering of the blazing flame”. (Q 22:3-4)
“By God, We have sent messengers before you [Muḥammad] to other communities,
but Satan made their foul deeds seem alluring to them. He is the patron (walī) of
these present disbelievers too, and a painful punishment awaits them all”. (Q 16:63)
Socio-Contractual muwālāt
This term emphasizes coexistence between humans. The word is derived from the
word society and contract. For instance, contract on a truce, or to support each other
in the face of a common enemy. Contractual relations may be accomplished between
two groups with different or the same faith and ideology, such as between Muslims,
or between non-Muslims themselves. These kinds of relationships are totally different
from an ideological relations. It does not concern to faith and creed. It is based on a
social solidarity, or a social compact. For example, muwālāt between Christians and
Jews is a covenant between them to protect each other from dangers, and their
enemies despite differing in belief.
“They would dearly like you to reject faith, as they themselves have done, to be like
them. So do not take them as allies until they migrate [to Medina] for God’s
cause….” (Q 4:89)
Thus, being different or similar in faith or ideology is neither a hindrance nor a reason
for muwālāt.
(D) Different groups of non-Muslims with dissimilar ideologies can have muwālāt
among each other for the sake of worldly benefits as God said:
“The disbelievers support one another. If you do not do the same, there will be
persecution in the land and great corruption.” (Q 8:73)
Muwālāt among believers refers to alliance and social agreement. In this regard God
says: “Your true allies are God, His Messenger, and the believers—those who keep
up the prayer, pay the prescribed alms, and bow down in worship” (Q 5:55).
However, as mentioned before, the relationship between God and the believers is
ideological; therefore, adding God’s name along with the Prophet and the believers in
this verse is only to show that God accompanies the parties of a social contract.
Consequently, Muslims have no right to have an affinity for communities that are
enemies actively against Muslims. The below verse also shows that this muwālāt is
contractual, God says:
“Those who believed and emigrated [to Medina] and struggled for God’s cause with
their possessions and persons, and those who gave refuge and help, are all allies of
one another. As for those who believed but did not emigrate, you are not responsible
for their protection (walāyah) until they have done so….” (Q 8:72)
This verse shows that muwālāt among Muslims is only a socio-political agreement.
Some scholars who refer to verses such as Q 8:72 and 9:71 have wrongly
inferred that the muwālāt mentioned in these verses includes brotherhood and love.
In these two verses God says:
“Those who believed and emigrated [to Medina] and struggled for God’s cause with
their possessions and persons, and those who gave refuge and help, are all allies of
one another. As for those who believed but did not emigrate, you are not responsible
for their protection (walāyah) until they have done so….” (Q 8:72)
“The believers, both men and women, are allies to each other….” (Q 9:71)
There is no doubt that Muslims should like each other and that there should
be a brotherly atmosphere among them. This is proven by many verses and prophetic
traditions. Our concern is that such meanings cannot be taken from the terminology of
“They would dearly like you to reject faith, as they themselves have done, to be like
them. So do not take them as allies until they migrate [to Medina] for God’s
cause….” (Q 4:89)
This component of loyalty includes the relationship and alliance among all non-
Muslims including infidels, People of the Book, hypocrites, and atheists. These are
contractual alliances and do not have any connection with ideology and faith. Thus,
there is no problem with peaceful relationships among non-Muslims.
Muwālāt between tribes with different ideologies and faiths was prevalent during the
pre-Islamic era as a social contract. With the advent of revelation, such alliances were
forbidden by God under specific circumstances. The prohibition of muwālāt between
Muslims and disbelievers, including polytheists, can be observed in some notable
Qurʾānic verses such as 9:23 that Allah says:
“Believers, do not take your fathers and brothers as allies if they prefer disbelief to
faith: those of you who do so are doing wrong."
Qur’anic Research: Interaction of Knowledge, Science, and Civilization
These verses obviously address those who are fighting with, and are hostile
to, Muslims. There is no doubt that no one desires to keep a relationship with those
who are unjust and disloyal towards them.
Furthermore, an examination of the Prophet’s life reveals that the Prophet did
not prohibit relations with non-Muslim communities as long as they honoured their
agreements and were not at war with Islam. This can be demonstrated by Prophet
Muḥammad’s truce with the Khuzāʿah tribe on the day of the conquest of Mecca and
his seeking assistance from Ṣafwān ibn Umayyah in the battle of Ḥunayn against the
This section explains the various conditions of Muslim and Jewish, Muslim and
Christian, and Muslim and Zoroastrian relations. Some verses of the Qurʾān and
prophetic traditions have explicitly warned about loyalties between Muslims and the
above mentioned groups. God says: “You who believe, do not take the Jews and
Christians as allies: they are allies only to each other. Anyone who takes them as an
ally becomes one of them…” (Q 5:51). The apparent meaning of these verses implies
that any meaning inferred from having such an alliance—like friendship, amity,
partnership, agreement, or treaty—with the Jews or Christians (or Zoroastrians) is
unlawful to Muslims.
tolerate any injustice” 43. The king of Abyssinia, the Najjāshī, welcomed the Muslim
refugees and supported them in the best possible manner against the pagans.
Such betrayal and oppression occurred several times by the People of the
Book during the Prophet’s life. An example of this hostility occurred at the Battle of
Muʾtah between the Muslims and Roman Christians along with their Arab allies.
Farwah ibn ʿAmr al-Judhāmī was beheaded after this battle when he converted to
Islam46. The killing of Saqatir Usquf, who attested that the Prophet Muḥammad was a
legitimate prophet, is another example of their hostility 47.
With regard to the enmity of the Jews, after the battle of Khaybar, a woman
called Zaynab bint al-Ḥārith planned to poison and kill the Prophet. However, the
Prophet survived by God’s grace 48. Another example is the story of the Jews of Banū
Naḍīr who planned to throw stones upon the Prophet’s head and terrorise him 49. The
battle between the Jews of Banū Qaynuqāʿ and Muslims during the second year AH,
the battle with Banū Naḍīr during the fourth year AH, and the battle with Banū
Qurayẓah during the fifth year AH are other cases of conspiracy instigated by the
People of the Book.
ʿUmar ibn al-Khaṭṭāb, the second caliph, as well as the Ottoman and Abbasid
caliphs, employed People of the Book for governmental duties and positions 50. In
addition, the Jews helping the Muslims to conquer Andalusia and Egypt clearly
shows the existence of peaceful relations and alliances between Muslims and the
People of the Book.
All the above mentioned evidence demonstrates that the relations between the
Muslims and the People of the Book were contractual. Thus, loyalty in this case is not
prohibited unless hostility and betrayal are involved.
43 Ibn Kathīr, Al-Bidāyah wa al-Nihāyah, Lebanon, Beirut, Dār Ihyā al-Turāth al-ʿArabī, 1988, III, p. 85;
Al-Dhahabī, Tārīkh al-Islām wa Wafiyyat al-Mashahīr wa al-Aʿlām, Lebanon, Beirut: Dār al-Kutub al-
ʿIlmiyyah, 1987, I, p. 84.
44 Ibn Kathīr, Al-Bidāyah wa al-Nihāyah,III, p. 276.
45 Ibn Kathīr, Al-Bidāyah wa al-Nihāyah, IV, p. 139.
46 Ibn Hishām, Al-Sīrat al-Nabawiyyah, Lebanon, Beirut, Dār al-Jalīl, 1991, V, p. 291.
47 Ibn Jarīr Al-Ṭabarī, Tārīkh al-Umam wa al-Mulūk, Lebanon, Beirut, Dār al-Kutub al-ʿIlmiyyah, 1987,
Qur’anic Research: Interaction of Knowledge, Science, and Civilization
This article concludes that the term muwālāt should be understood based on various
circumstances of use in the pre-Islamic era, conceptual understanding of all relevant
verses in the Qurʾān, and the Prophet Muḥammad’s (PBUH) methods for dealing
with non-Muslims. Also article deduce that Muslims' relations with other faiths is
based on peace.
As it is clear in this study and other classifications, they rely on the lawful
and prohibited only, regardless of the roots, reasons, causes, and effects. Their
definition of muwālāt which is based on do's and don'ts, ignored the all situations of
loyalty. Their miscombination of ideological and social relationships cause them to
mistake all kind of loyalty (muwālāt) as a part of Islamic faith which is eternal and
6. ——— .1999. Al-Irshād ilā Ṣahīh al-Iʿtiqād wa al-Rad ʿalā Ahl al-Shirk wa
al-Ilhād [Guidance to the True Belief and a Response to the Polytheists and
Stubborn]. Saudi, Dammām: Dār Ibn al-Jawzī.
7. Al-Firūzābādī, Muḥammad ibn Yaʿqūb .1980.. Al-Qāmūs al- Muḥīt, wal
Qābūs al-wasīṭ, al-jāmīʿ limā dhahaba min kalām al- arab al- shamāmīṭ [The
Advanced Dictionary, The Intermediate Dictionary, Collection of Arab
Rhetoric]. Egypt: General Egyptian Book Organization, copy of the 3rd
edition of the Royal Press, 1884.
8. Ibn ʿAbd Rabbih, Shahāb al-Dīn Aḥmad ibn Muḥammad .1983. ʿIqd al-Farīd
[The Singular Contract]. Lebanon, Beirut: Dār al-Kutub al-ʿIlmiyyah.
9. Ibn ʿAbd al-Wahhāb, Muḥammad .1996. Al-Durrar al-Sanniyyah fī al-
Ajwūbat al-Najdiyyah [Prophetic Pearls of the Najd Answers]. Saudi Arabia,
Riyaḍh Maṭbaʿāh al-Ṣafīr.
10. Ibn Faris, Abū al-Ḥusayn Aḥmad ibn Fāris ibn Zakariyyah .1979. Muʿjam
Maqayis al-Lughah [Lexicon of Linguistic Standards]. Lebanon, Beirut: Dār
11. Ibn Kathīr, Ismāʿīl ibn Kathīr al-Damishqī .1988. Al-Bidāyah wa al-Nihāyah
[The Beginning and the End] Lebanon, Beirut: Dār Ihyā al-Turāth al-ʿArabī.
12. Ibn Hishām, ʿAbd al-Malik ibn Hishām ibn Ayyūb al-Ḥamīrī al-Muāfirī
.1991. Al-Sīrat al-Nabawiyyah [the Life of the Prophet]. Lebanon, Beirut:
Dār al-Jalīl.
13. Ibn Sayyidah, Abū al-Ḥasan ʿAlī ibn Ismāʿīl al-Andalūsī .1997. Al-Mukhaṣṣiṣ
[The Specialised] Lebanon, Beirut: Dār Ihyā al-Turāth al-ʿArabī.
14. Ibn Taymiyyah, Taqī al-Dīn Aḥmad .1999. Al-Ṣirāṭ al-Mustaqīm [The
straight path] Saudi Arabia, Medina: Mujammā al-Malik Fahd.
15. ——— .1995. Majmū al-Fatāwā al-Kubrā [The Great Collection of Fatwas]
Lebanon, Beirut: Dār ʿĀlam al-Kutub.
16. Jāḥiẓ, Abū ʿUthmān .2003. Kitāb al-Bayān wa al-Tabyīn [the book of
Eloquence and Signification]. Lebanon, Beirut: Dār wa Maktabat al-Hilāl.
17. Jalī, Aḥmad Muḥammad .1986. Darāsah ʿān al-Firāq fī Tārīkh al-Muslīmīn
“al-Shīʿah wa al-Khawārij” [the study of sects in the Islamic History] Saudi
Arabia, Riyadh: Aṭibāt al-ʿArabiyyah al-Saʿūdiyyah.
18. Al-Juharī, Abū al-Naṣr Ismāʿīl ibn Ḥamād (2002). Al-Ṣaḥāḥ fī allugah [The
Correct Language]. Lebanon, Beirut: Dār al-Kutub al-ʿIlmiyyah.
19. Al-Khalal, Aḥmad ibn Muḥammad .1989. Kitāb al-Sunnah [The Book of
Sunnah]. Saudi Arabia, Riyaḍh: Dār al-Rāyah.
20. Khalaf, Saʿūd ibn ʿAbd al-ʿAzīz .2001. Uṣūl Masāʾil al-ʿAqīdah ʿind al-Salaf
wa ʿind al-Mubtadaʿah [The origins of Faith in the light of the book and
prophet’s life]. <>.
Qur’anic Research: Interaction of Knowledge, Science, and Civilization
Qur’anic Research: Interaction of Knowledge, Science, and Civilization
Usman Ahmad1
The Qur’ān deals with human life, its needs, its nature, its problems and their
solutions (21:10). That is why Muslim scholars in the field of tafsīr and fiqh
right after the time of the last Prophet (S.A.W) interpreted the Qur’ān by using
certain methodologies that led to the emergence of principles to derive
messages from the Qur’ān. Ḥanafī jurists have classified the most widely used
principles of interpreting the Qur’anic text into four categories: (1) ‘Ibārat al-
Naṣṣ, (2) Dalālat al-Naṣṣ, (3) Iqtaḍā’ al-Naṣṣ and (4) Ishārat al-Naṣṣ2. Shāfi‘ī
jurists developed similar principles of interpreting the Qur’ān but they named
them al-manṭūq and al-mafhūm. They discuss ‘ibārat al-naṣṣ, Iqtaḍā’ al-naṣṣ
and ishārat al-naṣṣ under the title of al-manṭūq.3Jurists did not introduce and
confine these principles of interpreting the Qur’ān to merely derive legal
rulings from the Qur’ān; they also defined them in a comprehensive manner
and as general principles to understand and interpret the Qur’anic message.
The task of jurists (fuqahā’) warranted deliberation over the Qur’anic text and
Hadith text hence they were also mufassirūn and muḥaddithūn and they spent
their life to understand the Qur’ān.4 These principles as classified by fuqahā’
were taken as principles of tafsīr by mufassirūn.5Jalāl al-Dīn al-Suyūṭī has
discussed them in his book al-Itqān fī ‘Ulūm al-Qur’ān as modes of reasoning
over the Qur’anic text.6 An over view of the books of tafsīr unveils that
Department of Islamic Studies, University of the Punjab, Lahore
2 Saʿd al-Dīn Masʿūd, Taftāzānī, Sharḥ al-Talwīḥ ʿalā al-Tawḍīḥ li matn al-Tanqīḥ fī Uṣūl al-Fiqh
(Bayrūt: Dār al-Kutub al-ʿIlmiyyah, 1996), 1:242.
3 ʿAbd al-Malik bin ʿAbd Allah, Al-Juwaynī, Al-Burhān fī Uṣūl al-Fiqh (Qaṭar: Dār al-Wafāʾ,1992),
4Tafsīr of Imām Shāfi’ī has been compiled and available in a book form in 3 volumes: (See: Ahmad bin
Muṣtafā Al-Farrān, Tafsīr al-Imām al-Shāfi’ī. (Saudi Arabia: Dār al-Tadmuriyyah, 2006)
5 ‘Abd al-Ḥamīd, Moḥsin, Dirāsāt fī Usūl Tafsīr al-Qur’ān (Baghdad: Mṭba‘ Waṭan ‘Arabī, 1980), 23.
6 Jalāl al-Dīn, al-Suyūṭī, al-Itqān fi ʿUlūm al-Qurʾān (Saudi Arabia: Majma‘ al-Malik al-Fahd, 2000),
See Also Discussion of al-manṭūq and al-mafhūm in (Muhammad bin Bahādur, Al-Zarkashī, al-Burhān
fī ‘Ulūm al-Qur’ān (Ed: Muhammad Fadal Ibrāhīm), (Bayrūt: Dār al-Ma’rifah, n.d.), 4:51.
Qur’anic Research: Interaction of Knowledge, Science, and Civilization
7 See: Abū Saʿūd, Muhammad bin Muhammad, Irshādal-ʿAql al-Salīm ilā Mazāyā al-Qurʾān al-
Karīm(Bayrūt: Dār Iḥyāʾ al-Turāth al-ʿArabi,1990), 6:104.
See: Muhammad Thanā Allah, Al-Maẓharī, Tafsīr al-Maẓharī (Bayrūt: Dār Iḥyā’ al-Turāth al-‘Arabī,
2004), 1:340, 3:284.
8‘Abd al-‘Azīz, Al-Bukhārī, Kashf al-Asrār ʿan Uṣūl Fakhr al-Islām al-Bazdawī (Bayrūt: Dāral-Kutub
1965), 1:111-112.
11 Sukrija Ramic, Language and the interpretation of Islamic Law (Cambridge: The Islamic Texts
12 Alībin Muhammad al-bazdawī (400-480AH) was, in his time, referred to as Fakhr al-Islam (the pride
but it is essential to add this word to the Qur’anic text to complete the
meanings of the āyah.20
The Qur’ān says:22 “Marry women of your choice”23 The direct and
textual meaning of this āyah is the legitimacy of polygamy up to four. But
indirectly and implicitly this āyah also narrates that marriage between man
and man, woman and woman and between man and eunuch is totally unlawful.
These meanings are not direct and not evident but Qur’anic words “min al-
nisā’”reveal that nikāh (marriage) is allowed only between men and women.
19A.Yusuf Ali, The Holy Qur’ān Text, Translation and Commentary, 1:190
20 Sukrija Ramic, Language and the interpretation of Islamic Law, 32.
21ʿAlī bin Muhammad al-bazdawī,Kanz al-Wuṣūl ilā Maʿrifah al-Uṣūl(Karachi: Mīr Muhammad Kutub
Qur’anic Research: Interaction of Knowledge, Science, and Civilization
This āyah tells the story of Prophet Yūsuf (A.S). Jalāl al-Dīn al-Suyūṭī
derives from this āyah using reasoning on ishārat al-naṣṣ that it is permissible
to conceal and not to disclose any blessings of Allah or any precious thing to
envying person or envious one to avoid any harm.26
The Qur’anic āyah27 “Then they came to their father in the early part
of the night weeping.”28has been interpreted by Abū Manṣūr Māturīdī29 using
reasoning on ishārat al-naṣṣ as follows:
i. He who commits a minor sin but feels fear of punishment by Allah is
not kāfir (infidel) as Khawārij said. This āyah rejects the dogma
developed by the Khawārij.
ii. He who commits a major sin is not kāfir as Mu‘tazilah said because the
brothers of Yūsuf (A.S) tried to kill him that is a major sin but the
Qur’ān did not call them “Kāfirūn”30
Famous Ṣūfī saint al-Sullamī interprets the āyah31 “And he swore to
them both, that he was their sincere adviser”32 using reasoning on ishārat al-
naṣṣ and claims that some advices may appear to be good but actually they are
camouflage for deceit.33
Jalāl al-Dīn,Al-Suyūṭī,Al-Iklīl fi Istinbāṭ al-Tanzīl (Jeddah: Dār al-Andlus, 1422/2002), 2:.68.
27Al-Qur’ān, Yūsuf: 16
28 A.Yusuf Ali, The Holy Qur’ān Text, Translation and Commentary, 1:554.
29 Abū Manṣūr al-Maturīdī (853 AD - 333 AH / 944 AD) famous Ḥanafī theologian was born in Maturīd
near Samarkand. His background is claimed as Turkic or Tajik. (See S. H. Naṣr, The religious sciences
(Cambridge: University Press, 1975)
30 Abū MansūrAl-Maturīdī,Ta’wīlāt ahl al-Sunnah (Bayrūt: Muassisah al- Risālah, 1425/2004), 2:571.
32A.Yusuf Ali, The Holy Qur’ān Text, Translation and Commentary, 1:370.
33 Abū‘Abd al-Rahmān al-Sullamī, Haqā’iq al-Tafsīr, (Ed: Sayyed Imran), (Bayrūt: Dār al-Kutub al-
Ilmiyyah,1421/2001), 1:223.
38 Centre of Quranic Research (CQR)
Qur’anic Research: Interaction of Knowledge, Science, and Civilization
(With our power We have constructed the heaven. and indeed, We are capable
to extend.) 34
a) Traditional Commentary
b) Scientific Interpretation
34 Al-Qur’ān,al-Ḍhāriyāt: 47
35Abū Manṣūr al-Māturīdī, Ta’wīlāt Ahl al-Sunnah, 9:30; Muftī Muhammad Shafī‘, Ma‘ārif al-Qur’ān,
36Al-Qur’ān, Fāṭir:01
37 Muhammad Asad, The Message of The Qur’ān (Bayrut: Dār al-Andalus Gibraltar, 1980), 1100
Qur’anic Research: Interaction of Knowledge, Science, and Civilization
scales, and led to a static universe. After Hubble discovered that the universe
was expanding, Einstein called the cosmological constant his "greatest
blunder." The scientists understood that the universe was expanding; they
immediately realized that it would have been smaller in the past. The
expanding universe is finite in both time and space. The reason that the
universe did not collapse, as Newton's and Einstein's equations said it might is
that it had been expanding from the moment of its creation. The universe is in
a constant state of change.38
c) Analysis
To derive from the isharah of word “musi‘ūn’ that universe is always
expanding is erroneous inference as it is against the textual meaning of the
Qur’anic āyah. The Qur’ān states: “Have they not seen that we are gradually
reducing the earth from its borders”. The words of āyah disclose manifestly
that the earth is decreasing day by day, then how can be accepted the idea of
expanding universe? Similarly in another āyah Allah Almighty proclaims that
we have created everything precisely measured. (inna kulla shay’in khalqnāhu
bi qadar) 39 The word “qadar” is contrary to ishārah of “mūsi‘ūn”. The
universe that precisely measured is not considered expanding. Here our
concern is not to reject the Scientific theory but we are criticizing the incorrect
conclusion based on ishārat al-naṣṣ. Otherwise the creator of the universe has
absolute power to expand it, to decrease it and to demolish it.
ِِ ِ
َ ُّس ِو
ي بَنَانَه َ نسا ُن أَلَّن ََْن َم َع عظَ َامهُ بَلَى قَادر
َ ين َعلَى أَن ن
ِ ُ ََيس
َ ب اإل َ َْ أ
Does man suspect that We cannot assemble his bones? Yes, We are capable to
put together in accurate order the tips of his fingers.)40
a) Traditional Commentary
The Qur’ān is dealing with most frequestly repeated objection of the
disbelievers that when they will be lifeless and converted to bones and dust,
how they would be restored again towards life. These āyāt are rebutting the
objection with the words that Allah is powerful to reconstruct finger tips of
every human being. Allah knows the minor details of everybody and it is easy
for Him to reinstate. Man will be granted the same body as he had in his
worldly life without minor variation. Since the beginning of universe to the
end of the world, trillions of human beings of different figures and forms had
come and died. Allah says in the āyah with commentary that He is very able to
restructure not only the significant limbs and organs of the body, but He is
also able to restore his fingertips. The word banan is particularly mentioned
here because they are among the smallest parts of the body. If Allah is mighty
to restore such tiny parts, it would very easy for Him to recreate the large body
b) Scientific interpretation
The special mention of the words “nusawwiya banānah” signified that
fingertips have been characterized with specific identification marks through
which an individual could be definitely differentiated and recognized from others.
This indication of the āyah remained hidden thousand years and later the
scientific advancement unveiled this amazing reality that human being could be
identified with fingerprints as no two thumb impressions or fingerprints are
identical. Though the whole body of human being is an assortment of marvels but
distinctive characteristics of human faces, tongues, throats and voices cannot
become a criterion for differentiation. 42
c) Analysis
At first it is necessary to probe if the word nusawwiya signifies such meanings
or not? Linguistically, said word is used to the meaning of symmetry and
uniformity.43 The Qur’ān had used the same root word in same meanings
when said “alladhī khalaqaka fa sawwāka fa‘adalak” 44 This āyah shows that
only “taswiyah” of “banan” had not been made but the whole human body has
enjoyed this favour. Hence, meanings of uniformity or symmetry are not
supportive to infer ‘distinguishing fingertips’ however, in case we admit them
favourable for said scientific invention, then it could not be limited to
fingertips but the whole body has been given this characteristic. How it is
logical to attach certain meanings with “nusawwiya bananah” but when same
word “fa sawwaka” is used for whole human body we did not extract this
conclusion. Another meaning that can be associated with “nusawwiya” is
beautification.45 Logically, beautification cannot be the sign for “Scientific
41Abū al-Ḥasan Alī bin Muhammad al-Māwrdī, Al-Nukat wa al-‘Uyūn, 6:150 ; Abū ‘Abd Allah,
Muhammad bin Ahmad, al-Qurṭabī, Al-Jāmiʿ li Aḥkām al-Qurān,19:94; Muftī Muhammad Shafī‘,
Ma‘ārif al-Qur’ān, 8:652
42 Hind Shilbi, Al-tafsīr al-‘Ilmī li al-Qur’ān al-Karīm bain al-Naẓriyyah wa al-taṭbīq (Tunas: Zaitūna
University, 1985), 121 ; Isma‘il Ibrāhīm, Al-Qur’ān wa I‘jaz al-‘Ilmī (Bayrūt : Dār al-Fikr al-‘Arabī,
n.d.), 111
43Ibn Manẓūr, Abū Al-Fadl, Jamāl al-Dīn. Muhammad bin Mukarram, Lisān al-‘Arab, 6:210
44Al-Qur’ān, Al-Infiṭar: 07
45Maḥmūd bin ʿUmar, Al-Zamakhsharī, Al-Kashshāf ʿan Haqāʾiq Ghawāmiḍ al-Tanzīl waʿUūn al-
ِ َّ َن ِ
ُ َض َكانَتَا َرتْقاً فَ َفتَ ْقن
َ الس َم َاوات َو ْاْل َْر َ أ ََوَلْ يََر الَّذ
َّ ين َك َفُروا أ
(Have not observed who disbelieve that the heavens and the earth were joined
as one united piece, then We tore them?)46
a) Traditional Commentary
Here the word ro’yat (yara) is used in its common sense of knowledge,
whether obtained by looking with eyes or by logical conclusion. The
discussion referred in the āyah partially belongs to real observation and
partially to logical inference. The word ratq means to close and fatq means to
open. When both are used jointly, the words mean full power in the
administration and carrying out a job. The meaning of the āyah is that the
earth and the skies were closed and Allah opened them up. Different
mufassirūn have described differently the sense of the words "closing" and
"opening", but the meanings which the companions of the Holy Prophet
(S.A.W.) and the majority of the mufassirūn have espoused that closing of sky
and earth means shutting off rain from the sky and plant life from the earth,
and opening means the opening of these two i.e. the rain and plant life.47
b) Scientific Interpretation
The words “awa lam yara” indicated that wonderful scientific reality about
beginning of the universe will be unveiled by disbelievers. The words “ratqan
fa fatqnahuma”denoted the famous Big Bang theory. This theory is a
scientific attempt to explain the beginning of the universe. The word ratq is
the name of thing that is combination of different entities blended in a single
place. The fataq gives the meanings to unknot or untie something. It means the
skies and erth were merged in the form of a ball and then this was
separated.48According to the standard theory, our universe came into existence
as "singularity" around 13.7 billion years ago. What is a "singularity" and
where does it come from? There is nothing sure about it. Singularities are
zones which confront our current understanding of physics. They are thought
46Al-Qur’ān, al-Anbiya‘:30
47Maḥmūd bin ʿUmar, Al-Zamakhsharī, Al-Kashshāf ʿan Haqāʾiq Ghawāmiḍ al-Tanzīl waʿUūn al-
Aqāwīl fi Wujūh al-Tāwīl, 3:113 ; Maulana Mufti Muhammad Shafi', Ma’arif al-Qur’ān, 6:186,187
48 ‘Abd al-Dāi’m al-Kuḥail, Kunūz al-I’jaz al-Ilmī fī al-Qur’ān al-Karīm, (Mauqa’ al-Muhanndas Abd
to exist at the foundation of "black holes." Black holes are areas of extreme
gravitational pressure. The pressure is thought to be so extreme that finite
matter is actually grinded into infinite density (a mathematical concept which
truly astonishes the mind). These zones of infinite density are called
"singularities." Our universe is thought to have begun as an infinitly small,
infinitely hot, infinitely dense, something - a singularity. Where did it come
from? We don't know. Why did it appear? We don't know. After its initial
appearance, it seemingly inflated (the "Big Bang"), expanded and cooled,
going from very, very small and very, very hot, to the size and temperature of
our current universe. It continues to expand and cool to this day. This is the
Big Bang theory. 49
d) Analysis
The very first question that is needed to be replied by the scientific exegesists
about credibility and finality of this theory. This is not the single model about
the beginning of the universe that is supported with evidences. There are
theories like Mutiple Universes, String Theory and so on those are considered
at par with the theory of Bing Bang. 50 Hence it is to be known that Bing Bang
theory is just the most famed one. George F. R. Ellis, an internationally
renowned astrophysicist writes: "People need to be aware that there is a range
of models that could explain the observations…For instance, I can construct
you a spherically symmetrical universe with Earth at its center, and you cannot
disprove it based on observations...You can only exclude it on philosophical
grounds. In my view there is absolutely nothing wrong in that. What I want to
bring into the open is the fact that we are using philosophical criteria in
choosing our models. A lot of cosmology tries to hide that.” 51 It is strange that
a theory whose own status is incredible is being inferred from the Qur’ān.
49 Stephen, Hawking, A Brief History of Time, 116-120; Martin Rees, Before the beginning: our
universe and others, (USA Helix Books, 1998), 49-63,149-165; Steven W. Hawking, Roger Penrose,
"The Singularities of Gravitational Collapse and Cosmology," (London: Proceedings of the Royal
Society of London, series A, 1970) 529-548. (
Muhammad Zafar Iqbāl, Islām aur Jadīd Science; Naiy Tanāzur main, (Sahiwal: Nawadrat,2011),
51W. Wayt Gibbs, “Profile: George F. R. Ellis,"Scientific American”, vol. 273, No.4, (1995): 55.
52Al-Qur’ān,Yunus: 05
Qur’anic Research: Interaction of Knowledge, Science, and Civilization
a) Traditional Commentary
Majority of linguistics have taken both words ḍiyā’ &nūr as synonyms that
give the meaning of glow and light respectively. However al-Zamakhsharī, al-
Tībi, beside some others have written: Though the meaning of light is
common to both words, but nūr is general, whether intense or delicate, weak
or strong, every light can be named as nūr while ḍiyā’ (plural of daw’) refers
to light that is strong and clear. 53 Human beings dewelling on the earth need
both types of light. The day with its brightness is needed for the daily affairs
of life, while soft light of moon in the night is more desirable for ordinary
tasks. The difficulties of mankind can be felt easily if the day light had turned
pale or the sun starts shining constantly even during the night. Allah Almighty
has made arrangements to provide both kinds of light. The light of sun (daw’)
was made sharp and strong and the moonlight (nūr) was made gentle and
pleasing for the comfort of human beings.54
b) Scientific Interpretation
Ḍiyā’ is the intrinsic light of something while nūr is extrinsic light derived
from something else. Ḍiyā’ is produced by some chemical process of burning
while nūr is reflection of the light of sun. The āyah indicates towards the
scientific reality that sunlight is generated by burning of gases whose radiation
is coming to the earth in the form of rays and humankind is befitting from the
solar enrgy. As moonlight is concerned, the moon acts like a mirror and light
of sun is bouncing off the moon. The use of two different words for two lights
in the Qur’ān is an indication towards scientific discovery.55
c) Analysis
This interpretation may not withstand scrutiny. It is not correct that Qur’ān
has used the word ḍiyā’ for the light that is generated by burning process and
nūr for the light that is not produced with this process. In other āyah the
Qur’ān clearly describes the burning process and then applies the word nūr on
such light. The Qur’ān says: “The example of His light is that of a bowl-
shaped mirror behind a lamp that is placed inside a glass. The glass is like a
bright star. The fuel is supplied from a blessed oil-producing tree that is
neither eastern, nor western. Its oil is almost self-radiating; ready to give light
even without touch of fire. Light upon light.”56 The āyah has used all symbols
of chemical process of burning for the word nūrlike lamp, oil and fire and at
the end result has been narrated nūr ‘alā nūr. Thus, the difference fabricated
53Maḥmūd bin ʿUmar, Al-Zamakhsharī, Al-Kashshāf ʿan Haqāʾiq Ghawāmiḍ al-Tanzīl waʿUyūn al-
Aqāwīl fi Wujūh al-Tāwīl: 2:329
54 Muftī Muhammad Shafī‘, Ma‘arif al-Qur’ān, 4:517
55Isma’il Ibrahim, Al-Qur’ān wa I’jazuhu al-ilmi, 79 ; Abd al-Dai‘m al-Kuhail, Kunuz al-I’jaz al-ilmi fi
The discussion is closed with the words that the struggle of the Muslim
scholars to prove every scientific invention or theory from the Qur’ān did not
seem intelligent behavior rather it is an insertion of own ideas to divine book.
It is not a demerit of the Qur’ān if any scientific theory could not be located in
the Qur’ān, just as it is not a demerit of the books of physics those are empty
from legal theories to run the Government. A book is considered excellent,
when it produces relevant matter to its topic comprehensively, instead of
extending directionless information, without a central theme.
Qur’anic Research: Interaction of Knowledge, Science, and Civilization
1 Artikel yang dibentangkan di The 6th Annual International Quranic Conference 2016 (MUQADDAS
VI), anjuran Centre of Quranic Research (CQR) pada 19-20 Julai 2016 di Wisma R&D, Universiti
Malaya, Kuala Lumpur.
2 Mohd Syahmir Alias ialah calon ijazah Doktor Falsafah di Pusat Kajian Pengurusan Pembangunan
Islam, Universiti Sains Malaysia, Pulau Pinang. Beliau dapat dihubungi menerusi e-mel:
[email protected].
3 Mohd Shukri Hanapi (Ph.D) ialah Pensyarah Kanan di Pusat Kajian Pengurusan Pembangunan Islam,
Universiti Sains Malaysia, Pulau Pinang. Beliau dapat dihubungi menerusi e-mel: [email protected].
Qur’anic Research: Interaction of Knowledge, Science, and Civilization
Aksiologi secara literalnya bermaksud teori tentang nilai (Abdul Rahman Abdullah,
2010:106). Dari sudut terminologi, aksiologi ialah penelitian tentang masalah nilai
dan manfaat sesuatu perkara yang dianalisis daripada sistem kepercayaan, keputusan
dan konsep-konsep moral (Mohammad Adib, 2010:79 & 81; Idzam Fautanu,
2012:202). Secara umumnya, Idzam Fautanu (2012:202) menyatakan bahawa
aksiologi merupakan penerangan mengenai akhlak dan moral merangkumi beberapa
aspek penting iaitu sifat baik dan buruk, benar dan salah, cara (means) dan tujuan
(ends), serta perkara yang sepatutnya (ought).
Oleh yang demikian, kertas kerja ini bertujuan mengenal pasti hierarki ilmu
dalam al-Qur’an iaitu suatu perkara yang terangkum dalam ciri martabat aksiologi
(Abdul Rahman Abdullah, 2005). Pemilihan penelitian dari perspektif al-Qur’an
dibuat kerana ia merupakan sumber acuan Islam yang terpelihara daripada sebarang
kesilapan dan semua prinsip dasar Islam diekstrak daripadanya (al-Qardawiy,
1997:354). Kemudian, kertas kerja ini menganalisis pula nilai penting daripada
hierarki ilmu tersebut yang menjadi intipati aksiologi ilmu Islam. Dengan
menggunakan kaedah analisis kandungan, perbincangan kertas kerja ini dibahagikan
kepada dua bahagian. Pertama, aspek-aspek hierarki ilmu dalam al-Qur’an. Kedua,
nilai hierarki ilmu dalam al-Qur’an.
Ilmu dari perspektif Islam ditaraf berdasarkan sumber ia diperoleh (Sidek Baba,
2009:4). Berdasarkan penyenaraian lafaz-lafaz al-Qur’an oleh Muhammad Fu’ad
‘Abd al-Baqiy (1364H:469-480), terdapat sejumlah 87 kata terbitan bagi perkataan
ilmu (‘ilm) dalam al-Qur’an. Syed Muhammad Naquib al-Attas (2015:287) pula
menjelaskan terdapat sekitar 800 ayat berkaitan ilmu yang dinyatakan dalam al-
Berdasarkan tafsiran Ibn Kathir (2000:270), ilmu Allah SWT meliputi semua
perkara yang berlaku sejak dari permulaan sehingga pengakhirannya, serta
merangkumi setiap perkara yang memberi manfaat kepada manusia sama ada di dunia
mahupun di akhirat. Secara dasarnya, Allah SWT sahaja yang memiliki ilmu yang
mutlak (al-An‘am, 6:734). Oleh itu, manusia perlu beriman dan mentaati Allah SWT
supaya mendapat petunjuk yang benar daripada-Nya. Petunjuk yang benar pula dapat
diperoleh daripada kalam-Nya iaitu al-Qur’an (al-Baqarah, 2:25) dan juga daripada
4 Firman Allah SWT yang bermaksud: “Dan Dialah yang menciptakan langit dan bumi dengan (tujuan)
yang benar dan (Dialah juga) pada masa (hendak menjadikan sesuatu) berfirman: ‘Jadilah’, lalu
terjadilah ia. Firman-Nya itu adalah benar dan bagi-Nyalah kuasa pemerintahan pada hari ditiupkan
sangkakala. Dia yang mengetahui segala yang ghaib dan yang nyata dan Dialah yang Maha Bijaksana,
lagi Maha Mendalam Pengetahuan-Nya.” (al-An‘am, 6:73).
Firman Allah SWT yang bermaksud: “Kitab (al-Qur’an) ini tidak ada sebarang syak padanya (tentang
datangnya daripada Allah dan tentang kesempurnaannya); ia pula menjadi petunjuk bagi orang-orang
yang (hendak) bertakwa.” (al-Baqarah, 2:2).
Qur’anic Research: Interaction of Knowledge, Science, and Civilization
manusia terpilih yang dikehendaki oleh Allah SWT diberikan ilmu kepadanya (al-
Baqarah, 2:2556).
Manakala, dalam era Madinah wahyu yang diturunkan dan dijelaskan oleh
Rasulullah SAW itu telah mengandungi struktur-struktur tentang kehidupan, dunia,
ilmu pengetahuan, etika, dan manusia. Semua itu sangat berpotensi untuk
menggerakkan kegiatan keilmuan sehingga lahir beberapa istilah yang dikembangkan
dari kosa kata al-Qur’an dan Hadith Nabi SAW. Misalnya, istilah ‘ilm (ilmu), fiqh
(fekah), usul (asas-asas ilmu), ijtihad, ijma‘, qiyas, ‘aql (akal), idrak (mendapat),
tadabbur (meneliti, memahamidan mengamalkan), tafakkur (berfikir), dan sebagainya
(Hamid Fahmy Zarkasyi, 2004).
6 Firman Allah SWT yang bermaksud: “... (Allah) yang mengetahui perkara yang ada di hadapan mereka
dan perkara yang ada di belakang mereka, sedangkan mereka tidak mengetahui sesuatu pun daripada
(kandungan) ilmu Allah melainkan perkara yang Allah menghendaki (memberitahu kepadanya)...” (al-
Baqarah, 2:255).
7 Pernyataan ini berasaskan ayat berikut yang bermaksud: “Dan kalaulah Tuhanmu (wahai Muhammad)
menghendaki, tentulah Dia menjadikan umat manusia semuanya menurut agama yang satu. (Tetapi Dia
tidak berbuat demikian) dan kerana itulah mereka terus-menerus berselisihan.” (Hud, 11:118).
50 Centre of Quranic Research (CQR)
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konteks ini merujuk kepada Nabi Muhammad SAW. Oleh sebab Nabi Muhammad
SAW berkata-kata dengan berlandaskan wahyu (al-Najm, 53:2-48), maka perkataan,
perbuatan, dan pengakuan (taqrir) Baginda juga dikategorikan sebagai salah satu
sumber wahyu dalam Islam (Asmawati Suhid, 2009:39; Suhaila Abdullah et al.,
2015:26; Seyyed Hossein Nasr, 2003:18).
Melalui ayat ini, terdapat tiga ciri utama seorang utusan Allah SWT seperti yang
dihuraikan oleh Ibn Kathir (2000:764). Pertama, menyampaikan perintah-perintah
Allah SWT; kedua, menjadi penasihat kepada manusia untuk melakukan kebaikan;
dan ketiga, mempunyai pengetahuan yang mendalam mengenai Allah SWT. Oleh
sebab itu, Hadith diangkat sebagai sumber ilmu Islam yang penting berdasarkan dua
fungsinya. Pertama, memberi tafsiran atau menjelaskan lagi ayat-ayat al-Qur’an; dan
kedua, menjadi rujukan untuk pelaksanaan sesuatu perkara dalam syariat Islam
8 Firman Allah SWT yang bermaksud: “Rakan kamu (Nabi Muhammad) tidaklah dia menyeleweng dan
dia pula tidak sesat. Dan dia tidak memperkatakan (sesuatu yang berhubung dengan agama Islam)
menurut kemahuan dan pendapatnya sendiri. Segala yang diperkatakannya itu (sama ada al-Qur’an atau
Hadith) tidak lain hanyalah wahyu yang diwahyukan kepadanya.” (al-Najm, 53:2-4).
9 Menurut Asmawi Ehsan (2003:7), para ilmuwan Hadith bersependapat bahawa Sunnah berbeza dengan
Hadith pada skopnya. Sunnah bertumpu kepada perbuatan Rasulullah SAW, manakala Hadith
mempunyai skop yang lebih luas iaitu meliputi kata-kata Baginda yang direkodkan serta perbuatannya.
Walau bagaimanapun, para ilmuwan usul berpendapat sebaliknya iaitu Hadith hanya melibatkan
perkataan Rasulullah SAW, manakala Sunnah merangkumi semua tentang Baginda.
10 Firman Allah SWT yang bermaksud: “Dan tidaklah Kami mengutuskan engkau (wahai Muhammad)
Qur’anic Research: Interaction of Knowledge, Science, and Civilization
“Apa-apa yang telah aku larang untukmu maka jauhilah. Dan apa-apa
yang aku perintahkan kepadamu, maka kerjakanlah sekuat tenaga
kalian...” (Riwayat Muslim, no. Hadith: 434811)
11 Semua Hadith yang dipetik dalam bab ini dan Bab Keenam khususnya yang diriwayatkan oleh al-
Bukhariy, Muslim, Abu Dawud, al-Tirmidhiy, al-Nasa’iy, Ibn Majah, Ahmad, Malik dan al-Darimiy (al-
Kutub al-Tis‘ah) berasaskan sistem pernomboran Lidwa Pusaka (t.t.).
12 Kalimah-kalimah terbitan yang diulang tersebut ialah ta‘qilun sebanyak 24 kali, ya‘qilun sebanyak 22
kali, manakala ‘aqala, na‘qal, dan ya‘qal masing-masing diulang hanya sekali dalam al-Qur’an (al-
Qardawiy, 1996a:13).
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Menurut Ibn Kathir (2000:225-226), ayat Surah al-Baqarah (2:164) ini menjadi dalil
atau bukti keesaan Allah SWT (wahdaniyyah) yang menciptakan semua makhluk
baik yang berada di bumi, di angkasa, dan di antara keduanya. Beliau juga
menjelaskan persamaan ayat tersebut dengan ayat Surah Ali ‘Imran (3:190-19113).
Ayat ini jelas menunjukkan ciri-ciri golongan yang berakal (ulu al-albab) iaitu
sebagai segolongan manusia yang sentiasa mengingati Allah SWT (dhikr Allah),
melazimi berfikir secara mendalam mengenai ciptaan Allah SWT (tafakkur), dan
mempunyai perasaan takwa kepada-Nya (Sayyid Qutb, 2000:246; Mohd Kamal
Hassan, 2010:203-204). Mengikut Sayyid Qutb (2000:245), ulu al-albab merupakan
golongan manusia yang berpandangan terbuka untuk menerima ayat-ayat Allah SWT
yang terdapat pada alam tabii, sehingga Allah SWT memberikan ilham ke dalam hati
mereka untuk mengetahui hakikat hukum tabii.
13 Firman Allah SWT yang bermaksud: “Sesungguhnya pada kejadian langit dan bumi, dan pada
pertukaran malam dan siang, ada tanda-tanda (kekuasaan, kebijaksanaan, dan keluasan rahmat Allah)
bagi orang-orang yang berakal; (iaitu) orang-orang yang menyebut dan mengingati Allah sesama mereka
berdiri dan duduk dan semasa mereka berbaring mengiring, dan mereka pula memikirkan tentang
kejadian langit dan bumi (sambil berkata): ‘Wahai Tuhan kami! Tidaklah Engkau menjadikan benda-
benda ini dengan sia-sia, Maha Suci Engkau, maka peliharalah kami daripada azab neraka’.” (Ali ‘Imran,
Qur’anic Research: Interaction of Knowledge, Science, and Civilization
Walaupun secara umumnya terdapat lima deria pada manusia iaitu penglihatan,
pendengaran, pembauan, pengecapan dan penyentuhan yang dirangkumkan sebagai
pengalaman empirik (Ibn Rusyd, t.t.:5; Ibn Miskawayh, 1968:9), namun Allah SWT
memberikan pengkhususan kepada dua organ deria iaitu mata dan telinga yang
masing-masing berperanan sebagai fakulti penglihatan (al-basar) dan pendengaran
(al-sam‘). Malah, beberapa tempat14 dalam al-Qur’an menggandingkan kedua-dua
fakulti ini dengan fakulti hati (al-fu’ad) (Irfan Ahmad Khan, 1995:80; Mohd Kamal
Hassan, 2011:4). Dari sudut kelazimannya, fakulti pendengaran disebutkan terlebih
dahulu dalam ayat-ayat tersebut. Dalam dua buah Hadith berikut, Rasulullah SAW
menerangkan kepentingan dan ketinggian fakulti pendengaran dalam proses
memperolehi ilmu. Baginda bersabda yang bermaksud:
Gabungan ketiga-tiga fakulti ini diulang dalam Surah al-An‘am (6:46), al-Nahl (16:78 & 108), al-
Perkara ini juga mempunyai persamaan dengan fakulti penglihatan. Allah SWT
melalui firman-Nya dalam al-Qur’an beberapa kali15 mencetuskan kepada manusia
untuk mengembara ke pelusuk bumi. Secara umumnya, terdapat dua tujuan utama
cetusan itu timbul. Pertama, bagi memerhatikan tingkat-tingkat penciptaan makhluk-
makhluk-Nya; dan kedua, bagi melihat dan mengiktibari kesan-kesan kemusnahan
masyarakat terdahulu. Maksud ayat-ayat tersebut seperti yang dipetik berikut:
Rangkuman daripada kedua-dua ayat al-Qur’an ini, terdapat tiga perkara penting
berkenaan melihat (nazara). Pertama, Allah SWT menyarankan agar manusia
meneliti dengan mata ciptaan-ciptaan-Nya adalah untuk membuktikan kebenaran al-
Qur’an dan kebangkitan semula pada hari akhirat (Fussilat, 41:53 16; Ibn Kathir,
2000:1437); kedua, setiap perkara yang dilihat menjadi lebih bernilai apabila dapat
memberi kesan kepada mata hati (al-qalb); dan ketiga, pemerhatian yang dilakukan
oleh manusia perlu mengoptimumkan kedua-dua jenis “penglihatan” iaitu penglihatan
mata fizikal (al-basar) dan penglihatan mata hati (al-qalb). Hal ini kerana, manusia
tidak dapat mengambil sebarang iktibar daripada sesuatu fenomena atau peristiwa
tanpa mata hatinya (Ibn Kathir, 2000:1281). Allah SWT menggelar golongan yang
celik mata hati sebagai uli al-absar (al-Nur, 24:4417; al-Hasyr, 59:218).
15 Antara ayat lain yang menyeru supaya manusia mengembara ke pelusuk bumi adalah dalam Surah Ali
‘Imran (3:137), al-An‘am (6:11), Yusuf (12:109), al-Nahl (16:36), al-Naml (27:69), al-Rum (30:9 & 42),
Fatir (35:44), Ghafir (40:21 & 82), dan Muhammad (47:10).
Firman Allah SWT yang bermaksud: “Kami akan perlihatkan kepada mereka tanda-tanda kekuasaan
Kami di merata-rata tempat (dalam alam yang terbentang luas ini) dan pada diri mereka sendiri, sehingga
ternyata jelas kepada mereka bahawa al-Qur’an adalah benar. Belumkah ternyata kepada mereka
kebenaran itu dan belumkah cukup (bagi mereka) bahawa Tuhanmu mengetahui dan menyaksikan tiap-
tiap sesuatu?” (Fussilat, 41:53).
17 Allah SWT berfirman yang bermaksud: “Allah menukarkan malam dan siang silih berganti;
sesungguhnya yang demikian mengandungi pelajaran yang mendatangkan iktibar bagi orang-orang yang
celik mata hatinya berfikir.” (al-Nur, 24:44).
18 Allah SWT berfirman yang bermaksud: “Dia-lah yang telah mengeluarkan orang-orang kafir dalam
kalangan Ahli Kitab dari kampung halaman mereka pada julung-julung kali mereka berhimpun hendak
Qur’anic Research: Interaction of Knowledge, Science, and Civilization
Secara dasarnya, intipati nilai yang dapat diekstrak daripada perbincangan aspek-
aspek hierarki ilmu sebelum ini ialah hati yang mendapat petunjuk daripada Allah
SWT atau disebut juga sebagai al-fu’ad (al-qalb dan al-basirah) yang berlawanan
dengan nafsu (al-hawa). Dengan menggunakan fakulti hati, pemerolehan sesuatu
ilmu difikirkan dengan mendalam (tafakkur), difahami dengan baik (tafaqquh) dan
diambil pengajarannya (tadhakkur) walau dari mana-mana sumber sekalipun, sama
ada ia diterima seperti al-Qur’an dan Hadith, ataupun yang dicari melalui akal,
pendengaran dan penglihatan.
memerangi Rasulullah. Kamu (wahai umat Islam) tidak menyangka bahawa mereka akan keluar
(disebabkan bilangannya yang ramai dan pertahanannya yang kuat) dan mereka pula menyangka bahawa
benteng-benteng mereka akan dapat menahan serta memberi perlindungan kepada mereka (daripada
azab) Allah. Maka Allah menimpakan (azab-Nya) kepada mereka dari arah yang tidak terlintas dalam
fikiran mereka, serta dilemparkan-Nya perasaan cemas takut ke dalam hati mereka, (lalu) mereka
membinasakan rumah-rumah mereka dengan tangan mereka sendiri (dari dalam) sambil tangan orang-
orang yang beriman (yang mengepung mereka berbuat demikian dari luar). Maka insaflah dan ambillah
pelajaran (daripada peristiwa itu) wahai orang-orang yang berakal fikiran serta celik mata hatinya.” (al-
Hasyr, 59:2).
19 Penisbahan yang dibuat oleh Ibn Khaldun (2005) ini turut dipersetujui oleh Syed Muhammad Naquib
al-Attas (1980:2-3). Menurutnya, akal (al-‘aql) dan al-fu’ad (heart/al-qalb) merupakan jiwa rasional (al-
nafs al-natiqah) yang berfungsi untuk membezakan yang benar dan yang batil.
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tasdiqat yang memperlengkapkan manusia sama ada dengan ilmu (al-‘ilm) atau
pengetahuan spekulatif (al-zann). Walaupun ketiga-tiga tahapan al-fu’ad ini penting
bagi pemerolehan ilmu, namun tahap yang paling penting adalah al-‘aql al-nazari
kerana ia dapat membawa pengkaji kepada konsepsi kewujudan (tasawwur al-wujud)
yang sebenar.
Berdasarkan Rajah 1, Allah SWT merupakan sumber bagi segala ilmu. Allah SWT
berfirman dan menurunkan al-Qur’an kepada insan terpilih iaitu Rasulullah SAW
serta menjadikan ia berada pada martabat pertama dalam sumber ilmu pengetahuan
Islam. Hadith yang merupakan perkataan, perbuatan dan taqrir (diam persetujuan)
Rasulullah SAW pula berada pada martabat kedua. Kedua-dua sumber ini merupakan
sumber wahyu dalam Islam. Seterusnya, Allah SWT juga turut mengurniakan ilham
kepada manusia secara umumnya melalui al-fu’ad. Penilaian seseorang menerusi al-
fu’ad menjadikan setiap ilmu yang datang daripada al-Qur’an dan Hadith diterimanya
sebagai sumber ilmu yang autoritatif dan benar. Manakala, bagi ilmu pengetahuan
yang diperoleh melalui pemikiran akal, pendengaran dan penglihatan yang didapati
melalui pencarian dengan gabungan penilaian al-fu’ad turut menatijahkan ilmu yang
benar. Sebaliknya, melalui penilaian al-hawa pula, seseorang akan memperoleh dan
memiliki ilmu yang pada akhirnya membinasakan dirinya sendiri.
Kesimpulannya, perbincangan dalam kertas kerja ini mendapati lima aspek dalam
hierarki ilmu Islam. Pertama ialah kalam Allah SWT (al-Qur’an). Kedua ialah
perkataan, perbuatan dan taqrir Rasulullah SAW (Hadith). Ketiga ialah penaakulan
akal. Keempat ialah pendengaran telinga; dan kelima iaitu pemerhatian mata. Melalui
Qur’anic Research: Interaction of Knowledge, Science, and Civilization
penilaian al-fu’ad, ilmu yang benar dapat dinatijahkan kerana dapat mengenal Allah
SWT. Hal ini sama sekali berlawanan dengan penilaian al-hawa’ yang membawa
ilmu yang batil kerana mengingkari keesaan dan kekuasaan Allah SWT. Oleh itu,
intipati aksiologi ilmu yang diperoleh daripada hierarki ilmu berdasarkan al-Qur’an
ini ialah peri pentingnya penilaian al-fu’ad terhadap apa jua bentuk ilmu
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38. Suhaila Abdullah, Mohd Sukki Othman, Wan Nasyrudin Wan Abdullah,
Muammar Ghaddafi Hanafiah, Mohammad Zaini Yahaya, Farahwahida
Mohd. Yusof, ... Rijaluddin Yahya. (2015). Tafsir maudhu‘iy: Ilmu dan
tamadun. Kuala Lumpur: Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka.
39. Syed Muhammad Dawilah al-Edrus. (1999). Epistemologi Islam: Teori ilmu
dalam al-Qur’an. Kuala Lumpur: Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka.
40. Syed Muhammad Naquib al-Attas. (1980). The concept of education in Islam.
Selangor: Angkatan Belia Islam Malaysia.
41. Syed Muhammad Naquib al-Attas. (1995). Prolegomena to the metaphysics
of Islam. Kuala Lumpur: International Institute of Islamic Thought and
42. Syed Muhammad Naquib al-Attas. (2015). Himpunan risalah. Kuala
Lumpur: IBFIM.
43. Wan Mohd. Nor Wan Daud. (1994). Konsep ilmu dalam Islam (Rosnani
Hashim, Terj.). Kuala Lumpur: Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka.
44. Zailan Moris. (2003). Revelation, intellectual intuition and reason in the
philosophy of Mulla Sadra: An analysis of the al-Hikmah al-‘Arshiyyah. New
York: Routledge.
Artikel ini dibentangkan dalam Persidangan Tahunan Penyelidikan Al-Quran Peringkat Antarabangsa
Kali Ke-6 (MUQADDAS VI) bertempat di Akademi Pengajian Islam, Universiti Malaya, Kuala
Lumpur, pada Selasa, 19 Julai 2016.
2 Calon Pascasiswazah Doktor Falsafah, Jabatan Al-Qur’an dan Al-Hadith, Akademi Pengajian Islam,
4 Tafsir Ishari atau Tafsir Faydi ialah pentafsiran al-Qur’an di sebalik ayat dengan melihat kepada
isyarat-isyarat tersembunyi yang terzahir pada ahli-ahli suluk dan tasawuf, dan pentafsiran terbabit
perlulah memiliki pertautan dengan zahir ayat. Menurut Muhammad Husayn al-Dhahabi, Tafsir Ishari
merupakan bahagian kedua daripada tafsir al-Sufi selain tafsir al-Sufi al-Nazari. Tafsir al-Sufi al-Nazari
pula membawa pengertian pentafsiran yang berasaskan penyelidikan teori dan ilmu falsafah. Lazimnya
golongan yang menggunakan metodologi ini melihat pentafsiran al-Qur’an seiring dengan teori falsafah
yang dibina oleh mereka. Sila lihat al-Dhahabi, Muhammad Husayn, al-Tafsir wa al-Mufassirun (Beirut:
Dar al-Yusuf, 2000), 2: 367 dan 381.
5 Dilahirkan pada tahun 1935 di Syria. Merupakan salah seorang pemimpin tertinggi al-Ikhwan al-
Muslimun yang berpengkalan di Syria. Selain dikenali sebagai ulama’ sufi haraki, beliau juga
merupakan salah seorang pendokong dan pimpinan tertinggi al-Ikhwan al-Muslimun yang berpangkalan
di Syria semenjak di bangku sekolah menengah. Pengaruh pemikirannya telah berjaya menerobos ke
benua Asia Tenggara termasuk Malaysia, khususnya menerusi lebih 30 penulisan karya beliau. Bahkan,
beliau juga dianggap sebagai tokoh mufasir terkemuka mutakhir ini kerana telah berjaya menghasilkan
sebuah karya tafsir besar 30 juzu’ berjudul al-Asas fi al-Tafsir yang berjilid-jilid sungguhpun karya tafsir
tersebut dikarang ketika beliau mendekam di penjara. Beliau meninggal dunia pada tahun 1989. Sila lihat
Zainuddin Hashim dan Riduan Mohamad Nor, Tokoh-tokoh Gerakan Islam Abad Moden (Kuala
Lumpur: Jundi Resources, 2009), 195.
6 Antara platform yang telah digunakan oleh Sa‘id Hawwa ialah dengan menjadikan masjid sebagai
pusat perhimpunan umat Islam menerusi aktiviti bacaan al-Qur’an sebanyak satu juzuk, selawat, zikir
62 Centre of Quranic Research (CQR)
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berjemaah, tazkirah, serta kupasan kitab kepada para jemaah seperti kitab Riyad al-Salihin. Pertemuan
sebegini pernah diadakan secara mingguan. Sila lihat Sa‘id Hawwa, Hadhihi Tajribati wa Hadhihi
Shahadati (Kaherah: Maktabah Wahbah, 1987), 143-144.
7 Wahdah al-wujud adalah sebuah doktrin tasawuf yang dikaitkan dengan aliran yang dicetuskan oleh
Ibn ‘Arabi. Namun, setelah dibuat kajian mengenai konsep ini, terdapat sebahagian tokoh sarjana seperti
Prof. Ibrahim Bayyumi Madkur dan Prof. Dr. Su‘ad al-Hakim berpendapat bahawa teori wahdat al-
wujud bukan berasal daripada Ibn ‘Arabi. Kajian Dr. Noer memutuskan bahawa orang yang pertama
menggunakan istilah wahdat al-wujud ialah al-Sadr al-Din al-Qunawi (m. 673H) yang merupakan anak
murid Ibn ‘Arabi sendiri. Ia kemudiannya dipopularkan oleh murid al-Qunawi, iaitu Sa‘id al-Din
Farghani (m. 700H). Aliran wahdah al-wujud tidak dapat dikaitkan dengan tasawuf Ibn ‘Arabi
melainkan dengan memetik beberapa petikan tulisan beliau yang kemudiannya dipadankan dengan
huraian yang bersesuaian dengan semangat aliran wahdat al-wujud. Antara petikan beliau yang dikaitkan
dengan aliran wahdat al-wujud ialah “tidak ada di dunia selain Allah”, “al-Wujud itu semuanya satu”,
dan “tidak ada di dalam al-Wujud melainkan Allah.” Pemikiran Ibn ‘Arabi mengenai konsep kewujudan
ialah penekanan beliau terhadap al-Wujud al-Haq iaitu hanya Allah sahaja yang wujud secara hakiki,
manakala selain-Nya hanyalah wujud khayali, atau dengan kata lain, beliau menggambarkan bahawa
Allah adalah Zat al-Wujud al-Haq, dan wujud makhluk hanyalah bayangan kepada al-Wujud al-Haq. Al-
Dhahabi pula berpendapat bahawa wahdat al-wujud bermaksud tiada wujud yang lain selain wujud yang
satu, manakala alam semesta merupakan manifestasi daripada kewujudan yang satu iaitu Allah. Sila lihat
William C. Chittick, Dunia Imajinal Ibnu ‘Arabi, terj. Achmad Syahid (Surabaya: Risalah Gusti, 2001),
27. Lihat juga Sulaiman Ibrahim, Al-Syaykh Ibn ‘Arabiy dan Pemikiran Wahdat al-Wujud: Kemantapan
Rohani Penjana Negara Maju (Jabatan Mufti Kerajaan Negeri Sembilan Darul Khusus, 2004), 112-113.
Ibn ‘Arabi, Muhy al-Din Muhammad Ibn ‘Ali Ibn Muhammad Ibn Ahmad, Fusus al-Hikam (Beirut: Dar
al-Kitab al-‘Arabi), 1:104.
8 “Shatahat” merupakan suatu istilah yang dinisbahkan kepada perbuatan para salik yang melatah tanpa
disedari oleh salik berikutan tenggelam dalam pelayaran samudera zikir. Latahan tersebut adakalanya
membawa kepada kekeliruan kefahaman akidah terhadap masyarakat awam seperti “Aku adalah Allah”
dan lain-lain. Kata-kata ganjil terpacul ketika fana terpancar dalam lubuk hati salik, dan sekiranya fana
yang berlaku ke atas dirinya kuat, maka dia menggambarkan sesuatu yang dirasai dalam dirinya dengan
ungkapan yang ganjil serta didengari oleh orang lain. Sila lihat Zulkifli Mohamad al-Bakri, Tazkiyat al-
Nufus: Soal Jawab A-Z Tentang Tasawuf Tapi Anda Tiada Tempat untuk Bertanya (Kuala Lumpur:
Telaga Biru, 2009), 139-140.
9 Istilah “tasawuf salafi” ini diungkapkan oleh Sa‘id Hawwa dalam beberapa karya beliau, antaranya
dinukilkan dalam Jawlat fi al-Fiqhayn al-Kabir wa al-Akbar dan Tarbiyatuna al-Ruhiyyah. Sila lihat
Sa‘id Hawwa, Jawlat fi al-Fiqhayn al-Kabir wa al-Akbar, cet. ke-2 (Kaherah: Maktabah Wahbah, 1981),
109. Sa‘id Hawwa, Tarbiyatuna al-Ruhiyyah, cet. ke-9 (Kaherah: Dar al-Salam li al-Tiba‘ah wa al-Nashr
wa al-Tawzi‘ wa al-Tarjamah, 2007), 12.
10 Sa‘id Hawwa, Tarbiyatuna al-Ruhiyyah, 9.
11 Sa‘id Hawwa turut memetik pandangan Ibn Taymiyah yang mengiktiraf karamah yang terdapat pada
tokoh-tokoh sufi yang dinyatakan di atas apatah lagi mereka adalah fuqaha’ serta berpegang kepada
Qur’anic Research: Interaction of Knowledge, Science, and Civilization
Berkenaan wirid dan zikir pula, wirid utama yang dilakukan seharian oleh
Sa‘id Hawwa ialah istighfar 100 kali, selawat ke atas Rasulullah s.a.w 100 kali,
mengucap “la Ilaha illa Allah” 100 kali pada waktu pagi dan 100 kali pada waktu
petang, serta membaca surah al-Nas, al-Falaq, dan al-Ikhlas sebanyak tiga kali pada
waktu pagi dan tiga kali pada waktu petang. 16 Beliau turut memperbanyakkan selawat
khususnya pada hari Jumaat. Seawal usia 18 tahun juga, Sa‘id Hawwa telah
mengambil wirid zikir dalam tarekat al-Dirqawiyyah daripada gurunya, Syeikh
Muhammad al-Hashimi. Menurut Sa‘id Hawwa, wirid zikir tersebut adalah ma’thur
sebagaimana yang dimuatkan oleh Hasan al-Banna dalam risalah al-Ma’thurat di
bawah tajuk wirid doa. Bacaan wirid tersebut termasuklah istighfar, selawat ke atas
Nabi s.a.w, serta lafaz:
“قدير له امللك وله احلمد وهو على كل شيء،”ال إله أال هللا وحده ال شريك له.17
mazhab akidah Ahl al-Sunnah wa al-Jama‘ah. Sila lihat Sa‘id Hawwa, Kay La Namdi Ba‘idan ‘an
Ihtiyajat al-‘Asr, cet. ke-5 (Kaherah: Dar al-Salam li al-Tiba‘ah wa al-Nashr wa al-Tawzi‘, 2009), 208.
12 Sa‘id Hawwa, Kay La Namdi Ba‘idan ‘an Ihtiyajat al-‘Asr, 209.
13 Muhammad Sa‘id Hawwa (pensyarah Universiti Mu’tah, Jordan) dalam temu bual dengan penulis,
Jumaat, 29 Jun 2012, Masjid ‘A’isyah, ‘Abdun, ‘Amman, Jordan. Temu bual berhubung bentuk-bentuk
tarbiah Sa‘id Hawwa.
14 Ibid.
15 Mu‘adh Sa‘id Hawwa (Ph.D, Imam Masjid Awwabin, Suwaylih, Jordan), dalam temu bual dengan
penulis, 8 Jun 2012. Temu bual berkisar bentuk-bentuk tarbiah Sa‘id Hawwa.
16 Ibid.
17 Sa‘id Hawwa, Hadhihi Tajribati wa Hadhihi Shahadati, 30.
18 Mu‘adh Sa‘id Hawwa (Ph.D, Imam Masjid Awwabin, Suwaylih, Jordan), dalam temu bual dengan
penulis, 8 Jun 2012. Temu bual berkisar bentuk-bentuk tarbiah Sa‘id Hawwa.
19 Sa‘id Hawwa, Hadhihi Tajribati wa Hadhihi Shahadati, 47.
20 Mu‘adh Sa‘id Hawwa (Ph.D, Imam Masjid Awwabin, Suwaylih, Jordan), dalam temu bual dengan
penulis, 8 Jun 2012. Temu bual berkisar bentuk-bentuk tarbiah Sa‘id Hawwa.
21 Pada musim panas di Jordan sekitar tahun 1978 hingga 1982, Sa‘id Hawwa telah mengumpulkan
beberapa pelajar Syria di Jordan agar terlibat dengan kem atau kursus Madrasah I‘dad al-Muwajjihin
kelolaan beliau. Menurut Mu‘adh Sa‘id Hawwa, program tersebut telah berjaya membentuk keteguhan
tarbiah di samping memantapkan ilmu para peserta sehingga disifatkan oleh mereka sebagai madrasah
yang melahirkan para wali. Konsep program ini dilihat selaras dengan gagasan Ihya’ al-Rabbaniyyah
cetusan beliau dengan penerapan elemen pendidikan dan penyucian jiwa (tarbiah). Mu‘adh Sa‘id Hawwa
(Ph.D, Imam Masjid Awwabin, Suwaylih, Jordan), dalam temu bual dengan penulis, 8 Jun 2012. Temu
bual berkisar bentuk-bentuk tarbiah Sa‘id Hawwa.
22 Al-Ma’thurat merupakan himpunan ayat-ayat al-Qur’an dan doa yang disandarkan kepada Nabi s.a.w
dan ia telah dibukukan oleh Hasan al-Banna menjadi satu rantaian wirid khususnya buat pendokong
gerakan Islam. Sila lihat Al-Banna, Hasan, Majmu‘ah Rasa’il al-Imam al-Shahid Hasan al-Banna
(Kaherah: Dar-al-Shihab, t.t.), 335.
23 Sa‘id Hawwa, Hadhihi Tajribati wa Hadhihi Shahadati, 139.
Qur’anic Research: Interaction of Knowledge, Science, and Civilization
Allah daripada majlis tersebut. 24 Melalui aktiviti yang dilaksanakan oleh Sa‘id
Hawwa, ternyata beliau merupakan seorang tokoh yang sentiasa melakukan amalan
sunat seperti berzikir, selawat, qiamullail, solat sunat, serta berpuasa sunat. Menurut
Muhammad, bapanya juga sering berpuasa sunat Isnin dan Khamis khususnya ketika
sebelum beliau dipenjarakan. 25
Menurut Mu‘adh lagi, bapanya seorang yang zuhud dan tidak mementingkan
kekayaan dunia. Di rumah Sa‘id Hawwa, para tetamu yang berkunjung tidak
mendapati pekakas-pekakas mewah melainkan tikar nipis dan barang-barang
keperluan asas. Penampilan serta pakaiannya juga amat sederhana namun beliau
mementingkan kekemasan. Sedangkan menurut Muhammad, sekiranya bapanya
inginkan kekayaan harta, beliau mampu membeli pekakas mewah dan berpakaian
eksklusif.26 Beliau juga seorang yang sangat menghormati tetamu, suka bersedekah
kepada yang memerlukan. Ini disaksikan sendiri oleh anak-anak beliau apabila beliau
sekeluarga berada di Arab Saudi, segala wang yang didapatinya menerusi pengajaran
di sana telah digunakannya untuk melayani tetamu, menyalurkan wang kepada fakir
miskin yang memerlukan wang, serta memenuhi keperluan keluarganya. Sehingga
apabila beliau kembali ke Hamah, Syria, ujar anak-anak beliau, beliau dalam keadaan
berhutang. Tambah Muhammad, bapanya tidak menyimpan apa-apa harta melainkan
beliau pasti akan menginfakkan harta tersebut kepada mereka yang memerlukan. 27
Dalam pada itu, Sa‘id Hawwa juga menasihatkan anak-anak beliau dan juga
para penuntut ilmu agar sentiasa mendampingi golongan yang beristiqamah dalam
perjuangan Islam, apatah lagi mendampingi para ulama’ murabbi rabbani. Beliau
turut mengingatkan dirinya dan para penuntut ilmu agar sentiasa bermuraqabah,28
bersungguh-sungguh menghindarkan segala penyakit hati seperti riak, takabur, dan
meninggi diri. Amalan memberikan khidmat kepada umat Islam serta merendah diri
kepada mereka juga turut dititikberatkan oleh Sa‘id Hawwa bagi menyemai rasa kasih
sayang dan ukhwah.29 Justeru, antara wahana terpenting bagi menyumbang khidmat
ialah menerusi penceburan beliau dalam gerakan al-Ikhwan al-Muslimin.
24 Ibid., 144.
25 Muhammad Sa‘id Hawwa (Imam Masjid ‘A’ishah, ‘Abdun Jordan, dan pensyarah Universiti Mu’tah,
Jordan) dalam temu bual dengan penulis, 12 Jun 2012, Masjid ‘A’ishah, ‘Abdun, ‘Amman, Jordan.
Temu bual berkisar keperibadian Sa‘id Hawwa.
26 Pernah seorang syeikh besar menziarahi rumah Sa‘id Hawwa dalam keadaan beliau hanyalah memakai
baju lusuh dan seluar labuh. Perwatakan syeikh tersebut yang gemar berjenaka menyebabkan beliau
bertanya kepada Sa‘id Hawwa sambil bergurau: “Wahai Syeikh, kita sekarang di hospital sakit jiwa
(sambil melihat pakaian syeikh)”. Sa‘id Hawwa menjawab: “Gembira saya berada di hospital ini dan
awaklah sebagai pengurusnya.” Lalu mereka ketawa. Muhammad Sa‘id Hawwa (Imam Masjid ‘A’ishah,
‘Abdun Jordan, dan pensyarah Universiti Mu’tah, Jordan) dan Mu‘adh Sa‘id Hawwa (Ph.D, Imam
Masjid Awwabin, Suwaylih, Jordan), dalam temu bual dengan penulis, 29 Jun 2012, Masjid ‘A’ishah,
‘Abdun, ‘Amman, Jordan.
27 Ibid.
28 Muraqabah terbahagi kepada dua iaitu pertama; Muraqabah seorang hamba terhadap Tuhannya
dengan memelihara batasan dan syariat agama, serta menuruti sunnah Baginda s.a.w. Kedua; Muraqabah
Allah S.W.T terhadap hamba-hamba-Nya dengan memelihara mereka serta memperhitung segala
pekerjaan mereka di akhirat. Nasihat Sa‘id Hawwa dilihat bersandarkan kepada pengertian yang pertama
agar para pelajar sentiasa memelihara agama dan batasan syariat. Sila lihat al-Ridwani, Mahmud ‘Abd
al-Raziq, al-Mu‘jam al-Sufi (Kaherah: Maktabah Salsabil, 2007), 1004-1005.
29 Muhammad Sa‘id Hawwa (Imam Masjid ‘A’ishah, ‘Abdun Jordan, dan pensyarah Universiti Mu’tah,
Jordan) dan Mu‘adh Sa‘id Hawwa (Ph.D, Imam Masjid Awwabin, Suwaylih, Jordan), dalam temu bual
dengan penulis, 29 Jun 2012, Masjid ‘A’ishah, ‘Abdun, ‘Amman, Jordan.
66 Centre of Quranic Research (CQR)
Qur’anic Research: Interaction of Knowledge, Science, and Civilization
Jika menginklusifkan ilmu tasawuf yang murni kepada umat keseluruhannya menjadi
motif utama Sa‘id Hawwa, justeru penerapan elemen tasawuf kepada kader dakwah
lebih-lebih lagi. Bagi beliau, pengamalan tasawuf merupakan tunjang utama
keampuhan sesebuah gerakan Islam sebagaimana yang telah disaksikan dalam
gelanggang sejarah perjuangan seperti kemunculan gerakan jihad Syeikh al-Shamil
al-Naqshabandiyyah di Turkestan, gerakan Syeikh Sa‘id Nursi di Turki, gerakan al-
Sanusiyyah di Libya, termasuk juga gerakan Islam al-Ikhwan al-Muslimin yang
dipelopori oleh Hasan al-Banna.30 Kesemua gerakan terbabit tidak
mengkesampingkan pengamalan tasawuf sebagai sisi penting kekuatan berjemaah
bagi menghadirkan rasa bertuhan, serta pergantungan yang utuh kepada-Nya.
Justeru, apa yang diperkenalkan oleh Sa‘id Hawwa ialah sejenis tasawuf
amali yang tidak mendorong seseorang lari daripada medan jihad, malah menjadikan
mereka lebih cekal untuk berjihad. Yang dipromosikannya juga adalah komitmen
kerohanian yang disepadukan dengan amal, tidak hanya ghairah dengan ibadah,
malah sensitif dengan cabaran lingkungan. 31 Demikianlah sebagaimana yang
dicitakan oleh Hasan al-Banna, iaitu melahirkan generasi rabbani yang berjiwa sufi
jundi.32 Gagasan pendidikan kerohanian Sa‘id Hawwa dilihat seimbang, dengan
matlamat memaknai watak pendakwah dalam erti kata yang lebih luas dan
komprehensif, tanpa mengabaikan riadah rohani. Beliau mengguna pakai ayat 63
daripada Surah al-Ma’idah sebagai asas pendalilan keperluan riadah rohani yang
diseiringkan dengan dakwah, firman Allah S.W.T:
Ikhwan al-Muslimin sebagaimana yang diutarakan oleh Hasan al-Banna turut merangkumi haqiqah
sufiyyah (asas amalan kebajikan adalah penyucian jiwa). Sila lihat al-Banna, Hasan, Majmu‘ah Rasa’il
al-Imam, 156.
33 Sa‘id Hawwa, 4. Ihya’ al-Rabbaniyyah 5. Al-Ijabat (Kaherah: Dar al-Salam, 1984), 18.
Qur’anic Research: Interaction of Knowledge, Science, and Civilization
Fakhr al-Din al-Razi (m. 606H) turut menyatakan, jika golongan rabbani
meninggalkan usaha mencegah kemungkaran, kedudukan mereka setara dengan
manusia yang melakukan kemungkaran terbabit, bahkan kecelaan Allah S.W.T ke
atas mereka lebih besar berbanding pelaku dosa. Ini kerana, Allah S.W.T telah
menyebut mereka (rabbaniyyun) terlebih dahulu berbanding pelaku dosa berdasarkan
ayat di atas. Manakala, pada akhir ayat tersebut, tambah Fakhr al-Din al-Razi,
diungkapkan kalimah “”(yang mereka kerjakan), bukan dengan kalimah
“ ”يعملونadalah sebagai suatu bentuk kecelaan yang dikhususkan kepada rabbaniyyun
yang tidak menegah kemungkaran dalam keadaan yang mereka tahu akan
kemungkaran tersebut. 36
Ruang lingkup pengertian zikir diterjemahkan oleh Sa‘id Hawwa dalam konteks yang
lebih umum. Menurutnya, solat merupakan satu bentuk zikir yang tertinggi kerana
wujudnya penerapan ketundukan (khudu‘) yang tertinggi kepada Allah S.W.T
berasaskan firman Allah S.W.T daripada surah Taha 20:14.38 Terdapat tiga perspektif
zikrullah yang diutarakan oleh Sa‘id Hawwa iaitu: 39
a) Zikir secara umum dengan menghadirkan niat melakukan segala pekerjaaan
kerana Allah.
34 Al-Qushayri, ‘Abd al-Karim Ibn Hawazin, Lata’if al-Isharat, cet. ke-3 (Mesir: al-Hay’ah al-Misriyyah
al-‘Ammah li al-Kitab, t.t.), 1:436.
35 Sa‘id Hawwa, al-Asas fi al-Tafsir, cet. ke-7 (Kaherah: Dar al-Salam li al-Tiba‘ah wa al-Nashr wa al-
b) Zikir asas iaitu menunaikan solat fardu dan sunat kerana tanpanya manusia
tidak mengingati Allah S.W.T dan sekiranya dilaksanakan dengan sempurna,
mereka tergolong dalam kalangan hamba-Nya yang banyak mengingati Allah
()الذاكرين هللا كثيرا والذاكرات.
c) Zikir pelengkap iaitu wirid dan zikir-zikir yang ma’thur selaras dengan
keadaan, tempat dan situasi tertentu.
40 Mustafa Masyhur, Zadun ‘ala al-Tariq: Bekalan di Sepanjang Jalan Da‘wah, terj. Ahmad Hasan
Mohd. Nazam dan Mohd. Nizam Mohd. Ali (Shah Alam: Dewan Pustaka Fajar, 2003), 194 dan 196.
41 Sa‘id Hawwa, Jund Allah Thaqafatan wa Akhlaqan, 227.
42 Sa‘id Hawwa, al-Asas fi al-Tafsir, 5:132.
43 Sa‘id Hawwa, 4. Ihya’ al-Rabbaniyyah 5. Al-Ijabat, 23.
44 Sa‘id Hawwa menjelaskan, bagi seseorang yang mengamalkan zikrullah, Allah menjanjikan ujian
yang membawa kemenangan kepada umat Islam sebagaimana yang dihadapi oleh Rasulullah dan para
sahabat dalam perang Ahzab. Hal ini telah dirakamkan pada ayat berikutnya dalam surah al-Ahzab
33:22-23 tatkala mereka mewarisi ciri-ciri kenabian serta mengingati Allah S.W.T. Sila rujuk Sa’id
Hawwa, al-Asas fi al-Tafsir, 5:132.
Qur’anic Research: Interaction of Knowledge, Science, and Civilization
Turut menjadi perbahasan hangat dalam pengamalan zikir ialah berzikir dengan
menyebut nama Allah secara tunggal (ism mufrad). Sa‘id Hawwa berpegang dengan
keharusan menyebut nama Allah secara ism mufrad sungguhpun wujud kritikan
terhadap pendirian beliau. 45 Menurut Sa‘id Hawwa, lafaz “Allah” satu-satunya lafaz
yang mencakupi keseluruhan maksud bagi Allah sama ada dari segi Zat, Sifat, Asma’,
dan Af‘al-Nya. Ia merupakan sebaik-santapan yang terus berfokus kepada hati.46
Beliau turut mengemukakan dalil daripada al-Qur’an, firman Allah S.W.T:
Al-Muzzammil 73:8
Menurut beliau, antara nama Tuhan yang teragung ialah “Allah”. Maka,
sesiapa yang menyebut-Nya, sesungguhnya dia seumpama telah menyebut nama-
nama-Nya secara keseluruhannya serta diganjari pahala. Berbanding para mufasir lain
yang mentafsirkan ayat tersebut secara umum iaitu mengingati Allah, 47 hujah yang
dikemukakan oleh Sa‘id Hawwa adalah dalam bentuk penggayaan yang literal.
Berbanding dengan lafaz zikir seperti Subhana Allah, al-hamd li Allah, dan Allah
Akbar, menurut beliau, dengan hanya melafaz “Allah” serta mengulanginya sehingga
tetap hatinya dengan makrifatullah, maka kesan zikir tersebut akan lebih
menghadirkan rasa syukur ke lubuk hati, memantapkan ketauhidan dan puji-pujian
secara lebih sempurna, serta hatinya lebih menyelami ‘kepuasan’ mengenal Allah
(ma‘rifah dhawqiyyah).48 Tambah beliau lagi, para ahli sufi juga telah ijmak bahawa
berzikir dengan kalimah “Allah” merupakan sejenis zikir yang paling memberikan
kesan yang mendalam untuk mencapai makam Ihsan.49 Selanjutnya beliau turut
mengemukakan dalil hadith berzikir dengan ism mufrad, antaranya daripada riwayat
Anas, Rasulullah s.a.w bersabda:
45 Antara yang melontarkan kritikan mengenai zikir dengan ism mufrad terhadap Sa‘id Hawwa ialah
Salim al-Hilali. Sungguhpun beliau memetik pandangan ulama’ yang mengharuskan zikir dengan ism
mufrad seperti al-Shibli dan Ibn ‘Arabi, menurutnya, ia merupakan perkara bid‘ah yang tidak pernah
dilakukan Rasulullah s.a.w, sebaliknya Rasulullah s.a.w menganjurkan zikir La Ilaha illa Allah. Sila lihat
Salim al-Hilali, Mu’allafat Sa‘id Hawwa: Dirasah wa Taqwim (t.p:, 1983), 73-74.
46 Sa‘id Hawwa, Kay La Namdi Ba‘idan ‘an Ihtiyajat al-‘Asr, 379.
47 Tafsiran “mengingati Allah” ini antaranya dikemukakan oleh al-Baydawi (m. 685H) dalam karya tafsir
beliau, Anwar al-Tanzil wa Asrar al-Ta’wil. Beliau menghuraikan maksud “ ”واذكر اسم ربكtersebut
sebagai satu perintah mengingati Allah sepanjang masa dengan apa jua cara berzikir seperti bertasbih,
bertahmid, bertahlil, membaca al-Qur’an, serta menuntut ilmu. Sila lihat al-Baydawi, Nasir al-Din Abu
Sa‘id ‘Abd Allah bin ‘Umar bin Muhammad al-Shirazi, Anwar al-Tanzil wa Asrar al-Ta’wil, ed.
Muhammad ‘Abd al-Rahman al-Mara‘shali (Beirut: Dar Ihya’ al-Turath al-‘Arabi, 1418H/1997-1998),
48 Sa‘id Hawwa, Tarbiyatuna al-Ruhiyyah, 247-248.
49 Ibid., 245.
50 Diriwayatkan oleh Muslim, Muslim bin al-Hajjaj Abu al-Hasan al-Qushayri al-Naysaburi. al-Musnad
al-Sahih al-Mukhtasar bi Naql al-‘Adl ‘an al-‘Adl ila Rasul Allah Salla Allah ‘alayh wa Sallam (Sahih
Muslim), ed. Muhammad Fu’ad ‘Abd al-Baqi (Beirut: Dar Ihya’ al-Turath al-‘Arabi, 1954), Kitab al-
Iman, Bab Dhihab al-Iman Akhir al-Zaman, no. hadith: 234, 1:131. Al-Tirmidhi, Muhammad bin ‘Isa
bin Sawrah bin Musa bin Dahhak, Muhammad bin ‘Isa bin Sawrah bin Musa bin Dahhak, Sunan al-
Tirmidhi, ed. Ahmad Muhammad Shakir, Muhammad Fu’ad ‘Abd al-Baqi, dan Ibrahim ‘Atwah ‘Iwad,
cet. ke-2 (Mesir: Sharikah Maktabah wa Matba‘ah Mustafa al-Babi al-Halabi, 1975), Kitab Abwab al-
Fitan, Bab Ma Ja’a fi Ashrat al-Sa‘ah, no. hadith: 2207, 4:492, Dinilai oleh al-Tirmidhi sebagai hadith
hasan, manakala al-Albani menilainya sebagai sahih.
51 Sa‘id Hawwa, Kay La Namdi Ba‘idan ‘an Ihtiyajat al-‘Asr, 317.
52 Sa‘id Hawwa, Tarbiyatuna al-Ruhiyyah, 94.
53 Ibid., 5:154.
Qur’anic Research: Interaction of Knowledge, Science, and Civilization
Apa pun, perbincangan yang menjadi fokus kepada persoalan zikir ialah
implikasi pengamalan wirid dan zikir yang berupaya menggilap hati serta
membangunkan nurani muslim, manakala pendekatan serta kaifiat zikir tersebut
seharusnya tidaklah menjadi pokok perdebatan selagi kaifiat tersebut tidak
bercanggah dengan al-Qur’an dan sunnah. Tumpuan yang harus diberikan adalah
persoalan keberkesanan zikir serta aspek konsistensi modal insan untuk
mengamalkannya dalam jendela kehidupan seharian. Akhirnya, dia dapat
memposisikan dirinya kepada salah satu daripada tiga golongan ahli zikir
sebagaimana yang dinyatakan oleh Sa‘id Hawwa iaitu: 57
a) Orang yang berzikir untuk menyinari hatinya.
b) Orang yang telah dilimpahi nur di dalam hatinya, lalu dia berzikir untuk
menambahkan limpahan cahaya.
Sa‘id Hawwa turut melihat kepentingan bimbingan murabbi yang benar dalam
perjalanan kerohanian menuju Allah. Bagi beliau, seseorang muslim tidak sekadar
menekuni ilmu dan melaksanakan aktiviti penyucian jiwa, malah seharusnya
menempuh perjalanan rohani daripada guru mursyid yang mampu ‘mengemudi’
perjalanan rohani malah dakwah mereka. 58 Beliau berhujah berdasarkan firman Allah
54 Ibid., 52 dan 68. Sila lihat juga Sa‘id Hawwa, Pendidikan Harakah Islamiyyah: Syarah Risalah al-
Ta’lim: Fi Afaq al-Ta‘alim, terj. Nor Hasanuddin (Shah Alam: Dewan Pustaka Fajar, 2008), 471. Dalam
karya beliau, iaitu Fi Afaq al-Ta‘alim, beliau mendedahkan disiplin riadah kerohanian anggota al-Ikhwan
al-Muslimin. Mereka ditugaskan untuk membaca al-Qur’an sekurang-kurangnya satu juzuk sehari di
samping pengamalan wirid seharian yang lain. Beliau turut menyediakan contoh wirid-wirid harian yang
perlu diamalkan oleh setiap para pendakwah dalam karyanya, Tarbiyatuna al-Ruhiyyah, antaranya
beristighfar tidak kurang 100 kali setiap hari, solat berjemaah, qiamullail, solat sunat duha, selawat tidak
kurang 100 kali setiap hari, dan membaca surah al-Ikhlas sekurang-kurangnya tiga kali sehari. Sila lihat
Sa‘id Hawwa, Tarbiyatuna al-Ruhiyyah,102.
55 Ibn Kathir, ‘Imad al-Din Abu al-Fida’ Isma‘il bin ‘Umar al-Qurashi. Tafsir al-Qur’an al-‘Azim, ed.
Sami bin Muhammad Salamah, cet. ke-2 ( Dar al-Taybah li al-Nashr wa al-Tawzi’, 1999), 6: 420.
56 Al-Naysaburi, Nizam al-Din al-Hasan bin Muhammad bin Husayn. Ghara’ib al-Qur’an wa Ragha’ib
Ibn ‘Ata’ Allah al-Sakandari, cet. ke-5 (Beirut: Dar al-‘Ammar, 1989), 625.
58 Sa‘id Hawwa, Tarbiyatuna al-Ruhiyyah, 182.
59 Sa‘id Hawwa, ibid. Lihat juga Sa‘id Hawwa, Kay La Namdi Ba‘idan ‘an Ihtiyajat al-‘Asr, 132 dan
72 Centre of Quranic Research (CQR)
Qur’anic Research: Interaction of Knowledge, Science, and Civilization
Al-Kahf 18:17
Pada ayat di atas, Sa‘id Hawwa menegaskan bahawa guru pembimbing (wali
murshid) memiliki keupayaan melorongkan manusia ke arah hidayah. Namun,
apabila Allah menghendaki seseorang sesat, maka wali murshid tidak mampu
membimbing mereka selaras dengan kehendak-Nya.60 Ia juga bermaksud, apabila
seseorang telah disesatkan Allah, maka tidak ada seorang pun, walau seorang yang
bertaraf wali murshid dapat membawanya kepada petunjuk. Ternyata, wali murshid
pada persepsi Sa‘id Hawwa ditempatkan pada satu martabat yang mulia bahawa
mereka merupakan sebaik-baik ‘pemandu’ bagi meraih hidayah Allah. 61
Muhammad ‘Abd Allah al-Namr, ‘Uthman Jumu‘ah Damiriyyah, dan Sulayman Muslim al-Harash, cet.
ke-4 (Riyadh: Dar Taybah li al-Nashr wa al-Tawzi‘, 1997), 5:157, Al-Tabari, Jami’ al-Bayan fi Ta’wil
al-Qur’an, ed. Ahmad Muhammad Shakir ( Mu’assasah al-Risalah, 2000), 17:623.
Qur’anic Research: Interaction of Knowledge, Science, and Civilization
1. Al-Qur’an al-Karim
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al-Mara‘shali. Beirut: Dar Ihya’ al-Turath al-‘Arabi, 1418H/1997-1998.
6. Al-Hilali, Salim, Mu’allafat Sa‘id Hawwa: Dirasah wa Taqwim. t.p:, 1983.
8. Al-Qushayri, ‘Abd al-Karim Ibn Hawazin, Lata’if al-Isharat, cet. ke-3. Mesir:
al-Hay’ah al-Misriyyah al-‘Ammah li al-Kitab, t.t.
9. Al-Razi, Fakhr al-Din, Muhammad bin ‘Umar bin al-Hasan bin al-Husin,
Mafatih al-Ghayb, cet. ke-3. Beirut: Dar Ihya’ al-Turath al-‘Arabi, 1999.
11. Al-Tabari, Jami’ al-Bayan fi Ta’wil al-Qur’an, ed. Ahmad Muhammad Shakir. Mu’assasah al-Risalah, 2000.
12. Al-Tirmidhi, Muhammad bin ‘Isa bin Sawrah bin Musa bin Dahhak,
Muhammad bin ‘Isa bin Sawrah bin Musa bin Dahhak, Sunan al-Tirmidhi, ed.
Ahmad Muhammad Shakir, Muhammad Fu’ad ‘Abd al-Baqi, dan Ibrahim
‘Atwah ‘Iwad, cet. ke-2. Mesir: Sharikah Maktabah wa Matba‘ah Mustafa al-
Babi al-Halabi, 1975.
13. Ibn ‘Arabi, Muhy al-Din Muhammad Ibn ‘Ali Ibn Muhammad Ibn Ahmad,
Fusus al-Hikam. Beirut: Dar al-Kitab al-‘Arabi, t.t.
14. Ibn Kathir, ‘Imad al-Din Abu al-Fida’ Isma‘il bin ‘Umar al-Qurashi. Tafsir al-
Qur’an al-‘Azim, ed. Sami bin Muhammad Salamah, cet. ke-2. Dar al-
Taybah li al-Nashr wa al-Tawzi’, 1999.
15. Muslim bin al-Hajjaj Abu al-Hasan al-Qushayri al-Naysaburi. al-Musnad al-
Sahih al-Mukhtasar bi Naql al-‘Adl ‘an al-‘Adl ila Rasul Allah Salla Allah
‘alayh wa Sallam (Sahih Muslim), ed. Muhammad Fu’ad ‘Abd al-Baqi. Beirut:
Dar Ihya’ al-Turath al-‘Arabi, 1954.
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16. Mustafa Masyhur, Zadun ‘ala al-Tariq: Bekalan di Sepanjang Jalan Da‘wah,
terj. Ahmad Hasan Mohd. Nazam dan Mohd. Nizam Mohd. Ali. Shah Alam:
Dewan Pustaka Fajar, 2003.
18. Sa‘id Hawwa, al-Asas fi al-Tafsir, cet. ke-7. Kaherah: Dar al-Salam li al-
Tiba‘ah wa al-Nashr wa al-Tawzi‘ wa al-Tarjamah, 2009.
21. Sa‘id Hawwa, Jawlat fi al-Fiqhayn al-Kabir wa al-Akbar, cet. ke-2. Kaherah:
Maktabah Wahbah, 1981.
22. Sa‘id Hawwa, Jund Allah Thaqafatan wa Akhlaqan, cet. ke-7. Kaherah: Dar al-
Salam li al-Tiba‘ah wa al-Nashr wa al-Tawzi‘ wa al-Tarjamah, 2010.
23. Sa‘id Hawwa, Kay La Namdi Ba‘idan ‘an Ihtiyajat al-‘Asr, cet. ke-5. Kaherah:
Dar al-Salam li al-Tiba‘ah wa al-Nashr wa al-Tawzi‘, 2009.
26. Sa‘id Hawwa, Tarbiyatuna al-Ruhiyyah, cet. ke-9. Kaherah: Dar al-Salam li al-
Tiba‘ah wa al-Nashr wa al-Tawzi‘ wa al-Tarjamah, 2007.
27. Sulaiman Ibrahim, Al-Syaykh Ibn ‘Arabiy dan Pemikiran Wahdat al-Wujud:
Kemantapan Rohani Penjana Negara Maju. Jabatan Mufti Kerajaan Negeri
Sembilan Darul Khusus, 2004.
28. William C. Chittick, Dunia Imajinal Ibnu ‘Arabi, terj. Achmad Syahid.
Surabaya: Risalah Gusti, 2001.
29. Zainuddin Hashim dan Riduan Mohamad Nor, Tokoh-tokoh Gerakan Islam
Abad Moden. Kuala Lumpur: Jundi Resources, 2009.
30. Zulkifli Mohamad al-Bakri, Tazkiyat al-Nufus: Soal Jawab A-Z Tentang
Tasawuf Tapi Anda Tiada Tempat untuk Bertanya. Kuala Lumpur: Telaga
Biru, 2009.
Temu Bual
Qur’anic Research: Interaction of Knowledge, Science, and Civilization
Norwardatun Mohamed Razali. Calon Ph.D. Fakulti Pengajian al-Qur’an dan as-sunnah, Universiti
Sains Islam Malaysia. E-mail: [email protected]
2 Kauthar Abdul Kadir. Pensyarah. Fakulti Pengajian al-Qur’an dan as-sunnah, Universiti Sains Islam
Allah Subhānahū wata’āla menciptakan alam semesta dengan segala bentuk dan
kelebihan tertentu. Setiap bentuk dan ciptaan yang hidup di muka bumi ini
mempunyai warna-warna tertentu. Kehidupan tanpa warna akan menjadikan
kehidupan manusia menjadi suram kerana warna memberikan manusia perasaan
gembira apabila mampu membezakan antara sesuatu dengan yang lain. Oleh kerana
warna merupakan sesuatu yang sangat dekat dengan kehidupan manusia, maka Allah
Subhānahū wata’āla menyebut warna-warna tertentu di dalam al-Qur’ān. Sekiranya
kita meneliti ayat-ayat al-Qur’ān yang menggandingkan sesuatu dengan warna-warna
tertentu, kita akan dapati kebanyakan ayat-ayat ini menghubungkan warna dengan
dorongan untuk mentadabbur serta memikirkan kebesaran Allah subhānahū wata’ āla
dengan cara melihat ia sebagai tanda kekuasaan dan kebesaran Allah subhānahū
wata’ āla. Di antara warna yang disebut di dalam al-Qur’ān ialah warna kuning.
Di dalam kajian ini, penulis mendapati terdapat lima ayat yang menyebut
secara jelas lafaz warna kuning di dalam al-Quran. Empat daripadanya menyentuh
berkaitan keadaan kehidupan di dunia, dan satu ayat menyentuh berkaitan kehidupan
di akhirat yang memberi fokus kepada sifat neraka jahannam.
Di dalam artikel ini, penulis akan menjalankan analisis awal berkaitan warna kuning
dengan menggunakan kaedah induktif. Penulis akan mengumpulkan ayat-ayat al-
Qur’ān yang menyebut warna kuning secara jelas, kemudian menganalisis ayat-ayat
tersebut dengan merujuk kepada kitab-kitab tafsīr yang mu’tabar. Kaedah ini
membantu kita memahami penggunaan warna kuning di dalam konteks setiap ayat
dan sebab pemilihannya.
Pengertian Warna
Warna di dalam bahasa arab datang dari perkataan ()اللون. Di dalam mu’jam dan
kamus berbahasa arab, perkataan ( )اللونmembawa beberapa maksud. Pertama:
perkataan al-lawn bermaksud الهيئةiaitu 'bentuk 'seperti merah atau hitam (Mukhtar
as-Sihhah, 1999). Kedua: Perkataan al-Lawn membawa maksud ( )النوعatau ()الجنس
iaitu jenis. Ketiga: ia bermaksud ( )الدقلiaitu ) (الضرب من النخلsesuatu yang datang
daripada pokok tamar (Lisan al-Arab, 1993). Apabila merujuk kepada perbahasan
ulamā’ di dalam bahasa arab mengenai pengertian al-lawn, dapat disimpulkan di sini
bahawa kalimah al-lawn tidak lari daripada salah satu daripada makna yang disebut di
Jadual 1: Jumlah perkataan dan ayat yang mengandungi perkataan Lawn dan Alwān
Bil Warna Jumlah Jumlah Ayat
1 Putih 12 10
2 Hitam 8 7
3 Kuning 5 5
4 Hijau 9 9
5 Biru 1 1
6 Merah 2 2
Jumlah 37 34
Ayat Berkaitan Warna Kuning Di Dalam Al-Qur’an
Di dalam al-Qur’an, warna kuning disebut di dalam lima ayat, dan ia dibahagikan
kepada empat tema utama. Tiga daripadanya menceritakan tentang kehidupan di
dunia, dan satu daripadanya berkaitan kehidupan di akhirat. Tema-tema tersebut
ialah seperti berikut;
Pertama: Warna kuning berkaitan warna lembu yang diperintahkan kepada kaum
Nabi Musa alaihissalām untuk disembelih
Qur’anic Research: Interaction of Knowledge, Science, and Civilization
ن ن
َي َ ٌول إنن ََّها بَ َقَرة
َ ص ْفَراُُ َاق ٌٌ لَ ْونُ َها َ ُُر النَّاِ نر ُ ال إننَّهُ يَ ُق ْ ِك يُبَ ن
َ َّي لَنَا َما لَ ْونُ َها ق َ َّع لَنَا َرب
ُ قَالُوا ْاد
Maksudnya: Mereka berkata lagi: “Pohonkanlah kepada
Tuhanmu untuk kami, supaya diterangkanNya kepada kami apa
warnanya?” Nabi Musa menjawab: “Bahawasanya Allah
berfirman: Bahawa (lembu betina) itu ialah seekor lembu kuning,
kuning tua warnanya, lagi menyukakan orang-orang yang
melihatnya”. (Surah al-Baqarah:2:69)
Kedua: Warna Kuning berkaitan angin yang membawa kerosakan dan kemusnahan
يٌ نف ْاَأ َْر ن َُّمَّ ُْخْ نر ُ بننه َرْر ًاا ُمَُْتلن ًفان اَّلل أَنْزَل نمَ َّ ن َّ أَ ََلْ َََر أ
َ الُ َماُ َماًُ َ َُلَ َكهُ يَنَاب َ َ ََّ َن
ُوِل ْاَأَلْب ن أَلْوانُه َُّمَّ ي نهيج َ تَ راه مص َفًّرا َُّمَّ ََيعلُه حطَاما إن َّن نف َذلن َ ن ن
اب َ ك لَذ ْكَرى َأ ن ً ُ ُ َْ ْ ُ َُ ُ َ ُ َ
Maksudnya: “Tidakkah engkau memerhatikan, bahawa Allah
menurunkan hujan dari langit, lalu dialirkanNya menjadi matair-
matair di bumi; kemudian Ia menumbuhkan dengan air itu
tanaman-tanaman yang berbagai jenis dan warnanya; kemudian
tanaman-tanaman itu bergerak segar (hingga ke suatu masa yang
tertentu), selepas itu engkau melihatmu berupa kuning; kemudian
Ia menjadikannya hancur bersepai? Sesungguhnya segala yang
tersebut itu mengandungi peringatan yang menyedarkan orang-
orang yang berakal sempurna”. (surah- az-Zumar: 39:21)
اخٌر بَْي نَ ُك ْم َوَ َكاثٌُر نف ْاَأ َْم َو نال َو ْاَأَ ْوََ ند
ُ ب َوََلٌْو َونرينَةٌ َوَ َف
ٌ ْاالَ ُموا أَََّّنَا ا ْْلَيَا ُة الدنْيَا لَع
ص َفًّرا َُّمَّ يَ ُكو ُن ُحطَ ًاما ونف ْاْل نخرةن ن ٍ
َ َ ْ يج َتَ َراهُ ُم ُ َّار نَبَاَُهُ َُّمَّ يَه َ َك َمثَ نل َغْيث أ َْا َج
َ ب الْ ُكف
ا َذاب َش ندي ٌد وم ْغ نفرةٌ نمَ َّن
ُ َض َوا ٌن َوَما ا ْْلَيَاةُ الدنْيَا إنََّ َمت
اع الْغُُرونر ْ اَّلل َونر َ َ ََ ٌ َ
Maksudnya: Ketahuilah bahawa (yang dikatakan) kehidupan
dunia itu tidak lain hanyalah (bawaan hidup yang berupa semata-
mata) permainan dan hiburan (yang melalaikan) serta perhiasan
(yang mengurang), juga (bawaan hidup yang bertujuan)
bermegah-megah di antara kamu (dengan kelebihan, kekuatan,
dan bangsa keturunan) serta berlumba-lumba membanyakkan
harta benda dan anak pinak; (semuanya itu terhad waktunya)
samalah seperti hujan yang (menumbuhkan tanaman yang
menghijau subur) menjadikan penanamnya suka dan tertarik hati
kepada kesuburannya, kemudian tanaman itu bergerak segar (ke
suatu masa yang tertentu), selepas itu engkau melihatnya berupa
kuning; akhirnya ia menjadi hancur bersepai; dan (hendaklah
diketahui lagi, bahawa) di akhirat ada azab yang berat (di
sediakan bagi golongan yang hanya mengutamakan kehidupan
dunia itu), dan (ada pula) keampunan besar serta keredaan dari
Allah (disediakan bagi orang-orang yang mengutamakan akhirat).
Dan (ingatlah, bahawa) kehidupan dunia ini tidak lain hanyalah
kesenangan bagi orang-orang yang terpedaya”.(surah al-
ن ن
ص ْفٌر
ُ ت ْ إنن ََّها ََ ْرمي بن َشَرٍر َكالْ َق
ٌ َ) َكأَنَّهُ ِجَال32( ص نر
Maksudnya: “Sesungguhnya neraka itu melemparkan bunga api,
(yang besarnya) seperti bangunan besar. (Banyaknya dan
warnanya) bunga api itu seolah-olah rombongan unta
Jadual 3: Jumlah perkataan, ayat dan surah yang mengandungi perkataan yang
bermaksud kuning
صفراء 1 Al-Baqarah: 69
Qur’anic Research: Interaction of Knowledge, Science, and Civilization
صفر 1 Al-Mursalāt: 33
3.1 Pertama: Warna kuning berkaitan warna lembu yang diperintahkan kepada
kaum nabi Musa alaihissalam untuk disembelih
3.2 Kedua: Warna Kuning berkaitan angin yang membawa kerosakan dan
Ayat ini menjelaskan tentang salah satu fenomena alam iaitu kedatangan
angin yang membinasakan. Warna kuning digunakan untuk menunjukkan azab dan
kebinasaan tumbuh-tumbuhan dan tanam-tanaman. Oleh kerana itu, lafaz ()مصفرا
Qur’anic Research: Interaction of Knowledge, Science, and Civilization
Warna kuning di dalam ayat ini membawa makna kematian dan kemusnahan
tumbuh-tumbuhan kerana warna tumbuh-tumbuhan yang asalnya hijau akan bertukar
kekuning-kuningan, kemudian akan kering dan akhirnya mati (al-Qurthubi, 1964).
Fenomena ini dijadikan perumpamaan bagi menunjukkan sikap atau tabiat orang
kafir yang tidak bersyukur kepada Allah subhānahū wata’ āla apabila dikurniakan
kepada mereka nikmat dan rezeki, namun apabila diturunkan musibah, mereka
segera kufur kepada Allah subhānahū wata’ āla.
يٌ نف ْاَأَْر ن َُّمَّ ُْخْ نر ُ بننه َرْر ًاا ُمُْتَلن ًفان اَّلل أَنْزَل نمَ َّ ن َّ أَ ََلْ َََر أ
َ الُ َماُ َماًُ َ َُلَ َكهُ يَنَاب َ َ ََّ َن
ُوِل ْاَأَلْب ن أَلْوانُه َُّمَّ ي نهيج َتَ راه مص َفًّرا َُّمَّ ََيعلُه حطَاما إن َّن نف ذَلن َ ن ن
اب َ ك لَذ ْكَرى َأ ن ً ُ ُ َْ ْ ُ َُ ُ َ ُ َ
Maksudnya: “Tidakkah engkau memerhatikan, bahawa Allah
menurunkan hujan dari langit, lalu dialirkanNya menjadi matair-
matair di bumi; kemudian Ia menumbuhkan dengan air itu
tanaman-tanaman yang berbagai jenis dan warnanya; kemudian
tanaman-tanaman itu bergerak segar (hingga ke suatu masa yang
tertentu), selepas itu engkau melihatmu berupa kuning; kemudian
Ia menjadikannya hancur bersepai? Sesungguhnya segala yang
tersebut itu mengandungi peringatan yang menyedarkan orang-
orang yang berakal sempurna”. (surah- az-Zumar: 39:21)
Ayat ini mengandungi tanda-tanda kekuasaan Allah subhānahū wata’ āla dan kudrat-
Nya untuk menghidupkan kembali sesuatu yang telah mati. Lafaz ( )مصفراdi dalam
ayat ini membawa makna hakiki iaitu peringkat kematangan tanam-tanaman yang
disemai selepas turunnya hujan, sehingga dengannya keluar dari bumi tumbuh-
tumbuhan dan tanam-tanaman yang terdiri daripada pelbagai jenis dan warna,
اخٌر بَْي نَ ُك ْم َوَ َكاثٌُر نف ْاَأ َْم َو نال َو ْاَأ َْوََ ند
ُ ب َوََلٌْو َونرينَةٌ َوَ َف
ٌ ْاالَ ُموا أَََّّنَا ا ْْلَيَاةُ الدنْيَا لَع
ص َفًّرا َُّمَّ يَ ُكو ُن ُحطَ ًاما ونف ْاْل نخرةن ن ٍ
َ َ ْ يج َ تَ َراهُ ُم ُ َّار نَبَاَُهُ َُّمَّ يَه َ َك َمثَ نل َغْيث أ َْا َج
َ ب الْ ُكف
ا َذاب َش ندي ٌد وم ْغ نفرةٌ نمَ َّن
ُ َض َوا ٌن َوَما ا ْْلَيَاةُ الدنْيَا إنََّ َمت
اع الْغُُرونر ْ اَّلل َونر َ َ ََ ٌ َ
Maksudnya: “Ketahuilah bahawa (yang dikatakan) kehidupan
dunia itu tidak lain hanyalah (bawaan hidup yang berupa semata-
mata) permainan dan hiburan (yang melalaikan) serta perhiasan
(yang mengurang), juga (bawaan hidup yang bertujuan)
bermegah-megah di antara kamu (dengan kelebihan, kekuatan,
dan bangsa keturunan) serta berlumba-lumba membanyakkan
harta benda dan anak pinak; (semuanya itu terhad waktunya)
samalah seperti hujan yang (menumbuhkan tanaman yang
menghijau subur) menjadikan penanamnya suka dan tertarik hati
kepada kesuburannya, kemudian tanaman itu bergerak segar (ke
suatu masa yang tertentu), selepas itu engkau melihatnya berupa
kuning; akhirnya ia menjadi hancur bersepai; dan (hendaklah
diketahui lagi, bahawa) di akhirat ada azab yang berat (di
sediakan bagi golongan yang hanya mengutamakan kehidupan
dunia itu), dan (ada pula) keampunan besar serta keredaan dari
Allah (disediakan bagi orang-orang yang mengutamakan akhirat).
Dan (ingatlah, bahawa) kehidupan dunia ini tidak lain hanyalah
kesenangan bagi orang-orang yang terpedaya”.(al-Hadid:57:20).
Di dalam kedua-dua ayat ini terdapat lafaz ( ) مصفراyang mana ayat pertama
membawa makna warna kuning yang hakiki. Adapun di dalam ayat kedua, perkataan
( )مصفراboleh membawa makna hakiki iaitu warna kuning pada tumbuh-tumbuhan,
dan pada masa yang sama ia boleh difahami dengan membawa makna majazi.
Perkataan ( ) مصفراdigunakan dengan membawa makna majazi yang boleh kita
fahami, bahawa di dalam kehidupan ini, tiadalah sesuatu yang sempurna melainkan ia
juga akan ada pengakhirannya. Ayat ini dilihat sebagi perumpamaan bagi kematian
dan kemusnahan selepas kehidupan yang penuh permainan dan tipu daya.
Qur’anic Research: Interaction of Knowledge, Science, and Civilization
3.4 Keempat: Warna Kuning berkaitan tentang gambaran neraka Jahannam di hari
Warna kuning disebut juga di dalam ayat berkaitan tentang gambaran neraka
jahannam di hari akhirat kelak, sepertimana disebut di dalam firman Allah subhānahū
wata’ āla:
ن ن
ص ْفٌر
ُ ت ْ إنن ََّها َ ْرمي بن َشَرٍر َكالْ َق
ٌ َ) َكأَنَّهُ ِجَال32( ص نر
Maksudnya: “Sesungguhnya neraka itu melemparkan bunga api,
(yang besarnya) seperti bangunan besar. (Banyaknya dan
warnanya) bunga api itu seolah-olah rombongan unta
Allah swt memberikan perumpamaan neraka jahannam di dalam ayat ini seperti unta
yang berwarna kuning ()الجمال الصفر. Lafaz الصفرdi dalam ayat ini membawa makna
warna kuning hakiki seperti yang kita fahami. Di dalam konteks ayat ini, Allah
subhānahū wata’ āla menggunakan warna kuning untuk menunjukkan warna api
neraka Jahannam (al-Baghawi, 1999) yang cahayanya menyala kekuning-kuningan.
Kertas kerja ini memfokuskan pada analisis awal terhadap ayat-ayat al-Qurān yang
menyebut perkataan yang membawa makna warna kuning di dalam al-Qurān. Penulis
mendapati perkataan ini disebut di dalam lima ayat, dan dibahagikan kepada empat
tema utama. Tiga daripada tema utama menyentuh berkaitan keadaan kehidupan di
dunia iaitu warna lembu yang diperintahkan oleh Allah kepada kaum Nabi Musa
alaihissalam untuk disembelih, dan warna tumbuh-tumbuhan yang hampir mati.
Adapun satu tema lagi menyentuh berkaitan kehidupan di akhirat iaitu gambaran
Senarai Rujukan
1. Al-Qurān al-Karīm.
7. Az-Zamakhsyarī, Abu al-Qāsim Mahmūd bin ‘Amrū bin Ahmad. (1986) . Al-
Kassyāf ‘an Haqāiq Ghawamidh at-tanzīl (Tafsīr az-Zamakhsyarī). Beirūt:
Dārul Kitāb al-‘Arabī.
Qur’anic Research: Interaction of Knowledge, Science, and Civilization
10. Ibnu Kathīr, Isma’il bin ‘Umar bin Kathīr. (1998) . Tafsīr al-Qur’ān al-
‘Azhīm (Tafsīr Ibnu Kathīr). Beirūt: Dārul Kutub al-‘Ilmiyyah.
11. Ibnu Manzūr. Muhammad bin Mukarram. (1993) . Lisān al-‘Arab. Beirut:
Dar Sādir.
Chapter 2:
Qur’anic Research: Interaction of Knowledge, Science, and Civilization
Amine Baïna1
Every Muslim knows that “al Quran” has many therapeutic benefits because the
person who reads “al Quran” feels a great comfort and relief. The implicit
mechanisms inducing this comfort are very poorly understood. The Lord in his
infinite knowledge included therapeutic elements in “Al Quran” for the mind and the
soul, which we hope to modestly highlight in this work. Several scientific studies and
researches have been conducted over Islamic knowledge in general, and over “Al
Quran” in particular, these studies have encompassed many layers and levels of
analysis (such as numerical miracles, a-Salat, a-zakat, Ramadan, Islamic financing
system, etc), but none have taken into account the sentiment analysis of “Al Quran”.
This work will try to run a sentiment analysis over chosen surat and verses. The
purpose of this manuscript is to show binary and mind state conclusions of this
1 STRS Lab., National Institute of Posts and Telecommunications 2, av. Allal El Fassi, Madinat Al
Irfane, Rabat, Morocco [email protected]
Qur’anic Research: Interaction of Knowledge, Science, and Civilization
analysis. A sample of 4 surat (al fatiha, al ikhlas, al falak, a-nass) and 1 specific verse
(ayat al kursi) were selected to study the objective. At first, section 2 presents
sentiment analysis, section 3 presents Natural Language Toolkit, section 4 presents
our contribution, and finally we draw conclusion.
This section is based on the book of Dr Bing Liu, “Sentiment Analysis and Opinion
Mining”, Synthesis Lecture on Human Language Technologies, Morgan & Claypool
Sentiment analysis, also called opinion mining, is the field of study that analyzes
people’s opinions, sentiments, evaluations, appraisals, attitudes, and emotions
towards entities such as products, services, organizations, individuals, issues, events,
topics, and their attributes. It represents a large problem space. There are also many
names and slightly different tasks, e.g., sentiment analysis, opinion mining, opinion
extraction, sentiment mining, subjectivity analysis, affect analysis, emotion analysis,
review mining, etc. However, they are now all under the umbrella of sentiment
analysis or opinion mining. While in industry, the term sentiment analysis is more
commonly used, but in academia both sentiment analysis and opinion mining are
frequently employed. They basically represent the same field of study. Sentiment
analysis and opinion mining mainly focuses on opinions which express or imply
positive or negative sentiments.
This section is based on [2]. NLTK is a leading platform for building Python
programs to work with human language data. It provides easy-to-use interfaces to
over 50 corpora and lexical resources such as WordNet, along with a suite of text
processing libraries for classification, tokenization, stemming, tagging, parsing, and
semantic reasoning, wrappers for industrial-strength NLP libraries, and an active
discussion forum. Thanks to a hands-on guide introducing programming
fundamentals alongside topics in computational linguistics, plus comprehensive API
documentation, NLTK is suitable for linguists, engineers, students, educators,
researchers, and industry users alike. NLTK is a free, open source, community-driven
project. NLTK has been called “a wonderful tool for teaching, and working in,
computational linguistics using Python,” and “an amazing library to play with natural
language.” Natural Language Processing with Python provides a practical
introduction to programming for language processing. Written by the creators of
NLTK, it guides the reader through the fundamentals of writing Python programs,
working with corpora, categorizing text, analyzing linguistic structure, and more.
Qur’anic Research: Interaction of Knowledge, Science, and Civilization
Our 1st study case is the first surat of “al Quran”: Al-Fatihah (The Opener) - سورة
Why we choose Al-Fatihah, it is the first surat, of “al Quran”, it is used in each
prayer, contains only 7 verses, so more suitable for our study.
Decomposed version:
2AMEN is pronounced each time we recite al Fatiha, in the daily prayer, so we choose to add it to the
sentiment analysis.
94 Centre of Quranic Research (CQR)
Qur’anic Research: Interaction of Knowledge, Science, and Civilization
The result of this study can be recapitulated in the following formula: 0-0-1-0-0-1-0-
0. It appears that there is a specific pattern (in succession and numbers of 0 and 1.
Knowing that 0 means neutral, 1 means ‘non’ neutral, or polar, and in our case 1
means positive. The study has its limits, for example “In the name of Allah, the Most
Beneficent, the Most Merciful” is considered by the tool as “neutral” and “The Most
Beneficent, the Most Merciful” is considered “polar”, even if for a human mind, the
two verses could have the same approximate meaning. We present hereafter, the
representative diagram.
The previous diagram clearly shows a particular pattern. Hereafter, we choose to give
further details by showing the decomposition of the notion of “subjectivity» into
Qur’anic Research: Interaction of Knowledge, Science, and Civilization
“neutral” and “polar”, and by showing the decomposition of notion of “polarity» into
“positive” and “negative”.
Detailed version:
Verse ne po po neg
u l s
In the name of Allah, the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful. 0. 0. 0 0
5 5
All praise is due to Allah, Lord of the worlds. 0. 0. 0 0
8 2
The Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful. 0. 0. 0. 0.4
3 7 6
The Lord of the Day of Judgment. 0. 0. 0 0
9 1
Thee alone do we worship and Thee alone we seek for help. 0. 0. 0 0
8 2
Guide us to the Right Path. 0. 0. 0. 0.3
4 6 7
The path of those upon whom Thou have bestowed favors, Not 0. 0. 0 0
of those who Thou have cursed once nor of those who have 7 3
gone misguided.
AMEN 0. 0. 0 0
6 4
The previous diagram contains too many data, we choose to eliminate some of these
in order to have a clear vision, and we delete the “neutral” line.
Our 2nd study case is Al-Ikhlas (The Sincerity) - سورة اإلخالص. Why we choose Al-
Ikhlas, it is, counting from the end of “al Quran3, the 3rd surat, it is used in each
prayer, contains only 4 verses, and it considered as the third of “Al Quran” (Al-
Bukhari reported in his Sahih that Abu Said Al-Khudri, may Allah be pleased with
him, narrated that the Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam) told the companions:
"Are you not able to read a third of the Qur'an in one night? They found this very
difficult and replied that nobody amongst us can do so. Then the Prophet (Sallallahu
Alaihi wa Sallam) said: "Allah, The One, the Self sufficient "Surath Qul Huwa
Allahu Ahad equals a third of the Qur'an")
Decomposed version:
The result of this study can be recapitulated in the following formula: 0-0-(-1)-0. It
The study has its limits, for example “He neither begets nor is born,” is considered by
the tool as “negative” due to “neither” and “nor”, which is not especially negative
terms depending on the context of use.
Detailed version:
The previous diagram contains too many data, we choose to eliminate some of these
in order to have a clear vision, and we delete the “positive” and “negative” lines.
The second time, we choose to eliminate the “neutral” and “polar” lines.
Qur’anic Research: Interaction of Knowledge, Science, and Civilization
Why we choose Al-Falaq, it is, counting from the end of “al Quran3, the 2nd surat; it
is one of the two “al-mu'awwidzatain”, contains only 5 verses, so more suitable for
our study.
Decomposed version:
The result of this study can be recapitulated in the following formula: 0-0-0-0-0-0.
The study has its limits, for example, all the 4 last verses are considered as “neutral”,
even if for a human mind, the term “evil” is considered “negative”, but considering
the first verse containing “I seek refuge”, these verses have to be considered as
Detailed version:
The previous diagram clearly shows a particular pattern. However, we don’t have
other elements of analysis yet to go further in this study.
Why we choose Al-Nas, it is the last surat of “al Quran3, it is one of the two “al-
mu'awwidzatain”, contains only 6 verses, so more suitable for our study.
Decomposed version
The result of this study can be recapitulated in the following formula: 0-0-0-0-0-0.
The study has its limits, similar limitations found in surat Al-Falaq (The Daybreak) -
سورة الفلق. Hereafter, we choose to give further details by showing the decomposition
of the notion of “subjectivity» into “neutral” and “polar”, and by showing the
decomposition of notion of “polarity» into “positive” and “negative”.
Detailed version:
Verse ne po po neg
u l s
Say, "I seek refuge in the Lord of mankind, 0. 0. 0 0
7 3
The Sovereign of mankind. 0. 0. 0 0
7 3
The God of mankind, 0. 0. 0 0
8 2
From the evil of the retreating whisperer - 0. 0. 0 0
6 4
Who whispers [evil] into the breasts of mankind - 0. 0. 0 0
6 4
From among the jinn and mankind." 0. 0. 0 0
8 2
The previous diagram clearly shows a particular pattern. However, we don’t have
other elements of analysis yet to go further in this study.
Side remark: we notice that the number of ayat goes crescendo from Al-Ikhlas, to Al-
Surat Number of ayat
Al Ikhlas 4
Al Falaq 5
An-nas 6
Al Fatiha 7
We decide to run a group the result of sentiment analysis of all these surat, in the
same order.
Qur’anic Research: Interaction of Knowledge, Science, and Civilization
Our 5th study case is Al-Baqarah (The Cow) - سورة البقرة: ayat al Kursi (verse the
3Ubayy bin Ka'b (radiAllahu anhu) reported: The Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) said: "Abu
Mundhir! Do you know which Ayath in Allah's Book is the greatest? I said: 'Allah and His messenger
know best.' He (peace be upon him) again said: 'Do you know which Ayath in Allah's Book, according to
you, is the greatest?' I (Abu Mundhir) replied: ‘It is 'Allah la ilaha illa Huwal-Hayyul-Qayyum'.[2:255].
Thereupon he (peace be upon him) patted me in the chest and said, ' Rejoice by your knowledge, O Abu
Mundhir! (i.e, may this knowledge be a source of respect, honour and benefit to you)'."
104 Centre of Quranic Research (CQR)
Qur’anic Research: Interaction of Knowledge, Science, and Civilization
Qur’anic Research: Interaction of Knowledge, Science, and Civilization
The result of this study can be recapitulated in the following formula: 0-0-0-0-0-0-0.
We have no specific conclusions yet for this verse.
Detailed version:
Figure 11: neutral, polar, Positive, and negative lines of ayat al kursi.
The previous diagram clearly shows a particular pattern. However, we don’t have
other elements of analysis yet to go further in this study.
Human brain which is one of the most complex organic systems, involves billons of
interacting physiological and chemical process that will give rise to experimentally
observed neuro-electrical activity, which is called an electroencephalogram (EEG)
[6]. The visual representation of binary, neutral, polar, positive, and negative line of
surat, recalls very clearly EEG diagrams, hereafter, an example of EEG waves
There are works that study EEG signals listening to Quran, such as [8]. This
study is performed in order to extend the research findings of the effect of religious
activities to the human brain. EEG signals from subject at rests, as well as in different
cognitive states; listening to Quran recitation and listening to hard music are
measured and analyzed. Statistical analysis using SPSS software is performed in
order to test the validity of obtained data. The analysis results from this study show
that listening to Quran recitation can generate alpha wave and can help a person
always in relax condition compared with listening to hard rock music. The following
two figures describe 2 subjects magnitude versus electrodes graph during listening
Quran recitation and hard music.
Qur’anic Research: Interaction of Knowledge, Science, and Civilization
However, this work didn’t focus on EEG signals over time, or over specific Surat, or
ayat. This latter was addressed in [1], using EEG signal for the identification of
dominant wave during the recitation of a specific Surat: “Al Mulk”, however, this
study didn’t focus on studying each verse (ayat) at a time.
In this work, we used sentiment analysis to analyze different surat of “al Quran”, first,
we extracted a preliminary version of the binary (and psychological) algorithm of
these surat, then we detailed these values considering values for each psychological
states (neutral, polar, positive, etc), and last we discussed some conclusion. One of
the most important, is that the verses of “al Quran” go through different “value” of
psychological states (neutral, polar, positive, etc). Our future study will try to use
different and automated sentiment analysis tools and methodologies in order to
complete the approach. Second, we will try to show the link between endings of one
surat (last verse) and the beginning of the following one (first verse). Make a
comprehensive sentiment analysis of the whole “al Quran”, and find a representative
psychological and binary algorithm. And at last, we have to find correlations with
studies measuring the EEG activity of the brain while reading, listening, and reciting
the Quran, while taking into account the surates, the ayates, and time.
2. Natural Language Processing with Python. Bird, Steven, Edward Loper and
Ewan Klein? O’Reilly Media Inc, 2009.
3. Ntlk,
7. Text-processing,
Qur’anic Research: Interaction of Knowledge, Science, and Civilization
Elham Naseri1
Anxiety and worry is one of the biggest disasters of human life and its side effects are
tangible in individual and social life. Anxiety is unpleasant condition that people with
this disorder are not able to carry out their daily activities. Anxiety is unpleasant and
unable people to enjoy in normal situations. But also try to avoid situations that cause
Qur’anic Research: Interaction of Knowledge, Science, and Civilization
anxiety (Nikbakht, 1998). As a result, they lose opportunities to act according to their
desire. In this term, fear is different from anxiety that its feature is worrying about a
particular and dangerous issue. Many experts describe people with neurotic anxiety
Since the anxiety occurs in varying degrees from mild anxiety to panic
anxiety, so the awareness of people have varying degrees of their problems
(Mohammadi et al, 2010). The anxiety experience been described by different people
in different ways, but the major people described anxiety as predicted unpleasant
disasters that person has about future, the risks or their fate. Anxiety often makes an
extremely irritable person, usually becomes extremely cautious and uncertain person.
He may be become restless and immobile person.
In fact, it seems that the academic failure reason of many students, is not a
learning disability or mental weakness, but it is a high level of test anxiety
(MacDonald, 2001). A low level of stress during exams is necessary, but sometimes
high anxiety of students limits their activities. Anxiety at a reasonable level can
motivate the student. In addition, contrary to popular perception, anxiety is not
always malicious. In the academic dimension, student who do not feel motivation to
succeed in their education and scientific progress, is considered exam success and
failure is unproductive and do not show interest in studying; but if have feelings of
anxiety of failure, will increase their level of performance and finally academic
success and on the other hand, panic anxiety has inverted effect and may cause low
self-esteem, low grades, bad behavior in class and negative attitudes toward school
and has been proven that the effects of anxiety and stress test in a number of
demonstrations are the result of the exam(Alyani,2014).
Holy Quran with eloquent expression, fluent style and has the enchanting
song that this feature should come up to the arena and effect all kinds of listeners and
conquer their life and existence and seizure of his own, then is revealed its (البیان ان
( )سحراAnsari, 2005).Recently by approval of religious beliefs take more attention to
mental health, because is specified that religious beliefs prevent negative attitudes and
thus prevent a thought disorder and mental illness .Candler research results in 2003
showed that negative attitudes towards life that occur due to lack of religious beliefs
thereby increasing the risk of mental illness and in general, religious men and women
are less likely to getting anxiety and anxiety disorder. According to recite of the Holy
Koran that is one of the best and the least expensive treatments for anxiety disorder
can be used to reduce anxiety in people (azarnia, 2013).
Method Analysis
This research is an experimental survey that was conducted in the first semester of the
academic year 2014-2015 in secondary school students in Tehran. The study group
consisted of 62 students and after coordination with Education & Training from table
numbers, students randomly divided into two groups(control and experimental group)
and after several minutes of explaining the objectives and the importance of research
for students, Sarason test anxiety questionnaire was available to students.
Sarason and Mendler have reported the reliability of this scale through two
halves of 99 percent and have reported82 percent through test-retest interval of six
weeks. Methods in a way that that the degree of anxiety was measured in both groups
before the intervention then, before starting the exam to reduce anxiety in the
experimental group for 20 minutes and was used Holy Quran recitation by
Mohammad Sadiq Minshawi and were recited 1-52 verses of Surah Al-Yusuf and no
Qur’anic Research: Interaction of Knowledge, Science, and Civilization
intervention was done in the control group and again was measured the level of
anxiety in both groups. Data were analyzed by using descriptive statistics and paired
T-test and independent T to assess the effectiveness of Quran on reducing test
Table 1: Absolute and relative frequency distribution of the subjects according to the
level of anxiety
Frequency Numb. Percent
Anxiety level
Mild 10 16/1
Panic 52 83/8
Total 62 100
Table 2: Mean score of anxiety in the experimental group before and after
Group Experimental group
Anxiety scores
So that the average anxiety scores in the control group was 17/1 and in the
experimental group after the intervention was 14/48. The Independent t-test showed
that this difference is statistically significant (p = 0.00) so that in the experimental
group after the intervention significantly reduced anxiety levels. The average level of
anxiety before the intervention groups was 17/52 and after an intervention was 14/48.
Paired t-test showed that significant difference between them (p = 0.00) so that test
anxiety after listening to the Quran is significantly reduced.
Table 3: Mean score of anxiety in experimental and control groups before and after
Group Control Experimental
group group
The average score of anxiety
Mild 17/39 17/52
Panic 17/1 14/48
Total P≥0.05 P=0.00
In this research, were examined the effect of listening to Quran on reducing test
anxiety. The results showed that there is a significant difference between control and
experimental groups. This difference means that the average post-test score of anxiety
in the experimental group significantly less than the control group.
In the other words, the result of the research shows that Quran sound was
significantly reduced the test anxiety level.
Anxiety and fear are common in the early years of life. High school is where
stress begin to happen, becomes fixed and continues toward adulthood and if you
experience panic anxiety causes drop in your performance. Considering the
prevalence of test anxiety and its negative effects on people and education systems
need to improve the goals of the mental health of children and adolescents in order to
prevent damage to physical, mental, education and financial. Test anxiety threatens
the mental health of students and effects on their effectiveness, talent, the formation
of their character and social identity and as a pervasive and problematic phenomenon
among students, and could have a negative impact on student academic achievement
and performance evaluation. In reduction the anxiety, many factors such as
personality traits are effective and in many research, is applied different methods to
reduce test anxiety.
treatment of test anxiety. The Holy Quran recommended constructive strategies and
scientific advice in the face of psychological pressure on Muslims that include: prayer
(Al-Baqara, 45 and 153), Repent (Al-Raad, 7-28), trust (Al-Nahl, 4), Prayer and
praise (Al-Furqan, 70 and 71), participation in religious ceremonies and general
adherence to rules and religious orders. In general, the Qur'an calls people to remain
calm (Al-Ibrahim 45, Repentance 103, and Al Fath 4) and keeps away his followers
from stress and anxiety and actually stress and anxiety is a mother of all the mental
and physical diseases. Our research like other research that carried out in the field of
the influence of religious acts and attitudes affect the improvement of mental health
and showed that teaching Quran, recitation of Quran and listening to the Quran
sound, reduce the amount of anxiety in the people. Because believe in Quran and act
of its principles is an important factor in reducing psychological pressures. Generally,
the findings of this research indicate that listening to the Quran significantly decrease
people's anxiety levels. So considering Pathology, implementation of prevention
programs and early treatment of student is necessary, especially to empower school
counselors has fundamental importance in order to identify and provide psychological
Ebrahim Fallah1
Seyed Mohammad Hosseini2
The Qur'an is a divine book which Allah revealed to the prophet Mohammad through
the angel Gabriel, to invite people to the right path and perfection of humanity.
1 Department of Arabic Literature and Language, Sari, Branch, Islamic Azad University, Sari, Iran,
Corresponding Author, [email protected]
2 Department of Arabic Literature and Language, Babol Branch, Islamic Azad University, Babol, Iran,
Qur’anic Research: Interaction of Knowledge, Science, and Civilization
( AL-ISRA: 9) :[Verily this Qur'an doth guide to that which is most right (or stable)]
and the prophet delivered divine revelation to the people during twenty- three years
continuous cultural effort. So the foundation of Islamic culture was put by the Holy
Qur'an and the prophet.
Qur'an is the book of Islamic culture that introduced all of its teachings,
justifications, programs and objectives as a knowledgeable and cultural matter, which
include: knowing God, faith in him, be servitude to him, obey him and move toward
him. Unlike human schools, Holy Qur'an, assign originality to the culture, thought,
morality and personal beliefs. And also it knows it as the most authentic reality of
human life in this world.
Research Method
The present study tries to investigate the role of Holy Qur'an in creation and
development of Islamic culture by analytical – description method. Holy Qur'an bases
the cornerstone of Islamic culture, and have illustrated the existence of Muslims.
Accomplishing of this study was conducted by library studying of firsthand resources
and documents which were collected Qur'anic and cultural research approach. And
then qualities data are classified and organized in descriptive and analytical way by
reread and review of documents and existing researches.
With conductive studies, some researchers have been done about Qur'an and culture.
For example, we can refer to following researches:
1-Qur'an and the method of culture correction, by Seid Moses Sadr, are written in the
journal of Qur'an researches in 1387. The author of the article is spoken about
correcting method of Qur'an after speak about the definition of culture engineering.
Then it divided the nature of corrective method of Qur'an into two categories: 1-form
features, and 2-content features, and at the end he counts form and content features
and results that form and content features is some of the basics and principles which
Qur'an proposed them as the main strategies of the prophet method and other prophets
in line of conducting their missions.
2-Thesis titled, combating methods of prophet with ignorant culture by Seid Safie Mir
Hoseini in 2010 has been defend in Azad University of Sari branch under the
guidance of Dr. FAllah, and has concluded that the prophet created a massive cultural
transformation in the society of that day in a short period of time with his wisdom,
consciousness, perseverance and good management and also with the inspiration of
Holy Qur'an.
Concept of Culture
Today, for researching every problem or issue, the concept of that issue or problem is
more important before entering the discussion. Analyzing their research topic in
dictionary, defining it in terminology, and other indicators that have been discussed in
the realm of concept, in fact every researcher is preparing readers mind to entering
their discussion. If the discussed concepts do not have precision and sufficient clarity,
researchers will act based on their personal or overall permissions. This problem will
hamper the research process. In this study, at first we try to examine the word,
culture, and then the Islamic culture will be examined in terms of vocabulary and
idiomatic. Then the main argument will be reviewed and scrutinized.
Because of the diversity and complexity of the meaning of the word, culture, to date
there is not stated a comprehensive definition that perfectly expresses the meaning
and concept of culture. The rich word, culture, is one of the oldest words in Persian
literature that discussed both in Pahlavi works and also in ancient Persian texts. In the
Achaemenian Persian and Avesta literature, the word culture (Farhang) consists of
two parts, Fara and Hang. Fara is a prefix meaning above and beyond, and Hang is
also taken from Avesta root, sank, meaning drag. Thus, this combination word means
to evoke or to raise inherent talents and merits hidden in the nature of individuals or
society. (John Ahmadi, 2008:35). Culture` (Farhang) literally meanings have use as
knowledge, professional, science, technology, art, learning, exercise literature,
greatness, integrity, dictionary, education, pedagogy, religion, traditions and wisdom.
(Dehkhoda 1955, vol 39: 227; Nafisi 1975, vol 4: 2557; Moein 1986, vol 2: 2538;
Pahlavan 1999, 12-15) or it means cultivate the plant (Milner, 2006:319).
European equivalent of the word Farhang (culture) in its scientific concept was
introduced for the first time by Taylor in its book namely, primitive cultures, in the
UK since the eighteenth century. He used culture in equivalent of civilization, and
presented a definition of culture at the beginning of his book which has been quoted
more times after him. Culture or civilization in its ethnographic general concept is a
complex set consisting of knowledge, beliefs, art, law, ethics, customs and all habits
and abilities that can obtain more as a member of the community (Tunerval, 1992:
When the word culture is used about humans, it will make the rate of
education of the rate of attention about training thought and intellectual pursuits.
When this term is used in anthropology, ethnology or sociology, the meanings is
relatively different. Fortunately, the difference in interpretations is not of conflict
type, but it is of brief and detailed version which is understandable in the three
following definitions:
1-Is the lifestyle (Millner, 2006:319);
2-culture is a set of ideas and norms that distinguishes the particular behavior of
individuals of a society from the behavior of other communities (Enayat, 1973: 66).
The Holy Qur'an as the cornerstone of creating Islamic culture created a more
profound change in human life by calculated, scientific, objective and accurate setting
and designing to achieve human to a superior life (pure life) and thus more acceptable
secular life. Now, at this time, organization, creation and development will be
Qur’anic Research: Interaction of Knowledge, Science, and Civilization
In time of ignorance, Arabic people were different in terms of religious and beliefs.
Some of them were pagan, some theist, some Jews and some Christian. In this regard
Imam Ali (AS) said: You, Arab nations… idols were worshiped among you (Nahjol
Balagha, sermon 26). Qur'an created culture in such circumstances in the field of
Qur'an expressed monotheism and worship of God as signboard of all the prophets’
In the Holy verse, human have been invited to the God, and this issue is the
most important purposes of Holy Qur'an to proving God and monotheism. If human
beings turn to worship God, they will rescue and get rid of idolatrous and
unrighteous. Holy Qur'an created a kind of belief and culture based on uniqueness of
God and rejection of idolatry and idolatrous by this invitation and calling.
a) ii. Faith in the Mission of the Prophets and the Prophet (Mohammad)
Holy Qur'an swears to the prophecy of the prophet to creating culture of faith in
After faith in God, the most difficult discussions, which was strange and impossible
for Arabs, was reviving human beings and purposes of creation and life.The Qur'an
has created culture in the field of believing essence purposes and resurrection:
( QAF/2-3 ) :[ say: "this is a wonderful thing! (۲)" What! When we die and become
dust, (shall we live again?) that is a (sort of) return far (from our understanding)."
One of the other Qur'an`s culture making is faith in resurrection that the sacrifice and
martyrdom culture spread among Muslims in light of it. And this culture caused
Muslims to best each other in going to jihad and charity his properties. Jihad and
charity spread among the Muslims in light of faith in resurrection and auditing and
reward the righteous and torment unbelievers and wicked persons.
In a short time, Prophet Muhammad awakens hearts, renew morality, and build and
stabilize virtue palace with more efforts. By obeying Prophet Muhammad, Muslims
were saved from paganism and achieve happiness.
Holy Qur'an has made culture in the field of moral. Imam Ali describes the situation
of people in revelation time as such: God send the Prophet Muhammad to people
when they were surprised, misguide and confused; when they lived in deviltry
situation, sensuality was overcome them, arrogance had brought them to abundant
slips, ineptitudes of ignorance had disgraced them, they were wondered in affaires of
life, and involved in ignorance and inaptitude (Nahjolbalagha, sermon 95).
ي َرسواًل ِّمنْ ه ْم یَتْ لو َعلَْي ِه ْم آیَاتِِه َوی َزّكِي ِه ْم ِ َ ه َو الَّ ِذي بَ َع
َ ِّث ِِف ْاْل ّمي
( AL-JUMUA/2) :[it is he who has sent amongst the unlettered a messenger from
among themselves, to rehearse to them his signs, to sanctify them] The prophet also
said about his prophecy as such: now, in this time, we will be discussed about making
cultures of Qur'an in the field of morals (Motaghi Hindi, 1409, vol3:16).
Greeting and salutation is one thing that was not in pre-Islamic period. Before the
revelation of the Qur'an, the pre-Islamic Arabs just say Hayat Sabah (good morning)
and Hayat Masa (good evening) when meets each other (Suyuti, 1403, vol6: 176). In
many verse of the Qur'an, it is recommended more about greetingwhen entering the
house of others:
َِّ ند
اّلل مبَ َارَك اة ََيِّبَ اة ِ فَِإ َذا دخلْتم ب يوتاا فَسلِّموا علَى أَنف ِسكم ََِتيَّ اة ِمن ِع
ّْ ْ َ َ ََ
Qur’anic Research: Interaction of Knowledge, Science, and Civilization
One of the false tradition of pre-Islamic Arabs was that they was entered to people`s
house without their permission. This ignorant tradition, among others, was one case
that the Holy Qur'an has forbidden it. Pre-Islamic people used to enter others house
just by saying good morning or good afternoon, they sometimes faced with privacy of
couples (Zamakhshari, Bita, vol3:227). Holy Qur'an had made culture in this field and
commends that:
ًَل تَ ْدخلوا ب يوتاا َغْي َر ب يوتِك ْم َح ََّّت تَ ْستَأْنِسوا َوت َسلِّموا َعلَى أ َْهلِ َها ذَلِك ْم َخْي ٌر لَّك ْم لَ َعلَّك ْم تَ َذ َّكرو َن
( AL-NOOR/27) :[ enter not houses other than your own, until ye have asked
permission and saluted those in them: that is best for you, in order that ye may heed
(what is seemly)].
b) iii. Bailment
Bailment is one of the necessities of social life. Respect for bailment will ensure the
integrity of social system of community. And disrespect to it will cause collapse of
social system. Holy Qur'an has addressed the issue of bailment in many verses… and
made culture in this field:
b) v. Avoid Pessimism
Pessimism is an inner and hearty condition which causes lack of trust in others.
Pessimism is something that the Qur'an warned about it, and counted it as guilt.
Pessimism is a vice or bad trait that Qur'an has made culture to forbidding it.
In Holy Qur'an`s perspective, sensual zing has many dangerous consequences, that
the Qur'an warned repeatedly about it including, negligence and ignorance, infidelity
and disbelief, and the worst ignorance. Human`s perspectives could only unfold when
the dust of sensual trends do not pollute its face. The Holy Qur'an is civilized in this
Mocking and ridicule others is one of ugly moral trait and also one deadly moral and
awkward ethics. This dark attribute is like a boundless desert that the man whatever
goes forward there is nothing to lead him, except that they wronged themselves.
وم ِّمن قَ ْوٍم َع َسى أَن یَكونوا َخْي ارا ِّمْن ه ْم ِ
َ یَا أَیُّ َها الَّذ
ٌ َین َآمنوا ًَل یَ ْس َخ ْر ق
( AL-HUJRAAT /11):[ o ye who believe! let not some men among you laugh at
others: it may be that the (latter) are better than the (former)].
Allah warned in Qur'an that there are painful tortures for scoffers (AL-TAWBA/79).
So Muslims should stay away from these ugly traits.
The Holy Qur'an has considered social life principle and stated that it makes
relationship among people which is essential for corporation in different directions.
Legal foundation is also essential for the survival of a prosperous society. Now, in
this paper, the most important of these principles will be discussed.
c) i. Fidelity to Covenant
Contract is one of the highly emphasized treaties and agreements in Holy Qur'an. It
varies with covenant that is, in contract, there is a sense of trust and contracting and
should certainly be among two persons.
Justice is the most basic principle of Holy Qur'an`s utopia. Holy Qur'an in its much
verse has shown the effective of justice in organizing of society. A society in which
social fairness and justice lies in its own agenda, human destiny will goes to the well-
being and fortune, and that society will be more human. Justice and its complications
repeated 28 times in the Qur'an. According to the Qur'an, Muslims must act to justice
not only among themselves, but also to the oppositions and infidels who do not
commit sabotage, murder, plunder, and exile believers (Motahari, 1978: 62).
Qur’anic Research: Interaction of Knowledge, Science, and Civilization
َّ ِاص ْوا ب
الص ِْب ْ ِاص ْوا ب
َ اْلَ ِّق َوتَ َو َ َوتَ َو
( AL-ASR/3) :[ and (join together) in the mutual teaching of truth, and of patience
ُ ِ () َرابAL-E-IMRAN/200) :[ strengthen each other].
and constancy],(طوا
And calls all of the Islamic community`s members to join and work together to
realize good work and stay beside right. And then convince the government and
nation to interaction. In the perspective of scholars in Arabic language, the shape and
structure of the words, Rabeto – Taavano – Tavasaw, reflect the active participation
and mutual influence that are not practical without spontaneity of individuals and
The Holy Qur'an has been created transformation in the financial and economic field
that some of them are mentioned below:
d) i. Gavel
Holy Qur'an has civilized in the context of financial and economic rules, and has
changed economic system of pre-Islamic era which was categorical. So that a group
of rich and also a group of poor killed their children, this was because of their fear of
poverty and misery and destruction.
َوًلَ تَ ْقت لواْ أ َْوًلَ َدكم ِّم ْن ْإمالَ ٍق ََّّْنن نَ ْرزقك ْم َوإِیَّاه ْم
In such categorical and poor society, gavel was also common. For example,
an item was sold for a time and because of the time they raised its prices and
increased gavel, and when the time of payment ran up, they would increase the time
again and also they would raise the gavel again (Zoheili, 1382, vol3, 4: 90). In such
circumstances, the Holy Qur'an commanded the boycott of gavel. And denounced
gavel as a disapproval work and war with God.
اّلل َوَرسولِِه
ِ الربا إِن كنتم ُّمؤِمنِي فَِإن ََّّل تَ ْفعلواْ فَأْذَنواْ ِِبر ٍب ِمن
ّ َ ّ َْ َ ْ َ ْ
ِ ِ
َِّ َوذَرواْ َما بَق َي م َن
( AL-BAQARA/278-279) :[and give up what remains of your demand for usury, if
ye are indeed believers. (۲۷۸)if ye do it not, take notice of war from Allah and his
So the Holy Qur'an fight with one of the most important factors in disorganization of
pre-Islamic economic system and civilized about it.
d) ii. Inheritance
Holy Qur'an has changed a principle of inheritance that was based on discrimination
and injustice in pre-Islamic era, and established a new system based on justice. In pre-
Islamic era, general rule in inheritance was such that the inheritance is for male
children and women and girls were disinherited. It means that there was not a rule in
inheritance for women and girls, because in their view, someone could inherit that
could ride a horse and participate in the war (Javad Ali, 1971,vol5: 562).
The Holy Qur'an civilized in this context and by rejecting of this ignorant culture said
يب ِّّمَّا تََرَك الْ َوالِ َد ِان َواْلَقْ َربو َن ِ ِِ ِ ِ ِ ِلِّ ِلرج ِال نصي
ٌ ب ّّمَّا تََرَك الْ َوال َدان َواْلَقْ َربو َن َوللنّ َساء نَص
ٌ َ َّ
( AN-NISA/7) :[from what is left by parents and those nearest related there is a share
for men and a share for women, whether the property be small or large].
d) iii. Taxation
In pre-Islamic system, the people were divided into two groups of rich and poor. A
group lived in complete comfort and another group in poverty. In such a situation, the
Holy Qur'an has commended the pious people to give charity and tax, to fill the gaps
between social classifications.
In pre-Islamic ear, people worshiped idols. And there was full of idols around Kaaba
(Muslim`s kiblah). But Holy Qur'an rejected idolatry and introduced a certain
worship systems, for example prayer was the civilization and transformation of
Qur'an in the context of worship.
e) i. Prayer
According to the Qur'an, the prayer of pre-Islamic people was whistling and clapping.
ص ِدیَاة ِ ِ
ْ َصالَت ه ْم ع َند الْبَ ْيت إًِلَّ م َكاء َوت
َ َوَما َكا َن
(AL-ANFAL/35): [their prayer at the house (of Allah) is nothing but whistling and
clapping of hands: (its only answer can be) ].
Ibn Abbas narrated that: Quraysh was circumambulating the house of Kaaba
in a state of undress and by whistling and clapping (Tabari, 1996, vol6: 239). But the
Qur’anic Research: Interaction of Knowledge, Science, and Civilization
prayer that the Qur'an civilized about it was so different from the prayer in pre-
Islamic era. Many verses said about prayer in the Holy Qur'an.
And it expressed its sentences and rules:
َّ َوأَقِ ِم
َّ الص َال َة إِ َّن
الص َال َة تَْن َهى َع ِن الَْف ْح َشاء َوالْمن َك ِر
( AL-ANKABOOT /45):[ and establish regular prayer: for prayer restrains from
shameful and unjust deeds].
e) ii. Fast
“Siam” and “Soam” is a term that is used in Qur'an about fasting. “Soam” in the
recognition of lexical definition means: refrain from any work or conduct (Mostafa,
2006, vol1: 529). It means refraining from eating, drinking, sex and otherwise. But
“Soam” in the recognition of terminology definition means: forbearance and also
fasting of some special tasks from blooming to sunset with the intention of proximity
to Allah (Tabatabaii, 1972, vol2: 7).
After examining the topic “the role of Holy Qur'an in creating and developing of
Islamic culture” following results were obtained:
1- The Qur'an organized and planned basis and foundations of Islamic culture
which aimed to achieve superior human spiritual life and more acceptable
material life.
2- Holy Qur'an introduced its basis and foundations of all teaching,
justifications, programs, and objectives as a cultural and knowledgeable
order, that is: to know God, faith in God, expressing reverence to God, obey
and move toward God.
3- In Arabic language and Holy Qur'an, the word “Saghafe” is not the
equivalent of culture in terms of meaning. It seems that, Gog painting”
Sebghat Allah” is the only word in Qur'an that could be regarded as a
common symbol of all cultural elements which its meaning covers all aspects
of life.
4- Islamic culture involves a large range of beliefs and attitudes of a community
including, faith in God, piety, giving tax, praying, establishing social justice,
adorning with individual and moral justice, habits, continuity of servitude
relationship and slavery to God, keeping helping and justice mood in people,
material and spiritual knowledge and products, charity to the needy, applying
objective and concrete contraptions toward economic order, directing
behaviors based on faith and belief to the last day and resurrection which is
based on our present behaviors.
Qur’anic Research: Interaction of Knowledge, Science, and Civilization
Chapter 3:
Qur’anic Research: Interaction of Knowledge, Science, and Civilization
The emphasis for us to seek knowledge and/or truth is a basic principle that is
repeated throughout al-Qur’an. Knowledge can come in many forms, and discovering
cures for ailments is a form of knowledge that is useful for all mankind. Finding the
right treatment for diseases is one of the important and highly sought after
knowledge, which is proven to be useful. Abu Huraira narrated:
In an effort to seek cures for diseases, a Muslim should first believe and realise
that disease can be a form of trial from Allah to His creation and only He can relieve
him from the trial. This means that getting a disease and founding a cure is all from
Allah’s doing as He is the Great Planner. Allah is the one who heals whomsoever He
wills, and He decrees sickness and death for whomsoever He wills, as Qur’an has
However, this does not mean that we remain helpless and not do anything in
the presence of diseases without taking any effort to combat these ailments. Islam
prioritizes human lives and considers it as something significant. Not only life should
be guarded but it is also a sacred duty that the physical body should be taken care of
as well as it should, since the body is a means for housing the soul during the lifetime
on this earth.
This principle is important for Muslims because as His utmost creation in this
world, we should try to find a cure for diseases afflicting human and at the same
time, pray to Allah for the success of the treatment. Narrated by Usamah ibn Sharik:
ي ي
َ َع أن أ، َع أن يزيَاد بأ ين عَلَقَ َة،ُ َحدَّثَنَا ُش أعبَة،ي
ُس َام َة ُّ ص بأ ُن ُع َمَر الن ََّم ير ُ َحدَّثَنَا َح أف
َص َحابُهُ َكأَََّّنَا َعلَى َّ ت الني ٍ ب ين َش ير
َّب صلى هللا عليه وسلم َوأ أ ُ ال أَتَ أيَ َ ق،يك أ
ي ي
اب م أن َها ُهنَا َوَها ُهنَا فَ َقالُوا ُ َعَر ت فَ َجاءَ اْل أ ُ ت ُُثَّ قَ َع أد ُ ُرءُوس يه ُم الطَّأي ُر فَ َسلَّ أم
ول َّي
ض َعَ ض أع َداءً إيلَّ َو َّ ال " تَ َد َاوأوا فَيإ َّن
َ َاّللَ َعَّز َو َج َّل ََلأ ي َ اّلل أَنَتَ َد َاوى فَ َق َ يَا َر ُس
اح ٍد ا أْلََرُملَه دواء َغي ر د ٍاء و ي
َ َ َُ ََ ً أ
“I came to the Prophet (saw) and his Companions were
sitting as if they had birds on their heads. I saluted and sat
down. The desert Arabs then came from here and there.
They asked: Messenger of Allah, should we make use of
medical treatment? He replied: Make use of medical
treatment, for Allah has not made a disease without
appointing a remedy for it, with the exception of one
disease, namely old age. “
We know that Prophet Muhammad (saw) used Al-Qur’an and dua to treat
various types of ailments along with using physical means of healing. The use of
medical treatments, therefore, does not contradict any Islamic guidelines nor should it
suppress one’s belief and trust in Allah. The proper way, therefore, is to have
tawakkul (putting one’s trust in Allah) and ask for His help, while seeking medical
treatments as well. ‘Aqar bin Al-Mughirah bin Shubah narrated from his father who
said that the Messenger of Allah (saw) said:
In this context, a Muslim scholar, Ibn Al-Qayyim has further explained this concept:
Qur’anic Research: Interaction of Knowledge, Science, and Civilization
Research in stem cells is one of the recent growing fields being actively investigated
due to its potential to advance medical science in treating health problems, playing a
crucial role in tissue regeneration. Activities of research in stem cells can lead us to
knowledge (e.g. learning more about our body) and this type of research has the
ability to treat or cure the body, itself, from a disease.
Stem cells are defined by its two important characteristics: (i) Self-renewal,
and (ii) Potency. Self-renewal is the ability of the cells to undergo mitosis and retain
its characteristic throughout the heredity. Potency on the other hand, is the potential
of a cell to be differentiated or ‘transformed’ into a more specialized cell (Schöler,
2007). The three main types of potency of stem cells are (i) Totipotent, (ii)
Pluripotent, and (iii) Multipotent.
In humans, the origin of stem cells starts after the fertilization of the female gamete
(an ovum) by the male gamete (a sperm) that produces a zygote, which is totipotent in
its state. The zygote then gives rise to the pluripotent embryo, which ultimately
produces all the cells in all tissues of the adult body. The stem cells that can be found
in the adult body are multipotent. The potency of stem cells is reduced for each phase
from the embryonic stage to the adult body (Mitalipov & Wolf, 2009).
Stem cell therapy has advanced quickly throughout the years and is making its
way as a popular treatment in curing some lesser complex health issues. A few media
reports have shared success stories on the matter. For example, how a law enforcer
who had two failing knees due to injury while chasing a suspect had chosen stem cell
Stem cell is not without any disadvantages. Over time, with the increasing
success of stem cells research and therapy, scientists are starting to worry on the
negative effects of stem cell usage. In 2003, Sheila Singh and her colleagues
discovered that the uncontrollable growth of stem cells can caused cancer in humans.
This is called cancer stem cell (Singh et al., 2003).
Even though adult stem cells (ASCs) have limited differentiation capacity, this
type of stem cells is still the main source to be used in vitro and in vivo for pre-
clinical and clinical trials. Currently, ASCs from both humans and animals are being
actively investigated in the regenerative medical field. Human stem cell (hSC) and rat
stem cell (rSC) types are the commonly used stem cells in research; hSC is to be used
to treat human disease and rSC is being used to study more about the stem cell, itself.
Usage of ASCs will bypass the ethical concerns related to using embryonic
stem cells. This type of stem cells is also popular among researchers due to its
availability; i.e. it can be easily obtained in both humans and animals. This is in
addition to the fact that conventionally its usage is not as controversial as the
embryonic stem cells. The term ‘adult’ is used because these stem cells originate from
any parts of the body of an organism after birth; either from adults and/or infants.
Hence, ASCs though with limited potency can be harvested throughout life, e.g. from
the bone marrow, teeth pulp, fat/adipose tissue, and Wharton’s jelly in the newly born
umbilical cord. These multipotent ASCs, which have the capability to differentiate
into multiple cell types (Schöler, 2007) physiologically help replace any damaged
cells in the tissues that they reside in by regenerating new cells.
Since the multipotent ASCs have limited potency, they can only give rise to
type of cells that come from the same lineage. Recent studies, however, have
proposed that ASCs could have the potential to be differentiated into other cell types
from different germ layers, partly on the basis of when they are being induced
(Krause, 2001). For example, mesoderm-derived stem cells of bone marrow can be
differentiated into organs that are physiologically derived from endoderm and
mesoderm such as liver and skin. ASCs can also give rise to multiple mesenchymal
lineage and in 2003, Gronthos and his team have discovered specific markers for
marrow stromal cells that have been isolated (Wagers & Weissman, 2004).
Qur’anic Research: Interaction of Knowledge, Science, and Civilization
Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells (iPSCs) are specific multipotent ASCs that
have been converted into the more powerful pluripotent stem cells. The ASCs were
induced into becoming pluripotent stem cells by four specific genes encoding
transcription factors (Takahashi & Yamanaka, 2006). Pluripotent stem cells are the
most ideal stem cells in research because of its nature of self-renewal and potency.
Pluripotent stem cells have unlimited self-regeneration capability and are able to give
rise to any type of cells in the body; hence, holding a great potential for regenerative
therapy. The controversy surrounding pluripotent embryonic stem cells is avoided
with the discovery of iPSCs in 2006, since unlike embryonic stem cells no organism
is being destroyed in this process. iPSCs have opened a great opportunity for
scientists to further study the stem cells for regenerative therapy.
Sources Of Ascs
There are currently four main sources of ASCs for stem cell research, with each
specifically giving rise to bone marrow stem cells (BMSCs), adipose/fat stem cells
(Adp-SCs), dental pulp/teeth pulp stem cells (DPSCs) and Wharton’s jelly stem cells
(WJSCs). Currently BMSCs are the most commonly used type of stem cells in
research. It consists of two types of stem cells: (i) Hematopoietic stem cells, the
progenitor cells of all types of blood cell, and (ii) Mesenchymal stem cells, which
give rise to connective tissue cells, such as, bone, cartilage and adipose. However,
these cells exist in a number of post-natal tissues that display transgermal plasticity;
i.e. having the ability to differentiate into cell types phenotypically unrelated to the
cells of their tissue of origin (Bianco et al., 2001). This means that apart from giving
rise to connective cells/tissue, BMSCs can also be differentiated into non-connective
tissue cells, including neurons of the neural tissue.
ASCs can also be found in the adipose or fat tissue. According to Dr. Caplan
(2011), a renowned stem cell researcher from Case Western Reserve University,
U.S.A., Adp-SCs has 300-500 fold number of healing mesenchymal stem cells
compared to bone marrow (Rodriguez, 2011). This fact is also supported by Dr.
Roelofs, a researcher at the Department of Immunohematology and Blood
Transfusion, Leiden University Medical Center in Leiden, Netherlands, that was
working on finding an alternative source of stem cells using adipose tissue (Stem
Cells Translational Medicine, 2016). These findings and the abundance of adipose
tissue in humans, makes it a preferred source for obtaining ASCs, especially in the
U.S.A. since adipose tissue is easily obtainable through liposuction.
As for DPSC, a newly found source of ASCs in human, they are located in the
dental pulp or the soft tissue in the centre of a tooth. It was discovered in 2003 by
researchers in National Institute of Health (Miura et al., 2003), and the findings are
later supported by other researchers investigating humans’ deciduous teeth (Kerkis &
Caplan, 2012). Although humans’ permanent and wisdom teeth can also be used to
extract stem cells, deciduous teeth, however, is the ideal source of DPSCs as they are
deemed to have the highest quantity and quality of stem cells (National Dental Pulp
Laboratory, 2016).
Since the early years of stem cells discovery, there are many ethical issues and
controversies surrounding stem cells use even from the perspective of the scientific
community. Hence, there is a great possibility that many Muslim scientists are
unclear how Islam views stem cells research, although according to the Ethics
Committee of Islamic Medical Association of North America (IMANA) there is
consensus among Muslim scholars around the world to permit the usage of ASCs in
research (Fadel et al., 2007).
From the Islamic perspective, some of the ethical issues surrounding stem cells
research do not have a definite hukm (law) as it is not mentioned directly in Al-
Qur’an and Sunnah; the permissibility to use ASCs is not specifically mentioned.
Therefore, Muslim scholars need to refer to related issues in both Al-Qur’an and
Sunnah when formulating guidelines in dictating hukm for such newfound issues. In
the Fiqh Council of the Organization of the Islamic Conference in 1988, Shaykh
Ibraaheem al-Fayyoom, Secretary General of the Islamic Research Council in Egypt
(Al-Munajjid, 2011), said:
According to the syarak parameter that became the resolutions of al-Majma’ al-
Fiqh al-Islami, held in Makkah al-Mukarramah (Syawwal 1424H/ December 2003)
the permissibility of using stem cells are as follow:
a) It will not lead to any real harm (mudharat) or even having any anticipated
risk to both the donor and the recipient.
b) The process can only be conducted after getting consent from either a sane
minded adult or the Islamically accepted rightful guardians/caretakers of
an underage individual.
c) It will lead to beneficial situations (maslahah).
The usage of ASCs in stem cell research and therapy can be categorised under
Necessities (al-Dharuriyat) as it could save lives or improve health of patients with
chronic diseases. Preserving one’s life is one of the “Five Fundamental Importance”
(al-Dharuriyat al-Khams) in Necessities (al-Dharuriyat). In addition the usage of the
non-controversial method and abundant sources makes ASCs an ideal research
subject for cellular regeneration study (Mohd Nasir et al., 2015).
The use of ASCs from bone marrow, adipose tissue, and dental pulp do not
potentially raise any issues except for those related to ensuring the consent of the
donor. The consent must be given by rightful adults. Donors and recipients of
different religion and background are allowed from Islamic perspective. Especially in
cases when the patient, himself, is the donor, then there is no conflict of interest
arising from the situation.
However, the use of stem cells isolated from Wharton’s jelly may raise issues
that need to be addressed. Technically, the use of ASCs from the umbilical cord, a
structure in existence between the baby and the mother, is not an ethical issue since
no damage is caused by the act since WJ-MSCs are only isolated from the cord after
birth. Commonly the cord will be discarded after childbirth. Instead of disposing it
Muslim scholars and religious authorities have agreed that with proper parental
consent the umbilical cord, which is considered as solid waste can be used as it is
beneficial in treating diseases (General Authority of Islamic Affairs & Endownments,
2010). Prior to its use, it must also be proven that there will be no harm or risk that
could befallen on the recipient of these WJ-MSCs. Islam also does not allow the sales
and purchase of any human body parts; hence, the use of WJ-MSCs must be through
the act of volunteerism and/or donation.
Issues that could arise are most likely related to ownership consent. For
example, it becomes an issue if each of the parents has different and opposing
opinions on the matter. In Islam, the mother’s preference has priority over the
father’s. In addition, it can also become an issue in cases when the mother dies during
childbirth and if the father is also not available. Then, right to give consent will
possibly follow the Islamic guideline of rights to property.
A more complex issue will be in cases involving surrogate mothers, since such
a practice is denounced in Islam. In cases where abortion is carried out, Islam does
not allow any acts of us gaining benefits from the death of the foetus. Thus, if the
situation involves a natural miscarriage and not involving financial profit, then only
the act of using any body parts of the foetus allowed. This is one of the resolutions
made at al-Majma’ al-Fiqh al-Islami, held in Jeddah (Sya’ban 1410H/ March 1990).
These resolutions are then supported by the later ones decided at the 2003 al-Majma’
al-Fiqh al-Islami, which specifically addressed use of stem cells focusing on the
safety aspect, proper consent, and the benefits to be gained.
c) Other Issues
Other than the above mentioned issues that come under scrutiny from the
Islamic perspectives, there are also other factors that need considerations. These
include the disposal of remaining tissue, and involvement of non-human tissue.
Some Muslim scholars said that the umbilical cord should be buried because it
is considered as a part of the human body, due to its attachment to both the baby and
the mother (Al-Mahmudi, 2013). It must be ensured that these tissues/organs do not
get desecrated by human and/or animals, nor consumed. The other opinion, on the
other hand, stated that the umbilical cord that has been used to extract stem cells can
be burned and does not need to be buried. This is because the umbilical cord has been
destroyed during the extraction and the remains are considered as a waste.
Qur’anic Research: Interaction of Knowledge, Science, and Civilization
It is true that Allah has honoured man with authority over the world or as
viceroy (khalifah):
اه أم ولََق أد َكَّرمنَا ب يِن آدم و ََح ألنَاهم يِف الأ يب والأبح ير ورزقأ نَاهم يمن الطَّيب ي
ُ َض ألن
َّ َات َوفَِّ َ ِّ ُ ََ َ أ َ َ َ َ َ ُ أ َِّ َ َ أ َ
ي ي ٍ ي
﴾٧٠﴿ َعلَ َٰى َكثي ِِّم أَّن َخلَ أقنَا تَ أفض ًيَل
“We have honoured the children of Adam and carried them
by land and sea. We have provided good sustenance for
them and favoured them especially above many of those We
have created.”
[Al-Isra’, 17:70]
However, that does not mean that we can treat other creatures mercilessly. As stated
in al- Qur’an, all of the creatures in the world praise Allah, including animals. Hence,
as khalifah to the world, we have to honour the animals.
Various types of laboratory rats are the most common test subjects to be used
in stem cell researches. However, the small size of the laboratory rats makes it
impossible to extract stem cells without killing the animals and sometimes the effect
of the study, itself, is reported to be harmful or fatal to the test subjects. Hence,
commonly these rats will be ‘sacrificed’ in the name of science during the study.
dogs without cleaning oneself properly before doing prayers, as they are considered as
impurities of the highest level (mughallazah).
Another type of animal that could be focused on when deliberating stem cells
research therapy will be the dog. However, with the exception of jurists from Sunni
Maliki school of thoughts, other Muslim jurists considered dogs as haram because of
its saliva.
This hadith indicates that a dog’s saliva is unclean and it will require specific
Islamic rites to clean anything that has been in contact with the bodily fluid of a dog.
Thus, the reluctance in coming into contacts with dogs for many Muslims. However,
similar to the case as pigs, there is no ban from Muslim researchers to study stem
cells extracted from a dog.
Islam allows the use of ASCs from humans and/or animals, although in some cases
there are issues to be specifically addressed. To acquire, grow and use ASCs for
therapy or scientific research is acceptable if the objectives of these activities are in
line with what is permissible by Islamic principles, e.g. saving lives and combating
diseases. The sources of the ASCs must be Islamically permissible, including
spontaneously aborted foetuses or those aborted for a legally acceptable cause and
with the permission from rightful individuals related to the foetus. However, it is
forbidden for Muslim scientists to obtain or use stem cells taken from forbidden
sources, e.g. foetuses that are intentionally aborted without a legal medical reason.
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Qur’anic Research: Interaction of Knowledge, Science, and Civilization
Feezyha Azmi1
Noor Naemah Abdul Rahman2
Durriyyah Sharifah Hasan Adli 3
Qur’anic Research: Interaction of Knowledge, Science, and Civilization
Dua masalah kesihatan yang biasa dalam kalangan kanak-kanak dengan autisme
adalah tabiat pemakanan yang susah dan juga yang berkaitan simptom gastrousus.
Seawal tahun 1979, tingkah laku pada waktu makan, seperti amat memilih makanan
(picky eating), enggan makan, dan tingkah laku yang menimbulkan masalah ketika
waktu makan telah dilaporkan dalam 90% kanak-kanak dengan autisme (DeMeyer,
1979; Ahearn, Castine, Nault, & Green, 2001; Tanja et al., 2013). Masalah yang
ditunjukkan oleh mereka bertambah teruk dengan pengambilan jenis makanan
tertentu. Banyak kajian telah melaporkan bahawa mengelak dari mengambil makanan
Pengambilan kepelbagaian makanan yang terbatas untuk jangka masa yang lama
boleh membawa kepada risiko masalah kesihatan dalam kanak-kanak yang sedang
melalui proses tumbesaran (Cermak et al., 2010). Masalah seumpama ini telah
dijadikan kategori baru dalam pemakanan serta gangguan makan menurut Diagnostic
and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (American Psychiatric Association,
2013) dan ia boleh pula mengakibatkan masalah kesihatan yang khusus.
Sebagai contoh, tabiat diet tanpa buah-buahan dan sayur-sayuran serta amalan jarang
mengambil suplemen tambahan menjadikan kanak-kanak ASD berisiko mendapat
skurvi (scurvy) (Ma et al., 2016). Secara amnya, manusia tidak mempunyai
keupayaan untuk menukarkan glukosa kepada asid askorbik (vitamin C). Vitamin C
banyak diperoleh khususnya dalam buah-buahan yang segar, dan ia juga merupakan
nutrien penting dalam diet manusia (Levine 1986). Justeru, jika kanak-kanak dengan
autisme tidak mengambil buah-buahan dalam jangka masa yang lama, keadaan
kekurangan vitamin C atau skurvi akan berlaku.
Banyak diet yang telah dilaporkan berkesan untuk kanak-kanak ASD, tetapi masih
tidak dapat diterima sepenuhnya untuk semua jenis ASD. Penilaian secara saintifik
yang khusus tentang setiap satu tidak dapat dilaksanakan dengan baik kerana
kesukaran untuk mendapatkan subjek dalam bilangan yang ramai dengan variabel
terkawal. Walau bagaimanapun, terdapat enam jenis diet yang dicadangkan untuk
pengamalan pemakanan kanak-kanak dengan autisme berdasarkan banyak kajian
Qur’anic Research: Interaction of Knowledge, Science, and Civilization
penyingkiran diet yang melibatkan tidak adanya sesuatu jenis makanan dari diet
untuk tempoh masa tertentu dan tindak balas tubuh direkodkan. Diet tersebut adalah:
(i) Diet Bebas Gluten Bebas Kasein (Gluten Free Casein Free Diet (GF/CF-D)), (ii)
Diet Karbohidrat Spesifik (Specific Carbohydrate Diet (SCD)), (iii) Diet Ekologi
Badan (Body Ecology Diet (BED)), (iv) Diet Rendah Oxalate( Low Oxalate Diet
(LOD)), (v) Diet Feingold( Feingold Diet (FD)), dan (vi) Diet Bebas Lutein(Lutein
Free Diet (LFD)). Satu jenis atau kombinasi diet-diet tersebut mungkin lebih sesuai
bagi seseorang kanak-kanak berdasarkan kepada keadaannya. Setiap diet
konvensional yang dicadangkan ini dilaporkan berpotensi mengurangkan masalah
gastrousus yang dialami oleh kanak-kanak dengan autisme.
Diet SCD ini, secara awalnya diamalkan bagi merawat penyakit celiac pada
pertengahan abad ke-20 dan menjadi popular pada tahun 1990. Diet ini mengehadkan
pemakanan bijirin (seperti. gandum, barli, jagung dan beras) serta menggunakan
tepung berasaskan kekacang untuk dijadikan roti dan lain-lain makanan bakar.
Tambahan pula, pengambilan gula hanya dihadkan kepada fruktosa (gula daripada
buah-buahan). Diet ini juga mengehadkan kebanyakan produk tenusu, kecuali yogurt
yang ditapai sepenuhnya, kerana ia bertujuan mengurangkan keradangan usus dengan
memulihkan keseimbangan bakteria dalam usus. Walaupun bilangan tepat golongan
yang mempraktikkan diet ini tidak diketahui tapi dilaporkan sebanyak 36% - 50%
pesakit pediatrik yang mengalami penyakit keradangan usus (inflammatory bowel
disease, IBD) di klinik-klinik gastroenterologi telah menggunakan terapi-terapi
alternatif seumpama diet ini (American Psychiatric Association, 2000).
Antara beberapa jenis buah yang disebut di dalam al-Quran dan al-Hadis
adalah anggur, delima, limau, kurma, labu, timun, pisang, tembikai, buah tin, zaitun
(Ismail & Ahmad, 2016). Firman Allah S.W.T:
ٍ ِ
ِ ات ََّّلا طَلْع ن
﴾١٠﴿ َّضي ٌد ٌ َ َّخ َل بَاس َق
ْ َوالن
“Dan (kami jadikan) pokok-pokok kurma, keadaannya panjang-
panjang. Ia mempunyai mayang bertumpuk-tumpuk.”
(Quran 50:10)
ٌ وع َوَُّنْ ٍل طَلْ ُع َها َهض
﴾١٤٨﴿ يم ٍ َوُزُر
“Dan tanam-tanaman dan pokok-pokok kurma yang mayangnya
(Quran 26:148)
ٍ وطَْل ٍح َّمنض
﴾٢٩﴿ ود ُ َ
“Dan pokok pisang yang bersusun-susun (buahnya).”
(Quran 56: 29)
نسا َن ِِف ِ ِ ِ ِ ِِ ِ َّ ي و
َ ﴾ َوطُوِر سين١﴿ الزيْتُون ِِ
َ ﴾ لََق ْد َخلَ ْقنَا ْاْل٣﴿﴾ َوَهٰ َذا الْبَ لَد ْاْلَمي٢﴿ ي َ َِّوالت
﴾٤﴿ َح َس ِن تَ ْق ِو ٍي
“Demi tin dan zaitun, dan Bukit Sinai dan negeri yang aman (Mekah),
sungguh Kami telah menciptakan manusia dalam bentuk yang sebaik-
(Quran 95: 1-4)
﴾١٩﴿ اب لَّ ُك ْم فِ َيها فَ َواكِهُ َكثِ َريةٌ َوِمْن َها تَأْ ُكلُو َن َ
ٍ ِ
ٍ ََّات ِمن َُِّّن ٍيل وأ َْعن
ِّ َنشأْنَا لَ ُكم بِه َجن
َ فَأ
“Lalu dengan air itu, Kami tumbuhkan untuk kamu kebun-kebun kurma
dan anggur. Di dalam kebun-kebun itu kamu peroleh buah-buahan
yang banyak dan sebahagian dari buah-buahan itu kamu makan.”
(Quran 23: 19)
Terdapat juga surah al-Quran yang memberikan tumpuan beberapa ayatnya mengenai
buah-buahan, seperti dalam surah ‘Abasa (80) yang menyatakan tentang hujan yang
diturunkan membantu tumbuh-tumbuhan termasuklah sayur-sayuran, rumput serta
pokok buah-buahan seperti zaitun, tamar dan anggur yang boleh dimanfaatkan oleh
manusia serta haiwan.
َ ﴾ ُُثَّ َش َق ْقنَا ْاْل َْر٢٥﴿ صبًّا
َ َصبَْب نَا الْ َماء َ ﴾ أَنَّا٢٤﴿ نسا ُن إِ َ َٰل طَ َعامه ِ ِ
َ فَ ْليَنظُر ْاْل
﴾ َو َح َدائِ َق٢٩﴿ ﴾ َوَزيْتُونًا َوَُّنْ ًل٢٨﴿ضبًا ْ َ﴾ َو ِعنَبًا َوق٢٧﴿ ﴾ فَأَنبَتْ نَا فِ َيها َحبًّا٢٦﴿ َشقًّا
﴾٣٢﴿ اعا لَّ ُك ْم َوِْلَنْ َع ِام ُك ْم ِ
ً َ﴾ َّمت٣١﴿﴾ َوفَاك َه ًة َوأَبًّا٣٠﴿ غُلْبًا
“Maka manusia itu hendaklah memerhatikan makanannya.
Sesungguhnya Kami benar-benar telah mencurahkan air (dari langit).
Kemudian Kami belah bumi dengan sebaik-baiknya. Lalu Kami
tumbuhkan biji-bijian di bumi itu. Anggur dan sayur-sayuran, zaitun
dan kurma, kebun-kebun (yang lebat), buah-buahan serta rumput untuk
kesenangan mu dan untuk binatang-binatang ternakan mu.”
(Quran 80: 24-32)
يل ِصنْ َوا ٌن َو َغْي ُر ِصنْ َو ٍان يُ ْس َق ٰى ِبَ ٍاء ِ ٌ اب وَزر
ٌ ع َوَُّن
ٍ ِ ٌ ات وجن
ْ َ ََّات ِّم ْن أ َْعن َ َ ٌ ض قطَ ٌع خمتَ َجا ِوَر
ِ ِ وِِف ْاْلَر
ْ َ
ِ ٍ ِ ٍ ِ ٰ ِ ِ ٍ ِو
﴾٤﴿ ك ََليَات لَِّق ْوم يَ ْعقلُو َن َ ض ِِف ْاْلُ ُك ِل ۗ إ َّن ِِف ذَل
ٍ ض َها َعلَ ٰى بَ ْع
َ ض ُل بَ ْع
ِّ احد َونُ َف َ
“Dan di bumi ini terdapat bahagian-bahagian yang berdampingan,
kebun-kebun anggur, tanaman-tanaman, pokok kurma yang bercabang
dan yang tidak bercabang, disiram dengan air yang sama. Kami
melebihkan sebahagian tanam-tanaman itu atas sebahagian yang lain
tentang rasanya. Sesungguhnya pada yang demikian, terdapat tanda-
tanda kebesaran Allah bagi kaum yang berfikir.”
(Quran 13: 4)
Qur’anic Research: Interaction of Knowledge, Science, and Civilization
“Dan dari buah kurma dan anggur, kami jadikan dari (perahannya)
minuman yang memabukkan dan rezeki yang baik. Sesungguhnya pada
yang demikian itu ada tanda bagi kaum yang mahu memikirkannya.”
(Quran 16: 67)
ِِ ِ ِ ِ
ْ ت بِالد
َ خه ِن َوصْب ٍغ لِّ ْْلكل
﴾٢٠﴿ ي ُ َُو َش َجَرًة ََتُْر ُج من طُوِر َسْي نَاءَ تَنب
“Dan pokok kayu keluar dari Thursina (pokok zaitun), yang
menghasilkan minyak, dan pemakan makanan bagi orang-orang yang
makan.” (Quran 23: 20)
Ada dinyatakan di dalam banyak bahan rujukan tentang kelebihan kandungan nutrisi
yang ada pada buah-buahan ini:
1) Anggur atau kismis: Sangat kaya dengan nutrisi penting seperti vitamin dan
bahan mineral. Sebanyak 20-25% kandungan anggur adalah gula ringkas yang senang
diserap masuk ke dalam saluran darah. Terdapat juga kuantiti zat besi yang tinggi di
dalam sebiji buah anggur yang dapat membantu penghasilan darah serta bertindak
sebagai penawar atau ubat semula jadi bagi penyakit hati, buah pinggang dan juga
yang berkaitan sistem pencernaan. Pesakit yang menderita ulser perut, keradangan
usus kecil, rheumatism dan yang diracun adalah sangat digalakkan untuk meminum
jus anggur ini. Kandungan gula ringkas yang ada pada buah anggur menjadikan
iannya sesuai untuk diambil sebagai diet bagi kanak-kanak autisme.
kandungan lemak yang sangat rendah, serta kaya dengan vitamin dan mineral, (b) ia
kaya dengan sumber protein, serat dan vitamin B1, B2, B3 dan B5 serta bitamin A1
dan C3, (c) membantu sistem pencernaan kerana mempunyai serat yang larut dan
tidak larut serta beberapa jenis asid amino. (d) kurma merupakan peransang/penguat
tenaga yang bagus kerana kandungan gula seperti glukosa, sukrosa dan fruktosa yang
tinggi, (e) kandungan kalium yang tinggi dan natrium yang rendah membantu
mengawal sistem saraf, (f) kandungan zat besi yang tinggi penting untuk merawat
anemia serta kandungan florin untuk melambatkan proses kerosakan gigi, (g)
membantu merawat sembelit, (h) membantu menambah berat, dan akhir sekali (i)
membantu merawat kanser abdomen atau perut (Al-shahib & Marshall, 2003).
Manfaat kesihatan yang disenaraikan juga secara tidak langsung boleh diaplikasikan
dalam kesihatan kanak-kanak autisme.
5) Buah tin: Kalorinya rendah dan mengandungi serat larut, mineral, vitamin,
serta antioksidan yang meyumbang kepada kesihatan yang optimum. Buah tin yang
kering merupakan sumber yang terbaik bagi mineral, vitamin dan antioksidan; bahkan
buah tin yang kering mempunyai lebih tinggi sumber tersebut berbanding dengan
buah tin yang segar. Buah tin juga mempunyai bahan fenol dan antioksidan seperti
karotin, lutein, tannins dan lain-lain. Antioksidan dan fitokima dalam buah tin
membantu melawan radikal bebas dan seterusnya melindungi dari terkena kanser,
diabetis, penyakit degeneratif dan juga jangkitan. Tambahan pula, ada kajian
menunjukkan bahawa asid klorogernik dalam buah tin membantu menurunkan
kandungan gula dalam darah serta mengawal paras gula dalam darah terutamanya
bagi pesakit diabetis jenis–II. Oleh itu, kedua-dua buah tin yang segar dan kering
masing-masing mengandungi vitamin yang berfungsi sebagai ko-faktor bagi
metabolisme untuk karbohidrat, protein dan lemak. Buah tin yang kering juga
Qur’anic Research: Interaction of Knowledge, Science, and Civilization
merupakan sumber mineral yang terbaik seperti kalsium, kuprum, zat besi, zink dan
kalium. Kalium adalah komponen penting bagi sel dan cecair dalam badan yang
membantu mengawal kadar degupan jantung serta tekanan darah. Manakala, kuprum
pula diperlukan bagi pembentukan sel darah merah dan juga untuk oksidasi selular
(Appel et al., 1997; Shanahan et al., 2001; Cho et al., 2004).
Justeru, kandungan kimia atau nutrisi yang terdapat dalam buah-buahan seperti
anggur, kurma, buah tin, dan delima, khususnya gula ringkas seperti fruktosa,
sekaligus mampu memberikan nutrisi tambahan kanak-kanak dengan autisme.
Tambahan pula buah-buahan ini dikatakan mempunyai kesan positif kepada tisu saraf
serta fungsi berkaitan dengannya. Faktor-faktor positif lain yang ada pada buah-
buahan ini juga berkemungkinan dapat meningkatkan kesihatan serta kesejahteraan
emosi dan/atau tingkah laku kanak-kanak dengan autisme terutamanya sewaktu
makan. Oleh itu, diet yang merangkumi buah-buahan, terutamanya yang dinyatakan
di dalam al-Quran adalah digalakkan untuk kanak-kanak dengan autisme.
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2. Al-shahib, W. & Marshall, R.J. (2003). The Fruit of the date palm: its
possible use as the best food for the future? . Int J Food Sci Nutr, 54(4):247-
8. Cermak, S.A., Curtin, C., & Bandini, L.G. (2010). Food selectivity and
sensory sensitivity in children with autism spectrum disorders. Journal of the
American Dietetic Association, 110(2), 238–246.
9. Cho, E., Seddon, J.M., Rosner, B., Willett, W.C., Hankinson, S.E. (2004).
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10. Cornish, E. (2002). Gluten and casein free diets in autism: A study of the
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13. Dewanti, H. (2014). Pengaruh Diet Bebas Gluten dan Kasein terhadap
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14. Farhangi, H., Ajilian, M., Saeidi, M., Khodaei, G.H. (2014). Medicinal Fruits
in Holy Quran. international Journal of Paediatrics, Vol 2, Issue 3.2: 89-102.
16. Ismail, M., Ahmad, L. (2016). Makanan dari Langit: The Miracles of Fruits,
Buah-Buahan Terbaik dalam Sunnah Nabi SAW. Selangor, Malaysia: Pustaka
Ibnu Katsir Sdn.Bhd.
17. Jahromi, K.R., Jafari, A.T. (2007). Determination of dimension and area
properties of date (Barhi) by image analysis. Agric Food and Biol Eng , 15:
19. Khan, N., Afaq, F., Kweon, M.H., Kim, K., Mukhtar, H. (2007). Oral
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20. Levine, M. (1986). New concepts in the biology and biochemistry of ascorbic
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21. Lockner, D.W., Crowe, T.K., Skipper, B.J. (2008). Dietary Intake and
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22. Mat Rabi, N. (2015). Rahsia dan Keunikan Personaliti Kanak-Kanak Autistik
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23. Ma, N.S., Thompson, C., Weston, S. (2016). Brief Report: Scurvy As a
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25. Sartippour, M.R., Seeram, N.P., Rao, J.Y., Moro A, Harris DM, et al. (2008).
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26. Schreck, K.A., Williams, K., Smith, A.F. (2004). A comparison of eating
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27. Shanahan, M., So, S., Compton, S.G., Corlett, R.T. (2001). Fig-eating by
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28. Sharp, W.G., Berry, R.C., McCracken, C., et al. (2013). Feeding problems
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33. Williams, P.G., Dalrymple, N., Neal, J. (2000). Eating habits of children with
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Pepatah Arab menyebut al-Ma’dah bait al-Da’ yang bermaksud perut merupakan ibu
segala penyakit. Ini memberi pengertian bahawa setiap apa makanan yang dimakan
Pelajar Ijazah Doktor Falsafah Jabatan al-Qur’an dan al-Hadith, Akademi Pengajian Islam,
Universiti Malaya. [email protected]
Pensyarah Kanan Jabatan al-Qur’an dan al-Hadith, Akademi Pengajian Islam, Universiti
Profesor Jabatan al-Qur’an dan al-Hadith, Akademi Pengajian Islam, Universiti Malaya
Qur’anic Research: Interaction of Knowledge, Science, and Civilization
mestilah diperhatikan terlebih dahulu. Jika baik dan berkhasiatnya makanan tersebut
maka baik dan sihatlah tubuh badan. Sebaliknya jika buruk dan tidak berkhasiat maka
senanglah untuk didatangi pelbagai penyakit. Makanan merupakan perkara asas yang
diperlukan dalam sesebuah kehidupan. Pengambilan keatasnya mestilah terdiri
daripada sumber yang baik dan halal. Ini kerana setiap apa yang dimakan akan
menjadi darah daging dan penentu kepada perkembangan fizikal, mental dan emosi.
Allah s.w.t. menerusi al-Qur’an dan wahyu kepada baginda s.a.w. telah
membicarakan berkaitan makanan. Antara ayat al-Qur’an yang menyentuh berkaitan
makanan adalah seperti, “dan makanlah dari rezeki yang telah diberikan Allah
kepada kamu, iaitu yang halal lagi baik, dan bertaqwalah kepada Allah yang
kepadanya sahaja kamu beriman”(Surah al-Maidah (5):88) dan “maka makanlah
dari (sembelihan binatang-binatang halal) yang disebut nama Allah ketika
menyembelihnya, jika betul kamu beriman kepada ayat-ayatNya”. (Surah al-An’am
(5):118) Ayat pertama menerangkan bahawa Allah taala menyuruh hamba-hambaNya
untuk makan makanan yang halal lagi baik. Manakala ayat kedua menerangkan
bahawa dalam proses sembelihan dan makan mestilah dengan menyebut nama Allah.
Dari aspek hadith, pengkaji akan menggunakan kitab Sahih Bukhari dan
Sahih Muslim pada bab al-ath’imah (makanan) dan al-asyribah (minuman) sahaja.
Pemilihan hanya kepada dua kitab ini bertitik tolak daripada status kitab tersebut. Di
mana, pengkaji memerlukan hanya hadith-hadith yang sahih sahaja dijadikan panduan
supaya hasil kajian adalah datang daripada sumber yang benar, sahih dan tiada
pertikaian. Manakala pemilihan hanya kepada bab al-Ath’imah (makanan) dan al-
Asyribah (minuman) adalah kerana objektif utama kajian ini adalah untuk mengkaji
berkaitan makanan.
Makanan berasal dari kata “makan” yang telah di tambah imbuhan –an
dibelakangnya. Makan bermaksud memamah serta menelan makanan dan juga
mengunyah (Kamus Dewan, 980). Manakala makanan adalah bermaksud apa sahaja
yang boleh dimakan seperti roti, nasi dan lain-lain (Kamus Dewan, 981).
Makanan dalam bahasa arab adalah ta’am. Yakni kata mufrad, jama’nya ialah
at-imah. Ta’am ialah nama keseluruhan bagi setiap yang dimakan dan ada yang
mengatakan ia dikhususkan bagi gandum. Al-Kafawi berkata, “ta’am kadangkala
digunakan bagi menyebut minuman. Ini sebagaimana firman Allah:
Disebut minuman itu sebagai ta’am bertitik tolak dari firman Allah di atas, kerana
asal lafaz ini mengisyaratkan, merasakan sesuatu atau setiap apa yang dirasai. Lafaz
ta’am telah disebutkan sebanyak 24 kali dalam al-Qur’an (Zulkifli, 342). Manakala
dalam hadith fokusnya dalam sahihain telah diletakkan bab khas bagi
membincangkan berkaitan ta’am iaitu bab makanan dan bab minuman.
Makanan dalam hadith pula merujuk kepada bab makanan dan bab minuman.
Melalui kedua-dua bab ini, dapat dibahagikan kepada lima bahagian. Pertama, nabati.
Kedua, haiwani. Ketiga, bijiran. Keempat, olahan. Dan kelima, tidak termasuk mana-
mana kategori.
Makanan olahan merupakan salah satu daripada pembahagian makanan yang terdapat
dalam al-Qur’an mahupun hadith. Makanan olahan berasal dari perkataan olah yang
membawa maksud mengerjakan sehingga menjadi sesuatu yang lain (yang dapat
digunakan). Manakala apabila ditambah imbuhan –an, perkatan olah menjadi olahan
membawa maksud proses dalam mengolah atau diolah (Kamus Dewan, 1095).
Qur’anic Research: Interaction of Knowledge, Science, and Civilization
Berikut merupakan jadual berkaitan taburan ayat al-Qur’an dan hadith dalam kitab al-
sahihain yang membincangkan berkaitan makanan olahan.
Jadual di atas memaparkan berkaitan makanan olahan yang terdapat dalam al-Qur’an
dan hadith. Daripada jadual tersebut, makanan olahan yang terdapat dalam al-Qur’an
adalah satu jenis iaitu khamr. Manakala dalam hadith terdapat lapan jenis iaitu khamr,
al-bitu’, al-bazaaq, al-mizr, wathbah, al-naqi, al-tharid dan talbinah.
Makanan olahan yang terdapat dalam al-Qur’an hanyalah khamr. Ini sebagaimana
yang telah disebutkan oleh M. Quraish Shibah (M. Quraish Shihab, 144). Meletakkan
khamr sebagai makanan olahan adalah kerana khamr bukanlah bahan asas. Untuk
menjadikan khamr mestilah melalui suatu bentuk pemprosesan atau olahan antara
beberapa bahan. Ini sebagaimana yang telah difirmankan oleh Allah Taala:
Surah al-Nahl: 67
Terjemahan: Dan dari buah tamar (kurma) dan anggur kamu jadikan
daripadanya minuman haram dan makanan serta minuman yang
halal; Sesungguhnya pada yang demikian itu terdapat satu tanda
(yang membuktikan kekuasaan Allah) bagi orang-orang yang mahu
menggunakan akalnya.
Manakala dalil yang menyebut makanan olahan dalam hadith adalah seperti berikut:
Qur’anic Research: Interaction of Knowledge, Science, and Civilization
Hadith pertama:
: أَنَّهُ َسأ ََل َس ْه اًل: َح َّدثَِِن أَبُو َحا ِزٍم:ال ُ َِحدَّثَنَا َسع
َ َ ق، َحدَّثَنَا أَبُو َغ َّسا َن،يد بْ ُن أَِِب َم ْرَََي
فَ َه ْل ُكنْتُ ْم:ت
ُ ْ «لَ» فَ ُقل:ال َ َصلَّى هللاُ َعلَْي ِه َو َسلَّ َم الن َِّق َّي؟ ق َ َّب ِ ِ ِ
َه ْل َرأَيْتُ ْم ِف َزَمان الن ِي
»ُ َولَ ِك ْن ُكنَّا نَنْ ُف ُخه،َ «ل:ال َ َتَنْ ُخلُو َن الشَّعِ َري؟ ق
Terjemahan: Telah menceritakan kepada kami Sa’id bin Abi
Maryam, telah menceritakan kepada kami Abu Qassan, telah berkata:
telah menceritakan kepada aku Abu Hazim: Sesungguhnya aku
bertanya Sahla: “adakah kamu melihat pada zaman Nabi s.a.w. al-
Naqi?” Beliau menjawab: “tidak”. Aku berkata: “apakah kamu
mengayak tepung?” Dia menjawab, “tidak, tetapi kami meniupnya”
Hadith kedua:
َع ْن ُُثَ َامةَ بْ ِن، َحدَّثَنَا ابْ ُن َع ْو ٍن،اِت ٍِ اِت األَ ْش َهل بْن َح ٍِ ََِس َع أَبَا َح،اَّللِ بْ ُن ُمنِ ٍري
َّ َحدَّثَنَا َعْب ُد
َ َ
ِ َّ س َر ِض َي
ُصلَّى هللاُ َعلَْيه َو َسلَّ َم َعلَى غًُلٍَم لَه َ َّب ِ
ت َم َع الن ِي ُ ْ َد َخل:ال َ َ ق،ُاَّللُ َعنْه ٍ َ َع ْن أَن،س ٍ َأَن
ُصلَّى هللا َ َّبُّ ِ «فَ َج َع َل الن:ال َ َ ق، َوأَقْ بَ َل َعلَى َع َملِِه:ال َ َ ق،ص َع اة فِ َيها ثَِري ٌد ِ فَ َقد،اط
ْ ََّم إِلَْيه ق
ٍ َّخي
ِ ِ
ت بَ ْع ُد ُ ْ فَ َما ِزل:ال َ َْي يَ َديْه ق َْ ََض ُعهُ ب
َ ت أَتَتَبَّ ُعهُ فَأُ فَ َج َع ْل:ال
َ َالدبَّاءَ» ق ُّ َعلَْيه َو َسلَّ َم يَتَتَبَّ ُع
ُّ ب ُّ أ ُِح
Terjemahan: Telah menceritakan kepada kami ‘Abd Allah bin Munir,
aku mendengar Aba Hatim al-Asyhal bin hatim, telah menceritakan
kepada kami ‘Auni, dari Thumamah bin Anas, dari Anas r.a. telah
berkata: “aku masuk bersama Nabi s.a.w. kepada seorang budak
tukang jahit. Maka dihidangkan kepadanya piring berisi tharid”. Dia
berkata: “maka Nabi s.a.w. mencari-cari dubba’.” Dia berkata: “maka
aku pun mencarinya kemudian meletakkan dihadapannya.” Dia
berkata, “sejak itu aku menyukai dubba’.
Hadith ketiga:
Hadith riwayat al-Bukhari, Kitab al-Ath’imah, Bab al-Nafgh fi al-Sya’ir, no. Hadith 5410.
Lihat Abu ‘Abd Allah Muhammad bin Isma’il al-Bukhari, “Sahih al-Bukhari,” dalam
Mawsu’at al-Hadith al-Sharif: al-Kutub al-Sittah, ed. Salih bin ‘Abd al-‘Aziz Al al-Shaykh
(Riyadh: Dar al-Salam, 2000), 467.
Hadith riwayat al-Bukhari, Kitab al-Ath’imah, Bab al-Tharid, no. Hadith 5420. Lihat Abu
‘Abd Allah Muhammad bin Isma’il al-Bukhari, “Sahih al-Bukhari,” dalam Mawsu’at al-
Hadith al-Sharif: al-Kutub al-Sittah, ed. Salih bin ‘Abd al-‘Aziz Al al-Shaykh, 467
162 Centre of Quranic Research (CQR)
Qur’anic Research: Interaction of Knowledge, Science, and Civilization
، ُُثَّ َد َعا ِِبَ ٍاء، فَأَ َك ْلنَا ِمْن ُه،ُ فَلُ ْكنَاه، فَ َما أُِِتَ إَِّل بِ َس ِو ٍيق،صلَّى هللاُ َعلَْي ِه َو َسلَّ َم بِطَ َع ٍامَ
ِ ِ
« ََس ْعتُهُ منْهُ َع ْوادا:ال ُس ْفيَا ُن َ َضأْ " ق َّ ب َوََلْ يَتَ َو ِ ِ َّ
َ صلى بنَا املَغْر َ َ ف،ضنَا ْ ض َم ْ ض َوَم َ ض َم ْ فَ َم
»َوبَ ْدءاا
Terjemahan: Telah menceritakan kepada kami ‘Ali bin ‘Abd Allah,
telah menceritakan kepada kami Sufyan, telah berkata Yahya bin
Sa’id, Aku mendengar Busyr bin Yasr berkata, telah menceritakan
kepada kami Suwaid bin al-Nu’man berkata, “kami keluar bersama
Rasulullah s.a.w. ke Khaibar ketika kami berada di al-Sohbah – kata
Yahya, Khaibar sejauh satu Rauhah – Rasulullah s.a.w. minta
dibawakan makanan, maka tidak dibawakan kecuali tepung. Kami
pun mengadunnya dan memakannya. Kemudian baginda s.a.w.
meminta dibawakan air lalu berkumur-kumur dan kami berkumur-
kumur. Baginda s.a.w. solat Maghrib mengimami kami tanpa
mengulangi wudhu.” Sufyan berkata, “aku mendengar darinya
beberapa kali dan pertama kali.”
Hadith keempat:
Hadith kelima:
Hadith riwayat al-Bukhari, Kitab al-Ath’imah, Bab Laisa ‘ala al-A’ma haraj, wa la ‘ala al-
a’raj haraj, wala ‘ala al-Maridh haraj (al-Nur:61) ila qauluhu (la’allakum ta’qilun)(al-
Baqarah:73), no. Hadith 5384. Lihat Abu ‘Abd Allah Muhammad bin Isma’il al-Bukhari,
“Sahih al-Bukhari,” dalam Mawsu’at al-Hadith al-Sharif: al-Kutub al-Sittah, ed. Salih bin
‘Abd al-‘Aziz Al al-Shaykh, 465
Hadith riwayat al-Bukhari, Kitab al-Ath’imah, Bab al-Aqith, tanpa no. Hadith . Lihat Abu
‘Abd Allah Muhammad bin Isma’il al-Bukhari, “Sahih al-Bukhari,” dalam Mawsu’at al-
Hadith al-Sharif: al-Kutub al-Sittah, ed. Salih bin ‘Abd al-‘Aziz Al al-Shaykh, 466.
Qur’anic Research: Interaction of Knowledge, Science, and Civilization
Hadith keenam:
Hadith ketujuh:
Hadith riwayat al-Bukhari, Kitab al-Ath’imah, Bab al-Talbinah, no. Hadith 5417 . Lihat Abu
‘Abd Allah Muhammad bin Isma’il al-Bukhari, “Sahih al-Bukhari,” dalam Mawsu’at al-
Hadith al-Sharif: al-Kutub al-Sittah, ed. Salih bin ‘Abd al-‘Aziz Al al-Shaykh, 467
Hadith riwayat Muslim, Kitab al-Ashribah, Bab Fadhilah al-Khal Wa al-Taadum bih, no.
Hadith 5350. Lihat Abu al-Husayn Muslim bin al-Hajjaj bin Muslim, “Sahih Muslim,” dalam
Mawsu’at al-Hadith al-Sharif: al-Kutub al-Sittah, ed. Salih bin ‘Abd al-‘Aziz Al al-Shaykh
(Riyadh: Dar al-Salam, 2000), 1044.
Hadith riwayat al-Bukhari, Kitab al-Ath’imah, Bab al-Halwa wa al-‘Asal, no. Hadith 5431 .
Lihat Abu ‘Abd Allah Muhammad bin Isma’il al-Bukhari, “Sahih al-Bukhari,” dalam
Mawsu’at al-Hadith al-Sharif: al-Kutub al-Sittah, ed. Salih bin ‘Abd al-‘Aziz Al al-Shaykh,
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Hadith kelapan:
َع ْن أَِِب،يد بْ ُن يَِز َيد أَبُو َم ْسلَ َم َة ُ ِ َحدَّثَنَا َسع، َحدَّثَنَا ابْ ُن ُعلَيَّ َة،وب َ َُّحدَّثَنَا ََْي ََي بْ ُن أَي
ِ ِالزب ِ ِ ِ ُ «نَهانَا رس:ال ٍِ
يب َّ ْيَْ َصلَّى هللاُ َعلَْيه َو َسلَّ َم أَ ْن ََنْل َط ب
َ ول هللا ُ َ َ َ َ ق، َع ْن أَِِب َسعيد،َضَرة ْ َن
َ ِ َوأَ ْن ََنْل،َوالت َّْم ِر
»ط الْبُ ْسَر َوالت َّْمَر
Terjemahan: Telah menceritakan kepada kami Yahya bin Ayyub,
telah menceritakan kepada kami Ibn ‘Ulayyah, telah menceritakan
kepada kami Sa’id bin Yazid Abu Maslamah, dari Abi Nadhrah, dari
Abi Sa’id telah berkata, “Rasulullah s.a.w. melarang kami untuk
mencampurkan antara kismis dan kurma kering, dan mencampurkan
kurma basah dan kurma kering”.
Hadith kesembilan:
Hadith riwayat Muslim, Kitab al-Ashribah, Bab Karahah Intibaz al-Tamr wa al-Zabib
Makhluthain, no. Hadith 5150. Lihat Abu al-Husayn Muslim bin al-Hajjaj bin Muslim, “Sahih
Muslim,” dalam Mawsu’at al-Hadith al-Sharif: al-Kutub al-Sittah, ed. Salih bin ‘Abd al-‘Aziz
Al al-Shaykh, 1033
Hadith riwayat al-Bukhari, Kitab al-Ath’imah, Bab Man Adkhal al-Dhifan ‘Asyrah ‘Asyrah
wa al-Julus ‘ala al-Tha’am ‘Ayrah al-Asyrah, no. Hadith 5450 . Lihat Abu ‘Abd Allah
Muhammad bin Isma’il al-Bukhari, “Sahih al-Bukhari,” dalam Mawsu’at al-Hadith al-Sharif:
al-Kutub al-Sittah, ed. Salih bin ‘Abd al-‘Aziz Al al-Shaykh, 470.
Qur’anic Research: Interaction of Knowledge, Science, and Civilization
Hadith kesepuluh:
َع ْن يَِز َيد بْ ِن،ُ َحدَّثَنَا ُش ْعبَة، َحدَّثَنَا ُُمَ َّم ُد بْ ُن َج ْع َف ٍر،ي ُّ َح َّدثَِِن ُُمَ َّم ُد بْ ُن الْ ُمثَ ََّن الْ َعنَ ِز
َ َ ق،صلَّى هللاُ َعلَْي ِه َو َسلَّ َم َعلَى أَِِب ِ ُ نَزَل رس:ال ِ ِ
:ال َ ول هللا ُ َ َ َ َ ق، َع ْن َعْبد هللا بْ ِن بُ ْس ٍر،ُُخٍَْري
ِ ِ ِ
َْ َ ُُثَّ أُِِتَ بِتَ ْم ٍر فَ َكا َن يَأْ ُكلُهُ َويُلْقي الن ََّوى ب، فَأَ َك َل منْ َها،فَ َقَّربْنَا إِلَْيه طَ َع ااما َوَوطْبَةا
ِ ِ ِِ َّ َوََْي َم ُع،صبَ َعْي ِه ْ ِإ
ُ ُه َو ظَِيِن َوُه َو فيه إ ْن َشاءَ هللاُ إلَْقاء:ُال ُش ْعبَة َ َ ق- السبَّابََة َوالْ ُو ْسطَى
:ال أَِِب َ فَ َق:ال َ َ ق، ُُثَّ نَ َاولَهُ الَّ ِذي َع ْن ََيِينِِه،ُاب فَ َش ِربَه
ٍ ُُثَّ أُِِت بِ َشر- ْي
َ َ
ِ ْ صبَ َع ِْ ْي
ْ اْل َْ َالن ََّوى ب
َوا ْغ ِف ْر ََلُ ْم، بَا ِر ْك ََلُ ْم ِِف َما َرَزقْتَ ُه ْم،الله َّم
ُ « :ال َ فَ َق،ع هللاَ لَنَا ِِ ِ وأ
ُ ْاد،َخ َذ بِل َج ِام َدابَّته َ َ
»َو ْار َُحْ ُه ْم
Terjemahan: Telah menceritakan kepada kami Muhammad bin al-
Muthanna al-‘Anazi, telah menceritakan kepada kami Muhammad
bin Ja’far, telah menceritakan kepada kami Syu’bah, dari Yazid bin
Khumair, dari ‘Abd Allah bin Busr telah berkata: Rasulullah s.a.w.
singgah di rumah ayahku. Ia berkata, lalu kami mendekatkan
makanan dan wathbah (sejenis makanan dari bahan kurma, tepung
dan mentega) kepada baginda. Baginda makan dari makanan
tersebut, kemudian dihidangkan kurma. Baginda memakannya dan
meletakkan biji kurma di antara dua jarinya dan menggabungkan
antara jari telunjuk dan jari tengah. Syu’bah berkata: “itu menurut
prasangkaku” insyaAllah terdapat keterangan bahawa baginda
meletakkan biji kurma di antara dua jarinya”- kemudian baginda
dihidangkan minuman, lalu baginda meminumnya, kemudian
baginda memberikannya kepada orang yang berada di sebelah
Hadith riwayat Muslim, Kitab al-Ashribah, Bab Istihbab wad’a’a al-Nawa Kharaja al-Tamr,
wa Istihbab du’ai al-dhaif li ahli al-tha’am, wa thalaba al-du’ai min al-Dhaif al-Soleh wa
ijabatuhu ila zalik, no. Hadith 5328. Lihat Abu al-Husayn Muslim bin al-Hajjaj bin Muslim,
“Sahih Muslim,” dalam Mawsu’at al-Hadith al-Sharif: al-Kutub al-Sittah, ed. Salih bin ‘Abd
al-‘Aziz Al al-Shaykh, 1043
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Hadith kesebelas:
Hadith riwayat al-Bukhari, Kitab al-Ath’imah, Bab al-Khazirah, no. Hadith 5401 . Lihat
Abu ‘Abd Allah Muhammad bin Isma’il al-Bukhari, “Sahih al-Bukhari,” dalam Mawsu’at al-
Hadith al-Sharif: al-Kutub al-Sittah, ed. Salih bin ‘Abd al-‘Aziz Al al-Shaykh, 466.
Qur’anic Research: Interaction of Knowledge, Science, and Civilization
Hadith riwayat al-Bukhari, Kitab al-Asyribah, Bab al-Intibaz fi al-Au’iyah wa al-thur, no.
Hadith 5591 . Lihat Abu ‘Abd Allah Muhammad bin Isma’il al-Bukhari, “Sahih al-Bukhari,”
dalam Mawsu’at al-Hadith al-Sharif: al-Kutub al-Sittah, ed. Salih bin ‘Abd al-‘Aziz Al al-
Shaykh, 480.
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ِ احل ِم
،يد بْ ُن َج ْع َف ٍر ِ ْ حدَّثَنَا أَبو ب ْك ٍر ي ع ِِن،وحدَّثَنَا ُُم َّم ُد بن الْمث ََّن
َْ َحدَّثَنَا َعْب ُد،احلَنَف َّي َْ َ ُ َ َُ ُ ْ َ ََ
ِ ِ َّ
«لََق ْد أَنَْزَل هللاُ ْاْليََة الِت َحَّرَم هللاُ ف َيها:ول ٍ ِ
ُ يَ ُق،س بْ َن َمالك ِ ِ ِ
َ َ أَنَّهُ ََس َع أَن،َح َّدثَِن أَِب
»ب إَِّل ِم ْن َتَْر ِ ِ
ٌ َوَما بِالْ َمدينَة َشَر،ا ْْلَ ْمَر
16 ٍ
ُ اب يُ ْشَر
Terjemahan: Telah menceritakan kepada kami Muhammad bin al-
Muthanna, telah menceritakan kepada kami Abu Bakat yakni al-
Hanafi, telah menceritakan kepada kami ‘Abd al-Hamid bin Ja’far,
telah menceritakan kepada aku ayahku, sesungguhnya mendengar
Anas bin Malik berkata: “sesungguhnya Allah menurunkan ayat yang
mengharamkan padanya khamr, dan akhirnya di Madinah tidak ada
minuman yang diminum selain berasal dari kurma kering.
Hadith riwayat Muslim, Kitab al-Ashribah, Bab Tahrim al-Khamr, wa bayan annaha takuna
min ‘asir al-Inab wa min al-Tamr wa al-Busr wa al-Zabib wa ghairuha mima yaskur, no.
Hadith 5139. Lihat Abu al-Husayn Muslim bin al-Hajjaj bin Muslim, “Sahih Muslim,” dalam
Mawsu’at al-Hadith al-Sharif: al-Kutub al-Sittah, ed. Salih bin ‘Abd al-‘Aziz Al al-Shaykh,
Hadith riwayat al-Bukhari, Kitab al-Asyribah, Bab al-Khamr min al-‘Asal wa huwa al-
Bit’u, no. Hadith 5585 . Lihat Abu ‘Abd Allah Muhammad bin Isma’il al-Bukhari, “Sahih al-
Bukhari,” dalam Mawsu’at al-Hadith al-Sharif: al-Kutub al-Sittah, ed. Salih bin ‘Abd al-
‘Aziz Al al-Shaykh, 479.
Hadith riwayat al-Bukhari, Kitab al-Asyribah, Bab al-Bazaq, wa min naha ‘an kulli maskar
min al-asyribah , no. Hadith 5598 . Lihat Abu ‘Abd Allah Muhammad bin Isma’il al-Bukhari,
“Sahih al-Bukhari,” dalam Mawsu’at al-Hadith al-Sharif: al-Kutub al-Sittah, ed. Salih bin
‘Abd al-‘Aziz Al al-Shaykh, 480.
Qur’anic Research: Interaction of Knowledge, Science, and Civilization
َع ْن أَِِب،َ َع ْن ُع َم َارةَ بْ ِن َغ ِزيَّة،ي َّ َحدَّثَنَا َعْب ُد الْ َع ِزي ِز يَ ْع ِِن الدََّر َاوْرِد،يد
ٍ ِحدَّثَنَا قُت يبةُ بن سع
َ ُ ْ َْ َ َ
َّ ِ ِ ِ ٍ ِ ِ
ُصلى هللا َّ ِ فَ َسأ ََل الن، َو َجْي َشا ُن م َن الْيَ َم ِن،َن َر ُج اًل قَد َم م ْن َجْي َشا َن
َ َّب َّ أ، َع ْن َجابر،الزبَ ْري
ُصلَّى هللا َ فَ َق، الْ ِم ْزُر:ُال لَه
ُّ ِال الن
َ َّب ُ يُ َق،الذَرِة ُّ اب يَ ْشربُونَهُ بِأ َْر ِض ِه ْم ِم َن
ٍ َعلَْي ِه وسلَّم َعن َشر
َ ْ َ ََ
« ُك ُّل:صلَّى هللاُ َعلَْيه َو َسلَّ َم ِ َ َ «أ ََو ُم ْسكٌر ُه َو؟» ق:َعلَْي ِه َو َسلَّ َم
َ ول هللا ُ ال َر ُس َ َ ق، نَ َع ْم:ال
ب الْ ُم ْس ِكَر أَ ْن يَ ْس ِقيَهُ ِم ْن ِطينَِة ِ ِ
ُ إِ َّن َعلَى هللا َعَّز َو َج َّل َع ْه ادا ل َم ْن يَ ْشَر،ُم ْسك ٍر َحَر ٌام
ْ ُ َوَما ِطينَة،هللا
َ َاْلَبَ ِال؟ ق ِ ولَ يَا َر ُس:ا ْْلَبَ ِال» قَالُوا
َ « َعَر ُق أ َْه ِل النَّا ِر» أ َْو « ُع:ال
ص َارةُ أ َْه ِل
19 ِ
Terjemahan: Telah menceritakan kepada kami Qutaibah bin Sa’id,
telah menceritakan kepada kami’Abd al-‘Aziz – iaitu al-Darawardi-
dari ‘Umarah bin Ghaziyyah, dari Abi al-Zubair dari Jabir,
sesungguhny seorang lelaki telah datang dari JaiShan, dan Jaishan
adalah dari Yaman , maka bertanyalah dia kepada Nabi s.a.w. tentang
minuman yang dibuat daripada jagung yang mereka minum dinegeri
mereka yang dinamakan al-mizru? Maka Nabi s.a.w. bersabda:
“Adakah minuman itu memabukkan?” Dia menjawab: Ya.
Rasulullah s.a.w. bersabda: “Setiap uang memabukkan adalah haram.
Sesungguhnya Allah Azza wajalla telah berjanji bagi orang yang
minum minuman yang memabukkan agar ia menumpahkan dari
Thinatul Khabal”. Mereka bertanya: Wahai Rasulullah, apakah itu
Thinatul Khabal?” Baginda menjawab, “peluh penduduk neraka atau
jus penduduk neraka”.
Hadith riwayat Muslim, Kitab al-Ashribah, Bab Bayan anna kulli muskir khamr wa anna
kulli khamr haram, no. Hadith 5217. Lihat Abu al-Husayn Muslim bin al-Hajjaj bin Muslim,
“Sahih Muslim,” dalam Mawsu’at al-Hadith al-Sharif: al-Kutub al-Sittah, ed. Salih bin ‘Abd
al-‘Aziz Al al-Shaykh, 1035.
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ketiga ialah sawiq iaitu tepung. Tepung bukanlah perkara sedia ada, tetapi
kejadiannya melalui proses olahan iaitu dengan menggunakan gandum (t.p, 2016).
Hadith keempat ialah hais iaitu makanan yang diperbuat daripada campuran
tepung, kurma dan samn ( Ibn Hajar al-Asqalani, 1977). Di dalam hadith yang sama
ada disebutkan dua jenis makanan yang melalui proses olahan iaitu iaitu keju dan
samn. Keju diperbuat hasil daripada pembekuan susu. Yakni langkah asasnya ialah
penambahan kultur bakteria ke dalam susu untuk menghasilkan asid laktik,
penggumpalan susu, mengeluarkan dadih daripada jisim yang telah tergumpal
(mengempiskan atau menekan), menjeruk dan proses pematangan (Dr. Faszly Rahim
et. al., 2016). Manakala samn ialah lemak. Hadith kelima ialah talbinah iaitu
makanan yang dibuat dari tepung atau sisa tepung dan kadang-kadang diletakkan
madu ( Ibn Hajar al-Asqalani, 1977). Hadith keenam cuka. Cuka adalah satu perasa
yang diperbuat daripada pelbagai bahan yang manis dan berkanji melalui proses
fermentasi alkohol dan fermentasi asetik. Lazimnya cuka asli dihasilkan daripada
buah-buahan yang tinggi karbohidrat seperti buah anggur, epal, delima dan nira
kelapa ( Dr. Faszly Rahim et. al., 2016). Pembuatan cuka juga daripada bahan yang
kaya dengan gula seperti anggur, epal, nira kelapa dan sebagainya (Herube, 2011).
Hadith Ketujuh ialah manisan iaitu menurut al-Laith segala sesuatu yang
manis dan dimakan. Manakala al-Khaththabi berkata, “nama halwa atau manisan
tidak digunakan kecuali untuk sesuatu yang masuk unsur pembuatan” (Ibn Hajar al-
Asqalani, 1977). Hadith kelapan ialah kismis. Kismis berasal daripada buah anggur
yang telah dikeringkan. Proses pengeringan itu menjadikan kismis melalui proses
olahan (Sumaiyah Mohd Tamizi, 2014). Hadith kesembilan khatifah iaitu makanan
yang diperbuat daripada tepung dan susu (‘Ali bin Khalaf bin ‘Abd al-Malik, 2000).
Hadith kesepuluh wathbah iaitu sejenis makanan dari bahan kurma, tepung dan
mentega ( Al-Imam Muhy al-Din al-Nawawi, 2015). Hadith kesebelas ialah khazirah
iaitu makanan yang dibuat daripada tepung dan menyerupai ‘ashidah, tetapi lebih
halus. Al-Qatabi dan diikuti al-Jauhari berkata, “Khazirah dibuat daripada daging
yang dipotong kecil-kecil, lalu dimasak dengan air dan apabila telah masak dicampur
dengan tepung.(Abi Yahya Zakariyya al-Ansori al-Misr al-Syafie, 537) Dan hadith
kedua belas nabiz iaitu rendaman kurma kedalam air dan diminum sebelum rasanya
menjadi keras.(Ibn Hajar al-Asqalani, 1977)
Hadith ketiga belas ialah khamr. Khamr atau arak merupakan makanan
olahan yang jelas disebutkan dalam al-Qur’an mahupun hadith akan larangan
meminumnya. Pemprosesan khamr berlaku dengan berbagai cara. Contohnya yang
terdapat pada hadith yang diriwayatkan dalam sahih Muslim bernombor 5150, khamr
diperbuat daripada campuran kismis dan kurma. Begitu juga campuran kurma basah
dan kurma kering. Dimana, pencampuran ini menatijahkan rasanya menjadi keras dan
memabukkan.( Al-Imam Muhy al-Din al-Nawawi, 2005) Hadith keempat belas al-
bitu' iaitu khamr yang diperbuat daripada madu.(Ibn Hajar al-Asqalani, 1977) Hadith
kelima belas al-bazaq ialah jus anggur yang dimasak setelah memabukkan atau
dimasak setelah rasanya keras.( Ibn Hajar al-Asqalani, 1977) Hadith keenam belas al-
mizr iaitu minuman yang diperbuat daripada jagung dan mampu membawa kepada
kemabukan sebagaimana yang disebutkan dalam hadith.
Qur’anic Research: Interaction of Knowledge, Science, and Civilization
Pada asalnya setiap makanan itu adalah harus dan boleh dimakan. Sehinggalah
terdapat nas syarak yang datang mengharamkan atau memakruhkannya samada
melalui nas al-Qur’an mahupun hadith. Apabila sesuatu makanan itu jelas telah
diharamkan maka makanan itu dilarang untuk dimakan. Begitu juga jika sesuatu
makanan itu telah dihukumkan makruh, maka adalah lebih baik meninggalkannya.
Apabila diperhatikan dalam jadual di atas, menerusi al-Qur’an dan al-Hadith jumlah
jenis makanan olahan ialah lapan belas jenis dengan disekalikan yang berulang.
Manakala daripada lapan belas jenis ini dapat dibahagikan kepada dua bahagian.
Bahagian pertama adalah makanan olahan yang dibenarkan untuk dimakan. Bahagian
kedua pula adalah makanan olahan yang dilarang untuk dimakan.
Jenis makanan olahan yang dibenarkan dan dapat memberi manfaat pertama
talbinah. Sebagaimana yang disebutkan dalam hadith, pengambilan talbinah adalah
untuk menyenangkan hati orang sakit dan menghilangkan sebahagian kesakitan.
Antara manfaat talbinah adalah ianya mampu membantu kepada orang yang berada
dalam keadaan tekanan. Ini sebagaimana satu kajian yang telah dijalankan untuk
melihat keberkesanan talbinah ini kepada orang yang berada dalam keadaan tekanan.
Dan hasilnya menunjukkan bahawa talbinah adalah makanan yang kaya dengan
karbohidrat, dan terdapat hubungan antara jumlah karbohidrat yang dimakan dengan
tekanan manusia serta pengeluaran mood positif. Ini kerana kesan karbohidrat pada
sintesis serotonin. Selain itu, pengeluaran mood positif dalam mengambilan talbinah
ini selain daripada karbohirat yang tinggi ia disebabkan kandungan gula dan rasa
manis makanan ini sehingga menjadikan peningkatan mood seseorang itu (Manal M
Badrasawi, 2013).
Jenis makanan olahan yang dibenarkan dan dapat memberi manfaat kedua
ialah keju. Keju yang dihasilkan daripada susu mengandungi pelbagai nutrient yang
bagus untuk kesihatan jika diambil mengikut sukatan yang betul. Komposisi nutrient
yang terdapat dalam keju ialah air, protein, lemak, kolesterol, vitamin A, D dan E,
tiamin, riboflavin, niasin, piridoksin, kobalamin, folat, pantotenik, biotin, natrium, ion
klorida, kalium, kalsium, magnesium, fosforus, ferum, kuprum, zink, sulfur dan asid
amino. Asid amino bermanfaat dalam sintesis protein untuk membina jaringan otot
serta metobalisma sel-sel tubuh dan tulang. Selain itu, manfaat yang diperolehi
daripada keju ialah ianya mampu melindungi manusia daripada karies gigi. Hal ini
demikian disebabkan paras kalsium dan fosforus yang tinggi akan mempengaruhi
pemendapan dan pengekstrakan mineral daripada gigi. Manakala kesan fizikal
daripada gigitan keju tersebut serta penyingkiran bakteria yang tidak menyenangkan
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daripada enamel gigi, pengaliran air liur yang meningkat juga akan cenderung untuk
meneutralkan asid yang terdapat pada permukaan gigi.(Dr. Faszly Rahim et. al.,
Jenis makanan olahan yang dibenarkan dan dapat memberi manfaat ketiga ialah cuka.
Sebagaimana yang disebutkan dalam hadith, bahawa baginda s.a.w. menjadikan cuka
sebagai lauk. menurut Ibn Sina, khal atau cuka dapat mencegah sebarang
pembengkakan di badan (bisul dan kanser), menyucikan darah, membaiki masalah
pencernaan di perut, masalah usus, kerongkong, kahak, batuk yang berpanjangan,
menjaga kulit daripada kepanasan matahari, mengatasi masalah lemak-lemak di
badan (kolestrol), menstabilkan asid dan garam di badan, membuang keracunan
badan (toksik), masalah rahim, menguatkan gigi, mata, telinga serta mengembalikan
tenaga lelaki dan perempuan.(Ibn Sina, ) Ibn Qayyim menambah cuka juga
bermanfaat untuk mengatasi masalah gastric di dalam perut, masalah hempedu,
mencegah ubat-ubatan yang berbahaya yang mampu membawa kepada kematian,
melancarkan susu ibu dan melancarkan perjalanan darah yang berketul di dalam perut
(Ibn Qayyim al-Jauziyyah, 2006).
Qur’anic Research: Interaction of Knowledge, Science, and Civilization
2. Al-Imam Muhy al-Din al-Nawawi. 2005. Syarh Sahih Muslim bin al-Hujjaj.
Bayrut: Dar al-Ma’rifah.
3. ‘Ali bin Khalaf bin ‘Abd al-Malik 2000. Syarh Sahih al-Bukhari Li Ibn
Battal. Riyadh: Maktabah al-Rushdi.
4. Dr. Faszly Rahim et. al. 2016. Indahnya Pemakanan & Perubatan Islam.
Selangor: Tihani Cetak Sdn. Bhd.
5. Ibn Hajar al-Asqolani. 1977. Fath al-Bari bi Syarh Sahih al-Imam Abi ‘Abd
Allah Muhammad bin Ismail al-Bukhari. Kaherah: Dar al-Diyan li al-
8. Kamus Dewan, ed. Ke-4 (Kuala Lumpur: Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka, 2007),
1095 entri “olah-olahan”
10. Sumaiyah Mohd Tamizi. 2014. The Prophetic Tradition and Nutrition: Issues
of Mixing Raisins and Dates. Kuala Lumpur: Institute of Graduate
Qur’anic Research: Interaction of Knowledge, Science, and Civilization
Dadah adalah bahan atau sebatian kimia yang boleh memudaratkan individu yang
menggunakannya secara salah atau berlebihan kerana ia mampu mengubah cara
minda dan tubuh manusia berfungsi (Abdul Razak, 1995b). Ia merupakan sejenis
bahan kimia psikoaktif yang mempunyai ciri-ciri atau/dan memberi kesan paling
ketara ke atas sistem saraf pusat (otak dan saraf tunjang). Ada juga yang
menggunakan istilah dadah ini sebagai drug untuk merujuk kepada ubat-ubatan yang
digunakan dalam proses pembelajaran yang merujuk kepada bahan kimia tertentu
(Lua & Nor Samira, 2012). Walaupun demikian, untuk memberi takrif
penyalahgunaan kepada drug, perkataan use, misuse atau abuse perlu digunakan
bersama-sama dengan perkataan drug. Contohnya drug abuse atau misuse of drug
yang membawa maksud penyalahgunaan dadah (Kamus Dewan, 2005).
Sejumlah 155-250 juta atau 3.5-5.7 peratus jumlah keseluruhan penduduk dunia yang
berumur 15 tahun ke atas pernah menggunakan dadah terlarang (United Nation Office
on Drug and Crime [UNODC], 2010). Hampir 16.5 juta populasi dunia terdiri
daripada pengguna dadah jenis opiat dan lebih separuh daripadanya (9.3 juta) terdiri
daripada penduduk Asia (UNODC, 2008). Dadah yang banyak disalahgunakan secara
meluas di Malaysia ialah opioid, heroin, kodein, kanabis, morfin dan marijuana.
Antara punca yang mendorong kepada masalah tersebut adalah kewujudan kawasan
pengeluar bekalan dadah jenis opiat yang terbesar di Asia dan juga dunia iaitu
kawasan Segi Tiga Emas yang merangkumi kawasan seluas 750, 000 meter persegi
yang terdiri daripada kawasan negara Thailand, Laos dan Myanmar (Taib, 2005).
Majoriti penagih berasal dari Malaysia Barat dengan jumlah penagih opioid di
Malaysia Timur yang semakin berkurang (Nasir, M., Rusli, I., Ahmad Zubaidi, A. L.,
Mahadzirah, M. & Mohd Ekhwan, T. (2014).
Penagihan Opiat
jantina, umur, bangsa, sejarah keluarga penagih, status pekerjaan, status perkahwinan
dan tahap pendidikan (Nasir, 2014).
Terapi gantian metadon (TGM) ialah rawatan yang menggunakan ubat metadon
dalam bentuk sirap sebagai gantian kepada dadah jenis opiat terutamanya heroin dan
morfin bagi penagih tegar yang ingin berhenti menagih secara sukarela (Lua & Nor
Samira, 2012). Di Malaysia, Hospital Kuala Lumpur (HKL) merupakan perintis
kepada rawatan ini yang bermula pada penghujung tahun 2005. Sambutan yang
menggalakkan daripada golongan sasaran telah mendorong lebih banyak pusat-pusat
rawatan baru dibuka sama ada di hospital kerajaan, klinik kesihatan dan swasta, pusat
khidmat Agensi Antidadah Kebangsaan (AADK) dan penjara. Sehingga Jun 2010,
terdapat 35 hospital dan 91 klinik kesihatan yang terlibat dalam pendispensan
methadone. Jumlah bilangan pesakit yang berdaftar adalah 13471, dengan 9144
daripada mereka pesakit aktif (Nasir, 2014). Pemulihan kebergantungan terhadap
opiat dilaporkan berjaya dalam kalangan klien TGM. Namun, kadar pengekalan
pemulihan masih ditahap rendah. Antara penyebabnya adalah aspek spiritualiti
kurang diterapkan di dalam rawatan tersebut. Oleh itu, kajian ini akan
memperkenalkan satu model terapi psikospiritual dalam rawatan pemulihan
kebergantungan terhadap opiat.
Model terapi psikospiritual yang akan dibincangkan dalam tulisan ini merupakan
salah satu unit dalam modul yang dibina oleh kumpulan penyelidik dengan kerjasama
Kementerian Kesihatan Malaysia (KKM). Model ini membincangkan lima elemen
utama terapi iaitu terapi taubat, sabar, syukur, khauf dan raja’. Model ini bertujuan
untuk memastikan rawatan penagihan opiat yang menyeluruh diberikan dan
penekanan pemulihan menumpukan aspek psikososial dan spiritual kepada klien
Al-Qur’an menjelaskan bahawa manusia dicipta dalam keadaan keluh kesah.
Akibat keluh kesah itulah banyak berlakunya perlakuan salah dan tidak bermoral
termasuklah penagihan dadah (Yuseri, Sapora & Marina, 2007). Lalu rawatan kepada
keluh kesah itu dijelaskan sendiri oleh Allah SWT sebagai kemudahan bagi manusia
untuk mengikutinya melalui firmanNya dalam surah al-Ma’arij ayat 19-35,
“Sesungguhnya manusia dicipta bersifat keluh kesah lagi kikir.
Apabila ia ditimpa kesusahan ia berkeluh kesah. Dan apabila
mendapat kebaikan ia amat kikir, kecuali orang yang mengerjakan
solat, yang mereka itu tetap mengerjakan solatnya, dan orang-orang
178 Centre of Quranic Research (CQR)
Qur’anic Research: Interaction of Knowledge, Science, and Civilization
Said Hawwa menjelaskan bahawa sifat keluh kesah ini (yang utamanya
terlalu resah ketika musibah, dan tidak bersyukur ketika dapat nikmat) tidak dapat
diatasi oleh manusia melainkan apabila terhimpun padanya sifat-sifat berikut: solat,
infaq, membenarkan hari akhirat, rasa gerun dengan azab Allah, memelihara
kemaluan, dan memberikan kesaksian dengan penuh kebenaran dan keadilan (Said
Hawwa, 1999). Sesiapa yang memiliki padanya sifat-sifat ini, hatinya akan terlepas
daripada penyakit dan sihat rohaninya. Apabila seseorang benar-benar mencapai sifat-
sifat ini, maka secara automatik sifat keluh kesah akan hilang daripadanya.
Allah SWT sebagaimana yang telah dijelaskan oleh Allah SWT di dalam al-Qur’an.
Menurut Taharem, bentuk pemulihan rohani adalah cara terbaik untuk menangani
masalah penagihan dadah. Kaedah pemulihan dadah berasaskan Islam yang
menggunakan kaedah zikir dan doa memberi kesan positif dalam pemulihan yang
berterusan (Mohamed, et. al., 1998).
Oleh itu, dalam kajian ini, terapi psikospiritual dibangunkan dalam usaha
untuk memberi rawatan berterusan secara holistik terhadap masalah penagih dadah
yang mengikuti program TGM. Kajian ini akan memfokuskan terapi psikospiritual
yang menekankan aspek psiko-spiritual yang akan digunakan dalam rawatan penagih
dadah dalam usaha untuk meningkatkan tahap pengekalan dan mencegah penagih
daripada kembali kepada dadah.
Terapi psikospiritual terdiri daripada lima aspek utama iaitu taubat, sabar, syukur,
khauf dan raja’(Al- Ghazali, 1989) . Lima aspek utama tersebut secara ringkasnya
adalah yang pertama, terapi taubat yang merupakan teras penyucian qalbu yang
menjadi kunci membina sifat ingin kembali kepada hakikat kebenaran dan
meninggalkan sifat yang negatif. Taubat atau dalam Bahasa Arabnya disebut ت َ ْوبَة
(taubah) berasal dari perkataan ب ََ ( ت َ َوtawaba) yang dari segi bahasa bermaksud
kembali (Idris, 2013). Seseorang itu dikatakan تاب ََ (taaba – telah bertaubat) sekiranya
dia telah kembali dari melakukan dosa atau telah meninggalkan dosa itu. Terdapat
beberapa perintah bertaubat yang disebutkan dalam nas-nas Al-Qur’an dan juga al-
Sunnah. Antaranya firman Allah SWT:
Dalam model ini, terapi taubat diterapkan dengan menunjukkan simulasi bagaimana
hati menjadi kotor akibat kesalahan. Simulasi pertama dengan meletakkan satu titik
dakwat hitam dimasukkan ke dalam segelas air sebagai analogi kesalahan yang
dilakukan dan kesannya terhadap hati seseorang. Manakala simulasi kedua dengan
melukis gambar berbentuk hati yang besar pada papan putih. Klien diminta melukis
imej salah laku yang tergambar dalam fikiran mereka di dalam lukisan hati tersebut
dan memadam imej yang dilukis dengan melempar pemadam papan putih dari jarak 2
meter. Ini menunjukkan peranan hati sanubari dalam kehidupan seharian. Dosa akan
menyebabkan hati sanubari menjadi hitam. Taubat dapat mensucikan dosa yang
Terapi kedua adalah sabar iaitu membina kekuatan dalaman sebagai usaha
menghadapi cabaran dan dugaan dalam kehidupan klien. Umat Islam amat disarankan
untuk bersabar dengan segala bentuk ujian yang dihadapinya. Firman Allah:
َّ َولَن َۡبلُ َونَّ ُك ۡم َحتَّى نَعۡ لَ َم ۡٱل ُم َجـ ِهُِي َن ِمنكُ ۡم َوٱل
َ َصـ ِب ِرينَ َون َۡبلُ َواْ أ َ ۡخب
ار ُك ۡم
Dan demi sesungguhnya! Kami tetap menguji kamu (wahai orang-
orang yang mengaku beriman) sehingga ternyata pengetahuan Kami
tentang adanya orang-orang yang berjuang dari kalangan kamu dan
orang-orang yang sabar (dalam menjalankan perintah Kami); dan
(sehingga) Kami dapat mengesahkan (benar atau tidaknya) berita-
berita tentang keadaan kamu.
(Surah Muhammad 47: 31)
Al-Makki menjelaskan pengertian sabr (sabar) sebagai menahan diri daripada hawa
nafsu serta menekan diri agar tekun dalam beramal (Sharifah Basirah & Che Zarrina,
2015). Kesungguhan seseorang hamba dalam menahan diri daripada hawa nafsu dan
menghadapi ujian akan menumbuhkan ketaatan kepada Allah SWT, disamping
bersabar dalam membaiki akhlak buruk kepada akhlak mulia dalam pergaulan dan
kelakuan (Al-Makki, 1997).
diperlukan dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. Apabila sifat sabar dapat diterapkan, maka
kehidupan yang sukar dapat dihadapi dengan tenang. Sifat sabar memerlukan latihan
dan ia akan terbina seiringan dengan kebiasaan diri menghadapi ujian dan cabaran
dalam kehidupan.
Ketiga, terapi syukur di mana memupuk sifat berterima kasih dengan apa
yang dimiliki dalam kehidupan. Menurut al-Makki, shukr (syukur) dari sudut bahasa
adalah dengan “memperlihatkan” atau “menzahirkan” nikmat kurniaan Allah SWT.
Hamba yang bersyukur menzahirkan syukurnya itu dengan menceritakan atau
menunjukkan akan nikmat Allah SWT dengan lisannya sehingga jelas kelihatan
nikmat tersebut (Al-Makki, 1997). Dalil saranan bersyukur sebagaimana firman Allah
ٌ۬ ُش
ُِي َ َعذَا ِبى ل َ ڪ ۡرت ُ ۡم َۡل َ ِزيَُنَّكُ ۡم َولَ ِٕٮن
َ َفَ ۡرت ُ ۡم ِإ َّن َ َو ِإ ۡذ ت َأَذَّنَ َربُّكُ ۡم لَ ِٕٮن
َ ش
“Dan (ingatlah) ketika Tuhan kamu memberitahu: "Demi
sesungguhnya! Jika kamu bersyukur nescaya Aku akan tambahi
nikmatKu kepada kamu, dan demi sesungguhnya, jika kamu kufur
ingkar sesungguhnya azabKu amatlah keras.”
(Surah Ibrahim 14: 7)
Klien akan diberikan satu kertas amanah pada akhir sesi terapi sabar dan diminta
untuk menjaganya sehingga akhir sesi terapi syukur. Ibaratnya, Allah telah
menganugerahkan hidup dan nyawa yang perlu dijaga berlandaskan kepada syariat
dan hukum Allah SWT. Tetapi, ramai manusia yang telah menyalahkan prinsip
tersebut, malah telah melupakan tujuan asal hidup. Kerosakan dilakukan kepada diri
sendiri ibarat tidak bersyukur dengan peluang hidup yang telah diberikan oleh Allah
SWT. Seharusnya, peluang hidup yang diberikan Allah perlulah digunakan dengan
sebaik mungkin.
Seterusnya terapi khauf iaitu memupuk sifat sentiasa bimbang terhadap aspek
negatif yang mungkin melanda diri klien dan jika tidak menghindar diri daripada
terjerumus ke dalamnya. Simulasi yang digunakan dalam model ini adalah keranda
keinsafan. Klien diminta masuk dan baring di dalam keranda yang dilengkapi kain
kapan dan bau-bauan berkaitan (kapur barus, air mawar) dalam tempoh 10 minit
sambil diiringi dengan bacaan surah Yasin. Kesimpulan daripada aktiviti adalah dapat
menghubungkan perasaan takut dengan mengenali kekuasaan dan sifat Allah SWT.
Dengan berilmu dan betul-betul mengenali Allah SWT, akan terzahirnya perasaan
takut kepada Allah SWT.
Manakala terapi kelima iaitu terapi terakhir adalah terapi raja’ yang menanam
sifat sentiasa optimis yang sepenuhnya daripada Penciptanya dengan memandang
kepada pelbagai sifat kemuliaan Pencipta. Al-Makki mentakrifkan raja’ (harapan)
sebagai suatu istilah yang menunjukkan kuatnya keinginan seseorang terhadap
sesuatu apabila meminta permohonan daripada Allah SWT. Beliau juga menyatakan
bahawa Allah SWT telah menggunakan istilah َ( الطمtamak) kepada raja’ yang
menunjukkan satu kesungguhan dan keinginan yang kuat terhadap sesuatu perkara
(Al-Makki, 1997). Hal ini berdasarkan firman Allah SWT:
Dalam model terapi psikospiritual ini, penyelidik akan mengikat benang, tali rafia,
tali halus, tali sederhana dan tali kasar pada palang sebagai simulasi. Klien diminta
memanjat benang dan bergantung padanya. Diikuti dengan memanjat tali rafia, tali
halus, tali sederhana dan tali kasar. Klien diminta memberi respon daripada aktiviti
tersebut. Penyelidik merumuskan bahawa klien perlu menggantungkan pengharapan
kepada Allah bahawasanya Allah akan membantu mereka untuk sembuh
Adalah diharapkan terapi psikospiritual yang akan diberikan kepada klien mampu
meningkatkan tahap pengekalan klien dalam TGM dan seterusnya mencegah penagih
daripada kembali kepada penagihan opiat/dadah. Satu kajian lapangan menggunakan
model ini akan dijalankan menggunakan modul yang dibina dengan kerjasama
Kementerian Kesihatan Malaysia. Al-Qur’an adalah sebaik-baik penawar dalam
segala jenis penyakit termasuklah penagihan dadah. Penagihan adalah suatu penyakit
dan perlu dirawat. Rawatan yang paling berkesan adalah rawatan dari akar umbinya
sendiri iaitu rawatan secara kerohanian dan dalaman seseorang.
2. Al-Makki, Abu Talib. (1997). Qut al-Qulub. Jilid 1. Beirut: Dar al-Kitab al-
Qur’anic Research: Interaction of Knowledge, Science, and Civilization
4. Idris, S. (2013). Taubat menurut al-Qur’an dan sunnah. Diakses pada 31 Mei,
2016, dari
6. Kamus Dewan. (2005). Ed. Ke-4. Kuala Lumpur: Dewan Bahasa dan
7. Lua, P. L. & Nor Samira T. (2012). Terapi gantian metadon untuk penagihan
dadah. Kuala Terengganu: Penerbit Universiti Sultan Zainal Abidin.
8. Mohamed, M. N., Che Din, S. & Ishak, I. (1998). Keberkesanan rawatan dan
pemulihan penagihan dadah. Modaliti Kerohanian dan Tradisional di
Malaysia. Sintok: Universiti Utara Malaysia.
10. Mohmood Nazar, M., Ismail, I., Noor Azniza, I. & Muhamad Dzahir, K.
(2005). Program pemulihan luar institusi untuk penagih dadah. Monograf
Sintok: Penerbit Universiti Utara Malaysia.
11. Nasir, M., Rusli, I., Ahmad Zubaidi, A. L., Mahadzirah, M. & Mohd
Ekhwan, T. (2014). Terapi penggantian metadon: Penderitaan
kebergantungan opiat yang boleh diubati. Kuala Terengganu: Penerbit
Universiti Sultan Zainal Abidin.
13. Sabir, A. G. & Fadzli, A. (2014). Pemulihan dadah menurut perspektif agama
di Malaysia (Drugs Abuse and Rehabilitation in Religion in Malaysia). Jurnal
Hadhari, Jabatan Kemajuan Islam Malaysia. Bangi: Penerbit UKM Press.
15. Sharifah Basirah, S. M. & Che Zarrina, S. (2015). Kaedah psikoterapi Islam
berasaskan konsep maqamat Abu Talib Al-Makki. Kuala Lumpur: Dewan
Bahasa dan Pustaka.
16. Taib, A. G. (2005). Joint war against drugs. Kuala Lumpur: Delmu (M) Sdn.
17. United Nation Office on Drug and Crime (UNODC). (2008). World drug
report. Vienna, Austria: United Nations Publications. Diakses pada 27
Januari, 2016, dari
res.pdfRetrieved from:
18. United Nation Office on Drug and Crime (UNODC). (2010). World drug
report. Vienna, Austria: United Nations Publications. Diakses pada 27
Januari, 2016, dari
19. Yuseri, A., Sapora, S. & Marina, M. A. M. (2007). Peranan kerohanian dalam
menangani gejala dadah. Jurnal Antidadah Malaysia.
Qur’anic Research: Interaction of Knowledge, Science, and Civilization
Akademi Pegajian Islam, Universiti Malaya.
Centre of Quranic Research, Universiti Malaya.
Institut Sains Biologi, Universiti Malaya. Emel: [email protected].
Qur’anic Research: Interaction of Knowledge, Science, and Civilization
antara satu sama lain (Jas Laile Suzana, 2016). Bagi individu autisme yang
mempunyai gangguan perkembangan neuro (neurodevelopmental disorder),
perkembangan mereka boleh terganggu seawal usia 2 tahun (Charman, 2002).
Implikasi gangguan tersebut adalah mereka mengalami masalah dari segi interaksi
sosial, komunikasi dan corak tingkah laku yang terhad/ berulang (American
Psychiatric Association, 2013).
Matlamat utama dalam pendidikan adalah melahirkan individu yang berilmu dan
memperoleh pengetahuan yang bersesuaian pada peringkat umur individu. Namun
begitu, masalah akan timbul apabila individu tidak dapat mencapai tahap kematangan
mental/ kognitif serta keseimbangan emosi dan penguasaan bahasa.
menguji kebolehan guru mengawal tingkah laku dan emosi pelajar. Mempunyai
karakter yang pelbagai, keupayaan pelajar dengan autisme untuk menerima input
yang disampaikan juga sering dipengaruhi oleh tingkah laku mereka.
Namun begitu, kesedaran orang ramai terutamanya ibu bapa dan pihak-pihak
bertanggungjawab dalam memastikan individu dengan autisme tidak ketinggalan
dalam melalui kehidupan seperti manusia lain bermakna pendidikan al-Quran turut
diperkenalkan kepada mereka. Hal ini diperkuatkan lagi oleh gesaan mempelajari
kalam suci al-Quran untuk melengkapkan ibadah fardhu, seperti membaca surah al-
Fatihah dalam solat:
Abū ‘Abd Allāh Muḥammad ibn Ismā‘īl ibn Ibrāhīm ibn al-Mughīrah ibn Bardizbah al-Ju‘fī
al-Bukhārī, Sahih al-Bukhari, Jilid 1 (Qaherah: Al-Tawfikiya Bookshop, 2008), 181. Kitab
Azan, Bab Wajibnya membaca surah Fatihah bagi Imam dan makmun dalam solat, no. Hadis
Qur’anic Research: Interaction of Knowledge, Science, and Civilization
skrip; (a) Fatihah tidak tersusun (BACAAN5) dan (b) Fatihah tidak lengkap
(BACAAN6) (rujuk Rajah 1).
Rajah 1 (kiri) Fatihah tidak tersusun, (kanan) Fatihah tidak lengkap digunakan untuk
menguji kebolehan pelajar membaca sebenar (actual reading)
Setiap sesi ujian dilakukan secara satu guru-satu pelajar. Penyelidik akan
memastikan pelajar dalam keadaan yang stabil pada permulaan setiap sesi
Qur’anic Research: Interaction of Knowledge, Science, and Civilization
perjumpaan dengan membaca doa mula belajar, dan sesi interaksi seperti bertanyakan
keadaan dan apa yang telah dilakukan oleh pelajar sebelum itu.
Perakam video diletak di atas meja dan aktiviti pelajar direkod dari awal sesi
perjumpaan. Skrip bacaan hanya diletakkan di hadapan pelajar apabila pelajar
menunjukkan kesediaan untuk memulakan aktiviti bersama penyelidik. Penyelidik
mengarahkan pelajar supaya membaca skrip yang diberikan dengan kuat dan nyaring
(oral reading).
Umur dan butiran setiap pelajar diperoleh daripada data pelajar yang disimpan oleh
pihak AFI (Rajah 2). Kesemua pelajar autisme berfungsi tinggi yang terlibat berada
di dalam satu kelas dan merupakan pelajar-pelajar di peringkat kelas tertinggi di AFI.
Penentuan kelas mereka ditentukan berdasarkan tahap kemahiran membaca al-Quran
dan kemampuan berkomunikasi.
Umur 20 12 29 13 11
Kebanyakan pelajar autisme yang terlibat mempunyai tahap tolerasi yang baik dengan
penyelidik dan tidak menunjukkan masalah sosial yang teruk seperti kecenderungan
mencederakan diri, tantrum atau merosakkan harta intelek yang berada di dalam bilik
bacaan. Hal ini mungkin diakibatkan faktor umur kebanyakan pelajar yang terlibat,
iaitu sudah berada pada peringkat awal remaja dan pada fasa 4, operasi formal yang
diperkenalkan oleh Piaget; kemampuan kanak-kanak memahami logik individu
dewasa dan mampu mencapai aras kefahaman abtsrak dan gagasan hipotetikal
(Kelcourse, 2015).
Namun, dua orang pelajar masih menunjukkan ciri-ciri hiperaktif seperti tiba-
tiba bangun untuk mencapai objek yang berada dalam bilik bacaan atau melompat
secara mengejut. Tindakan ini kadang-kadang mengakibatkan tempoh ujian
terganggu dan masa perlu diambil untuk menenteramkan kembali pelajar berkenaan.
Teknik mengawal suasana perlu dilaksanakan supaya keadaan pelajar tidak
bertambah buruk dan mengganggu sesi ujian (Flood, 2002).
(a) Penggera verbal (Verbal prompt) melibatkan arahan daripada penyelidik secara
verbal, seperti membacakan kalimah awal apabila pelajar kelihatan hilang fokus
atau kurang memahami arahan (Jadual 1).
Jadual 1: Contoh tindakan penggera verbal yang digunakan sewaktu ujian bacaan
Subjek Transkripsi
Jadual 2: Contoh tindakan penggera tingkah laku yang digunakan sewaktu ujian
Subjek Transkripsi
Penyelidik: Tengok kat sini
(penyelidik mengetuk jari di skrip bacaan dan mengarah jari kepada skrip)
R003: Bismillahirrahmanirrahim.. alhamdulillahirabbilalamin
R004 Penyelidik: OK.. lagi. Aaa… ini last.. tunjuk tunjuk tunjuk.
(penyelidik mengetuk-ngetuk jari pada set bacaan)
Qur’anic Research: Interaction of Knowledge, Science, and Civilization
1.6 Skor Bacaan Surah Fatihah yang Diubahsuai oleh Pelajar Autisme
Berfungsi Tinggi
Keputusan bacaan surah Fatihah yang diubah (1) dalam keadaan tidak tersusun dan
(2) tidak lengkap di tunjukkan dalam Rajah 3 dan Rajah 4.
Rajah 3 Graf bilangan bacaan ayat yang betul dari skrip Fatihah tidak tersusun
Rajah 4 Graf bilangan bacaan ayat yang betul dari skrip Fatihah tidak lengkap
Jadual 3 Analisis tema tingkah laku pelajar yang diekstrak daripada perisian NVivo
Agresif Berhalusinasi Ekolalia Manipulasi Kurang memahami
R001 9 8 1 6 1
R002 3 0 0 1 2
R003 0 0 1 0 0
R004 8 0 0 0 3
R005 3 1 0 4 1
Qur’anic Research: Interaction of Knowledge, Science, and Civilization
Keputusan kajian menunjukkan beberapa masalah berkait emosi dan tingkah-laku
pelajar dengan autisme boleh menjejaskan prestasi bacaan. Antara kelakuan individu
autisme yang sering ditonjolkan sewaktu ujian direkodkan melibatkan masalah dalam
komunikasi dan interaksi sosial. Justeru, bagi ujian bacaan pelajar autism berfungsi
tinggi, faktor tingkah laku pelajar menjejaskan keputusan bacaan dan ini
menyukarkan pendidik dalam membuat penilaian terhadap mereka. Penilaian yang
tidak tepat boleh mengakibatkan tindak-tanduk susulan yang tidak tepat juga. Oleh itu
pendidik mesti mengambil pendekatan berhati-hati dalam membuat penilaian serta
mengulang sesi penilaian untuk mendapatkan cerapan yang tepat.
Sekalung penghargaan kepada pelajar-pelajar autisme yang terlibat serta ibu bapa dan
pengurusan AFI. Ribuan terima kasih juga kepada pihak Universiti Malaya yang
memberikan sumbangan dana bagi kajian dijalankan: University of Malaya
Postgraduate Research Grant (PPP) (PG062-2012B), University of Malaya Research
Grant (RG272-14AFR) dan High Impact Research Grant (J-11001-73869)
6. Charman, T., & Baird, G. (2002). Practitioner review: Diagnosis of autism
spectrum disorder in 2‐ and 3‐ year‐ old children. Journal of Child
Psychology and Psychiatry, 43(3), 289-305.
7. Flood, W. A., Wilder, D. A., Flood, A. L., & Masuda, A. (2002). Peer-
mediated reinforcement plus prompting as treatment for off-task behavior in
children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. Journal of Applied
Behavior Analysis, 35(2), 199-204.
8. Happé, F. G. (1994). An advanced test of theory of mind: Understanding of
story characters' thoughts and feelings by able autistic, mentally handicapped,
and normal children and adults. Journal of autism and Developmental
disorders, 24(2), 129-154.
9. Happé, F. G. (1995). The role of age and verbal ability in the theory of mind
task performance of subjects with autism. Child development, 66(3), 843-855.
10. Hollander E., Kolevzon A., & Coyle, J. T. (Eds). (2011). Textbook of autism
spectrum disorders. USA: Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data.
11. Horner, R. H., Diemer, S. M., & Brazeau, K. C. (1992). Educational support
for students with severe problem behaviors in Oregon: A descriptive analysis
from the 1987-88 school year. Journal of the Association for Persons with
Severe Handicaps, 17, 154–169.
12. Jas Laile Suzana Jaafar. (2016). Psikologi kanak-kanak dan remaja. Kuala
Lumpur: Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka.
13. Johnny L. Matson (Ed). (2009). Applied behavior analysis for children with
autism spectrum disorders. London: Library of Congress Control Number.
14. Kamarulzaman Kamaruddin. (2014). Psikologi perkembangan: panduan untuk
guru. Perak: Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris.
15. Kelcourse (Ed). (2015). Human development and Faith: Life cycle stage of
body, mind and soul. . USA: Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication
16. Khowaja, K., & Salim, S. S. (2013). A systematic review of strategies and
computer-based intervention (CBI) for reading comprehension of children with
autism. Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders, 7(9), 1111-1121.
17. Mayrani, E. D., & Hartati, E. (2013). Intervensi terapi audio dengan murottal
surah ar-Rahman terhadap perilaku anak autis. Jurnal Keperawatan
Soedirman, 8(2).
18. Mazurek, M. O., Kanne, S. M., & Wodka, E. L. (2013). Physical aggression in
children and adolescents with autism spectrum disorders. Research in Autism
Spectrum Disorders, 7(3), 455-465.
19. Mc-Mahon Colaman, Kimberley & Draisma, Kim. (2016). Teaching university
students with autism spectrum disorder: a guide to developing academic
capacity and proficiency. London: Jessica Kingsley Publishers.
20. Mielke, J., Nielsen, K., & Magloughlin, L. V. (2013, June). Phonetic imitation
by individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorders: Investigating the role of
procedural and declarative memory. Dalam Proceedings of Meetings on
Acoustics (Vol. 19, No. 1, p. 060142). Acoustical Society of America.
21. Nation, K., Clarke, P., Wright, B., & Williams, C. (2006). Patterns of reading
ability in children with autism spectrum disorder. Journal of Autism and
Developmental Disorders, 36(7), 911-919.
22. Nazeer, A., & Ghaziuddin, M. (2012). Autism spectrum disorders: clinical
features and diagnosis. Pediatric Clinics of North America, 59(1), 19-25.
Qur’anic Research: Interaction of Knowledge, Science, and Civilization
Chapter 4:
Muhammed Ali`2s English translation of the holy was the first English translation by
a Muslim to be available generally, and the first Muslim translation published in the
west in 1917.
Among those Quran translations which found Saudi favor and therefore wide
distribution was the Abdullah Yusuf Ali 3(1872-1952) rendition that, from its first
appearance in 1934 until very recently, was the most popular English version among
Qur’anic Research: Interaction of Knowledge, Science, and Civilization
the Muslims. While there not an Islamic scholar in any formed sense, Yusuf Ali is an
Indian servant.
Those we can see Muhammed Ali`s translation nota wide, he also discussing
the Arabic words into simple English for interest to well as many jurisprudence
and Christiane came to Islam by his influence, actually the paper analysis a small
arena of the translators’ opinion in the translation of holy Quran into another
languages by Muhammed Pickthall, thaqi al-Dinal- Hilali, Muhsin khan, Ahammed
The holy Quran employs many stylistic, linguistic and rhetorical features that result in
an effective and sublime style. This use of linguistic and rhetorical features
challenges the translators of holy Quran, especially we can see so many changes
between both translations such literary devices metaphor, assonance, epithet, irony,
repetition, polysemy, metonymy, simile, synonymy and homonymy.
In 1917, an Ahmadi scholar, Muhammad Ali4 (1875-1951), who later would become
the leader of the Lahori subgroup, published his translation. He constantly updated his
work and had published four revisions by his death in 1951. Contemporary reviewers
praised Muhammad 'Ali both for his excellent English and explanatory notes.
Importantly, the Muhammad 'Ali translation became the version adopted by the
Nation of Islam, both under the stewardship of Elijah Muhammad and current leader
Louis Farrakhan.
Muhammad 'Ali's biases show through, however. Consistent with his Lahori-
Ahmadi creed, Muhammad 'Ali sought to eschew any reference to miracles. He
sometimes departed from a faithful rendering of the original Arabic, as in the second
chapter in which the Qur'an replicates the Biblical story of Moses striking the rock for
water, and states "idrib bi asaka al-hajr," literally, "strike the rock with your staff."
Muhammad 'Ali, however, changed the text to "March on to the rock with your staff,"
an interpretation for which the Arabic construction does not allow.
Both Muhammad 'Ali's disbelief in the miraculous and his disdain for
Judaism and Christianity undercut his work in other ways. The Qur'an makes frequent
mention of jinn (spirits), from which the English word "genie" is imitative.
Muhammad 'Ali, curiously, argues that the Qur'an equates jinn with Jews and
Christians. While the Qur'an supports the story of Jesus' virgin birth, Muhammad 'Ali
denies it, providing a footnote to deny that the Qur'an was referring to anything
It was published seven editions in England. The First Edition was in 19165.
He didn’t believe that Allah raised Jesus Christ up unto Himself but he
believed he (Jesus Christ) died. He did so although he claimed that his translation
didn’t contradict scholars’ views or the unanimously agreed opinions by the
Among those Qur'an translations which found Saudi favor and, therefore, wide
distribution was the Abdullah Yusuf 'Ali 6(1872-1952) interpretation that, from its
first appearance in 1934 until very recently, was the most popular English version
among Muslims. While not an Islamic scholar in any formal sense, Abdullah Yusuf
'Ali, an Indian civil servant, had studied classics at Cambridge University, graduated
as a lawyer from Lincoln's Inn in London, and was gifted with an expressive, bright
writing style. He sought to convey the music and richness of the Arabic with poetic
English versification. While his rendering of the text is not bad, there are serious
problems in his copious footnotes; in many cases, he reproduces the exegetical
material from medieval texts without making any effort at contextualization. Writing
at a time both of growing Arab animosity toward Zionism and in a environment that
condoned anti-Semitism, Abdullah Yusuf 'Ali constructed his work as a polemic
against Jews.
Several Muslim scholars have built upon the Yusuf 'Ali translation. In 1989,
Saudi Arabia's Ar-Rajhi banking company financed the U.S.-based Amana
Corporation's project to revise the translation to reflect an interpretation more in
conjunction with the line of Islamic thought followed in Saudi Arabia. Ar-Rahji
offered the resulting version for free to mosques, schools, and libraries throughout the
world. The footnoted commentary about Jews remained so egregious that, in April
2002, the Los Angeles school district banned its use at local schools. While the Yusuf
'Ali translation still remains in publication, it has lost influence because of its dated
language and the appearance of more recent works whose publication and distribution
the Saudi government has also sought to subsidize.
Many of the Islamic institutions published it because of its beautiful style and
many comments and footnotes. No doubt that the beautiful style or many comments
of a book don’t necessitate the authenticity or correctness of that book. Yusuf Ali
described the last two parts of the Quran as poetry. He also followed in his translation
the explanatory symbolic methodology and philosophical mental attitude, which
diverted him and the readers away from the real understanding of the Quran. As a
result of that, there is no doubt that this translation eliminates the Islamic belief.
He have more opinion on the translating Quran, something is said here that
researcher found five major concepts of his.
1. Arabic words in the text have acquired other meaning than those which were
understood by the apostle and his companions. 7
2. Even since the early commentators wrote the Arabic languages has further
developed and later commentators often abandon the interpretations of earlier
commenters without sufficient reason.
5. God`s purpose is eternal, and his plan is perfect but men`s intelligence is
limited at its very best.
Pickthall8 was aware of the problems of the Christian missionaries' translations and
sought to remedy the defects since "some of the translations include commendation
offensive to Muslims, and almost all employ a style of language which Muslims at
once recognize as unworthy." He first endorsed the position of Muslim scholars that
the Qur'an was untranslatable but maintained that the general meaning of the text
could still be conveyed to English speakers. Aware that heavily annotated works
detracted from focus on the actual text, Pickthall provided few explanatory notes and
tried to let the text speak for itself.
The Hilali and Muhsin Khan translation reads more like a supremacist Muslim, anti-
Semitic, anti-Christian polemic than a rendition of the Islamic scripture. In the
first sura, for example, verses which are universally accepted as, "Guide us to the
straight path, the path of those whom You have favored, not of those who have
incurred Your wrath, nor of those who have gone astray" become, "Guide us to the
Straight Way, the way of those on whom You have bestowed Your Grace, not (the
way) of those who have earned Your anger (such as the Jews), nor of those who went
astray (such as the Christians)." What is particularly egregious about this
interpolation is that it is followed by an extremely long footnote to justify its hate
based on traditions from medieval texts.
Other translations have bucked the Saudi orthodoxy. Ahmad 'Ali, noted
Pakistani poet and diplomat, has put aside the sometimes archaic prose of Yusuf 'Ali
and Marmaduke Pickthall in order to present the Qur'an in contemporary English.
While 'Ali writes that he seeks to present "a translation, not an interpretation,
theological or otherwise," he, like Muhammad 'Ali, seeks to downplay any report that
may seem far-fetched, and in so doing, denies certain Biblical, Midrashic, and
Talmudic antecedents. In dealing, for example, with the Qur'anic version of Moses's
anger at the Jews for worshipping the golden calf, he translates the 'aqtulu
anfusakum as "kill your pride" rather than the literal "kill yourselves" which is how it
also appears in Exodus 32:27. The Qur'anic retelling and reliance on the Biblical
narrative to demonstratIt’s the best translation of
The Quran, particularly from the aspect of correct translation of the terms
concerned about the Islamic Belief. In addition, it uses the contemporary English
language. To achieve this work, the two translators depended on tafaseer of at Tabari,
al- Qurtubi and Ibn Katheer in addition to Sahih al- Bukhaari (Hadeeth book). This
translation indeed replaced the famous translation of Yusuf Ali.e the seriousness of
idol worship is thus lost. It’s the best translation of the Quran, particularly from the
aspect of correct translation of the terms concerned about the Islamic Belief. In
addition, it uses the contemporary English language. To achieve this work, the two
translators depended on tafaseer 9 of at-Tabari, al- Qurtubi and Ibn Katheer in
9Tafseer: A book authored by a Muslim scholar to e7plain the Quran e.g. Tafseer at-Tabari, Tafseer Ibn
Katheer, Tafseer al-Qurtubi and others.
204 Centre of Quranic Research (CQR)
Qur’anic Research: Interaction of Knowledge, Science, and Civilization
addition to Sahih al- Bukhaari (Hadeeth book). This translation indeed replaced the
famous translation of Yusuf Ali..
'Ali also seeks to downplay Christian parallels within the Qur'an. He translates Jesus's
speech in 3:49 as, "I will fashion the state of destiny out of mire for you, and breathe
(a new spirit) into it, and (you) will rise by the will of God." The literal translation is,
"I will fashion from you, from clay, the likeness of a bird, and will breathe unto it;
and by God's will it will fly." 'Ali's footnote does not acknowledge that the Qur'anic
view parallels the Gospel of Thomas. These departures from the literal portrayal of
events from the Hebrew Bible and New Testament are important because they might
lead lay readers to miss the Qur'anic imperative to seek the history of the prophets
from the earlier scriptures. The influence of its flaws may be short-lived, though.
Despite its accessibility to non-Muslim and academic readers due to its recent
Princeton University Press publication, many Muslim scholars have criticized the
translation because of the liberties it takes with the text. Future editions are unlikely.
Even for native Arabic speakers, the Qur'an is a difficult document. Its archaic
language and verse structure are difficult hurdles to cross. Translation only
accentuates the complexity. The fact that translators and theologians have, over time,
lost much of the Judeo-Christian cultural references rife in the Qur'an is just one more
Qur’anic Research: Interaction of Knowledge, Science, and Civilization
enlightenment. Perhaps this is the reason why, for most academics, the translation of
choice still seems to be that of Arthur Arberry.
Muhammed Ali and Yusuf Ali both translations are acceptable ion the world,
especially Muhammed Ali translation is a good reference for Judeo-Christian his
translation is much influenced among the people and the Yusuf Ali`s translation is on
a good structure as well as so many Judeo-Christian came by his Quran translation.
3. al-nadwi, u. d. (n.d.).
In dealing with Margoliouth’s discourse on the sources of the Qur’Én, the researchers
have discovered that he mentioned his sources on some claims, while on others he
kept mute. However, the views which he declined to tell his sources have been given
1Department of UsËl al-DÊn and Comparative Religion, International Islamic University Malaysia.
email : [email protected]
Qur’anic Research: Interaction of Knowledge, Science, and Civilization
assumed references which are usually used by orientalists on the same assertions.
Those assumed sources, as we may call them, and the cited ones have been traced
back to their original places in order to discover their accuracy or otherwise. In
addition to that, the grades (weakness or authenticity) of traditions which were used
by Margoliouth have also been investigated. In order to make Margoliouth’s point
clear, assumptions which might have been the reason for his reliance on some
particular narrations have also been suggested. To finally assess or evaluate those
views, the researchers, to some extent, have passed judgement based on accuracy or
inaccuracy of Margoliouth’s evidence and assertions.
Avenues Through Which The Prophet (P.B.U.H) Might Have Come Into
Contact With Judeo-Christian Traditions
Although Margoliouth claimed that “there is no evidence that any parts of the
Christian Bible had been translated into the dialect of Quraysh or those Arabic
dialects of which we have monuments in pre-Islamic inscriptions”, 2 he appeared to
contradict this claim. In his book Mohammed and the Rise of Islam, he openly argued
that the Prophet (p.b.u.h) used the translated version of the Bible in his composition
of the Qur’Én.3 He further contended that Waraqah ibn Nawfal, one of the Meccan
inquirers who also had much to do with the beginnings of Islam, was credited with
the translation of the Bible into Arabic language. It was through that translated
version of the Bible that MuÍammad came into contact with the Bible and
subsequently used it in his composition of the Qur’Én.4
208 Centre of Quranic Research (CQR)
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Margoliouth’s Evidence
Although Margoliouth declined to provide any evidence to support this assertion, it
may be assumed that he was referring to some traditions recorded in ØaÍÊÍ al-
BukhÉrÊ, in which ÑÓishah, while giving an account on Prophet’s first experience
with revelation, said, “…Then (KhadÊjah) took him to Waraqah ibn Nawfal. He
(Waraqah) was a man who converted to Christianity (and therefore) used to read
Gospel in Arabic…”5 In another narration she said, “…He (Waraqah) was a man who
converted to Christianity during the pre-Islamic period. He was able to write the
Arabic writing, and therefore he used to write from Gospel in Arabic what Allah
wished him to write…”6
It may be inferred that Margoliouth held the phrase ‘wakÉna yaktub al-kitÉb al-
ÑarabÊ wa yaktub min al-injÊl bi al-Ñarabiyyah mÉ shÉ AllÉh an yaktub’ to mean
that Waraqah translated the Gospel or portion of it. If waraqah was credited with such
a work according to the Islamic sources, then MuÍammad probably got access to that
work and benefited from it in his composition of the Qur’Én. Hence, his Qur’Én
could not be a divine composition.
Margoliouth’s assertion that the Prophet (p.b.u.h) probably used the translated version
of the Bible which was translated by Waraqah ibn Naufal is unfounded. As may be
inferred, there is no mention of translation in both the traditions above. The phrases
‘yaqra’ al-injÊl bi al-Ñarabiyyah’ meaning (he used to read the Gospel in Arabic)
and ‘yaktub min al-injÊl bi al-Ñarabiyyah mÉ shÉ AllÉh an yaktub’ meaning (he
used to write from the Gospel in Arabic what Allah wished him to write) do not
convey the notion that he translated the Gospel, nor any part of it into Arabic. All
what they convey is that he used to read and write the Gospel or part of it in Arabic.
In other words, what the above traditions refer to is just transcription or conversion of
Gospel’s characters from Hebrew to those of Arabic, or simply transliteration, not
5 MuÍammad ibn IsmÉÑÊl Al-JÉmiÑ al-Musnad al-ØaÍÊÍ al-MukhtaÎar Min UmuËr RasËl AllÉh ØallÉ
AllÉh ÑAlayh Wa sallam Wa Sunanih Wa AyyÉmih. (n. p: DÉr Ùawq al-NajÉh, 1422 A.H), ÍadÊth no.
6 Ibid., ÍadÊth no. 4953, 6982, Muslim, ØaÍÊÍ…, ÍadÊth no. 202.
7 Al-BukhÉrÊ, ØaÍÊÍ…, ÍadÊth no. 3.
Qur’anic Research: Interaction of Knowledge, Science, and Civilization
would be driven out by his people; promising him that if he lived long he would
render him a strong support. Thus, if the Prophet (p.b.u.h) was alleged to have
benefited from Waraqah’s translation of the Bible, how could it be possible for him to
make Waraqah convinced and contented with his vision to the extent that he
compared it with that of Moses? Was Waraqah so ignorant of the Bible to the extent
that he could not recognize MuÍammad’s lies and art of picking up information from
his own translated version of the Bible? If the Prophet (p.b.u.h) had picked up some
biblical information from Waraqah’s translated version of the Bible, why when he
claimed to be a Prophet from God Waraqah did not publicize him as a great liar?
Nonetheless, another great difficulty which Margoliouth left unsolved is his inability
to point out the exact portions and specific amount of biblical information taken by
Prophet MuÍammad (p.b.u.h) from Waraqah. However, the most unfortunate thing
about this theory is that, Waraqah had died shortly after this event in which case only
a few verses of sËrah al-ÑAlaq were revealed. He did not live long to teach the
Prophet (p.b.u.h) anything while the revelation continued to be revealed for a period
of twenty three years.
Paul Wegner also illustrated that, “The Scriptures do not seem to have been
extant in an Arabic version before the time of Muhammad, who knew the gospel
story only in oral form and mainly from Syriac sources”. 12 Moreover, Hans Kung
argued that the Qur’Én also has at least one historical fact behind it. Muslim scholars
argue that MuÍammad was illiterate, he could not read the Bible nor had it been read
to him, and at his time there was no Arabic translation of the Bible. 13
8 The common opinion that the Prophet (p.b.u.h) was illiterate who never knew how to read and write
was confirmed by even some non-Muslim scholars. Margoliouth himself subscribed to this view. See
Margoliouth, Mohammed and the Rise…, 59.
9 Thomas Patrick Hughes, Dictionary of Islam (New Delhi: Adam Publishers & Distributors, Second
Margoliouth further argued that the Prophet (p.b.u.h) might have come into contact
with the Biblical traditions through listening to the address delivered by Quss ibn
SÉ’idah. He argued that Quss, whose name is likely to be traced to the Syrian
mispronounced Kasha “priest”, was held to be the Bishop of NajrÉn. Quss delivered
an address at the ÑUkÉÐ Market in the presence of the Prophet. The address, he
asserted, resembled the early verses of the Qur’Én, and this clearly shows that it
contributed something to the Qur’Én.14
Margoliouth’s Evidence
Margoliouth based his assertion on a tradition which mentions that the Prophet
(p.b.u.h) asked about Quss, and when he was told that he (Quss) had already died, he
then said, “I cannot forget him at the ÑUkÉÐ market, in the Sacred Month, on a red
camel preaching to people…” 15
Margoliouth might have assumed that since the Prophet (p.b.u.h) listened to a
Christian preacher, Quss ibn SÉÑidah al-IyÉdÊ, at the ÑUkÉÐ Market, he might
have benefited from him since his Qur’Én contains some teachings which are parallel
to the address delivered by Quss at the ÑUkÉÐ Market. On this basis, the Qur’Én is
not a truly divine revealed book.
Even though the above tradition seems to be historically famous, but critical analysis
reveals the fact that it is not only weak but fabricated. Therefore, relying on it to
conclude that the Prophet (p.b.u.h) listened to Quss and picked up some information
from him is unsatisfying. Al-AlbanÊ in his Silsilah critically traced the various ways
of this tradition and concluded that it is a fabricated tradition. 16 In his Al-MauÌËÑÉt,
Ibn al-JawzÊ also mentioned the tradition and concluded that “This tradition, from all
its ways, is a fabricated (tradition) and AbË al-FatÍ al-AzdÊ (also) said that “It is a
Qur’anic Research: Interaction of Knowledge, Science, and Civilization
fabricated tradition and has no origin (from the Prophet (p.b.u.h))”. 17 This same
conclusion was made by Ibn ×ajar who said “All the ways of this tradition are
weak”.18 Al-ShawkÉnÊ also mentioned it among the fabricated traditions. 19
From the above discussion it may be clear that, the traditions giving an
account on Quss’ legend are fabricated traditions, and therefore can never stand as
evidence. Moreover, some scholars argued that, despite the famous assertion that the
Prophet (p.b.u.h) saw Quss and even listened to him during the annual fair at ÑUkÉz,
the fact is that, Quss died over a century before the birth of the Prophet (p.b.u.h),20
and therefore, there is not any possibility that he (the Prophet (p.b.u.h)) met him. Can
it therefore be concluded that the legend of Quss was just a fiction and the Prophet
(p.b.u.h) never met him?
17 ÑAbd al-RaÍmÉn ibn ÑAlÊ Ibn al-JawzÊ, Al-MauÌËÑÉt (n. p., 1966), vol. 1, pp. 213-214.
18 AÍmad ibn ÑAlÊ ibn ×ajar, Al-IÎÉbah fÊ TamyÊz al-ØaÍÉbah, (BeyrËt: DÉr al-JÊl, 1st edition, 1312
A.H), vol. 5, p. 552.
19 MuÍammad ibn ÑAlÊ al-ShawkÉnÊ, Al-FawÉid al-MajmËÑah fÊ al-AÍÉdÊth al-MawÌËÑah (BeyrËt:
out that Jabr and YasÉr used to sit together in their trade to read out their sacred book
and meanwhile the Prophet would pass by and listen to them. 24 Another person who
Margoliouth suspected to have contributed to the composition of the Qur’Én was
Øuhayb. He argued that Øuhayb was a Greek and an early follower from Mosul.
From this person, some of the Christian matter in the Qur’Én might have been
learned.25 He pointed out that many people suspected by Meccans to have taught the
Prophet (p.b.u.h) were found in the traditions. He added that even the Qur’Én
disproves such charge, but the reply “is unconvincing” 26 and “the impression which
the Koran (Qur’Én) leaves is that of information picked up casually rather than
acquired by any sort of methodical study”.27
Margoliouth’s Evidence
Margoliouth relied on some historical accounts which give the inference that the
Prophet (p.b.u.h) came into contact with some Christians who had the knowledge of
the Bible, namely Jabr, YasÉr and Suhayb. He referred to a tradition narrated by
ÑUbayd AllÉh ibn Muslim who said, “We had two servants from NajrÉn. One of
them was called YasÉr, and the other Jabr. They used to read their books in their
language, and the Prophet (p.b.u.h) would pass by them and hear their recitation.
(Hence) the polytheists asserted that he was just learning from them”. 28
According to Margoliouth, since the Prophet (p.b.u.h) came into contact with these
pious Christians and even used to listen to what they were reading from their books, it
is possible that he picked up some Biblical information from them and inserted them
in his Qur’Én. Therefore, on this ground, his source of the Qur’Én is not revelation,
but rather the Biblical traditions.
24 Ibid., 106.
25 Ibid., 106.
Ibid., 107.
27 Ibid., 107.
28 Ibn ×ajar al-ÑAsqalÉnÊ, Al-IÎÉbah…, vol. 4, p. 418.
29 MuÍammad ibn JarÊr al-ÙabarÊ, JÉmiÑ al-BayÉn Ñan Ta’wÊl Óy al-Qur’Én. (n. p., Mu’assasah al-
vol. 10, p. 178.
31 ÑIyÉÌ ibn MËsÉ, Al-ShifÉ bi TaÑrÊf HuqËq al-MusÏafÉ. Granada: Madinah Press, 1991), 359.
32 Ibn ×ajar al-ÑAsqalÉnÊ, Al-IÎÉbah…, vol. 4, p. 418.
Qur’anic Research: Interaction of Knowledge, Science, and Civilization
another narration revealed that they were originally from Rome. 33 The phrase ‘kÉnÉ
yaqra‘Éni kutuban34 lahumÉ bi lisÉnihimÉ’ which means “they used to read their
books in their tongue (language35)” which is found in the story, may also confirm this
assertion.36 Therefore, if what they were reading was not in Arabic and the Prophet
(p.b.u.h) could only speak and understand Arabic, how would it be possible for him to
benefit from what they were reading? Hence, unless Margoliouth clarified where and
when the Prophet (p.b.u.h) learned their language, this claim will remain
Moreover, the Muslim datum shows that Jabr denied this charge. He would
say, “I swear by Allah, he instead teaches and guides me” 37 whenever his master beat
and accused him of teaching the Prophet (p.b.u.h). It is, however, surprising that
Margoliouth favoured the opinion of Jabr’s master despite that the accuser was
proven wrong by the accused. Another reality found in the Muslim datum may also
repudiate Margoliouth’s assertion. A tradition informs that when Jabr, a former Jew,
heard the Prophet (p.b.u.h) reciting the Chapter of YËsuf, before the Hijrah, he
recognized the person whom was mentioned (in the Chapter) and therefore became a
Muslim.38 If the Prophet (p.b.u.h), therefore, benefited from what they used to read,
Jabr would have never become convinced of Prophet’s truthfulness and his sincerity
in the revelation he claimed.
33 IsmÉÑÊl ibn KathÊr, TafsÊr al-Qur’Én al-ÑAÐÊm, TaÍqÊq: SÉmÊ ibn MuÍammad SalÉmah (n.p.
DÉr Ùaybah li al-Nashr wa al-TawzÊÑ, 2nd edition, 1999), vol. 4, p. 604.
34 In another narration, the word ‘kitÉban’ instead of ‘kutuban’ was used. See MuÍammad ibn AÍmad al-
QurÏubÊ, Al-JÉmiÑ li AÍkÉm al-Qur’Én, TaÍqÊq: AÍmad al-BardËnÊ and IbrÉhÊm AÏfÊsh, (Al-
QÉhirah: DÉr al-Kutub al-MiÎriyyah, 1964), vol. 10, p. 178.
35 Wahbah ibn MuÎÏafÉ al-ZuÍaylÊ, Al-TafsÊr al-MunÊr fÊ al-ÑAqÊdah wa al-SharÊÑah wa al-Manhaj
makes the claims seen as illogical and inconsistent with the avilable Islamic data, and
therefore, the reader’s mind would never be contented with it.
Another possible avenue, as pointed out by Margoliouth, through which the Prophet
(p.b.u.h) picked up some of the Biblical information, was during his various travels.
Margoliouth argued that it can be gathered from the Qur’Én that the Judeo-Christian
scriptures and their systems were entirely unknown to the Prophet’s fellow-citizens.
If, however, the Qur’Én is not accepted as a divine communication to the Prophet,
then it can be supposed that his exposure to the Christian systems and scriptures was
during his various travels. 42 Margoliouth argued that the Prophet (p.b.u.h) used to
follow the Meccan caravans to their different destinations and the Qur’Én itself
describes him to be familiar with traveling by land and sea. He further claimed that it
was during his journeys that he came into contact with Jewish dealers of clothes, and
when he interacted with them, he derived many Biblical information “and his sacred
book afterwards contained a number of phrases which even his intimate associates at
Mecca did not understand”. 43 However, during all those journeys, the Prophet
(p.b.u.h) “would appear to have picked up information”. 44
Margoliouth’s Evidence
When Margoliouth’s claim is critically observed, it may be clear that he only relied
on the journeys carried out by the Prophet (p.b.u.h) to substantiate it. According to
him, even the Islamic sources made it clear that the Prophet (p.b.u.h) was familiar
with journeys. It was also found that he traveled to the Christian lands where he met
some Christians.
If it is true, according to the Islamic sources, that the Prophet (p.b.u.h) traveled to the
Christian lands like Syria, and he met Christians there, it is possible that he picked up
information from them. Based on this fact therefore, his travels were just like a clue
through which he came into contact with the Christian traditions, picked them up and
inserted them in his Qur’Én. If this is critically taken into consideration, it may be
clear that the source of his Qur’Én was not revelation.
Unlike Margoliouth and many other Christian missionaries, there was not a single
unbeliever during the lifetime of the Prophet (p.b.u.h) that raised an allegation that he
42 Ibid., 18.
43 Ibid., 59.
44 Ibid., 58.
Qur’anic Research: Interaction of Knowledge, Science, and Civilization
was taught by any Christian or any Monk during his journeys.45 Hence, it may be
fancied that the assumption that he sourced the Judeo-Christian traditions during his
various travels and inserted them in his Qur’Én was first introduced by the Christian
missionaries to discredit the Qur’Én.
However, the first impression or feeling that someone may have when coming
across such an assertion is that the Prophet (p.b.u.h) made several trips to the
Christian lands, and as a result, became acquainted with Judeo-Christian traditions.
The recurrence of this assertion gives us the inference that the orientalists and the
Christian missionaries have not yet made an in-depth or rather a sincere research on
the Prophet’s travels and the phenomena associated with them. It also implies that this
assertion, as groundless as it is, continues to be an inherited Judeo-Christian polemic.
Furthermore, the Islamic data inform us that the Prophet (p.b.u.h) made only
three trips before his mission. The first trip was when he was at the age of six. In that
trip, he was said to have accompanied his mother to Medina in order to visit his
paternal uncles, BanË al-NajjÉr.46 As young as he was at that time, it would be rather
irrational to suggest that he met the Christians or Jews of Medina and therefore
became acquainted with Judeo-Christian traditions.
The Prophet’s second trip was to Syria at the age of nine 47 or twelve.48 He was
said to have accompanied his uncle AbË ÙÉlib in the company of some other
Quraysh caravan. When they arrived at BaÎrÊ, a place in Syria, they met a Monk
called BaÍÊrÉ who predicted that MuÍammad would be the Prophet of Allah. 49 The
tradition also recorded that BaÍÊrah advised AbË Ùalib to quickly take the Prophet
(p.b.u.h) back home 50 for fear that if the Jews noticed him, they would plot against
him. Hence, as soon as AbË Ùalib ended his business in Syria, he quickly took the
Prophet (p.b.u.h) back to Mecca. 51 How many days they spent in Syria? The tradition
did not mention, but it may be inferred that they did not spend many days and the
Prophet (p.b.u.h) was always on the watch of his uncle.
However, there is nowhere, in the whole story, in which the Prophet (p.b.u.h)
was said to have held a private discussion with either BaÍÊrÉ, the monk, or any other
Christian or Jew on this trip. If BaÍÊrÉ is alleged to have taught the Prophet (p.b.u.h)
some Biblical information, such a teaching must have taken place in front of his uncle
AbË Ùalib as well as the rest of the business men who were with them on that trip. If
BaÍÊrÉ had taught the Prophet (p.b.u.h) in front of them, they would have told the
Quraysh that MuÍammad (p.b.u.h) was taught this and that by BaÍÊrÉ. But certainly,
there was nothing like this recorded in the Prophet’s history. Moreover, as it may be
45 Muhittin Akgul, The Qur’Én in 99 Questions, translated by Abdullah Erdemli (New Jersy: Thugra
Books, 2009), 20-21.
46 Al-×asan ibn ÑUmar ibn ×abÊb, Al-MuqtafÉ min SÊrah al-MuÎÏafÉ, TaÍqÊq: MuÎÏafÉ MuÍammad
inferred from the tradition, the period of their stay in Syria was very short. Was it
then enough for the Prophet (p.b.u.h) to learn what he brought within a period of
twenty three years? Moreover, the Prophet (p.b.u.h), as we were informed, was either
nine or twelve years old. That was thirty one or twenty eight years before his mission
ever began. How would it then be possible for such a little and inexperienced boy to
learn what he later on incorporated into the sublime Qur’Én and claimed it to be from
Furthermore, Margoliouth and the rest of the orientalists may think that the
discussion which took place between BaÍÊrÉ and some three other people of the book
who bore the names ZirÊr, TamÉm and DarÉs 52 gave the Prophet (p.b.u.h) an
opportunity to grasp some Biblical information. The tradition recorded that, these
three people came to harm the Prophet (p.b.u.h) when they recognized what BaÍÊrÉ
recognized in him. But BaÍÊrÉ stopped them and kept on reminding them about Allah
and what they found in their book about the Prophet (p.b.u.h). So, when they
recognized that what BaÍÊrÉ told them was true, they left the Prophet (p.b.u.h). 53 As
it may be viewed, their discussion, even if it is considered to be open, was carried out
in front of the entire merchants who went together with the Prophet (p.b.u.h). The fact
that none of them afterward charged him of getting so-and-so information from those
personalities revealed that he never took any Biblical information from them. On the
other hand, was this tradition not in favour of the Prophethood of Mu.Íammad
(p.b.u.h)? If this travel was held by the Christians to be true, why would BaÍÊrÉ’s
prediction not also be considered true?
The Prophet’s third trip was also to Syria at the age of twenty five. The
Muslim data inform us that his second trip to Syria was for KhadÊjah’s trade.
KhadÊjah was a wealthy and successful trader in Mecca who used to send people to
trade for her. When she was informed of the Prophet’s truthfulness, virtues and
trustworthiness, she requested him to go to Syria and trade for her; promising to give
him a huge capital which she never gave any person before. The Prophet (p.b.u.h)
accepted her request and made a trip with her slave, Maysarah. When they arrived in
Syria, the Prophet (p.b.u.h) sat under the shed of a tree near a Monk’s shrine. 54 “Who
is that person sitting under that tree?”, the monk asked Maysarah when he saw him. 55
“This is one of the Qurashites, the people of ×aram” Maysarah replied. “None ever
sat under this tree except a Prophet”, the Monk prefigured. The Prophet (p.b.u.h) then
sold the goods he brought and bought what he wanted to buy, and returned to Medina.
When Maysarah gave KhadÊjah the account of what happened, she sent for the
Prophet (p.b.u.h) informing him of her desire to marry him. The Prophet (p.b.u.h)
agreed and the marriage took place. 56
different monk, and his name is NasÏËrÉ. See ÑUyËn al-Athar fÊ FunËn al-MaghÉzÊ wa al-ShamÉil wa
al-Siyar, MuÍammad ibn Abd AllÉh ibn Sayyid al-NÉs, (BeyrËt: Mu‘assasah ÑIzz al-DÊn li al-
ÙibÉÑah wa al-Nashr, 1986), vol. 1, p. 87.
55 The monk knew Maysarah before, and probably because he used to go to Syria on KhadÊjah’s trade.
Ibid., 70.
56 Ibn HishÉm, vol. 2, pp. 5-8.
Qur’anic Research: Interaction of Knowledge, Science, and Civilization
As it may be gathered from the above story, the Prophet (p.b.u.h) never talked
to NasÏËrÉ the monk. The conversation took place only between the monk and
Maysarah. Moreover, no record was found on any religious discourse between the
Prophet (p.b.u.h) and NastËra the monk or any other Christian in Syria. There is no
such a record at all! Had there been any, it would have, surely, been narrated. This is
because even the misunderstanding which arose between the Prophet (p.b.u.h) and
another trader over some merchandise in that trip was recorded. The historians
highlighted that when the man (with whom the Prophet (p.b.u.h) had a
misunderstanding) asked the Prophet (p.b.u.h) to swear by al-LÉt and al-ÑUzzÉ, he
replied “I never ever swore by them!”. Then the man said, “the claim is yours”, and
he then held a private discussion with Maysarah and revealed to him that “I swear by
the one in whose hand my soul is, this is a Prophet…”. 57
Upon the foregoing discussion, it may be argued that the theory of Judeo-Christian
origin of the Qur’Én cannot, in any case, be rational and accurate. This is because all
the possible avenues of Prophet MuÍammad’s coming into contact with Judeo-
Christian traditions, as have been examined, cannot withstand examination. They
have, indeed, been proven wrong from all angles. That might be the reason why
Richard Bell, despite that he deeply instilled in his mind the idea of borrowing, 58 was
forced by the agents of truth to confess that
57 MuÍammad ibn Abd AllÉh ibn Sayyid al-NÉs, ÑUyËn al-Athar fÊ FunËn al- MaghÉzÊ wa al-
ShamÉil wa al-Siyar (BeyrËt: Mu‘assasah ÑIzz al-DÊn li al- ÙibÉÑah wa al-Nashr, 1986), vol. 2, p. 71.
58 Richard Bell, The Origin of Islam in Its Christian Environments (London: Frank Cass & Co. Ltd), 66-
218 Centre of Quranic Research (CQR)
Qur’anic Research: Interaction of Knowledge, Science, and Civilization
7. Al-ShawkÉnÊ, MuÍammad ibn ÑAlÊ ibn MuÍammad. (1414 A.H). FatÍ al-
QadÊr. Beirut: DÉr al-Kalim al-Öayyib.
Richard Bell is one of those Christian scholars who, despite their much knowledge about Islam, held
the opinion that Prophet MuÍammad (p.b.u.h) borrowed from or influenced by the Christian traditions.
Bell argued that MuÍammad was influenced by Christianity and Judaism and that the Qur’Én is directly
dependent upon the Bible and the stories associated with it. Ibid., 100.
Qur’anic Research: Interaction of Knowledge, Science, and Civilization
10. _______. (1406 A.H). TÉrÊkh al-Umam wa al-MulËk. BeyrËt: DÉr al-Kutub
11. Al-WÉqidÊ, MuÍammad ibn ÑUmar. (n. d.). Al-MaghÉzÊ. BeyrËt: ÑÓlam
12. Al-ZuÍaylÊ, Wahbah ibn MuÎÏafÉ. (1418 A.H). Al-TafsÊr al-MunÊr fÊ al-
ÑAqÊdah wa al-
a. SharÊÑah wa al-Manhaj. Dimashq: DÉr al-Fikr al-MuÑÉÎir.
13. Bell, R. . (1968). The Origin of Islam in its Christian Environment. London:
Frank Cass & Co. Ltd.
14. Ibn al-JawzÊ, Abd al-RaÍmÉn ibnÑAlÊ. (1997). TalqÊÍ FuhËm Ahl al-Athar
fÊ ÑUyËn al-TÉrÊkh wa al-Athar. BeyrËt: Sharikah DÉr al-Arqam ibn AbÊ
15. Ibn ×abÊb, Al-×asan ibn ÑUmar. (1996). Al-MuqtafÉ min SÊrah al-MuÎÏafÉ,
TaÍqÊq: MuÎÏafÉ MuÍammad ×usayn al-DhahabÊ. Al-QÉhirah: DÉr al-
16. Ibn ×ajar, AÍmad ibn ÑAlÊ. (1312 A.H). Al-IÎÉbah fÊ TamyÊz al-ØaÍÉbah.
BeyrËt: DÉr al-JÊl.
17. Ibn HishÉm, ÑAbd al-Malik. (1411 A.H). Al-SÊrah al-Nabawiyyah. BeyrËt:
DÉr al-JÊl
18. Ibn JarÊr, MuÍammad ibn JarÊr al-ÙabarÊ. (2000). JÉmiÑ al-BayÉn Ñan
a. Óy al-Qur’Én. n. p: Mu’assasah al-RisÉlah.
20. Ibn KathÊr, IsmÉÑÊl ibn ÑUmar. (1999). TafsÊr al-Qur’Én al-ÑAÐÊm,
TaÍqÊq: SÉmÊ ibn
21. MuÍammad SalÉmah, n.p. DÉr Ùaybah li al-Nashr wa al-TawzÊÑ.
22. Ibn Sayyid al-NÉs, MuÍammad ibn Abd AllÉh. (1986). ÑUyËn al-Athar fÊ
FunËn al-
a. MaghÉzÊ wa al-ShamÉil wa al-Siyar. BeyrËt: Mu‘assasah ÑIzz al-
DÊn li al-ÙibÉÑah wa al-Nashr.
23. James, H. (1911). The Encyclopedia of Religion and Ethics. New York:
Charles Scribner’s sons.
25. Kung, H.(1987). “Christianity and World Religions: The Dialogue with Islam
as One
26. Model” The Muslim World, vol. LXXVII, no. 2.
27. Margoliouth, D. S. (1905). Mohammed and the Rise of Islam. New York: The
a. Knickerbocker Press.
30. ______. (1925). “Textual Variations of the Koran” The Muslim World, vol.
15, no.4.
31. ______. (1937). ‘The Relics of the Prophet Mohammed’. The Moslem World.
vol. 27. no. 1.
32. Wegner, P. D. (1999). The Journey from Texts to Translations. Grand Rapids:
a. Books.
Qur’anic Research: Interaction of Knowledge, Science, and Civilization
Abdulla Galadari
In the Lesser Pilgrimage (‘Umrah) and Greater Pilgrimage (Ḥajj), pilgrims enter a
state of iḥrām. While in this state, pilgrims wear two white unstitched garments
resembling a funeral shroud,1 as stated by al-Ghazālī (d. 1111) in his Iḥyā’ and
alluded by al-Nawawī (d. 1278).2 Throughout the rituals of Ḥajj, the pilgrim
symbolizes death and resurrection, which is a description attributed to Imām Ja‘far al-
Ṣādiq (d. 765),3 or it symbolizes the concept of rebirth.4 There is a close relationship
between pilgrimage and the resurrection of the dead. This paper shows how one of
these symbols, the mīqāt, provides us with an insight into the rituals of resurrection.
1 Shaykh ‘Alwān (d. 1514) (1999) Al-Fawātiḥ al-Ilāhiyyah wal-Mafātiḥ al-Ghaybiyyah al-Muwaḍḍiḥah
lil-Kalim al-Qur’āniyyah wal-Ḥikam al-Furqāniyyah, Cairo, Egypt: Dār Rikābi lil-Nashr, 67 on Q.
2:188-189, 205-206 on Q. 5:94-96.
2 Al-Ghazālī (d. 1111) Iḥyā’ ‘Ulūm al-Dīn, Beirut, Lebanon: Dār al- Ma‘rifah, 1: 268. Al-Nawawī (d.
1278) (1972). Al-Minhāj Sharḥ Saḥīḥ Muslim bin al-Ḥajjāj. Beirut, Lebanon: Dār Iḥyā’ al-Turāth al-
‘Arabi. Also see Burhān al-Dīn (d. 1479) (1997) Al-Mubdi‘ fī Sharḥ al-Muqni‘, Beirut, Lebanon: Dār al-
Kutub al-‘Ilmiyyah, 2: 245. Also see Ṣiddīq Ḥassan Khān al-Qinnawji (d. 1890) (2002) Abjad al-‘Ulūm,
Beirut, Lebanon, Dār Ibn Ḥazm, 270. Also see Ḥassan Ṭurad, Falsafah al-Ḥajj fil-Islām, Beirut,
Lebanon: Dār al-Zahrā’ lil-Ṭibā‘ah wal-Nashr wal-Tawzī‘, 224-225. Also see ‘Abdullah ibn Muḥammad
al-Buṣayri (2003) Al-Ḥajj wal-‘Umrah wal-Ziyārah, Riyadh, KSA: Maktabat al-Malik Fahad al-
Waṭaniyah, 26.
3 Ja‘far al-Ṣādiq (d. 765) (1980) Miṣbāḥ al-Sharī‘ah, Beirut, Lebanon: Mu’assassat al-A‘lami lil-
Maṭbū‘āt, 50.
4 Kazemian, M. (2008) “The Pilgrimage of the Ka‘bah and Its Symbolism: A Jungian Approach towards
Qur’anic Research: Interaction of Knowledge, Science, and Civilization
Ibn ‘Arabī discusses the issue of time under the heading of mīqāt al-zamān under Islamic thought in his
Futūḥāt, and especially the times of Ḥajj. See Ibn ‘Arabī (d. 1240) Al-Futūḥāt al-Makkiyyah (ed. A.
Shams-ul-Dīn), Beirut, Lebanon: Dār al-Kutub al-‘Ilmiyyah, 2: 436-437.
See Badr al-Dīn al-‘Ayni (d. 1453) ‘Umdah al-Qārī Sharḥ Ṣaḥīḥ al-Bukhārī, Beirut, Lebanon: Dār
Iḥyā’ al-Turāth al-‘Arabi, 20: 303.
8 See Ahmed, A. (1974) Change, Time and Causality, with Special Reference to Muslim Thought,
Lahore, Pakistan: Pakistan Philosophical Congress. Also see Böwering, G. (1992) “Ideas of Time in
Persian Sufism,” Iran, 30: 77-89.
9 Al-Khawlānī (d. 981) (1950) Tārīkh Dāryā (ed. S. al-Afghānī), Damascus, Syria: Maṭba‘at al-Birqi,
10 Ṣaḥīḥ Muslim, 4: 1762 (#2246).
11 Böwering, G. (1997) “The Concept of Time in Islam,” Proceedings of the American Philosophical
the present time. See Ibn ‘Arabī, Al-Futūḥāt, 2: 261. Ibn ‘Arabī refers to waqt as the instant of time (ḥāl)
the person is in (mā anta bihi). See Ibn ‘Arabī, Al-Futūḥāt, 3: 199.
14 The notions of waqt in Ibn ‘Arabī’s Futūḥāt as the person is ibn al-waqt is considered by Böwering an
adaptatation from al-Risālah al-Qushayriyyah. See al-Qushayrī (d. 1074) Al-Risālah al-Qushayriyyah
(eds. A. Maḥmūd and M. al-Sharīf), Cairo, Egypt: Dār al-Ma‘ārif, 1: 151.
15 Al-Naysābūrī (d. 1446) (1996) Gharā’ib al-Qur’ān wa-Raghā’ib al-Furqān (ed. Z. ‘Umayrāt), Beirut,
Lebanon: Dār al-Kutub al-‘Ilmiyyah, 2: 87. Also in al-Majlisī, Biḥār al-Anwār, Beirut, Lebanon:
Mu’assasat al-Wafā’, 18: 360, 79: 243. This prophetic tradition (ḥadīth) is also narrated by al-Qushayrī
224 Centre of Quranic Research (CQR)
Qur’anic Research: Interaction of Knowledge, Science, and Civilization
“ṣāḥib al-waqt,” and it is possible a reference that during the time of the Prophet, he
was himself “ṣāḥib al-waqt” taking the place of the Quṭb of that age (zamān).16 On
the mystics, Böwering says, “Breaking through eternity, the mystics relive their waqt
[sic.], their primeval moment with God, here and now, in the instant of ecstasy, even
as they anticipate their ultimate destiny.” 17 Weintritt describes that in Islam, the term
for a fixed moment in time or period is waqt and a particular point in time is mīqāt,
which has the same root.18
To understand the terms for time (waqt) in the Qur’an, their usage in the
Qur’an and in Islamic rituals must be weighed. Pilgrims must pass through the mīqāt
as the first point of entry into the pilgrimage. In Islamic jurisprudence (fiqh), the
pilgrimage truly starts when the pilgrim enters the mīqāt.19 Similarly, the five daily
prayers only start when they enter their time (mīqāt), as well. Since fasting and the
break of fast are dependent on the times of prayers, dawn and sunset, then they too
are dependent on the concept of the prayers entering their time (mīqāt). Therefore, it
is without any doubt that Islam gives a great significance to the concept of time, waqt
and mīqāt, in most of its major rituals and in four of its five pillars.
Mīqāt in Arabic comes from the root word waqt, which means time. In the Qur’an,
one of the names for the Day of Resurrection is yawm al-waqt al-ma‘lūm, which
means the Day of the Time Known or the Time Appointed. 20
In the Qur’an, a dialogue occurs between God and Satan (Iblīs). When God
commands the angels to bow down before the human into whom God breathes from
His Spirit, all the angels but Satan do so; Satan, due to his ego, proudly refuses to
obey the commandment of God. The dialogue is represented in Sūrah al-Ḥijr. In
general, this sūrah in the Qur’an speaks of death and resurrection (e.g. Qur’an 15:23),
and talks about the Day of Resurrection (e.g. Qur’an 15:25).
The following is the dialogue between God and Satan in the Qur’an:
28. Behold! your Lord said to the angels: "I am about to create human, from
sounding clay from mud moulded into shape;
29. "When I have fashioned him (In due proportion) and breathed into him of
My spirit, fall down in obeisance unto him.
30. So the angels prostrated themselves, all of them together:
with a slightly different form in al-Qushayrī (d. 1074) Laṭā’if al-Ishārāt (ed. I. Al-Bassyūnī), Cairo,
Egypt: al-Hay’ah al-Miṣriyyah al-‘Āmmah lil-Kitāb, 1: 158 on Q. 2:187.
16 Ibn ‘Arabī, al-Futūḥāt, 5: 201.
17 Böwering, G. (1997), 61.
18 Weintritt, O. (2007) “Interpretations of Time in Islam,” Time and History: The Variety of Cultures (ed.
348-372. Also see Ahmad, W. D. (1996) “An Islamic View of Death and Dying,” Journal of the Islamic
Medical Association of North America, 28(4): 175-177.
Qur’anic Research: Interaction of Knowledge, Science, and Civilization
In these verses, Satan asks that God gives him relief until the Day of
Resurrection to attempt to tempt humans. God grants this request and informs Satan
that he has been granted to the Day of the Time Appointed. 21 This dialogue, using the
same name for the Day of the Time Appointed, is repeated in Qur’an 38:71-85.
The word mīqāt is used in various parts of the Qur’an to represent the Day of
Resurrection (e.g. Qur’an 44:40, 56:50, 78:17). Also, the word mawāqīt, from the
same root, is also placed in relationship to the Ḥajj in the following verse:
They ask you concerning the New Moons (ahilla). Say: They are but signs to
mark fixed periods of time (mawāqīt) in (the affairs of) men, and for
Pilgrimage. It is no virtue if you enter houses from the back (ẓuhūriha): It is
virtue if you fear Allah. Enter houses through the proper doors: And fear
Allah that you may prosper. [Qur’an 2:189]
There are two observations that this verse explicates, “ahilla” and entering
houses. For the new moons, the word used is “ahilla,” which is from the root “hll.”
The word has many meanings in the Arabic language. It means crescent, 22 as well as
21 The day of the time appointed (yawm al-waqt al-ma‘lūm) in Qur’an 15:38 is a description of
Judgement Day (yawm al-dīn) in Qur’an 15:35 and Day of Resurrection (yawm yub‘athūn) in Qur’an
22 Lisān al-‘Arab, 11: 702-703 on “hll.”
the beginning of rain. 23 The word also means to praise in Arabic, as in tahlīl,24 and
according to Lisān al-‘Arab, it is especially the raising of the voice of the pilgrim in
talbiyah during Ḥajj or ‘Umrah.25 This is based on prophetic traditions (aḥādīth) that
uses the terms “ahalla” and “ihlāl” for those starting tahlīl for Ḥajj or ‘Umrah,26 and
also specifically the use of “ahilla” to describe those entering the mīqāt for Ḥajj or
Sharing the same root, “uhilla,” in the meaning of praising God, is mentioned
in the context of killing an animal for food in Qur’an 5:3, 6:145, and 16:115. The
ahilla in reference to Ḥajj in Qur’an 2:138 may also be related to the sacrificial
animal done during the Ḥajj rituals, which is done in the name of God (uhilla li-Llāh).
The term is also used in Biblical texts as Hallelujah, from the Hebrew meaning to
praise God. According to Lisān al-‘Arab, the reason that a crescent is called a hilāl is
because people raise their voice giving news of the new lunar month. 28 The term “hll”
also means a crooked camel taking its name from the shape of a crescent.29 The
second thing that this verse speaks about is in regard to entering houses. As the
pilgrim plans to visit the House of God represented by the Sacred Mosque (al-Masjid
al-Ḥarām), he is asked to enter it rightfully through its doors, which is the mīqāt,
symbolized in this verse by the term mawāqīt. As the pilgrim enters the mīqāt, he also
starts praising God (tahlīl) symbolized in this verse by the term “ahilla.”
Notably, the word used for not entering houses from their back is “ẓuhūrihā,”
which also means the manifest, as opposed to the hidden (inner), bāṭin. We also find
that the Qur’an in another verse speaks of manifest and hidden doors.
One Day will the Hypocrites – men and women – say to the Believers: "Wait
for us! Let us borrow (a Light) from your Light!" It will be said: "Turn you
back to your rear! then seek a Light (where you can)!" So a wall will be put
up between them, with a gate therein. Within it (bāṭinuhu) will be Mercy
throughout, and without it (ẓāhiruhu), all alongside (qibalihi), will be (Wrath
and) Punishment! [Qur’an 57:13]
Qur’an 2:189 states that the true virtue is in the fear of God (taqwa), which
has the transposition of the same letters as time (waqt). The word taqwa is repeated
throughout the Qur’an, as in the subject of qiblah, where a Muslim turns for prayer
and the subject of sacrifice (i.e. Qur’an 2:177, 22:32, 22:37). Qur’an 57:13 establishes
a relationship between the manifest (ẓāhir) and a permutation of the term “qbl.”
23 Lisān al-‘Arab, 11: 701 on “hll.” It also corresponds to the prophetic tradition (ḥadīth) narrated in
Lisān al-‘Arab, “Fa-allaf Allah al-saḥāb wa-hallatnā. (God made the clouds and it poured on us).” On
the use of the term “hll” in this prophetic tradition, also see al-Suyūṭī (d. 1505) (1996) Al-Daybāj ‘ala
Ṣaḥīḥ Muslim ibn al-Ḥajjāj (ed. Al-Atharī), Khobar, KSA: Dār Ibn ‘Affān lil-Nashr wal-Tawzī‘, 2: 474-
24 Lisān al-‘Arab, 11: 705 on “hll”
25 Lisān al-‘Arab, 11: 701-702 on “hll.” Talbiyah is the prayer that a pilgrim typically says during Ḥajj or
26 Ṣaḥīḥ al-Bukhārī, 2: 141 (#1561), 2: 142 (#1562), 2: 142 (#1563), 2: 142 (#1564), 2: 143 (#1568), 2:
Qur’anic Research: Interaction of Knowledge, Science, and Civilization
And when the apostles are (all) appointed a time (uqqitat) [Qur’an 77:11]
The Qur’an continues to state that the appointed time is delayed until the Day
of Sorting Out, (yawm al-faṣl) (i.e. Qur’an 77:13-15, 77:38), which is the same name
used in other verses related to mīqāt (Qur’an 44:40, 78:17), resembling one of the
names for the Day of Resurrection. 32 Thence, the relationship between mīqāt and the
Day of Resurrection is well-established from within the Qur’an. Perhaps, in Ḥajj and
‘Umrah, it symbolizes that it is through this door that pilgrims enter the House of God
in a state of sacredness, resembling dead souls waiting for their resurrection.33
As the mīqāt appears to be the gateway of resurrection, the same word is used in the
story of Moses and the sorcerers.
So the sorcerers were gotten together for the appointed time of a day well-
known (li-mīqāt yawm ma‘lūm) [Qur’an 26:38]
The above verse is likened to the verse about the Day of Resurrection.
All will certainly be gathered together to the meeting appointed time for a
day well-known (mīqāt yawm ma‘lūm). [Qur’an 56:50]
If the Qur’an is consistent with its symbology of waqt, what we may understand from
these verses is that the sorcerers have entered the mīqāt, symbolizing their dead state
and are entering through the gateway to their resurrection. The dialogue between
Moses, Pharaoh, the sorcerers, and the gathered people is as follows:
32. So (Moses) threw his rod, and behold, it was a serpent, plain (for all to
33. And he drew out his hand, and behold, it was white to all beholders!
34. (Pharaoh) said to the chiefs around him: "This is indeed A sorcerer well-
35. "His plan is to get you out of your land by his sorcery; then what is it you
36. They said: "Keep him and his brother in suspense (for a while), and
dispatch (ib‘ath) to the Cities heralds to collect (ḥashirīn)—
37. "And bring up to you all (our) sorcerers well-versed."
38. So the sorcerers were gotten together for the appointed time of a day
well-known (li-mīqāt yawm ma‘lūm),
39. And the people were told: "Are you (now) assembled?—
40. "That we may follow the sorcerers (in religion) if they win?"
41. So when the sorcerers arrived, they said to Pharaoh: "Of course—shall we
have a (suitable) reward if we win?"
42. He said: "Yes, (and more), for you shall in that case be (raised to posts)
nearest (to my person)."
43. Moses said to them: "Throw that which you are about to throw!"
44. So they threw their ropes and their rods, and said: "By the might of
Pharaoh, it is we who will certainly win!"
45. Then Moses threw his rod, when, behold, it straightway swallows up all
the falsehoods which they fake!
46. Then did the sorcerers fall down, prostrate in adoration,
47. Saying: "We believe in the Lord of the Worlds,
48. "The Lord of Moses and Aaron."
49. Said (Pharaoh): "Believe you in Him before I give you permission?
Surely he is your leader, who has taught you sorcery! But soon shall you
50. "Be sure I will cut off your hands and your feet on opposite sides, and I
will cause you all to die on the cross!"
51. They said: "No matter! For us, we shall but return to our Lord!
52. "Only, our desire is that our Lord will forgive us our faults that we may
become foremost among the Believers!" [Qur’an 26:32-52]
These verses indicate that Pharaoh and his chiefs disbelieve in Moses and the
message he brings; they claim that Moses is using sorcery. Hence, they bring in the
best of illusionists, the sorcerers. The sorcerers enter the mīqāt. Immediately after
they enter the mīqāt, it is asked if the other people would enter, meaning that the other
people had not yet entered the mīqāt. As the sorcerers enter the mīqāt resembling
their death and ignorance, they boast that they will win, just as Satan boasted. During
the challenge, the sorcerers understand that their reality is but an illusion, whereas the
reality preached by Moses and Aaron is the true reality. Since the sorcerers entered
the mīqāt, they arrived at the moment in time of their resurrection, yawm al-waqt al-
Since the sorcerers have entered the mīqāt, which symbolizes their dead state,
it also symbolizes that they are about to be resurrected into understanding true reality,
which the other people were not able to perceive, since they have not yet entered the
mīqāt. The veils of illusion are shed from the hearts of the sorcerers as they become
Qur’anic Research: Interaction of Knowledge, Science, and Civilization
resurrected in true reality. Immediately, they lose their ego, as it has been killed and,
unlike Satan, they humbly prostrate themselves and believe in God, which Moses and
Aaron have been proclaiming.
When Pharaoh was asked to send heralds to call the sorcerers from the cities,
the word used is ib‘ath, which means resurrect. The word used to gather them is
ḥashirīn, which is sometimes used as a reference to the Day of Resurrection (yawm
al-ḥashr);34 the Qur’an also uses it when describing the rituals of Ḥajj (i.e. Qur’an
2:203). In Qur’an 26:32-52, Pharaoh becomes a motif for God, who has the power to
resurrect and send heralds, like God sending messengers using the term “ib‘ath.”
Pharaoh also is shown to have the power to gather people together like God, using the
term “ḥāshirīn.” Also, Pharaoh is shown to gather people on the time of the appointed
day (mīqāt yawm ma‘lūm) like God promising Satan that he shall be given a period to
the day of the appointed time (yawm al-waqt al-ma‘lūm). The Qur’an shows that
Pharaoh does what God does to differentiate between the illusion and the truth.
Pharaoh and his chiefs think that he has the power to resurrect and gather the people.
The Qur’an, on the other hand, illustrates that such power is God’s alone.
When the Torah was written, the Qur’an describes the appointment between God and
Moses also as the mīqāt.
142. We appointed for Moses thirty nights, and completed (the period) with
ten (more): thus was completed the term (of communion) (mīqāt) with his
Lord, forty nights. And Moses had charged his brother Aaron (before he went
up): "Act for me amongst my people: Do right, and follow not the way of
those who do mischief."
143. When Moses came to the place appointed by Us (mīqātuna), and his
Lord addressed him, He said: "O my Lord! show (Yourself) to me, that I may
look upon you." Allah said: "By no means can you see Me (direct); But look
upon the mount; if it abides in its place, then shall you see Me." When his
Lord revealed His glory on the Mount, He made it as dust. And Moses fell
down in a swoon. When he recovered his senses he said: "Glory be to You! to
You I turn in repentance, and I am the first to believe.
144. ((Allah)) said: "O Moses! I have chosen you above (other) men, by the
mission I (have given you) and the words I (have spoken to you): take then
the (revelation) which I give you, and be of those who give thanks."
145. And We ordained laws for him in the tablets in all matters, both
commanding and explaining (tafṣīl) all things, (and said): "Take and hold
these with firmness, and enjoin you people to hold fast by the best in the
precepts: soon shall I show you the homes of the wicked,- (How they lie
desolate). [Qur’an 7:142-145]
34There is a prophetic tradition (ḥadīth) that mentions a prayer to be said when a new crescent (hilāl) is
seen (please note the resemblance with the term “ahilla” on the mawāqīt of Ḥajj) calling the Day of
Resurrection as “yawm al-ḥashr.” See Ibn Abi ‘Āṣim (d. 900) (1980) Al-Sunnah li-Ibn Abi ‘Āṣim (ed.
Muḥammad Nāṣir al-Dīn al-Albānī), Beirut, Lebanon: al-Maktab al-Islāmī, 1: 160 (#387).
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The mīqāt of Moses described in the above verses also brings to light its
possible relationship with the Day of Resurrection. The name sometimes used for the
Day of Resurrection is the Day of Sorting Out (yawm al-faṣl) (i.e. Qur’an 44:40,
77:13-15, 77:38, 78:17), which is usually jointly in use with the word mīqāt (i.e.
Qur’an 44:40, 77:11-14, 78:17). The same root word, tafṣīl, is used in the mīqāt of
Moses, which means explaining, to split, to divide, or the joint between two things,
implying the explanations of truth and falsehood.35 The Torah is represented as
explaining and sorting out truth from falsehood in another verse (i.e. Qur’an 6:154).
The Qur’an also describes itself as such (i.e. Qur’an 10:37, 12:111). The Qur’an also
characterizes God as providing for all things the explanation of all explanations
(faṣṣalnāhu tafṣīlā) (i.e. Qur’an 17:12), which is specifically talking about the
concept of time.
Qur’an 9:36 states that there are twelve months in a year, in which four are
sacred. The Qur’an does not define what those four months are. According to
prophetic tradition (ḥadīth), the sacred months in Islam are Rajab, Dhul-Qi‘dah,
Dhul-Ḥijjah, and Muḥarram.39 The former is the only month standing alone, while the
other three are connected sequentially. The connected months are considered sacred
as they are the months that pilgrims typically take the journey to Ḥajj and back.
Although, according to jurisprudence of the rituals of Ḥajj, a pilgrim may enter the
mīqāt as early as the month of Shawwāl, which is the month preceding Dhul-Qi‘dah,
it is not a sacred month. The jurisprudence that allows a pilgrim to enter the state of
iḥrām as early as Shawwāl is not based on any Qur’anic or prophetic tradition. It is
based on a tradition attributed to the opinions of the Prophet’s companions stating
that the months of Ḥajj are Shawwāl, Dhul-Qi‘dah, and ten days of Dhul-Ḥijjah.40
Pilgrims may enter the mīqāt and enter the state of iḥrām, but it is only in al-
shahr al-ḥarām (sacred month) of Dhul-Qi‘dah that the pilgrim and the time are both
within iḥrām, all the way until the Day of ‘Arafah, which is thirty nights of Dhul-
Qi‘dah and an additional nine of Dhul-Ḥijjah. The tenth night is the night of the Feast
Qur’anic Research: Interaction of Knowledge, Science, and Civilization
of Sacrifice, in which pilgrims on the day of the feast leave the state of iḥrām that
they had entered at the mīqāt.
According to the Qur’an, when Moses returns to his people, he finds that they
have been led astray. He then takes seventy of his people to meet the Lord, which is
also described as a mīqāt.
And Moses chose seventy of his people for Our place of meeting (mīqātuna):
when they were seized with violent quaking (rajfah), he prayed: "O my Lord!
if it had been Your will You could have destroyed, long before, both them
and me: would You destroy us for the deeds of the foolish ones among us?
this is no more than Your trial: by it You cause whom You will to stray, and
You lead whom You will into the right path. You are our Protector: so
month due to its timing for ‘Umra. Hence, Rajab is sometimes called the Rajab of Muḍar. See Ibn Rajab
al-Ḥanbalī (d. 1393) (2004) Laṭā’if al-Ma‘ārif fīmā li-Mawāsim al-‘Ām min al-Waẓā’if, Beirut, Lebanon:
Dār Ibn Ḥazm lil-Ṭibā ‘ah wal-Nashr, 259. Also see Muḥammad al-Ṭāhir ibn ‘Āshūr (d. 1973) Al-Taḥrīr
wal-Tanwīr, Tunis, Tunisia: Al-Dār al-Tūnisiyyah lil-Nashr, 2: 211 on Q. 2:194, 2: 231 on Q. 2:197.
Also see Jawād ‘Alī (d. 1987) (2001) Al-Mufaṣṣil fī Tarīkh al-‘Arab qabl al-Islām, Beirut, Lebanon: Dār
al-Sāqī, 11: 392. Also see al-‘Uathymīn (2001) (1993) Majmū‘ Fatāwī wa-Rasā’il Faḍīlat al-Shaykh
Muḥammad ibn Ṣāliḥ al-‘Uthaymīn (ed. Fahad al-Sulaymān), Riyadh, KSA: Dār al-Waṭan, 22: 273, 22:
276. On the naming of Rajab as Rajab Muḍar in prophetic traditions (aḥādīth) see Ṣaḥīḥ al-Bukhārī, 4:
107 (#3197).
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forgive us and give us Your mercy; for You are the best of those who forgive.
[Qur’an 7:155]
Here, the seventy people whom Moses has taken to the mīqāt are taken up by
an earthquake (rajfah). The same word is used in a couple of verses in the Qur’an for
the earth quaking on the Day of Resurrection (i.e. Qur’an 73:14, 79:6). However, this
quaking may not be very different from that which was experienced by Moses earlier
during his mīqāt, which reduced the mountain to dust and caused Moses to fall down
in a swoon, or death of his soul and its resurrection into true reality, after he asked
God to reveal His face (i.e. Qur’an 7:143). These quakes are also described in other
parts of the Qur’an, as follows:
14. One Day the earth and the mountains will be in violent commotion. And
the mountains will be as a heap of sand poured out and flowing down.
15. We have sent to you, (O men!) an apostle, to be a witness concerning
you, even as We sent an apostle to Pharaoh. [Qur’an 73:14-15]
The word used for the crushing of the mountain with Moses and during the
Day of Resurrection is the same root word of “dkk,” meaning to crush.44 What had
happened to the seventy at the mīqāt is not to be thought of as God doing evil in
killing. However, the Qur’an may be symbolizing that if people are to understand true
reality, their souls need to be sacrificed and then resurrected into true reality. The
same happened to Moses and the same happened to the seventy when each entered
their mīqāt.
Perhaps the Qur’an symbolizes that as people’s bodies are made of earth and
their soul is in a grave within it, the body quakes, resurrecting the dead soul entombed
from within it into understanding true reality. This is apparently what happened to
Moses and the seventy, when they went to the mīqāt (i.e. Numbers 11:10-30).
Mīqāt of Prayer
If readers are told that there is a strong relationship between prayer and resurrection,
most would ask how there could be such a relationship, as it is not outright obvious.
In what some may find interesting, prayer had also been described by the root word
for mīqāt in the Qur’an.
First, to shed light on mīqāt and prayers, it should be pointed out how prayer
is in itself resurrected. Throughout the body of the Qur’an, the instruction for prayer
is usually conjoined with a word rooted in qiyām (e.g. Qur’an 17:78). This shares the
same root word used for the Day of Resurrection (yawm al-qiyāmah). Iqām al-ṣalāh,
which is the rise to prayer, is the second pillar of Islam. 45 Actually, the translation for
iqām al-ṣalāh, as the rise to prayer, is a misnomer. It is not an instruction for people
to rise to prayer, but an instruction for people to raise or resurrect the prayer. 46
Noteworthy, there are five different locations for the mīqāt of Ḥajj or
‘Umrah,47 which are the same number of the daily obligatory prayers that are
described as a timed book (kitāban mawqūta). This is something that Ibn ‘Arabī
makes a note of in his Futūḥāt.48 As prayer is to praise God, it is as thus proclaimed
about the ahilla (praises) discussed earlier, being mawāqīt or timings for the people
and Ḥajj (i.e. Qur’an 2:189).
According to the Qur’an, when God requests Abraham to proclaim the Ḥajj,
the word used for this proclamation is adhdhin; its root word means to make known,
to cry out, to give permission, or to give ear. 49
And proclaim (adhdhin) the Pilgrimage among people: they will come to you
on foot and (mounted) on every kind of camel, lean on account of journeys
through deep and distant mountain highways; [Qur’an 22:27]
The call to prayer is also called adhān. The adhān or call to prayer announces
that the prayer time (waqt) has arrived. This is the mīqāt of prayer, symbolizing that
the prayer is dead and its hour of resurrection is near. The actual prayer is performed
after the call for iqāmah, when the prayer is resurrected. Like in Ḥajj or ‘Umrah, the
pilgrim enters a state of iḥrām at the mīqāt symbolizing his death, and, during later
rituals, is resurrected, when the pilgrim leaves the state of iḥrām. Accordingly, prayer
enters its mīqāt and is resurrected. There seems to be a relationship between prayer
and resurrection.
The concept of time is important in Islam. The use of the term “waqt” or “mīqāt” in
the Qur’an and Islamic rituals seem to be pointing to its relationship with death and
resurrection. The waqt symbolizes that something is dead and that the time of their
resurrection is near. Whether it is the pilgrim, Moses and the seventy, or prayer. We
see that the Qur’an remains consistent in associating the term waqt with death and
Al-Tirmidhi and Abu Dāwūd state that it is the Prophet, while al-Bukhārī states that it is ‘Umar. See
Ṣaḥīḥ al-Bukhārī, 2: 134 (#1524), 2: 134 (#1525), 2: 134 (#1526), 2: 134 (#1528), 2: 134 (#1529), 2: 135
(#1530), 2: 135 (#1534). Sunan al-Tirmidhi, 2: 185 (#831), 2: 185 (#832). Abu Dāwūd (d. 889) Sunan
Abī Dāwūd (ed. M. M. ‘Abdulḥamīd), Sidon, Lebanon: Al-Maktabah al-‘Aṣriyyah, 2: 143 (#1739), 2:
143 (#1740), 2: 144 (#1742).
48 Ibn ‘Arabī, Al-Futūḥāt, 2: 432-433.
49 Lisān al-‘Arab, 13: 9-14 on “adhn”
As such, the term mīqāt for Ḥajj or ‘Umrah may be seen as the place in time,
when a pilgrim announces his death wearing a funeral shroud, the iḥrām. It also
means that the pilgrim’s resurrection is coming near. The taḥlīl from the iḥrām may
be seen as symbolizing the dead pilgrim coming out of his funeral shroud, and as such
symbolizing his resurrection. What is interesting to note that the final ritual before a
pilgrim takes off his funeral shroud, the iḥrām, he needs to shave or cut his hair short.
The term for hair in Arabic is “sha‘r.” The Qur’an uses the root of the term “sh‘r” in
connection to death and resurrection:
“And say not of those who are slain in the way of Allah, "They are
dead." Nay, they are living, though you perceive (it) (tash‘urūn)
not.” [Qur’an 2:154]
The above Qur’anic passages use words rooted in “sh‘r” (hair) to differentiate
that the dead will be raised, but that people do not perceive it. It is interesting that as
pilgrims, who are symbolizing themselves as dead, are about to be resurrected
through the symbol of taḥlīl, when they need to shave or cut their hair (sha‘r) short,
because they were dead and do not perceive (yash‘urūn) when they will be
resurrected.50 This brings us to the conclusion that the Qur’an and Islamic rituals
builds a strong association of the term waqt or mīqāt as the portal from death to
2. Abū Dāwūd (d. 889) Sunan Abī Dāwūd (ed. M. M. ‘Abdulḥamīd), Sidon,
Lebanon: Al-Maktabah al-‘Aṣriyyah.
3. Ahmad, W. D. (1996) “An Islamic View of Death and Dying,” Journal of the
Islamic Medical Association of North America, 28(4): 175-177.
6. Al-Ghazālī (d. 1111) Iḥyā’ ‘Ulūm al-Dīn, Beirut, Lebanon: Dār al- Ma‘rifah.
50This final note on the pilgrim’s ritual of shaving or cutting the hair short is based on the findings of the
following article, Galadari, A. (2013) “The Role of Intertextual Polysemy in Qur’anic Exegesis,”
International Journal on Quranic Research (Quranica), 3(4): 35-56.
Qur’anic Research: Interaction of Knowledge, Science, and Civilization
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Beirut, Lebanon: Dār Iḥyā’ al-Turāth al-‘Arabi.
14. Al-Qushayrī (d. 1074) Laṭā’if al-Ishārāt (ed. I. Al-Bassyūnī), Cairo, Egypt:
al-Hay’ah al-Miṣriyyah al-‘Āmmah lil-Kitāb.
15. Al-Rāzī (d. 1209) (2000) Mafātīḥ al-Ghayb, Beirut, Lebanon: Dār Iḥyā’ al-
Turāth al-‘Arabī.
16. Al-Suyūṭī (d. 1505) (1996) Al-Daybāj ‘ala Ṣaḥīḥ Muslim ibn al-Ḥajjāj (ed.
Al-Atharī), Khobar, KSA: Dār Ibn ‘Affān lil-Nashr wal-Tawzī‘.
17. Al-Ṭabari (d. 923) (2000) Jāmi‘ al-Bayān fī Ta’wīl al-Qur’ān (ed. Aḥmad
Shākir), Damascus, Syria: Mu’assassat al-Risālah.
18. Al-Tirmidhī (d. 892) (1975) Sunan al-Tirmidhī (ed. M. F. ‘Abdulbāqī), Cairo,
Egypt: Maktabat wa-Maṭba‘at Muṣṭafa al-Bābī al-Ḥalabī.
20. Badr al-Dīn al-‘Ayni (d. 1453) ‘Umdah al-Qārī Sharḥ Ṣaḥīḥ al-Bukhārī,
Beirut, Lebanon: Dār Iḥyā’ al-Turāth al-‘Arabi.
21. Böwering, G. (1992) “Ideas of Time in Persian Sufism,” Iran, 30: 77-89.
23. Brown, F., Driver, S. R., and Briggs, C. (2000) Enhanced Brown-Driver-
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24. Burhān al-Dīn (d. 1479) (1997) Al-Mubdi‘ fī Sharḥ al-Muqni‘, Beirut,
Lebanon: Dār al-Kutub al-‘Ilmiyyah.
26. Galloway, D. (1922) “The Resurrection and Judgement in the Koran,” The
Muslim World, 12(4): 348-372.
27. Ḥassan Ṭurad, Falsafah al-Ḥajj fil-Islām, Beirut, Lebanon: Dār al-Zahrā’ lil-
Ṭibā‘ah wal-Nashr wal-Tawzī‘.
28. Ibn ‘Arabī (d. 1240) Al-Futūḥāt al-Makkiyyah (ed. A. Shams-ul-Dīn), Beirut,
Lebanon: Dār al-Kutub al-‘Ilmiyyah.
29. Ibn Abi ‘Āṣim (d. 900) (1980) Al-Sunnah li-Ibn Abi ‘Āṣim (ed. Muḥammad
Nāṣir al-Dīn al-Albānī), Beirut, Lebanon: al-Maktab al-Islāmī.
30. Ibn Baṭṭūṭa (d. 1377) (1997) Tuḥfah al-Nuẓẓār fī Gharā’ib al-Amṣār wa-
‘Ajā’ib al-Asfār, Rabat, Morocco: Akādīmiyyah al-Mamlakah al-
31. Ibn Manẓūr (d. 1311) Lisān al-‘Arab, Beirut, Lebanon: Dar Ṣāḍir.
32. Ibn Rajab al-Ḥanbalī (d. 1393) (2004) Laṭā’if al-Ma‘ārif fīmā li-Mawāsim al-
‘Ām min al-Waẓā’if, Beirut, Lebanon: Dār Ibn Ḥazm lil-Ṭibā ‘ah wal-Nashr.
33. Ja‘far al-Ṣādiq (d. 765) (1980) Miṣbāḥ al-Sharī‘ah, Beirut, Lebanon:
Mu’assassat al-A‘lami lil-Maṭbū‘āt, 50.
34. Jawād ‘Alī (d. 1987) (2001) Al-Mufaṣṣil fī Tarīkh al-‘Arab qabl al-Islām,
Beirut, Lebanon: Dār al-Sāqī.
35. Kazemian, M. (2008) “The Pilgrimage of the Ka‘bah and Its Symbolism: A
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36. Muḥammad al-Ṭāhir ibn ‘Āshūr (d. 1973) Al-Taḥrīr wal-Tanwīr, Tunis,
Tunisia: Al-Dār al-Tūnisiyyah lil-Nashr.
37. Muslim (d. 875), Ṣaḥīḥ Muslim, (ed. M. F. Abdul-Bāqī), Beirut, Lebanon:
Dār Iḥyā’ al-Turāth al-‘Arabi.
38. Ṣiddīq Ḥassan Khān al-Qinnawji (d. 1890) (2002) Abjad al-‘Ulūm, Beirut,
Lebanon, Dār Ibn Ḥazm.
39. Sabiq, AS. (1985) Fiqh us-Sunnah: Hajj and Umrah, Indianapolis: American
Trust Publications.
Qur’anic Research: Interaction of Knowledge, Science, and Civilization
40. Shariati, A. (n.d.) Hajj: The Pilgrimage (translated by Ali A. Behzadnia, and
Najla Denny), Costa Mesa, CA: Evecina Cultural & Education Foundation.
41. Shaykh ‘Alwān (d. 1514) (1999) Al-Fawātiḥ al-Ilāhiyyah wal-Mafātiḥ al-
Ghaybiyyah al-Muwaḍḍiḥah lil-Kalim al-Qur’āniyyah wal-Ḥikam al-
Furqāniyyah, Cairo, Egypt: Dār Rikābi lil-Nashr.
Qur’an is the book of Allah sent down to the Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W)
in a clear Arabic language. It serves as a final message to the universe and a
code of conduct, be it spiritual, social, and moral aspects. It is the primordial
source of scientific knowledge and guidance to the past, present and future
generations of human beings. Therefore, it is said that Islamic science
decline as a result of various forces and hesitate attempts of the
contemporary Muslims to continue on the paths of the previous Muslim
scientists. Regrettably, today scientific knowledge was transferred from the
Muslims to the Western people even though the knowledge was therein the
Qur’an. Hence, Muslims have to use their intellects to figure out the
mystery and miracles that contain in the Glorious Qur’an. It is believed that
Qur’an contains the knowledge of natural sciences, medicine, history,
sociology, politics, economics, religion and other fields of social sciences.
Almighty Allah revealed the Qur’an for human beings to know how to
worship him and to enjoy their temporary staying for the benefit of afterlife.
In the Qur’an, in numerous places, Allah instructs mankind to reflect, to
think, to ponder on the meaning of the Qur’an. This paper targets to provide
the ways and means to restore the study of natural sciences in
contemporary Muslims societies in the light of the Qur’anic guidance. It is
to awakening the Muslim society to incline to know the teachings of the
Glorious Qur’an. This paper is based on qualitative approach. The method
of documentary is used in data collection. On the other hand, it employs the
usage of content analysis and inductive in data analysis. The findings reveal
1 PhD. Candidate, Department of Islamic History and Civilization, Academy of Islamic Studies,
University of Malaya, 50603 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia; Lecturer, Department of Islamic Studies, Faculty
of Arts and Education, Bauchi State University Gadau, Nigeria. Gmail Address:
[email protected].
Senior Lecturer, Department of Islamic History and Civilization, Academy of Islamic Studies,
University of Malaya, 50603 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Gmail Address: [email protected]
3 Senior Lecturer, Department of Islamic History and Civilization, Academy of Islamic Studies,
that natural sciences in the light of the Qur’anic verses can be found in
nature, history and the universe in general.
Muslims and even some of the non-Muslims intellectuals believed that Qur’an is the
reservoir of sciences. Therefore, figuring Qur’anic sciences is the major task that
nevertheless most of the contemporary scholars have neglected. Accordingly,
Muslims were everyday reciting the Qur’an in their compulsory daily prayers, but
pondering on what it contains is another major problem. Hence, it is significant to
note that understanding the meaning of Qur’anic verses is of great importance, and in
fact reward is multiplying to whoever recites it. The hearts of believers have only
being securing calm in the remembrance of Allah. To understand this statement,
Almighty Allah says “Those who believed (in the Oneness of Allah-Islamic
Monotheism), and whose hearts find rest in the remembrance of Allah: Verily, in the
remembrance of Allah do hearts find rest.” 4 Moreover, it might be added that Qur’an
is a great medicine to physical and spiritual diseases. However, whosoever takes
Qur’an as his guidance in his would never lose in this life and the next to come. It is
evidently discovered that Qur’an encourages man to use his intellect to study the
universe in order to realize the greatness and oneness of the Almighty Allah. Muslim
scientists believed that Qur’an is not a book of science but a book of signs Ayat which
more than six thousand (6000) verses containing facts, science and symbols. More
than one thousand (1000) of theses verses talking about what we call today, the
modern science. 5 Islamic religion is the ultimate religion that provides man with all
the guidance in his endeavours. Thus, it is significant to note that, if there is any
religion that invites man to the study and understanding of the heavens, it is Islam. An
understanding of the discipline of Astronomy is essential for the appreciation of the
religion of Islam. No other religion uses or relies on the heavens and the motion of
the moon and sun for timekeeping and calendars as Islam does. Allah created this
tremendous Universe that we live in and we are invited to reflect upon it, to
understand it so that we may be able to practise our religion with conviction based on
reason to the best of our abilities. By God’s laws, the laws of Physics, we are glued to
the planet earth yet Almighty God granted us eyes, intellect and knowledge that we
may see far in excess of our ordinary reach- surely in these things are signs of the
omnipotence of our Creator.6
Understanding what does natural science mean is of highest importance in this paper.
Thus, natural sciences are the sciences that are collectively involved in the study of
the physical world and its phenomena, including biology, physics, chemistry, and
geology, but excluding social sciences, abstract or theoretical sciences, such as
mathematics, and applied sciences 7’’. Similarly, natural sciences are the study of
‘’Embryology, Astronomy: Heavens, Orbits, Sun, Moon, and alteration of day and
night as well as Geology, Botany, and zoology.’’ 8 Furthermore, Islamic science
means the natural or exact sciences that originated by the Islamic civilization. Arabic
was the main scientific language used, but not necessarily the native language of the
scientists, who might have been Persian, Turkish or of other origins. Although the
term Islamic science and Arabic science are modern historical terms within the
context of Islamic civilization, this science is Islamic in the sense that it suited the
new and growing needs of the Islamic civilization; was available entirely in Arabic,
which had replaced Syriac; and familiar to an increasing number of Muslim
translators, students and scientists. 9’’
That is to say, "The whole system of the Earth and the heavens is a
witness to the truth of the doctrine of Tauhid and to the negation of
shirks. You may look at anything in the universe and consider the
system from any point of view you like, one will find proof of this fact
that it is being run by one God and not by many gods. Then how is it
that you believe in shirk when there is no proof whatsoever of this in
the universe13?
International conference: Ibn Khaldun’s Legacy and its significance, by Osman Bakar & Baharuddin
(ISTAC: IIUM), 271.
10 Hossein Nasr & Iqbal, Islam, Science, Muslims, and Technology (Kuala Lumpur: Islamic Book Trust,
2010), 44.
Qur’an, ch. 16: 3.
12 Qur’an, ch. 15: 85
13 Al-Mawdudi, Tafhim al-Qur’an (English Translation) http://www.englishqur’ accessed on
“And on earth there are signs [of God's existence, visible] to all who
are endowed with inner certainty” 14, “Just as [there are signs thereof]
within your own selves: can you not, then, see”?15 And in heaven is
[the source of] your sustenance [on earth] 16 and [of] all that you are
promised [for your life after death]. 17
Moreover, in the structure of the heavens, there are natural signs of Allah,
but not to be recognized except those who have deeply ponder on its provision and
believe that whoever sets this is the ultimate Creator of all beings. To understand
this, Allah says:
Allah is He Who raised the heavens without any pillars that you
can see. Then, He raised above (Istawa) the `Arsh ﴿Throne﴾. He has
subjected the sun and the moon, each running (its course) for a
term appointed. He manages and regulates all affairs; He explains
the Ayat (signs and symbols) in detail that you may believe with
certainty in the meeting with your Lord. 20
Commenting on this verse, Ibn Khathir stated that “Allah mentions His
perfect ability and infinite authority, since it is He Who has raised the heavens
without pillars by His permission and order. He, by His leave, order and power,
has elevated the heavens high above the earth, distant and far away from reach.
The heaven nearest to the present world encompasses the earth from all
directions, and is also high above it from every direction. The distance between
the first heaven and the earth is five hundred years from every direction, and its
thickness is also five hundred years. The second heaven surrounds the first heaven
from every direction, encompassing everything that the latter carries, with a
thickness also of five hundred years and a distance between them of five hundred
14 Qur’anic Translation by Muhammad Asad (Gibriltar: Dar al-anDalus, 1980), Surah al-Zariyat, 51: 20-
15 Ibid.
16 According to Asad, both physical (rain) and spiritual (truth and guidance)
17 Ibid.
18 Qur’anic Translation by Muhsin Khan & Hilali, Qur’an, Surah Yunus10: 101
19 English Sahih International, Qur’an. Surah al-Araf, 7: 185.
20 Tafsir Ibn Khathir Abridged by a group of Scholars under the Supervision of Shaykh Safiur-Rahman
MubarakFuri (Riyadth, Saudi Arabia: Darussalam, 2000), Qur’an, Surah Al-Ra’d, 13: 2.
242 Centre of Quranic Research (CQR)
Qur’anic Research: Interaction of Knowledge, Science, and Civilization
years. The same is also true about the third, the fourth, the fifth, the sixth and the
seventh heavens”. 21
From the foregoing, the discussion has clearly illustrated the proof of the
existence of signs of Allah in the universe, and man when he observes the physical
world he will find that there is no one who provided all what are physically available
on earth, except Allah who is the Creator and Provider of everything in this world.
Although, man has been endowed with the faculty of reasoning only to implement the
reality of he studies in the Qur’an, he cannot go against the meaning of Qur’an with
thinking that it is based on his discoveries. Once his findings on natural phenomena
contradict the intent of Qur’an it will not be accepted. Therefore, it is of great
importance to borne in mind that reasoning will never contradicted the Qur’an, but
rather implements what the Qur’an prescribed. In this regard, man has limit and it is
forbidden for him to go beyond it. No matter how a scientist is, he should try to set
his findings within the scope of Islamic principles. It is only in this case that man can
fully testify the Oneness and the Greatness of Allah the Most High. He may also
believe that his knowledge is nothing but just a little Allah gave him in order to test
his faith.
Evidently, nature contains a number of things that Allah provided to human beings,
but must of the things need to be carefully study in order to know the wisdom behind
their existence. For example, Shaykh Abdullahi bin Foduye advised Muslim Ummah
to have the knowledge of nature. Therein, he emphasized that Allah created first the
nature of heat from the movement of existence. He then created the nature of cold
from the stillness of existence; then he mixed them. By His power out of heat was
born dryness and solidification and from cold humidity. They became four singular
natures (essence) in one singular spiritual body. Heat made humidity to evaporate and
from them Allah created the essence and nature of life and the celestial bodies.22
21 Ibid.
22 Sheikh Abdullahi bin Foduye, Masalih al-Insan al-Muta’alliqah bi al-Adyan wa al-Abdan (Benefits
for Mankind as Related to the Religious and the Physical Spheres of Life), in the Selected Writings of
Sheikh Abdullahi bin Foduye, Vol 2. Translated and edited by Yasir Islam Nabingo & A. B. Yahaya
(Gada-Biyu, Gusau, Nigeria: Iqra’ Publishing House, 2013), P. 173.
23 Ibid.
Qur’anic Research: Interaction of Knowledge, Science, and Civilization
knowledge of nature is of highest importance to human beings, since all the existence
on earth were subservient to mankind. In reality, the observation is to show that the
signs of Allah in nature are uncountable. Although, with the guidance of Allah, man
may be able to discover a new thing at any moment, this is when he utilizes his
intellect in the way and manner that contradicts not the teachings of Islam. Man has to
know that Allah is the Creator of whoever called him a scientist. Thus, Almighty
Allah is the one who gave him the knowledge and wisdom to figure out what may
figure out. Hence, without Allah’s guidance, no matter how he is, he cannot discover
anything. Finally, Allah is the Great of the Greatest and His knowledge encompassed
everything in this world. The Qur’an stated this categorically, for example Allah says:
The Ways and Means to Vigorously Study the Nature in the Light of Qur’an
Based on the available evidences in the Glorious Qur’an, the contemporary Muslims
may find the natural science in the following ways:
1- In history, by using our intellects and senses. Thus, the signs of Allah can be found
in history when man observes and experiences the history of the past generations and
the nature of their lives in a political, social, moral, and economic setting. For
example, Almighty Allah encouraged mankind to travel and experiment the physical
world and its different phenomena in order to understand his different signs which
testify His Mighty and His Oneness. In this regard, Allah says:
Have they not travelled through the land, and have they hearts
wherewith to understand and ears wherewith to hear? Verily, it is not
the eyes that grow blind, but it is the hearts which are in the breasts
that grow blind.25
In view of the above verse, Mehdi Golshani highlighted that the first parts of
these verse refer to observation and experimentation and the second part to the use of
the faculty of reasoning. Thus, experimental work is an indispensable means for the
understanding of nature, but, contrary to what some schools of thought claim, not all
of our information about nature comes directly from sensations. If we confine
ourselves to sensations and do not use our intellect, we are no better than animals. 26
He therefore supported his argument with the following Qur’anic verse:
And surely, We have created many of the Jinns and mankind for Hell.
They have hearts wherewith they understand not, they have eyes
wherewith they see not, and they have ears wherewith they hear not
golshani/philosophy-science. Accessed on 12 June, 2016.
244 Centre of Quranic Research (CQR)
Qur’anic Research: Interaction of Knowledge, Science, and Civilization
(the truth). They are like cattle, nay even more astray; those! They are
the heedless ones. 27
This verse is consciously suggested that once man has not use his intellect to
understand the truth of the physical nature of this world and ponder about its Creator
he may become like animals who were not endowed with the faculty of reasoning.
Therefore, reasoning is of great importance in Islam, but must be with the premise of
Islamic principles as stated above. In another place, Almighty Allah stimulated
mankind to travel over land in order to reflect on how Allah begins the creation of the
universe. The verse reads:
Say: "Travel in the land and see how (Allah) originated creation, and
then Allah will bring forth (resurrect) the creation of the Hereafter (i.e.
resurrection after death). Verily, Allah is Able to do all things." 28
This verse indicates that civilization comes from history. This is because with
the help of the available information about past generations and the way they have
manufactured various instruments for the benefit of their live, the contemporary
society can build on and improve more to produce better than what they did. This
Qur’anic verse has testified that that Qur’an is still alive because is narrating us the
story of the past in order to emulate and apply the good lessons to the contemporary
31 Ziauddin, Islam and Science <> accessed on May 10, 2013
Qur’anic Research: Interaction of Knowledge, Science, and Civilization
Therefore, by studying all the above sciences of Allah will definitely restore
the vigorous pursuit of natural sciences in contemporary Muslim societies. But the
most important thing is, the Muslim should bear in their mind that studying all kinds
of natural phenomena is IbÉdah. In order to understand this point clearly, Sardar
considers science as ‘a form of worship which has a spiritual and social function. He
further reiterated that “We therefore need to develop mechanisms by which Islamic
science, as is dictated by the notion of ‘ilm, is moved to the centre of Muslim cultural,
social and economic life. In other words, Islamic science, as a pursuit of objective
knowledge and as ‘ibadah [worship], occupies the same place in Muslim everyday
concerns as prayer, fasting, and other forms of worship’. He adds, a bit more
realistically, ‘However, given the current status of Muslim societies, this is a tall
Finally, from the above explanation of Sarda we come to the conclusion that
studying Islamic sciences is an act of Ibadah which if Muslim societies stand
sincerely in order to pursue the natural sciences, God will definitely guide them and
enlarge their wisdom to find out his signs on natural phenomena. It is also an
interesting to note that Sarda’s explanation served as an encouragement to Muslim
societies to study Islamic sciences. Therefore, it is only through this ways that the
study of natural sciences in contemporary Muslim societies will be restoring
32 Nidhal Guessoum, Islam’s Quantum Question: Reconciling Muslim Tradition and Modern Science
(London: I. B. Tauris co. ltd, 2011), 125.
33 Al-Qur’an. Al-‘Imran 3: 190.
34 6 June, 2015 “Muslims contribution to the World of Science. Retrieved from:”.
246 Centre of Quranic Research (CQR)
Qur’anic Research: Interaction of Knowledge, Science, and Civilization
times of the daylight prayers are determined by the length of shadows, while the
times of prayers when the sun is not above the local horizon are established on the
basis of twilight phenomena. The morning prayer begins at dawn and ends before
sunrise; the noon prayer starts at noon, after the sun crosses the local meridian and
the shadow of a vertical object reaches its minimum; the next prayer starts in the
afternoon, when the length of the shadow of any object is equal to the sum of its
midday minimum shadow and the length of the object casting the shadow; the next
prayer starts after the afternoon prayer and ends before sunset; and the final prayer
starts when the afterglow disappears and should end before midnight. Although it is
not difficult to estimate these prayer times empirically, to determine them
accurately one needs to acquire a good knowledge of the local coordinate system
and the day-to-day changes in the apparent position of the sun in the sky 35.
In determining the direction of the Qibla, it is of great importance to recall
the history. Hence, during the first thirteen years of the rise of Islam, Muslims faced
Jerusalem while praying. However, seventeen months after the Hijra—the migration
of the Prophet Muhammad from Mecca to Medina—the orientation of prayers (Qibla)
changed so as to be towards the Kaaba in Mecca. Since Mecca is located south of
Medina, finding the Qibla in Medina was not difficult. However, once the Islamic
territories expanded, finding the right Qibla became a challenging problem in
spherical geometry. The problem was to find the direction of the great circle passing
through two points on the globe. Over the centuries, Muslim astronomers and
mathematicians developed methods to solve this problem based on spherical
trigonometry, and produced tables and even sophisticated instruments to find the
orientation of Mecca from different locations 36.
3- Through physical observation of oneself: Natural science can be found when one
looks at his own structure. He would realize that Allah has given him certain features
that he did not give to others. That is why Almighty Allah created human beings on
different shapes and in different categories. Some are taller than others, likewise,
some are blacks and others are white or mixed. In some cases some have red skins
among other things. This shows nothing but the signs of Almighty in his creator. This
is according to the physical nature man, but according to the internal features, since
before his presence in this world, many things happen which might have further
testified the Greatness of Allah. The science of anatomy here is indeed evidence to
the Magnificence of Allah Who has no assistant or supporter in creating or doing
whatever he wishes. To understand this statement Allah says:
6 June, 2015. “”.Note, the
contents of this page are based upon text in the ICOMOS–IAU Thematic Study. Original text © Clive
Ruggles, Michel Cotte and the contributing authors.
36 Ibid.
Qur’anic Research: Interaction of Knowledge, Science, and Civilization
For understanding the above verse, Ibn Khathir declared that the verse is
evidently displayed the sign of Allah in the progressive creation of Man from clay
then from Nutfah and thereafter. He therefore asserted that Allah tells us how He
initially created man from an extract of Tin. This was Adam, peace be upon him,
whom Allah created from sounding clay of altered black smooth mud. Ibn Jarir
said, "Adam was called Tin because he was created from it.'' Qatadah said, "Adam
was created from Tin.'' This is the more apparent meaning and is closer to the
context, for Adam, upon him be peace, was created from a sticky Tin, which is a
sounding clay of altered black smooth mud, and that is created from dust. 38
The aforementioned discussion had played a significant role in providing the detailed
explanations on the ways and means to restore the vigorous study of natural sciences
in contemporary Muslim societies. Also, it is well understood that interest in natural
phenomena is one of the leading factors in achieving this goal, because lack of
interest is among the major factors that lead to the decline of the study of natural
sciences in the Muslim countries. Therefore, contemporary Muslim scholars have to
apply all the ways and means in their studies in order to discharge their religious
responsibilities in the society. This can only be achieved through constant reading and
reflecting the meaning of the Qur’anic verses. It is believed that nothing has been left
out in the matters of Qur’an. The task of finding solutions to the challenges of
contemporary Muslim world depends on the seriousness of Muslim Ummah to
vigorously study the physical nature of the universe.
Finally, “Muslims need to realize that there is no quick fixes science, and
scientific spirit, cannot be brought or transferred. It must emerge from within a
society and scientific activity must be made meaningful to the needs and requirements
of a people. There is no substitute for rolling one’s sleeves and going to the
laboratory. Only by touching and transforming the lives of ordinary Muslims can
science develop as a thriving enterprise 39’’.
2. Abdalla., M. (2009). ‘’Ibn Khaldun on the fate of Islamic Science after the
eleventh century’’. International conference on Ibn Khaldun’s Legacy and its
4. B., M. (2013). The Bible, The Qur’an and Science , Kuala Lumpur:. Kuala
Lumpur, Malaysia: Dar al-Wahi Publication.
12. Khathir, I. (2000). Tafsir Ibn Khathir Abridged by a group of Scholars under
the Supervision of Shaykh Safiur-Rahman MubarakFuri . (Riyadth, Saudi
Arabia:: Darussalam.
13. Kownslar, A. a. (1981). People and Our World. . New York: : Holt, Rinehart
& Winston.
15. L., B. (1993). Islam and the West , New York. New York: Oxford University
17. Perry, M. (1974). Man’s Unfinished Journey. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Co.
22. Ronan, C. A. (1981). The Practical Astronomer. London:: Pan Books Ltd.
23. S., B. (2010). ’’concept of knowledge from the Western and Islamic
perspectives’’ in Islam knowledge and civilization, by Munawar and etals .
Malaysia: ,UIA: IIUM Press.
24. Salah, B. (1984). The Arabian Heritage. . Dhahran: : Said Salah Ltd.
25. Sayili., A. (1980). ‘’the Cause of the Decline of Scientific Work in Islam,’’ in
the Observatory in Islam and in place in The General History of the
Observatory. Ankara: Turk Kurumu Basime.
26. Segal., A. (1996). ‘’why does the Muslim world lag in science’’,. The Middle
East Forum,Vol.iii, No.2 (1996), 61-70.
27. Sheikh Abdullahi bin Foduye. (2013). Masalih al-Insan al-Muta’alliqah bi al-
Adyan wa al-Abdan (Benefits for Mankind as Related to the Religious and
the Physical Spheres of Life), in the Selected Writings of Sheikh Abdullahi
bin Foduye, Vol 2. Translated and edited by Yasir Islam Nabingo & A. In
Selected Writings of Abdullahi bin Foduye, Vol. 2 (p. 173). Gida-Biyu,
Gusau, Nigeria: Iqra' Publishing House.
30. Wallbank, T. W. (1974). Living World History. , . Illinois: Scott: Foresman &
Mohammed Saleem1
The Holy Quran employs many stylistic, linguistic and rhetorical features that result
in an effective and sublime style. This use of linguistic and rhetorical features
challenges the translators of the Holy Quran, especially when translating such literary
devices metaphor, assonance, epithet, irony, repetition, polysemy, metonymy, simile,
Synonymy and homonymy. The following is a review of some stylistic and linguistic
difficulties in translating the Holy Quran into another language. Translating the Holy
Quran from Arabic into other languages is accompanied by many linguistic problems,
as no two languages are identical either in the meaning given to the corresponding
symbols or in the ways in which such symbols are arranged in phrases and sentences.
Lexical, syntactic and semantic problems arise when translating the meaning of the
Holy Quran into another language. The translation of holy Quran to other languages
especially to south Indian languages, these language are too poor in meaning and with the translation it need to more explanations. Every pronouncement
Their total import is that any translation, like any commentary in Arabic or in any
other language, is no more than an approximation of the meaning of the Qur'an, but
1Darul Hidaya Da’wa College, Manur, Malappuram (Affiliated to Darul Huda Islamic University,
Chemmad,Malappuram, Kerala).
Qur’anic Research: Interaction of Knowledge, Science, and Civilization
not the Qur'an itself translation of the Qur'an proclaims its own inadequacy. For it
must necessarily include those verses which are clear in their emphasis that the Word
of God was revealed to Muhammad in the Arabic tongue. "Verily, we have made it an
Arabic Qur'an, haply ye will comprehend it." Every translation in any language,
classical or modern, foreign or Islamic, includes a score or so verses in different
chapters which enshrine the same or similar. The verses of Quran is three types
1) Only the god knows
2) Only exchanged to prophet (PBUH)
3) Its knows to one who brilliant in language, literature and the science of
There are many problems in Quran translating. Our examination of the subject starts
from this point. Translating the Holy Quran from Arabic into other languages is
accompanied by many linguistic problems, as no two languages are identical either in
the meaning given to the corresponding symbols or in the ways in which such
symbols are arranged in phrases and sentences. Lexical, Syntactic and semantic
problems arise when translating the meaning of the Holy Quran into another
language. The first problem is:
Translation of the Quran has always been a challenging and difficult issue in Islamic
theology. Since Muslims respect the Quran as miraculous and unique. They argue that
the Quran could not translate from Arabic to another language. Because there haven’t
words in other languages accurate to qurantic concept for example الرحمان:the correct
meaning of al rahman is (merciful to all creatures on universe). But, in English we
can see meaning of al Rahman merciful some Quranic sentences are difficult to
understand even in the original Arabic. In Arabic a single word can have a variety of
meanings and some Islamic words that have important definitions in Arabic. If we
translate the word Rahman in to Malayalam but the exact meaning is Allah is entirely
merciful to all of his creatures in this universe . And the word Raheem it means
especially merciful to the believers only in the Day of Judgment. In some of our
translations mainly in mobile apps the explanation never the reader may be
misunderstand the meanings of that word.also in other languages like tamil and
kannda the same translation occurring so this solute only with the explaination of the
translator depending on the classical quranic exegecis.
The following are some example of these Islamic terms: taqwa (piety ( الـتقوي
kufre (disbelief ) كفرshirk (associating other god ) شركand tawbha (repentance ) توبة
the other languages can understanding the meaning of word but, can’t understand
concept of quranic term. My research is when translating Quran into another
languages especially to south Indian languages there for, give a translation of these
words in Malayalam or other language with a brief explanatory note for each one at
its first occurrence in the text. The reader will find a list such words at end of the
preface as well as list containing and translation of Arabic latter.
Metaphor ))التشبيه
Mainly the second problem is metaphor. “That is a word or phrase used to describe
something else, in a way that is different from its normal use, in order to show that
the two things have the same qualities and to make the description more powerful” .
When translating this metaphor to another language accurate of quranic concept can’t
include in English translate. Even the translator was an expert. Consider this
example( مثل احلياة الدنيا كماء انزلناه من السماء فاختلط به نبات االرض فاصبح هشيما نذروه الرياح:set forth to them
the similitude of the life of this word: it is like the rain which we send down from the
skies: the earth’s vegetation absorbs it , but soon it becomes dry stubble, which the
winds do scatter: it is (only Allah who prevails over all things) and مثلهم كمثل الذي استوقد نارا
( صم بكم عمي فهم ال يرجعون
ّ ” فلما اضات ما حوله ذهب هللا بنورهم يف ظلمات ال يبصرونtheir similitude is that of
a man who kindled a fire; when it lighted all around him, Allah took away their light
and left them in utter darkness., so, they could not see; deaf, dump, and blind, they
will not return (to the path). In first example all might god Allah explain life of a
human it’s like a rain which poured down from skies and absorbed with the
vegetation of earth so, the life of a human is moral. It can see in Arabic translations
very clearly. In second example the god indicate a society which they have many
proofs to believe in faith but, they closed their eyes against laws of god for self-
interests. So, the metaphor is a big problem in translating Quran. . My research is
when translating Quran into another language the footnote is compulsory and
involved the description of the metaphor under the footnote. Then, people can
understand and conceive quranic verses will be a good contribution for
ignored people to recognize the path of truth because metaphor plays a key role in
quranic verses.
Metonymy ))التورية
Metonymy is as “the act of referring to something by the name of something else that
is closely connected it.” But in quranic metonymy referring a word that has closely
meaning and away meaning. Here consider the away meaning. There are number of
metonymy in quranic verses. Metonymy in holy Quran is not a useless substitution
because it usually serves a purpose. Consider this example of metonymy from the
holy Quran ) (الرمحان على العرش استوىthe most gracious is firmly established on the throne.
The language meaning of ) (العرشthrone. But, mufassirune meaning that as a creature
which include skies and earths completely. Here the meaning of this quranic verse is
a big creature which h including all things is his under control. There are number of
meaning for( استوىequal, straight, sit as smooth, influence) near the scolaers in
quranic verses most acceptable meaning is influence اليم ّ اليم فيلقه يف
ّ ان اق فيه يف التابوت فاقد فيه يف.
( مًن ولتصنع على عيًن
ً حمبة
ً وعدو له والقيت عليك
ّ عدو يل
ّ باساحل بأخذه
ّ throw the child into the chestthe
chest into the river: the river will cast him upon bank, and he will be taken by one
who is an enemy to him : but I ended thee with love from me: and( this) in order that
thou must be reared undermine eye.) The meaning of eye in this verse is mosa will
Qur’anic Research: Interaction of Knowledge, Science, and Civilization
protected by Allah. But, if we see in Quran translations eye our mind will go the god
is like human beings. He has eyes, hands and all things which connected with human
beings. It may lead readers to Marxism. So the footnotes are compulsory for
description of metonymy and include the description of the verse under the footnote,
then reader can understand, recognize and conceive accurate meaning of quranic
verses correctly. Al arsh and kurs is the term used in the quran only belongs to
almighty god so the real meaning of this translations in malyalam couldn’t
these words need the explainations.
Syntactic problems))النحوي
The many differences between Arabic and English cause various syntactic
problems when translating the Holy Quran to English. Tense is an obvious syntactic
problem that Translators usually encounter in translating the Holy Quran. Tense
means the ‘grammatical realization of location in time’ and how location in time can
be expressed in language.
In translating the Holy Quran, tense and verb form should be guided by the
overall context and by stylistic considerations. in the Quran, there is a shift from the
past tense to the imperfect tense to achieve an Effect, which can pose some problems
ِ احلن
in translation. For example )اجَرَوَُُنوونَِبالله ِهالُونُونَا ِ َ (إِ ْذجاءوآُْْمِْن َفوِق ُكموِمْنأَس َفَل ِمْن ُكموإِ ْذزا َغتِاألَبصاروب لَغ,
ََْ ُت( اْل ُقلُوب َ َُ َ ْ َ َ ْ ْ َْ ْ ُ َ
Behold! They came on you from above you and from below you, and behold, the eyes
became dim and the hearts gaped up to the throats, and ye imagined various (vain)
thoughts about Allah! The verbs‘ ) ( جاؤوآمcomes against you‘ ) ( زاغت, ’grewwild’ and (
‘ )وبلغتreached’ are in the past tense, but the verb
‘)وَُنونthink’ shifts to the present tense. This shift is for the purpose of conjuring an
important action in the mind as if it were happening in the present. Tenses, in Arabic
or in The Holy Quran cannot be conveyed literally. In some cases, they need to shift
to convey the intended meaning to the target audience.
There are many views for scholars in Quran translation. But any one has not
prohibited translating Quran to another language. If it gave the position of Quran then
it will be prohibited. Neuromas problems arise when the holy Quran translated to
another language. Arabic is highly literature is unable to translate the
Arabic with its exact meaning to any other languages. In this time the scholars need to
give some more explanations to the Quranic translations. Otherwise Quran conveys
its own terminologies and some special the clear translation is rare and not
available in other languages. In this manner we indeed to give more foot notes up on
this terminologies
In other case in translating the Quran thre will be numerous quotes of Israelis.
There are three types of israeeliat. Israeelaiath are three types :
1) The authenticated one as per our knowledge. It’s true.
2) The false as per our knowledge it not considerable .
3) It not to possible to confirm true or false.
To me all of these problems were found in free translation, in present time the
android application of the quranic translation especially in south indian language
never give the explanations of the terms used by quran.sometimes it conveys more may be lead the reader to more ignorance and it still as confused one in his
Most Qur'an translations are source-language oriented. They are marked by resolute
obedience to source composition and the use of archaic language. The Qur'anic
discourse enjoys very specific and unique features that are semantically oriented and
Qur'an-bound and cannot be reproduced in an same fashion in terms of structure,
supernatural effect on the reader.
Any translator may be hampered by the basic lack of reference books that are
readable and do not just provide the most frequently sought meaning, but also the
more archaic, rare, or idiomatic one.
The second committee will begin revising and correcting this translation with
aid of other translations available, by comparing and then adopting best expression as
well as by introducing fresh expressions where necessary. The committee will be
fully aware of all the criticisms that had been directed against this translation and
which had been carefully brought to the notice of the presidency by a number of
academic bodies and other involved parties. In the second stage, the entire work of
this committee will refer to number of individuals and organizations who then
agented any deficiencies in the work of the committee.
The third committee will sit up to collate all their suggestions. It then
compare all such views regarding specific issues, selected the appropriate ones and
arrived at a text as authentic and deflect as is humanly possible.
Finally, the fourth committee is for looking into the finding of the second and
third committees and to implement the recommendation made by them. Furthermore,
this committee had no finalize the text by adopting the most accurate expression
where needed, besides checking the notes vigilantly. So, as to clear any
misconception regarding the articles of faith varying juristic opinions and thoughts
not in conformity with the sound Islamic point of view.
Clearly, the linguistic and rhetorical features of the Holy Quran continue to challenge
translators who struggle to convey the intended meaning of the Quranic verses. The
translator must depend on a number of dictionaries in both Arabic and English to
determine the specific meaning of the words. The translator must also consult the
various commentaries of the Quran to obtain the appropriate interpretation of the
Quranic verses. This study recommends that the translation of the Holy Quran should
be conducted by a committee that includes experts in the language, culture, history
and science of the Quran.quran includes the highly literature and linguistic
the translations word by the word without any foot notes and explaination the
translation is impossible. So the mobile apps should be given more interpretations and
explanations to Quranic verses. In a case quran is divinely inspired and revealed
from god to prophet (PBUH). So the exact meaning never be translated and the real
meaning understood.
4. Raof, A (2001) Qur'an Translation (Culture & Civilization in the Middle East
Muhammad Damanik1
Bagi umat Islam, bahasa Arab memiliki kedudukan khas kerana
bahasa ini digunakan dalam solat, berdoa dan membaca Al-Quran.
Secara fakta, pada umumnya umat Islam bukan Arab memiliki
kekangan dalam memahami tatabahasa bahasa Arab, sehingga isi
kandungan Al-Quran hanya difahami menurut terjemaahan sahaja.
Sedangkan tatabahasa Arab Al-Quran tersebut memiliki makna
yang jauh lebih mendalam dan kompleks. Penyelidikan ini
bertujuan untuk menemukan kaedah pengajaran huruf dan
tatabahasa Arab Al-Quran yang lebih mudah dan sistematik untuk
bangsa bukan Arab, dalam skop bentuk kata, fungsi kata dan
susunan kata dalam ayat-ayat Al-Quran. Kaedah penyelidikan ini
dilakukan dengan mengembangkan kaedah iqra' yang sudah
terbukti efektif digunakan oleh pengajar-pengajar bahasa Arab
untuk mengenalkan huruf hijahiyah dan konsonan kata pada
kanak-kanak di usia awal. Turutan kaedah yang digunakan adalah
setelah huruf Al-Quran diperkenalkan dengan kaedah iqra,
dilanjutkan dengan pengenalan pola-pola kalimat sederhana dan
sangat mendasar yang sering digunakan dalam ayat Al-Quran.
Sejak tahun 2010, kaedah pengajaran ini telah diaplikasikan
kepada anak didik dalam usia dewasa (40-80 tahun) dan secara
pengamatan terdapat perkembangan pemahaman bahasa Al quran
yang ketara dari segi bentuk-bentuk kata, jabatan kata dalam
kalimat, sehingga memandu untuk memberikan arti kata yang
Keyword : Bahasa Arab, Islam, Al-Quran, tatabahasa, kaedah
pengajaran, iqra'
Institut Agama Islam Negeri (IAIN) Imam Bonjol Padang, West Sumatera, Indonesia
Corresponding author: Tel: +62 812 63476012/+60 1118901755
E-mail address: [email protected]/[email protected]
Qur’anic Research: Interaction of Knowledge, Science, and Civilization
Begitu penting bagi setiap muslim mengetahui seluk-beluk bahasa Arab Al-Quran2,
terutama setelah ia baligh-berakal. Karena disaat baligh-berakal, seorang muslim
telah mukallaf yaitu wajib menjalankan syari’at yang telah diwajibkan Allah SWT
untuk kebaikan hidupnya di dunia secara kehidupan pribadi, maupun untuk rumah-
tangga, bermasyarakat, berbangsa dan bernegara (Tihami). Semua hal tersebut
bertujuan ke arah kebaikan di dunia sifatnya yang sementara dan di akhirat sifatnya
untuk selama-lamanya. Misrawi (2010) menyatakan tidak banyak orang atau
kelompok yang bisa mengakses Al-Quran dengan baik, terutama mereka yang hidup
di negara-negara non-Arab. Padahal Al-Quran menyebutkan dirinya sebagai kitab
suci yang bisa diakses oleh orang-orang yang berilmu dan pesannya merupakan
rahmat bagi seluruh penghuni dunia (rahmatan li al-'alamin)3. Keakraban Al-Quran
bukan berarti menunjukkan ketidakmungkinan orang-orang non-Arab untuk
memahami dan memperkaya makna Al-Quran (Misrawi, 2010). Namun, apakah Al-
Quran yang menyatakan dirinya diturunkan dalam bahasa Arab bisa diterjemahkan ke
dalam berbagai bahasa non-Arab merupakan satu masalah yang menimbulkan
kontroversi akut dan berkepanjangan di dalam sejarah Islam (Amal, 2013).
Pada prinsipnya, pengajaran untuk kenal baca dan tulis huruf Arab Al-Quran
telah tersedia dan telah berlangsung cukup lama (Romdhoni, 2013). Proses belajar
mengajar ini dalam bentuk-bentuk pengajaran dan pendidikan di masjid-masjid,
langgar atau mushalla dan bahkan pengajaran bahasa Al-Quran (mengaji)
diselenggarakan di rumah-rumah perseorangan oleh ibubapa anak didik, atau oleh
guru khas mengajar Al-Quran yang dipanggil oleh ibubapa anak didik (Zuhdi, 1993).
Hal tersebut dapat membuktikan bahwa pengajaran pembacaan huruf Arab Al-Quran
telah merata pelaksanannya di tengah-tengah masyarakat muslim di mana mereka
berada terutama di Indonesia. Adapun bentuk sokongan pemerintah Indonesia dalam
menggalakkan penguasaan bahasa Al-Quran ditunjukkan dalam Keputusan bersama
Menteri Dalam Negeri dan Menteri Agama Nomor 128 Tahun 1982 dan Nomor 44A
Tahun 1982 tentang Usaha Peningkatan Kemampuan Baca tulis Al-Quran bagi umat
Isalam dalam rangkan peningkatan penghayatan dan pengamalan Al-Quran dalam
kehidupan sehari-hari (Standarisasi Demi Kualitas Santri). Selanjutnya, Pemerintah
Kota Padang, Sumatera Barat juga menetapkan Peraturan Daerah (Perda) No.06
Tahun 2003 tentang wajib pandai baca tulis Al-Quran bagi peserta didik Sekolah
Dasar dan Madrasah Ibtidaiyah (Padang, 2015). Ditambah lagi, setiap dua tahun
pemerintah mengadakan kompetisi atau lomba-baca Al-Quran (Musabaqah Tilawatil
Qur’an di berbagai tingkat) (Gayo). Semua hal di atas bertujuan agar masyarakat
muslim mampu dan tertarik dalam membaca Al-Quran.
Q.S.12:2 انا انا انزلنه قرانا عربيا لعلكم تعقلون
“ Sesungghnya Kami menurunkannya berupa Al-Qur’an dengan berahasa Arab, agar kamu
mengetahuinya”. Lihat surah Ibrahim ayat 4:“ ... “ وما رسلنا من رسول اال بلسان قومه لينب هلم,
Tidak mengutus Kami seorang rasulpun, melainkan dengan bahasa kaumnya,...
Q.S.Al Anbiya: 107
260 Centre of Quranic Research (CQR)
Qur’anic Research: Interaction of Knowledge, Science, and Civilization
digunakan untuk segala umur baik kanak-kanak maupun orang tua. Bentuk latihan
yang diberikan oleh kaedah iqra yaitu pengenalan huruf, latihan membaca huruf
bersambung, makhraj dan lain-lain yang terkait dengan cara baca Al-Quran (Humam,
Di antara terjemahan yang menyimpang dari tata bahasa Arab antara lain seperti terjemahan
Al-Qur’an surah al-Baqarah ayat 60: ... فقلنا اضرب بعصاك الحجر...terjemahan dalam bahasa
Indonesia dan bahasa Inggeris:” ...pukullah batu itu dengan tongkatmu”, “ Strike the rock with
your staff “. Dalam kedua terjemah tersebut, menekankan ‘ ‘ ‘الحجرbatu’, maka akhirnya
batulah yang menjadi aikon, sedangkan teks Arabnya mendahulukan ‘ ‘ بعصاك, berarti ‘
tongkatlah yang menjadi inti. Bukankah tongkat nabi Musa as. yang menjadi inti pada ayat
Qur’anic Research: Interaction of Knowledge, Science, and Civilization
Kaedah Penyelidikan
Dalam penyelidikan ini, untuk tingkat pemula pengajaran huruf dan baca dilakukan
dengan kaedah iqra'. Kaedah iqra' jilid 1 sampai dengan 6, dimana sifat
pengajarannya adalah privat.
Pengenalan Bentuk Kata
Dalam penyelidikan ini bentuk kata dalam bahasa Arab didefinisikan ada 3 (tiga)
jenis yaitu kata benda, kata kerja dan huruf yang mempunyai arti.
Dalam penyelidikan ini, fungsi kata tetap merujuk pada tata bahasa Arab yaitu fungsi
kata penunjuk (Ismul isyarah) dimana untuk laki-laki yang disebut dengan Muzakkar
dan fungsi kata penunjuk untuk perempuan disebut Muannas.
Dalam penyelidikan ini, kaedah pengajaran bahasa Arab dimulakan dari pengenalan
bentuk kalimat yang sederhana yang terdiri dari Subjek dan Predikat atau – خبر(مبتدئ
(Mubtada) yang terdiri dari Pokok kalimat Kata Penunjuk dan Kata ganti, sedangkan
objek terdiri dari kata benda (Ghilayiini, 1992). Dasar kalimat sederhana ini akan
dikembangkan menjadi beberapa pola kalimat dan atau susunan kata dalam ayat
dengan memperhatikan kaedah-kaedah baku dalam tata bahasa Arab.
Kaedah pengajaran
Dalam penyelidikan ini, kaedah pengajaran juga diselidik berdasarkan interaksi
proses belajar mengajar antara Guru dan anak didik. Kaedah yang digunakan adalah
pedoman pengajaran Guru (Proaktif Guru) dan kaedah respon yang dilakukan oleh
anak didik (Proaktif Anak didik).
Proaktif Guru
Kaedah pengajaran yang dilaksanakan adalah tetap disampaikan oleh seorang guru di
depan kelas dengan memperlihatkan tulisan Arab yang paling sederhana seperti kata
penunjuk untuk dekat dan untuk jauh. Guru dapat menuliskan kata-kata tersebut
secara langsung di papan tulis dengan spidol warna ataupun melalui infocus atau
menuliskannya pada flipchart. Kata dalam bahasa Arab tersebut diajarkan dengan
cara dituliskan pada papan tulis atau flipchart dan dilatih mengucapkannya secara
bersama-sama kepada anak didik, kemudian dilatih mengucapkannya secara peribadi
dengan berulang-ulang pada anak didik dengan Al-Ta'biir Al-Lugawiy atau dengan
reading drill (kaedah yang digunakan dalam tata bahasa Inggris) (Baraanaq, T.t.h).
Guru juga berfungsi sebagai pembimbing anak didik dalam pembeda fungsi
kata untuk laki-laki maupun perempuan yang terdapat dalam bahasa Arab.
Selanjutnya, guru juga berfungsi untuk memperkenalkan harkat atau baris yang tetap
dan tidak berubah-ubah (harkat abadi), khusus baris bagi kata penunjuk. Jika si anak
didik telah mengerti tentang kata penunjuk tersebut dari berbagai hal (tulis, baca,
bentuk, kegunaan dan artinya), kemudian Guru menambah pelajaran dengan
memperkenalkan kata-kata benda yang berhubungan dengan bahasa Al-Quran dan
sambil memberitahu pula bahwa kata benda (isim) ada dalam bentuk laki-laki dan ada
pula bentuk perempuan ( Muzakkar dan Muannas).
Qur’anic Research: Interaction of Knowledge, Science, and Civilization
Jika anak didik telah mengerti tentang kata penunjuk tersebut dari berbagai
hal (tulis, baca, bentuk, kegunaan dan artinya), kemudian Guru menambah pelajaran
dengan memperkenalkan kata-kata benda yang berhubungan dengan bahasa Al-Quran
dan sambil memberitahu pula bahwa kata benda (isim) ada dalam bentuk laki-laki dan
ada pula bentuk perempuan (Muzakkar dan Muannas) seperti pada Gambar 3.1.
، فاطمة، زينب، هند، عثمان، سورة، رسول، مدرسة، صالة، مسجد، مؤمن، مسلم،كتاب
مشس، نار، ارض، سبورة،رسالة
Gambar 3.1 Contoh kata benda dengan bentuk Muzakkar dan Muannas
bentuk kata muzakkar, muannas, baris atau harkat dan arti kata (Abdullah al-
wahiibniy, 1970; Al-Thariiqat al-Hadiitsah lita’allum al-lughat al-‘Arbiyah, The New
Method to Learn the Arabic Language, Easy to Read Easy to Write Easy to
Dalam penyelidikan ini telah dapat disusun 21 (dua puluh satu) pola kalimat
yaitu 11 (sebelas) susunan subjek + predikat dan 10 (sepuluh) susunan bentuk
lainnya. Tabel 3.1 menyajikan 11 (sebelas) susunan subjek + predikat.
Berikut disampaikan beberapa contoh susunan pola kalimat bentuk pertama seperti
Gambar 3.3.
هذا قلم، هذا امحد، هذا بيت، هذا حديث، هذا مسجد، هذا كتاب
هذه كعبة، هذه زينب، هذه عائشة، هذه رسالة،هذه مدرسة
ذلك قلم، ذلك امحد، ذلك بيت، ذلك حديث، ذلك مسجد،ذلك كتاب
تلك كعبة، تلك زينب، تلك عائشة، تلك رسالة،تلك مدرسة
تلك مشس، تلك نار،هذه ارض
Perlu diketahui, dalam kaedah bahasa Arab terdapat ketentuan bahwa bagi
penggunaan pola pertama diperlukan adanya keserasian atau kesamaan antara pokok
kalimat (isim isyarah) dengan sebutannya. Adapun syarat dan ketentuan bentuk
kerasian dan kesamaan kalimat tersebut adalah;
1. Pokok kalimat yang terdiri dari kata penunjuk, barisnya tetap seperti yang
tertulis ( 4 kata penunjuk jauh dan dekat yg. telah disebutkan di atas).
2. Sebutan atau khabar harkat atau baris kata benda huruf yang terakhir, harus
berbaris dua depan. Oleh karena itu, Guru sangat dituntut kesungguhan
memberikan contoh-contoh kalimat.
3. Pokok kalimat “ Kata Penunjuk” jika “Muzakkar”, maka sebutan atau khabar
juga wajib Muzakkar. Jika pokok kalimat “Muannas”, maka sebutannya juga
wajib Muannas.
Kalimat pertanyaan
Setelah mengerti anak didik bentuk kata penunjuk beserta harkat abadinya, bentuk
kata benda Muzakkar dan Muannas serta harkat huruf akhir dan telah mengerti pula
untuk menyusun dalam kalimat yaitu Pokok kalimat dan sebutan, maka lanjutkan
kepada kalimat bertanya. Guru lebih dahulu menjelaskan beberapa kata pertanyaan.
seperti pada Gambar 3.4.
امحد :السالم عليكم
عثمان :وعليكم السالم
امحد :ما هذا ؟
عثمان :هذا كتاب
امحد :ما هذه ؟
عثمان :هذه رسالة
امحد :ما ذلك ؟
عثمان :ذلك بيت
امحد :ما تلك ؟
عثمان :تلك مدرسة
امحد :شكرا
عثمان :عفوا ،احلمد هللا
Gambar 3.5 Contoh percakapan 1
seperti padaا ،هل ،من Percakapan selanjutnya dapat menggunakan kata penanya :
Gambar 3.6.
Qur’anic Research: Interaction of Knowledge, Science, and Civilization
Kaedah ini akan lebih optimal lagi dengan jika fungsi guru sebagai faktor dari
luar dioptimalkan seperti halnya pengajaran Rasul, orang-tua, guru, penyuluh dan
pemimpin dan lain sebagainya, hanya bertugas untuk mencerdaskan anak didik saja
dengan berbagai cara tanpa merasa bosan. Semua petugas pengajar wajib menyadari
bahwa hanya sebatas usaha, semuanya itu hanya sebatas mendorong dan memotivasi
anak didik. Petugas pencerdas atau Guru jangan apatis terhadap pengajaran bahasa
Arab, seorang guru wajib agresif. Dengan demikian dapat dipahami bahwa pada
prinsipnya diri anak didiklah yang sangat menentukan untuk kecerdasannya,
sedangkan para guru atau pemberi bantuan dari luar dan hanya memancing benda
yang telah diberikan Allah SWT bagi masing-masing manusia atau anak didik.
Beberapa hal yang sangat penting dan wajib prioritaskan untuk mewujudkan
bersama setelah seminar ini, antara lain; Al-Quran adalah pedoman manusia, (tanpa
mengikuti pedoman Al-Qur’an manusia akan sesat), sedangkan Al-Qur’an telah
diturunkan oleh Allah SWT. dalam bahasa Arab, (melalui terjemahan saja tentu tidak
akan mendapatkan roh Al-Quran). Oleh karena itu, perlu disediakan sebagai langkah
awal agar anak didik Islam mengerti bahasa Al-Quran; pertama mengajarkan baca
huruf dan kedua menyediakan tenaga ahli untuk mengajarkan tata bahasa Arab Al-
Qur’an dasar. Guru pandai baca dan pandai tata bahasa dapat meragkap atau masing-
masing terpisah. Selanjutnya, disediakan pula tenaga ahli lainnya tentang berbagai
disiplin ilmu yang berhubungan dengan bahasa dan ilmu-ilmu Al-Quran. Tenaga ahli
lainnya bersifat menyusul, yang sangat penting disediakan adalah dua hal tadi. Selain
menyiapkan tenaga pandai baca Al-Qur’an dan pandai tata bahasa, yang tidak kalah
pentingnya sejalan dengan dua jenis tadi adalah wajib didukung oleh masyarakat serta
Qur’anic Research: Interaction of Knowledge, Science, and Civilization
adanya kebijakan Pemerintah. Insya Allah akan muncul generasi yang paham tetang
bahasa Arab Al-Qur’an.
11. Mahmud Yunus, & Yunus, D. (1972). Al-Mukhtarat lill Muthaala’ah wa al-
Mahfuuzhaat. Jakarta: Al-Hidayah.
13. Muhammad bik Diyaab, & Thamuum, M. Kitab Qawaa’id al-Lughat al-
‘Arabiyyah: wizarah al-ma’arif al-‘Umumiyah.
Qur’anic Research: Interaction of Knowledge, Science, and Civilization
Pelajar PhD di Jabatan Fiqh dan Usul, Akademi Pengajian Islam, Universiti Malaya di bawah
penyeliaan Dr Rizwan Ahmad. E-mel: [email protected]
2 Ridzwan bin Ahmad, PhD, Pensyarah Kanan , Jabatan Fiqh dan Usul, Akademi Pengajian Islam,
Maqasid al shari’ah adalah satu bidang ilmu yang semakin mendapat tempat dalam
perbincangan keilmuan dan juga masyarakat. Bahkan kerajaan Malaysia telah
melancarkan satu model tadbir urus berteraskan maqasid al shari’ah yang diberi
nama Indeks Syariah Malaysia (Jabatan Kemajuan Islam Malaysia (JAKIM), 2015).
Mutakhir ini, terdapat pelbagai buku, kertas kerja, seminar dan rancangan televisyen
yang membincangkan tentang maqasid al shari’ah. Ia adalah satu perkembangan
yang baik memandangkan maqasid al shari’ah adalah antara asas dalam
mempengaruhi penetapan hukum syarak kerana matlamat hukum syarak adalah untuk
mendatangkan maslahah dan menjauhkan mafsadah (al Zuhaili, 1998).
Jika dibuat tinjauan kepada beberapa kitab usul fiqh, jelas bahawa memahami
maqasid al shari’ah adalah salah satu syarat yang ditekankan dalam ijtihad.
Antaranya menurut al Zuhaili (1998), maqasid al shari’ah adalah makna dan tujuan
daripada pensyariatan. Mengetahuinya adalah suatu yang daruri kepada para
mujtahid. Bagi bukan mujtahid pula, ia membantu mereka mengetahui hikmah atau
rahsia sesuatu hukum. Menurut ‘Abd al Karim Zaidan (2004), memahami maqasid al
shari’ah al ‘ammah adalah suatu yang daruri untuk memahami nas-nas syarak
dengan cara betul. Tidak memadai hanya mengetahui bentuk-bentuk pendalilan lafaz
ke atas makna sahaja . Abu Zuhrah (t.t.) juga telah menetapkan antara syarat mujtahid
untuk beristinbat ialah mengetahui maqasid hukum.
daripada nas sehingga mengabaikan nas itu sendiri, Imam Syafi’i telah
memperkenalkan kaedah-kaedah usul fiqh dalam bentuk penulisan yang
bertunjangkan kepada empat dalil iaitu al Quran, hadis, Ijmak dan qiyas (Abu Zuhrah,
Selepas itu muncul golongan yang dilihat berlebihan sama ada ke arah
berpegang dengan nas ataupun yang berpegang dengan ra’y atau lebih dikenali
selepas itu berpegang dengan maslahah dan maqasid sebagaimana yang disebut oleh
al Shatibi (2011) tentang tiga aliran yang berbeza dalam memahami maqasid al
shari’ah iaitu yang pertama golongan yang terlalu kuat berpegang dengan nas seperti
golongan zahiriyyah, yang kedua, golongan yang mendahulukan maksud yang
tersurat daripada makna zahir nas sehinggakan tiada ruang maksud diketahui daripada
zahir nas. Golongan ini adalah seperti golongan batiniyyah. Golongan yang ketiga
ialah yang mengambil kedua duanya iaitu makna zahir dan maksud yang difahami
daripada nas. Al Qardawi (2006), telah mengulangi apa yang disebut oleh al Shatibi
tentang tiga golongan ini dan beliau namakan mereka dengan golongan harfiyyun
iaitu mereka yang mengambil berat dengan nas-nas yang juziyy tanpa melihat kepada
maksud syarak di sebalik pensyariatan itu, golongan yang mengabaikan nas atas
nama maslahah dan maqasid dan golongan yang ketiga iaitu golongan wasatiyyah
yang menggabung jalin antara nas yang juziyy dengan maqasid yang kulliyy.
Pada zaman ini, perubahan teknologi yang begitu pantas di samping pengaruh
globalisasi dan pengaruh ketamadunan barat ke atas masyarakat lain termasuklah
Islam, turut mempengaruhi jalur pemikiran mereka dalam mendahulukan maslahah
daripada nas atas alasan maqasid al shari’ah. Apatah lagi dengan wujudnya gerakan
Islam liberal yang dilihat lebih terbuka dalam mempromosi idea liberalisasi hukum-
hukum Islam. Justeru, analisis terhadap pendapat tokoh-tokoh yang menjadi rujukan
dalam ilmu maqasid al shari’ah pada pelbagai zaman bermula dengan Imam al
Juwaini, sehingga Dr. Ahmad al Raysuni dibuat. Analisis dibuat untuk melihat
pandangan mereka terhadap kedudukan nas dalam menentukan maqasid al-shari’ah.
Analisa akan difokuskan kepada aspek kedudukan nas dalam pengukuran maqasid
dalam penetapan hukum.
Tidak dapat dinafikan terdapat banyak buku dan tulisan tentang maqasid al
shari’ah mutakhir ini. Walaubagaimanapun, belum ada tulisan tentang perbandingan
antara pelbagai tokoh maqasid secara khusus dalam membincangkan maqasid dan
kedudukan nas. Kebanyakan tulisan yang ada memfokuskan kepada konsep atau
aplikasi maqasid dalam pelbagai sektor. Terdapat satu disertasi sarjana yang
membincangkan secara khusus tentang perbandingan antara konsep maqasid menurut
Imam Izz al Din bin Abd al Salam dan al Shatibi (Hasbullah Mat daud, 2011).
Terdapat juga jurnal yang bertajuk Maqasid Al-Qur'an and Maqasid Al-Shari’ah: An
Analytical Presentation (Tazul Islam, 2013), tetapi perbincangan memfokuskan
kepada perbandingan antara maqasid al Quran dan maqasid al shari’ah. Jurnal yang
bertajuk Confusion Concerning the Use of Maqasid al Shari’ah in some Social Issues
in Malaysia (Muhammad Adib & Salasiah Hanin, 2015) juga membincangkan
tentang kepentingan disandarkan maqasid kepada al Quran dan hadis tetapi
perbincangan memfokuskan kepada penetapan garis panduan maslahah atau maqasid
al shari’ah khususnya berdasarkan apa yang telah dikemukakan oleh al marhum
Ramadan al Buti.
Qur’anic Research: Interaction of Knowledge, Science, and Civilization
Maqasid al shari’ah berasal daripada dua perkataan iaitu maqasid dan al shari’ah.
Maqasid adalah kata jamak kepada perkataan maqsad (Ahmad bin Faris, t.t.)
Menurut al Khadimi (2003), antara makna perkataan maqsad yang penting dari sudut
bahasa ialah menuju ke arah sesuatu, jalan yang lurus, mudah dan dekat dan
kesederhanaan dan pertengahan. Makna-makna ini mempunyai kesesuaian dengan
makna maqasid dari sudut istilah.
Dalam penggunaan istilah ini pula, ulama awal seperti al Juwaini, al Ghazali,
Izz al Din bin Abd al Salam bahkan al Shatibi mengambil pendekatan tidak
memberikan takrifan yang jelas dan spesifik kepada perkataan maqasid al shari’ah.
Mereka mengaplikasikan maqasid al shari’ah dalam istinbat mereka dan merujuk
kepada penggunaan maqasid dengan istilah yang berbeza-beza.
Selepas itu, antara yang menonjol ialah al Juwaini (1997) yang mula
menjelaskan tentang konsep daruriyy, hajiyy dan jalb mukramah. Bahkan beliau juga
menggunakan perkataan maqasid al shari’ah. Seterusnya murid beliau Al Ghazali
(1996) telah memperkenalkan dengan lebih jelas konsep daruriyyat al khams dan
telah menggunakan perkataan maqsud al al shar’ ketika membincang definisi
maslahah. Kemudiannya muncul ulama-ulama selepas itu seperti Fakhr al Din al
Razi, Saif al Din al Amidi dan lain-lain. Mereka mengulang menambah dan
memperkemaskan teori-teori tersebut (al Raysuni 2011).
Imam Izz al Din bin ‘Abd al Salam pada abad ke tujuh hijrah telah
mengarang kitab Qawaid al Ahkam fi Masalih al Anam. Ia adalah kitab terawal yang
membicarakan tentang maqasid al shari’ah secara khusus dalam bentuk kaedah-
kaedah fiqh. Seterusnya diikuti oleh murid beliau al Qarafi (al Raisuni, 2011)
sebelum munculnya Imam al Shatibi.
Ulama yang dipilih untuk dianalisis pandangan mereka berkaitan maqasid al shari’ah
ialah Imam al Juwaini, Imam al Ghazali, Imam Izz al Din Abd al Salam, Imam al
Qarafi, Imam al Shatibi, Sheikh Ibn ‘Ashur dan Dr. al Raysuni. Mereka adalah tokoh-
tokoh besar dalam ilmu maqasid pada zaman mereka.
Perkaitan antara tokoh-tokoh ini telah disusun oleh Ridzwan (2004), dengan
menyebut bahawa konsep maqasid al shari’ah yang dipelopori oleh Imam Syafi’i
masih kurang di fahami secara mendalam oleh pendukung beliau sehingga munculnya
Imam al Juwaini yang berusaha dan menyusun kembali konsep tersebut dengan lebih
rapi dan terarah. Setelah itu muncul al Ghazali melengkapkan lagi konsep maqasid.
Akhirnya Imam Izz al Din Abd Salam dapat menghidu kepentingan ilmu tersebut
sehingga menyusun dan mengarangnya secara terasing dari ilmu usul fiqh
sebagaimana termaktub dalam qawaid al ahkam fi masalih al anam. Manakala
golongan Malikiyyah yang pertama muncul ialah Imam al Qarafi murid kepada Izz al
Qur’anic Research: Interaction of Knowledge, Science, and Civilization
Din bin ‘Abd al Salam. Al Shatibi pula boleh dinobatkan sebagai pelengkap kedua
kewujudan ilmu tersebut selepas Izz al Din ‘Abd al Salam. Pengasasnya ialah Imam
Shafi’i dan pengembang utamanya ialah Imam al Juwaini. Seterusnya yang
meletakkan asas-asas utama ialah Imam al Ghazali. Izz al Din ‘Abd al Salam pula di
anggap pelengkap pertama ilmu tersebut dan al Shatibi sebagai pelengkap yang ke
dua (604-606).
Tokoh berikutnya ialah Sheikh Tahir Ibn ‘Ashur. Beliau dilahirkan pada
tahun 1296 Hijrah bersamaan dengan 1879 Masehi dan meninggal pada tahun 1393
Hijrah bersamaan dengan 1973 Masehi (Ibn ‘Ashur, 2011:13). Beliau di anggap
sebagai penghubung antara fiqh klasik dan keperluan kepada fiqh dalam dunia moden
(IAIS, t.t). Tokoh terakhir ialah tokoh maqasid semasa yang masih lagi aktif
menyumbang kepakarannya kepada dunia iaitu al Raysuni. Beliau ialah Ahmad bin
‘Abd al Salam bin Muhammad al Raysuni. Dilahirkan pada tahun 1954 Masehi.
Pengkhususan pengajaran beliau ialah dalam bidang usul fiqh dan maqasid al
shari’ah (al Raisuni 2015).
Imam al Juwaini
ُوِل األَلْب ي
اب لَ َعلَّ ُك ْم تَتَّ ُقو َن ي
َ ْ اص َحيَاةٌ يَاْ أ ي
ص يَ َولَ ُك ْم يِف الْق
3- Terdapat perkara yang tidak berbentuk darurah dan tidak juga berbentuk
hajah, tetapi ia mendatangkan kemuliaan kepada yang melakukannya.
Contohnya ialah seperti penyucian daripada hadas dan menghilangkan
kotoran. Ia adalah sesuatu yang dianggap baik. Beliau berpendapat
keadaan yang ketiga ini tidak menjadi al asl untuk diqiyaskan tidak
sebagaimana darurah dan hajah kerana kerana kedua-duanya iaitu
darurah dan hajah adalah nyata dan senang untuk dikenalpasti .
Walaubagaimanapun beliau tidak menolak boleh dilakukan qiyas al
shabah dalam hukum-hukum yang berkaitan dengan jalb al mukrimat ini.
ia sabit dengan nas, maka nas itu telah menetapkan maqasid. Dalam perkara yang
tidak disebut secara langsung oleh nas pula, penentuan adalah berdasarkan qiyas.
Al Ghazali
Beliau adalah antara ulama yang terawal dari sudut penulisan menulis qawaed
fiqhiyyah khususnya di dalam kitabnya al Qawaed al Kubra atau dikenali juga dengan
4 Istihsan yang dimaksudkan oleh al Ghazali ialah istihsan yang bermaksud penetapan hukum
berdasarkan kepada akal semata-mata tanpa ada persamaan dengan mana-mana hukum yang sabit
melalui nas sama ada dalam bentuk juziyy ataupun kulliy berbeza dengan pemakaian istihsan pada hari
ini yang antara maksudnya ialah mendahulukan qiyas yang khafiyy ke atas qiyas yang jaliyy berdasarkan
kepada dalil.
5 Beliau juga menolak maslahah mursalah tetapi tidak menolak penggunaan maslahah dalam ijtihad.
Izz al Din bin ‘Abd al Salam (2010) menyebut bahawa syariat semuanya
mengandungi masalih sama ada dalam bentuk menolak kemudaratan atau
mendatangkan kebaikan (1:14). Seterusnya beliau menyebut maslahah akhirat tidak
boleh diketahui melainkan dengan dalil naqli. Maslahah dan mafsadah dunia dan
akhirat mempunyai peringkat-peringkat yang berbeza, paling tinggi, paling rendah
dan juga pertengahan. Ia juga terbahagi kepada yang disepakati dan yang ada khilaf.
Setiap yang diperintahkan terdapat maslahah sama ada untuk dunia dan akhirat atau
salah satu daripada kedua-duanya. Begitulah juga setiap yang ditegah, terdapat
mafsadah padanya. Perbuatan yang mendatangkan maslahah yang lebih besar adalah
lebih afdal dan begitulah sebaliknya. Tiada kebahagiaan yang paling besar melainkan
mengenali Allah, beriman denganNya dan mentaatiNya. Tiada kemudaratan yang
paling besar melainkan kejahilan dengan agama, kekufuran, kefasikan dan maksiat.
Maqasid yang ditetapkan al Quran adalah dalam bentuk perintah bertujuan untuk
mendatangkan maslahah dan sebab-sebab yang membawa kepada maslahah.
Begitulah juga dengan tegahan yang bertujuan untuk menjauhkan mafsadah atau
jalan-jalan yang membawa ke arahnya (2010, 1:11).
Pandangan Izz al in bin Abd al Salam ini juga jelas bahawa al Quran dan
sunnah mempunyai pengaruh yang besar dalam penentuan maqasid. Hendaklah
diukur maqasid dalam perkara yang telah disebut oleh kedua-duanya itu berdasarkan
kepada kedua-duanya dan tidak didahulukan akal.
Al Qarafi
Pendekatan al Qarafi juga tidak banyak berbeza dengan ulama sebelumnya. Ketika
membincangkan kedudukan dalil akal dan syarak menurut ahli sunnah dan mu’tazilah
beliau menyebut, “ menurut kami, keadaan sesuatu perbuatan itu sama ada diberi
pahala atau diseksa tidak diketahui melainkan melalui syarak. Adapun balasan baik
atau buruk sama ada di dunia ataupun di akhirat atau keadaan hari kiamat ataupun
hukum-hukum syarak tidak diketahui menurut kami (ahli al sunnah) kecuali melalui
risalah rabbaniyyah (2007, 111)
Qur’anic Research: Interaction of Knowledge, Science, and Civilization
Daripada pendapat al Qarafi di atas, juga jelas bahawa beliau seperti juga
ulama-ulama yang terdahulu tetap meletakkan nas ditempat yang utama. Perbezaan
hanya pengistilahan pada perkataan maslahah mursalah dan maslahah mulaimah
yang dipakai oleh mazhab syafi’i dan juga Istihsan yang dipakai oleh mazhab Hanafi.
Al Shatibi
Al Shatibi adalah tokoh yang tidak asing lagi dalam perbincangan ilmu maqasid.
Karya beliau al Muwafaqat adalah antara buku rujukan utama dalam ilmu ini.
Menurut beliau, syariat diturunkan untuk kemaslahatan ‘ibad segera dan akan datang
serta menjaga maqasid makhluk. Maqasid itu pula terbahagi kepada tiga iaitu
daruriyyah, hajiyyah dan tahsiniyyah. Dalam penetapan maqasid, beliau menyebut
bahawa antara rujukannya ialah istiqra’ daripada nas (2011) .
Beliau juga menyebut bahawa maslahah yang diiktiraf oleh syarak atau
mafsadah yang ditolak dikira berdasarkan hidup dunia untuk akhirat dan bukan
berdasarkan kehendak diri dalam mendatangkan kemaslahatan atau menolak
kemudaratan. Ini berdasarkan kepada beberapa hujah antaranya (2011 2: 28-30) :
Sebagaimana yang dijelaskan sebelum ini, Imam Ibn ‘Ashur adalah tokoh maqasid
kontemporari yang karyanya menjadi rujukan kepada pengkaji-pengkaji. Beliau telah
memberikan sentuhan baru kepada perbincangan maqasid dengan memberikan
definisi serta meluaskannya. Menurut beliau, “hukum-hukum syarak semuanya
mengandungi maqasid syarak iaitu hikmah-hikmah, maslahat-maslahat dan manfaat-
manfaat” (2011, 246). Beliau membahagikan maqasid kepada dua iaitu maqasid al
‘ammah dan maqasid al khassah . Maqasid al ‘ammah ialah “makna-makna dan
hikmah-hikmah yang ditetapkan oleh shari’ pada kesemua atau kebanyakan hukum
yang disyariatkan, di mana tidak dikhususkan pengenalpastian itu pada keadaan jenis
yang tertentu sahaja daripada hukum-hukum syarak” (2011, 251) . Maqasid al
khassah pula ialah “ kaedah-kaedah untuk menjaga maslahah pada tasarruf (urusan)
yang khusus supaya usaha mereka dalam mencapai maslahah yang khusus tidak pula
menafikan maslahah mereka yang umum” (2011, 415).
serta memastikan kemaslahatan mereka terjaga, sama ada kemaslahatan pada akal,
perbuatan mahupun persekitaran (2011). Beliau tidak hanya memfokuskan
kemaslahatan individu bahkan meluaskan kepada ummah sebagaimana ketika beliau
memberikan definisi maslahah daruriyyah, hajiyyah dan tahsiniyyah. Maslahah
daruriyyah ialah “apa-apa yang umat secara kolektif ataupun secara individu
memerlukannya di mana sekiranya tiada maslahah tersebut, rosak sistem dan
membawa kehidupan umat kepada kebinasaan dan kehancuran. Termasuk dalam
maksud kehancuran ialah apabila kehidupan umat menjadi seperti kehidupan
binatang, tidak sebagaimana kehidupan yang dikehendaki oleh Shari’ yang terkawal
dengan sistem. Beliau menekankan maslahah umat lebih diutamakan daripada
menjaga maslahah individu” (2011, 300) .
Walaupun beliau adalah antara tokoh yang ingin melihat ada suatu
pengasingan antara kaedah-kaedah usul yang qatie’ dengan yang zanni yang
kemudiannya dicadangkan yang qatie’ itu dengan nama maqasid al shari’ah dan
yang zanni dengan nama usul fiqh (2011, 234). Namun, beliau tetap menyatakan
kepentingan dalil-dalil khususnya al Quran dan al Sunnah dalam penetapan maqasid
dan hukum-hakam sebagaimana beliau menyebut bahawa tujuan mengetahui maqasid
adalah untuk mengenali kebanyakan daripada pelbagai bentuk maslahah yang
menjadi tujuan disyariatkan hukum. Pengetahuan itu membawa kepada keyakinan
tentang pelbagai maslahah dalam bentuk yang kulliyy. Oleh itu, apabila berlaku satu
kes baru yang tidak disebut secara langsung pada zaman pensyariatan serta tidak pula
mempunyai persamaan dengan hukum-hukum yang telah didatangkan, memahami
maqasid al shari’ah akan membantu untuk penetapan hukum-hukum kes-kes sebegitu
melalui gambaran kulliy yang telah diperolehi. Maka hukum diputuskan berdasarkan
kepada hukum-hukum yang bersamaan yang sabit berdasarkan kaedah kulliy tersebut
(2011 :308-309). Walaubagaimanapun, beliau secara tidak langsung menyebut
bahawa kes-kes yang bersamaan itu bukan diputuskan melalui maqasid al shari’ah
tetapi adalah di bawah perbincangan qiyas ataupun masalih al mursalah (bagi
mazhab yang menerimanya sebagai dalil yang tersendiri). Maqasid al shari’ah
berperanan membantu dalam proses tersebut (2011, 308-309). Ini menunjukkan
bahawa penetapan hukum dalam mencapai matlamat mendatangkan maslahah dan
menolak mafsadah itu adalah diukur melalui dalil-dalil dalam perbincangan usul fiqh
seperti qiyas dan masalih mursalah.
dan melalui hukum-hukum yang dinaskan, atau diisyaratkan oleh nas, atau yang
diistiqra’kan daripada hukum yang dinaskan (2011, 196).
Dr Ahmad al Raysuni
1. Al Quran al Karim
15- Mu’jam Maqayis al Lughah. Abi al Husain, Ahmad bin Faris (t.t.) Beirut:
Dar al Jil. Juz 5.
18- Al Mustasfa fi Ilmi al Usul. Al Ghazali, Abu Hamid (2008), Beirut: Dar
al Kutub al Ilmiyyah.
21- Al Qawaid al Kubra. Abd Aziz bin Abd al Salam (2010). Damsyik: Dar
al Qalam.
22- Al Shafi’i. Muhammad Abu Zuhrah (1978). Dar al Fikr al ‘Arabi.
26- Usul al Fiqh al Islami. al Zuhaili, Wahbah (1998). Beirut: Dar al Fikr.
27- Usul al Fiqh. Abu Zuhrah, Muhammad (t.t.). Dar al Fikr al ‘Arabi.
Qur’anic Research: Interaction of Knowledge, Science, and Civilization
Chapter 5:
Qur’anic Research: Interaction of Knowledge, Science, and Civilization
Muhammad Hosain1
Abdollatif Ahmadi Ramchahi2
Faisal bin Ahmad shah3
1 Master Candidate (By Research), Department of Al-Qur’an and Al-HadÊth, Academy of Islamic
Studies, University of Malaya, emaill: [email protected]
Senior Lecturer, Department of Islamic Studies, Academy of Islamic Studies, University of Malaya,
email: [email protected]
3Senior lecturer, department of Al-Qur’an and Al-HadÊth, Academy of Islamic studies, University of
Muhammad ‘AmÊm al-IhsÉn (1911–1974) was one of the famous Islamic Scholars
in his time in Indian archipelago. Through his intellectual expertise and abundant
knowledge in multiple disciplines, he has played an important role to develop Qur‘an
and HadÊth studies in Bangladesh. Beside a wide range of knowledge in Quranic and
prophetic science, he also contributed frequently to the knowledge base in Islamic
jurisprudence, Arabic literature, spirituality and Islamic astronomy. By authoring
more than 250 books and manuscripts on a different field of knowledge related to
Islam in the Urdu and Arabic language, he had become one of the forerunners in the
fields mentioned above. ‘AmÊm al-IhsÉn gained his academic learning in esteemed
Madrasah ‘Alia at Kolkata in 1926 from the students of two acclaimed scholars in
Indian sub-continent: Imām Rabbānī Shaykh Ahmad al-Farūqī al-Sirhindī (1564–
1624) and Shah WalÊ Ullah Muhaddis DehlawÊ (1551–1642). Thus he came under
the influence of the thought and knowledge of both these renowned scholars. In the
same manner, there were plenty more of his students who were attributed by the same
thoughts and ethos. His peers, contemporaries or successors in Bangladesh had been
benefited from his voluminous works in a wide array of branches of knowledge—
specifically his expertise in Qur’an and HadÊth and related sciences. His celebrated
book of Quranic studies “al-TanwiÊr fÊ UsËl al-TafsÊr” and book of HadÊth studies
Fiqh al-Sunan wal AthÉr are routinely being instructed as textbooks—part of the
official curriculum of various Islamic schools, colleges and universities in
Bangladesh. Not only that, even the renowned University, University of Al-Azhar
used to teach books authored by luminary. However, his works, contribution, talent
and expertise have not been highlighted in an appropriate manner to a worldwide
audience in a way it deserves. As a result of it, this study sets its goal to
commemorate and highlight the life and works of Muhammad AmÊm al-IhsÉn, one
of the Muslim scholars of 1950s to mid-1970s. His expertise in various fields of
knowledge, Qur’an and hadÊth in particular, is of significance and has precious
value. Therefore, this study will contribute to illustrate his contribution to the Qur’an
and HadÊth studies in Bangladesh as academia can get the sufficient knowledge
about this mentor. The study also will provide adequate information about his two
famous books of Qur’an and hadÊth which has mentioned above, which will help
shed light on this noble scholar’s life and achievements, as well as attracting a utmost
number of present and future scholars to study his works and benefit from.
His Name: The full, official name of Muhammad ‘AmÊm al-IhsÉn is MuftÊ Sayyid
Muhammad AmÊm al IhsÉn al-MujaddidÊ al-BarakatÊ al-HanafÊ. ‘AmÊm al-IhsÉn
is his laqb (epithet). (Bhuiyan, 1988: 25) His family tree traces from daughter of
Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) Fatimah (RA). (IhsÉn, 1944: 13) This is why his
ancestors use the honorific Sayyid before their names. BarakatÊ Thus Sayyid is an
indicator of his lineage. The al-BarakatÊ portion of his name stems from the fact that
he pledged allegiance of Bayyah to famous Indian saint Barakat Ali. His spiritual
chain springs from Nakshbandi and Mujaddadi (Barkati, 1988: 58) and hence those
290 Centre of Quranic Research (CQR)
Qur’anic Research: Interaction of Knowledge, Science, and Civilization
are added as descriptive to his name. Moreover, owing to following Imam Abu
Hanifa in matters of Islamic Jurisprudence, he annexes the Al-HanafÊ descriptive to
his name.
His Birth: Muhammad ‘AmÊm al-Ihsan was born on 22nd of Muharram of 1329 Hijri
calendar year. The day was Monday and the hour was dawn. This translates to 24 th of
January 1911 AD. He was born in his maternal grandfather’s house in the village of
Pachna. (Bhuiyan, 1988: 5)
Early Life: Muhammad ‘AmÊm al-Ihsan spent some parts of his childhood at his
maternal grandfather’s house along with his mother. Upon entering fifth year he
travelled to Kolkata with his paternal grandfather and thereupon was looked after by
his father’s household. (Bhuiyan, 1988: 9) Since his childhood he demonstrated
exceptional behavioral characteristics and temperament.
Education: ‘AmÊm al-Ihsan received his first elementary knowledges from his
literate father and paternal uncle. His uncle Sayyid Abdud Daiyyan oversaw and
trained his nephew avidly. As a result of caring and guardianship of family
Muhammad ‘AmÊm al-Ihsan gained the necessary skills to recite all 30 chapters of
the Holy Qur’an in a matter of mere 3 months. (Barakati, 1988: 64) At this time he
was only 5 years old. During this period he also received elementary knowledge on
two languages: Urdu and Farsi. His talent was extraordinary. His zeal for learning
was so keen from a young age that even when he used to find littered papers on the
street, he would pick them up and later try to read its contents carefully.
Young Muhammad ‘AmÊm al-Ihsan’s father took his son to the court of his
own spiritual mentor Sayyid Barakat Ali Shah (d. 1926 A.D)4 Mr. Shah marveled at
the caliber of his devotee’s son. He could foresee a great future ahead of this child.
Thus he expressed interest to undertake educational progress of this child under his
own care and tutelage. Under sponsorship of Sayyid BarakÉt ‘Ali Shah, young
4 Sayyid Barakat Ali Shah (RA) was a saint of high caliber. His father’s name was Mawlana Ayyid Abu
Muhammad Barakat Ali Shah. He is a direct descendent of prominent religious personality of Indian
Punjab’s Bijowara region. He was born in 1853 AD. It is reported that after birth the first word he
uttered was ‘Allah.’ This is why he is called newborn Waliullah. He was of a reserved disposition since
childhood. He finished his elementary religious training in boyhood. He attained knowledge in Arabic
from his paternal grandfather Mawlana Cherag Ali Shah. He traveled hundreds of miles on foot to gain
advanced knowledge in Islamic sciences. To this effect, he travelled o the frontier provinces and visited
Musazai Sharif. Thereupon, he received spiritual training from the scholar or scholars Muhammad
Usman Damani. Fulfilled by this knowledge he received pledge of caliphate from his own followers.
After the demise of his chief follower, he attained consummation of Mujaddia Tariqa at the hands of his
mentor’s son Khaja Mawlana Siraj Uddin. Later on, at the capital of the-then Bengal, Kolkata’s College
Square and Park Circus Lane (Pool No. 4), he established his own Khankah and there he dispensed
knowledge on Shari’ah, Tariqah, and Ma’rifah to his followers. (IhsÉn, MA. (1944) . Minnatul BÉry.
Kolkata: HÉji Sayeed.
Qur’anic Research: Interaction of Knowledge, Science, and Civilization
Academic Contributions:
In Arabic and Urdu combined Muhammad ‘AmÊm al-IhsÉn essayed around 250
books and pamphlets. However, the number of published books is quite small.
According to some, only 13 of his books have been published (Haque, 2002: 97).
However, according to the most recent research so far 27 printed published books of
his have been evidenced.
Published Books
i. Al KhutbÉt li al-Jum‘Ét
ii. Al-Érba‘iyn fi al-SolÉt
iii. Al-IstibshÉr bi mu’jizÉt al-nabÊ al-MukhtÉr
iv. Al-‘asharat al-Mahdiyah fy mÉ wurida fiha al-kalimÉt al-Taiyebah
v. AyÉtu nasr
vi. Jam‘ul
i. Al-istihlÉl bi-masÉÑil al-hilÉl
ii. ‘Ilmu hadÊh ki mabadiaat
iii. Fatawa barkÉtiyah
iv. Asma‘u al-Mudallisin
v. Al-tanbih lil faqih
vi. Al-qurratu fi al-kurrah
vii. Al-Iiz‘n wa al-Tabshir
viii. Umdat al-MajÉni
ix. KitÉb al-wadi‘yin
i. AdÉb al-MasÉjid
ii. Al-hÉwyi fy zikri tahÉwÊ
iii. Al-masaltu fy qiyÉmi I’nda al-hai‘alatu
iv. Anfa‘u al-siar
v. HaqiqÉt al-Islam
vi. Dastur istikhraju al-AwqÉt
vii. Dahub gahdi
viii. Mu‘alymu al-miqÉt
Qur’anic Research: Interaction of Knowledge, Science, and Civilization
Muhammad ‘AmÊm-al-IhsÉn authored several books in the field of TafsÊr and usËl-
al-TafsÊr. “Al-tanwÊr fÊ UsËl-al-TafsÊr”5 is one of his famous book of UsËl-al-
tafsÊr. It was written and published in 1948 AD. Written in eloquent and yet simple
to understand Arabic, this concise text is of paramount importance for the serious
pursuant of Islamic sciences (Haque, 2002:182)
AbË l-QasÊm al-Hasan b. Muhammad b. Habib al-NÊsÉbËrÊ says in his book al-
TanbÊh alÉ Fadl UlËm al-Quran:
Among the most noble of the Qur’anic sciences is that which enables us to
learn the occasions of revelation of the verses; the ordering of the verses that were
revealed in Mecca and those that were revealed in Medina; those that were revealed
in Mecca but whose ordinance relates to Medina; those that were revealed in Medina
but whose ordinance relates to Mecca;those that were revealed in Mecca and refer to
the people of Mecca; those that were revealed Medina and resemble those revealed in
Mecca; those that were revealed in Mecca and resemble those revealed in Medina;
those that were revealed in al-Juhfah, Jerusalem, TÉ’if, and al-Hudaybiyah; those
revealed at night time and those revealed during the day; those that were revealed
accompanied by angels and those that were not; the Medinan verses contained in the
Meccan sËrahs and the Meccan verses contained in the Medinan sËrahs; those
transferred from Mecca to Medina and those transformed from Medina to Mecca;
those transferred from Medina to Abyssinia; those that are summary and those that
are detailed; and those that are varyingly said to be eighter Meccan or Medinan. If
one is ignorant those twenty-five categories and is unable to distinguish them from
5 It is one of the noblest ventures of ‘AmÊmul Ihsan. It is a regular feature of the Madrasah Board
curriculum in Bangladesh, ever since its pioneering under the erst-Pre-Pakistan textbook and curriculum
board. It is taught in FÉdil (Degree) class till this day.
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each other, it is not permissible for him to speak concerning God’s book.(Al-
ii. This book endows the reader the skill necessary to differentiate between
tafsÊr, ta’wil, and tafsÊr bi al-ray’ (tafsÊr according to self-originated
opinion). The author mentions that deriving meanings of the Qur’anic
verses from the sayings, quotations, and explanations of the prophet (pbuh),
his companions, their followers, and followers of the followers qualifies as
tafsÊr. (Haque,2002: 183)
iii. The book also delves into discussions on history of the compilation and
collection of Qur’anic texts. (IhsÉn, 1961: 10)
iv. The book also classifies the chapters of the Qur’an according to the places
of revelation (Mecca or Medina based), as well as different seasons and
occasions of its revelation.
v. In addition to describing the relevant context of revealing numerous verses
of the Qur’an, ‘AmÊm al-Ihsan also enriches the discussion by quoting the
opinions of past scholars regarding the issues at hand.
vi. In accordance with scholarly legacy, ‘AmÊm al-Ihsan identifies the earliest
and latest revealed verses.
vii. The book also contains a list of companions of the prophet and their
followers who had memorized the entire qur’an. (IhsÉn,1961: 14)
viii. The reader can gain a clear concept regarding words in the Qur’an which
serve as a basis for Islamic rulings and their significance.
ix. The book also deals with verses relevant to utilizing logic to derive Islamic
legal rulings and the principles to be applied to that effect. He also
categorized the relevant verses in accordance with their evidentiary weight.
x. ‘AmÊm al-IhsÉn successfully categorized the topics that the Qur’an
discusses explicitly, as well as the fundamentals of technical jargon used by
tafsÊr experts in formulating principles of qur’anic exegesis through ‘ilm al
ahkÉm in great details.
xi. The book also mentions branches of knowledge that grew out of the Qur’an.
xii. The prophets, messengers, angels, and companions of the last prophet
(saws) that are mentioned in the Qur’an, along with people who are
mentioned indirectly or through their title or nicknames are also tabulated
by ‘AmÊm al-Ihsan.
It is used as a textbook and reference in various universities across the
nation. Due to an increase in its acceptance, many latter day scholars have
ventured to translate it and write explanations on it. Many have written
extolling its virtues as well. Among them, Shamsul Ulama Mawlana Bilayet
Hossain praised profusely the book and its writer: “May young Al Ihsan’s
(Mufti) contribution be adored by all, he who does a good deed is valued as
such. Through At-Tanwir he (‘AmÊm al-Ihsan) has opened a door for those
who are interested in learning the principles of writing tafsÊr on Allah’s
majestic book (the Qur’an)” (Haque, 2002:186).
6 This famous book of hadÊth was published four times by different publishers. It was first published
from Karachi, Pakistan in 1952 A.D. After that it was published again in 1990A.D. Subsequent 2nd and
3rd editions were published with some minor changes and edits. In 1990 A.D it was translated into
Bengali by Sharif Muhammad Yusuf and published by Islami Academy, Dhaka, Bangladesh. Finally,
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one of his celebrated book of hadÊth. A brief discussion of Fikh al-sunan wa al-AthÉr
has given bellow.
Based on the research discussion above, it appears to us that during his lifetime
Muhammad‘AmÊm al-Ihsan was peerless. He was not only concurrently a
Muhaddith of high caliber and a superb exegete, but also he possessed great
knolwedge in various Islamic disciplines. We find evidence of this through many of
his writings, publications, research work, books, treatises, collaborations, etc. Both
his published and unpublished works bear testament that while he was alive he did
not have anyone on par with him in excellence of knowledge. Particular mention is
From 2012AD to 2014A.D it was reviewed and edited by Muhammad Seif Al-Islam Al-Bangladeshi,
one of Bangladeshi Al-Azhar students from Department of Al-Qur‘an and Al-HadÊth. After a hard work
of three years the book was given by editor to DÉr Al-Kotob Al-Ilmiyah-Beirut. Eventually in 2014A.D
it was published by DÉr Al-Kotob Al-Ilmiyah-Beirut.
Qur’anic Research: Interaction of Knowledge, Science, and Civilization
merited for his great work on TafsÊr, Al-tanwÊr fÊ UsËl al-TafsÊr and his most
prominent book on hadith, Fiqh al-Sunan wa al-AthÉr. These two precious books are
now a staple part of the Madrasha board curriculum all over Bangladesh as well as
University and other higher level institutions of advanced Islamic studies where
hadÊth and tafsÊr are taught. It is also used frequently as a reference book in syllabus
of many esteemed programs and institutions. Essentially, through this study, we have
shed light on the diverse array of fields in knowledge where Muhammad ‘AmÊm al-
Ihsan contributed immensely via chronicles of his life story, his literary prowess, and
illuminating discussionss on his works of hadith, fiqh and tafsÊr. The researcher
hopes that this study will help to fill the void of information on this celebrated
scholar’s contribution to Islamic sciences by virtue of being the first in-depth
exposition in English language both in terms of Muhammad ‘AmÊm al-Ihsan’s life
and academic career. Such lofty contributions are exemplified by his two seminal
works which helped propagate the tafsÊr related benefits in holy Quranic wisdom via
Al-tanwÊr fÊ usËl al-TafsÊr, as well as preserving the Sunnah and prophetic
traditions through Fiqh al-sunan wa al-AthÉr. The academic community was much in
need of a detailed work on this great scholar of the past century. This research is a
humble attempt to fill that knowledge gap.
4. IhsÉn, M.A (2014) Fiqhu Al-sunana wa al- AthÉr, ed. By Muhammad Saif
Al-Islam. Beirut: DÉr Al-Kotob Al-‘lmiyah
Mojtaba Rezaierad 1
The present study was performed to determine the effective factors
on the level of interest of High school students in Mazandaran, Iran
to attend in Quran competition. The method of research was a kind
of survey descriptive method. Obviously, the statistical population
was consisted of all 860 High school teachers in Mazandaran, Iran
in the academic year 2015-2016. Krejcie and Morgan table was
considered to select sample size which 269 teachers were chosen.
The sample was selected through stratified random sampling
method. Therefore, statistical population was divided into two
groups in terms of teacher's gender and proper with population size
and the gender, each group size( male:46,female:223) were
estimated. Actually, study tool was researcher made questionnaire
which it's face and content validity was approved by experts and
professionals and thesis advisors and supervisor. Also, by means of
internal consistency and by using Cronbach alpha, the reliability
was acquired 0.89 which showed high reliability. To describe
demographic characteristics of subjects and study variables,
descriptive statistics indexes such as frequency table, mean,
standard deviation were used. In inferential statistics method, the
one-sample t- test and Friedman test were used. Results showed
that 1) general competence of teachers,2) professional competence
of teachers, 3) parents role model, and 5) Quranic scheduling
(spacing) in school and class ,respectively effect on the level of
interest of High school students to attend in Quran competition.
Key words: Qur'an, Qur'an competition, High school students
1 Young Researchers and Elite Club, Sari Branch, Islamic Azad University, Sari
Qur’anic Research: Interaction of Knowledge, Science, and Civilization
Holy Quran as the highest evidence of the truth of Islam and the originality of its
educational school and affect the most powerful spiritual on individuals and society
and the Holy book such as a cloud of mercy with its rainfall eliminates any rust from
the human’s heart and sheds light on God's guidance and divine education.
Requirements of human societies and seekers of the reality and truth of the holy
Quran, is undeniably obvious necessity because as words of god some of the
knowledge is not achievable of mankind except through the Quran:
"...“ َمن استظهر القرآن و َحفظه و احل َحالله وحرم َحرامه اَدخله هللا بِّه اجلنه و
Someone who memorized the Quran and keep it and know halal and
haram, God put him in Paradise and accept his pleading for ten of
his family that all for hell. (Noori tabarsi, 1987)
Quran is guidebook, humanity, guidance, happiness and a rich debate on
scientific, ethical, behavioral, social, artistic, emotional, motor, and cognitive and
have basic applications and guidelines for spending a prosperous life and dealing with
abnormalities, Intellectual, moral deviation sat the level of individual and social life
and generally guide in all matters in all aspects of human life.
Quran is Muslim religious books and prophet of God’s miracle, so expect that
Quranic teachings is highlighted in Islamic society, but some analyzes and
assessments represent a reduced role of religion in life and also taking away of teens
and young people's from values and beliefs and rites of religion and spirituality
among the people are weakened. From judgment would appear that one of the
concerns of the religious elite and our state officials is that religiosity among the new
generation is weak. The issue of religion aversion and lack of religious rituals
adherence among children and adolescents can have adverse effects, However, due to
the fact that religious behavior and religious beliefs, such as praying, fasting, reading
Quran, give Khmu’s and Zakat, integrity, honesty and truthfulness, hijab and so on
are rare. (Mirzaei & shahrokhi, 2006).
Kohlen and Arnold research showed that students between 12 and 15 years of
age have more religious beliefs and at age 18 the student’s beliefs reduced. Hence,
families and communities have an important role in establishing religious beliefs,
especially in childhood and elementary school children to the family and parents are
strongly influenced by the moral character and will follow them, therefore, crucial
role of parents and coaches is made clearer in childhood and adolescence (Bagheri,
Research in this area shows different factors in attracting and training
students in religious rituals and educational activities such as attending prayers,
recitation of the Qur'an and so on. Some of these variables include individual, family,
school (within a school), peers and friends, and social environment variables. The
school is a center of learning can help managing and treating the troubles of students
(Rezvani & Beynaq, 2012).
The results of some studies show, internalization of religious issues and
religious values can cause willingness of most students to perform obligatory duties
and if it can be internalized appropriate methods values, of course, the students
naturally feel and satisfaction with heart, it will learn consistent behavior with values.
Of course, growing religious is feeling extremely elegant and easy. If in this period
student's religious fervor be guided in a logical way, can be fortified their faith
foundation and bewilderment, and preserve them from confusion, bewilderment and
deviations and brought them into peace (zarabi, 2009).
Abroad research is related to religious and moral education and the need of
worship to live and in schools, suggests the importance of this issue. For example,
Hayes (1996), has a review of the future educational, ethical and religious and has
proposed effective solutions in this field. He is emphasized on effective service for
the implementation of these programs. In this regard, Partige (1995), has emphasized
on this fact that to perform collective worship in schools is necessary to a
participation of families and public and private organizations in the implementation
of this responsibility, and this issue should not be imposed. The results of some other
research suggest that people who are educated reading the Quran in state education
system, even after spending about 500 hours, are not able to read it properly
(McLeish, 1970).
Although the Holy Quran is God's greatest gift to man and precious heritage
of the Prophet peace among Muslims, Islamic Ummah has not attempted to employ
its great heritage a worthy as it should.
Muslim community after the death of the Prophet (PBUH) despite his
emphasis obligation to accept and act upon the Quran, as ثقل اكبرand learning the
Quran Sciences from Ahlul Bayt asثقل اصغر, is deprived of this graceful habl-Allah.
As a result, Islamic society from its original position that the Qur'an gives them good
news, and said: “( "انتم االعلون ان كنتم مؤمنینSurah Al-Imran, verse 139) are left behind
and now must admit this bitter reality that Islamic society because away from reality
of the Quran and Ahl al-Bayt, has suffered irreparable damage.
Qur’anic Research: Interaction of Knowledge, Science, and Civilization
Research Method
The present study in term of an objective is applied, in term of nature is descriptive
and is survey method. The statistical population consisted of all 860 High school
teachers in the city of Sari – Mazandaran- Iran in the academic year 2015-2016, and
their numbers have been reported 860 teachers by the Department of Education of
this city. To select the sample size has been referred to Morgan table. The sample was
selected 269 people through stratified random sampling method across gender. The
instrument was researcher made questionnaire. In order to analyze the data was used
one sample t- test and Friedman test.
Question 1: The general competence of students has an effect on their willingness to
participate in Qur'an competition.
Table 1: Univariate t-test to assess the impact of public authority in the interest
of their students
Number sample Standard Theoretical Mean T. Calculation df Significance
of mean deviation mean difference level
Based on the results of the analysis of data that is presented in Table 1, for statistical
purposes and at a confidence level of 99% (α =0/01), the data strongly has rejected
the null hypothesis (H0), and the hypothesis H1 are confirmed, which means it could
be argued that there is a significant difference between the sample mean and
theoretical mean. Because the sample mean (4/65) is bigger than the theoretical mean
(cut point: 3), so we can claim, with 99% of confidence that the general competence
of students has any effect on their willingness to participate in Qur'an competition.
Question 2: A the professional qualification for students has an effect on their
willingness to participate in Qur'an competition.
Based on the results of the analysis of data that is presented in Table 2, for statistical
purposes and at a confidence level of 99% (α =0/01), the data strongly has rejected
the null hypothesis (H0), and the hypothesis H1 are confirmed, which means it could
be argued that there is a significant difference between the mean sample and
theoretical mean. Because the sample mean(4/48) is bigger than the theoretical mean
(cut point: 3), so we can claim, with 99% of confidence that professional competence
of students has an impact on their willingness to participate in Qur'an competition.
Question 3: Does role model of parent's have an effect on the willingness of students
to attend Quranic competitions.
Qur’anic Research: Interaction of Knowledge, Science, and Civilization
Question 4: does Quranic atmosphere in the school and classroom have an effect on
the willingness of students to attend Quranic competitions.
Table 4: Univariate T-Test to Assess the Impact of the Quranic Atmosphere in
the School and Classroom on the Willingness of Students
Number sample Standard Theoretical Mean T. Calculation df Significance
of mean deviation mean difference level
269 4/28 0/71 3 1/28 29/29 168 0/000
Based on the results of the analysis of data that is presented in Table 4, for statistical
purposes and at a confidence level of 99% (α =0/01), the data strongly has rejected
the null hypothesis (H0), and the hypothesis H1 are confirmed, which means it could
be argued that there is a significant difference between the mean sample and
theoretical mean. Because the sample mean (4/28) is bigger than the theoretical mean
(cut point: 3), so we can claim, with 99% of confidence that Quranic atmosphere in
the school and classroom have an effect on the willingness of students to attend
Quranic competitions.
Question 5: does enrich the contents of the Quran textbook has an impact on the
interest rate of primary school students to attend Quran classes.
Table 5: univariate t- test to assess the impact of enriching the contents of the
Quran textbook on the willingness of students
Number sample Standard Theoretical Mean T. Calculation df Significance
of mean deviation mean difference level
269 4/36 0/64 3 1/36 34/79 168 0/000
Based on the results of the analysis of data that is presented in Table 4, for statistical
purposes and at a confidence level of 99% (α =0/01), the data strongly has rejected
the null hypothesis (H0), and the hypothesis H1 are confirmed, which means it could
be argued that there is a significant difference between the mean sample and
304 Centre of Quranic Research (CQR)
Qur’anic Research: Interaction of Knowledge, Science, and Civilization
theoretical mean. Because the sample mean (4/36) is bigger than the theoretical mean
(cut point: 3), so we can claim, with 99% of confidence thatenriching the contents of
the Quran textbook has an impact on the interest rate of primary school students to
attend Quran classes.
The main question: what is the factor that affecting the interest of high school
students to attend Quranic competitions?
According to the results of the study sample that are available in Table 4-15, we can
claim, with 99% of confidence that the impact of factors affecting the willingness of
students to attend Quranic competitions is not the same. So with 99% of confidence
can be ranked the factors affecting the willingness of students to attend Quranic
competitions as follows:
1) General competence of students (Average grade: 3.88).
2) The professional competence of students (Average grade: 3/21).
3) Enriching the content of Quran textbooks (Average grade: 2/83).
4) The role modeling of parents (Average grade: 2/63).
5)Quranic atmosphere in the school and classroom (Average grade: 2/44).
Qur’anic Research: Interaction of Knowledge, Science, and Civilization
1. Bagheri, Kh. (2009). Glance over Islamic education. Tehran: Organization
for Research and Educational Planning Ministry of Education.
Qur’anic Research: Interaction of Knowledge, Science, and Civilization
One of the most striking features of Muslim societies and states down the
ages – one which until recent times continued to be distinctive of Islamic civilization
and, as such, aroused the wonder and admiration of such early modern Western
thinkers as John Locke – is that they were almost always multi-religious and multi-
ethnic. For, as the distinguished German Orientalist Adam Mez noted many years
ago, within the borders of Muslim societies unlike Christian Europe there lived a
large number of peoples of faiths other than Islam and that all these peoples in Mez’s
words, lived “side by side in an atmosphere absolutely unknown to medieval
Europe.”1 Particularly intriguing for many was the question as to how a state or
civilization which was based on a particular faith (in this case, Islam) – instead of
doing its utmost in order to coerce others into conforming to the dominant faith, as
had often been done, and continues to be done, elsewhere – evidently went out of its
way to guarantee those others extensive rights which made it possible for them not
only to live, work and own property but also to freely exercise their faith under the
protection of the ruling state and its laws.
To take the first point first, we need to consider in particular the sharply
contrasting positions in Islamic theology and worldview of the oneness and
uniqueness of God (Allah) on the one hand, and the diversity of His creations –
* This paper is based on material briefly considered in different parts of the author’s book, The Human
Rights Tradition in Islam, which constitutes volume 3 of the five volume series Human Rights and the
World’s Major Religions, edited by Prof. William H. Brackney, published by PRAEGER, London and
Westpoint, Connecticut, USA, 2005. An earlier version of the paper was used as a keynote address in the
in the International Conference on Minorities which was jointly convened by the Muslim World League,
ISTAC and IIUM in Kuala Lumpure, May 2009.
1 Adam Mez, The Renaissance of Islam, London, Luzac & Co, 1937, 32.
Qur’anic Research: Interaction of Knowledge, Science, and Civilization
With regard to the oneness and uniqueness of Allah the Qur'an states
categorically and unequivocally (and humans, individually and collectively, are called
upon to testify) as follows: "Say: He is Allah the One and Only; Allah the Eternal,
Absolute; He begets not, nor is He begotten; and there is none like unto Him". 2 And
again: "[He is] the Creator of the heavens and the earth…there is nothing whatever
like unto Him, and He is the One that hears and sees [all things]". 3 It is thus
repeatedly and categorically stated that He is One, Unique, Eternal, Absolute, Creator
of heavens and the earth and of all that is in existence, All hearing, All seeing.
To those who claim that they do believe in Him, but persist in believing also
that there are other gods or deities besides Him, the Qur'an addresses a variety of
uncontestable logical arguments as well as some serious warnings and admonitions:
"If there was, in the heavens and the earth other gods besides Allah, there would have
been confusion in both".4 "Allah forgives not that partners should be set up with Him,
but He forgives anything else to whom He pleases. To set up partners with Allah is to
devise a sin most heinous indeed". 5
“Seeist thou not that Allah sends down rain from the sky? With it we then
bring out produce of various colours. And in the mountains there are tracts
white and red of various shades of colour and black intense in hue. And so
among men and crawling creatures and cattle are they various colours. Truly
those fear Allah among His servants who have knowledge.” 6
“And among His signs is the creation of the heavens and the earth, and the
variations in your languages and your colours: verily in that are signs for
those who know.”7
But the diversity and variations which Allah has vested in his terrestrial
creatures as signs of Himself along with the creation of the heavens and the earth are
not limited to mountains, animals, plants and the variation in the colours and
languages of men. Even more significantly and directly in relation to the subject
under consideration is the fact that Allah tells us in several passages in the Qur'an that
the said diversity and variation applies also to matters of faith and belief: "It is He
who has created you; and of you are some that are unbelievers, and some that are
believers; and Allah sees well all that ye do". 8 And again, and perhaps even more
2 Qur'an: 112(Al-Ikhlas).
3 Qur’an 42.2 (Al-Shura)
4 Qur'an: 21.22 (Al-Anbiya').
5 Qur'an: 4.48 (An-Nisa').
6 Qur'an: 35.27-28 (Fatir).
7 Qur'an: 30.22 (Ar-Rum).
8 Qur'an: 64.2 (Al-Taghabun).
clearly: "To each among you have We prescribed a law and an Open Way. If Allah
had so willed He would have made you a single people, but (His Plan is) to test you
in what He hath given you; so strive as in a race in all virtues: the goal of you all is
Allah. It is He that will show you the truth of the matters in which you dispute". 9
In so far as human beings are concerned, the variety and plurality that has
been vested in them by their Creator is not limited to such matters as language,
pigmentation and ethnicity only. It is also and more importantly manifested – by the
will of the Creator Himself – in matters of faith and belief: up to, and including,
Qur'an: 5.48 (Al-Ma'idah).
10 Qur'an: 2.256 (Al-Baqarah).
11 Qur'an: 2.190 (Al-Baqarah).
12 Qur'an: 60.8-9 (Al-Mumtahanah).
Qur’anic Research: Interaction of Knowledge, Science, and Civilization
expected and called upon to be positively kind and just to all those non-Muslims who
do not persecute them or commit acts of aggression against them, all those who are
peaceful and law abiding citizens.
The founder and head of the first Islamic state, Prophet Muhammad,
confirmed and elaborated on the Qur'anically prescribed manner of just and kindly
dealing with non-Muslims not only verbally and in words, but also through his
actions and practice: and this in both his personal life and in his management of
public affairs. Thus, he unhesitatingly engaged in business transactions jointly with
non-Muslims. Indeed, he parted this world leaving his armor pawned to a Jew. More
intimately, he took two wives of non-Muslim (Jewish and Christian) backgrounds.
Relations with non-Muslims beyond the realm too, the Qur'an directs, should
be peaceful and amicable unless aggression is committed against Muslims. “…Fight
in God's cause against those who wage war against you, but do not commit
feel secure."16 Al-Fakhr al-Razi, in his classic commentary on the Qur'an, says that
the essential meaning of the said passage is that any one from among the enemy
forces who seeks protection should, together with his property, be fully and
effectively protected by Muslims and must thereafter be conducted to a place where
he would feel safe and secure. 17
In the light of what has already been said regarding the attitudes of the Qur'an
and the Prophet towards other faiths and peoples, in conditions of both war and peace,
it should not be surprising that the predominantly Christian peoples of Egypt and
Syria, who were followers of Eastern churches and, as such, had been subjected to
discrimination and persecution by their Orthodox Byzantine rulers, welcomed the
conquering Muslim Arabs as liberators from their oppressive co-religionists. The
people of Iraq, who had been similarly oppressed by dominant Zoroastrians, reacted
to the Muslim Arab conquest in a way not unlike that of the Syrians and the
Egyptians. Even as far away as the Iberian Peninsula, the theologically sanctioned
policies of repression and forced conversion which were followed by the Roman
Catholics of Spain induced the Jews to welcome and aid the Muslim conquerors as
Two more points are worth noting at this juncture. First amongst these is that
the term 'tolerance' which is often used with reference to the normally
accommodating attitude of Muslims towards others does not accurately reflect the
nature of the Muslim attitude in question. This was not only because 'tolerance' often
implies a grudging or reluctant willingness to 'put-up' or coexist with others – which
is quite different from the attitude with which we are now concerned, but also
because it misses the reality that the Muslim commitment to respect and protect the
rights of non-Muslims who are willing to live in peace with them is, in essence, an act
of worship and religious devotion. Failing to uphold the said rights is a sin as well as
a crime punishable in law. Upholding and protecting them, on the other hand, is an
act of piety and religious devotion through which Muslims, individually and
collectively, hope to merit divine approval and heavenly reward. This is the
Lands, A History and Source Book, Philadelphia Jewish Publication Society, 1979, 54.
Qur’anic Research: Interaction of Knowledge, Science, and Civilization
"formed a state not only within a state but beyond the state, because they
owed loyalty to the heads and to the central bodies of their respective
denominations, even though these were found in a foreign, or even hostile
country … while [they] shared with their Muslim compatriots their language,
economy and most of their social notions and habits, their communal life was
left mainly to their own initiative."20
It was in the light of such considerations that, some two centuries earlier, the
renowned English philosopher and political theorist John Locke, one of the chief
architects of modern Western liberal thought, urged his compatriots and coreligionists
to admire and emulate the way Muslims tolerated Christians and Jews and made it
possible for their various denominations to worship freely as they saw fit. 21 Pointing
out the absurdity of the fact that Calvinists and Armenians, for example, could thus
freely practice their faiths in Constantinople but not in Christian Europe, Locke then
warned in his classic Letter Concerning Toleration (1689) that “the Turks [would]
meanwhile silently stand by and laugh to see with what inhuman cruelty Christians
thus rage against Christians.”22
20 S.D. Goitein, A Mediterranean Society, Berkeley, Los Angeles University of Los Angeles and
London, 1971, vol 2, 1,403 407
21 Nabil Matar, “John Locke and the ‘Turbaned Nations’”, Journal of Islamic Studies 2:1 (1991), 72.
22 John Locke, A Letter Concerning Toleration, introd. Patrick Remanell (New York: Bob Merill, 1955)
25, cited in Ibid. See also The Works of John Locke – A New Edition, Corrected vol. VI (Aalen,
Germany: Scientia Verlorg, 1963), 18.
314 Centre of Quranic Research (CQR)
Qur’anic Research: Interaction of Knowledge, Science, and Civilization
To be sure the said system did not always run smoothly and sectarian
conflicts did occur sometimes.24 But these were essentially aberrations in a situation
where minorities25- whose protection, in accordance with Islam’s worldview clearly
and coherently reflected in the ethical and juridical injunctions of the Shari’a, was a
fundamental spiritual and ethical obligation of individual Muslims as well as Muslim
societies and states – were able, not only to survive through even the hardest times
until the present day, but also to participate and prosper, sometimes in remarkably
prominent fashion, in the economic, social, cultural and even political life of the
larger, Muslim, community.
Zoroastrians or Parsis, Hindus, Janes and others as well as Christians and Jews of various denominations.
Qur’anic Research: Interaction of Knowledge, Science, and Civilization
M. Riza Muarrif1
Prof Madya. Dr. Mustaffa Abdullah 2
1 Pelajar Pascasiswazah (Sarjana), Jabatan Al-Quran dan Al-Hadith, Akademi Pengajian Islam,
Universiti Malaya.
2 Pensyarah Jabatan Al-Quran Dan Al-Hadith, Akademi Pengajian Islam Universiti Malaya.
Qur’anic Research: Interaction of Knowledge, Science, and Civilization
Islam adalah agama yang praktikal bukan semata-mata teori. Oleh sebab itu di dalam
Al-Quran Allah SWT memerintahkan hambanya supaya beramal kerana Allah SWT
dan Rasul SAW serta orang-orang beriman menilai kerja kita bukan menilai
percakapan atau teori. Hal ini adalah selalu diamalkan oleh Rasulullah SAW
sebagaimana tugas beliau adalah untuk menyeru kepada yang baik dan melarang
daripada perbuatan yang tidak baik dan dibenci oleh Allah SWT.
Istilah “amar” berasal daripada kata arab “”األمر. Ianya adalah kata dasar kata bahasa
arab “amara” yang bermaksud menyuruh atau meminta melakukan sesuatu. Namun,
jika kata ini berbentuk al-amir, ia bermaksud pemerintah atau pemegang kekuasaan. 3
Pada sudut yang lain, istilah ini juga diertikan sebagai mengajak dan menggalakkan
seseorang supaya menuju kepada kebaikan. 4 Adapun ianya juga berasal daripada kata
“amarahu, amran, amiran dan ammaran” yang bermaksud menuntut seseorang
melakukan sesuatu.5 Namun, apa yang dimaksudkan dengan amar makruf disini ialah
mengajak seseorang supaya melakukan sesuatu yang bertepatan dengan kehendak
syarak sekaligus mengharapkan keredaan Allah SWT.
3 Ibn Manzur, Lisan al-Arab, jz. 1. (Al-Qahirah: Dar al-Hadith, 2003), 212.
4 ‘Abd al-Mu’iz ‘Abd al-Satar, al-Amr bi al-Makruf wa al-Nahy an al-Munkar. (Beirut: al-Maktab al-
Islami, 1980), 10.
5 Luwis Ma’luf al-Yassu’i, “Al-Munjid”, cet. 22, 13.
6 Ibid., 470.
kemungkaran. 7 Ini bermakna, ia merupakan kata nama yang mencakupi segala hal
yang dinilai baik oleh syarak dan juga akal serta naluri manusia.8
Adapun maksud makruf dari aspek istilah terdapat beberapa maksud, sesuai
dengan firman Allah SWT, di antaranya Ali ‘Imran 3:114. Daripada ayat ini,
penafsiran terhadap kata “al-ma’ruf” iaitu segala bentuk kepatuhan dan ikutan kepada
Rasulullah SAW. 9 Sebagaimana yang telah dimaklumkan bahawasanya Rasulullah
SAW adalah sebagai kekasih sekaligus juga penyampai amanah ajaran Islam kepada
seluruh umat, serta menjadi contoh yang sempurna bagi umatnya.
Makruf juga dapat dimaknakan dengan perbuatan yang baik dan bermanfaat
bagi kehidupan diri sendiri, orang lain serta masyarakat manakala perbuatan mungkar
tidak bermanfaat atau bermakna yang dapat merugikan masyarakat. Tugas amar
makruf nahi mungkar adalah untuk menentukan sikap hidup umat Islam, iaitu harus
menggalakkan agar berbuat baik, mencegah kejahatan, mempunyai identiti beriman,
berpendirian dan berkepribadian.10
Sedangkan nahi berasal dari perkataan Nahy yang bermakna cegahan,11 iaitu
larangan atau tegahan daripada sesuatu keadaan. Ianya juga bermaksud meninggalkan
sesuatu perbuatan,12 dan merupakan kata yang berlawanan dengan perkataan al-Amr.
Mungkar juga berasal dari kata Nakara yang dalam bahasa arab membawa erti
perkara-perkara yang tidak disukai dan diredhai oleh Allah SWT baik hal perkataan
mahupun perbuatan yang dikenalpasti keburukan secara syara’ atau hal yang
diharamkannya. 13 Ianya juga merupakan perkara atau perbuatan yang keji dan buruk
dan berlawanan dengan perkataan ma’ruf.14 Perkara yang termasuk dalam kategori ini
7 Ibnu Manzur, “Lisan al-Arab” jz. 6., 197.; Lihat juga Ibrahim Mustafa et. al. (t.t)., al-Mu’jam al-Wasit,
j. 1. Istanbul: Caqri Yayinlari, 601.
Ashraf Taha Abu al-Dahb, al-Mu’jam al-Islami, (Mesir: Dar al-Shuruq, 2002), 571; Lihat juga Al-
Manawi, ‘Abd al-Rauf, al-Tawqif ‘Ala Muhimmat al-Ta’arif. (Kaherah: Dar al-Kutub, 1990), 310.
9 Abu ‘Abd Allah Muhammad bin Ahmad al-Anshari al-Qurtubi (t.t), al-Jami’ li Ahkam Al-Quran, j.4,
10 Mohd Nakhaie b. Ahmad, Ensiklopedia Islam, (Kuala Lumpur: Malaysia Encyclopedia Research
Qur’anic Research: Interaction of Knowledge, Science, and Civilization
juga ialah segala hal yang tidak bersesuaian dengan akal dan hati masyarakat dari
aspek pandangan kebaikan.
Oleh kerana hal tersebut, maka amar makruf nahi mungkar adalah suatu
ungkapan yang merujuk kepada suatu tugas ibadah atau perintah Allah SWT. Adapun
peranan amar makruf ialah menyuruh, memerintah, mengajak dan menyeru kepada
kebaikan manakala nahi mungkar ialah melarang, memberantas dan mencegah
perkara kejahatan. 16 Namun yang dimaksudkan disini adalah perbuatan amar makruf
dan nahi mungkar yang bersesuaian dengan ajaran agama dari Allah SWT melalui
nabi Muhammad SAW.
Merujuk kepada usaha untuk mempermudahkan dalam huraian kajian penulis yang
berkaitan rapat dengan pelaksanaan amar makruf nahi mungkar sesuai dengan ajaran
Islam, terdapat banyak firman Allah SWT dalam al-Quran yang menjadi landasan
awal bagi perintah atau suruhan untuk melakukan amar makruf nahi mungkar dalam
kehidupan bermasyarakat, seperti firman Allah SWT dalam al-Quran al-Karim surah
Ali-Imran ayat 104, Ali Imran ayat 110, Ali Imran ayat 114, Al-A’raf ayat 157, At-
Taubah ayat 71, Al-Hajj ayat 4, dan Luqman ayat 17.
Sebagaimana yang telah dimaklumkan bahawasanya penerapan amar makruf dan nahi
mungkar mempunyai peranan penting dalam kehidupan bermasyarakat untuk
menjaga kestabilan agama Islam yang mencakupi akidah, syariat, dan akhlak, supaya
semua yang diajarkan oleh Rasulullah SAW berkekalan hingga akhir zaman nantinya.
Dengan ini maka para ulama bersepakat bahawa hukumnya adalah wajib bagi setiap
muslim, bersandarkan kepada firman Allah SWT pada surat Ali Imran ayat 104.
Pemahaman yang terdapat dalam ayat ini ialah Allah SWT menyatakan
tentang kewajipan bagi setiap individu untuk melaksanakan amar makruf nahi
mungkar. Namun dalam menjelaskan akan kefardhuan hukum wajib tersebut,para
ulama berbeza pendapat sama ada ia fardhu kifayah atau fardhu ‘ain. Sebahagian
15 Abi Ja’far Muhammad bin Jarir At-Thabari, Jami’ al-Bayan ‘an Takwil Ayi al-Quran, Juz 3, cet. 3.
(Kaherah: Maktabah al-Babi al-Halabi wa Awladuhu), 38.
16 Mohd Nakhaei b. Ahmad, Ensiklopedia Islam, 120.
daripada ulama berpendapat bahawa hukumnya ialah fardhu kifayah, yang mana
merujuk kepada asas perkataan minkum dalam ayat di atas yang menunjukkan kepada
khitab sebahagian daripada umat Islam.
Pendapat ini juga dikuatkan lagi dengan adanya pandangan daripada al-
Maraghi yang mengatakan perkataan minkum adalah ditujukan kepada keseluruhan
umat Islam supaya melantik orang yang bertanggungjawab dalam melaksanakan amar
makruf nahi mungkar,19 dan orang yang dipilih tersebut mestilah mempunyai syarat
seperti mengetahui al-Quran, al-Sunnah, sejarah Nabi Muhammad SAW serta
perjalanan hidup al-Khulafa al-Rashidun. Kemudian mereka juga mesti mengetahui
kondisi dan keadaan penerimaan sasaran dakwah ketika dakwah disampaikan, akhlak,
latar belakang masyarakat, bahasa, agama dan pegangan mazhab masyarakat
berkenaan.20 Justeru, merekalah yang dipertanggungjawabkan seharusnya mengetahui
ilmu untuk diri sendiri sebagai isi untuk disampaikan dan pengetahuan berkenaan
dengan hal tersebut sehingga menampakkan kesan kepada yang didakwahkan.
Oleh yang demikian, golongan yang terlibat perlu untuk mengetahui kriteria
perkara yang baik dan buruk menurut pandangan penilaian syara’. Ini juga seperti
apabila seseorang yang hanya mengetahui ajaran mazhabnya sahaja tanpa
mempelajari dan mendalami mazhab yang lain akan berkemungkinan mencegah
daripada perkara-perkara yang bukan mungkar menurut ijtihad dalam mazhab
17 Abu ‘Abd Allah Muhammad bin Ahmad al-Anshari al-Qurtubi, Jami Al-Ulum Wa Al-Hikam, (t.t.), j.4.
18 Ibid.
17 Ahmad Mustafa al-Maraghi, Tafsir al-Maraghi, j. 2, juz. 14, c. 3. (Beirut: Dar al-Kutub al-Islamiyah,
1998), 22.
Ibid., 23.
21 Muhammad al-Razi Fakhr al-Din bin al-Allamah Dhiya’ al-Din ‘Umar, Tafsir al-Fakhr al-Razi, j. 3.,
Qur’anic Research: Interaction of Knowledge, Science, and Civilization
Sehubungan dengan itu, seseorang yang tidak mengetahui asas ilmu tidak
dapat melaksanakan amar makruf nahi mungkar dengan baik. Dengan adanya ilmu
pengetahuan, seseorang akan mengetahui sesuatu kebaikan dan keburukan menurut
syara’ serta ia juga akan memahami bagaimana untuk menyampaikan kebaikan
tersebut dan mencegah kemungkaran yang berkenaan. 23 Oleh itu, perkataan minkum
adalah menunjukkan ketentuan kepada seseorang atau golongan iaitu li bayan al-jins
dan difokuskan kepada orang yang berilmu. 24 Walau bagaimanapun, seseorang wajib
menyuruh atau mencegah perkara yang sudah diketahui oleh umum seperti kewajipan
sembahyang, puasa, pengharaman zina, bunuh dan lain-lain lagi.25 Oleh yang
demikian, mencegah perkara yang haram dan menyuruh kepada perkara yang wajib
hukumnya adalah wajib, sementara mencegah perkara yang makruh dan menyuruh
perkara yang sunat hukumnya adalah sunat. 26 Justeru, hukum menyuruh kepada apa
yang diwajibkan dan melarang daripada perkara yang haram adalah wajib dan ianya
menjadi fardhu kifayah. Ini berlanjutan dengan kemaslahatan manusia yang mana
manusia tidak akan sempurna melainkan dengan terlaksananya suruhan kepada
kebaikan dan larangan daripada keburukan.27
Berdasarkan kutipan ayat ini, Allah SWT meminta supaya menjauhkan diri
daripada penyembahan kepada berhala. Walaupun kata tersebut digunakan min dalam
ayat, namun ianya bermaksud untuk keseluruhan berhala dan bukannya ditentukan
kepada yang tertentu sahaja. 30 Begitu juga makna seperti ini yang tercatat dalam surah
23 Abu Qasim Jar Allah Mahmud bin Umar al-Zamakhshari al-Khawarizmi, Tafsir al-Kashshaf, c. 2.
(Beirut: Dar al-Ma’rifah, 2005), 187.
24 Muhammad bin ‘Ali bin Muhammad al-Shawkani, Fath al-Qadir al-Jami’ Bayn Fann al-Riwayah wa
al-Dirayah Min ‘Ilm al-Tafsir, j.1. (Kaherah: Dar al-Hadith, 2007), 498.
25 Muhammad al-Amin bin ‘Abd Allah al-Urami al-Alawi al-Shafii, Sharh Sahih Muslim al-Musamma
al-Kawwab al-Wahhaj wa al-Rawd al-Bahhaj, j. 2. (Beirut: Dar Tawq al-Najah, 2009), 405.
26 Muhammad al-Amin bin ‘Abd Allah al-Urami al-Alawi al-Shafii, Tafsir Hada’iq al-Rawh wa al-
pengarang yang sama (t.t.) dalam Majmu’ah al-Fatawa, j. 28. T.T.P.: al-Maktabah al-Tawfiqiyyah, 78.
28 Abu Muhammad ‘Ali bin Ahmad bin Sa’id bin Hazm, Ahkam al-Quran, jz. 2. (Beirut: Dar al-Kutub
Ali ‘Imran ayat 104, bermakna bahawa hukum amar makruf nahi mungkar ialah
wajib dan ia menjadi tanggungjawab setiap individu yang beragama Islam.
Disamping itu juga, al-jassas mengulas pendapat golongan ini bahawa yang terdapat
pada ayat waltakum minkum ummah adalah menunjukkan kiasan (al-Majaz), dengan
berpegang kepada dalil dari al-Quran, iaitu surah Al-Ahqaf 46:31.
Adapun hukum amar makruf nahi mungkar dari sudut pandangan hadith
yang mana berpegang kepada sabda Rasulullah SAW., ‘’Sesiapa yang melihat
kemungkaran hendaklah mencegah dengan tangannya. Jika tiada kemampuan, maka
dengan lidahnya. Jika tiada kemampuan, maka dengan hatinya. Yang demikian
adalah selemah-lemah iman.’’31
31 Muhyi al-Din Abi Zakariyya Yahya bin Sharaf al-Nawawi, Shahih Muslim bi Sharh al-Nawawi, jz. 2,
Bab Bayan Kawn al-Nahy ‘an Munkar min al-Iman wa Anna al-Iman Yazid wa Yanqus. (Beirut: Dar al-
Fikr, 1981), 22.
32 Musa Shahin Lashin, Fath al-Mun’im Sharh Shahih Muslim, jz. 1. (Kaherah: Dar al-Syuruq, 2002),
Qur’anic Research: Interaction of Knowledge, Science, and Civilization
Kaedah Pelaksanaan Amar Makruf Nahi Mungkar oleh FPI Banda Aceh
Kaedah yang menjadi pengangan dan amalan bagi FPI dalam penerapan amar makruf
nahi mungkar melalui beberapa prosedur yang berbeza sesuai dengan tempat dan
permasalahan kemaksiatan dan kemungkaran. Sehingga dalam pelaksanaan menjadi
kesamaan Prosedur Standard antar setiap posko kelaskaran FPI bagi seluruh
anggotanya, termasuk juga di Banda Aceh. Adapun prosedur tersebut ialah :
- Sekiranya dalam masa satu minggu atau satu bulan tiada maklum balas, maka
dari FPI akan mengirimkan surat protes dan tuntutan kedua kepada Camat,
dengan memaklumkan kepada pemilik / penguasa tempat maksiat tersebut,
Kapolsek, Danramil, dan ulama peringkat kecamatan setempat serta Mabes
LPI sebagai laporan dan pemberitahuan serta dilampirkan surat protes yang
- Jika dalam masa satu minggu / satu bulan tiada maklum balas, maka FPI
akan mengirimkan surat protes dan tuntutan yang ketiga kepada
Walikota/Bupati, dengan memaklumkan kepada pemilik tempat kemaksiatan
tersebut, DPRD tk. II, Kapolres, Dandim dan Ulama kotamadya/kabupaten
33 Ketua Kampung
34 Ketua Daerah
35 Ketua polis distric yang mempunyai kekuasaan dalam menegakkan hukum negara.
- Bilamana selepas satu bulan tiada sebarang maklum balas, maka mereka
akan melibatkan masyarakat setempat untuk mengambil inisiatif lain dalam
usaha menutup tempat maksiat tersebut, yang dalam pelaksanaannya
melibatkan kerja sama dengan Mabes LPI dan badan berautoriti serta
keamanan yang berkuasa. 36
c. Prosedur Pentadbiran
- Setiap surat yang dikirim mesti ada tanda terima dan dibuat salinan untuk
disimpan dengan baik.
- Setiap surat yang dikirim dianjurkan untuk diteruskan kepada media, baik
media massa cetak mahupun elektronik untuk kepentingan publikasi dalam
pembentukan pendapat.
36 Abu Bakar al-Guessya (Setiausaha DPW FPI Banda Aceh), dalam temu bual dengan penulis pada
tarikh 1 Mac 2015.
Qur’anic Research: Interaction of Knowledge, Science, and Civilization
1.1.1 Prosedur yang digunakan oleh FPI dalam menangani risiko pelaksanaan mesti
melihat kepada kondisi dan keadaan yang didapati di lapangan, seperti berikut:
Kajian terhadap kumpulan organisasi Front Pembela Islam (FPI) di Banda Aceh
sekarang ini mendapati, organisasi ini lebih memberikan tumpuan kepada nahi
mungkar berbanding dengan amar makruf. Hal ini tampak daripada latar belakang
awal penubuhan FPI di Indonesia umumnya dengan argument bahawa maksud awal
penubuhan organisasi ini adalah untuk mengisi aspek kekosongan yang terjadi dalam
kehidupan masyarakat. Majoriti organisasi-organisasi Islam yang berkembang pada
saat itu lebih fokus kepada amar makruf dan menkesampingkan nahi mungkar
daripada amalan-amalan yang menyimpang daripada ajaran Islam. Pembuktian yang
sama juga dapat dilihat pada prosedur mekanisme asas pergerakan FPI yang penulis
huraikan pada bab tiga sebelumnya. Prosedur yang sesuai dengan ketetapan pedoman
AD/ART tersebut lebih banyak mengatur pencapaian visi dan misi organisasi dengan
tata cara dalam nahi mungkar sahaja, dan hanya sedikit menyentuh aspek amar
Prosedur pelaksanaan yang dilakukan pada kategori ini, dengan melalui jalur hukum
negara iaitu menampakkan protes secara peringatan awal dengan cara protes tegas
kepada tempat maksiat tersebut. Kemudian menunggu respon maklum balas dalam
masa yang ditentukan sebelum melakukan tindakan pada peringkat seterusnya yang
lebih keras, melalui koordinasi mendapatkan persetujuan daripada Mabes FPI sebagai
pihak yang bertanggung jawab pada setiap aksi yang dilakukan. Yang juga
melibatkan masyarakat yang bersepakat untuk menghilangkan aktiviti kemaksiatan
yang berlaku pada tempat tersebut.
Pada tahap ketentuan pelaksanaan yang telah ditetapkan oleh ulama Islam
yang berpedoman kepada ulasan dalil-dalil al-Quran. Prosedur yang dijalankan
menepati tahap peringkat awal daripada peringatan dan seruan yang bersesuaian
dengan Islam iaitu maw’izah hasanah yang bermaksud peringatan dengan teguran
awal melalui nada tegas dan nyata. Seterusnya yang dilakukan oleh Front Pembela
Islam adalah menyesuaikan aturan Islam dengan keadaan yang berlaku pada suatu
tempat dan daerah. Dalam hal ini seperti pemberian surat rasmi serta pemberitahuan
berita kepada badan yang berkuasa dan kawasan tersebut sebagai makluman perkara
tersebut bertentangan dengan Islam yang berlaku dalam batasan kekuasaan yang
menjadi tanggung jawab pemerintahan. Ini bertujuan untuk menyedarkan pemerintah
terlebih dahulu bagi membanteras perkara-perkara tersebut, disebabkan jika dilihat
melalui aturan daerah juga bersalah kerana tiada izin rasmi berlakunya kemungkaran
Pada perkara yang melibatkan faktor izin rasmi dari pemerintah terhadap penubuhan
suatu tempat maksiat, kaedah yang diguna pakai oleh FPI mengenai hal ini juga tidak
jauh berbeza dengan prosedur sebelumnya. Namun pada permasalahan jenis ini, FPI
melakukan protes dengan lebih tegas dan memperluas pemberitahuan kepada
lembaga-lembaga yang beroutoriti pada suatu kawasan serta pemberitahuan yang
berulang-ulang dengan konteks lebih luas mengikut kepada peringkat pemerintahan
yang berkuasa. Dalam hal ini bermula dari peringkat geuchik (kepala kampung),
kecamatan, walikota (pemerintah bandar), DPR (lembaga legislatif), dan juga kepada
badan jawatan kuasa keamanan (polis) yang berkuasa.
Mengenai kes yang kategori prosedur yang disebut dalam hal kedua ini,
analisa penulis tidak mendapati tempat kemaksiatan yang sah dan mendapatkan izin
daripada pemerintah Banda Aceh. Hal tersebut tidak bersesuaian dengan keadaan
provinsi Aceh telah mendapatkan autonomi khusus pasca Memorandum of
Understanding (MoU) perdamaian pada tahun 2006. Isi butiran perdamaian tersebut
ialah untuk menjalankan undang-undang syariat Islam yang telah disahkan oleh
DPRA (Lembaga Legislatif) dan laksanakan oleh semua pemimpin pemerintahan
kota dan kabupaten yang ada di Aceh. Kota Banda Aceh mempunyai sokongan yang
kuat dari pemerintah yang memimpin saat ini. 40 Pembuktian ini dengan ikut serta
kerjasama walikota Banda Aceh dalam hampir kesemua pembanterasan aktiviti
kemaksiatan yang berlaku Banda Aceh.
c. Prosedur pentadbiran
Qur’anic Research: Interaction of Knowledge, Science, and Civilization
Pada point pertama dan kedua dinyatatakan setiap surat yang dikirimkan oleh Front
kepada tempat maksiat yang berlaku aktiviti tidak sesuai dengan ajaran Islam,
penyertaan bukti terima dan mesti menjadi simpanan arkip oleh setiausaha dengan
baik dan aman, serta dinyatakan juga untuk lampiran surat pernyataan daripada
masyarakat setempat yang tidak bersetuju dengan suatu kemasiatan yang berlaku
pada daerah tersebut. Pada tahapan lainnya pemberitahuan kepada media sama ada
media cetak mahupun elektronik untuk publikasi berupa pandangan mengenai perkara
yang berlaku.
Secara kaedah tertulis yang berlaku menepati dengan ketentuan yang telah
digariskan oleh Islam dengan penyesuaian kaedah tersebut dengan keadaan ketentuan
undang-undang negara dan daerah pelaksanaan prosedur mencegah kemungkaran dan
kemaksiatan. Hal ini juga sesuai dengan prinsip asas pergerakan Front iaitu “Dilarang
melanggar hukum Agama dan hukum Negara”.
Namun analisis penulis dengan data hasil observasi dan analisis temu bual
dengan petinggi FPI Banda Aceh semasa melaksanakan kajian ini, penulis mendapati
keterangan yang ditutupi mengenai penyimpanan cadangan arkip surat-surat yang
telah diterbitkan atau dikirim kepada tempat berlakunya kemungkaran. Ini bermaksud
bahawa tidak sesuai pelaksanaan dengan peraturan atau ketetapan yang telah menjadi
asas organisasi. Seterusnya penulis mendapati dalam kajian prosedur berkenaan tidak
berlaku secara tersusun mengikut kaedah di atas. Pembuktian hal ini ialah tiada
sempurna/lengkap dokumen penting yang penulis minta kepada sekretaris FPI Banda
Aceh berkenaan dengan surat-surat teguran kemaksiatan sama ada pemberitahuan
pertama kepada tempat kemungkaran mahupun surat pemberitahuan kepada jawatan
kuasa yang bertanggung jawab pada kawasan tersebut. 41
Faktor penyebab hal ini ialah pandangan ringan oleh FPI Banda Aceh
terhadap penyimpanan arkip salinan surat mahupun berita pemberitahuan setiap
pergerakan dalam suatu tempat adalah penting. Ini menyebabkan kecenderungan
beranggapan bahawa hal tersebut tidak penting dan tidak ada lembaga manapun yang
akan memeriksa kelengkapan dokumen tersebut. Sebab FPI adalah suatu organisasi
independent (tiada kaitan dengan pemerintahan), sehingga tidak ada kumpulan khusus
untuk mengaudit organisasi ini sebagai organisasi atas kesedaran dan keridhaan
bersama. Hal ini dikesan bilamana organisasi saling faham ketika adanya kekurangan
dalam pentadbiran. Faktor lainnya juga matlamat organisasi yang lebih memberikan
tumpuan berat kepada pelaksanaan nyata terhadap kehidupan masyarakat berkenaan
dengan amar makruf nahi mungkar.
Hal ini membuktikan tidak konsisten dan tanggung jawab daripada FPI
Banda Aceh terhadap salinan atau askip semestinya disimpan untuk menjadi rujukan
lanjutan dalam suatu perkara. Bagi mengelakkan hal tersebut berulang dengan
penghantaran surat dan keputusan peringkat tindakan yang sepatutnya dilakukan pada
masa hadapan. Analisis penulis menyatakan perlu hal ini dilakukan untuk mencapai
kejayaan dalam pelaksanaan amar makruf nahi mungkar di kota Banda Aceh.
41Hasil temu bual dengan Abu Bakar al-Guessya (Setiausaha DPW FPI Banda Aceh) pada tarikh 1 Mac
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Hal ini dapat dikesan daripada perbincangan temu bual dengan anggota FPI
Banda Aceh semasa melakukan satu demo protes dan tunjuk perasaan yang dilakukan
terhadap suatu aktiviti-aktiviti yang tidak sesuai dengan ajaran Islam yang berlaku
dimana-mana institusi ataupun tempat-tempat di kawasan Banda Aceh. Hal ini
penulis dapati melalui ikut serta penulis bersama FPI Banda Aceh dan komponen
masyarakat serta pelajar sekolah dalam demontrasi protes damai kepada jabatan-
jabatan kuasa penting seperti Polresta dan KAJARI42 di Banda Aceh bertujuan
menuntut untuk tidak dibebaskannya serta menuntut hukuman berat kepada beberapa
pelaku organisasi GAFATAR43 yang melakukan kegiatan aktiviti ajaran sesat serta
penyelewengan akidah Islam yang telah ditahan oleh Polis Banda Aceh, iaitu ajaran
yang telah meresahkan masyarakat dan para pelajar masa kini. 44
Adapun kelemahan yang diguna pakai oleh FPI pada tahap prosedur ini ialah
tiada kesefahaman dan pengetahuan yang mendalam daripada anggota FPI Banda
Aceh mengenai prosedur kaedah standard organisasi dalam menghentikan suatu
kemungkaran, sehingga memerlukan hadirnya seorang Rais kelompok pergerakan
untuk mengawal setiap tingkah anggota yang hadir pada demo protes sama ada secara
damai mahupun cara keras.
Pernyataan yang serupa juga dinyatakan oleh Abdullah Atiby 45 selaku orang
yang bertanggungjawab dalam perkara keagamaan di kota Banda Aceh. Isi
pernyataan yang dimaksudkan ialah beberapa anggota FPI didapati lambat terhadap
sebahagian perkara dalam mencegah kemungkaran dan bertindak, bahkan disisi lain
mereka tidak faham terhadap prosedur yang mesti diikuti sekiranya suatu
kemaksiatan berlaku di kawasan Banda Aceh, sehingga tidak selari dengan
kesepakatan yang menjadi ketetapan organisasi pada setiap tindakan. Sepatutnya
ketika merujuk kembali kepada AD/ART FPI, mereka harus terlebih dahulu
dihadapan berbanding dengan kelompok-kelompok lainnya dalam menangani setiap
kemungkaran yang terjadi.
42 Jabatan Polis Resol Kota dan Kejaksaan Tinggi Republik Indonesia di Banda Aceh.
43 Gerakan Fajar Nusantara ialah suatu kelompok organisasi metamorfosi daripada Millata Abraham
yang telah dinyatakan sesat dan murtad oleh MPU Aceh beberapa tahun yang lalu, kemudian di
syahadatkan atau di-Islamkan kembali secara ramai-ramai di Mesjid Raya Baiturrahman Banda Aceh
pada tarikh 22 April 2011. Gafatar ini ditangkap pada tarikh 7 Januari 2015. Sumber berita lanjutan
dapat dilihat
diancam-lima-tahun-bui. Lihat juga
Hasil observasi ikut serta penulis dalam pertunjukan demontrasi damai tersebut pada tarikh 6 Mac
45 Abdullah Atiby Mpd., (Timbalan Ketua MPU Banda Aceh), dalam temu bual dengan penulis tarikh 17
Mac 2015.
Qur’anic Research: Interaction of Knowledge, Science, and Civilization
Hadith di atas dapat difahami bahawa suruhan yang perlu dijaga oleh umat
Islam ketika perang ialah tidak melakukan kekerasan, merosak dan membunuh
perempuan dan kanak-kanak, mengganggu pihak manapun yang tidak bersalah, serta
segala bentuk kemaksiatan lainnya. Disisi lain, ketika setiap anggota menjaga aturan
yang ditentukan di atas, mereka juga tidak terlindungi daripada celaan dan hinaan
masyarakat yang tidak senang dengan pergerakan yang dilakukan dalam menegakkan
Islam secara kaffah.
Maka mengenai perkara ini, sejak awal kewujudan FPI di Banda Aceh sesuai
dengan data yang penulis dapati daripada dalaman mahupun luaran sejak melakukan
kajian ini, tiada berlaku perkara yang dilakukan oleh anggota FPI yang menyalahi
aturan dan melanggar prosedur pelaksanaan sesuai dengan pedoman khusus kerja
dalam penerapan amar makruf nahi mungkar di Banda Aceh.
Semasa penubuhan FPI di Banda Aceh dan deklarasi sejak tahun 2008, FPI sama ada
majlis syura mahupun tanfidzi (pelaksana) tidak pernah mengalami pertentangan atau
perlawanan kekerasan yang dilakukan oleh anggota FPI terhadap masyarakat. Setiap
individu daripada anggota FPI diharuskan untuk menjaga kedamaian dan ketenangan
pada setiap pergerakan yang berlaku.47 Hal tersebut telah menjadi aturan pembekalan
standard kepada setiap anggota FPI untuk bergerak menghadapi pelaku kemungkaran
dan kemaksiatan dalam kehidupan masyarakat. Tujuan prosedur tersebut
dilaksanakan adalah khusus untuk menghindari kesan yang tidak baik daripada
masyarakat terhadap maksud dan tujuan amar makruf nahi mungkar dengan cara yang
46 Hadith ini diriwayatkan oleh Abu Dawud dalam sunannya, dalam kitab al-Jihad, bab fi da’a’ al-
Musyrikin, no. Hadith: 2614, lihat Abi Dawud Sulaiman al-Sajastani al-Azdi, Sunan Abi Dawud, j. ke-2,
jz. 3, (Beirut: Dar al-Fikr, t.t.), 38.
47 Abu Bakar al-Guessya (Setiausaha DPW FPI Banda Aceh), dalam temu bual dengan penulis tarikh 1
Mac 2015.
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Ini dikuatkan lagi dengan hadith dalam shahih Bukhari, jika kaum manusia
melihat berlaku suatu kezaliman namun tidak mengambil kira terhadap kejadian
tersebut, maka hukuman akan menimpa semua kaum daripada Allah SWT kepada
semua golongan yang ada di sekitarnya.
Sesungguhnya manusia jika mendapati suatu kemungkaran, maka kewajipan
kepada sesiapa melihatnya untuk merubah perkara tersebut. Jika berdiam sahaja maka
semuanya dalam keadaan berdosa, kerana Allah SWT menghukum dan hikmah yang
berdiam diri (tanpa pencegahan apapun) seperti pelaku kemungkaran, tiada perbezaan
48Abu ‘Abdillah Muhammad bin Ahmad al-Anshari al-Qurtubi, “Al-Jami’ li Ahkami Al-Quran” ed.
Muhammad Ibrahim al-Hifnawi, Mahmud Hamid Uthmani jz. 7, (Kaherah: Dar al-Hadith, 2010), 336-
Qur’anic Research: Interaction of Knowledge, Science, and Civilization
hukuman yang diterima. 49 Berhati-hatilah terhadap fitnah yang dilakukan oleh orang
zalim, kerana hukuman akan menimpa orang salih dan talih.
Ayat di atas menyatakan bahawa bencana yang akan dikenakan serta akan
dialami tidak hanya kepada mereka yang melakukan kemaksiatan atau golongan
tertentu sahaja akan tetapi juga kepada semua pihak sama ada pada kawasan
kemaksiatan yang bersetuju mahupun tidak terhadap kemungkaran yang berlaku.
Dengan maksud lain, bahawa sekiranya Allah SWT memberikan suatu bencana
kepada suatu kaum, ia akan menimpa kepada semua golongan di daerah tersebut tidak
memandang kepada yang bersalah atau tidak.
Sekiranya ini terjadi, maka ini akan menjadi tanggung jawab bersama bagi
setiap individu muslim untuk mencegah setiap kemungkaran yang berlaku pada
lingkungan kehidupan yang ia berada didalamnya. Sudah semestinya bagi penegak
nahi mungkar yang bercanggah dengan ajaran Islam mendapatkan banyak cabaran
daripada golongan yang tidak senang dengan wujudnya penerapan ajaran Islam secara
kaffah di Banda Aceh, disebabkan pelbagai faktor kehidupan baik kepentingan
daripada aspek ekonomi, sosial mahupun politik. 50 Contoh perkara yang merugikan
dari aspek ekonomi ialah seperti yang terjadi pada masyarakat Rancoeng,
Lhokseumawe. Iaitu berlaku pengurangan pengunjung warung atau kafe menjadi
sepi, aset perniagaan juga turut rosak disebabkan tindakan yang dilakukan oleh
petugas nahi mungkar.
Maka rentetan daripada ini, FPI Banda Aceh menetapkan prosedur membela
diri untuk menetapkan laluan yang tepat dalam melawan pelaku kemungkaran yang
menimbukan aksi kekerasan dan perkelahian kedua-dua pihak. Perkara ini juga
bersesuaian dengan ajaran yang telah digariskan dalam Islam mengenai perselisihan
musuh ajaran Islam kepada umat penentang kemungkaran. Contohnya Allah SWT
mengizinkan Nabi Muhammad SAW melakukan pertentangan dengan kaum quraisy
yang menentang ajaran yang dibawa oleh Rasulullah SAW dengan melakukan
tindakan menyeksa umat Islam pada masa itu. Namun penentangan yang dilakukan
ialah hanya terhad untuk menjaga dan membela diri daripada kemudaratan lebih besar
atau menjadi mangsa kekerasan.
Suatu keharusan yang perlu dilakukan oleh lembaga organisasi untuk membela dan
bertanggung jawab kepada anggotanya yang terbabit permasalahan dengan badan
outoriti terhadap keamanan, perlakuan yang perlu pembelaan sekiranya perkara yang
dituntut kepada anggota Laskar FPI Banda Aceh yang tidak memenuhi bukti
kesalahan yang dilakukan ketika melaksanakan amar makruf nahi mungkar. Laskar
FPI berkewajipan untuk melakukan pembelaan dan menuntut untuk dibebaskan
sekiranya salah seorang anggota FPI yang ditahan sebagai oknum yang bersalah
melakukan tindakan pelanggaran undang-undang yang berlaku di suatu daerah.
49Ibid, 393.
50Arskal Salim, Serambi Mekkah yang Berubah “Syariat Islam Dan Radikalisme Massa” Cet.1, (Jakarta:
Pustaka Alvabet, 2010), 39.
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Adapun kelemahan pada prosedur ini yang diguna pakai oleh FPI umumnya
ialah mereka lebih mengambil kesan keras kepada setiap tindakan yang dilakukan,
termasuk dalam menangani risiko yang muncul daripada kesilapan yang memberi
kesan bercanggah dengan undang-undang Negara dan pemerintahan yang berkuasa
pada kawasan perkembangan kelompok ini. Seperti contoh yang telah disebutkan di
atas, mengenai kejadian permohonan untuk melepaskan salah satu anggota FPI Banda
Aceh yang didapati bersalah ketika konvoi bersama untuk memberi peringatan impak
daripada kemaksiatan terhadap masyarakat.
Pernyataan ayat ini jelas memberikan gambaran bagi setiap manusia untuk
selalu berkata baik ketika memberikan nasihat dan menyatakan suatu maksud
meskipun hal tersebut untuk mencegah keburukan. Dalam hal demikian juga dituntut
dengan cara bi al-hikmah sekiranya berhadapan dengan pelaku kemungkaran yang
Disisi lainnya juga, tatacara keras seperti ini kurang tepat dilakukan di Banda
Aceh, daerah kondisi sosial masyarakat majmuk yang lebih mendahulukan cara
damai dan mesyuarat dalam setiap permasalahan yang berlaku dalam kehidupan
masyarakat. Apabila didapati suatu perkara baru dalam kehidupan masyarakat,
semestinya berunding untuk menghasilkan suatu keputusan yang tidak mengganggu
ketenangan aktiviti harian. Sebagaimana yang pernah dinyatakan tegas oleh salah
seorang ulama karismatik Aceh Abu Tumin dalam menanggapi masalah parade 52
ASWAJA yang diadakan pada makam Syiah Kuala. 53 Pada kesempatan tersebut
beliau menyatakan tidak bersetuju dengan cara yang dilakukan oleh para santri dayah
Aceh, menurutnya cara yang demikian tidak menyelesaikan masalah perbedaan
pendapat di Aceh, pada parade ini termasuk FPI Banda Aceh sebagai pelopor
pelaksana kegiatan parade tersebut.
52Parade atau dikenal pula dengan pawai merupakan iring-iringan sekelompok orang yang biasanya
dilakukan di jalan raya. Parade umumnya dilakukan atas sejumlah alasan, namun umumnya dilakukan
terkait dalam suatu perayaan tertentu.
53 Sheikh Abdurrauf al-Singkili dikenal dengan gelar Teungku Syiah Kuala, seorang ulama Aceh dahulu
Pelaksanaan nahi mungkar bukan merupakan tugas yang dilakukan dengan sesuka
hati atau tiada prosedur yang telah ditetapkan, dilakukan pada masa dan tempat
dimana sahaja, atau tiada konsep dan syarat tertentu. Jika demikian yang terjadi,
maka tidak akan tercapai sasaran yang selari dengan objektif atau tujuan. Islam telah
menyusun syarat-syarat tertentu dalam pelaksanaan nahi mungkar, dimana syarat ini
sama ada yang berkaitan dengan pelaksanaan nahi mungkar mahupun kemungkaran
yang dimaksudkan. Sekiranya syarat ini tidak wujud maka pelaksanaan nahi mungkar
tidak bererti.
Pada sisi prosedur hukuman bagi pelanggaran prosedur yang telah menjadi ketentuan
organisasi FPI dalam setiap pelaksanaan amar makruf nahi mungkar, harus bertindak
sesuai dengan hukuman yang sepatutnya diberikan. Sekiranya bersalah, maka FPI
tidak kan bertanggungjawab untuk membela dan menghilangkan daripada hukuman
atas perbuatan yang dilakukan.
Penulis menilai hal ini sebagai suatu kemaslahatan yang penting untuk
mengekalkan imej positif Laskar FPI pada pandangan masyarakat, serta nama
organisasi terjaga dengan baik dari masa semasa. Tentunya dengan konsisten untuk
bertindak tegas kepada setiap anggota Laskar FPI yang melanggar aturan agama
mahupun negara. Mengambil ibrah daripada kondisi negara yang memberikan
kebebasan kepada masyarakat mengkritik positif atau negatif dan berkata pujian
mahupun celaan terhadap pihak manapun sekiranya mendapat kecelaruan atau
kecacatan suatu individu mahupun organisasi.
Keberadaan FPI di Banda Aceh perlu dipandang serius dan bermanfaat dalam
menerapkan amar makruf nahi munkar, kerana organisasi ini bergerak lebih nyata dan
berani untuk melawan pihak-pihak pelaku kemungkaran dan kemaksiatan. FPI juga
termasuk organisasi yang bergerak secara bebas (independent) dan tidak berkaitan
dan dibawah aturan mahupun persetujuan pemerintahan.
Qur’anic Research: Interaction of Knowledge, Science, and Civilization
19. Muhammad al-Amin bin ‘Abd Allah al-Urami al-Alawi al-Shafii, Tafsir
Hada’iq al-Rawh wa al-Rayhan, j. 5. (Beirut: Dar Tawq al-Najah, 2001), 50.
20. Muhammad al-Razi Fakhr al-Din bin al-Allamah Dhiya’ al-Din ‘Umar, Tafsir
al-Fakhr al-Razi, j. 3., (Beirut: Dar al-Fikr, 2005).
21. Muhammad bin ‘Ali bin Muhammad al-Shawkani, Fath al-Qadir al-Jami’
Bayn Fann al-Riwayah wa al-Dirayah Min ‘Ilm al-Tafsir, j.1. (Kaherah: Dar
al-Hadith, 2007), 498.
22. Muhyi al-Din Abi Zakariyya Yahya bin Sharaf al-Nawawi, Shahih Muslim bi
Sharh al-Nawawi, jz. 2, Bab Bayan Kawn al-Nahy ‘an Munkar min al-Iman
wa Anna al-Iman Yazid wa Yanqus. (Beirut: Dar al-Fikr, 1981).
23. Musa Shahin Lashin, Fath al-Mun’im Sharh Shahih Muslim, jz. 1. (Kaherah:
Dar al-Syuruq, 2002).
24. Taqiyy al-Din Ahmad Taymiyyah, al-Hisbah Fi al-Islam, c.2. (Kaherah :T.P.
1400 H), ______Majmu’ah al-Fatawa, j. 28. T.T.P.: al-Maktabah al-
25. Zayn al-Din Abi al-Faraj ‘Abd al-Rahman bin Syihab al-Din bin Ahmad bin
Rajab al-Hanbali al-Baghdadi (t.t.), Jami’ al-‘Ulum wa al-Hikam. T.T.P.: Dar
al-Fikr, 281.
Pensyarah Fakulti Sains Komputer dan Teknologi Maklumat, Universiti Malaya.
Calon Sarjana, Akademi Pengajian Islam, Universiti Malaya.
Calon Sarjana, Akademi Pengajian Islam, Universiti Malaya.
Calon Sarjana, Akademi Pengajian Islam, Universiti Malaya.
Calon Sarjana, Akademi Pengajian Islam, Universiti Malaya.
Calon Sarjana, Fakulti Sains Komputer dan Teknologi Maklumat, Universiti Malaya.
Profesor, Akademi Pengajian Islam, Universiti Malaya.
Qur’anic Research: Interaction of Knowledge, Science, and Civilization
Keberkesanan dan kejayaan kepada pengajaran dan pembelajaran kaedah Abahata Al-
Jabari di Indonesia telah menjadikan kaedah ini mula bertapak di Malaysia. Hal ini
kerana, kaedah ini telah menggunakan irama lagu pada peringkat permulaan
pengajaran sehingga dapat memberi keberkesanan kepada pendidikan awal kanak-
kanak (Muhammad Lukman Ibrahim, Samiah Abdullah dan Irna Wati Amusin,
2014). Teknik pembelajaran al-Quran menggunakan kaedah Abahata Al-Jabari
adalah suatu kaedah pembelajaran al-Quran yang mempunyai irama ataupun berlagu
dan asas pengajarannya adalah selama 30 jam sahaja. Kaedah ini bermula dengan set
induksi iaitu Solmisasi, Selawat Badar, Nasyid Kitab Qur’an dan Titian Ingatan
Abahata (Yusuf S., 2012). Jilid pembelajaran terdiri daripada 4 jilid yang bermula
dengan jilid 1 dan berakhir dengan jilid 4. Kaedah ini tidak hanya menekankan
kepada aspek pembacaan malah ia akan menekankan kepada aspek penulisan dalam
setiap jilid yang dipelajari. Kemudian para pelajar juga akan belajar pembacaan al-
quran mengikut kepada tajwid yang betul dan pada masa yang sama para pelajar akan
dapat menguasai bacaan dan penulisan al-Quran.
Bagi melihat keberkesanan kaedah ini, maka suatu kajian telah dilaksanakan
kepada Melayu Champa. Komuniti Melayu Champa mempunyai lebih 500 orang di
Telok Gadong, Klang. Oleh kerana komuniti ini tidak mempunyai dokumen
maklumat diri untuk bersekolah kerajaan maka, Madrasah Darul Azzam telah
ditubuhkan pada Oktober 2012 bagi memberi pendidikan agama dan akademik
kepada golongan ini.
seperti Qirā’atī, al-Baghdādī, Iqra, Hattawiyah, Barqy, al-Matien dan Abahata al-
Kenyataan ini dibuktikan melalui kajian yang dibuat pada tahun 2013
(Zulkifli Mohd Yusoff dan Nur ‘Atiyah Suratem, 2013). Kajian tersebut telah
menghuraikan fenomena semasa penguasaan bacaan al-Quran di Malaysia yang tidak
memberangsangkan, walaupun di negara ini telah memiliki pelbagai kaedah
pembelajaran al-Quran yang sistematik. Disamping strategi pengembangan pengajian
al-Quran yang pelbagai, ia belum dapat memberi rangsangan dan kesan baik dalam
kalangan masyarakat Islam di Malaysia.
Kaedah Abahata Al-Jabari juga amat berperanan menjadi agen kepada proses
pedagogi yang berkesan kepada pelajar Sindrom Down, pun begitu mereka
memerlukan tempoh yang panjang, hal ini berbeza dengan pelajar normal lain
(Norhaslina Kamarulzaman, Nazean Jomhari dan Zulkifli Mohd Yusoff, 2014).
Senario ini dapat dilihat apabila mereka tidak boleh menyesuaikan cara tepukan yang
telah diwujudkan oleh kaedah Abahata Al-Jabari. Ini kerana pelajar Sindrom Down
tidak memiliki keupayaan membuat dua perkara dalam satu masa. Meskipun begitu,
88 % pelajar yang mengikuti program ini dapat membaca dengan baik pada bahagian
membaca huruf-huruf Hijaiyah.
Dalam realiti hidup kita, masih banyak umat Islam tidak boleh membaca Al-
Quran dengan betul dengan pemahaman yang lebih baik menurut peraturan Tajwid.
Selain itu, bacaan yang betul sangat diperlukan dan penting bagi meningkatkan kualiti
ibadah seseorang Muslim. Realiti jam yang disediakan, terutamanya bagi sukatan
pembelajaran Al-Quran (Pendidikan Islam) di peringkat sekolah, sebenarnya kurang
dan amat terhad. Oleh kerana itu, kaedah Abahata Al-Jabari telah diperkenalkan
Qur’anic Research: Interaction of Knowledge, Science, and Civilization
melalui cara yang berkesan dan lebih cepat, hanya dalam masa 30 jam. Kaedah ini
adalah satu pendekatan baru dalam pembelajaran Al-Quran, yang dahulunya
diasaskan di Bandung, Indonesia.
Teknik ini dipercayai mampu bersaing pada masa mendatang jika terus
dilaksanakan di Malaysia, seperti Qirā’atī, al-Baghdādī, Iqra, Hattawiyah, Barqy, al-
Matien dan sebagainya. Selain itu, gaya hidup yang sibuk pada era moden ini, ia
memerlukan pendekatan yang baharu bagi mengoptimumkan masa belajar dan
meningkatkan proses pembelajaran seseorang. Kaedah Abahata Al-Jabari
pembelajaran amat terbukti, dapat membantu pelajar “pandai membaca dan menulis
Al-Quran”, melalui cara yang lebih efisien dan komprehensif dalam masa 30 jam.
Maklum balas menunjukkan kaedah ini benar-benar menggalakkan dan positif
dikalangan masyarakat di Malaysia (Noor Jamaliah Ibrahim, Zulkifli Mohd Yusoff
dan Mohd Yamani Idna Idris, 2013).
Metodologi Kajian
Prosedur pengajaran
Pembelajaran ini telah dilaksanakan selama tiga minggu. Semua aktiviti yang
dijalankan di dalam kelas adalah berdasarkan kepada buku Abahata al-Jabari yang
mengandungi 5 buku iaitu buku 1 – 4 adalah untuk membaca dan buku 5 adalah
untuk menulis. Aktiviti pengajaran dan pembelajaran dalam adalah meliputi tiga
perkara asas; iaitu (a) membaca (lagu a-ba-ha-ta), (b) pergerakan semasa menyanyi,
dan (c) menulis. Lagu a-ba-ha-ta akan dinyanyikan sebelum bermulanya kelas
Abahata al-Jabari yang bertujuan supaya mereka dapat mengingatinya dengan lebih
mudah dan hal ini akan dapat memberi motivasi kepada pelajar untuk belajar. Lagu a-
ba-ha-ta ini akan dinyanyikan berulang kali dalam kelas supaya dapat memastikan
para pelajar dapat mengingati pelajaran yang telah dipelajari. Oleh itu, terdapat
pergerakan semasa lagu a-ba-ha-ta dinyanyikan agar dapat memastikan para pelajar
dapat memberikan tumpuan dalam pembelajaran. Pelajar juga dikehendaki membuat
latihan berdasarkan kepada buku Abahata al-Jabari.
Terdapat 30 orang pelajar yang mengikut sesi pembelajaran ini dan telah
dibahagikan kepada tiga kumpulan sepetimana dalam rajah 1. Lima kumpulan yang
kecil telah dibuat bagi minggu pertama pembelajaran. Kumpulan pertama
dibahagikan kepada tiga kumpulan iaitu 1A, 1B dan 1C, kumpulan 2 dan kumpulan 3.
Tiga kumpulan pelajar ini telah mendapat pengajaran oleh lima orang guru yang
menggunakan metod Abahata al-Jabari yang akan menguruskan sesi pengajaran dan
pembelajaran. Kumpulan akan dirombak semula mengikut kepada perkembangan
pelajar pada minggu kedua pembelajaran. Selepas itu, enam kumpulan akan
ditubuhkan, iaitu kumpulan 1 mempunyai dua kumpulan (1A dan 1B), kumpulan 2
mempunyai dua kumpulan (2A, 2B dan 2C), dan kumpulan 3 akan dikekalkan.
Kumpulan ini akan mengikuti pengajaran bersama enam orang guru yang mempunyai
pengalaman dan ada juga dikalangan guru yang kurang pengalaman mengajar bagi
pengajaran minggu kedua dan ketiga. Sewaktu pembelajaran berjalan tidak ada
penghadang bagi memisahkan kumpulan yang telah dibuat. Oleh itu, para pelajar
tidak dapat memberikan perhatian kerana keadaan yang bising dan kurang selesa
dalam kelas. Satu kumpulan sahaja yang diletakkan di tingkat bawah, manakala yang
lain bertempat di atas.
Tahap pembacaan kebanyakan pelajar akan diukur melalui ujian yang dilaksanakan,
yang mana akan menumpukan kepada pembacaan dan sebutan. Ujian akan dibuat
pada permulaan, pertengahan dan pengakhiran kelas yang mana soalan yang
diberikan adalah bentuk yang sama yang bertujuan untuk menilai pencapaian pelajar
dalam masa tiga minggu. Tiga ujian yang dijalankan telah dapat dinilai melalui
kumpulan mereka. Ujian yang disediakan adalah untuk menentukan tahap pembacaan
al-Quran di kalangan pelajar mengikut kepada kaedah Abahata al-Jabari. Tiga
bahagian telah disediakan dalam ujian yang diberi: (a) bahagian pertama; untuk
menilai penamaan huruf. Hanya dengan meletakkan huruf dan pelajar perlu
menamakan huruf tersebut, (b) bahagian kedua; sambungan huruf yang pendek untuk
membaca dan menulis seperti ِ ِ َلبَس, (c) bahagian ketiga; sambungan huruf panjang
yang lebih dari satu perkataan untuk membaca dan menulis seperti ِ َل ْوِاَ َّنِ َلهُ ِْم.
Qur’anic Research: Interaction of Knowledge, Science, and Civilization
Ujian yang dilakukan merangkumi ujian menyebut, membaca dan menulis. Set soalan
mengandungi tiga bahagian. Bahagian A merupakan ujian untuk menyebut huruf
Hijaiyah tunggal. Manakala Bahagian B pelajar diminta membaca ayat sambung
pendek dan Bahagian C pula membaca ayat sambung panjang huruf Hijaiyah. Ujian
telah dilakukan sebanyak tiga kali iaitu sebelum, pertengahan dan selepas pengajaran
dan pembelajaran. Kesemua ujian ini dilakukan untuk menguji tahap penguasaan
pelajar dalam mengenali huruf dan ayat Al-Quran. Ujian sebelum atau pre-test
dilakukan sebelum pengajaran dialakukan, ujian pertengahan atau mid-test dilakukan
selepas 19 jam pengajaran, manakala ujian selepas atau post-test dilakukan 30 jam
sesi pengajaran.
Hasil Kajian
Dalam bahagian pertama soalan yang diedarkan, pelajar yang juga merupakan pelajar
bagi kaedah Abahata Al-Jabari ini dikehendaki menyebut semua huruf Hijaiyah
tunggal yang terdapat dalam buku kaedah ini. Bilangan semua huruf adalah sebanyak
28, namun mengikut buku kaedah ini terdapat 32 huruf disebabkan empat huruf
terakhir disebut sekali lagi pada barisan terakhir untuk menjadikan lagu titian ingatan
lebih mudah (rujuk Rajah 2).
Bahagian pertama dalam set soalan adalah mengenali dan menyebut huruf Hijaiyah
tunggal. Pelajar diminta menyebut semua huruf tersebut untuk mengenalpasti jumlah
huruf Hijaiyah yang mereka ketahui. Graf dalam Rajah 1 di atas menunjukkan
bilangan pelajar yang dapat menyebut dan mengenali huruf Hijaiyah tunggal
mengikut gred yang diperolehi bagi tiga ujian yang telah dijalankan.
Merujuk Jadual 2 di atas, terdapat empat gred yang telah dikategorikan untuk setiap
bilangan huruf Hijaiyah tunggal yang dapat disebut oleh pelajar. Gred A adalah gred
bagi pelajar yang dapat menyebut 25 hingga 32 huruf iaitu 78% hingga 100%.
Manakala Gred B dapat menyebut 17-24 atau 53-75% huruf tunggal dan Gred C
dapat menyebut 9-16 atau 28-50% huruf tunggal. Sementara itu, gred terakhir ialah
Gred D bagi pelajar yang dapat menyebut 0-8 iaitu 0-25% huruf tunggal.
PRE-TEST 25 1 1 3
MID-TEST 23 2 2 3
POST-TEST 27 2 1 0
Semasa pre-test, 25 orang pelajar mendapat Gred A, seorang pelajar mendapat Gred
B, seorang pelajar mendapat Gred C, dan tiga orang pelajar mendapat Gred D.
Dalam mid-test, terdapat 23 orang pelajar yang mendapat Gred B, dan dua orang
pelajar mendapat Gred B. Dua orang pelajar mendapat Gred C manakala tiga orang
lagi pelajar mendapat Gred D.
Qur’anic Research: Interaction of Knowledge, Science, and Civilization
Bahagian kedua dalam set soalan adalah membaca huruf Hijaiyah yang telah
disambung tetapi pendek (Rajah 3). Pelajar diminta membaca perkataan tersebut
huruf sambung pendek yang mereka ketahui. Terdapat hanya dua gred yang telah
dikategorikan untuk setiap perkataan yang dapat dibaca oleh pelajar. Hal ini adalah
kerana hanya 10 perkataan iaitu huruf sambung pendek yang telah digunakan. Gred A
adalah gred bagi pelajar yang dapat membaca enam hingga 10 huruf sambung pendek
iaitu 60% hingga 100%. Manakala Gred B adalah pelajar yang tidak dapat membaca
huruf sambung pendek tersebut hingga lima perkataan atau 0-50%.
PRE-TEST 10 20
MID-TEST 12 18
Graf dalam Rajah 4 di atas menunjukkan bilangan pelajar yang dapat membaca huruf
Hijaiyah sambung pendek mengikut gred yang diperolehi bagi tiga ujian yang telah
Bahagian ketiga dalam set soalan adalah membaca huruf Hijaiyah yang telah
disambung tetapi panjang (rujuk Rajah 5). Terdapat empat ayat yang telah digunakan
untuk dibaca oleh pelajar.
Qur’anic Research: Interaction of Knowledge, Science, and Civilization
Graf dalam Rajah 6 di atas menunjukkan bilangan pelajar yang dapat membaca huruf
Hijaiyah sambung panjang mengikut jumlah ayat yang dapat dibaca bagi tiga ujian
yang telah dijalankan.
Semasa pre-test, sebanyak 22 orang tidak dapat kesemua ayat yang terdapat
dalam set soalan, seorang pelajar hanya dapat membaca satu ayat, dua orang pelajar
dapat membaca dua ayat, tiada pelajar yang dapat membaca tiga ayat, dan lima orang
pelajar dapat membaca semua ayat.
Sementara itu, dalam post-test, semakin ramai pelajar yang boleh membaca
huruf sambung panjang apabila 12 orang pelajar yang tidak dapat membaca semua
ayat, dan seorang yang dapat membaca satu ayat. Tiada pelajar yang dapat membaca
dua ayat, dua orang pelajar dapat membaca tiga ayat dan seramai 15 orang pelajar
yang sudah boleh membaca semua ayat.
dapat mengenal beberapa huruf melalui kaedah ini. Terdapat juga pelajar yang sudah
mengenal beberapa huruf namun akhirnya tidak mengingati huruf tersebut disebabkan
mereka tidak hadir ke beberapa kelas yang diadakan.
Tahap pencapaian dan penguasaan pelajar adalah berbeza antara satu sama
lain. Beberapa pelajar boleh memahami dengan baik pelajaran yang diajar. Mereka
dapat membaca dan menyebut dengan betul semasa ujian pembacaan dilakukan.
Namun begitu terdapat juga pelajar yang masih keliru dengan apa yang dipelajari.
Hanya beberapa pelajar yang dilihat fokus dalam sesi pengajaran dan pembelajaran.
Mereka mampu mengikuti sesi kelas dengan baik dan cepat. Pelajar yang aktif
mampu menjawab persoalan yang ditanyakan oleh guru dan mereka mengajar semula
kepada kawan-kawan yang kurang bagus.
Semua ujian pre-test, mid-test, dan post-test yang dilakukan adalah amat
penting untuk menguji tahap pencapaian dan penguasaan para pelajar dalam
menguasai Al-Quran. Sesi kelas pengajaran dan pembelajaran telah dilakukan selama
tiga minggu untuk mencukupkan 30 jam yang merupakan salah satu ciri kaedah
Abahata Al-Jabari.
Melalui hasil dapatan kajian, pelajar menunjukkan peningkatan dalam sebutan huruf
Hijaiyah tunggal dan huruf Hijaiyah sambung pendek dan panjang dalam masa 30
jam sesi kelas. Namun begitu dalam sebutan huruf Hijaiyah tunggal, hasil dapatan
adalah kurang memuaskan apabila pada mulanya mereka mengenali huruf tersebut,
namun pada akhirnya tidak dapat mengenali huruf tersebut. Hal ini adalah kerana
mereka tidak menghadiri kelas secara konsisten dan akhirnya terlupa apa yang telah
dipelajari. Pelajar yang menguasai huruf Hijaiyah tunggal merupakan kumpulan
pelajar yang hanya mengenal huruf tunggal dan tidak mengenal huruf tunggal.
Manakala pelajar yang menguasai huruf sambung merupakan kumpulan pelajar yang
sudah mengenal huruf tunggal dan boleh membaca ayat Al-Quran. Justeru tahap
penguasaan mereka adalah tidak sama.
suasana yang bising. Suasana ini juga menganggu konsentrasi pelajar dalam kelas.
Oleh itu, satu tempat yang terpisah amat perlu supaya sesi pengajaran dan
pembelajaran dapat dilaksanakan dengan lebih baik.
Selain itu, kemudahan yang tidak mencukupi juga menyebabkan sesi kelas
berlangsung dengan tidak efektif. Kemudahan seperti papan putih tidak dapat
disediakan. Ini menyebabkan guru terpaksa menggunakan alternatif lain seperti
menggunakan kertas mahjong untuk mengajar. Justeru itu, kemudahan juga amat
penting untuk menjadikan sesi kelas menjadi lebih mudah.
Sikap pelajar yang kurang berminat dan tidak fokus semasa sesi pembelajaran
juga menjadikan mereka lambat dan kurang menyerap apa yang diajar. Terdapat
pelajar yang bermain semasa kelas dan ini menyebabkan para pelajar lain turut ikut
bermain. Terdapat juga pelajar yang tidak datang kelas secara konsisten
menyebabkan mereka ketinggalan dalam pelajaran. Guru terpaksa meneruskan
pelajaran dan ini menyebabkan pelajar tadi tidak dapat mengikuti kelas yang
Guru yang kurang berpengalaman dan kurang kreatif juga menjadi faktor
pelajar yang tidak dapat mengenal semua huruf walaupun 30 jam kelas telah
dilaksanakan. Justeru itu guru perlulah membuat lebih kajian akan pedagogi
pengajaran yang sesuai untuk menjadikan sesi pengajaran dan pembelajaran lebih
efektif sekaligus menjadikan kaedah ini sebagai salah satu kaedah yang berkesan bagi
membasmi golongan buta Al-Quran yang semakin meningkat dalam negara ini.
Namun begitu, lagu titian ingatan yang diperkenalkan dalam kaedah ini
menjadikan kaedah ini lebih menarik dan mudah diikuti oleh setiap pelajar.
Pengajaran Al-Quran yang menggunakan kaedah Abahata Al-Jabari ini merupakan
satu kaedah yang menarik untuk diketengahkan dan dipraktiskan oleh semua guru Al-
Quran di Malaysia. Kaedah ini dapat menjadikan pelajar lebih tertarik untuk belajar
Al-Quran dan seterusnya mereka dapat membaca Al-Quran dengan lebih baik.
Membaca Al-Quran merupakan satu ibadah kepada Allah. Oleh hal demikian,
pelbagai inisiatif yang diambil oleh pelbagai pihak dalam memastikan bahawa
masyarakat dalam negara ini dapat membaca Al-Quran sekurang-kurangnya
mengenali huruf-huruf Hijaiyah yang terdapat dalam kalam Allah tersebut. Antaranya
adalah melalui penyelidikan yang dijalankan oleh para penyelidik dari Pusat
Penyelidikan Al-Quran Universiti Malaya bagi mencari metodologi yang paling
sesuai dan efektif bagi membasmi golongan buta Al-Quran ini iaitu dengan
memperkenalkan kaedah Abahata Al-Jabari. Ia merupakan satu kaedah yang
mempunyai identitinya yang tersendiri bagi menarik minat pelbagai lapisan umur
untuk mendekati dan mempelajari kalam Allah, yakni Al-Quran dengan metod-metod
yang sangat mudah untuk dipelajari oleh golongan ini.
sebelum dan selepas kaedah Abahata Al-Jabari ini diterapkan. Hal ini dapat dilihat
dengan lebih jelas melalui beberapa pendekatan yang diambil oleh penyelidik
terhadap pelajar-pelajar tersebut iaitu melalui beberapa siri ujian yang dijalankan
sebelum dan selepas selesai sesi pembelajaran dijalankan.
Melalui hasil kajian ini juga, penyelidik mendapati bahawa terdapat beberapa
faktor yang menyumbang kepada keputusan kajian terhadap pembacaan Al-Quran
yang kurang konsisten. Antaranya adalah kerana suasana persekitaran pembelajaran
yang kurang kondusif yang menyebabkan pelajar kurang fokus semasa sesi
pengajaran dan pembelajaran dijalankan. Faktor kekurangan kemudahan sepanjang
proses pengajaran dan pembelajaran juga membantutkan sesi pengajaran sekaligus
menghilangkan tumpuan serta perhatian pelajar terhadap apa yang dipelajari selain
faktor tenaga pengajar yang kurang berpengalaman dalam menggunakan pedagogi
terbaik bagi menarik minat pelajar untuk terus memberi perhatian sepanjang proses
pembelajaran berlangsung.
Qur’anic Research: Interaction of Knowledge, Science, and Civilization
Terdapat banyak kisah nabi-nabi dan umat manusia terdahulu yang disebut secara
umum di dalam Al-Qur’an tanpa diperincikan secara detail. Perkara ini pernah
menimbulkan tanda tanya kepada beberapa orang sahabat selepas kewafatan Nabi
SAW. Lantas sesetengah mereka mengambil tindakan dengan bertanyakan perkara itu
kepada para sahabat yang asalnya Ahlul Kitab (Yahudi dan Nasrani) yang mereka
kenali. Apa yang mereka temukan dalam kitab suci mereka sebelum itu secara
Qur’anic Research: Interaction of Knowledge, Science, and Civilization
terperinci mereka sampaikan kepada para sahabat yang bertanya. Bermula sini,
tersisiplah kisah-kisah Israiliyyat ke dalam penafsiran Al-Qur’an. Kisah-kisah
tersebut yang pada asalnya hanyalah maklumat sokongan, tetapi ia kemudiannya
dijadikan oleh sesetengah pihak bahan penting dalam memahami Quran dan
mempelajari tafsirannya.
Antara usaha yang masih giat dilakukan adalah usaha menentukan kedudukan
sesuatu riwayat bukan saja dari sisi sanadnya tetapi yang tak kurang pentingnya dari
segi isi kandunganya. Adakah ia bercanggah dengan ajaran Islam atau tidak, yang
selanjutnya dikeluarkan hukum ke atasnya untuk diguna pakai atau tidak. Usaha ini
masih terus dijalankan kerana beberapa faktor. Antaranya masih banyak kitab-kitab
tafsir yang menggunapakai riwayat-riwayat Israiliyyat tanpa menjelaskan kedudukan
riwayat tersebut. Maka riwayat-riwayat itu dirasakan perlu untuk terus diungkap
tentang keabsahan dan kebenarannya.
riwayat Israiliyyat tersebut. Untuk menjawab persoalan ini, kajian ini bertujuan
mengkaji perkara tersebut untuk dijadikan bahan rujukan dalam Ilmu Tafsir dan
pengajaran kursus-kursus berkaitan denganya.
Definisi Israiliyyat
Dilihat dari sudut bahasa, kalimah Israi'liyyat ini sebenarnya dinisbahkan kepada
Bani Israil yang bermaksud anak-anak dari keturunan Nabi Ya'qub b. Ishak b.
Ibrahim a.s.w, kerana kalimah Israil itu sendiri menunjukkan kepada namanya. 1
Adapun Israiliyyat menurut istilah ahli tafsir ialah periwayatan dan kisah-
kisah yang bersumberkan daripada Ahli Kitab secara umumnya dan Yahudi pada
khususnya yang telah menyerap masuk dan digunapakai dalam sebagian tafsir Quran.
Penyerapan masuk tersebut banyak berlaku di zaman tabi’in. Namun istilah
Israiliyyat digunakan oleh ulama tafsir dan hadis terhadap perkara-perkara yang lebih
luas. Ia termasuk setiap kisah dan cerita lama yang diadakan dan dimasukkan ke
dalam tafsir. Bahkan sesetengah ulama tafsir dan hadis menganggap Israiliyyat adalah
setiap kisah yang dicipta dan disampai oleh musuh-musuh Islam ke dalam tafsir
dengan tujuan untuk merosakkan kesucian Islam.2
Kemudian setelah datang ajaran Islam dan kitab Allah s.w.t yang terkandung
di dalamnya ilmu dan agama dan seruan Islam lahir dan tersebar di kalangan
penduduk Semenanjung Arab. Pada zaman Rasulullah SAW, pusat negara Islam
adalah Madinah al-Munawwarah. Untuk mendidik para sahabat, majlis-majlis ilmu
pada zaman Rasulullah SAW ini dilakukan di Masjid Madinah.
. Muhammad b. Muhammad Abu Shahbah, Al-Israiliyyat wal Maudlu’at fi Kutubit Tafsir,
Maktabah as Sunnah, Cet. IV. hlm. 12.
. Muhammad Husein al-Dhahabi, al-Tafsir wa al-Mufassirun, 1990, hlm. 13. Muhammad b.
Muhammad Abu Shahbah, Al-Israiliyyat wal Maudlu’at fi Kutubit Tafsir hlm. 12.
Qur’anic Research: Interaction of Knowledge, Science, and Civilization
Injil. Namun para sahabat tidak menerima bulat-bulat apa yang diceritakan kepada
mereka. Malah mereka menapisnya dengan akal dan juga syarak. Mereka hanya
menerima apa yang diterima oleh akal dan syarak dan menolak sekiranya apa yang
diceritakan bercanggah dengan kedua-duanya.
Adapun tentang perkara-perkara yang tidak jelas tentang benar atau salahnya
mereka mengambil pendirian untuk berdiam diri terhadap perkara-perkara yang tidak
jelas tentang benar dan salahnya. Ibn Khaldun menyatakan: “Apabila timbul
keinginan di kalangan orang-orang Arab untuk mengetahui tentang permulaan
kejadian makhluk dan rahsia kejadian, mereka cenderung bertanya ahli kitab dari
kalangan Yahudi dan Nasrani. Majoriti mereka adalah dari suku bangsa Himyar.
Apabila mereka memeluk Islam, pengaruh daripada ajaran agama asal mereka yang
berkaitan dengan asal kejadian makhluk, cerita-cerita generasi lampau sama ada yang
berkenaan dengan peperangan dan sebagainya masih kuat dalam diri mereka. Antara
golongan mereka ialah Ka’b b. al-Ahbar, Wahab b. Munabbih, dan Abd Allah bin
Salam. Kerana inilah bermula tersebar cerita-cerita Israiliyyat”. 3
Begitu juga didapati di kalangan Sahabat dan Tabi’in ada yang merujuk
tentang persoalan kisah-kisah dalam Quran kepada individu-individu yang pernah
bergelar ahli kitab yang telahpun memeluk agama Islam. Di antara mereka ialah Abd
Allah bin Salam (m.43H), Ka'b al-Ahbar (m.32H.), Wahb bin Munabbih (m.ll0H.)
dan 'Abd al-Malik bin 'Abd al-'Aziz bin Juraij (m.l50H/159H). Persoalan-persoalan
yang ditanya kepada mereka dijawab berdasarkan maklumat yang sedia ada
khususnya dari sumber rujukan agama mereka yang terdahulu iaitu Taurat. 4 Justeru di
kalangan sarjana ada yang mengambil kesempatan untuk menyandarkan sumber-
sumber Israi'liyyat hanya kepada mereka sahaja tanpa penelitian yang rapi, yang
menyebabkan makin menumpuknya riwayat-riwayat Israiliyyat dalam khazanah
keilmuan mereka sehinggalah sampai kepada generasi selanjutnya.
Pada era Rasulullah SAW, informasi dari kaum Yahudi yang dikenal sebagai
israiliyyah tidak berkembang dalan penafsiran al-Qur'an, sebab hanya beliau satu-
satunya penjelas (mubayyin) berbagai masalah atau pengertian yang berkaitan dengan
ayat-ayat al-Qur'an umpamanya saja, apabila para sahabat mengalami kesulitan
mengenai pengertian yang berkaitan dengan sebuah ayat al-Qur'an, baik makna atau
kandungannya, merekapun langsung bertanya kepada Rasulullah SAW. 5 Kendatipun
demikian, Rasulullah SAW juga telah memberikan semacam kebenaran pada umat
Islam untuk menerima maklumat dari Ahli Kitab Bani Israil, hal ini tampak dalam
hadis beliau:
ومن كذب على متعمدا فليتبوأ،بلغوا عين ولو آية وحدثوا عن بىن إسرآئيل والحرج
. Lihat: Ibnu Khaldun, Muqaddimah Ibn Khaldun, 1968, Cet. I, Hlm. 786-787.
. Lihat: Muhammad Hussein al-Dhahabi, Israi'liyyat fi al-Tafsir wa al-Hadith, Qaherah,
Maktabah Wahbah, hlm. 156.
. Zainal Hasan Rifai, Kisah-kisah Israiliyyat dalam Penafsiran al-Qur'an dalam Belajar
Ulumul Qur'an, Jakarta: Lentera Basitama, 1992, hlm. 278.
356 Centre of Quranic Research (CQR)
Qur’anic Research: Interaction of Knowledge, Science, and Civilization
مقعده من النار
"Sampaikanlah yang datang dariku walaupun satu ayat, dan
ceritakan (apa yang kamu dengar) dari Bani Israil dan hal itu tidak
ada salahnya. Barang siapa yang berdusta ayatku, maka siap-siaplah
untuk menempati tempatnya di neraka".
وال تصدقوا أهل الكتاب وال تكذبوهم وقولوا آمنا باهلل وما أنزل إلينا
Setelah Rasulullah SAW wafat, tidak seorang pun yang berhak menjadi
penjelas wahyu Allah. Dalam keadaan ini para sahabat mencari sumber dari hadis
Rasul. Apabila mereka tidak menjumpai, mereka berijtihad. Riwayat dari ahli Kitab
menjadi salah satu rujukan mereka. Hal ini terjadi kerana ada persamaan antara al-
Qur'an, Taurat dan Injil. Hanya saja al-Qur'an berbicara secara umum, sementara
Taurat dan Injil berbicara panjang lebar.
Pada era sahabat inilah Israiliyyat mulai berkembang dan tumbuh subur.
Hanya saja dalam menerima riwayat dari kaum Yahudi dan Nashrani pada umumnya
mereka amat ketat. Mereka hanya membatasi kisah-kisah dalam al-Qur'an secara
global, dan Nabi sendiri tidak menerangkan kepada mereka kisah-kisah tersebut. Di
sampng itu, mereka terkenal sebagai orang-orang yang amat memahami ajaran yang
diteima dari Rasulullah SAW sehingga jika mereka menjumpai kisah-kisah israiliyyat
yang bertentangan dengan ajaran Islam, mereka akan menentangnya. Dan apabila
kisah-kisah itu diperselisihan mereka akan menangguhkannya. Al-Dhahabi
mengatakan keterlibatan para sahabat dalam meriwayatkan israiliyyat tidak berlebih-
lebihan dan dalam batas kewajaran.8
Pada era tabi'in, penukilan dari ahli Kitab semakin meluas. Cerita-cerita
israiliyyat dalam tafsir semakin berkembang. Sumber cerita ini adalah orang-orang
. Imam Bukhari, Shahih Bukhari, Beirut, Dar al-Fikr,, jilid, II, hlm. 181.
. Ibid, jilid III, hlm. 270.
. Muhammad Husin al-Dhahabi, Penyimpangan dalam Penafsiran al-Qur'an, Jakarta:
Rajawali, 1986, hlm. 24.
Qur’anic Research: Interaction of Knowledge, Science, and Civilization
yang masuk Islam dari kalangan ahli Kitab yang jumlahnya cukup ramai. Faktor
keinginan yang kuat untuk orang untuk mendengar kisah-kisah yang ajaib daripada
Quran mendorong sesetengah orang mendapatkan maklumat terperinci tentang kisah
Quran daripada ahli Kitab.
Setelah era tabi'in tumbuh kecintaan yang luar biasa terhadap cerita
israiliyyat dan diambil secara mentah-mentah, sehinga setiap cerita diterima dan tidak
lagi ditolak. Mereka tidak lagi mengambil cerita tersebut kepada Qur'an, walaupun
tidak difahami oleh akal. Mereka menganggap tidak perlu membuang cerita-cerita
dan kisah-kisah yang tidak dibenarkan untuk menafsirkan Qur'an.
Jenis strategi penyelidikan yang dijalankan ialah melalui tinjauan soal selidik. Justeru,
sekumpulan 101 orang responden daripada lima buah universiti tempatan pilihan -
iaitu USIM, UIA, UKM, UM dan KUIS - telah memberikan maklum balas terhadap
soal selidik yang diedarkan.
Dapatan data yang dianalisis melalui soal selidik terhadap para pensyarah
Bagi mencapai hasrat tersebut penyelidik telah menyediakan borang soal selidik, dan
selepas diedarkan kepada para responden, penyelidik hanya berjaya mendapatkan
sebanyak 101 borang selidik sahaja yang dikembalikan dengan lengkap.
. Ibid.
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Merujuk kepada data kajian, sebanyak 26.7% (27 orang) responden yang sering
membaca kisah-kisah Israiliyat. Manakala 49.5% (50 orang) reponden memberi
jawapan tidak pasti. Hanya 23.8% sahaja yang tidak bersetuju dengan kenyataan
tersebut. Oleh itu, kadar jumlah pensyarah yang sering membaca kisah-kisah
Israiliyat adalah sedikit, manakala jumlah majoritinya menjawab tidak pasti apakah
mereka telah banyak membaca riwayat Israiliyyat atau belum.
Data kajian menunjukkan bahawa 41% (41 orang) responden mengetahui bahawa
riwayat Israiliyat adalah bersumber dari Ahli Kitab. Manakala 39% (39 orang)
reponden memberi jawapan tidak pasti Hanya 20% (20 orang) sahaja yang tidak
bersetuju dengan kenyataan tersebut.
Data kajian menunjukkan bahawa, 52.4% (53 orang) responden mengetahui bahawa
riwayat Israiliyat ialah kisah-kisah umat terdahulu sahaja. Manakala 31.7% (32
orang) reponden memberi jawapan tidak pasti. Hanya 15.8% (16 orang) sahaja yang
tidak bersetuju dengan kenyataan tersebut.
1.5 Kebolehan menilai riwayat Israiliyyat sama ada kandungannya benar atau
Qur’anic Research: Interaction of Knowledge, Science, and Civilization
Data kajian menunjukkan bahawa, 24.7% (25 orang) responden boleh menilai riwayat
Israiliyat samada kandungannya benar atau salah. Manakala 41.6% (42 orang)
reponden memberi jawapan tidak pasti. Selebihnya 33.7% (34 orang) tidak bersetuju
dengan kenyataan tersebut.
Data kajian menunjukkan bahawa, 48% (48 0rang) responden mengetahui ada
riwayat Israiliyat yang selari dengan syariat. Manakala 30% (30 orang) reponden
memberi jawapan tidak pasti. Hanya 22% (22orang) sahaja yang tidak bersetuju
dengan kenyataan tersebut. Kesimpulan yang dapat diambil dari penjelasan ini adalah
kebanyakan pensyarah yang mengajar kursus Ulum Syar’iyyah tidak pasti apakah
mereka mengetahui tentang wujud percanggahan atau tidak riwayat Israiliyyat dengan
Data kajian menunjukkan bahawa, 70% (70 orang) responden mengetahui akan
adanya riwayat Israiliyat yang melanggar syariat. Manakala 13% (13 orang) reponden
memberi jawapan tidak pasti. Selebihnya 17% (17 orang) tidak bersetuju dengan
kenyataan tersebut.
Data kajian menunjukkan bahawa, 44.6% (45 orang) responden mengetahui ada
riwayat Israiliyat yang tiada penjelasan dalam agama tetapi tidak melanggarnya.
Manakala 32.7% (33 orang) reponden memberi jawapan tidak pasti. Hanya 22.8% (23
orang) sahaja yang tidak bersetuju dengan kenyataan tersebut.
Data kajian menunjukkan bahawa, 72.3% (73 orang) responden memahami keperluan
memeriksa sanad riwayat Israiliyat sebelum mempercayai matannya. Manakala
16.8% (17 orang) reponden memberi jawapan tidak pasti. Hanya 10.9% (11 orang)
sahaja yang tidak bersetuju dengan kenyataan tersebut.
Data kajian menunjukkan bahawa, 72.3% (73 orang) responden mengetahui kesan
menyampaikan riwayat Israiliyat yang batil. Manakala 17.8% (18 orang) reponden
memberi jawapan tidak pasti. Hanya 9.9% (10 Orang) sahaja yang tidak bersetuju
dengan kenyataan tersebut.
Data kajian menunjukkan bahawa, hanya 19.8% (20 orang) responden dapat
mengenal pasti kaitan di antara riwayat Israiliyat dan Aqidah Islamiyyah. Manakala
47.5% (48 orang) reponden memberi jawapan tidak pasti. Selebihnya 32.7% (33
orang) sahaja yang tidak bersetuju dengan kenyataan tersebut.
1.13 Setuju atau tidak sekiranya riwayat Israiliyyat menjadi salah satu sumber
perundangan Islam
Qur’anic Research: Interaction of Knowledge, Science, and Civilization
29.7% (30 orang) reponden memberi jawapan tidak pasti. Selebihnya 64.4% (65
orang) tidak bersetuju dengan kenyataan tersebut.
Data kajian menunjukkan bahawa, 52% (50 orang) responden menyedari adanya
riwayat Israiliyat di dalam Tafsir Quran. Manakala 29.2% (28 orang) reponden
memberi jawapan tidak pasti. Hanya 18.7% (18 orang) sahaja yang tidak bersetuju
dengan kenyataan tersebut.
Daripada penjelasan di atas dapat difahami bahawa majoriti pensyarah sedar dan
memperakui akan adanya riwayat Israiliyyat di dalam Tafsir Quran.
Data kajian menunjukkan bahawa hanya 22.8% (23 orang) responden yang
mengetahui kepentingan riwayat Israiliyat dalam mentafsirkan ayat Quran. Manakala
44.6% (45 orang) reponden memberi jawapan tidak pasti. Selebihnya 32.7% (33
orang) tidak bersetuju dengan kenyataan tersebut (33).
2.3 Berpegang kepada kitab Tafsir Quran yang berhujah menggunakan riwayat
Data kajian menunjukkan bahawa, hanya 6.9% (7 orang) responden yang berpegang
kepada kitab Tafsir Quran yang berhujah menggunakan riwayat Israiliyat. Manakala
33.7% (34 orang) reponden memberi jawapan tidak pasti. Selebihnya 59.4% (60
orang) tidak bersetuju de ngan kenyataan tersebut.
Data kajian menunjukkan bahawa, hanya 27.7% (28 orang) responden yang menolak
semua riwayat Israiliyat di dalam kitab Tafsir Quran. Manakala 43.6% (44 orang)
reponden memberi jawapan tidak pasti. Selebihnya 28.7% (29 orang) tidak bersetuju
dengan kenyataan tersebut.
2.5 Keyakinan bahawa semua riwayat Israiliyyat yang terdapat di dalam Tafsir
Quran boleh dipercayai
Data kajian menunjukkan bahawa, 36.6% (37 orang) responden yang memiliki
kebolehan membezakan kebenaran dan kepalsuan riwayat Israiliyat dalam Tafsir
Quran. Manakala 39.6% (40 orang) reponden memberi jawapan tidak pasti. Hanya
23.7% (24 orang) sahaja yang tidak bersetuju dengan kenyataan tersebut.
Data kajian menunjukkan bahawa, 63% (63 orang) responden menyedari tentang
bahaya riwayat Israiliyat di dalam Tafsir Quran. Manakala 26% (26 orang) reponden
memberi jawapan tidak pasti. Hanya 11% (11 orang) sahaja yang tidak bersetuju
dengan kenyataan tersebut.
Data kajian menunjukkan bahawa, 67.3% (68 orang) responden mengetahui bahawa
sebahagian daripada riwayat Israiliyat boleh menjejaskan aqidah. Manakala 22.8%
(23 orang) reponden memberi jawapan tidak pasti. Hanya 9.9% (10 orang) sahaja
yang tidak bersetuju dengan kenyataan tersebut.
Qur’anic Research: Interaction of Knowledge, Science, and Civilization
2.9 Kurang yakin dengan kitab Tafsir Quran yang meriwayatkan Israiliyyat
Data kajian menunjukkan bahawa, 36.6% (37 orang) responden kurang yakin dengan
kitab Tafsir Quran yang meriwayatkan Israiliyat. Manakala 41.6% (42 orang)
reponden memberi jawapan tidak pasti. Hanya 21.8% (22 orang) sahaja yang tidak
bersetuju dengan kenyataan tersebut.
Dari penjelasan di atas dapat difahami bahawa majoriti pensyarah tidak pasti
apakah mereka yakin dengan kitab Tafsir Quran yang meriwayatkan Israiliyyat atau
Data kajian menunjukkan bahawa, hanya 19.8% (20 orang) responden yang
mempercayai bahawa terdapat ayat-ayat Quran yang sangat memerlukan riwayat
Israiliyat untuk mentafsirkannya. Manakala 46.5% (47 orang) reponden memberi
jawapan tidak pasti. Selebihnya 33.7% (34 orang) tidak bersetuju dengan kenyataan
Dari penjelasan di atas dapat difahami bahawa majoriti pensyarah tidak pasti
akan adanya ayat-ayat Quran yang sangat memerlukan riwayat Israiliyyat untuk
Data kajian menunjukkan bahawa, hanya 10.9% (11 orang) responden yang
menerima secara terbuka ayat-ayat Quran yang ditafsirkan melalui riwayat Israiliyat.
Manakala 41.6% (42 orang) reponden memberi jawapan tidak pasti. Selebihnya
47.5% (48 orang) tidak bersetuju dengan kenyataan tersebut.
Data kajian menunjukkan bahawa, hanya 5% (5 orang) responden yang setuju bahawa
riwayat Israiliyat boleh disampaikan tanpa menjelaskan stratus Israiliyatnya.
Manakala 32.7% (33 orang) reponden memberi jawapan tidak pasti. Selebihnya
62.4% (63 orang) tidak bersetuju dengan kenyataan tersebut.
Di sini dapat kita simpulkan bahawa majoriti pensyarah tidak Setuju apabila riwayat
Israiliyyat disampaikan tanpa menjelaskan status Israiliyyatnya.
Data kajian menunjukkan bahawa, hanya 8.9% (9 orang) responden yang setuju
bahawa riwayat Israiliyat boleh disampaikan tanpa menjelaskan kesahihan isi
kandungannya. Manakala 27.7% (28 orang) reponden memberi jawapan tidak pasti.
Selebihnya 63.4% (64 orang) tidak bersetuju dengan kenyataan tersebut.
2.14 Keyakinan bahawa penulis kitab Tafsir Quran sengaja meletakkan riwayat
Israiliyyat di dalam kitabnya sebagai penambahan cerita
Data kajian menunjukkan bahawa, hanya 13.9% (14 orang) responden yang meyakini
bahawa penulis kitab Tafsir Quran sengaja meletakkan riwayat Israiliyat di dalam
kitabnya sebagai penambahan cerita. Manakala 46.5% (47 orang) reponden memberi
jawapan tidak pasti. Selebihnya 38.6% (39 orang) tidak bersetuju dengan kenyataan
Data kajian menunjukkan bahawa, 57.4% (58 orang) responden setuju bahawa
Mufassir haruslah bertanggungjawab sekiranya terdapat riwayat Israiliyat di dalam
kitab Tafsir Quran yang ditulisnya. Manakala 22.8% (23 orang) reponden memberi
jawapan tidak pasti. Hanya 19.8% (20 orang) sahaja yang tidak bersetuju dengan
kenyataan tersebut.
2.16 Pengetahuan akan kadar bahaya riwayat Israiliyyat di dalam Tafsir Quran
lebih sedikit berbanding kepentingannya
Data kajian menunjukkan bahawa, 34.7% (35 orang) responden mengetahui bahawa
bahaya riwayat Israiliyat di dalam Tafsir Quran lebih sedikit berbanding
kepentingannya. Manakala 41.6% (42 orang) reponden memberi jawapan tidak pasti.
Hanya 23.7% (24 orang) sahaja yang tidak bersetuju dengan kenyataan tersebut.
Qur’anic Research: Interaction of Knowledge, Science, and Civilization
Berdasarkan kajian di atas dapat dikenal pasti beberapa dapatan dan rumusan kajian
sebagaimana berikut:
1.1 Para pensyarah mengetahui dan mengenal apa itu riwayat Israiliyyat, dan
ianya merupakah kisah-kisah yang diriwayatkan oleh Bani Israil, kerana
memang itulah sebab ianya dinamakan riwayat Israiliyyat. Hanya saja
sebahagian daripada mereka ada yang memahami bahawa riwayat Israiliyyat
itu bukan hanya setakat riwayat-riwayat orang-orang ahli Kitab sahaja, akan
tetapi ia mencakup segala riwayat-riwayat palsu yang dimasukan secara batil,
dan pendapat-pendapat menyeleweng dalam menafsirkan dan memahami
nash-nash Quran dan mengandungi perkara-perkara batil dan karut yang tidak
diterima oleh Islam, maka ianya disini sama dengan istilah Dakhil (susupan)
dalam tafsir alQuran.
1.2 Para pensyarah mengetahui dan memahami akan kesan buruk yang
disebabkan oleh penyebaran riwayat Israiliyyat yang batil, oleh karenanya
hasil dapatan kajian menggesa para pensyarah dan juga pendidik-pendidik
agama untuk memeriksa terlebih dahulu matan dan sekaligus sanad riwayat
terbabit sebelum menyampaikan riwayat tersebut, dan apabila riwayat
tersebut selepas dipastikan tidak bermasalah dari segi sanadnya dan disokong
oleh penjelasan syariat agama kita maka riwayat tersebut dapat digunapakai.
1.3 Dari segi kebolehan menilai dan membezakan riwayat Israiliyyat sama ada isi
kandungannya benar atau salah dan palsu dijumpai masih sedikit pensyarah
yang merasa ada kebolehan tersebut, Meskipun mereka memperakui tidak
sedikit jumlah riwayat Israiliyyat yang muncul dari hasil rekaan semat-mata.
Oleh kerana itu mereka melihat ada riwayat Israiliyyat yang tidak selari
dengan Syariat kita, meskipun tidak mereka jumpai pelanggaran-pelanggaran
secara nyata terhadap ajarannya.
1.5 Para pensyarah sepakat bahawa pentafsiran nas Quran yang berlandaskan
kepada riwayat Israiliyyat itu tidak boleh menjadi sumber rujukan dalam
perundangan Islam, Kerana Syariat Islam dalam aspek perundangan dan
hukum hakamya sangat independent dalam meletakkan segala hukum hakam
sesuai Quran dan Sunnah sahaja, dan tidak sama sekali merujuk atau
beristidlal (mengambil dalil) dari nash-nash syariat lain.
2. Dari aspek kesedaran akan kepentingan dan bahaya riwayat Israiliyyat dapat
disimpulkan sebagai berikut:
2.1 Para pensyarah secara keseluruhan sedar akan bahaya riwayat Israiliyyat di
dalam Tafsir Quran. Kerana sebahagian daripadanya dijumpai secara pasti
mengandungi perkara-perkara yang menjejaskan Aqidah Islam. Oleh itu
mereka menyuarakan sebuah tuntutan agar setiap Mufassir mesti bertanggung
jawab sekiranya terdapat riwayat Israiliyyat di dalam kitab Tafsirnya yang
melanggar dan menjejaskan Aqidah agama kita.
2.2 Para pensyarah menilai bahawa riwayat Israiliyyat tidak banyak membantu
dalam memahami Quran. Kerana mereka melihat usaha menafsirkan Quran
itu tidak mesti menggunakan riwayat tersebut, oleh itu mereka tidak akan
banyak berhujjah dengan tafsiran Quran yang berpandukan kepada riwayat
Israiliyyat, dan terlebih lagi riwayat Israiliyyat yang tak jelas status sanadnya.
2.3 Seperti yang sedia maklum bahawa tidak semua kitab Tafsir Quran
menghimpun riwayat Israiliyyat, kitab-kitab tafsir yang menghimpun pun
berbeda dari segi banyak dan sedikitnya riwayat itu ada didalamnya,
disamping berapa jumlah riwayat-riwayat yang dapat diterima dan ditolerir
atapun riwayat yang batil dan tertolak, karena perkara ini menjadi puncak
mengapa para pensyarah tidak percaya atau tidak pasti apakah mereka akan
percaya dan yakin terhadap kitab-kitab tafsir yang banyak menghimpun
riwayat Israiliyyat, dan seterusnya menggunakanya dalam pengajaran dan
pembelajaran atau tidak.
2.4 Keberadaan riwayat Israiliyyat di dalam kitab-kitab tafsir selama ini tidak
diketahui secara pasti apakah ianya setakat tambahan yang disertakan dalam
penjelasan ayat sebagai penguat makna dan maksud yang telah diperakui atau
dia berfungsi sebagai penafsir dan penentu makna dan maksud ayat. Oleh
kerananya, di sini diragui apakah penulis kitab Tafsir Quran sengaja
meletakkan riwayat Israiliyyat di dalam kitabnya setakat sebagai penambahan
cerita guna menjadi saksi atas alma’nal murad (maksud ayat yang telah
diperakui) sahaja atau lebih dari itu, iaitu ianya sebagai penentu makna yang
dimaksud. Perkara ini akan menimbulkan impak kepada persepsi para
pensyarah yang berbeza-beza apabila merujuk kepada penilaian mereka
berkenaan kadar bahaya riwayat Israiliyyat berbanding dengan kepentinganya
apabila ianya dimaksudkan untuk menafsirkan Quran.
2.5 Kesan yang ditimbulkan oleh penafsiran Quran yang berunsurkan riwayat
Irailiyyat antara lain adalah:
Qur’anic Research: Interaction of Knowledge, Science, and Civilization
Kajian dan analisis mengenai tahap kesedaran para pensyarah terhadap bahaya dan
kepentingan Riwayat Israi'liyyat merupakan satu keperluan penting di kalangan ahli
akademik pengajian Islam. Dapatan kajian mensyorkan agar para pensyarah membuat
kajian dahulu tentang riwayat israiliyyat berikutan banyak kadar jumlah riwayat yang
diterima dan ditolak serta yang Tawaqquf (tidak dikenal pasti diterima atau tidak)
untuk menjadi panduan para pembaca kitab-kitab tersebut supaya dapat lebih mudah
mengenal pasti diantara riwayat Israiliyyat tersebut mana yang boleh digunapakai dan
mana yang tidak. Juga lebih berhati-hati dalam mengambil dan menyampaikan
penjelasan dan tafsiran ayat secara benar dan selamat. Ini kerana banyak kisah-kisah
Israiliyyat yang bukan sahaja boleh merosakkan tafsiran yang sahih, malah juga boleh
mencetuskan kekeliruan di kalangan umat Islam. Walau bagaimanapun - sebagai
cadangan dan gesaan - kitab-kitab tafsir yang banyak digunapakai oleh masyarakat
pada umumnya dan yang diguna pakai oleh para asatidz dan ahli akademik pada
khususnya dalam usaha mereka untuk memahami tafsir kitab Allah (s.w.t) hendaklah
disertakan satu penjelasan sama ada di awal atau di akhir kisah-kisah tersebut bagi
menyatakan bahawa apa yang diriwayatkan tersebut adalah dari periwayatan
Israiliyyat, atau yang paling baik pengarang tidak menukilkan atau memasukkan
kisah-kisah tersebut di dalam kitab-kitab tafsir mereka. Cadangan ini perlu diberi
perhatian dan diambil tindakan oleh semua pihak yang terlibat dalam pentafsiran
kitab Allah (s.w.t.). Ini adalah kerana golongan sasaran yang akan membaca kitab-
kitab tafsir mereka adalah mungkin terdiri daripada kalangan pelajar yang belum
memiliki keupayaan dalam membezakan antara yang benar dan yang batil,
terutamanya dari segi matan dan sanadnya yang menyebabkan mereka menyangka
bahawa itulah tafsiran sebenar terhadap kisah-kisah yang terdapat di dalam Quran.
4. Ibnu Hajar al-Asqalani, Fathul Bari bi Syarh Sahih al-Bukhari, diteliti oleh
Fu‘ad ‘Abd al-Baqi & Muhib al-Din al-Khatib; Dar al Ma’rifah, Beirut,
1379H, jld. 6, ms. 499.
5. Ishak Hj. Sulaiman, Israiliyyat dalam pengajian Tafsir dan Sunnah, Jurnal
Ushuluddin 8, 1998-01.
6. Mohammad Abu Syahbah, AlIsrailiyyat wal Maudlu’at fi Kutubit Tafsir,
Maktabah as Sunnah, Cet. IV.
7. Muhammad Husein al-Dhahabi, al-Tafsir wa al-Mufassirun, 1990.
8. Muhammad Hussein al-Dhahabi, Israi'liyyat fi al-Tafsir wa al-Hadis,1990,
Qaherah, Maktabah Wahbah.
9. Muhammad Husin adz-Dzahabi, Penyimpangan dalam Penafsiran al-Qur'an,
Jakarta: Rajawali, 1986.
10. Zainal Hasan Rifai, Kisah-kisah Israiliyyat dalam Penafsiran al-Qur'an
dalam Belajar Ulumul Qur'an, Jakarta: Lentera Basitama, 1992.
Qur’anic Research: Interaction of Knowledge, Science, and Civilization
Calon PhD, Jabatan Al-Quran dan Hadith, Akademi Pengajian Islam Universiti Malaya,
Universiti Malaya.
Calon Sarjana, Jabatan Pengajian Al-Quran dan Al-Sunnah, Fakulti Pengajian Islam
Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, UKM.
Ketua Jabatan Pengajian Al-Quran dan Al-Sunnah, Fakulti Pengajian Islam Universiti
Kebangsaan Malaysia, UKM.
Qur’anic Research: Interaction of Knowledge, Science, and Civilization
Seperti mana contoh bahan cetakan atau penerbitan al-Quran. Jika tidak dititik
beratkan tentang cetakan dan penerbitannya, sudah tentu al-Quran itu sendiri akan
tidak lagi terpelihara. Kalimah-kalimahnya, penulisannya (rasm) dan bacaannya akan
Sepertimana yang telah terjadi pada zaman pemerintahan Mu’awiyah bin Abi
Sufiyan yang mana sebelum al-Quran dimasukkan baris dan titik. Terjadi perselisihan
bacaan di kalangan umat Islam itu sendiri. Jadi, untuk mengelakkan perkara ini
berlaku lagi, maka sesebuah negara yang menjadikan agama Islam sebagai agama
rasmi hendaklah mewujudkan sebuah unit ataupun lajnah bagi mengawal dan
menjaga cetakan dan penerbitan sesebuah al-Quran.
Di Malaysia, KKDN mewujudkan satu unit yang mana diberi nama Unit Kawalan
Teks Al-Quran (UKTQ). Bidang tugas utama unit ini adalah mengawal dan
memelihara sebarang cetakan al-Quran, sebelum ia diluluskan untuk diterbitkan.
Bidang tugas ini juga menyeliputi bahagian eksport bahan al-Quran yang dihasilkan
di Malaysia dan juga mengawal bahagian import bahan al-Quran yang diimport
masuk ke dalam Malaysia sebelum ia diluluskan untuk sebarang jualan. Ini adalah
kerana untuk memastikan bahan al-Quran yang dieksport dan diimport tidak
menyalahi syarat yang ditentukan oleh ulama’ sekaligus memelihara al-Quran
daripada sebarang kesalahan dan keraguan.
Sejarah Penubuhan
Objektif penubuhan adalah untuk memastikan teks dan bahan al-Quran yang
dicetak, diterbit, diimport dan diedar dalam Negara ini tidak mengandungi apa-apa
kesilapan dan kesalahan dalam menjaga kesucian al-Quran.
i. Memastikan Kaedah
Penggunaan rasm dan dhabt dengan betul. Terdapat ketidakselarasan
dari segi kaedah penulisan, penandaan (istilah dhabt) dan teknik pemisah
dan penyambungan perkataan:
a. Kaedah Penulisan
Terdapat cara penulisannya mengikut kaedah qiasi (imla’i)
atau bercampur antara qiasi (imla’i) dan istilahi (uthmani)
kawalan-penerbitan-dan-teks-al-quran, dicapai pada 17 Julai 2014.
Qur’anic Research: Interaction of Knowledge, Science, and Civilization
Qur’anic Research: Interaction of Knowledge, Science, and Civilization
Bagi melaksanakan peruntukan undang-undang yang terkandung dalam Akta 326 dan
Peraturan-peraturannya, maka Kerajaan telah menubuhkan suatu Lembaga yang
dikenali dengan nama “Lembaga Pengawalan dan Pelesenan Pencetakan al-Quran”
pada tahun 1987. Tugas pertamanya dapat dimulakan pada 8 Oktober 1987.
Keanggotaannya terdiri dari kalangan Sahibus Samahah Mufti atau Sahibul Fadilah
Kadi Besar yang mewakili setiap negeri di Malaysia.
Penubuhan Unit Kawalan Teks al-Quran (UKTQ) di Bahagian Kawalan Penerbitan &
Teks al-Quran yang diletakkan di bawah bidang kuasa Kementerian Keselamatan
Dalam Negeri (KKDN) juga dilihat mampu menggalas dan melaksanakan amanah
yang cukup besar ini, dalam memastikan mashaf atau bahan al-Quran yang dihasilkan
di Malaysia, juga yang diimport dari luar negara akan terpelihara dari sebarang
kesalahan dan keraguan.
Oleh kerana al-Quran yang ada ketika ini sudah lengkap dari semua aspek
seperti kaedah penulisannya, baris-barisnya, titik-titiknya dan beberapa tanda-
tandanya, maka aspek pemeliharaan yang dilakukan oleh UKTQ adalah berbeza sama
sekali dengan zaman-zaman sebelumnya. Selain dari mengenalpasti beberapa
kesalahan yang berlaku, aspek utama pemeliharaan al-Quran yang dilakukan oleh
UKTQ ialah menyeragamkan beberapa perkara dan tanda tertentu di dalam bahan
atau teks al-Quran yang akan dicetak dan siterbitkan. Perkara ini perlu dilakukan
kerana kepelbagaian dalam beberapa tanda yang terdapat di dalam sebahagian bahan
atau teks tersebut boleh menyebabkan berlakunya kekeliruan kepada pembacanya.
Dalam memastikan mashaf al-Quran yang dicetak dan diedarkan di Malaysia tepat
dan betul, maka UKTQ telah menetapkan syarat utamanya mestilah kaedah penulisan
yang digunakan berpandukan sepenuhnya kaedah Rasm ‘Uthmani. Ketetapan ini telah
diputuskan oleh Lembaga Pengawalan dan Perlesenan Percetakan al-Quran (LPPPQ)
Melakukan pemeriksaan atau pemantauan terhadap premis-premis yang menjual bahan atau
teks al-Quran, juga terhadap kilang-kilang yang mencetak al-Quran.
Rasm Uthmani ialah tulisan mashaf-mashaf al-Quran yang digunakan dan dipersetujui oleh
Sayyidina ‘Uthman r.a untuk menulis kalimah-kalimah al-Quran dan huruf-hurufnya. Lihat:
Muhammad ‘Abd al-‘Azim al-Zarqani, Ahmad Syams al-Din (ed.). Manahil al-‘Irfan fi ‘Ulum
al’Quran, (Beirut: Dar al-Kutub al-‘Imiyyah, 1988), jilid 1, hlm.369.
Qur’anic Research: Interaction of Knowledge, Science, and Civilization
dalam mesyuaratnya yang bersidang pada 14 Januari 1988 7, dan bermula pada tarikh
tersebut, UKTQ terus melaksanakam ketetapan tersebut berdasarkan akta 326 yang
telah diperuntukkan kepadanya. Selain dari memiliki beberapa keutamaan dan
kelebihan yang tiada terdapat pada rasm yang lain, syarat tersebut juga adalah
mengambil kira pandangan kebanyakan ulama 8 yang berpendapat bahawa
penggunaan Rasm ‘Uthmani ini adalah wajib, walupun di sana terdapat pandangan-
pandangan lain mengenai hukum penggunaannya.
Satu lagi usaha yang dilakukan UKTQ ke arah pemeliharaan al-Quran ialah
menyeragamkan bentuk baris dalam al-Quran. Oleh kerana terdapat berbagai-bagai
pendapat ulama mengenai bentuk baris-baris al-Quran, maka UKTQ memutuskan
penggunaannya terhadap satu bentuk sahaja. Selain dari mashaf-mashaf al-Quran,
usaha ini juga digunakan terhadap teks-teks al-Quran yang terdapat dalam bentuk
digital serta VCD sebelum ianya diedar dan dipasarkan. Berdasarkan pendapat yang
disepakati ramai di kalangan ulama, di samping penggunaannya yang begitu meluas,
UKTQ mengeluarkan ketetapan terhadap bentuk-bentuk baris9.
Sesebuah syarikat yang ingin menerbit, mencetak atau mengimport bahan atau teks
al-Quran perlulah memohon untuk mendapatkan lesen terlebih dahulu. Akta 326 ada
menyebutkan bahawa, “tiada seorang pun yang boleh mencetak atau membantu
dalam percetakan, atau menerbitkan atau membantu dalam penerbitan sesuatu teks
al-Quran tanpa suatu lesen yang dikeluarkan oleh LPPPQ” 10. Oleh yang demikian,
semua permohonan untuk mendapatkan lesen mencetak, menerbit atau mengimport
bahan atau teks al-Quran perlu kemukakan kepada LPPPQ. UKTQ pula akan
menerima, mendaftar serta memproses permohonan tersebut dan setelah itu akan
diserahkan kepada LPPPQ untuk dipertimbangkan kelulusannya. Setelah mendapat
kelulusan, maklumat-maklumat yang berkaitan dengan syarikat tersebut akan
direkodkan dan disimpan oleh unit ini.
Panduan Rasm ‘Uthmani, (Putrajaya: Urusetia Lembaga Pengawalan dan Perlesenan
Percetakan Al-Quran, KKDN, 2005), hlm. 110.
Abdul Rahman Abdul Ghani, Bab 5, “Pemeliharaan al-Quran: Kajian di Unit Kawalan Teks
Al-Quran Kementerian Keselamatan Dalam Negeri”, di Kuala Lumpur: Jabatan al-Quran dan
Hadith, Akademi Pengajian Islam Universiti Malaya, 2009) hlm. 225.
Ibid, h.263.
Akta 326 seksyen 5 subseksyen (1).
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Semua permohonan untuk penyemakan bahan atau teks al-Quran serta penyemakan
pruf akhir al-Quran yang dikemukakan kepada LPPPQ akan didaftar dan diproses
oleh UKTQ sebelum dan selepas dipertimbangkan kelulusannya oleh LPPPQ dan
UKTQ juga akan menguruskan pengeluaran sijil perakuan betul yang dicop dalam
bahan atau teks al-Quran yang telah diperakui betul oleh KKDN.
Semua bahan atau teks al-Quran yang diterima oleh UKTQ akan dikemukan
kepada LPPPQ begi urusan penyemakan sebelum diperakui kesahihannya. LPPPQ
pula akan menyerahkan kepada satu jawatankuasa yang telah dibentuknya iaitu LTQ
untuk menyemak secara terperinci kandungan teks al-Quran atau pruf akhir al-Quran
yang diterima dan sekiranya terdapat kesalahan atau kesilapan terhadap huruf,
kalimah, baris, tanda, atau sebarang perkara yang bercanggah dengan peraturan dan
aspek yang ditetapkan, maka UKTQ akan mengembalikan semula teks al-Quran atau
pruf akhir al-Quran tersebut kepada individu atau syarikat yang berkenaan tanpa
deberikan kelulusan untuk diterbitkan atau dicetak.
Bagi teks al-Quran yang diimport dari negara luar seperti Thailand,
Indonesia, Pakistan, India dan lain-lain lagi, sebelum teks-teks tersebut diedar atau
dipasarkan, maka ia juga perlu disemak oleh LTQ terlebih dahulu, dan sekiranya
aspek penulisannya menepati dan mematuhi syarat-syarat yang ditetapkan, barulah ia
akan diberikan kelulusan oleh KKDN. Bagi mashaf-mashaf yang telah disemak dan
diperakui oleh mana-mana lajnah antarabangsa seperti al-Idarah al-Buhuth al-
Islamiyyah al-Azhar al-Syarif Mesir, al-Idarah al-ifta’ al-‘Am wa al-Tadris al-Dini
Syria dan sebagainya, ia juga terpaksa melalui proses penyemakan oleh LTQ terlebih
dahulu. Tetapi sekiranya mashaf-mashaf tersebut adalah merupakan hadiah kepada
mana-mana pertubuhan atau agensi-agensi tertentu di Malaysia, maka LPPPQ tidak
akan mengarahkan kepada LTQ untuk melakukan penyemakan semula
memandangkan ia adalah amanah yang perlu disampaikan, melainkan sekiranya
terdapat kesalahan yang ketara.
Pemerintah dan umat Islam Indonesia menaruh perhatian yang besar terhadap
keupayaan pemeliharaan al-Quran melalui berbagai usaha, antaranya melalui
pembentukan Lajnah Pentashihan Mushaf al-Quran Kumpulan Penerjemah dan
Penulisan tafsirnya, Lembaga Pendidikan dan Pengajaran al-Quran dan
penyelenggaraan Musabaqah Tilawah al-Quran.
Abdul Rahman Abdul Ghani, Bab 5, “Pemeliharaan al-Quran: Kajian di Unit Kawalan Teks
Al-Quran Kementerian Keselamatan Dalam Negeri”, di Kuala Lumpur: Jabatan al-Quran dan
Hadith, Akademi Pengajian Islam Universiti Malaya, 2009) hlm. 200.
Zaenal Arifin Madzkur (Ketua Pentashih Mushaf, Unit Kawalan Teks al-Quran Indonesia),
dalam temubual dengan Muhammad Al-Amin Siddik bin Mohmd Nor, 13-14 November 2014.
Qur’anic Research: Interaction of Knowledge, Science, and Civilization
Sejarah Penubuhan13
Memasuki era percetakan pada sekitar awal abad ke-20, dengan adanya penerbit-
penerbit al-Quran yang dapat mencetak al-Quran secara berterusan dan teratur seperti
Matba’ah al-Islamiyah Bukit Tinggi, Abdullah bin Afif Cirebon, Salim Nabhan
Surabaya dan Al-Ma’arif Bandung, pentashihan terhadap mushaf-mushaf yang
hendak dicetak secara mutlak diperlukan. Pada masa ini, pentashihan dilakukan oleh
masing-masing penerbit, sebagai contoh, penerbit al-Quran Matba’ah al Islamiyah
Bukit Tinggi 1933M ditashih oleh As-Syeikh Sulaiman al-Rasuli dan al-Hajj Abdul
Malik, penerbit Abdullah bin Afif Cirebon 1352H/1933M ditashih oleh al-Hajj
Muhammad Usman dan al-Hajj Ahmad al-Badawi dan lain-lain.
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Nombor 1 tahun 1982, yang isinya antara lain menyebut tugas-tugas Lajnah
Pentashih, iaitu :
Sepanjang perjalanan Lajnah sejak pertama kali ditubuhkan pada 1957 telah
mengalami beberapa pergantian kepimpinan. Pemimpin Lajnah hingga akhir 2006
adalah Ketua Lajnah yang secara ex officio dipegang oleh Kepala Puslitbang Lektur
Keagamaan. Sejak awal tahun 2007 sepertimana yang telah ditetapkannya, Lajnah
Pentashihan Mushaf al-Quran (LPMA) sebagai satuan kerja tersendiri, sebutan Ketua
Lajnah berubah menjadi Kepala Lajnah Pentashihan al-Quran. Antara mereka yang
pernah memegang jawatan Ketua Lajnah adalah seperti berikut:
Bidang Pengkajian al-Quran dan ketiga Bidang Bayt Al-Quran dan Dokumentasi.
Khusus pengelolaan Bayt Al-Quran dan Museum Istiqlal telah diterbitkan pula
Keputusan Menteri Agama No. 45 Tahun 2007 tentang Pencabutan Keputusan
Menteri Agama Nombor E/50 Tahun 2002 tentang Susunan Personalia Pengelolaan
Bayt al-Quran dan Museum al-Quran dilaksanakan oleh Lajnah Pentashihan Mushaf
Saat ini Lajnah bertempat di Gedung Bayt al-Quran dan Museum Istiqlal
yang dirasmikan pada tanggal 20 April 1997 oleh Presiden Republik Indonesia waktu
itu H. M. Soeharto. Gedung ini didirikan di atas tanah seluas 20.013 meter persegi
dengan luas bangunan 20.402 meter persegi. Arkitek pembangunan gedung ini adalah
Ir. Achmad Noe’man. Gedung ini terdiri atas empat tingkat yang masing-masing
berfungsi sebagai masjid, dewan utama dan ruang pameran (tingkat 1), ruang
pameran dan audio visual (tingkat 2), pejabat-pejabat dan ruang perpusatakaan
(tingkat 3) dan ruang untuk seminar (lantai 4).
Peraturan Menteri Agama Republik Indonesia (RI) Nombor 3 tahun 2007 tentang
organisasi dan Tata Kerja Lajnah Pentashihan Mushaf al-Quran menandai lahirnya
sebuah organisasi kerja baru di lingkungan Departmen Agama RI, iaitu Lajnah
Pentashihan Mushaf al-Quran yang merupakan Unit Pelaksana Teknis Badan Litbang
dan Diklat. Sebelum unit ini di tubuhkan secara rasmi, sejak 1957 kerja-kerja
pentashihan dan pengkajian al-Quran dilakukan oleh sebuah kumpulan adhoc yang
bernama Lajnah Pentashih (tanpa akhiran ‘an’) Mushaf al-Quran. Selepas tahun 2007,
barulah unit ini secara rasminya dinamakan dengan Lajnah Pentashihan Mushaf al-
Mushaf Standar Indonesia adalah Mushaf yang mana menjadi rujukan utama
dalam proses pentashihan al-Quran sebelum ia diluluskan untuk diterbitkan. Ia juga
menjadi rujukan kepada para penerbit dalam menerbit dan mencetak al-Quran. Dalam
sejarahnya, Mushaf Standar ini tidak lahir dalam waktu yang singkat. Ia dihasilkan
melalui mesyuarat dan perumusan yang agak lama. Dalam kaitan ini, mushaf standar
didefinisikan sebagai Mushaf al-Quran yang ditetapkan cara penulisannya dengan
tanda bacanya (syakl) termasuk tanda waqafnya sesuai dengan hasil yang dicapai
dalam Musyawarah Kerja (Muker) Ulama Ahli Al-Quran yang berlangsung selama 9
tahun dari 1974 sehingga tahun 1983 dan ia terus dijadikan rujukan bagi penerbit
yang ingin menerbitkan mushaf al-Quran di Indonesia. Bersesuaian dengan
Keputusan Menteri Agama (KMA) No. 25/1984 tentang penetapan Mushaf Standar
dan Menteri Agama No. 7 tahun 1984 tentang penggunaan Mushaf al-Quran Standar
sebagai rujukan utama dalam mentashih al-Quran. Mushaf Standar terdiri daripada
Mushaf al-Quran Standar Uthmani, Bahriyah dan Braille.
Visi Lajnah
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Mewujudkan kitab suci yang sahih, indah, mudah dibaca dan daapat difahami serta
terpelihara dengan baik.
Misi Lajnah
1. Meningkatkan kualiti pentashihan mushaf al-Quran dalam rangka
peningkatan kualiti kehidupan beragama.
2. Meningkatkan kualiti pengkajian al-Quran dalam rangka peningkatan kualiti
bimbingan, pemahaman, pengamalan dan kehidupan beragama, serta
peningkatan penghayatan moral dan etika keagamaan.
Qur’anic Research: Interaction of Knowledge, Science, and Civilization
d) Prosedur Pentashihan
Rujuk 2.2.4
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