Psychological Clinics
Psychological Clinics
Psychological Clinics
The needs of Psychological Clinics in Malaysia
B.Sc(Hons) Community Health (UPM), MBA (UPM), DBA (UBI),
MIM-CPT, CAHRP (Consultant),
Certified E-Commerce Professional (Mal),
Certified Professional Trainer (MIM, PSNB),
Certified Stress Management (IACT, USA),
Certificate Qualitative Research (Georgia, USA)
Certificate in Homeopathy Medicine (Mal)
“I am stress, I don’t want to go to psychiatry, I will be labeled mad or insane. I would rather
not to inform others. Let’s me suffer it myself”
It is estimated that 70% of all patients who seek help from physicians for their “physical”
complaints and illness are in fact suffering from stress, anxiety based on disorder and
psychosomatic complaints. One study has even suggested that at least a third of all cardiology
patients may have no real physical disorder but they suffer from panic attacks. Modern
Western-trained doctors, because of their intensive training in looking for specific bodily
symptoms in which they are tested in medical schools, get used to this outlook and take it
with them in their medical practice. As the famous Harvard physician, Dr. Herbert Benson,
says in his best-selling book, Timeless healing (Simon and Schuster, 1996), Western trained
doctors are tested in their ability to remember and diagnose specifics far more than their
ability to assess overall patients. They accordingly emphasise particular symptoms over
wholeness and body over mind.
For this reason, the 70% of patients whose core problem is psychological continue to receive
drugs after drugs that can only help temporarily through suggestion. They may continue to
see many doctors without finding one who recognizes their underlying emotional disturbance,
their depression or their sexual dysfunction as the real etiological factor in their external
Even patients who know that they are suffering from psychological problems such as anxiety
based or mood disorders do not get the help they really need. Because of the stigma of
“insanity”, many of them would not accept to see a psychiatrist. Besides, even those who do
may not get the proper psychological therapy they need. Psychiatrists, as doctors who
graduated from medical schools, prefer to prescribe drugs and other psychical therapies to
long interviews and counseling
Many of them had not even intensively trained in the modern psychotherapeutic method such
as the use of systematic desensitization as behavioral therapy for phobic anxieties, sexual
disorders and similar problems, the use of cognitive therapy for depression and the use of
aversion therapy for addiction, tics and some forms of obsessive compulsive neuroses. Some
psychiatrists who had been trained in the some of these behavioral and cognitive therapies
may not have the time for their application. This is particularly true for those who work in
private clinics. They can see more patients by briefly listening to their complaints and
prescribing medicines.
Patients who refuse to be referred to psychiatrists would be glad to see bomos and traditional
healers. In research study presented by Badri to the Traditional Medical Practices Committee
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The needs of Psychological Clinics in Malaysia
of the WHO in Geneva in 1973, has found that in most Islamic countries, the great majority
of neurotic patients go to traditional healers. Many of them may get suggestive and spiritual
help that are not available in modern hospitals and psychiatric clinics. However, they are also
deprived from the modern psychotherapeutic techniques we just mentioned.
From what has been said, the medical services in Malaysia is in great need for the
establishment of psychological clinics in which trained therapists can offer their expertise to
those who need it. General practitioners and even specialist should be informed about such
psychological services and they should know when to refer some of the 70% of patients
whose problems are either psychophysiological and downright anxiety or mood disorder.
Since such patients can be cured or very such improved by psychotherapy, this may actually
be economically cost effective.
When such psychological clinics are set up, psychiatrists would be happy to refer suitable
patients to the clinical psychologist who is also helped by a psychiatric social workers. On the
other hand, patients who directly refer themselves to the psychological clinic and who need
psychiatric drugs or more serious medical interventions are to be referred by the clinical
psychologist to psychiatrists or physicians, Often, the patient who needs antidepressants or
tranquillizers but who is afraid to go to a psychiatrists for fear of being stamped as “crazy”,
can benefit from the therapy of the psychologist who convinces him to accept referral to the
psychiatrist or physician. The co-operation between the psychologist and the doctors is very
essential since at times purely organic disorder as hypoglycemia and hyperthyroidism can
mimic anxiety symptoms and patient may unknowingly refer himself to psychologist or
It is clear from our statement of problem what services that psychological clinic can offer to
its troubled patients and those who need minor therapy and counseling. However, the
following list of services can be more illuminating. The Center provides three major services
for the community:
Though counseling and psychotherapy were once considered two different forms of
psychological intervention, the dividing line between them is becoming quite vague. In the
paper title “counseling and psychotherapy from an Islamic prospective” (Ashajara, 1996, Vol.
1, No 1 & 2) Badri says:
“ The “no man’s land” between the boundaries of counseling as speciality of educators and
psychologists who offer guidance to normal people and students with mild emotional and
academic problems, mainly practiced in educational institutions and that of psychotherapy as
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The needs of Psychological Clinics in Malaysia
that of experts in clinical psychology and psychoanalysis, mainly practicing in clinics and
hospitals, has already been so constricted that many references treat them as one subject.”
Accordingly, the Yale psychological centre is expected to deal with all problems. These
complaints range from mild educational adjustments of children and adults and marital
problems that can be dealt with by counseling to severe symptoms of disorder like panic,
agoraphobia, obsessive compulsive disorders, depression and sexual dysfunction that need in-
depth therapy and behavioral and cognitive interventions.
The centre of clinic can also be a place for the education and training of young counselors
and aspiring psychotherapists. Special group therapeutic sessions can be arranged for patients
who suffer form similar problems and these young counselors and psychotherapists to learn
some of the skills of the profession may attend the therapeutic sessions. The centre can also
organize special talks, TV shows and articles in daily papers to educate public about its
In general, the centre that offers the service is contributing towards social responsibility.
Besides, the concern of public on this issues increase the reputation of the centre indirectly.
The centre is supposed to carry out research into adaptation of psychological tests and
therapeutic methods to suit the rich cultural aspects of Malaysia. Most psychological
assessment techniques are developed for use in Western countries. To be useful for the
application in Malaysia, we need to adapt and standardized some of the instruments used in
psychological testing. In doing so, the centre will co-operate with different departments of
psychology in Malaysia. Also, the Malaysian Psychological Society can be of help in this
issue. Another important service that centre can offer is perform research studies and
consultations for Malaysia companies and other Institution interest in special psychological
projects within the interest of the clinic.
While the Centre accepts referrals from a wide range of other professionals and from both
private and government sponsored agencies, clients are encourage to make direct contact.
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