Fire Safety Engineering

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cellular beam acting

in membrane action

Faculty of Engineering, Presented by : Group 02

It was conducted by…
O. Vassart (ArcelorMittal R&D, G.-D. of Luxemburg)
C. G. Bailey (University of Manchester, UK)
M. Hawes (ASDWestok Limited, UK)
A. Nadjai (University of Ulster, UK)
W. I. Simms (SCI, UK)
B. Zhao (CTICM, France)
T. Gernay (University of Liège, Belgium)
J.-M. Franssen (University of Liège, Belgium)
Efficient assessment of structures in fire conditions is covered by the
use of numerical models. However, numerical models are based on
small scale tests and experience. To date, no rigorous research into
the performance of cellular beams in fire has taken place

This is a study about performance cellular beams of full scale fire test
performed recently on a composite floor for analyzing the possibility
of tensile membrane action to develop when the unprotected steel
beams in the central part of the floor are made of cellular beams.

Faculty of Engineering, Presented by : Group 02

Faculty of Engineering, Presented by : Group 02
Effect of Fire on Building
The rise in temperature causes a decrease in
the strength and modulus of elasticity for both
concrete and steel reinforcement

Yield strength of steel

The change in concrete

properties due to high

Faculty of Engineering, Presented by : Group 02

Steel framed buildings become then more
competitive compared with reinforced concrete
framed buildings

Inside view of the compartment before the test

Faculty of Engineering, Presented by : Group 02

Covered area =15 * 9 m
=135 m*m
Beam distance = 3m

Normal weight concrete block works with

three 3 x 1.5 m openings in the front wall.
The surrounding walls were not fixed to the
composite floor at the top which allowed
vertical movement of the floor without
interaction with the walls. All the columns
and solid beams on the opening side were
protected for a standard fire of two hours
using fiber boards of 20 mm. The
surrounding cellular beams were also
protected using ceramic fibers.

Faculty of Engineering, Presented by : Group 02

The slab depth = 120 mm
Steel thickness = 10 mm
(with a spacing of 200 mm in each direction S500)

Ø It was located at a vertical distance of 40 mm above the steel


Ø The slab was fixed on all steel beams by means of steel studs
welded on the upper flanges (full connection).

Ø All connections from secondary beams to main beams and from

beams to columns are simple connections.

Ø Horizontal bracing was provided in 4 positions leaving the slab

completely free of external horizontal restraint.

Faculty of Engineering, Presented by : Group 02


The applied load of 3.25 kN/m2 Fire load of 700 MJ/m²

was achieved using 44 sandbags of
1 ton

Faculty of Engineering, Presented by : Group 02

The fire was started from a single
ignition source. After 5 minutes two
additional ignitions sources were
started in different places and the rest
of cribs were left to ignite naturally.

Faculty of Engineering, Presented by : Group 02

Under fire conditions, the
deflection in the steel beam is the
result of two causes: the thermal
bowing and the mechanical
deflection. The mechanical
deflection is the increase in
deflection under constant load due
to reduced steel strength and
stiffness with increasing
temperatures. It is expected that at
low temperatures (less than 500°C),
the beam deflection is controlled
essentially by thermal bowing.

Faculty of Engineering, Presented by : Group 02

Deflection - Beam

Deflection of the unprotected beam and slab

Faculty of Engineering, Presented by : Group 02

Deflection - Beam

Finite element model built

Faculty of Engineering, Presented by : Group 02

Final result
Recorded results show very high temperatures in the steel decking, reaching
the maximum of about 1100°C. The steel decking was also observed to have
deboned from the concrete slab in most areas. Thus it may be assumed that the
steel decking contributed very little to the slab strength at the maximum fire
Unprotected cellular beams became as cables with only top flange considered
working at very temperature around 800°C. Therefore, the bottom flange
became very weak

This fire research provided a unique opportunity to study the behavior of long
cellular steel beams in a complete compartment office in building structure
under realistic fire conditions

Faculty of Engineering, Presented by : Group 02

Building Use Fire Growth Rate

Picture gallery Slow

Dwelling Medium
Office Medium
Hotel reception Medium
Hotel bedroom Medium
Shop Fast
Industrial storage
or plant room Ultra fast

Faculty of Engineering, Presented by : Group 02

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