Unit e - Space Exploration
Unit e - Space Exploration
Unit e - Space Exploration
In this unit, you will cover the following sections:
The first major step in the human journey to explore space occurred on
When humans walked on
the Moon for the first time, July 20, 1969. That was the date when two U.S. astronauts, Neil
the world watched. Armstrong and Edwin “Buzz” Aldrin, walked on the Moon, becoming the
first people to visit a body in the solar system other than Earth. It also
marked the first time that people on Earth could look up at the Moon and
know that there were people on its surface looking back at them!
Exploring 369
1.0 Human understanding of both Earth
and space has changed over time.
Key Concepts
In this section, you will learn
about the following key
• technologies for space
exploration and observation
• reference frames for describing
the position and motion of
bodies in space
• distribution of matter through
• composition and
characteristics of bodies in
Learning Outcomes
When you have completed this
section, you will be able to:
• identify different perspectives
on the nature of Earth and
space Imagine that your teacher brings to class a meteorite that is about the
• investigate and illustrate the size of a grapefruit. Meteorites are pieces of rocky space debris that hit
contributions of technological Earth. Your teacher asks you to study and describe the meteorite’s
advances to a scientific surface. With your unaided eye, you would be able to see many of the
understanding of space object’s characteristics, such as its colour, lustre, and texture. With a
• describe the distribution of magnifying glass, you would see even more detail, perhaps the colour
matter in space and shape of the surface particles.
• identify evidence for, and Now, think how your description would change if you could use a
describe characteristics of, high-powered microscope that greatly magnifies a chip from the
bodies that make up the solar
meteorite. Details you could never have noticed before would become
system and compare their
visible. As a result, your understanding of the meteorite’s composition
characteristics with Earth’s
would improve.
• describe and apply techniques
In this section, you will learn how human understanding of Earth
for determining the position
and motion of objects in space and the universe has changed over thousands of years, boosted each step
• investigate predictions about of the way by advances in technology. You will also learn that the role of
the motion, alignment, and observation in guiding scientific understanding of space remains as
collision of bodies in space important today as it was to early astronomers. Only the capacity to see
more is constantly expanding.
Figure 1.1 The First Nations peoples of the Pacific Northwest thought the night sky was a pattern
on a great blanket overhead. The blanket, they believed, was held up by a spinning “world pole,” the
bottom of which rested on the chest of a woman underground named Stone Ribs.
In this subsection, you will be learning how our early understanding of space and
Earth’s place in it have developed through history.
1 Make a time line that shows when key ideas about space were proposed and
who proposed them. Start your time line at 3000 B.C. and add to it as you read
through this subsection. End at the heliocentric model of the solar system. For
each idea, be sure to include the observations the person made that led to the
2 Compare your time line with that of other students in the class. Add to your time
line any ideas you might have missed.
3 Discuss with the class the main technologies that were used by people in
developing each key idea on your time line.
Human Understanding of Both Earth and Space Has Changed over Time 371
Two very special annual events for our ancestors were the summer and
winter solstice. The word “solstice” comes from the Latin sol meaning
sun, and stice meaning stop. In the northern hemisphere, the summer
solstice occurs near June 21. It marks the longest period of daylight in the
year and represents the start of summer. The winter solstice occurs near
December 21. It marks the shortest day of the year and the start of winter.
(The conditions are the reverse in the southern hemisphere.)
Prediction of the approach of summer and winter was important to
early peoples, and many ancient civilizations built huge monuments to
honour their beliefs about the change. While they may have had only the
power of the unaided eye, their observations of the position and path of
the Sun throughout the year were highly accurate. More than 3500 years
Figure 1.2 The origins of ago, for example, a people (possibly the ancient Celts) erected the
England’s Stonehenge remain
megaliths of Stonehenge, still standing in southern England. Arranged in
an archeological puzzle.
concentric circles, the enormous stones mark the summer and winter
solstices. Ancient African cultures also set large rock pillars into patterns
that could be used to predict the timing of the solstices.
Another phenomenon honoured by early cultures was the equinox,
one in the spring (about March 21) and one in the fall (about September 22).
The word “equinox” comes from the Latin equi meaning equal, and nox
meaning night. At the equinox, day and night are of equal length. The
Mayans of Central America built an enormous cylinder-shaped tower at
Chichén Itzá in about A.D. 1000 to celebrate the occurrence of the two
The ancient Egyptians built many pyramids and other monuments to
align with the seasonal position of certain stars. The entrance passage of
Khufu, the Great Pyramid at Giza, once lined up with Thuban (a star in
the constellation of Draco). At the time the pyramid was built, starting
about 2700 B.C., Thuban was the closest star showing true north. Two
thousand years ago, aboriginal peoples of southwestern Alberta used large
rocks to build medicine circles in which key rocks aligned with the bright
stars that rose in the dawn, such as Aldebaran, Rigel, and Sirius.
Earth &
Water Figure 1.4 Aristotle’s
Human Understanding of Both Earth and Space Has Changed over Time 373
Heliocentric Model
The Earth-centred model of our solar system lasted for almost two
thousand years. Then, in 1530, Polish astronomer Nicholas Copernicus
proposed a dramatically different model, one that explained planetary
motion much more simply than did the complicated geocentric model.
Copernicus suggested that the Sun was at the centre and Earth and the
other planets revolved in orbits around it. This is called the heliocentric
model (Figure 1.5).
ff ix
Moon Ve
S aturn
Figure 1.5 The heliocentric model of our solar system put the Sun at the centre of the universe. It
was considered, at the time, to be a revolutionary idea.
Sun’s position
Materials & Equipment
Purpose • sewing thread (30 cm long),
To draw a series of ellipses and investigate their properties with ends tied to make a loop
• paper (letter-size)
Procedure • ruler
1 Draw a straight line, about 20 cm long, down the middle of the paper. Position • pencil
• cardboard (30 cm by 30 cm)
the paper on top of the cardboard and set the cardboard on a firm, flat surface
• 2 straight pins or tacks
such as your desk top.
2 Position the pins 5 cm apart along the drawn line and push the pins through
the paper and into the cardboard so they are standing upright.
3 Place the loop of thread around both pins. Then, with the pencil
point resting inside the loop, pull gently until the thread is taut
and the pencil point is touching the paper (see Figure 1.7).
4 While keeping a slight outward pressure with the pencil
against the thread, start drawing a line in a circular
motion around the pins. You will see an ellipse (an
oval shape) start to form. A circle is formed around
one focal point. An ellipse is formed around two focal points.
Figure 1.7 Step 3
5 Repeat steps 3 to 5 two more times, once setting the pins closer together and
once setting them farther apart. Observe how the ellipse changes.
6 Describe what happens when the pins are moved different distances apart. How
does the position of these focal points change the shape of the ellipse?
7 Imagine that one of the pins is the Sun and the pencil point is a planet. What
controls the shape of the elliptical path?
8 What shape would you expect if both pins were at exactly the same point?
Human Understanding of Both Earth and Space Has Changed over Time 375
Key Concept Review
1. Define solstice. What are the significant dates associated with the
solstices in the northern hemisphere?
2. What was the ancient monument of Stonehenge believed to be used
3. What word is used to describe the times when the length of day equals
the length of night? When do these occur?
4. List and describe three monuments built by ancient people to honour
celestial bodies.
4 Describe the pattern you see in the shadow plots you have drawn during the
day. Sketch the pattern in your notebook.
5 If you were to repeat this activity every day for a year, would the same pattern
result each time? Explain your answer.
Human Understanding of Both Earth and Space Has Changed over Time 377
Humans are very inventive, and have worked hard over the centuries to
develop tools to help them better understand the sky and its mysteries.
Sundials, for example, have been used for more than 7000 years to
measure the passage of time. Ancient Egyptians invented a device called a
merkhet to chart astronomical positions and predict the movement of
stars. About the 2nd century A.D., the Egyptian astronomers also designed
a tool called a quadrant to measure a star’s height above the horizon.
Arabian astronomers used the astrolabe for centuries to make accurate
charts of star positions. In the 14th century, astronomer Levi ben Gurson
invented the cross-staff to measure the angle between the Moon and any
given star. With each of these technological innovations, astronomers
made new discoveries and gained more knowledge about what they were
Figure 1.11 Many early tools Then came the telescope. Invented in the late 16th century, it
were invented to study and revolutionized astronomy. Suddenly, astronomers such as Galileo could
predict celestial motion.
see more in the night sky than had ever been possible. Telescopes
Sailors and other explorers
tested these instruments in
revealed exciting details about Earth’s closest planetary neighbours, and
their travels to uncharted showed the existence of other neighbours in our solar system. We learned
places of the globe. that the size of what lay beyond Earth was greater than anything we could
have imagined.
With each new improvement, the optical telescope pushed astronomy
ahead. As our viewing ability got better, the vast distance between objects
in space became obvious.
Today, almost 500 years after the telescope’s invention, super-powerful
optical and radio telescopes operating from Earth, satellites orbiting
around Earth, and sophisticated space-based telescopes have shown us
the immensity of objects in space and of distances across the universe.
(You will learn more about space technologies in Section 3.0.) We have
discovered that our Sun is only an average star, lying in a small corner of
an average galaxy that is one among billions of other galaxies.
Astronomical Units
The astronomical unit (AU) is used for measuring “local” distances, those
inside our solar system. One AU is equal to the average distance from the
centre of Earth to the centre of the Sun (149 599 000 km). Astronomers
use this when describing positions of the planets relative to the Sun.
5 100 15 20 25 30 35 40
info BIT
Big, Bigger, Biggest
Earth is about 1/1000 the volume of Jupiter, our solar system’s largest planet.
Jupiter is about 1/1000 the volume of the Sun. The Sun is about 1/300-millionth
the volume of the star Betelgeuse (located in the constellation of Orion).
Human Understanding of Both Earth and Space Has Changed over Time 379
1 Working with a partner, tape a piece of cardboard to each end of the metre-stick.
Materials & Equipment
Then tape the piece of aluminum foil over the square opening in one piece of
• metre-stick
cardboard, and tape the white paper in the middle of the other piece of cardboard.
• 2 pieces of cardboard,
approximately 15 cm by 15 cm
each (one piece of cardboard
will have a 5 cm by 5 cm
opening cut into its centre)
• 1 piece of aluminum foil,
approximately 8 cm by 8 cm
• 1 piece of white paper, 10 cm
by 10 cm
• masking tape
• drawing compass
• ring stand (optional)
• ruler
• calculator
2 Using the compass point, poke a small hole (about 1 mm in diameter) in the
aluminum foil. Be careful not to make the hole any larger than that.
3 Take your apparatus and a pencil outside. (This procedure can be carried out even on
a slightly cloudy day, as long as the Sun can still cast a shadow.)
4 One partner holds the metre-stick horizontally with the
aluminum piece pointing toward the Sun. He or she
should move the end of the metre-stick around until the Caution!
Sun shines through the pinhole and forms a circular Never look at the
image on the piece of white paper. (Note: The person Sun directly.
holding the apparatus should try to steady it by resting it
against his or her chest. Another option is to steady the
metre-stick by resting it on a ring stand.)
5 The other partner marks the diameter of the circle with two pencil lines on the paper
(see Figure 1.14).
Figure 1.14 Step 5 6 Carry out steps 4 to 5 again, obtaining a pinhole image of the Sun and marking its
diameter on the paper. Repeat a third time.
Where: d is in centimetres
D is in kilometres
100 cm is the distance between the cards
150 000 000 km is the distance between the Sun and Earth
Sun’s image
pinhole Sun
Figure 1.15 Step 8
d D
9 In a reference book or on the Internet, look up the actual diameter of the Sun. Use
that figure in the equation below to calculate the accuracy of your measured value.
The “percent error” shows how far from (or close to) the real value your measured
value is.
10 What did you find? How accurate was your measured value of the Sun’s diameter?
Forming Conclusions
11 Describe the possible sources of error that might make your measurement
12 Do you agree or disagree that the diameter of the Sun can be accurately measured by
using an indirect means? Explain.
Human Understanding of Both Earth and Space Has Changed over Time 381
3 In a class discussion, share what you learned about distances in the solar system.
What did you notice about the positions of the planets relative to the Sun?
4 How do the distances between the inner planets compare with the distances
between the outer planets?
Human Understanding of Both Earth and Space Has Changed over Time 383
1.3 The Distribution of Matter in Space
When you look at the night sky from a city or town, you can see many of
the brighter stars. Journey into the countryside, away from the light
pollution of the city, and the night sky will appear to be completely full of
stars. All of those bright points of light in space are separated by
unimaginably large distances.
A star is a hot, glowing ball of gas (mainly hydrogen) that gives off
tremendous light energy. The number of stars in the universe is in the
billions of billions.
Stars vary greatly in their characteristics. Our Sun has a mass 300 000
times greater than Earth, with an average density of 1.4 times that of
water. In diameter, Betelgeuse is 670 times larger than our Sun, but only
1/10-millionth as dense. Stars vary greatly in their colours as well. The
colour of a star depends on its surface temperature. Very hot stars look
blue. Cooler stars look red.
In the 1920s, two scientists, Ejnar Hertzsprung and Henry Norris
Russell, began comparing the surface temperature of stars with the stars’
brightness (luminosity). When they plotted their data, Hertzsprung and
Russell discovered that the distribution of star temperature and brightness
is not random. Instead, as the “Hertzsprung-Russell diagram” shows (see
Figure 1.18), the stars fall into several distinct groupings. Part of this
pattern has since been accounted for by the current theory of how stars
evolve and change over very long periods of time.
white dwarfs
Decreasing temperature
part of the burner flame. Students should observe the colour and record what
they see. Often the colour disappears quickly, so repeat the procedure if
5 Repeat steps 2 to 4 for each of the other solutions. In each case, students Caution!
should record what they observe. The materials in
this demonstration
can be hazardous if
6 What was responsible for the different colours you saw? inhaled. Observe
7 What can the colour of the flame reveal? the reactions from
8 How would this information be useful for astronomers studying the spectrum a safe distance.
of a star?
Human Understanding of Both Earth and Space Has Changed over Time 385
Just as every living thing on our planet is born, lives, and dies, a star has a
Meet a Really Big Star life cycle, too. Stars form in regions of space where there are huge
Our Sun is a very average accumulations of gas and dust called nebulae. Each nebula is composed of
star in the middle part of
about 75% hydrogen and 23% helium. The other 2% is oxygen, nitrogen,
its life. How average is it?
carbon, and silicate dust. Some of this interstellar matter came from
Stand 1 m away from the
exploding stars.
wall. This distance
represents the Sun’s The attraction of gravity acting between the atoms of gas and grains of
diameter. At this scale, dust can cause a small area of the nebula to start collapsing into a smaller,
the diameter of the rotating cloud of gas and dust. As more material is drawn into the
largest star now known spinning ball, the mass at its core increases and the temperature climbs. If
would be 2300 m the core gets hot enough, it will start to glow. This is a protostar, the first
(2.3 km). stage in a star’s formation. As the process of “star-building” continues, the
interior of the protostar gets hotter and hotter. When the core reaches
10 000 000°C, hydrogen starts to change to helium. This process, known
as fusion, releases great quantities of energy and radiation. A star is born.
neutron star
Figure 1.19 From nebular material, stars form with a variety of masses. The life cycles of massive
stars differ from those of Sun-like stars.
Human Understanding of Both Earth and Space Has Changed over Time 387
re SEARCH Black holes are themselves invisible to telescopes. Astronomers only
know about their existence indirectly because of how material near a
Black Holes black hole becomes very hot and bright.
Astronomers are
discovering that black
holes are more common
than was first expected.
Research how black
holes form and where
they can be found.
Begin your search at
Figure 1.21 Occasionally, massive stars collapse on themselves with such violence that they
become super-dense. The gravity around these bodies is so intense that even light cannot escape
being pulled inward. These bodies are called black holes.
Figure 1.22 A supermassive black hole in the galaxy M87. The inset image shows stars and gas
orbiting the galaxy's bright nucleus. By calculating the speed of the orbiting material,
astronomers have concluded that the nucleus contains a black hole about 3 billion times the
mass of our Sun. The large image shows a bright band of material that may be super-heated gas
ejected from the black hole.
The great variety of stars in the sky can be grouped in any number of ways, including
by colour, temperature, and age. Another way to classify stars is by their size.
1 The list below contains information about a number of imaginary stars. In your
notebook, make four columns with the headings: Red Supergiants, Giants, Main
Sequence Stars, and White Dwarfs. Categorize each of the stars under the
appropriate heading.
2 When you have completed your classification, answer the following questions.
a) What did you base your classifications on?
b) What did you notice about the very small stars?
c) What did you notice about the densities of the giants and supergiants?
d) Black holes form when certain types of stars collapse on themselves. There are
two stars on your list that have the potential to become black holes. Using the
data in the table, explain which two stars you think could become black holes.
info BIT
Human Star Power
“We are stardust” is a line in the chorus of a popular song carbon making up our bodies was created inside ancient
from the 1970s. It sounds like a far-fetched idea, but in stars that exploded, distributing their elements in our
fact it’s true. Humans are carbon-based life forms. The region of the galaxy.
Human Understanding of Both Earth and Space Has Changed over Time 389
Constellations are the groupings of stars we see as patterns in the night
sky. Officially, there are 88 constellations recognized by the International
Astronomical Union. As well, there are many unofficially recognized star
groupings. These are asterisms. One of the most famous asterisms visible
from the northern hemisphere is the Big Dipper, which is part of the
constellation Ursa Major. The ancient Greeks saw the stars that make up
Ursa Major as a bear. The early Black Foot nation of North America also
saw a bear. Ancient Europeans saw a variety of different patterns
including a chariot, a wagon, and a plough. Figure 1.23 shows two
common star patterns and their associated constellations as we know
them today.
a b
Figure 1.23 (a) The constellation of Orion, a Figure 1.23 (b) The Big Dipper forms part of
figure in Greek mythology who was thought the constellation of Ursa Major, or the Great
of as a great hunter. Note the three bright Bear.
stars making “Orion’s Belt.” Betelgeuse is the
star at Orion’s right shoulder.
A galaxy is a grouping of millions or billions of stars, gas, and dust. It is
held together by gravity.
The galaxy we live in is a spiral galaxy called the Milky Way. It is
shaped like a flattened pinwheel, with arms spiralling out from the centre.
Viewed from the side, a spiral galaxy looks a little like a compact disc
with a marble in the middle sticking out evenly on either side. Our galaxy
is believed to contain from 100 billion to 200 billion stars. There are two
other main types of galaxies: elliptical and irregular. Astronomers have
estimated there may be a billion billion galaxies in the universe.
Human Understanding of Both Earth and Space Has Changed over Time 391
math Link 1.4 Our Solar Neighbourhood
The Power of the Sun
A watt (W) is a In Section 1.3, you learned that stars are born in stellar nurseries called
measure of power. A nebulae. The formation of our solar system, including the Sun and nine
megawatt (MW) is a planets, occurred in much the same way.
million watts. Most The “protoplanet hypothesis” is a model for explaining the birth of
household items do solar systems. The process can be described in three steps:
not require that much
1. A cloud of gas and dust in space begins swirling.
power. For example, a
2. Most of the material (more than 90%) accumulates in the centre,
typical light bulb
forming the Sun.
requires 100 W to
work. The Sun releases 3. The remaining material accumulates in smaller clumps circling the
380 billion billion centre. These form the planets.
megawatts every
second. How many
100-W light bulbs
could the Sun power? Swirling gas
ga and dust
gas and
dust form
Figure 1.27 The three stages in the formation of a solar system, according to the protoplanet
hypothesis (sometimes known as the “nebular theory”)
At the centre of our solar neighbourhood sits the Sun. For thousands of
years, we learned all we knew about the Sun from looking at it, and that
wasn’t easy to do. After telescopes were invented it wasn’t long before
filters were designed to allow observers to gaze directly at the Sun.
Satellites have offered an even closer look. The Sun is almost 110 times
wider than Earth. If the Sun were a hollow ball, almost a million Earths
would be required to fill it.
The temperature at the surface of the Sun, which is constantly
bubbling and boiling, is about 5500°C, while the core is close to
15 000 000°C. The Sun releases charged particles that flow out in every
direction. This solar wind passes Earth at an average speed of 400 km/s.
Earth is protected from the solar wind by its magnetic field.
The planets that make up our solar system are as different as the people
that make up a family. Every planet has its own unique features and
characteristics. The solar system can be divided into two distinct
planetary groups: the inner planets, also called terrestrial, or Earth-like,
planets; and the outer, or Jovian (in reference to Jupiter), planets. The
terrestrial planets tend to be smaller, rockier in composition, and closer to
the Sun than the Jovian planets. The Jovian planets are large and gaseous
and are located great distances from the Sun.
Technology has enabled us to learn a lot about our nearest neighbours
in space. All the planets except Pluto have been visited by orbiting space
probes. Mars and Venus have had robots land on their surface.
As you work through this section, prepare a single spreadsheet to compare and contrast
all the information provided on pages 394–396 about the planets. You may choose to
organize your spreadsheet with the planets down the left-hand column and
characteristics across the top, or planets across the top and characteristics down the
left-hand column. A sample characteristic could be “Atmosphere” and the data could be
a simple yes or no answer.
With a small group, think up eight questions that could be used to test a person’s
knowledge of how the planets compare to one another. For example: Which planet has
the smallest mass? Does Jupiter complete its orbital revolution faster or slower than
Saturn? As a class, exchange your questions.
Human Understanding of Both Earth and Space Has Changed over Time 393
Most of what we know about Mercury has been determined by telescopes and satellite data.
Mercury is the closest planet to the Sun. Its surface is very similar to that of the Moon. Like the Moon,
Mercury has no atmosphere and therefore no protection from the bombardment of meteroids, asteroids, and
comets. The scars of millions of years of impacts can be seen. Other parts of Mercury’s surface are smooth,
probably due to lava flowing through cracks in the rocky crust. The temperatures on Mercury vary greatly,
from over 400°C on the sunny side to –180°C on the dark side.
Venus is similar to Earth in diameter, mass, and gravity, and is often called Earth’s twin. A closer look at
conditions on Venus’s surface shows where the similarities end. Venus would be horrific for humans to visit.
Surface temperatures are kept hot due to a greenhouse effect caused by thick clouds. Temperatures can be
over 450°C—hot enough to melt lead. The atmospheric pressure is about 90 times that on Earth. The surface
of Venus cannot be seen by telescope because of its thick cloud cover. The permanent clouds are made of
carbon dioxide, and it often rains sulfuric acid (the same acid found in a car battery). Russians landed a probe
on Venus in 1982, but it only lasted there for 57 min. In 1991, the spacecraft Magellan mapped Venus using
radio waves (radar). It found huge canyons, extinct volcanoes, and ancient lava flows. Venus is one of the only
planets in the solar system to rotate from east to west—opposite to the other six.
0.72 0.95 0.86 0.96 0 480 243 days 0.004 225 days
Earth is unique in the solar system for several reasons. It is the only planet where water exists in all three
phases: solid, liquid, and gas. It is also the only planet that is at the appropriate distance from the Sun to
support life as we know it. As well, Earth’s atmosphere provides protection from cosmic rays and ultraviolet
radiation that would otherwise harm life. Seventy percent of the planet’s surface is covered in water. Earth is
one of the few places in our solar system that has active volcanism.
Jupiter has been observed through telescopes since the 1600s. The Voyager probes visited Jupiter and many
of its 16 moons in 1979, followed by the Galileo probe in the mid-1990s. Jupiter is the largest of all the planets
in the solar system, and contains more than twice the mass of all the other planets combined. It is a gas giant
composed mainly of hydrogen and helium, and scientists speculate that if Jupiter were only 10 times larger
than it is, it may have formed into a star. The Great Red Spot on Jupiter is a huge storm in its atmosphere.
Jupiter has three very thin rings.
Galileo saw Saturn’s rings with his primitive telescope in 1610, though he initially thought they were a group
of planets. Voyager 1 and 2 flew by Saturn in 1980 and 1981, respectively. In late 2004, the Cassini
spacecraft will reach Saturn and drop a probe onto Titan, the largest of the planet’s 19 moons. Saturn is the
second largest planet in our solar system and has the most distinctive ring system of all the nine planets.
Over a thousand rings exist, composed of pieces of ice and dust that range in size from grains of sand to
house-sized blocks. Saturn’s composition is similar to Jupiter’s—mostly hydrogen and helium. Because of
the planet’s quick rotation, wind speeds at Saturn’s equator have been estimated at over 1800 km/h.
Human Understanding of Both Earth and Space Has Changed over Time 395
Voyager 2 has given us most of our close-up information about Uranus, last sending data back to Earth
in 1986 before it left the solar system. Satellite and telescope analyses have provided other interesting
details. Uranus has one of the most unusual rotations in the solar system: its axis of rotation is tilted
toward the plane of its orbit, making it appear to roll during its orbit. Another gas giant, Uranus is
composed mainly of hydrogen and helium. Methane in its atmosphere gives the planet a distinctive blue
colour. Uranus has a large ring system, and 17 moons.
When scientists observed the orbit of Uranus to be different from what they had calculated, they searched for
an eighth planet. In 1846, they found Neptune. About a century and a half later, Voyager 2 flew to Neptune to
collect more information. The composition and size of Neptune make it very similar in appearance to Uranus.
Another gas giant composed of hydrogen, helium, and methane, Neptune (like Uranus) is bluish in colour.
Very little of the Sun’s energy reaches the eighth planet. Neptune gives off about 3 times more energy than it
receives. It boasts the fastest wind speeds in the solar system, at 2500 km/h. Like all the other gas giants,
Neptune has its own ring system, as well as eight moons.
Pluto was discovered by telescope in 1930. Since then, the most useful information about it has come from
the Hubble Space Telescope. One of the greatest debates among planetary astronomers currently is whether
Pluto is a planet or not. It is a frozen ball of methane smaller than our moon. It doesn’t fit the pattern of the
outer planets, which tend to be large and gaseous, and it isn’t rocky like the terrestrial planets. Pluto’s orbit is
raised 17.2° from the plane of the other planets and is more elliptical than that of other planets. Like Venus
and Uranus, Pluto rotates from east to west. Between 1979 and 1999, Pluto was closer to the Sun than
Neptune. Some astronomers believe that Pluto and its moon, Charon, are comets captured by the Sun’s
gravity from the area of debris on the outer edge of the solar system called the Kuiper Belt.
39.5 0.19 0.002 0.36 1 –230 6.39 days 0.17 248 years
• ball (such as tetherball or
The motion of the planets in our solar system is generally regular and volleyball) with ring
predictable. Even the motion of many smaller bodies in the solar system, such attachment
as asteroids and comets, has been charted and calculated. Every once in a while, • 3-m piece of cord
however, the gravitational force of a planet or a moon can affect the path of a • small, soft projectiles (such
smaller object and send it on a course toward the Sun. Even though Earth’s orbit as beanbags or marshmallows),
may be in the way of that new path, chance plays an important role in 2–3 per student
determining whether a collision between Earth and the object will occur or not.
1 Out on the school grounds, your teacher will stand in place and swing a
tetherball, volleyball, or similar type of ball in a slow circle overhead. The
ball will be attached to a 3-m piece of cord. The ball represents Earth in its When throwing any
orbit around the Sun (your teacher). object, do so gently
2 Your teacher will provide you with one or two small soft projectiles, such as and aim only at the
beanbags or marshmallows. intended target.
3 Stand at least 1 m outside the arc made by the swinging ball. Using a gentle
underhand lob, throw your projectile toward the moving target—orbiting
“Earth.” If you succeed in hitting Earth, you will hear the impact or see the
projectile deflect off the ball.
4 After everyone in the class has had a throw or two, add up the number of
hits that occurred. Are you surprised by the number? Why? What made this
challenge difficult? What would increase the chances of making contact with
the ball?
5 Back in your classroom, write a paragraph describing how your
observations in this activity might be related to the occurrence of collisions
between Earth and other small objects in the solar system.
Human Understanding of Both Earth and Space Has Changed over Time 397
Comets, often described as “dirty snowballs,” are objects made up of dust
and ice that travel through space. Their long tails and bright glow only
appear when they get close to the Sun. When that happens, the Sun heats
the materials on the comet and gases are released. These gases then get
pushed away from the comet by the solar wind. The tails of some comets
can be millions of kilometres long.
Comets spend most of their time slowly orbiting in the outer reaches
of the solar system. Only when an event, such as the close passing of
another body, occurs might a comet’s path be pushed toward the inner
solar system. Then a comet can end up in a regular orbit around the Sun.
Comets that orbit the Sun will make a predictable appearance because
their paths are large ellipses. One of these is Halley’s comet, which is
visible from Earth every 76 years. The last time it was seen was in 1986.
info BIT
Halley’s Comet’s Elliptical Path
The path of a comet around the Sun is elliptical. Knowing its shape allows
astronomers to predict when the comet will return to pass by Earth again.
Halley’s comet has an average 76-year orbit. Shortly after its last visit in
1986, observers saw it brighten unexpectedly. That might mean it
collided with something. We will have to see what happened when it
makes its scheduled return visit in 2062.
Figure 1.32 Halley’s comet
Figure 1.33 During a total solar eclipse, the Sun’s corona is visible.
Human Understanding of Both Earth and Space Has Changed over Time 399
Figure 1.34 The predictable
path of Comet
Shoemaker–Levy allowed
astronomers to anticipate
and monitor the comet’s
collision with Jupiter in 1994.
Figure 1.35 The imaginary dome that allows us to describe the
position of a celestial object H o riz
S (180˚)
Human Understanding of Both Earth and Space Has Changed over Time 401
Build a Prototype
1 Draw a semicircle about 20 cm in diameter on the cardboard. Using a protractor,
mark the 10° increments on the cardboard and label them (see Figure 1.36). Cut out
the cardboard protractor.
90 90
70 90
80 90
50 70
40 60
2 Tie one end of the string to the weight and attach the other end to the centre of the
cardboard. The weight should be able to swing freely, as shown in Figure 1.36.
3 Tape the straw to the cardboard as shown in Figure 1.36. The angle you read from
the string on your new astrolabe indicates the angle your target is above the
You can record the altitude of the Sun with an astrolabe. Point the straw at the Sun with Caution!
one hand, and hold your other hand, palm up, to the other end of the straw. Move the Do not look
straw around until you see a small circle of light on the palm of your hand. Read the angle directly at the
on your cardboard scale. This shows you the altitude of the Sun. Make three Sun through the
measurements and calculate an average. Try this at the same time for five days in a row. straw.
Does the Sun’s altitude change or does it stay the same? Explain..
Human Understanding of Both Earth and Space Has Changed over Time 403
Because they are at such enormous distances from Earth, the stars appear
Star-studded Flags to stay in one place in the sky. Only when viewed over extremely long
Stars are part of the
periods of time can some stars be seen to move very slightly.
design of the national
When observing planetary motion, however, a person needs to wait
flags of Australia, Brazil,
and New Zealand and only a few days or weeks to see a planet change its position against the
the state flag of Alaska. background of stars. “Planet” comes from the ancient Greek word for
Find out which stars the “wanderer.” The movement of these wandering celestial planets mystified
flags depict and explain early people. Sometimes the planets seemed to speed up over time in their
why you think that is. movements across the sky. Other times they appeared to stand still. The
Begin your research at path in the sky along which the Sun appears to move is called the ecliptic.
www.pearsoned.ca/ In section 1.1, you read about how astronomers such as Aristotle and
scienceinaction. Copernicus tried to explain the motions of the planets which, when
viewed from Earth, seemed very complex. Different interpretations of the
available information eventually led to new theories being proposed. An
example of this was Kepler’s suggestion that the planets’ paths were
ellipses and not circles.
celestial ecliptic
winter solstice
Figure 1.38 The celestial sphere is the name given to the very large imaginary "sphere of sky"
surrounding Earth. (Think of Earth lying within a large hollow ball.) The celestial equator is the
imaginary line around that sphere of sky directly above Earth's equator. The ecliptic—the apparent
path of the Sun through the sky during the year—crosses the celestial equator at the vernal (spring)
and autumnal (fall) equinoxes. The Sun's most northerly position on the ecliptic marks the
summer solstice. Its most southerly position marks the winter solstice.
Human Understanding of Both Earth and Space Has Changed over Time 405
Assess Your Learning
Key Concept Review
1. Why was it necessary for ancient people to develop technology to
better understand the motions of bodies in space?
2. Define a) astronomical unit and b) light-year.
3. What two characteristics of stars are plotted on the Hertzsprung-
Russell diagram?
4. What name do we give the nuclear reaction that produces helium from
5. Explain the difference between a constellation and an asterism.
6. Is the Sun likely to become a neutron star? Explain your answer.
7. Imagine that you observe two stars in the night sky. One is an old star
and one is a young star. What differences between the two might you
8. What prevents a neutron star from collapsing under its own gravity?
9. What type of galaxy is the Milky Way? Sketch what this type of galaxy
looks like.
10. a) In what way are Mars and Earth similar?
b) In what ways are they different?
Connect Your Understanding
11. Compare the general characteristics of the inner planets with those
of the outer planets. Copy the table below into your notebook and fill
it in.
12. Which planet has surface features that most closely resemble Earth’s?
Briefly describe those features.
13. The speed of light is 300 000 km/s. The Sun is about 150 000 000 km
from Earth.
a) How long does it take light to get from the Sun to Earth?
b) The distance around Earth at the equator is about 40 000 km. How
long would it take light to go around the world once?
14. Explain why distances to stars are not measured in kilometres or
astronomical units.
15. Describe the protoplanet hypothesis of how a solar system forms. Use
sketches to support your answer.
18. The greater the mass of an object, the greater its gravitational
attraction. The object with the largest mass in our solar system is the
Sun. Because of its large mass, it not only holds the planets in their
orbits, but it also attracts great amounts of space debris from the far
reaches of the solar system. On occasion, large chunks of debris have
even hit Earth, but not as many as astronomers have predicted could
hit Earth. What might be some explanations for Earth’s apparent
“luck” in not being hit by more space debris?
Human Understanding of Both Earth and Space Has Changed over Time 407
Technological developments are
2.0 making space exploration possible
and offer benefits on Earth.
Key Concepts
In this section you will learn
about the following key
• technologies for space
• life support technologies
• communication technologies
Learning Outcomes
When you have completed this
section, you will be able to:
• analyze space environments,
and identify challenges that
must be met in developing
life-supporting systems
• describe technologies for
“From space, if you look back just a few degrees away from Earth, you see the black void of the universe—
life-support systems, and the cold vacuum of space. But when you look back at the Earth, bathed in sunlight, you see where we all
interpret the scientific live. We are all voyagers in space together.”
principles on which they are —Roberta Bondar, Canadian astronaut, quoted in the Canadian Space Agency’s “Canada in Space:
based Destination Earth” (1993)
Technological Developments Are Making Space Exploration Possible and Offer Benefits on Earth 409
Figure 2.2 Space exploration really started once large rocket boosters were developed. Cape
Canaveral in Florida is the major launch facility of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration
The first step in space exploration has been figuring out a way to get off
the planet. The sophisticated rockets used today to transport unmanned
and manned craft into space are tributes to human technological ingenuity
and achievement. These complex rockets have far simpler origins than
you might imagine. Around 400 B.C., the Greek mathematician Archytas
used escaping steam to propel a model pigeon along wires. In the 1st
century A.D., the Chinese were using gunpowder to make rocket-propelled
arrows for battle.
On October 4, 1957, the Soviet Union became the first country in the
world to launch an artificial satellite. It was called Sputnik, the Russian
word for satellite. A month after Sputnik was put into orbit around Earth,
Figure 2.3 Archytas’s the Soviet Union launched a second space capsule. This one carried an
“pigeon” is said to be the occupant, a small dog named Laika, who survived for seven days as the
first rocket ever recorded. capsule orbited Earth. The event marked the first time any living creature
had been sent into space. The valuable information gained from that
mission set the path for human space travel.
Figure 2.4 Sputnik I was only about as Figure 2.5 On September 29, 1962, Canada became
large as a basketball, but its launch the third nation in the world (after the Soviet Union and
marked the beginning of the satellite age. the United States) to launch its own satellite, Alouette I.
nose cone
6 How does the rocket’s performance in the first test compare to that in the
second test? Write a brief conclusion about how fins affect a rocket in flight.
7 Do you think that fins would have much effect on a rocket’s performance
outside Earth’s atmosphere?
Technological Developments Are Making Space Exploration Possible and Offer Benefits on Earth 411
Rocketry relies on a fundamental law of physics: for every action, there is
Space Travel Tip: Pack an equal and opposite reaction. An inflated balloon is similar to a simple
Lightly rocket. A balloon filled with air is confining gas under pressure. Release
When preparing a the mouth of the balloon and it will be propelled in a direction opposite
manned spacecraft for a
to the path of the escaping gas. Rockets also use gas under pressure
long trip, engineers try to
confined in a chamber or tank. An opening in the chamber allows the gas
organize the mass of the
to be released, producing thrust (push) and causing the rocket to be
load as follows: 3% as
machinery (tanks, propelled in the opposite direction.
engines, and fins); 6% as
payload (including air,
water, food, satellites, (b) (c)
crew quarters, and the
astronauts), and 91% as
(a) reaction
Figure 2.7 In an inflated balloon (a), the air pressure pushes equally in all directions. When the air is
allowed to escape, the action causes a thrust reaction (b). Rockets are propelled in a similar way (c).
There are three basic parts to a rocket: the structural and mechanical
chamber elements, the fuel, and the payload.
• The structural and mechanical elements are everything from the
rocket itself to engines, storage tanks, and the fins on the outside.
• The fuel can be any number of materials, including liquid oxygen,
gasoline, and liquid hydrogen. The mixture is ignited in a combustion
nozzle chamber, causing the gases to expand and leave as exhaust.
• The payload refers to the materials needed for the flight, including
Figure 2.8 A modern rocket
crew cabins, food, water, air, and people.
in cross-section
ion source
reaction action
Figure 2.9 Ion drives may be an option for powering spacecraft that could take the first
astronauts to Mars. Imagine a car getting about 19 000 km/L of fuel. That is the potential
benefit of an ion drive.
Solar Sails
The idea of propelling spacecraft using solar sails is similar to the idea
of propelling boats using wind sails. Instead of harnessing air currents
for energy, solar sails would use the Sun’s light. The Sun emits
electromagnetic energy in the form of photons. The solar sails being
tested are made of carbon fibre. When the photons hit the sail, the
energy transmitted causes the spacecraft to move. Proposals for solar Figure 2.10 Some scientists estimate
sails suggest that they might be made from material that could be that a spacecraft powered by solar
spread as thin as plastic wrap and extend over 400 m2. Use of solar sails could travel about 5 times as fast
sails is expected by 2015. as a current spacecraft.
Technological Developments Are Making Space Exploration Possible and Offer Benefits on Earth 413
Solving Recognize a Need
The solar sail holds great promise for interplanetary flight. With the Sun as an energy
source, the potential for economical power seems limitless. Yet, what is the best design
for such a sail? Logically, one might think that the larger the sail, the faster and farther a
craft could go. In this activity, you will learn that many details must be considered in
Materials & Equipment designing any spacecraft.
• for the sail: a variety of Note that in this activity you will be simulating solar power and its effects on the
materials (such as thin cloth, design of solar sails. Instead of using the Sun’s light to power your craft, you will be
paper, plastic wrap, wax paper,
using wind currents.
aluminum foil)
• for the wheels: a variety of The Problem
pieces of cardboard of varying
With the materials provided, you are to design a sunlight-powered spacecraft that will
take a specified payload (the washer) to a set destination. The craft must be able to travel
• scissors
straight to hit its destination, make the trip in the shortest time possible, and arrive at the
• for the spacecraft body: small
piece of wood (about 10 cm destination with the payload intact.
long, 3 cm wide, 1.5 cm thick)
Criteria for Success
• thumbtacks
• small gauge, rigid wire • Produce a set of scale drawings of your craft and label them. Briefly describe the
• masking tape scientific principles met by your design, and justify the choices you made.
• washer (about the diameter of • Use simple materials to build a functioning model spacecraft powered by a sail. The
a quarter) craft must be able to travel the minimum design distance to the destination, without
• electric fan dropping its payload.
• stopwatch
Brainstorm Ideas
1 Working in a small group (your “design team”), discuss which of the materials you
have available would be most suitable for a solar sail.
2 Consider the options for the overall design of the craft, including: size of the body;
size, thickness, and position of the wheels; size and shape of the sail; and position of
the payload.
3 Make a labelled sketch of your proposed model before you build it; modify the design
if necessary.
Build a Prototype
4 Cut the wheels from the cardboard provided.
5 Use the thumbtacks to fasten the wheels to the piece of wood.
6 Cut the sail from the material of your choice.
7 Use the wire to form a support, or mast, for the sail. Tape the end of the wire to the
8 Tape the washer to the wood as your payload.
15 Write a brief summary describing the relationship between the speed of your
spacecraft and: (i) the size of the sail; (ii) the size of the wheels; and (iii) the material
of the sail. Also explain how the position of the payload affected the balance and
speed of your craft.
16 What problems did you experience with your prototype? Explain how you might
correct these, and invite suggestions from other design teams.
17 Was the maximum distance you predicted your craft could travel close to the actual
distance you found in your test? Explain how you arrived at your prediction and why
your model performed or did not perform as predicted.
18 In which ways does your model operate like a solar sail? In which ways does it not?
Technological Developments Are Making Space Exploration Possible and Offer Benefits on Earth 415
In the decades since the first simple satellites, the science of rocketry has
sent humans on round-trips to the Moon and sent robots to investigate our
neighbouring planets. It has also launched the Hubble Space Telescope to
let us look far out into the universe and back in time to the birth of the
universe—generally thought now to be some 12 to 15 billion years ago.
There are three main types of spacecraft in use. Shuttles transport
personnel and equipment to orbiting spacecraft. Space probes contain
instrumentation for carrying out robotic exploration of space. (These are
described in more detail in section 3.2.) Space stations are orbiting
spacecraft that have living quarters, work areas, and all the support
systems needed to allow people to live and work in space for extended
Figure 2.12(a) American space shuttle, (b) Voyager space probe, and (c) International space station
Technological Developments Are Making Space Exploration Possible and Offer Benefits on Earth 417
info BIT
2.2 Surviving There: Technologies for Living
All-Occasion Pen
NASA spent close to
in Space
$2 million designing a
Only a thin atmosphere encircling our planet holds all we need for life on
pen that would work in
Earth. Outside that bubble is the “cold vacuum of space” that Canadian
space. It had to be able
to write in a vacuum, astronaut Roberta Bondar referred to in the introduction to this section. It
upside down in is an environment that is hostile to human life in numerous ways.
microgravity conditions,
and in temperatures
that range from +200˚C in
full sun to -200º˚C in the
Figure 2.14 Canadian astronaut Julie Payette played an active role in assembling the International
Space Station.
Stand in the square with five other classmates. For about 1 min, move around with your
fellow astronauts as best you can in the space provided.
Return to your desks and, with your group, think about all the problems that could arise
during a long trip in this type of confinement. Some of the aspects to consider include
work space, room for exercise, and issues of privacy. In your notebook, list all the
potential problems you identify. Beside each problem, write a solution that you and your
group can suggest. When you are finished, compare the problems and solutions you
identified with those that other groups noted.
Environmental Hazards
Space is a vacuum, with no air or water. It also contains many hazards for
the spacecraft and its occupants, including the damaging effects of cosmic
rays and solar radiation and the risk of being hit by meteoroids. There is
no atmosphere so temperatures can range from unimaginably cold in
shadows to extremely hot in the full sun. The gases in the atmosphere that
keep us alive on Earth do not exist in space. Neither does the pressure of
the atmosphere, which helps regulate our heartbeats.
Technological Developments Are Making Space Exploration Possible and Offer Benefits on Earth 419
info BIT The Body and Microgravity
Before astronauts can travel to distant planets in our solar system, there is
Record-Holder for Space much to be learned about how the human body adapts physically to
Living living in space. A particular problem is living in microgravity. Recall
In 1995, Valery Polyakov, from earlier studies that gravity is the force of attraction between masses.
a Russian cosmonaut (the On Earth, gravity gives us our feeling of weight. Microgravity is the
Russian term for condition in which the gravitational forces that act on mass are greatly
astronaut) returned to reduced. For example, a person would weigh only one-third on Mars of
Earth after living for a what he or she would weigh on Earth. That’s because on Mars the force of
record 437 days in space. gravity is weaker (only one-third) than on Earth. In space, that person is
He suffered loss of bone almost completely weightless, as are the spacecraft and all of its contents.
mass, but by exercising In conditions of weightlessness, the body undergoes many changes.
strenuously for two hours
Bones have much less pressure on them than normal and so they expand.
every day, he stayed
The heart does not have to pump as hard to circulate blood. Muscles used
physically fit and was
for walking and lifting do not get used as much, and therefore weaken.
able to walk away from
his spacecraft unassisted Even a person’s visual depth perception is affected. These and other
after he arrived back on concerns will be extensively studied on the International Space Station in
Earth. preparation for interplanetary travel.
Figure 2.18 The first astronauts to walk in space were connected to their spacecraft with a hose
that supplied oxygen and a means of communication. Modern astronauts use a suit that is
completely self-contained, enabling them to work outside their crafts for up to 9 h at a time.
Outside Earth’s atmosphere, none of the life-support systems that humans
must have for survival exist. If people are planning to move out to space
colonies in the coming years, their space station homes will have to come
with several important features. First, clean water, breathable air, and
comfortable temperatures and air pressure must be provided. As well, the
station must carry its own source of power to provide the energy
necessary to run the life-support systems and other equipment at all times.
Recycling Water
The International Space Station will be using devices that can recycle
almost 100% of the water in the station. This includes waste water, water
used for hygiene, and moisture in the air. Careful recycling of water on the
space station will keep a crew of seven comfortable for several months.
Technological Developments Are Making Space Exploration Possible and Offer Benefits on Earth 421
re SEARCH Recycling is also essential in the day-to-day life in a space station.
Because there is so little room for storage, as much of the materials carried
Technology for Life as possible must be recyclable or reuseable. Consider, for example, the
Choose one of the challenge of how best to use the limited supply of water carried in a
technologies necessary spacecraft. Researchers have developed the technology to filter, purify,
for providing life and recycle the same water again and again on long space flights. This
support to humans technology is now also being used on Earth to provide environmentally
during space travel and safe sewage treatment for houses.
research the history of On the International Space Station, the Environmental Control and
its development. Begin Life Support Systems are designed to ensure life support. The functions of
your search at the life-support system include:
www.pearsoned.ca/ • recycling wastewater (including urine) to produce drinking water;
• using recycled water to produce oxygen;
• removing carbon dioxide from the air;
• filtering micro-organisms and dust from the air; and
• keeping the air pressure, temperature, and humidity (air moisture)
ensat Temperature Air
nd & Humidity Retu
Co rn CO2
Waste Control CO2 Overboard
Management Removal Venting
Cabin Cabin
Air Return
Waste Products
Fire Detection & Contaminant
Urine Suppression Control
Recovery Subassembly
Urine Air
Processed Oxygen
Urine H2
O2/N2 Oxygen Overboard
Potable Control Generation Venting
Crew System Water
Product Processing
Water Nitrogen
Water Hand Shower Water
Dispenser Wash/ Product Water
Figure 2.19 The water recycling system aboard the International Space Station
Producing Oxygen
Scientists have also come up with a simple but effective way of producing
oxygen in space. As you may recall from past studies, the process of
electrolysis uses electricity to split water molecules into their component
elements: hydrogen and oxygen. Applied in a spacecraft, this process can
supply most of the oxygen a crew needs. The hydrogen is vented into
The Question
How effective are various materials for filtering water and
improving its clarity?
Figure 2.20 Planning your procedure
Design and Conduct Your Experiment
1 Write a hypothesis about which common substances 4 Write up your procedure and include a design. You
(such as pea gravel, sand, cotton balls, and charcoal may wish to use Toolbox 8: Diagrams to Help with the
chips) would make suitable materials for a water filter. Design. Ask your teacher to approve the procedure
2 Decide which materials and equipment you will need before you begin.
to test your hypothesis. For example: 5 Conduct your experiment.
a) What types of filtering materials will you use? 6 Compare your results with your hypothesis. How
b) What will you use as the main part of the filter to accurate was your hypothesis? If your findings did not
contain the filtering materials? support your hypothesis, suggest reasons why.
c) What type of material are you attempting to filter 7 Share and compare your procedure, set-up, and
out of the water? results with those of your classmates. How do the
3 Plan your procedure. For example: results compare? Is there anything you could do to
a) What evidence would you get from your improve on the design of your experiment?
experiment that would prove your hypothesis? 8 What type of controls did you use to ensure that your
How will you know your filter worked? data was valid?
b) What are the manipulated, responding, and control
c) What steps will you take to produce the data you
need? Caution!
d) How will you collect and organize the materials and Do not drink or taste any of
observation data you collect for each trial? the water samples.
e) How will you assess the effectiveness of the
different filtrates?
Technological Developments Are Making Space Exploration Possible and Offer Benefits on Earth 423
Brainstorm Ideas
1 As a class, brainstorm ideas for how many and what type of modules the new space
station needs. Agree on an overall plan and make a general sketch of it.
2 Organize into small groups, each representing the design team for a country. (The
number of groups depends on the number of modules chosen in Step 1.) Your
teacher will randomly assign a module to each group. With your team, brainstorm
ideas for your module, keeping in mind the criteria for success.
Build a Prototype
3 Using your choice of box, cardboard, and small household items, construct your
scale model. Label the parts clearly.
7 As a class, discuss problems that arose during module construction. In a brief
written summary, make recommendations about how the design and construction
process for the space station model could be improved.
8 Think about how cooperating countries must overcome problems in building a space
station together. Brainstorm a list of ways that communication is achieved.
Technological Developments Are Making Space Exploration Possible and Offer Benefits on Earth 425
Careers Profiles Astronaut
Technological Developments Are Making Space Exploration Possible and Offer Benefits on Earth 427
To simulate how data are transmitted from space to someone on Earth, and to show
some problems that must be overcome to make such transmissions successful
Student Roles
Procedure 1. a supernova
2. the SNIFF satellite
1 Your teacher will assign roles to eight students, as listed on the right.
3. the Data Relay satellite
2 In a large space, the eight students should arrange themselves according to the (DRS)
pattern shown in the diagram. The rest of the class will be observers. 4. ground station #1
3 Students in roles 4, 6, 7, and 8 stand in a small circle, facing out. They 5. a communication satellite
represent the four relay positions on Earth. In unison, they will revolve 6. ground station #2
counterclockwise very slowly to represent the spinning Earth. 7. the University of Alberta
8. a scientist
4 Students in roles 3 and 5 are satellites in geosynchronous orbit, which means
they must move in time with Earth’s rotation.
5 The SNIFF satellite (role 2) lies at low altitude and orbits Earth about 15 times a
day. The student in this role should walk at a quick pace around Earth, about
2 m away. The student should complete several orbits for every one rotation of 3
Earth. The supernova (role 1) should be a fair distance away and not moving.
6 The ball represents the data (in this case, light) being picked up from the star by
SNIFF. When students are in position and moving, data transmission can start. 5
The supernova tosses the ball to SNIFF. SNIFF sends the ball to the DRS. The
DRS sends the ball to ground station #1. Ground station #1 sends the ball to
6 8 2
the communication satellite, who then sends it to ground station #2 in Calgary. 7
Ground station #2 hands the ball to the University of Alberta in Edmonton
(simulating a land-line telephone/Internet connection). Finally, the University
hands the ball to the scientist (simulating a computer network connection). Legend
7 Repeat the relay two or three times. Observe what happens. direction of
motion around
the four positions
8 What conditions are necessary for SNIFF to be able to communicate with the on Earth
relay satellite? direction of data
9 What would make this type of satellite communication easier and more transmission 1
10 With reference to the simulation, describe what problems must be overcome in
transmitting data from space to a specific location on Earth.
(Adapted from EUVE Dataflow Demo, UC Berkeley and NASA)
Remote Sensing
The main purpose of satellites in low Earth orbit (at 200 to 1000 km
altitude) is to carry out remote sensing. Remote sensing is a process in
which imaging devices in a satellite make observations of Earth’s surface
and send this information back to Earth. Images can be photographs taken
by cameras or data collected from the sensing of heat and other invisible
energy waves. Remote sensing can provide information on the condition
of the environment on Earth, natural resources, and effects of
urbanization. This information is used for planning.
Figure 2.26 Satellite picture
of weather over southern
Technological Developments Are Making Space Exploration Possible and Offer Benefits on Earth 429
Satellites as Personal Tracking Devices
Imagine always knowing your position on the planet, accurate to within a
few metres. The Global Positioning System (GPS) lets you do just that.
This technology was designed to give people, wherever they are, their
location on the ground at any time. Twenty-four GPS satellites are in orbit
around Earth, which means that at least three are above any given location
in the world at any given moment. Radio signals from the satellites are
picked up by a hand-held receiver (which is about the size of a small
hand-held video game). The signals are translated by a computer in the
receiver, which then shows on a digital display the operator’s position in
relation to the satellites.
draw a circle that has a radius equal to the distance from the satellite.
4 Repeat steps 2 and 3 for Satellites 2 and 3, using the information in Satellite Distance to GPS Receiver
the table. 1 1000 km
5 The spot where all three circles meet on the map indicates your
2 300 km
position on the ground.
3 940 km
6 Suggest how satellites know where their position is in relation to Earth.
Technological Developments Are Making Space Exploration Possible and Offer Benefits on Earth 431
Key Concept Review
1. List three uses for satellites.
2. What does the abbreviation GPS stand for?
3. Name the satellite that Canada first launched to provide
communications across the country. In what year was it launched?
4. What is remote sensing?
5. Some materials are referred to as “spin-offs” from space technology.
What does that mean?
Technological Developments Are Making Space Exploration Possible and Offer Benefits on Earth 433
Optical telescopes, radio telescopes,
3.0 and other technologies advance our
understanding of space.
Key Concepts
In this section, you will learn
about the following key
• technologies for space
exploration and observation
• composition and
characteristics of bodies in
• communication technologies
• triangulation and parallax
Learning Outcomes
When you have completed this
section, you will be able to:
• explain, in general terms, the
operation of optical telescopes,
including telescopes that are
positioned in space
• explain the role of radio and About 170 000 years ago, a star in its last great gesture before dying
optical telescopes in exploded in a display a million times brighter than the Sun. The light
determining characteristics of generated did not reach Earth until 1987, where it was discovered by
stars and star systems
Canadian astronomer Ian Shelton, who was working in an observatory
• describe and interpret, in
in Chile.
general terms, the technologies
Just as the vast and seemingly limitless oceans beckoned the early
used in global positioning
systems and in remote sensing
maritime explorers, today the far reaches of the universe beckon modern
adventurers. Although the mysteries of space have captivated human
curiosity for thousands of years, it has been only in the past few decades
that we have had the technology to give us access to places not on our
home planet. Until it is physically possible for humans to travel to the
“shores” of distant planets and galaxies, our technologies must be our
eyes into the universe.
In this section, you will learn about the tools and technologies that
are helping us solve the many puzzles of space. From Earth-based
telescopes and Earth-orbit satellites, to sophisticated space probes that
can cross vast distances and send images back to Earth, technology is
letting us reach farther and farther out into space. The more we see, the
more we learn.
Find a dark area away from house lights and street lights. (Make sure an adult knows
where you are.) Wait a few minutes to let your eyes get used to the dark. Then focus your
unaided eyes on a small portion of sky for about 1 min. Turn on the flashlight and write
down your observations on the notepad.
When you are finished, turn off the flashlight and again let your eyes adjust to the dark. (If
you put a red cellophane covering on the flashlight lens, your eyes will adjust more
quickly.) Using the cardboard tube as a telescope, view the same patch of sky as you did
before. What do you notice when you view the same area of sky using the cardboard tube?
Describe how the cardboard tube affected your observation, and explain why you think that
Optical Telescopes, Radio Telescopes, and Other Technologies Advance Our Understanding of Space 435
Optical telescopes have been in use for the past 400 years. In 1608, a
Dutch optician named Hans Lippershey made one of the first telescopes,
but it is Galileo who has been credited with first using the telescope to
study the visible features of the night sky.
Think of optical telescopes as “light collectors.” That is what their
series of lenses and mirrors do: gather and focus the light from stars so
that we can see it. The larger the area of the lenses or mirrors in a
telescope, the greater the ability of the telescope to see the faint light of
objects that are very distant.
The first telescope ever designed was a simple refracting telescope.
Refracting telescopes use two lenses to gather and focus starlight (see
Figure 3.3). There is a limit to how large a refracting telescope can be. Any
diameter over 1 m causes the glass in the lens to warp under its own
weight. Trying to see through a lens when that happens would be like
trying to make out details of the Moon by looking through the bottom of a
primary light-gathering pop bottle.
secondary mirror
Optical Telescopes, Radio Telescopes, and Other Technologies Advance Our Understanding of Space 437
Although remote mountains make excellent sites for building and
Hubble Insights operating telescopes away from light pollution and air pollution,
New discoveries about
astronomers are still at the mercy of the weather. Clouds, humidity
the universe are
(moisture in the air), and even high winds can interfere with star-gazing.
constantly being made
with advances in The development of the Hubble Space Telescope offers a solution to these
technology. Search the problems. Orbiting about 600 km above Earth, the Hubble Space Telescope
Internet for the latest (a reflecting telescope) uses a series of mirrors to focus light from
images from the Hubble extremely distant objects. Launched in 1990, the Hubble is cylinder-
Space Telescope. shaped, just over 13 m in length and 4.3 m in diameter at its widest point.
Explore how new It is modular in design. This allows shuttle mission astronauts to replace
information has faulty or out-of-date instruments on the telescope without having to
changed our ideas interrupt its other operations.
about the universe. Each orbit that the Hubble makes around Earth takes about 95 min.
Begin your search at While the telescope works 24 h a day, not all of that time is spent
observing and sending data to Earth. Some time also goes to activities
such as turning the telescope to focus on a new object of interest or
switching data transmission modes. Commands for these tasks are sent
from ground control several times a day.
electronics Sun
primary light-gathering
solar panels
Figure 3.8 Earth-based telescopes are limited in their viewing Figure 3.9 Astronomers using the Hubble Space Telescope have
ability by interference from moisture, clouds, air pollution, and discovered galaxies in parts of space where Earth-based telescopes
light pollution. see nothing but blackness.
Optical Telescopes, Radio Telescopes, and Other Technologies Advance Our Understanding of Space 439
info BIT
3.2 Using Technology to See Beyond the Visible
Bee Vision
Not all information from stars can be seen. Optical telescopes give us
Bees and several other
insects can see in the information based on visible light. However, objects in space, such as stars
ultraviolet spectrum. Why and galaxies, also emit radio waves, infrared (heat) waves, and X-rays.
do you think this would These are all forms of electromagnetic energy. This energy travels at the
be an advantage for these speed of light, 300 000 km/s, but has different wavelengths and
insects? frequencies from those of light. Wavelength is a measurement of the
distance from one point on a wave (such as the crest) to the same point on
the next wave. Frequency is the number of waves that pass a single point
in one second.
Energy with a high frequency has a short wavelength. Gamma rays, for
instance, have a high frequency (1020 waves per second) and a very short
wavelength (less than a millionth of a centimetre). Radio waves have a low
frequency, but wavelengths that can be several kilometres long.
The visible light we see all around us occupies a small section of the
entire electromagnetic spectrum, which covers the whole range of
electromagnetic energy (see Figure 3.10). Visible light has a wavelength
measured in micrometeres (written as µm). One micrometre is 1 millionth
of a metre.
108 107 106 105 104 103 102 10 1 10–1 10–2 10–3 10–4 10–5 10–6 10–7
Figure 3.10 Objects in space emit a great variety of electromagnetic energy. Humans can only see the
information provided in the visible spectrum, but technology enables us to detect all kinds of
electromagnetic radiation.
3 What did you notice about the spectra for the different light sources?
4 Which light source produced the most distinct spectrum of all the
sources? Why do you think that was the case?
5 Why won’t your spectroscope allow you to see ultraviolet light or
Studying radio waves emitted by objects in space gives astronomers data
that are not available from the visible spectrum. Radio waves are received
from stars, galaxies, nebulae, the Sun, and even some planets—both in our
own solar system and in others. These signals are mapped through the use
of sophisticated electronics and computers.
With the development of radio telescopes, astronomers gained several
advantages over optical telescopes. Radio waves are not affected by
weather and can be detected during the day and at night. They are also
not distorted by clouds, pollution, or the atmosphere as are light waves.
Furthermore, by focussing their radio telescopes on areas of space that
appear empty, astronomers have discovered much about the composition
and distribution of matter in space—information that cannot be detected
by optical equipment. For example, although neutral hydrogen (a large
component of matter in space) emits no light, it does emit energy at a
specific wavelength in the electromagnetic spectrum. Using radio
telescopes, astronomers have been able to map the distribution of neutral
hydrogen in the Milky Way galaxy. This is how they learned that the
shape of our galaxy is a spiral.
Optical Telescopes, Radio Telescopes, and Other Technologies Advance Our Understanding of Space 441
Figure 3.11 Because the wavelengths of radio waves are so large, the antenna of a radio telescope
must be large. This radio telescope in Arecibo, Puerto Rico, has a diameter of more than
300 m. That’s almost the length of three football fields laid end to end.
Just as several reflecting telescopes can be combined for optical
interferometry, so several small radio telescopes can be combined to
achieve greater resolving power than one large radio telescope can achieve
(see Figure 3.12). This technique, referred to as interferometry, improves
the performance and accuracy of radio images. The results are radio maps
with valuable detail.
Figure 3.12 Combining
information from two small radio
telescopes located 50 m apart
(A) simulates the resolving
power of one telescope with a
50-m diameter (B). The bigger
the separation between the
telescopes, the more detail
astronomers can measure.
50 m 50 m
apart diameter
VIEWING MORE THAN WHAT THE EYE CAN SEE Figure 3.13 The Very Large Array simulates
an antenna with a diameter of hundreds of
The electromagnetic spectrum offers many more
opportunities to understand the workings of space than can
be obtained from looking only at the visible spectrum.
For example, much ultraviolet radiation is absorbed by
the atmosphere and therefore cannot be studied very well
from Earth. When observed through an optical telescope, a
planet orbiting a distant star is practically invisible because
of the light given off by the star. However, when viewed in
the infrared spectrum through a radio telescope, the
brightness of the star is reduced and the planet’s brightness
peaks. The Keck Observatory in Hawaii is equipped to make
these observations and is actively searching for planets in
other solar systems.
Astronomers have discovered a variety of radiations
coming from various sources in space. These include
fluctuations in microwave energy that is left over from the
formation of the universe; X-rays that are being emitted from
Figure 3.14 By connecting ground-based
objects such as black holes and pulsating stars; and huge
arrays with satellites in space, astronomers
bursts of gamma rays that appear without warning and then can simulate antennas with diameters tens of
fade. thousands of kilometres wide.
Nations around the world have launched numerous
satellites to study each of these phenomena.
a b c info BIT
Gamma Ray Energy
Bursts of gamma rays
occur unpredictably in
different parts of space.
Although they may last
only a few seconds or
minutes, they give off
more energy than our
Sun would produce in its
Figure 3.15 Radiation sources in space: (a) a gamma-ray burst, (b) X-rays from a black hole, and entire 10-billion-year
(c) infrared image of a young star cluster lifetime.
Optical Telescopes, Radio Telescopes, and Other Technologies Advance Our Understanding of Space 443
Telescopes, optical or radio, cannot provide answers to all the questions
we have about our solar system. Often it is necessary to send the
observation equipment right to the object so that tests not possible to
conduct by telescope can be done. In the past several decades,
astronomers have done just that, sending numerous space probes to
explore distant areas of our planetary neighbourhood. Space probes are
unmanned satellites or remote-controlled “landers” that put equipment on
or close to planets where it would be too difficult or dangerous to send
humans to.
Space probes have been used to carry out remote sensing on Mercury
and Jupiter, sample soil on Mars, land on Venus, and study the nature of
Saturn’s rings. For example, the Galileo probe, launched in 1995, was
designed to gather information about the composition of Jupiter’s
atmosphere. The Mars Pathfinder, launched in 2000, took soil samples
and performed geological tests on the planet’s rocks. It then sent the data
back to Earth for analysis. The data gathered by space probes is used to
find out more about how planets form in our solar system, and how the
characteristics of other planets compare with Earth’s.
The table below lists some of the space probes sent in the last three
Figure 3.16 The flight paths
of Voyager 1 and Voyager decades and their missions.
2. Both probes, launched
from Earth in 1977, flew Name of Space Probe Date of Encounter Mission
past Jupiter and then
Saturn. At that point, Mariner 1973–1975 Flyby of Mercury
Voyager 1 was sent out of Pioneer 11 1974–1979 Flyby of Jupiter and Saturn
the solar system. Voyager 2
Viking 1976 Mars landing
flew on to investigate
Uranus and Neptune. Voyagers I and 2 1977 (launched) Flyby of Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune
Venera 1982 Venus landing
Magellan 1994 Flyby of Venus
Galileo 1995 Flyby of Jupiter
Ulysses 1999 High latitude pass of Jupiter
Mars Global Explorer 2000 Orbiting of Mars
Mars Pathfinder 2000 Mars landing
Cassini 2004 Flyby of Saturn
Voyager 2
Jupiter Uranus
Voyager 1
Figure 3.17 These photographs show the preparation of three different space probes. Each probe
must be completely free of contamination, which is why all the workers visible in the photos are
wearing specially designed hygienic suits.
Optical Telescopes, Radio Telescopes, and Other Technologies Advance Our Understanding of Space 445
3.3 Using Technology to Interpret Space
Telescopes tell us a great deal about the universe, but as you learned in
section 3.2, there is much more information in addition to what we can
see. Just by looking, we can’t tell how far away a star is, what its
composition is, or whether it is moving toward or away from us. To
discover and understand these and other characteristics, we need to tackle
the problem by technological means, whether by using a simple tool or
machine or operating a highly complex system of instrumentation.
Triangulation and parallax are two ways of measuring distances indirectly,
on the ground or in space.
Triangulation is based on the geometry of a triangle. By measuring the
angles between a baseline and the target object (such as a tall tree or a
water tower), you can determine the distance to that object.
of unknown
(8.2 cm)
Baseline (6.0 cm
g: 1 cm = 20 m
Scale of drawin
Figure 3.20
A scale drawing
of the
Optical Telescopes, Radio Telescopes, and Other Technologies Advance Our Understanding of Space 447
H O W FA R I S I T ?
The Question
How accurately can the length of a playing field be measured using triangulation?
The Prediction
You will be calculating percent error for this activity. Predict the degree of accuracy that
Materials & Equipment
you expect. Example: Our calculations will be off by 10%.
• measuring tape (at least 50 m
long) Procedure
• two metre-sticks
1 Copy the table below into your notebook.
• protractor
• paper
Baseline Angle from Angle from Calculated Actual Percent
• pencil
length (m) position (A) position (B) length of length of error
• ruler
(°) (°) field (m) field (m) (%)
n len
(10 m ne
, 20 m (B)
, 50 m
11 Determine the average of your three lengths and calculate the percent error.
Forming Conclusions
12 How accurate was your calculated average length of the playing field?
13 Which baseline resulted in the most accurate field length? Explain why that was.
14 How close were you to your predicted error?
Optical Telescopes, Radio Telescopes, and Other Technologies Advance Our Understanding of Space 449
Parallax is the apparent shift in position of a nearby object when the
object is viewed from two different places. For a quick example of
parallax, hold out your arm and stick up your thumb. With your right eye
closed, look at an object on the far wall behind your thumb. Now, look
with your left eye closed. You will notice how the background to your
thumb appears to have moved.
Astronomers use a star’s parallax (that is, its apparent shift in position
relative to the background stars) to determine what angles to use when
they triangulate the star’s distance from Earth. When triangulation
calculations are made, the longer the baseline, the more accurate the
results. The longest baseline we can use from Earth is the diameter of
Earth’s orbit. This means that measurements must be taken six months
apart to achieve the maximum baseline length (see Figure 3.22).
Closer star
Distant star B
Figure 3.22 When viewed from Earth at different times of the year, a nearby star will appear to shift
its position relative to different distant stars in the background. The angles between each end of
Earth’s baseline (the extreme ends of its orbit, six months apart) and the target star provide angles
for triangulation.
The Question
Which show greater parallax: close objects or distant objects?
1 Set the candle on a table 50 cm in front of the board.
Materials & Equipment
2 On the board, draw 10 evenly spaced vertical lines and label them A through J.
• a tall candle (about 25 cm
long) 3 From a position on the right-hand side of the classroom about 4 m back from the
• black board or white board board, look at the candle using only one eye. Make a sketch of its apparent position
• paper and pencil relative to the reference lines drawn behind it.
4 Go to the other side of the classroom and repeat step 3. What changes in your
observation did you notice from one position to the other?
5 Move 2 m closer to the candle and repeat steps 3 and 4. Make sketches of your
observations each time. What changes do you notice from the sketches you made
from the 4-m position?
6 Move 2 m back from your original position and repeat steps 3 and 4. What difference
do you notice this time?
7 The teacher will now move the candle closer to the board. Stand at the very back of
the classroom and again repeat steps 3 and 4.
8 Compile your observations in one table.
Forming Conclusions
11 Describe how distances to stars can be measured using parallax.
12 Is parallax more useful for measuring distances to near objects or distant objects?
Explain your answer.
Optical Telescopes, Radio Telescopes, and Other Technologies Advance Our Understanding of Space 451
As you recall from earlier studies, white light is actually a combination of
all colours (the “rainbow” colours). White light can be separated into its
component colours by being shone through a prism. The result is bands of
colour, which together are referred to as the visible spectrum.
Figure 3.25 The spectra of
(A) hydrogen, (B) helium,
(C) sodium, and (D)
calcium. The Sun’s
spectrum is shown in (E).
Figure 3.26 Even if you could not see an emergency vehicle, you would be able to tell by the sound
of the siren whether the vehicle was moving, and approaching you or travelling away from you.
Like sound, light also travels in waves. Changes in those waves can be
used to measure how fast and in what direction a light-emitting object is
moving. Pitch refers to the shift in the sound waves of a moving object.
The position of the dark bands in the light spectrum is what shifts in the
light waves of a moving star. The spectrum of an approaching star shows
the dark lines shifting to the blue end of the spectrum as the light’s
wavelengths become compressed. In the spectrum of a star moving away
from Earth, the dark lines shift to the red end as the wavelengths stretch
out. The amount of that shift shows up in observations of a star indicates
the speed at which the star is approaching or receding.
Figure 3.27 Analyzing the blue-shift and red-shift in the spectra of stars and galaxies shows
astronomers whether the bodies are moving toward Earth (B) or away from Earth (C). No shift
in the spectrum means that the star and Earth are moving in the same direction (A). The star is
then said to be stationary.
Optical Telescopes, Radio Telescopes, and Other Technologies Advance Our Understanding of Space 453
The Doppler effect refers to the change in frequency of 2 As the noise-maker moves overhead, listen for the
sound, light, and other waves, which results from the change in sound as the noise-maker approaches you
relative motion between an observer and the source of and then moves away from you. How would you
the waves. In this activity, you get the chance to describe the differences in sound?
experience the Doppler effect firsthand. You are the 3 Listen again while the teacher spins the object, but
observer and the source of the sound waves is a noise- this time close your eyes. Are you able to tell when
maker. the object is coming toward you and when it is
1 While you are seated at your desk, your teacher will moving away from you? Explain your answer.
stand in the centre of the classroom and swing a 4 In what ways is this apparent shift in sound similar
small battery-powered noise-maker overhead. to the shift that happens in a star’s spectrum? Use a
Because the noise-maker will be tied to a long diagram to help you illustrate your answer.
string, its circular path will be very wide.
Optical Telescopes, Radio Telescopes, and Other Technologies Advance Our Understanding of Space 455
Society and the environment are
4.0 affected by space exploration and the
development of space technologies.
Key Concepts
In this section, you will learn
about the following key
• space exploration risks and
• technologies for space
exploration and observation
• life support technologies
• ownership and use of
resources in space
Learning Outcomes
When you have completed this
section, you will be able to:
• recognize the risks and
dangers associated with space
• describe Canadian From cancer treatments and pacemakers, to Teflon and flat-screen
contributions to space research televisions, the technological benefits created by space research are
and development and to the
now everywhere in our daily lives. All of these innovations—many
astronaut program
developed for use in the International Space Station—got their start
• identify and analyze factors
fulfilling a purpose in space exploration. Opportunities for the
that are important to decisions
regarding space exploration
economic development of space resources are also being investigated
and development today, including such ideas as offering tourist space flights, building
hotels on the Moon, and mining minerals on asteroids.
At the same time, the study of space has made us aware of the
many hazards that lie beyond Earth’s protective atmosphere. For
example, we are learning more about the destructive effects of solar
radiation on life and equipment and about the danger of possible
collision with comets and asteroids. As well, many environmental and
ethical issues have arisen related to space exploration. Who owns
space? Who is entitled to use its resources? Who is responsible for
cleaning up the space environment? How can we justify spending
billions of dollars to send a few people into space when millions of
people on Earth do not have clean drinking water? These and other
matters are discussed in this final section of the unit. You will also read
about Canada’s significant contributions to space research and the
astronaut program.
Figure 4.1 As the explosion of the space shuttle Challenger showed in 1986, space exploration is
an extremely high-risk undertaking.
Nothing can be taken for granted during the preparation for a manned
or unmanned space flight. Something as seemingly straightforward as
calculating the amount of fuel needed for the flight requires the utmost
attention to detail. During Apollo 11’s mission to the Moon in 1969, the
original landing site for the Eagle was found to be too rocky for the lunar
module to set down safely. Faced with having to choose another place to
land, the astronauts knew they had to find the right spot with one try.
They didn’t have enough fuel to change their minds and find another
site—not if they wanted to get back to Earth after their visit to the Moon.
Society and the Environment Are Affected by Space Exploration and the Development of Space Technologies 457
Sending humans into space has always been a dangerous proposition.
First, just imagine the risks associated with being strapped into a small
cockpit above several hundred tonnes of highly explosive fuel. Poor
weather conditions, malfunctioning equipment, and even the presence of
birds can interfere with launching a rocket.
Once a manned craft is in space, floating debris, meteoroids, and
harmful doses of radiation must be faced. Outside of Earth’s protective
atmosphere, the effects of solar and cosmic radiation are magnified
because there is no protection. For example, the huge blast of electrically
charged particles that the Sun sometimes emits (in a “coronal mass
ejection”) can burn up the electronic circuits in a satellite. In humans, this
dose of radiation also kills cells in vital organs and damages bone marrow.
The occurrence of coronal mass ejections (solar flares) is monitored by
NASA, and astronauts are warned so that they can protect themselves
inside polyethylene shielding that absorbs the radiation.
Figure 4.2 In early 2001, the Cosmic radiation comes from the Milky Way and other galaxies. The
abandoned Russian space damage to human cells from this form of radiation is extreme.
station Mir came hurtling
Returning to Earth has its dangers too. The path that the spacecraft
through Earth’s atmosphere,
burning up on re-entry.
follows on re-entry into Earth’s atmosphere must be perfect. If it is too
shallow an angle, the craft can bounce off the atmosphere and back into
space (like a stone skipping across the surface of a pond). If it is at too
steep an angle, the craft can move too quickly through the atmosphere and
burn up.
Society and the Environment Are Affected by Space Exploration and the Development of Space Technologies 459
info BIT
4.2 Canadian Contributions to Space
Robert Thirsk
In 1996, Canadian
Exploration and Observation
astronaut Robert Thirsk
Canada has had a proud involvement in the development of technology
spent 17 days on board a
for space exploration and observation. One of its most famous
space shuttle. Thirsk, who
set his sights on space contributions is the robotic arm, the “Canadarm,” originally designed by
flight at a young age, Spar Aerospace. Since its debut in 1981 on the U.S. space shuttle
holds four university Columbia, the Canadarm has proven to be one of the most versatile pieces
degrees, including a of technology ever designed for the space shuttle program. Manipulated
Bachelor of Science from by remote control, the Canadarm has launched and retrieved satellites,
the University of Calgary. helped fix optical apparatus on the Hubble Space Telescope, and put
together modules of the International Space Station.
System Description
Remote • contains seven motorized joints
Manipulator • handles large payloads
System • assists with docking the space shuttle
• can move itself around different parts
of the station
Society and the Environment Are Affected by Space Exploration and the Development of Space Technologies 461
Society and the Environment Are Affected by Space Exploration and the Development of Space Technologies 463
info BIT
4.3 Issues Related to Space Exploration
The Moon and Life
Debate rages today over the huge amounts of money, time, and resources
that are being expended on sending equipment and people into space. In
Volcanic material on the
Moon contains trapped the United States and Canada alone, the space program costs billions of
oxygen. Some scientists dollars every year.
believe that heating this
oxygen to be released
Some people argue that, because there are so many problems on Earth to
and captured. They also
be solved (such as poverty, hunger, pollution, and disease epidemics),
believe that both oxygen
and water could be countries should not be spending huge sums of money to explore new
extracted from the ice at regions. Instead, they say, that money should go to relieving the suffering
the lunar poles. “Mining” of citizens on our own planet. Other people argue that space is the “last
the oxygen and water in great frontier,” and that what we learn by exploring it could help us find
this way could support ways of improving life on Earth.
future long-term
settlement by humans.
Figure 4.10 How do you think money and resources should be spent: to address problems on
Earth, or to explore space?
These and other factors must be taken into account when decisions are
being made about the future of space exploration and development.
Some forecasters suggest that the population of Earth will continue to
increase for the next 50 years before stabilizing. This increase, combined
with continued growth in our standard of living, means that the demand
for natural resources (such as minerals and fossil fuels) will rise. Instead
of looking to Earth to find more of those resources, technology is allowing
scientists to look to space for them.
Society and the Environment Are Affected by Space Exploration and the Development of Space Technologies 465
Decision E X P L O R AT I O N A N D R E S E A R C H ?
Making The Issue
Every year, there are new, bold projects proposed for the study and exploration of space.
Humans continue to push the boundaries of the imagination, from building more
sophisticated satellites to planning manned space flights to Mars. Ultimately, we will not
be limited by our creativity, but by our ability and willingness to pay for costlier ideas.
Background Information
Throughout this unit, you have learned a great deal about the progress of technology
designed to enable us to observe and explore space. You have seen how space research
has helped people directly (for example, with satellite communications) and indirectly
(with spin-offs such as protective clothing and health care equipment). In this section,
you are learning about the great cost of space exploration and the many risks. Should we
continue investing in space? Can we afford to keep doing it? Can we afford not to?
1 Working in small groups, brainstorm the pros and cons of human investment in
space endeavours.
2 Research each of the items on your list in more detail, using such sources as the
Internet, books, magazines, journal articles, and local experts.
3 Individually, summarize your findings in a short report. Conclude the report by
stating whether you agree or disagree with humans continuing to invest in space
exploration and research. Explain your view. Be sure to consider observations and
ideas from a number of sources before drawing your conclusions.
Figure 4.12 Debate the issue of investing in space exploration and research.
Society and the Environment Are Affected by Space Exploration and the Development of Space Technologies 467
re SEARCH On Earth, similar issues were debated over Antarctica. Though not to
the same degree as space, Antarctica is a hostile, remote environment that
Moon Marketing has valuable resources. No one country, however, could lay claim
Use the Internet to find politically to those resources for itself. In 1959, however, the 12 nations
out who the that had bases on the continent signed a treaty to share the resources of
entrepreneurs are who the area. Part of the Antarctica Treaty System reads, “Antarctica shall
are advertising trips to continue forever to be used exclusively for peaceful purposes and shall
the Moon. Begin your not become the scene or object of international discord.” The concept
research at requires that all nations work collaboratively to resolve differences. A
www.pearsoned.ca/ space treaty could have the same requirements.
Society and the Environment Are Affected by Space Exploration and the Development of Space Technologies 469
1.0 1.0 Human understanding of both Earth and space has changed over time.
• Ancient cultures explained their observations of bodies in space with myths and legends.
• technologies for space
• Technology used to study space has evolved throughout history. With each technological
exploration and observation
advance came better explanations for what was observed.
• reference frames for
• The planet Earth orbits a star that is one of billions of stars in a spiral galaxy called the
describing the position and
Milky Way.
motion of bodies in space
• Years of accurate data collection and advances in telescope technology have improved our
• distribution of matter through
scientific understanding of the solar system.
• A star’s position when viewed from a particular point, can be determined given the
• composition and characteristics
compass direction (azimuth) and the altitude.
of bodies in space
2.0 2.0 Technological developments are making space exploration possible and offer
benefits on Earth.
• technologies for space
• Space transport technology began with simple rockets, and today’s spacecraft are still
launched using the same principles.
• life support technologies
• For humans to live outside of Earth’s atmosphere, the basic requirements for life must be
• communication technologies
met in space. This means that food, shelter, water, and air must be produced artificially.
• Satellites orbiting Earth transmit information to us about weather, agriculture, and natural
resources. We can also use space technology to locate our exact position on Earth.
• Many concepts designed for use in space have found applications on Earth. These include
materials used for communication, medicine, entertainment, and transportation.
3.0 3.0 Optical telescopes, radio telescopes, and other technologies advance our
understanding of space.
• technologies for space
• Reflecting and refracting are two types of optical telescopes. Reflecting telescopes use
exploration and observation
mirrors to focus light. Refracting telescopes use lenses to focus light.
• composition and
• Visible light is only one part of the electromagnetic spectrum. This spectrum includes
characteristics of bodies in
infrared, X-ray, ultraviolet, and gamma radiation. Specific technologies are designed to
detect these forms of radiation that come to us from space.
• communication technologies
• By observing the shift in the spectrum of a star, we can tell if it is moving toward or away
• triangulation and parallax
from Earth.
• Triangulation and parallax are two techniques for measuring distances in space.
4.0 4.0 Society and the environment are affected by space exploration and the
development of space technologies.
• space exploration risks and
dangers • There are many dangers associated with both manned and unmanned space exploration.
• technologies for space Some of those dangers are posed by debris floating in space around Earth and by solar
exploration and observation and cosmic radiation.
• life support technologies • Canada has had a long and proud history of participation in space research and
• ownership and use of exploration.
resources in space • Many issues concerning ownership of space and its resources are yet to be resolved.
These include political, environmental, and ethical issues.
se d
S t u
Project 473
4. All stars start from the same “building 16. Explain how the process of triangulation can
blocks.” What element forms these building determine distances on the ground.
blocks? 17. What aspect of Earth makes it difficult to
5. Define a light-year. observe the X-rays, gamma rays, and
ultraviolet rays that come from space?
6. a) How many stars are estimated to be in the
Milky Way galaxy?
b) How many galaxies are estimated to be in
the universe?
7. Explain why you could not locate a star by 18. Name four risks associated with space
knowing only its altitude in the sky. exploration.
19. List three different contributions Canada has
made to the space industry.
20. Why is space junk an issue in space