United States Patent: Example)
United States Patent: Example)
United States Patent: Example)
. ' if ‘‘
A i Antenna
A |
ll 16
DC Power
Portable Computer Converter
\/ Battery
A Antenna
A l
11 DC Power
Portable Computer Converter
Figure 1
U.S. Patent Dec. 10, 2002 Sheet 2 0f 7 US 6,493,650 B1
Receiver I/O
X Mount)
GPS Data
RX Logger 24
2l 23
DC Power A
22 DC Power
Figure 2
U.S. Patent Dec. 10, 2002 Sheet 3 0f 7 US 6,493,650 B1
<—> SERIAL 1/0 No.3
Figure 3
U.S. Patent Dec. 10, 2002 Sheet 4 0f 7 US 6,493,650 B1
Figure 4
U.S. Patent Dec. 10, 2002 Sheet 5 of 7 US 6,493,650 B1
satellites or Calculate Satellite
90 epochs Positions
Have ?ve
solutions passed Least Square
since last least Integrity Check
square integrity
. Least square
Output Solution integrity
Laser option
LMS Search
Figure 5
U.S. Patent Dec. 10, 2002 Sheet 6 6f 7 US 6,493,650 B1
GPS Plane
Wave Signal
from Satellite
Figure 6
U.S. Patent Dec. 10, 2002 Sheet 7 0f 7 US 6,493,650 B1
Point: X, Y, Z
Figure 7
US 6,493,650 B1
1 2
DEVICE FOR AUTOMATIC HoWever, as much as possible, the Graphical User Interface
DOCUMENTATION OF CRASH SCENES (GUI) is based on the current procedures to minimiZe
researcher retraining. The present invention is designed to be
a loW cost augmentation to a potable computer (palmtop or
Similar but much different systems based on GPS have
The present invention relates generally to an automated
been designed for construction and land surveying. These
measurement and documentation system, in particular, to a previous systems are designed to Work over a much larger
method and apparatus for automated measurement and area than the instant device, and are more cumbersome to
documentation of crash scenes. use. The present invention is tailored to crash scene and
BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION similar applications requiring accurate, local scene measure
ment and documentation. It makes use of unique processing
Crash scene analysis is performed to determine the causes and interface softWare to maXimiZe efficiency and accuracy.
and circumstances of crashes in order to make the transpor The present invention’s processing softWare does not
tation mode safer in the future, and to determine criminal 15 require determination of the unmeasurable GPS carrier
and civil liability. The position and orientation of vehicles, phase cycles betWeen the reference module and the mea
vessels, aircraft, and their pieces relative to each other and surement module using a solution space search strategy or
the scene features is important in attempting to determine statistical selection as prior systems require. As determining
the crash dynamics and cause. these cycles is the greatest cause of processing error in these
Currently, crash scene measurements are done manually systems, the present invention has greater solution integrity
With Wheel and tape measures. The data are recorded by and accuracy over its smaller operational area.
hand and the analysis is done through manual calculation. The present invention’s processing softWare has a unique
The results of the measurements and calculations are cap con?guration that provides enhanced solution integrity by
tured on hand draWn sketches. The scene elements can only combining an eXtended Kalman ?lter With a least-mean
be located relative to each other and any nearby landmarks. 25 square initialiZation and ?gure-of-merit determination pro
Scene measurements are tWo dimensional, providing only a cess. The con?guration provides for unique, robust mea
projection of the scene on an arti?cially ?at landscape. surement validation and selection, as Well as position
Usually it takes more than one person to survey a crash accuracy enhancement. It also provides an automatic means
scene; a helper holds the end of the tape and helps record of recovery in case the Kalman Filter begins to diverge from
measurements. The hand draWn sketches are not in a stan the true solution.
dard format making it very difficult to correlate multiple The present invention’s unique multimedia user interface
incidents, store the data, and transmit the data. Although the provides process prompts and error checking tailored to the
crash scene researchers are Well trained, the number of crash scene application. For instance, the automotive crash
manual operations in the measurement and analysis are a scene system conforms to the US Department of Transpor
source of inef?ciency and errors. 35 tation’s Model Minimum Uniform Crash Criteria for scene
To improve its processing of these important data, the documentation. The user is prompted to take all measure
present invention Will automate the process, and provide ments and other data required by this standard, and the
accurate, rapid, crash scene measurement, analysis, and report produced conforms to the standard. To aid the single
documentation. The present invention Will require only one user, the present invention’s prompts and instructions are
documenter and provide for much faster scene measurement given both graphically and audibly. The present invention
and documentation, Which Will minimiZe the labor cost. The also can be con?gured to respond to spoken commands
present invention Will maXimiZe measurement accuracy instead of keystrokes to keep the user’s hands free.
While minimiZing measurement errors by automatically The previous systems make use of expensive proprietary
recording precise Global Positioning System (GPS) mea hardWare and softWare. The present invention leverages loW
surements and providing step-by-step process prompts to the 45 cost, commercially available hardWare, and commercial
user. Unlike manual scene documentation, the measure Computer Aided Drafting (CAD) and Word processing soft
ments are made in a universal coordinate system that has Ware to provide enhanced functionality at about one tWen
Well knoWn transformations to local datums. This alloWs the tieth the cost of the previous total solution, survey systems
absolute position of the scene to be located even Where there on the market.
are no reference landmarks such as in the desert, and Such an invention is needed by automotive, marine, and
provides for the possibility of recreating the scene in the aircraft crash investigators because of it is more accurate,
future at the proper position and orientation. The data are ef?cient, and standardiZed than the current manual systems.
three-dimensional alloWing much more accurate scene It requires less personnel, saving labor costs, and its instruc
documentation. Unlike the manual methods, the present tive and error checking interface reduces training costs and
invention automates the scene position and dimension 55 enhances measurement integrity. It also can be produced at
calculations, as Well as the scene draWing so that it provides, a loW cost that alloWs more high quality, crash scene
in near real-time, the accident scene report and accurate research to be performed on the same budgets, ultimately
graphical representations of the scene. This reduces analysis improving the safety of all modes of transportation.
errors, report preparation time, as Well as providing a
standard report format and data ?le format. The standard SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION
data ?le format Will provide for electronic storage, retrieval, The present invention consists of tWo modules, the mea
and transmission to facilitate data analysis and multiple surement and reference modules. The measurement module
incident correlations. is used by the scene surveyor to measure the crash element
The present invention has a user-friendly interface, and points While the reference module’s GPS measurements are
provides for data and report security. To reduce training 65 used to remove common errors from the measurement data.
costs the user-friendly interface incorporates procedure The reference module has a portable computer, either a
prompts, and check for data entry errors and missing data. commercial-off-the-shelf (COTS) laptop, palmtop, or pen
US 6,493,650 B1
3 4
computer. A COTS GPS receiver board is either integrated The reference measurements are either constantly col
in the computer package or packaged separately. It commu lected from a radio link betWeen the reference and measure
nicates With the receiver through a digital I/O port, most ment units or the user can connect the measurement com
often a serial port. The computer contains the turn-key puter to the reference module via standard computer I/O
invention softWare that uses a Graphical User Interface cable (RS-232, RS-422, parallel, USB, etc.) or infrared link.
(GUI) and audio to guide the user through a scene measure The reference measurements are automatically retrieved
ment. The softWare also controls the GPS receiver, collects from the reference module and stored on the computer. Then
the GPS data, processes the data, builds a Computer Aided the present invention’s processing softWare Will take the raW
Drafting (CAD) scene ?le, calls a COTS Word processing GPS data from both receivers and determine the relative
program and Writes a report, and calls a COTS CAD position of each point to about centimeter accuracy, and
program to draW the scene. The GPS receiver requires a angles betWeen line segments to about a tenth of a radian
COTS antenna for receiving the GPS signals. In the present accuracy. (Angular accuracy depends on the distance
invention, the antenna is mounted on survey stake With a betWeen points With better accuracy for Widely separated
bubble plumb/level or electronic level sensor, and is placed points.) Each GPS measurement provides a three
on points Whose positions de?ne the relative shape, 15
dimensional position offset from the reference point (North,
orientation, and siZe of the scene elements. East, and Altitude; Latitude, Longitude, and Altitude; Earth
The reference module consists of a COTS GPS antenna Centered Earth Fixed (ECEF) X, y, Z; etc.). Absolute position
and receiver integrated With a microcontroller board and is improved by using a DGPS correction from a national
poWer supply. The microcontroller controls the receiver and DGPS system or by locating the reference unit at a geodetic
stores the GPS reference data. The reference module is marker.
placed for convenience. Normally, a silver dollar siZed The softWare of the present invention then automatically
antenna With a magnetiZed bottom Will be stuck to the roof develops a CAD quality graphical representation of the
of the surveyor’s vehicle and the electronics are in the scene by formatting a draWing ?le that can be used by a
vehicle but the reference module could be placed anyWhere COTS CAD program. These graphical scene elements Will
near the crash scene. 25 be scalable to accurately represent the relative siZe and
The device can include optional equipment to enhance its orientation of the actual scene elements. The graphic ?le of
capabilities. In some versions of the present invention, a the crash scene Will be digital so it can be readily stored,
COTS radio link betWeen the reference and measurement manipulated, and transmitted. It also could be developed as
modules Will alloW real-time scene dimensions to be calcu a three dimensional graphic that could be rotated to provide
lated. AWireless Internet modem or a Cellular Digital Packet a vieW from any angle.
Data (CDPD) modem can be used to connect from the ?eld The softWare of the present invention Will then call a
to a central computer to send the completed documentation COTS Word processing program, and specify a report tem
or retrieve needed data or assignments. Other optional plate from a preformatted library of the most common crash
equipment can include a COTS digital camera for pictures of types. A generic report template also Will be available for
the scene and a laser range ?nder. The loW cost, laser range 35 less common types of crashes. The scene data from the scene
?nder may be useful for measuring distances under over measurements and the researcher’s input Will automatically
passes or in tunnels Where GPS satellite visibility is limited. be entered in the proper ?elds of the report. The user then
Using the present invention, a single surveyor can accu either accepts that report, augment it, or access a summary
rately and rapidly, measure and document a crash scene. To of the processed data and create a report to their tastes. If
perform the crash scene measurements, the researcher poW they elect to edit the automated report, they Will have access
ers up the pen or laptop computer, and initiates the turnkey to the full functionality of the Word processor.
softWare. The turnkey softWare features a user friendly, The present invention is engineered to cost an order of
graphical interface that can provide step-by-step prompts, if magnitude less than a general GPS survey system With the
the user desires. This softWare automatically Will start a same accuracy level, Which is not tailored to the applications
Built-In-Test (BIT) systems check, set up the GPS receiver, 45 identi?ed above. Although the present invention Will cost
and initiate measurement collection. more than a manual survey (measuring tape and Wheel), its
The user Will be prompted to initialiZe the crash scene ef?ciency and enhanced capabilities Will produce savings
record With a name, location designation, and any other that Will quickly recoup the investment. The speci?cs of the
general information desired. The researcher Will be asked application process are embedded in the user interface,
about the number and type of vehicles, vessels, or aircraft Which reduces training requirements, survey time, and report
involved, and about other scene elements. Then they Will preparation time. With the present invention, scene mea
measure the crash scene by Walking to each point in the surement and documentation could be performed With little
crash scene for Which they Want a measurement, and placing training in the mechanics of the scene survey. It also Will
the survey antenna stake there for about ?ve seconds. At increase productivity through enhanced report accuracy and
each point, they Will select a measurement type (car 1—right 55 integrity, and facilitating more ef?cient and productive
front corner; skid mark 1—start point; etc). The softWare analysis. The measurements are automatically recorded and
Will automatically record the GPS measurements for each the positions calculated relative to the reference point
point so no manual mistakes are possible. Each common, regardless of the measurement order. No line-of-sight is
crash scene element Will have a minimum number of points required betWeen any points for the GPS measurements. The
to be measured. If the researcher misses a measurement resulting data and documentation Will be in electronic for
point or entire element, the softWare Will remind him/her. mat for easy storage, transmittal, and analysis.
The user Will have the opportunity to annotate the scene The measurement process can be very fast if required for
record and scene elements before, during, and after the the safety of the researcher or the convenience of the public.
measurement process. Also, the user can modify, delete, or A crash scene consisting of tWo vehicles (12 points includ
repeat a measurement during and after the measurement 65 ing deformation points), a set of skid marks (four points) and
process. Upon completing the measurements, the processing the absolute position (Lat., Long, Alt.) of the reference point
and report softWare is initiated. Will take approximately four minutes to measure. This
US 6,493,650 B1
5 6
duration includes ?fteen seconds to Walk betWeen points so tray, or attached to the antenna tripod. Alternatively, the
only a total of 80 seconds is spent actually at the points. antenna/receiver may come as an integrated unit only requir
ing a serial connection to the computer and poWer.
As the user proceeds from point to point at an accident
FIG. 1 illustrates the measurement unit of the preferred scene, GPS satellite signals arrive at the surveyor’s antenna
embodiment of the invention. 16 (stake mounted). The GPS receiver 11 processes the
FIG. 2 illustrates the reference unit of the preferred satellite signals and transmits the raW measurement data to
embodiment of the invention. the computer subsystem 17 for processing. The receiver
FIG. 3 illustrates a Canadian Marconi Allstar GPS interface board 12 facilitates the proper signal level conver
receiver board, Which is one of several COTS receiver sion from the GPS receiver’s TTL interface to the computer
boards presently on the market that can be used in the
system’s RS-232 interface. Recorded data include GPS
preferred embodiment of the invention. satellite numbers, pseudorange, carrier phase, ephemeris,
time, signal strength, and cycle slip count. If packaged
FIG. 4 illustrates a softWare ?oWchart that provides an separately, the GPS receiver and I/O board Will be in a
overvieW of the preferred embodiment of the invention. 15 Waterproof enclosure along With a DC/DC converter and a
FIG. 5 illustrates a softWare ?oWchart of the processing battery
module. GPS Receiver
FIG. 6 illustrates a simpli?ed carrier phase and baseline The GPS receiver 11 is central to the operation of the
length relationship. preferred embodiment. It provides raW GPS satellites’ signal
measurements to the survey softWare module on the com
FIG. 7 illustrates a GPS Earth Centered Earth FiXed puter subsystem 17. When combined With the measurements
(ECEF) coordinate system. from the GPS receiver 21 in the Reference Unit 20 shoWn in
FIG. 2, the processing softWare on the computer subsystem
DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE 17 generates relative positioning information for the acci
INVENTION 25 dent scene data points.
Embodiments of the present invention are described in GPS Antenna System
more detail With reference to the draWings. To conduct a proper accident scene survey, the operator
The preferred embodiment consists of a unique integra must place the antenna 16 precisely at each signi?cant data
tion of COTS hardWare and softWare combined With custom point (car corners, curb edges, landmarks, etc.). To facilitate
this, the measurement unit Will be equipped With a GPS
designed user interface, data processing, communication,
antenna mounted on a survey stake 18.
and control softWare to form the unique automated scene
measurement and documentation system. Numerous appli The survey stake 18 Will have a pointed end to assist in the
cations are possible that require only a slight modi?cation of precise placement of the antenna center, a threaded top for
the system design. The preferred embodiment is applicable antenna attachment, and may have a height-adjusting lever.
to highWay crash scenes, and its detailed speci?cations are 35 An integrated level sensor Will alloW the operator to orient
presented beloW, divided into subsections for the hardWare the antenna perpendicular to the horiZon, Which maXimiZes
and softWare. satellite visibility (prevents masking due to antenna tilt) and
assures alignment of the east and north component of the
HARDWARE antenna position With that of the data point being measured.
The vertical position is determined by subtracting the stake
FIGS. 1 and 2 illustrate the preferred embodiment having length along a vector constructed through the center of the
a measurement unit 10 and a reference unit 20, respectively. earth. A small tripod With joints that bend Would be attached
The reference unit’s GPS measurements are required to to the base of the survey stake to assist the operator in
remove the signal errors common to both receivers (i.e. antenna placement and stabiliZation.
electronic noise, atmospheric delay, SA). 45 Receiver I/O Board
Each of the units must have the same GPS receiver and The receiver I/O board 12 Will facilitate the transmission
antenna to most effectively eliminate the common errors. of GPS measurement data and receiver control commands
The receiver must have parallel tracking channels, and it betWeen the OEM GPS board and the computer subsystem.
must have a carrier, phase lock loop to accurately measure Speci?cally, it provides (if required for the particular COTS
the fractional phase of the GPS carrier signal. FIG. 3 shoWs receiver or computer) the signal level conversion (TTL to
an eXample of a possible COTS receiver that may be used, RS-232) betWeen the serial interface ports on the receiver
the Canadian Marconi AllstarTM. The Canadian Marconi and the computer. Other I/O board functions include the
Allstar single frequency (Li), C/A code, carrier phase, GPS distribution of input DC poWer. The receiver I/O board 12
receiver has tWelve parallel tracking channels. It is 2.65 “x Would be contained Within the same enclosure as the
4.00“><0.55“ and Weighs 3.2 ounces. It is controlled and data 55 receiver.
is output at 1 HZ. through tWo RS-232 serial ports. DC/DC PoWer Converter
Measurement Unit A compact commercial DC/DC voltage converter 13 Will
In FIG. 1, the measurement unit 10 consists of a GPS be embedded With the receiver and I/O board enclosure.
subsystem 15 and a computer subsystem 17. The measure Other poWer converter protection mechanisms, Which can be
ment unit’s GPS subsystem contains a GPS receiver 11 With included are reverse polarity, short circuit, and over-voltage
a pole mount antenna 16, an I/O interface card 12, a DC/DC protection.
poWer converter 13, and a battery 14. The computer sub The DC/DC converter Will be packaged Within the mea
system 17 could be a portable tablet, laptop, or palmtop surement unit’s OPS subsystem enclosure. If provisions are
computer. The measurement unit’s subsystems may be made to integrate the receiver and I/O board Within the
housed in separate enclosures, With the GPS subsystem 65 computer subsystem, the DC/DC converter may be bypassed
mounted on the operators Waist or in a backpack, and the (or not included) as the proper DC poWer may be available
computer system held in hand, resting in a Waist suspended from Within the computer.
US 6,493,650 B1
7 8
Battery stationary during the entire survey (data collection period).
A commercial battery 14 or other power supply means is To facilitate this, the reference unit Will be equipped With a
required to operate the GPS subsystem if it cannot draW magnetic mount or tripod mount GPS antenna. It Will
poWer directly from the portable computer. The battery may typically be located on or near the operator’s vehicle since
be contained Within the same enclosure as the receiver, I/O the reference unit itself Would be located in or near the same
board, and DC/DC converter or kept separate for easy vehicle.
sWapping and recharging. The reference unit GPS antenna 24 may have similar or
Enclosure identical operating characteristics (gain pattern, ground
To facilitate adverse Weather accident scene surveys, the plane, pre-amp, etc.) to the measurement unit GPS antenna.
GPS subsystem Will be enclosed in a NEMA4 (splash proof) 10 This Would assist in the removal of common mode GPS
enclosure. The operator Will carry the enclosure in a back errors betWeen the tWo receivers, Which results in more
pack or a belt mount. accurate survey results. At the start of the survey, the
measurement unit antenna Will be placed at a close, ?xed
position relative to the reference antenna for a feW seconds
The portable computer Will host the COTS and present 15 so that the integer carrier cycle difference betWeen the
invention softWare. Using that softWare, it Will interact With reference and measurement antennas are knoWn to be Zero.
the user, collect the GPS measurements from both GPS A clamp attached to the base antenna/tripod may be used to
subsystems (measurement unit and reference unit), process ensure proper spacing.
the accident scene survey positions, generate CAD draWings The reference unit’s GPS receiver I/O board 26 is iden
of the scene, and integrate these draWings into a complete 20 tical to the I/O board used in the measurement unit. The
accident report. DC/DC poWer converter 22 used in the reference unit
The computer system 17 Would be a portable tablet, similar to the one used in the measurement unit, differing
laptop, or palmtop style PC compatible computer. To facili only as required to poWer the microcontroller. A single
tate all of the processing functions of the preferred generic metal or plastic enclosure may be used to house the
embodiment, the computer system should meet the folloW 25 receiver, I/O, poWer, and data logging electronics.
ing minimum general requirements: The reference unit only needs a loW-cost data-logger
1 RS-232 serial port (for GPS receiver interface) instead of a full poWered laptop computer. A COTS micro
Integral VGA display, 64 k colors controller board 23 is used as the data-logger. This micro
Pentium processor, 120 MHZ (or equivalent) controller logger may be packaged With the reference unit’s
500 MB hard disk 30 receiver, I/O board, and DC/DC poWer converter. The gen
Audio capable (for user prompts, can be through PC or AT eral requirements for the data logger are listed beloW along
With an example microcontroller.
card) The data-logger must be able to serially interface With the
Keyboard/keypad reference receiver (data collection and receiver control) and
CD-ROM drive (for loading softWare, not needed 35 the measurement unit laptop computer (data off-loading). It
internally) must contain enough Random Access Memory (RAM) to
32 MB RAM hold all reference receiver GPS data collected during the
Internal battery operation for a minimum of 1 hour crash scene survey, approximately 460 KB for 9 continu
Spare battery or car chargeable ously tracked satellites.
Weight: <15 lbs. 40 User interface functions are performed using program
The serial port facilitates the GPS receiver(s) interface. mable I/O in conjunction With individual sWitches and
The display, keyboard, processor, RAM, hard drive, and LEDs. Interface requirements include the ability for the user
CD-ROM facilitate the graphical user interface and perform to start and stop data logging, send pre-stored commands to
the processing. Finally, the battery and Weight requirement the receiver, and off-load the stored data to another com
alloW for portable operation. 45 puter.
Reference Unit An example of the data-logging microcontroller is the
FIG. 2 illustrates the reference unit 20 consisting of a GPS ZWorld BL 1600. This system measures 4.52“><4.175“><1.0“
subsystem and a data logging system. The reference unit and is based on the Zilog Z180 microcontroller operating at
contains a GPS receiver 21 With a magnetic mount (or tripod 9.216 MHZ. It supports up to 512 KB of SRAM and up 256
mount) patch antenna 24, an I/O interface card 26, DC/DC KB of ?ash EPROM. It has numerous digital I/O lines, tWo
poWer converter 22, and a microcontroller board 23. All RS-232 ports, and an on-board linear voltage regulator that
components Will be housed in a single enclosure and Will run accepts input from 9—24 VDC. Application softWare is
off of an external DC poWer source 25 (car battery or developed using Dynamic CTM.
portable battery). The preferred embodiment could be employed in a crash
The GPS receiver 21 used in the reference unit Will be the 55 scene, documentation system for local laW enforcement,
same receiver as in the measurement unit in order to ensure military police, transportation departments, and personal
that the measurement errors in the tWo subsystems Will be as injury laWyers. The present invention also can be readily
equal as possible so they Will cancel during processing. The adapted to document other types of transportation crashes
main difference betWeen the measurement unit’s and refer including aviation, train, and vessel by modifying the GUI,
ence unit’s GPS subsystems is the required output data. The 60 CAD symbols, and report format. Also, police may be
measurement unit’s GPS subsystem must output raW satel interested in using the system for documenting outdoor
lite observables and satellite ephemeris data, While the crime scenes. In addition, the present invention could pro
reference unit’s GPS receiver is required to output raW vide a loW cost Way of verifying property lines and right
satellite observables and PVT (position, velocity, and time) of-Ways Without the expense and delay of a professional
information. 65 survey. A derivative of the present invention With a different
Differing from the measurement unit’s GPS antenna GUI, CAD symbols, and report format could be used for
system, the reference unit’s GPS antenna 24 must remain archeological mapping of such things as building
US 6,493,650 B1
foundations, city Walls, forti?cations, and artifact locations. types of vehicles involved. In addition, the user Will specify
The present invention also could have applications in data from a menu about the roadWay including Whether the
forestry, botany, Zoological, and agriculture research Where crash happened at an intersection, straight, or curved road.
the spatial distribution of species is of interest. The user Will assign names to each roadWay and check the
With a radio link betWeen the measurement and reference correct option for the number of lanes and road type. Then
receiver, the present invention could be used for quickly the user Will be prompted to select the crash scene elements
laying out ball ?elds (including decorative designs), large to be measured, other than the vehicles, from a list of icons.
gardens, landscape patterns, as Well as parking lot, air?eld, The GUI Will proceed to prompt the user to place the
port, and roadWay markings. The design to be surveyed onto antenna at the required number of points for each vehicle
the surface could be from a CAD program, a scanned survey 10 and element selected. The user Will click the computer
plat, or created using another draWing program. The real pointing device or hit the enter key to start each measure
time system Would guide the user to points that When ment. At the end of the required measurement duration,
marked, provide the desired full siZe outline. probably ?ve seconds, the program Will sound an audible
SoftWare tone, a visual indication, and prompt the user to the next
FIG. 4 shoWs the four modules of softWare required for 15 point. Each measurement Will be assigned to the proper
the present invention. These modules are the survey, the element ?le by recording the start and stop GPS time of each
processing, the CAD draWing, and the report modules. The measurement. Alternate designs of the device may use voice
survey module includes the softWare to initialiZe and control recognition softWare for user input instead of mouse or
the GPS receiver, interface With the user, and collect and keystrokes.
store the measurement data. The processing module per During the measurement process, a quadrant of the GUI
forms calculations on the GPS data to obtain the coordi Will display information about the expected measurement
nate’s of each point surveyed, distances betWeen points, and quality. A green, yelloW, red color code, as Well as the
angles betWeen surfaces. The CAD draWing module uses the numerical HDOP, Will be used to inform the user about the
processed data to construct a CAD style draWing of the measurement quality. The absolute position (lat., long., alt.),
scene. The report module transfers the data into a Written 25 GPS time, and local time Will be displayed.
report of the accident scene. The folloWing subsections When all the previously entered vehicles and elements
discuss each of these modules. have been measured, the user Will be given the option to add
Survey Module other elements, delete elements and measurements, or to end
The survey module includes the receiver interface the measurement process. The program Will alert the user if
softWare, the GUIs, and the measurement recording func they try to end the process before all the speci?ed elements
tion. For the reference unit, only the receiver interface and have been measured completely.
raW data storage process are required. The optional laser The user next Would be prompted to connect the reference
range ?nder interface sub-module is included in the design. unit’s serial port to the pen computer’s serial port and begin
The receiver interface module Will initialiZe the receivers the data transfer. Upon completing the transfer, the user is
by selecting the operating mode, output messages, and other 35 prompted to disconnect the reference unit. Then they are
options. It also collects, validates, and parses the raW data; asked if they Want to start data processing or store the data
and responds to receiver error messages. Additional speci for later processing.
?cations for this module include receiver BIT and error During data processing, the user Will see a screen stating
handling processes. Separate storage structures are included that processing is proceeding normally. It Will shoW the
in the design for measurements made With the optional laser number of points processed and remaining. When the mea
range ?nder and made manually. This module also Will surements have been processed, the user Will be given the
provide the control interface to the laser range ?nder. option to proceed to developing the documentation or stop
The measurement process de?ned by the sequence of GUI and save the processed data.
screens Will proceed in the folloWing Way. The softWare When the documentation process is begun, the CAD
Would be started through an icon on the computer screen or 45 program Will be called. It Will scale each of the elements
through the start menu. The user interface Will incorporate a according to the measurement ?le and produce the draWing
BIT routine that executes When the program loads and error of the scene on the screen. The user then Will be given the
handling routines that Will alert the user graphically and option of annotating the scene and attaching the digital
audibly, to receiver and computer malfunctions, data pictures to scene elements. Upon accepting the draWing, it
corruption, loW battery, and loW disk space. Direct access to Will be stored and the Word processor started to produce the
the GPS receiver through the softWare Will not be provided report. The user Will be able to vieW and modify the standard
because the system is designed for users that are not experts report before it is saved. When the report ?le is saved, the
in the GPS. HoWever, the present invention Would provide user Will be taken back to the ?rst screen to alloW them to
a separate softWare utility that alloWs the user to command exit or begin another measurement.
the receiver by selecting from a menu and graphically 55 The optional laser range ?nder interface sub-module can
observe the position, velocity, and time output. The user also control the laser operation and receive the range data. The
can request any particular output message, including laser data Will be stored in a separate ?le. That storage ?le
receiver BIT results and status, and save it to a ?le for Will contain an index to the scene element point associated
analysis. With each measurement.
Upon a normal program start, the user Will be presented An optional digital camera interface sub-module can be
With a screen With a WindoWsTM type tool bar, and prompted used to interface to an external camera or to one built into
to select betWeen starting a neW measurement ?le, or pro the computer. Pictures can be stored and attached to the
cessing or editing a previous ?le. The choice to start a neW report.
?le Will bring up a screen that Will prompt the user to select Processing Module
a reference point and initiate the reference unit. Then the 65 The heart of the Processing Module is a six-state,
GUI prompts the user to assign a ?le name, enter descriptive extended Kalman ?lter that determines the three
text, categoriZe the Weather, and choose the number and dimensional vector betWeen the antennas, as Well as the
US 6,493,650 B1
11 12
velocity of each of the vector components. The sophisticated above the horiZon. A standard Figure Of Merit (FOM) for
?lter is supported by various other sub-modules that perform evaluating the satellites’ geometry for horiZontal position
the routine tasks including unit conversion, satellite position ing. is called HoriZontal Dilution of Percision (HDOP). The
calculation, integrity checking, matrix algebra, satellite preferred embodiment of the invention Will use the Well
selection etc. The detail of the Kalman Filter design folloWs knoWn HDOP algorithms to evaluate all the satellites in
this overvieW of the softWare. FIG. 5 shoWs a How chart of vieW in all possible combinations to determine the best base
these sub-modules in the processing softWare. set of four satellites that Will be used for the position
The GPS measurements Will be stored in tWo ?les, one for solution. This base set, guaranteeing good geometry, Will be
each receiver. Each measurement record is indexed by GPS augmented by any other available satellites that do not have
time. When the processing softWare is initiated, the ?les Will detrimental characteristics.
be scanned for the ?rst and last record that has a corre Multipath, the reception of signals re?ected off objects in
sponding time in the other ?le. With the ?les synchroniZed, the receiving antenna’s environment, is a major phase error
the data are read and, Where required, converted to different source. The height of the antenna stake Will minimiZe the
units for processing. During the data read, a ?le listing the potential for signals to be re?ected doWn into the antenna.
satellites tracked by both receivers at each epoch is com HoWever, signals incident at graZing angles can be distorted
15 by the antenna structure and degrade the measurement.
piled. Some GPS receivers do not provide satellite positions
These graZing signals come from loW elevation satellites. To
in ECEF coordinates as required by the processing equa prevent this, the preferred embodiment of the invention Will
tions. The ephemeris message of each satellite must be used check and not use satellites beloW ten degrees elevation
to calculate the position from the GPS modi?ed, classical above the horiZon.
orbital parameters. This calculation must be done for each Once the satellites to be used for the measurement epoch
neW satellite, and updated for existing satellites each ninety are selected, the correct cycle count is added to the fractional
seconds. phase measured for each neW satellite then input to the
The next sub-module scans the carrier phase measure Kalman Filter. The Kalman ?lter output is checked at regular
ments and the receiver measurement quality codes for cycle intervals for integrity. The integrity monitor uses a Least
slips. To ensure solution integrity, every measurement Will 25 Mean Square (LMS) search of a random selection of points
be checked before it is used. in the solution space While storing the residuals. (Residuals
Cycle slips only occur on one or tWo satellites at a time are the LMS difference betWeen modeled carrier phase for a
(if it happens at all). This alloWs the slips to be detected by trial solution and the actual carrier. phase measured.) This
comparing the magnitude and direction of the differential provides a base residual level for the entire solution space.
phase change for each satellite. If a cycle slip is detected, it The Kalman Filter solution also is put through the same
can be repaired by determining from the other satellites the LMS algorithms to calculate its measurement residual. The
approximate magnitude and direction of the differential ratio of the average solution space residual to the Kalman
phase change that should have been measured. The system Filter solution should be a factor of tWo or more to ensure
is only looking for corrections to the Whole cycle count so con?dence in the solution.
the estimate only needs to be Within about 10 centimeters. 35 If the integrity check fails to achieve this ratio, a full LMS
The correct count is then Written to the ?le. This procedure search is initiated, centered at the last knoWn good point, to
also is used to initialiZe the Whole cycle counts for satellites determine if a better solution is attainable. If one is found,
that rise during the measurement process. Equation 6 speci it is used to reinitialiZe the Kalman Filter. This combination
?es the integer determination algorithm used after the of tWo independent solution methods verifying the solution
approximate vector offset has been determined. accuracy prevents divergence of the Extended Kalman Fil
ter. The result is a unique, sophisticated, robust, high
AX integrity, element position determining process for the pre
N; : Int — A)’
ferred embodiment of the invention.
The last process in this sub-module formats the scene
element, position points into a CAD data ?le. Each ?le
record designates Which pre-developed graphical symbol to
Where use With a set of GPS determined dimensions. The dimen
ei=Unit vector from reference antenna to satellite i sions are used by the CAD softWare to scale each element in
A<|>=Single difference phase measurement for satellite i the scene to realistic proportions.
With the last knoWn good cycle count CAD Module
Int=Rounding to nearest integer A COTS CAD softWare program Will be used to produce
Ni=Integer cycle count a high quality scene draWing automatically. The symbols to
Eliminating satellites that have characteristics that make be used are complete and compatible With the Model Mini
for less accurate solutions signi?cantly increases the system mum Uniform Crash Criteria (MMUCC) endorsed by the
performance. Degraded solutions can be the result of Weak 55 National HighWay Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA).
signals, multipath, and poor constellation geometry. The The output draWing ?le can be saved in a number of
preferred embodiment of the invention therefore has a graphical formats (BMP/DIB, CGM, EPS/AI, IGES, PCX,
sub-module to check each satellite measurement for these GIF, JPEG, HTML, and DWG/DXF).
characteristics so they Will not be used in the solution, The input data to the program Will consist of a ?le
increasing system accuracy and integrity. An algorithm that containing the element labels, dimensions, and positions.
rejects measurements of signals that are beloW a ?oor C/NO The device program Will use Object Linking and Embedding
(signal strength) that is speci?c to the receivers used is (OLE) technology to initiate the draWing. The output Will be
implemented in the device. a draWing ?le that can be imported into most documents.
The satellites chosen for use in the solution Will be The draWing also can be printed directly from the COTS
evaluated for the quality of the geometry betWeen them and 65 program if the portable computer is connected to a printer.
the measurement antenna. The base satellite chosen for the The preferred embodiment of the invention’s softWare
double differences should be the highest satellite in elevation Will seamlessly transition betWeen COTS softWare and
US 6,493,650 B1
13 14
custom developed software. This Will be accomplished -continued
through the use of OLE. OLE is a 10-year-old Microsoft
technology developed solely for allowing WindoWs appli cos 0 _
differential carrier phase relates to the distance betWeen the AV ¢nB 6n — 68 NM?
tWo receivers’ antenna (baseline length). Equation 1 codi?es
this relationship. The angle to the satellite (0) is knoWn from
the broadcast satellite position and the normally determined
A¢i=Measured fractional differential phase . . . single
GPS antenna position. Therefore, We can solve for the 55
baseline length by determining the difference in carrier difference betWeen antennas for satellite i
phase (mp) betWeen the tWo antennas if they are separated by ei=3><1 unit vector (ECEF) from the primary antenna to
less than a Whole Wavelength. HoWever, for longer baselines satellite i
We do not knoW the number of Whole cycles betWeen the Ni=Unmeasurable integer carrier cycle ambiguity for sat
antennas unless We placed the tWo antennas together and 60
ellite i
began kinematic carrier tracking before Walking them apart kL1=L1 carrier Wavelength (0.1904 meters)
to the positions shoWn in the ?gure. These unknoWn cycles eC=Errors constant over epoch, lumped (constant
are explicitly accounted for in the more accurate Equation 2. clockoffset, phase center migration)
eV=Errors that vary during measurement epoh & and
A415 65 betWeen the antennas
AV¢iB=Double differenced, betWeen satellites i & the
chosen base satellite B, fractional phase measureme
US 6,493,650 B1
15 16
Nij-=Difference between integer cycles of satellites i & j HK=Ideal, noiseless matrix connects the system state and
(Zero for baselines <0.5)\.L1) the measurement at epoch tK
Equation 4 is the primary kinematic, DGPS equation. Its vK=Measurement error vector, White With knoWn covari
form Will be the basis for the Kalman Filter system model. ance
The solution to this equation is an ECEF vector betWeen the The system state vector xk contains the components of the
antennas. To represent the immediate area around the crash ECEF vector betWeen antennas that We are solving for, as
scene in form useable With local road maps, the device needs Well as the velocity (rate of change) of each vector compo
the solution relative to a local coordinate system centered at nent. It is shoWn beloW as Equation K3.
the reference antenna’s longitude, latitude, and altitude. A
local East, North, and Up (ENU) system can be de?ned With 10
the matrix C providing the transformation as indicated in
Equation 5.
AX,AY,AZ=3-dimensional ECEF vector-reference
antenna to measurement antenna (meters)
A'X=Rate of change(velocity) of the X axis component of
the vector betWeen antennnas (meters/sec)
ot=Longitude of reference antenna A'Y=Rate of change(velocity) of the Y axis component of
the vector betWeen antennnas (meters/sec)
[3=Latitude of reference antenna
A'Z=Rate of change(velocity) of the Z axis component of
x,,y,, Zr=ECEF position of reference antenna the vector betWeen antennnas (meters/sec)
x,y,Z=ECEF position of measurement antenna The State Transition Matrix (PK (STM) de?nes hoW the
E, N, U=Local North, East, Up position of measurement system model relates the current state to the state at the next
antenna epoch. For the device, We are modeling the transition as a
Kalman Filter Speci?cations constant rate. Equation K4 is the STM for the device.
A Kalman ?lter is not really a ?lter in the classical
electronic circuits sense. It is more of an application of lArOOOO [Eq.K4]
Optimal Control Theory and Random Signal Probability. 010000
The tWo main features of Kalman’s formulation and solution OOlArOO
Vector modeling of the random processes in the system OOOOlAr
Recursive processing of noisy measurement data. 000001
A Kalman ?lter formulation is used because of its ability
to determine an accurate solution embedded in noise.
Although a standard procedure is used to solve for and 45 Equations K1 and K2 are used to codify the Kalman ?lter
propagate a solution in Kalman Filtering, the system model model, and are not used directly in the Kalman ?lter
equations must be customiZed for every application. Mod mechanism. HoWever, the matrices and vectors that are used
eling the system and noise, and previsions to prevent solu in the mechanism equations are derived from the elements of
tion divergence are unique and custom for the preferred the model in Equations K1 and K2. The State Vector and the
embodiment of the invention. STM are taken directly from these equations.
The Kalman ?lter technique requires that the system be The Kalman ?lter mechanism is a set of recursive, matrix
linear and capable of being modeled as tWo equations algorithms that predict the state vector and the error cova
(Equations K1 and The ?rst equation speci?es hoW the riance matrix for the next epoch. Then at the next epoch, it
system gets from the current state to its state at the next time evaluates and modi?es those state and error covariance
epoch. The second equation speci?es the relationship 55 predictions based on the neW measurements. The modi?ed
betWeen the current system state and the measurements. state vector is the output (solution) at that epoch. It then
Both equations include vector noise models. makes a prediction of the state vector and error covariance
matrix at the next measurement epoch and so on ad in?ni
The Kalman ?lter requires a linear model. As the rela
tionship betWeen the state and the measurement vectors is
Where non-linear for the device, the equations must be lineariZed
about a nominal trajectory. The initial trajectory point for the
xk=State Vector at epoch tk preferred embodiment of the invention’s ?lter Will be a
¢K=State Transition Matrix (STM) 65 ?xed, vector offset that is less than half a carrier Wavelength
WK=White process noise With knoWn covariance to ensure that there are no integer cycles in the offset vector
ZK=Vector measurement at time tK to resolve. The predicted solution from the last epoch Will be
US 6,493,650 B1
used for the subsequent epochs. This model requires a
version of ?lter called an extended Kalman ?lter.
Extended Kalman ?lters have been used successfully in
many applications including GPS positioning. HoWever, the
designer must consider that an extended Kalman ?lter can
diverge from the solution. Appropriate safe guards must be
implemented to prevent this and to handle it if it does
happen. The inventors have done this by ensuring that the
?lter initialiZation point is a very good estimate that should
cause the ?lter to converge every time. Also, the design has Where
an independent monitoring scheme using a LS search that
en§=X axis component of unit vector from the nth satellite
Will detect ?lter divergence, and reinitialiZe it before it
reaches an unacceptable level. The resulting preferred to the VHDS antenna (ECEF)
embodiment of the invention’s softWare design Will produce 15 en§7=Y axis component of unit vector from the nth satellite
an accurate, stable system With high integrity. to the VHDS antenna (ECEF)
The recursive equations for the extended Kalman ?lter are eni=Z axis component of unit vector from the nth satellite
presented beloW. The Prediction to the VHDS antenna (ECEF)
eh§=X axis component of unit vector from the highest
elevation satellite to the VHDS antenna (ECEF)
eh§7=Y axis component of unit vector from the highest
elevation satellite to the VHDS antenna (ECEF)
25 eh9=Z axis component of unit vector from the highest
elevation satellite to the VHDS antenna (ECEF)
There are three error covariance matrices in the recursive
Kalman ?lter equations (K5—K9). QK is the error covariance
matrix derived from the WK in Equation K1. It models the
system noise. The QK matrix for The device is shoWn as
Equation K11. As in the STM, At is equal to 1 second. Seis
the special amplitude associated With the White noise driving
function of the system. Seis selected as a function of the
35 expected application dynamics. To match the dynamics for
G(_)=Predicted value of G matrix or vector
a person Walking, it is set to about 6 meter.
G(+)=Updated calculation of G matrix or vector
PK=Error covariance matrix for the optimal state vector SQAP $9M [Eq. K10]
0 0 0
estimate (6x6) 3 2
QK=Error covariance matrix for system noise (Eq. K10) SQAIZ
2 sgm 0 0 0 0
KK=Kalman ?lter gain matrix (6><n) SQAP $9M
RK=Error covariance matrix for measurement noise (n><n) 0 0 0
3 2
(Eq. K11) $9M
45 0 0 2 sgm 0 0
HK=Ideal, noiseless matrix connects the system state and
the measurement at epoch tK (Eq. K12) O O O 0 $9M $9M
3 2
ZK=Measurement vector (DD carrier phases) (n><1)
ZK=Predicted measurement vector (DD carrier phases)for 0 0 0 0
nominal trajectory (n><1)
I=Identity Matrix (6><6) prediction equations are the last
operations performed during an epoch. The update Where
equations use the neW measurements to update the
Kalman ?lter gain (KK), determine the current state Se=Spectral amplitude of system noise driving function
(XK), and the covariance matrix (PK).
The HK matrix that appears in Equations K7 and K9 is a At=Measurement duration (1 second)
model of the ideal, noiseless connection betWeen the mea RK is another error covariance matrix in the recursive
surement vector (DD carrier-phase) and the state vector Kalman ?lter equations. It is derived from the VK matrix in
(distance vector and its component velocities). Equation Equation K2 and it models the measurement noise. The
K10 speci?es this 6><n matrix of matrices Where n is the inventors’ formulation of the DD measurement equations
number of “good” measurements available on both longer results in correlated measurements that require nonZero
baselines. The design of the ?lter is such that the HK matrix covariance terms. Equation K11 shoWs the resulting n><n
can accommodate any number of available measurements diagonal matrix. The dimensions of the matrix depend on the
and can change in dimension from epoch to epoch. This 65 number of good DD phase measurements used at that epoch.
alloWs the exclusion of suspected bad measurements due to The term rq,is proportional to the expected error in measur
loW C/NO or poor satellite geometry. ing the carrier-phase. This value is about ?ve millimeters.
US 6,493,650 B1
reference unit, to calculate precise relative positioning data
for the crash scene element points, and to document the
crash scene using a Computer Aided Design (CAD) draWing
and a text report.
4. A method, for automatically documenting data from a
crash scene using a measurement unit multimedia user
interface comprising the steps of:
i. guiding a user through the process for measuring crash
element points,
Where 10 ii. designating and labeling crash element points and
r@=Variance of measurement error recording information associated With the crash scene,
The last matrix of the Kalman ?lter to specify is PO, the iii. controlling and collecting data from a GPS receiver,
error covariance matrix for the initialization input from the iv. collecting and storing GPS measurement data,
LMS search. The 6x60 PO matrix for the device is shoWn as v. initiating GPS measurement data processing,
Equation K12. 15
vi. controlling softWare for Computer Aided Design
(CAD) draWing to develop a draWing of the scaled
0g, 0 0 0 0 0 [Eq- K12] crash scene,
0 vi, 0 0 0 0 vii. controlling softWare to develop a crash report con
0 0 giy 0 0 0
sisting of textual data recorded about the crash scene
P0 = and scene elements.
0 0 0 vi, 0 0 5. Aportable system in accordance With claim 3, Wherein
0 0 0 0 viz 0 the softWare comprises a multimedia user interface that
consists of a graphical user interface and Which guides a user
0 0 0 0 0 0%,
through a scene measurement.
6. Aportable system in accordance With claim 2, Wherein
Where the GPS antenna means of the measurement unit is mounted
oAx=oAy=oAZ=02 meter on a survey stake With a bubble plumb/level or electronic
level sensor and is placed on the crash element points.
With the designation of P0, The device Kalman ?lter 7. Aportable system in accordance With claim 2, Wherein
design is completely speci?ed. The six-state, extended Kal each of the GPS receiver means comprises parallel satellite
man ?lter implementation Will be accurate, stable, and signal tracking channels and a carrier, phase lock loop.
require relatively feW high dimension, matrix operations. 8. Aportable system in accordance With claim 7, Wherein
Although the present invention and its advantages have the GPS antenna means of the measurement unit receives
been described in detail, it Will be apparent to one of GPS satellite signals, the GPS receiver means of the mea
ordinary skill in the art that many changes and modi?cations surement unit processes the satellite signals and transmits
can be made thereto Without departing from the spirit or the raW satellite data to the portable computer means.
scope of the invention as de?ned by the appended claims. 9. Aportable system in accordance With claim 2, Wherein
What is claimed is: the GPS antenna means of the reference unit is stationary as
1. Aportable system for automatically documenting crash it receives GPS satellite signals, Which are passed to the GPS
scenes comprising: receiver means of the reference unit for processing, Which
a measurement unit for measuring the position of crash sends the result to the data logger for transmission of the raW
satellite data and signal measurements to the measurement
scene element points and for collecting and processing
raW satellite signal measurement data including unit’s portable computer means.
a GPS receiver means,
10. A method for automatically documenting data in
a GPS antenna means,
accordance With claim 4, Wherein the step of initialiZing data
a receiver I/O means,
processing further comprises the steps of selecting satellites,
a DC/DC poWer converter means,
determining accurate positions using Kalman Filter tech
a poWer supply means, and
niques and formatting crash element points into a CAD data
a portable computer means; and
11. A method for automatically documenting data in
a reference unit for collecting, storing, and outputting raW accordance With claim 4, Wherein the step of determining
satellite signal measurement data used for removing
accurate crash element positions using Kalman Filter tech
ranging signal distortions that are common to signals
niques further comprises the steps of:
received at both the reference and measurement units,
including 55
i. initialiZing the Kalman Filter With an approximate ?rst
a GPS receiver means, solution,
a GPS antenna means, ii. calculating satellite orbital positions at measurement
a receiver I/O means, times from raW GPS data,
a data logger means, and iii. selecting satellite signals from all available to achieve
a DC/DC poWer converter means. the optimum solution,
2. Aportable system in accordance With claim 1, Wherein iv. calculating expected ranges betWeen the satellites and
the GPS receiver means of the measurement unit is identical trial measurement antenna positions, and the knoWn or
to the GPS receiver means of the reference unit. assumed reference antenna position,
3. Aportable system in accordance With claim 1, Wherein v. determining a model of the carrier phase observables by
the portable computer means comprises softWare to provide 65 calculating the expected carrier phase measurement
a user interface, to process measurements from the GPS corresponding to the expected satellite-to-antenna
receiver of the measurement unit and the GPS receiver of the ranges,
US 6,493,650 B1
21 22
vi. removing measurement errors common to the refer 12. A method for automatically documenting data in
ence and measurement units’ data by combining the accordance With claim 11, further comprising the steps of
measured carrier phase from each, synchronized by selecting from visible satellites based on orbital position
GPS measurement time, relative to the scene and any observables or ?gures-of-merit
vii. modeling the removal of measurement errors common provided by the GPS receiver indicating the presence or
to the reference and measurement units’ data by com absence of signal distortions.
bining the expected carrier phase from each, 13. A method for automatically documenting data in
viii. calculating the best solution for the observed data accordance With claim 4, further comprising the step of
using an iterative process of predicting a trial solution augmenting the GPS measurement of the scene elements
10 With measurements made by other means such as a laser
based on statistical models and comparing it With the
observed data, range ?nder, tape measure, or Wheel measure by correlating
the measurements With any GPS determined position.
iX. converting the Earth Centered Earth Fixed (ECEF) 14. Amethod for automatically determining a crash scene
position to a position in a local coordinate system dimensions from raW GPS data comprising the steps of:
centered at the reference unit’s antenna,
i. synchroniZing reference and measurement module data
X. developing a ?le of crash element positions in local from measuring crash element points,
coordinates that is in a format that can be read by a
CAD program to create an accurately scaled represen ii. checking for inaccurate measurements,
tation of the crash scene, iii. scaling and transforming the measurements,
Xi. re?ning the statistical models in the Kalman Filter as iv. determining accurate position solution using Kalman
preparation for the neXt set of measurements based on Filter techniques,
the correlation of the actual data With the model at the v. validating and reinitialiZing the ?lter, if required, With
last measurement time, an independent least square comparison,
Xii. monitoring of solution characteristics to determine its vi. converting the Earth Centered FiXed positions to local
integrity and level of accuracy, and 25 scene dimensions, and
Xiii. reinitialiZing the Kalman Filter When the solution vii. formatting a CAD draWing ?le.
integrity has been determined to have degraded beyond
acceptable levels for the designed system’s accuracy. * * * * *