Lupughau Tamang Guti
Lupughau Tamang Guti
Lupughau Tamang Guti
Name of Agency Contribution
Municipality 350,000.00
Contengency 10,500.00
Municipality without contengency 339,500.00
UC(Work) 48,235.56
Total 387,735.56
Rainas Municipality
Office of the Municipal Executive
Tinpiple, Lamjung, Gandaki Province, Nepal
Measurement Book
Name of Project :- Bagaltar Samudhaik Dhalit Guti Vawan Nirman
Location: Rainas-7
S.N. Description of work Nos. length(ft) Breadth(ft) Height(ft) Quantity units Remarks
1 Earthwork in excavation 931.50 ft3
long wall 2 27.25 3.00 3.00 490.50 ft3
Short wall 4 12.25 3.00 3.00 441.00 ft3
2 Stone Soiling 155.25 ft3
long wall 2 27.25 3.00 0.50 81.75 ft3
Short wall 4 12.25 3.00 0.50 73.50 ft3
3 PCC(1:2:4) 77.63 ft3
long wall 2 27.25 3.00 0.25 40.88 ft3
Short wall 4 12.25 3.00 0.25 36.75 ft3
4 Stone Masonary wall(1:6) 407.53 ft3
long wall 2 27.25 1.75 2.25 214.59 ft3
Short wall 4 12.25 1.75 2.25 192.94 ft3
5 DPC Band (1:2:4) 37.50 ft3
long wall 2 25.00 0.75 0.50 18.75 ft3
Short wall 4 12.50 0.75 0.50 18.75 ft3
6 Stone Soiling Floor 17.50 ft3
Room 1 1 23.33 12.50 0.50 17.50 ft3
7 Floor DPC(1:2:4) 72.91 ft3
Room 1 1 23.33 12.50 0.25 72.91 ft3
8 Brick Masonary(1:4) 245.75 ft3
long wall 2 12.50 0.75 7.75 145.31 ft3
Short wall 2 9.42 0.75 7.75 109.51 ft3
Cube wall(14") 8 1.17 1.17 1.50 16.43 ft3
Door 1 3 0.75 6.00 -13.50 ft3
Window 1 4 0.75 4.00 -12.00 ft3
9 Bands(1:2:4)
Long wall 17.600 ft3
Sill Band 1 21.92 0.75 0.25 4.11 ft3
Lintel Band 1 21.92 0.75 0.25 4.11 ft3
Short wall
Sill Band 2 12.50 0.75 0.25 4.69 ft3
Lintel Band 2 12.50 0.75 0.25 4.69 ft3
10 Door and window
Chaukosh 0.59 Ft3
Door 1 3 0.29 0.29 0.25 Ft3
Window 1 4 0.29 0.29 0.34 Ft3
11 Reinforcement 298.340 Kg
Vertical Rod at corner 8 3.962 1.58 50.08 Kg
Vertical rod for door and
window 4 3.048 0.89 10.85 Kg
DPC Band
Horizontal Bar 4 30.48 0.89 108.51 Kg
Stirrup 204 0.66 0.22 29.62 Kg
Sill Band, Lintel Band, roof band
Horizontal Bar 6 17.17 0.89 91.69 Kg
Stirrup 115 0.30 0.22 7.59 Kg
11 Reinforcement 298.340 Kg
Vertical Rod at corner 8 3.962 1.58 50.08 Kg
Vertical rod for door and
window 4 3.048 0.89 10.85 Kg
DPC Band
Horizontal Bar 4 30.48 0.89 108.51 Kg
Stirrup 204 0.66 0.22 29.62 Kg
Sill Band, Lintel Band, roof band
Horizontal Bar 6 17.17 0.89 91.69 Kg
Stirrup 115 0.30 0.22 7.59 Kg
Name of Agency Contribution
Municipality 350,000.00
Contengency 10,500.00
Municipality without contengency 339,500.00
UC(Work) 71,861.68
Total 411,361.68
Norms no 2,1 Norms Unit 1.00 CU.M.
Items Description : Earthwork in excavation in soft clay and silty soil including 10 m lead and 1.5m
Description Quantity Unit Rate Amount
Unskilled 0.70 md 715.00 500.50