SBA 2020-2021 v2.1
SBA 2020-2021 v2.1
SBA 2020-2021 v2.1
Practical Assignments
Database Management
Web Based Design
Problem-Solving and Programming
Description of Project
Coronaviruses are a large family of viruses that are known to cause illness ranging from the common cold to
more severe diseases such as Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS) and Severe Acute Respiratory
Syndrome (SARS). A novel coronavirus (CoVid-19) is a new strain of coronavirus that has not been previously
identified in humans.
Most people infected with the COVID-19 virus will experience mild to moderate respiratory illness and
recover without requiring special treatment. Older people, and those with underlying medical problems
(comorbidities) like cardiovascular disease, diabetes, chronic respiratory disease, and cancer are more likely
to develop serious illness.
Jamaica reported its first case of COVID-19 on March 10, 2020 and by September 7, 2020 Jamaica was
officially declared Corona free. The Ministry of Health and Wellness has employed a CoVid Response Team
(CovRT) to track the spread of the Coronavirus in Jamaica and educate citizens on how to protect themselves.
As part of the wrap up analysis, the CoVid Response Team needs to analyze the data over the 7 month period
and provide the Prime Minister, MOH and insurance companies with a detailed report of how the pandemic
affected Jamaica.
A Website on Tips to Avoid the Coronavirus will be made available to the public as part of the operation No-
Rona Project.
Copyright ©2020 Campion College, All rights reserved
Database – 20 Marks
The CoVid Response Team has received the latest information from the various Public Hospitals for the last 5
months on the Patients who have been suspected of having the virus. The data is so far collated in hand
written tables with the following structures:
Patient Information
Last Name
Medical Record
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Copyright ©2020 Campion College, All rights reserved
Copyright ©2020 Campion College, All rights reserved
7. A drop down list should be used where applicable to facilitate simplicity in data entry. E.g. admitting
hospital, leaving status etc.
8. You are required to change the field definition of Gender. Change the field size to one (1) so that the
letter ‘M’ is entered for male and ‘F’ is entered for female. A validation rule and validation text
should be set in the event the user tries to enter anything other than M or F. (A copy of the tables
must be made before changes are made)
9. Sort the Data in the Patient Info Table by LAST NAME in ASCENDING order.
10. Perform the necessary association linkages among tables.
Copyright ©2020 Campion College, All rights reserved
Spreadsheet – 20 Marks
Task A – 10marks
1. Create a workbook named PatientFinances_YourName– Export the category of information below from the Database into one worksheet. Name the
worksheet Patients.
2. Insert a column and add the label “Date of Testing” and insert the date of testing for each patient noting the date of the first patient and the date of the
end of the pandemic. Model the real data set on the MOH website.
3. Format the worksheet by inserting a heading evenly across the data provided that reads “CoVid-19 Patient Data 2020”. Ensure the font size is larger than all
other headings. Apply 3 other formatting features of your choice.
4. Sort the worksheet by gender then by age, both in descending order.
5. Insert a column called Category beside Age to determine which category each patient falls under. See table below for categorization criteria.
6. Use spreadsheet functions and/formula to perform the following calculations
a. Insert a column called Discount, next to Medical Bill. The discount on all Hospital Fees given to each patient is detailed in the following table: (Use
relevant referencing feature)
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b. Calculate the Balance of all patients after the discount.
c. Add two columns, Amount paid by Insurance and Amount paid by Patient after the Balance field.
Calculate the insurance payment based on the coverage percentage and the amount the patient should
d. Present the data using bordered line style and center and bold all column headings.
Task B – 6 marks
1. On a new sheet named Summary, in the same workbook create a summary table which will contain the
a. Total number of patients
b. Percentage of men
c. Percentage of women
d. Average Insurance Payment made
e. Total money paid by patients
2. In another worksheet, in the same workbook, use complex criterion to generate all the Patients who tested
Positive. Name this worksheet Positive.
3. Copy all the patient data from Task A in a new worksheet called AMH, in the same workbook, and Filter all the
patients whose admitting hospital was AMH.
Task C – 4 marks
1. In the Patients worksheet, create Pivot Table of the total number of positive cases by parish.
2. Create relevant chart, in a separate worksheet called Status, to compare the leaving status of the patients.
3. Create a Line Graph, in a separate worksheet called Confirmed, showing the number of confirmed cases by month.
Notes-Each chart must have appropriate labeling of chart title, chart axes, and data labels including percentages.
Employ the appropriate use of any three of the following: Option boxes, Date picker, check boxes, dropdown list, and
command buttons. The form must be user friendly and attractively designed. Save the form as
1. Cover Page
2. Table of contents (Must be auto generated in MS Word, must have at least two levels of headings and must have
suitable headings)
3. Introduction stating the purpose of the investigation and the members of the CoVid Response Team of which you are
to be listed as Chief Investigative Officer. (Be realistic in your introduction)
4. The result of the investigation. This should be in point form and consist of no less than 5 points. Be sure to include
results of the queries and charts that you created in the database and spreadsheet section of your SBA. An example is
as follows:
5. Insert a table showing the different Insurance Companies and their percentage coverage.
6. The Fillable Form from task A.
7. Conclusion and recommendations with your signature affixed at the end. (Be realistic).
8. Add relevant information in the header and footer on each page of the report. Ensure your full name is displayed in
the footer.
9. Save the report as CoVid19Report2020_YourName.
Copyright ©2020 Campion College, All rights reserved
NOTE… The document should be well formatted by using the following features:
1. Home Page – this page should provide at least 3 paragraphs of information about the corona virus, symptoms and
must include images.
2. Tips – this page should contain tips on how to protect yourself from the coronavirus and must include images.
3. Contact – This page should contain contact information, direction and an email address link for the head of the CoVid
response team, you.
Each Page must have appropriate graphics and relevant information. The layout and design of the page must be suitable to a
government organization. The information on the web pages must not be plagiarized, must be factual and properly cited.
Copyright ©2020 Campion College, All rights reserved
Copyright ©2020 Campion College, All rights reserved
Copyright ©2020 Campion College, All rights reserved