Advanced Lab Course 50: Photovoltaics
Advanced Lab Course 50: Photovoltaics
Advanced Lab Course 50: Photovoltaics
Team 122 :
Ahmed Krifa 03698507, Hamza Ouerfelli 03698446, Pascal Sedlmeier 03693939
Technical University of Munich
5 July 2019
1 Introduction 2
2 Basics 2
2.1 Reflection measurement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
2.2 Voltage-current characteristic of solar cells . . . . . . . . . . . 2
2.2.1 Derivation of the formula . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
2.2.2 Other important parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
2.3 Quantum efficiency . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
3 Results/evaluation 5
3.1 Reflection measurement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
3.2 Voltage-Current characteristics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
3.3 Quantum efficiency . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
4 Questions 8
4.1 Measurement of the reflexion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
4.2 Current-voltage curve . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
4.3 Lock-in amplifier . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
4.4 Spectrally resolved quantum efficiency . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
5 Appendix 11
1 Introduction
A solar cell, or photovoltaic cell, is an electrical device which directly converts
the energy of light into electricity by the photovoltaic effect. In this paper,
the essential properties of different types of solar cells will be investigated
and characterized.
2 Basics
2.1 Reflection measurement
Reflection is when light bounces off an object. If a light beam of intensity I0
propagating in air (with a refractive index n0 ) strikes a medium with different
refractive index n1 , only a part of the beam can penetrate into the body and
another part is reflected:
I(hν) corresponds to the intensity of the beam coupled into the solid, R(hν)
describes the fraction of the reflected intensity dependent on the refractive
n0 − n1 2
R(hν) = ( ) (2)
n0 + n1
Combined with the general current equations of a pn-transition
I = Is (exp( ) − 1) (4)
Akb T
A is the diode factor (A = 1 or 2, depending on the recombination strength
within the space charge zone), T the absolute temperature and IS the reverse
current :
Lp Ln
Is = e(pn0 + np0 ) (5)
Tp Tn
where L represents the diffusion length and τ the lifetime of the holes/electrons.
Therefore, it applies for an illuminated solar cell:
I = Is (exp( ) − 1) − IL
Akb T
The formula clearly shows that the current generated by the solar cell flows
contrary to the typical forward direction of a diode (cf. sign of IS and IL ).
The maximum power Pm (see Fig. 1), indicated as MPP (maximum power
point) can be calculated with the two quantities Um and Im .
The now calculable full factor FF is a good measure of the cell and shown
graphically in Figure 1. As a consequence of the current-voltage characteristic,
only a part (blue) of the theoretical maximum power (yellow) is reached (the
yellow area includes the blue one).
Um Im
FF = (8)
to the incident photons. This can be expressed by means of the measured
current I, the charge of a single charge carrier q, the wavelength of the incident
radiation λ and the radiation power φL (λ):
Ne h.c.I
QE(λ) = = (11)
Nν (λ) q.λ.φL (λ)
3 Results/evaluation
3.1 Reflection measurement
The characteristic curves recorded by the UV / VIS spectrometer of the differ-
ent types of solar cells can be seen in figures 2a to 2f. Except for amorphous
silicon, a sharp drop of reflection component is observed for all samples at a
wavelength of approximately 1100 nm. The reason for this is the band gap of
silicon which is 1.12 eV at 300 K, which corresponds to a wavelength of 1107
Due to the disordered crystal structure of amorphous silicon, unbound elec-
trons can be found in it that form localized states in the band gap. Thus
there is no longer a clear drop at a specific wavelength 2a.
With formula 2.2 it follows for the refractive index of crystalline silicon:
1± R
n1 = n0 · √ (12)
1∓ R
Consider only the solution where n1 > 1, the refractive index for the smooth
side of the crystalline silicon is as shown in figure 3.
For long wavelengths up to approximately 1200 nm there is a constant refrac-
tive index of n1 = 5.432 ± 0.013. For falling wavelengths, n1 drops sharply
because the absorption increases sharply due to the band gap. The refractive
index can be described in the range from 1050 nm to 1200 nm by a straight
line with n1 = (0.0118 ± 0.0002)λ − (8.55 ± 0.25). For smaller wavelengths,
n1 is initially constant between 550nm and 1050nm at n1 = 3.82 and then
increases exponentially. This can be justified by the fact that electrons that
are excited by very high-energy radiation relax to the upper edge of the band
gap and thereby emit part of the absorbed energy again as radiation.
The thickness of the amorphous silicon can be determined using the reflection
measurement in figure 2a, because the light rays are reflected both when
entering the silicon cell and when exiting and so the thickness can be deter-
mined as a result of this interference.
The difference in the optical path lengths of the two beams is:
∆L = n1 · 2d − λ (13)
the minuend represents the additional path of the beam in the plate and the
subtrahend takes into account the phase shift of the beam reflected directly
on the surface.
If this difference is equal to 12 kλ, destructive interference is observed for odd
k and constructive interference for even k, which are the minima and maxima
in figure 2a. Since the difference ∆k between neighboring extreme points is
one, d is equal to the slope of figure 4, where k was chosen so that it is zero
at the first extreme point. Thus d = (2542.87 ± 108.22)nm.
Table 1: Values of UOC and ISC for the different cells
amorph unbeleuchtet 0.23 V 4.19 nA
amorph beleuchtet 0.83 V 0.83 mA
cristalline unbeleuchtet 5 mV 0.7 nA
cristalline beleuchtet 0.5 V 6.38 mA
Table 2: Values of voltage, current and power at the working point for the
different cells
Um Im Pm
amorph 0.64 V 0.68 mA 0.44 mW
cristalline 0.39 V 5.45 mA 2.125 mW
which shows that power is delivered. In table 2 however we get rid of the sign
for practical purposes.
To determine the efficiency we multiply the set irradiance at AM1: 90◦ ,
= 100mW
with the area of the illumination surface (circular with radius
2mm) and we get: Plight = 12, 56mW . Calculating now the ratio PPlightm
for the
amorph and cristalline solar cell we get ηa = 3, 5% and ηc = 16, 9% for the
efficiency of the amorph and the cristalline solar cell. If we compare these
values to reference values (amorph 7-10 % and cristalline 17-24 %), we see
that the cells we used were quite old, since the efficiency is lower.
Using the U-I characteristics and equation (10) we can determine the re-
sistances in series and in parallel. These are given in table 3.
Table 3: Values of the resistances in series and in parallel for the different
Rs Rp
amorph unbeleuchtet 9.1 µΩ 9.1 µΩ
amorph beleuchtet 0.14 mΩ 13 mΩ
cristalline unbeleuchtet 5.5 mΩ 5.5 mΩ
cristalline beleuchtet 0.6 µΩ 8.6 µΩ
3.3 Quantum efficiency
From the measured voltages depending on the wavelength we can determine
the quantum efficiency of the cristalline and the amorph solar cell using
equation (14).
h · c · USZ
QE(λ) = 1W
q · λ · R · UP yro · 2878V
We get Figure 9 for the quantum efficiencies of the amorph and the cristalline
solar cell as a function of the wavelenght.
4 Questions
4.1 Measurement of the reflexion
• Why do we measure a smaller lost of reflexion for the rough
silicium wafer-side than for the smooth side ?
One way to reduce reflexion is to work on the surface. If we consider
black silicon for instance we get a material with very low reflectivity.
Black silicon is a needle-shaped surface structure. The needles are made
of single-crystal silicon and have a height above 10 µm and diameter
less than 1 µm .
Rp = |U =0 (16)
As the leckage current of the cell has been neglected, these formulas are
only approximations.
The main reason for this difference is due to the degradation of the cell
with time. As the cell is certainly several years old, there are leckage
currents at the pn-junction and imperfections such that the measured
resistance is smaller.
• What are the most important sources of error to determine
the efficiency ?
The efficiency being calculated from the light power and the electrical
power of the cell, it is logical that the errors of both powers affect the
error of the efficiency. As we can neglect the resistance on the supply
to the shunt, the photo current has only the relative uncertainty of the
shunt’s resistance. Other important sources of error are the adjustment
of the halogen lamp and the determination of the light power by the
The two solar-cells are made mostly of silicium, but the difference can
be seen particularly at the band structure. Cristalline silicium has the
band gap Eg at ca. 1,1 eV. For amorph silicium the band gap is at
ca. 1,7 eV. If no photo current flows, then the no-load voltage is equal
to the potential difference, which appears at the pn-junction. We can
write : eUOC ≈ Eg .
The amorph silicium used is located into the cell behind a glass pane,
which is almost non-permeable for UV-light. When we compare it
to the cristalline solar-cell, we observe that this cell allows almost a
complete reflexion of UV-light (300 nm) thanks to the thickness of the
anti-reflective layer. If we get interested in smaller wavelenghts, then
we note that the efficiency is better. Photons of higher energy cannot
be completely absorbed.
5 Appendix
[1] TU Munich, Lab Course Manual for Capacitive properties of a gold/electrolyte
(a) Amorphous silicon (b) Antireflective solar cell
Figure 3: Refractive index of crystalline silicon depending on the wavelength
Figure 4: Order of the extreme point as a function of the inverse wavelength
multiplied by 2n1
Figure 5: U-I characteristic for the dark amorph solar cell
Figure 6: U-I characteristic for the dark cristalline solar cell
Figure 7: U-I characteristic for the illuminated amorph solar cell
Figure 8: U-I characteristic for the illuminated cristalline solar cell