Introduction To Tourism and Hospitality

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INTRODUCTION TO TOURISM AND HOSPITALITY passports, visas and other conditions to be

met by tourists.
The Relationship of tourism and hospitality
• Package Tour- A package tour sometimes
• The relationship between Hospitality and call “inclusive tour” is an arrangement in
Tourism; Tourism and hospitality go hand in which transport and accommodation is
hand, the hospitality industry offer services bought by the tourist at an all-inclusive
like accommodation, transportation, food price.
and beverage, recreation and leisure.
Tourism is the activity by tourist where they • Tour Operator- A tour operator who
engage in travelling to destinations where organizes the package tour purchases
they want to experience recreational and transport and hotel accommodation in
leisure and activities and most of the time advance, usually obtaining this in a lower
avails of accommodation, food and price because he/she is buying it in bulk.
• Independent Tour- An independent tour is
• The hospitality industry is the supplier of one in which the tourist buys these facilities
the services for tourism. separately, either making reservations in
advance through a travel agent.
• The meaning of hospitality is providing a
safe and enjoyable environment for • Independent Inclusive Tour (IIT)-
patrons. Independent inclusive tour is one in which
the tourist travels to his destination
Components of tourism and hospitality individually.
The different components of tourism and • Group Inclusive Tour (GIT)- Group Inclusive
hospitality; Tour is one in which the tourist travels with
• Food and Beverage Industry the company of other tourist.

• Recreation, Sports and Entertainment The difference between tourist and an excursionist;

• Aviation The difference between a tourist and an

excursionist is that a tourist is traveling for pleasure
• Travel and Tourism and an excursionist is on a short trip or outing with
a special purpose.
• Hotels and Resort
The tourist product
• Cruise
What is Tourism Product?
The nature of a tour
• Tourism product can be defined as the sum
• Domestic Tourism – refers to travel of physical and psychological satisfaction it
exclusively within the national boundaries provides to tourists during their travelling
of the travelers country. People find it easy route to the destination.
to do so because there are no language or
currency barrier. • Tourism product is something that can be
offered to tourists to visit a tourist
• International Tourism- involves the destination. The products which satisfy the
movement of people across international leisure, pleasure, religious or business
boundaries. It is more difficult travel needs at places other than the normal place
outside one’s own country because the of residence are known as tourism product.
country visited has requirements such as
The tourist destination Characteristics of tourism and hospitality

What is tourist destination? • Perishability- is one of the most important

characteristics of the tourism industry. The
A place for tourist to visit and stay, could be products/services in the tourism an travel
a country, state, region or a city- usually due to its industry are consumed as they are
cultural or natural values. produced.
Physical space in which a visitor/tourist • Inconsistency- It is always about the
stays at least one night, which has tourism experience that the customer makes.
products, including infrastructure support, Rational product attributes like price, nights
attractions and tourism resources. of stay and additional services can only be
Tourist services compared to a minor degree. It is always
challenging to deal with the customer
• Travel Agency- is a business that operates perception of product.
as the intermediary between the travel
industry (supplier) and the traveler • People-Oriented- The tourism industry
(purchaser). Part of the role of the travel builds entirely upon people. The interaction
agency is to market pre-package travel between staff and the customer determines
tours and holidays to potential travelers. the perceived product quality.
The agency can further function as a broker • Intangibility- Tourism products are
between the traveler and hotels, car rentals intangible. Tourism is all about the time
and tour companies (Goeldner and Ritchie, spent and the experience made. Tourism is
2003). a subjective picture planted into customers
• Travel Agent- is the direct point of contact mind.
for a traveler who is researching and Importance of tourism and hospitality
intending to purchase packages and
experiences through an agency. Travel • Creates Employment
agents can specialize in certain type of
travel including specific destinations; Direct job opportunities are available as
outdoor adventures; rail, cruise, cycling or tour guides, tour planners and operators, travel
culinary tour. These specialization can help consultant and in hotels, restaurants and resorts.
travelers when they require advice about Jobs are also created in several related industries
their trips. such as cruise industry, airlines and event
Tour operators may be Inbound, Outbound or
Receptive. • Boost other local Industries

• Inbound Tour Operators- bring travelers Indirect jobs are also created for instance in
into country as a group or through the agriculture and food production sector, in retail
individual tour packages. industry and so on.

• Outbound Tour Operators- work within a • Generates Income

country to take travelers to other countries.

• Receptive Tour Operators- are not travel

agents and they do not operate tour. They
represent the various product of tourism
suppliers to tour operators in other markets
in a business to business relationship.
The Government earns revenue from the For many countries tourism is seen as a main
industry. The tourists put a lot of money in their instrument for regional development, as its
travel plans these days. Tour businesses and stimulates new economic activities.
individual involved in the sector also earn much.
Besides, income is also generated through the use Tourism may have a positive economic impact on
of various services like hotels, restaurants, the balance of payments on employment, on gross
monuments and other places of tourist interest. income and production but it may also have
negative effects particularly in the environment.
Money is spent by tourist also on many
other human needs when visiting a new place. Economic impact
They spend on medicines, clothes, food, • The tourism industry generates substantial
transportation, entertainment and also souvenirs. economic benefits to both host countries
• Foreign Exchange Earnings and tourist home countries.

This is the most important contribution the • Especially in developing countries, one of
industry can make to the economy of a country. All the primary motivations for a region to
touring expenditure incurred by foreign tourist is a promote itself as a tourism destination is
source of foreign exchange earnings. the expected economic improvement.

• Preserves Traditional Industries • As with other impacts, this massive

economic development brings along both
Another advantage that Hospitality and positive and negative consequences.
Tourism industry confers on to an economy is
preservation of traditional industries and • International Tourism receipts combined
handicrafts. Tourist all over the world take great with passenger transport currently total
interest in the indigenous products of the places more than US$ 575 billion making tourism
they visit. the world’s number one export earner
ahead of automotive products, chemicals
• Builds Infrastructure and foods.

More and more tourist are attracted by Direct and secondary effect
good infrastructural facilities. At the same time,
when tourist come, much development of In order to measure the economic impact of
infrastructure takes place with the income tourism on the destination area, it is important to
generated. know the direct and secondary effect of visitors
expenditures on the economy of the area.
Thus, Hospitality and Tourism is an industry that
benefits almost every sector of the economy of a Direct Effect- the income is received directly tourist
nation. Both developing and developed nations of expenditures received as income by business such
the world are working to promote this industry to as:
accelerate growth and development in their
individual nations and in the world as a whole.
• Restaurants


The Role of Tourism and Hospitality in hospitality • Tour Operators
• Retail shops
Tourism is now one of the world’s largest industries
and one of its fastest growing economic sectors.
Secondary effect- means that the money paid by
tourists to businesses are in turn to pay for
supplies, wages of the workers and other items
used in the producing the products or services
bought by tourist.

Tourism Multiplier- used to describe the total

effect, both direct and secondary of an external
source of income introduced into the economy.

Increased and





Raw Material


Imports (leakage)



Definition of tourism


Tourism comprise the activities of persons
traveling to staying in places outside their usual
environment for not more than one consecutive
year for the purpose of leisure, business and other

Three basic components of tourism

Accessibility (Reachability/Transportation)


Attraction (local)

Basic components










Resort Hotels

Farm Houses

Camping sites

Heritage Hotels






Art Galleries

Hill Stations


Manmade lake
& etc.

Accessibility (Reachability/transportation)

• Accessibility means reachability to the place

of destination through various means of
transportation. Transportation should be
regular, comfortable, economical and safe.

Today there are various means of

transportations like airlines, railways,
surface and water transportation.
• The transportation should be there for all
kinds of tourist and destination.


• It is a place where tourists can find food and

shelter provided he/she is in a fit position to • Accessibility
pay for it. There are various types of a Accessibility is another important factor of
accommodation from a seven star deluxe tourism. There should be accessibility for each and
hotel to a normal budget class hotel. every location of tourist attractions. If their
Attraction locations are inaccessible by normal means of
transport, it would be a little importance. The
• Attraction means anything that creates distance factor also plays an important role in
desire in any person to travel in a specific determining a tourist choice of a destination longer
tourist destination or attraction. distance cost much than to short distances.

• The locale may be used to include the • Amenities

holiday destination and what it offers to the
tourist. Facilities are very essential for any tourist
center. They are considered necessary aid to be the
• The holiday destination may offer natural tourist center. For a seaside resort facilities like
attraction. swimming, boating, yachting, surf riding and such
other facilities like deeming recreations.
• Fashion is an important factor in the
demand for various tourist attractions and • Safety and Security
amenities. The tourist who visits a particular
place for its natural beauty may decide to Safety and Security are vital to providing
visit some other attractions due to change quality in tourism. More than any other economic
in fashion. activity, the success or failure of a tourism
destination depends on being able to provide a
Elements of tourism safe and secure environment for visitors.

• Pleasing Weather Components in hospitality

Fine weather with warm sunshine is one of Travel and tourism industry generally consists of
most important attractions of any tourist place. the following components.
Particularly good weather plays an important role
in making holiday pleasant or an unpleasant • Travel agency
experience. • Destination management companies (travel
• Scenic Attractions consultants)

Scenic attractions are very important • Airlines

factors in tourism. Scenery consisting of mountains, • Airports
lakes, waterfalls, glaciers, forests, deserts is strong
forces attracting people to visit them. • Transportations (trains, buses and taxis)
• Historical and Cultural factors Tourism supply

Historical and cultural interest exercised Result of those productive activities that
tremendous influence over travelers. involve the provision of goods and services
required to meet tourism demand and which are • The Group Cottage
expressed in tourism consumption.
Group cottage belong to a subset of a the
vast family that is the cottage one and are intended
for the reception of large gatherings. The group
Supply components cottages therefore receive groups and accordingly
• Natural Resources and Environment have a very large welcoming capacity.

Air and climate, Physiography of the region, • The Shelters

landforms, terrain, flora, fauna, bodies of water, The Shelters are located on the mountains
beaches, natural beauty, water supply for drinking and offer a traditional and rustic cover to hikers
and similar uses. and climbers.
• Built Environment • The Homestay
Infrastructure- Water Supply system, The Bnb’s are often confused with
Sewage disposal systems, gas lines, electrical lines, homestays, though the latter are not always the
communication networks. subject of a professional activity. The concept of a
Superstructure- Airports, parking lots, homestay is to rent a room directly inside the
resorts, hotels, museums, stores, reastaurant, house of a local.
motel, shopping centers. • The Campsites
• Operating sectors Popular with families for its economic
Transportation aspect, campsites are an opportunity to pitch the
tent, the caravan, or the camping car on equipped
Accommodation ground. Most existing camping sites provide
services and additional activities such as swimming
Food Service pool, play areas and many others.
Attractions • The Hotel
• Spirit of Hospitality and Cultural Resources Hotel remains the classic of the tourist
accommodation, offering both room and board.
Social Foundation of the destination-
From single rooms to royal suites, the services
Language, customs, religions, work and leisure
provided by hotel also include room service,
related behaviors.
wellness areas, swimming pools, sports facilities
The types of tourist accommodations and etc.

• Bed & Breakfast

Institutions offerings guest rooms are

qualified of “guest houses”. Their growing
popularity surely comes from their welcoming and
homely atmosphere. Your breakfast will always be
included in the service.

• The Cottage

Opposites of bed and breakfast, they do not

offer meals and the owner is not always at home
as what is or not allowed in a particular
context or situation. In many ways, rules
serve as a foundation for any healthy
society. Without rules, society would likely
INTRODUCTION TO ETHICS fall into anarchy.

• Ethics Rules benefit social beings in various

is the branch of Philosophy that
studies morality or the rightness or • Rules protect social beings by
wrongness of human conduct. regulating behavior

• Morality Rules builds boundaries that place

limits on behavior. Rules are usually
speaks of a code or system or coupled with means to impose
behavior in regards to standards of right or consequences on those who violates them.
wrong behavior. One of the reasons people follow accepted
rules is to avoid negative consequences.
As a branch of philosophy, ethics stand to
queries about what there is reasons to do. • Rules help to guarantee each person
Dealing with human actions and reasons for certain rights and freedom
action, ethics is also concerned with
character. In fact, the word ethics is derived Rules from the frameworks of the
from the Greek ethos which means society. Nations are generally nations of law
‘character’ or in plural ‘manners’. and governing principles are outlined in
what is called constitution. Because the
Some questions that are ethical in nature majority has agreed to follow and consent
are: What is good? Who is moral person? to be governed by such constitution, the
What are the virtues of a human being? freedom outlined exist.
What makes an act right? What duties do
we have to each other? • Rules produce a sense of justice
among social beings
Also called ‘moral philosophy’ ethics
evaluates moral concepts, values, principles Rules are needed in order to keep the
and standards. Because it is concerned with strong from dominating the weak, that is to
norms of human conduct, ethics is prevent exploitation and domination.
considered a normative study of human Without rules, schemes in which those with
action. the power control the system, would take
BEING • Rules are essential for a healthy
economic system
Rules refer to explicit or understood
regulations or principles governing conduct Without rules regulating business,
within specific activity or sphere. Rules tells power would centralized around
monopolies and threaten the strength and The following characteristics are moral
competitiveness of the system. Rules are standards further differentiate them from
needed to ensure product safety, employee non moral standards.
safety and product quality.
• Moral standards involve serious
MORAL VS. NON MORAL wrongs or significant benefits.
Not all rules are moral rules. That is, not all Moral standards deal with matters
standards are moral standards. which can seriously impact, that is, injure or
benefit human beings. It is not the case
Morality may refer to the standards that a
with many non moral standards. For
person or a group has about what is right
instance, following or violating some
and wrong or good and evil. Accordingly,
basketball rule may matter in basketball
moral standards are those concerned with
games but does not necessarily affect one’s
relating to human behavior, especially the
life or well being.
distinction between good and bad behavior.
• Moral standards ought to be
Moral standards involve the rules people
preferred to other values.
have about the kinds of action they believe
ae morally right and wrong, as well as the Moral standards have overriding
values they place on the kinds of object that character or hegemonic authority. If a
they believe are morally good and morally moral standards states that a person has
bad. Some ethicist equate moral standards the moral obligation to do something, then
with moral values and moral principles. he/she is supposed to do that even if its
conflicts with other non-moral standards,
Non-moral standards refer to rules that are
and even with self interest.
unrelated to moral or ethical
considerations. Either these standards are
not necessarily linked to morality or by
nature lack ethical sense. Basic examples of
non-moral standards include rules of
etiquette, fashion standards, rules in games
and various house rules. Technically,
religious rules, some traditions and legal
statutes (i.e. law and ordinances) are non
moral principles, though they can be
ethically relevant depending on some
factors and context.

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