Introduction To Tourism and Hospitality
Introduction To Tourism and Hospitality
Introduction To Tourism and Hospitality
met by tourists.
The Relationship of tourism and hospitality
• Package Tour- A package tour sometimes
• The relationship between Hospitality and call “inclusive tour” is an arrangement in
Tourism; Tourism and hospitality go hand in which transport and accommodation is
hand, the hospitality industry offer services bought by the tourist at an all-inclusive
like accommodation, transportation, food price.
and beverage, recreation and leisure.
Tourism is the activity by tourist where they • Tour Operator- A tour operator who
engage in travelling to destinations where organizes the package tour purchases
they want to experience recreational and transport and hotel accommodation in
leisure and activities and most of the time advance, usually obtaining this in a lower
avails of accommodation, food and price because he/she is buying it in bulk.
• Independent Tour- An independent tour is
• The hospitality industry is the supplier of one in which the tourist buys these facilities
the services for tourism. separately, either making reservations in
advance through a travel agent.
• The meaning of hospitality is providing a
safe and enjoyable environment for • Independent Inclusive Tour (IIT)-
patrons. Independent inclusive tour is one in which
the tourist travels to his destination
Components of tourism and hospitality individually.
The different components of tourism and • Group Inclusive Tour (GIT)- Group Inclusive
hospitality; Tour is one in which the tourist travels with
• Food and Beverage Industry the company of other tourist.
• Recreation, Sports and Entertainment The difference between tourist and an excursionist;
• Inbound Tour Operators- bring travelers Indirect jobs are also created for instance in
into country as a group or through the agriculture and food production sector, in retail
individual tour packages. industry and so on.
This is the most important contribution the • Especially in developing countries, one of
industry can make to the economy of a country. All the primary motivations for a region to
touring expenditure incurred by foreign tourist is a promote itself as a tourism destination is
source of foreign exchange earnings. the expected economic improvement.
More and more tourist are attracted by Direct and secondary effect
good infrastructural facilities. At the same time,
when tourist come, much development of In order to measure the economic impact of
infrastructure takes place with the income tourism on the destination area, it is important to
generated. know the direct and secondary effect of visitors
expenditures on the economy of the area.
Thus, Hospitality and Tourism is an industry that
benefits almost every sector of the economy of a Direct Effect- the income is received directly tourist
nation. Both developing and developed nations of expenditures received as income by business such
the world are working to promote this industry to as:
accelerate growth and development in their
individual nations and in the world as a whole.
• Restaurants
Increased and
Raw Material
Imports (leakage)
Definition of tourism
Tourism comprise the activities of persons
traveling to staying in places outside their usual
environment for not more than one consecutive
year for the purpose of leisure, business and other
Accessibility (Reachability/Transportation)
Attraction (local)
Basic components
Resort Hotels
Farm Houses
Camping sites
Heritage Hotels
Art Galleries
Hill Stations
Manmade lake
& etc.
Accessibility (Reachability/transportation)
Fine weather with warm sunshine is one of Travel and tourism industry generally consists of
most important attractions of any tourist place. the following components.
Particularly good weather plays an important role
in making holiday pleasant or an unpleasant • Travel agency
experience. • Destination management companies (travel
• Scenic Attractions consultants)
Historical and cultural interest exercised Result of those productive activities that
tremendous influence over travelers. involve the provision of goods and services
required to meet tourism demand and which are • The Group Cottage
expressed in tourism consumption.
Group cottage belong to a subset of a the
vast family that is the cottage one and are intended
for the reception of large gatherings. The group
Supply components cottages therefore receive groups and accordingly
• Natural Resources and Environment have a very large welcoming capacity.
• The Cottage