8.Virology-Cell Culture

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Because viruses replicate only inside living cells, the cultivation of viruses requires
the use of appropriate hosts. Viruses infecting prokaryotes are typically the easiest
to grow in the laboratory. For the study of bacterial viruses, pure cultures are used
either in liquid or on semisolid (agar) media. Most animal viruses and many plant
viruses can be cultivated in tissue or cell cultures, and the use of such cultures has
enormously facilitated research on these viruses. Plant viruses can be more difficult
to work with, because their study sometimes requires use of the whole plant. This is
a problem because plants grow much slower than bacteria, and plant viruses also
often require a break in the thick plant cell wall in order to infect.

Cell Culture Preparation

Animal cell cultures are derived from cells originally taken from an organ of an
experimental animal. Unless blood cells are used, cell cultures are usually obtained
by aseptically removing pieces of tissue and dissociating the cells by treatment with
an enzyme that degrades the extracellular material that holds animal cells together.
The resulting cell suspension is spread over a flat surface, such as the bottom of a
culture flask or a Petri dish. The thin layer of cells adhering to the glass or plastic
dish, called a monolayer, is overlaid with a suitable culture medium and incubated
at a suitable temperature. The culture media used for cell cultures are typically quite
complex, containing a number of amino acids and vitamins, salts, glucose, and a
bicarbonate buffer system. To obtain the best growth, addition of a small amount of
blood serum is usually necessary to provide vital nutrients, and several antibiotics
are added to prevent bacterial contamination.

 Primary Cell Line

Primary cells most closely represent the tissue of origin. They are taken directly from
the tissue and processed to establish them under optimized culture conditions.
Because they are derived from tissue and not modified, they are more similar to the
in vivo state and exhibit normal physiology. For this reason, they provide excellent
model systems for studying the normal physiology and biochemistry of cells (e.g.,
metabolic studies, aging, signaling studies), and the effects of drugs and toxic
compounds on the cells. Keep in mind that primary cells have a limited lifespan and
will stop dividing (or senesce) after a certain number of cell divisions and can be
more difficult to culture and maintain than a continuous cell line. The variability
induced in primary cells acquired from donors and during subculture practices is a
major challenge faced by the researchers who study cell signaling pathways.
Researchers prefer to screen the cells for sensitivity to common stimuli before
embarking on signaling studies. Pre-screened primary cells save valuable resources
as they are stimulated for activation of major signaling pathways. The most popular
types of primary cells used in research are epithelial cells, fibroblasts, keratinocytes,
melanocytes, endothelial cells, muscle cells, hematopoietic and mesenchymal stem

 Diploid Cell Line

Diploid cultures have a finite lifespan. They usually can undergo a maximum of 20-
80 PDLs (Population Doubling Level) before they senesce. Normal human cells,
such as human skin fibroblasts, are one example of diploid cells. Most widely used
cells are those established from human embryonic lung such as WI-38.

 Continuous Cell Line

Continuous immortalized cell lines are comprised of a single cell type that can be
serially propagated in culture either for a limited number of cell divisions
(approximately thirty) or otherwise indefinitely. Cell lines of a finite life are usually
diploid and maintain some degree of differentiation. The fact that such cell lines
senesce after approximately thirty cycles of division means it is essential to establish
a system of Master and Working banks in order to maintain such lines for long
periods. Continuous immortalized cell lines that can be propagated indefinitely
generally have this ability because they have been transformed into tumor cells.
Tumor cell lines are often derived from actual clinical tumors, but transformation
may also be induced using viral oncogenes or by chemical treatments. Transformed
cell lines present the advantage of almost limitless availability, but the disadvantage
of having retained very little of the original in vivo characteristics. Most widely used
continuous cells are Hep-2 and HeLa cells derived from human carcinomas.

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