Robot Con Labview y Myrio
Robot Con Labview y Myrio
Robot Con Labview y Myrio
Campus Leganés
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Real Time means in time. In other words, a real-time system ensures that responses
occur in time, or on time. With general purpose operating systems, you cannot ensure
that a response occurs within any given time period, and calculations might finish much
later or earlier than expected
Nowadays there are many applications that need to be executed in time. In this project,
the idea is to make a first approach of a Real Time system, the environments that
allowed this kind of control and how a complete project is created; step by step.
It has been printed a 3D robotic arm that will be used to strengthen the concepts
explained by designing a complete applications to control it. In order to control this
prototype it will be used the myRIO, a device oriented to be used by students that are
interested in control applications developed in LabVIEW.
In this report it is explained from the theoretical concepts to the practical ones
developed in LabVIEW, going through the use of different available tools used for
transferring data from one part of the controller to the other.
General Index
Bibliography ...................................................................................................................... 90
Abbreviation Index
AI Analog Input
AO Analog Output
API Application Programming Interface
ARCP Advanced Rapid Control Prototyping
ASIC Application Specific Integrated Circuit
CASE Computer Aided Software Engineering
CAN Controller Area Network
cRIO Compact Reconfigurable Input Output
CPU Central Processing Unit
DMA Direct Memory Access
DI Digital Input
DO Digital Output
DOF Degree Of Freedom or Department Of Defense
ECM Embedded Control and Management
ECU Engine Control Unit
FPGA Field Programmable Gate Array
HDL Hardware Description Language
HMI Human Machine Interface
I/O Input-Output
IRQ Interrupt Request
LabVIEW Laboratory Virtual Instrumentation Engineering Workbench
LIN Local Interconnect Network
LVRT LabVIEW Real Time
MATLAB MATrix LABoratory
PCI Peripheral Component Interconnect
PID Proporcional-Integral-Derivativo
PIL Processor In the Loop
RAM Random AccessMemory
RCP Rapid Control Prototyping
RIO Reconfigurable Input Output
ROM Read Only Memory
RT Real Time
RTOS Real-TimeOperating System
SPI Serial Peripheral Interface
UART Universal Asyncronous Receiver/Transmitter
UML UnifiedModeling Language
USB Universal Serial Bus
VHDL VHSIC Hardware Description Language
VHSIC Very High Speed Integrated Circuits
VI Virtual Instrument
XCP Extended Calibration Protocol
Figure Index
Equation Index
1.1 Introduction
Now, let’s think in the case of industrial robots; more precisely, in robotic arms. What
would happen if for some reason they are not previously tested? Which consequences
may have if one of these devices does not stop when a user press the emergency
bottom? The objective of these two questions is to introduce the reader to the very
beginning of this project.
On one hand, during these months the idea was to improve an already design
prototype of a 6dof printable arm. For doing this, the main change is to replace the
controller and introduce a powerful type of control: Real Time control.
On the other hand, the idea was to learn how to implement a complete application with
a control different from what is learn during the degree. In this approach, the
environment used is LabVIEW, one of the most-used tools in industry, and the
controller myRIO. This controller is a device that allows students to learn and be
familiarized with this environment but is not design to use it for bigger applications.
1.2 Goals
The objective of this section is to fix the main objectives searched in this project. Firstly,
as it has been said, the aim of this project is to introduce the concept of Real-Time
controllers and its different possibilities.
For this, first it will be presented the Real Time concept and some of the possibilities
that are nowadays offered in the market. What is more, the reader will go around the
most important features of the Real Time environments, and afterwards focus in
LabVIEW and its different Modules.
In order to support all these concepts a robotic arm printed with a 3D printer in the
university will be controlled.
The idea behind this project is to find equilibrium of research and design of code. In this
Final Degree Project the objective is not only describe and initiate some concepts of
Control, but also to put in practice the concept that had been illustrated by controlling
real hardware.
One of the things that must be considered in this project is that the objective is to
illustrate the main concepts of Real Time control. Despite the fact that it will be used a
robotic arm, this hardware does not need such a powerful control. As it will be
mentioned, this kind of device may be controlled by an Arduino and using other kind of
The documentation used comes from two main flows. On one hand, for supporting
theoretical concepts the main research is made from other UC3M thesis from the same
Department and also from the National Instruments Online Documentation. On the
other hand, the main webpage to learn how to program are LabVIEW Manuals and
webpage of the company that created the controller (National Instruments).
In this section it is explained the different parts in which the process may be splitted.
First, graphically I represent the approximate time that I have spend in each single task
over a total time of project development, taking into account that the work started in
February and ends up in September.
In its correspondent order the several phases that composed this project are:
1. Real Time concept: this part is the main one and for that reason the first that was
needed. As it has been said the objective of this to understand and have a general
view of what Real Time is.
However, this part may be divided in two different phases: the one that includes a
study of what is Real Time Concept and how it can be applied to control, and the
other one is the one that concerns the knowledge of the Real Time Module used:
the one that is included in LabVIEW environment. For this part there will be used
some thesis from the UC3M such as the one from Antonio Flores and also the
manuals of the LabVIEW Real Time Module.
2. LabVIEW: This is the environment that will be used for developing the examples.
The time spent in this phase was basically used for getting used to the software
and its graphical programming.
3. Arm Print Out: as it can be seen in the graph, this is the phase that takes the
largest amount of time. This will be explained along other chapters but it can be
explained by saying that the print put process was in the university and the printers
used were not always available.
4. Arm Building: This process concerns to the building part. It consist in join all the
pieces together and include the seven servo motors in order to have the complete
arm assembled and connections and prepared to use.
5. Kinematics: in order to be able to control the robotic arm it is needed to know the
theoretical basis on how does it moves and which limitation does it have. For his
section the Final Degree Project made by Antonio Castro and the kinematic study
of this arm made by Carlos Rodriguez.
6. FPGA: this is one of the most challenge parts for this project. In this phase it starts
from zero studying the concept of FPGA and how do they usually work and then, I
have made the online FPGA training available for students from National
Finally, this section includes some previous simple projects developed in order to
being familiarized with this tool before trying to control the arm.
7. Developing Examples: in this part is included the two practical examples designed
in order to understand the differences between traditional control and Real Time
Additionally, in these two examples are shown some differences between both
platforms. The main one is the difference between having a code only run in
hardware or a system which has some hardware support but needs also to have
some special software available.
8. Memory: after having all the ideas, the concepts obtained in the training and the
examples implemented, it is the time to write up so that anyone that is interested in
this topic may have all these information putted together.
1.4 Tools
The objective of this section is mainly highlighting the tools that are used in the whole
project and whether they would be explained later in any chapter or not, have a brief
explanation about them.
In this section there will be mentioned these tools that have done this project being
able. In order to achieve the objectives that have already mentioned, along the
complete development there have been used the following tools:
1.4.1 Thingverse
Thingverse is a web page that is used by users of 3D printers, laser cutters, milling
machines, not only people that design each own pieces, but also by people like me in
this project that is looking for a specific object.
It is a website which objective is sharing digital design files created by many users. It
was created in 2008 and nowadays has more than 400 million designs uploaded. It
provides open source hardware designs and the idea is not only to allow other users to
build the design but also to invite others to improve the design.
The idea of this platform is creating a place where you can search by different
categories and download some of the designs in order to printed it or maybe make
some customization first. This is a tool that is specially mentioned because has been
made possible to show the control of a robotic arm without design it.
The advantage of this website is that you can choose from more than one design in
order to have the design that fix better in the application you want to develop. In case
of robotic arm there were three that may have been chosen regarding to the features
that were looked for.
This tool was also used to compare different functionalities for robotic arms that were
already design. However, none of them fulfill the expectations and for this reason, the
last link of the arm was personally design to obtain a simple functionality that allows the
reader to see how Real Time Control Works.
For this project the robotic arm was printed in the university. For this reason, there
have been used three different tools for the printing process. In the beginning, the idea
was to print every piece using the same printer, but in order to save time and avoid
breakdowns; the final decision was to use both available printers.
The idea of this section is to describe the main features of both printers and the tools
used in order to be able to print. This will be important because, three printers mean
different tools to control them.
The objective is to describe the differences and common characteristics of both tools.
Although the printers that have been used are explained in the Printing Process
Section from chapter tools, it is necessary to know which software allows print with
them the pieces downloaded.
Before explaining the tools used it is important to clarify how them work. The procedure
for printing is similar for every 3D printer; one of the common things is that the piece
design may be stored in different file formats: GCode and stl are the two of them that
are used in this project.
In both cases, the piece at the beginning will be in a .stl format. STL stand for Stereo
Lithography, this kind of file can be generated in any CAD software and it defines the
geometry of the piece that will be printed. This format does not included color, texture
and physical properties information.
In both tools, the stl will be loaded from the program. These environments allow the
user to visualize the piece that will be printed and to resize it if needed. Afterwards,
there will be generated a GCode.
GCode files are files with which user tell computerized machine tools how to make the
piece. This file contains every instruction that needs to be follow by the printer in order
to have the piece printed: where to move, how fast to move and through which path.
The GCode is generated according to some parameters. They allow the user to define
how fill is the piece, the pattern that is followed inside or the thickness that must have
the piece borders.
Once generated the GCode there is only some things to take into account. One of them
is the temperature that needs to have the extruder and platform. They may be found in
the GCode already generated. When both elements reach the temperature needed the
printing process is prepared to start. Replicator G
This is the software that will be used in order to print with the oldest printer that was
available in the department: a MakerBot Things-o-matic. Replicator G is software that
will drive not only MakerBot Replicator and Thing-O-Matic but also is compatible with
RepRap machine and also generic CNC machines.
You can give it a GCode or STL file to process, it can take the needed data from both.
It is cross platform, easily installed and based on Arduino/Processing environments. In
the Figure is shown how it seems:
Figure 2. Replicator G Appearance
For printing the piece is necessary to select the printer, connect the program to the
printer, fix temperature, generate the GCode and click the printing bottom. It is possible
to know the time that the software estimates the piece to be printed.
It is simple host software, which is compatible with most firmware around. In this case
is used to control the Prusa Air 2. This is newer software but it works in a similar way
as the Replicator G.
It is possible to add and position some designs stored in stl files. It may simulate all the
pieces oriented and slice them together. For slicing, it is used the Slic3r slicer or the
Skeinforge. In this case, contrary to the other software, after generating the GCode is
possible to change some parameters. This was necessary in order to calibrate the
This software was also used for controlling a third printer used. This was not available
in the beginning of the printing process but, during the semester has been changed for
new ones.
Figure 3. Repetier Apparience
1. LabVIEW
The third but most important section in this chapter of tools is LabVIEW. As it will be
explain, it is the programmatic environment in which I will build the examples of Real
Time Control.
It is designed to have similar work spaces for every kind of control and project. The
advantage of this environment is that has specific modules design only to have Real
Time systems and has many common codes already implemented.
It is important to know that this environment may be replaced by others with similar
capacities such as the ones related to MathWorks. However, as it was also known how
works the controller with LabVIEW, it was decided to use this one.
As long as the reader goes through the document, he will be able to read in detail
some features that are particular from the environment. There will be a concrete
description of two of the modules that allows the user to have Real Time control in two
different manners.
1.4.3 RepRap
This is a web page mainly written by fans of 3D printing and designs and all the
devices that allow every new users access to useful information. It is an online web
page that has growth through the collaboration of specialists dispersed all around the
world from varied fields such as mechanics, electronics & computers facilitated by this
incredible network.
From this web page I have been able to find out every information described about the
printers and some materials used in this 3D printing world.
1.4.4 yWorks
This is a free software tool that will be used to design every flow diagram that describes
the functionality of the Real-Time project that has been implemented. Also it will be
used to create the diagrams that show the user the types of data transfer used and the
elements that compose the Real-Time system.
1.4.5 Inkscape
This tool is a free downloadable software tool used to draw vectorial designs. In this
project is used to design a custom control for the User Interface. This could also be
done by using Photoshop or similar tools.
This is a known tool used to redact the memory. After having the whole project Report
done the Adobe Reader was used to create save it in PDF format.
Chapter 2: Arm chosen & Print Out
Chapter 2: Arm chosen and Print out
Before going through more complex concepts such as Real Time and the controller, it
will be described the robotic arm with which the demos will be developed. As it have
been said in the introduction the objective of this project is to introduce the reader into
Real Time concepts and for doing this I have decided to take an already designed arm
and print it out.
Although the design of the printable arm is not part of the project, the selection of which
prototype would be controlled is it included in the workaround.
One of the first things to do in this project was the choice of the arm to control. First of
all, it must be said that the final prototype needs to combine both, the simplicity of a
3D-approach and also the sophistication of a robotic arm.
As the idea of the project was to design the software application needed to control a
real robotic arm, the functionality of the model chosen must be the more similar as
possible as a real one. For this reason one of the requirements for the final decision
includes six different degrees of freedom.
In addition, the design of the arm selected needs to be easily printable. In this part,
there were some important facts to be considered for the choice:
a. The time spent in printing it out should not be long and it must be the cheapest as
possible. For these causes, the size of the model should not be extremely big.
b. Each piece must be design for being printed. What is more, in this part it must be
verify that there is no any piece that cannot be printed in a 3D printer. In this
section are included some restrictions as:
➔ Avoid curvatures as much as possible. If curvatures are required, they can be done
afterwards by smoothing over the piece manually.
➔ Try to have small pieces despite the fact that the arm is constituted by more
components. Unavoidably there would be some problems when printing, if a small
piece must be stopped there would be less plastic wasted.
c. Every piece of the arm must be available and easily accessible to be downloaded
and therefore, printed.
In this case, finally was chosen a design that before this project was controlled with an
Arduino. Moreover, it was designed by a student from the same university 2 years
The objective of the chapter is to allow the user to have a concrete idea of which is the
appearance of the robotic arm and more precisely, how has been printed and mounted.
In the following parts, there will be described all the processes needed to physically
have the prototype mounted and prepared to be controlled.
Although in the first chapter of the memory there is a section in which there have been
explained the tools used in order to print the arm, in this part the idea is to specify the
types of plastic that composed the arm and explain which printers have been used for
having all the pieces done.
As it has been introduced in the first chapter there have been used three different
printers. For being able to understand the differences between pieces printed in each
of them in this section they are going to be introduced. In the printing process the 3D
printers used are:
It is based on an Arduino. This controller is the one that makes the servos move in
order to follow the instructions that are saved in the GCode that is generated from
the stl of the piece desired.
This 3D printer is composed of a base that is able to get heated up and is where
the plastic falls. This surface must be as smooth as possible, usually is used a
mirror because of its price. Additionally, it must be easy to clean up, in this case it is
not a mirror, and this printer has a metallic base made of aluminum. It also has a
wood skeleton that supports all the mechanism and determines the maximum size
of the piece that can be printed with that device.
- Prusa Air 2: this is a newer printer and was designed by Joseph Prusa who has
simplified the building process of the printer. This device has a simple structure: it
has the base and a vertical part in which four servo motors are located. These
motors control the movement along X and Z axis.
This structure is not made of wood as the MakerBot. It is made of plastic plates and
the extruder moves along a metallic axis. Linear bearings are used for the Y Axis
and T2.5 belts and aluminum pulleys for the motion transmission. Its base is made
of mirror and is bigger than the other one. For this reason, in this printer it is
allowed to all pieces that are bigger that the others.
- Prusa i3 steel: this printer has been used for small amount of pieces in this project.
It is very similar to the previous one and this may be explain because both are
made of the same manufactory and also because this one is a combination of two
previous ones in which we can find the Prusa air.
The structure is very similar to the previous one but they have some differences,
one of them is the fact that the plastic role of this one is not located in the upper
part. Also, this one is made by 3mm steel plates which are cheaper but more heavy
than the aluminous. For this reason this skeleton is more compact and tough than
the previous one.
These two last printers are more precisely than the other and because of this, the most
complex pieces, the ones that has curvature or small protrusions, are printed in these
two last ones.
As it has been mentioned, there are two different plastics used to build all the pieces.
These are special plastics used for 3D printers because of its low melting points and its
price. They may be of different colors and thickness. These two kinds of plastic are:
- PLA: is a bio-degradable polymer that can be produced from lactic acid, which can
be fermented from crops such as maize. This makes it an ideal candidate for use in
certain energy rich, cash poor areas of the world.PLA is harder than ABS, melts at
a lower temperature (around 180°C to 220°C), and has a glass transition
temperature between 60-65 °C, so is potentially a very useful material
It is dimensionally stable, so there is no need for a heated bed. You can get slightly
higher quality surface finish with ABS over PLA, but on the whole PLA works better
in the machine, requiring lower temperatures and giving stronger, more hard-
wearing products. Its lower viscosity when molten means lower pressure in the melt
chamber and hence a lower driving force. However, it is important to know that PLA
filament can break when stored under stress.
It is easier to buy and requires less force to extrude than PLA as it has a lower
coefficient of friction. ABS is amorphous and therefore has no true melting point;
however 230°C is the standard for printing. This makes its extrusion characteristics
better for small parts, compared to PLA. The downside of ABS is that it has to be
extruded at a higher temperature: Its glass transition temperature is ~105 °C.
It must be said that despite the fact there are two kinds of plastic; the building process
of the arm was tedious. As both plastics were different, they have different dilatation
coefficients so it the pieces do not fixed as desired.
After chosen out which prototype of arm will be used to demonstrate different types of
control in this project, it must be printed. This is not a complex step. As in Thingverse
the model is download in a format compatible with the printers, the only thing needed to
print is time and plastic.
One of the advantages of the design chosen was that it was fully design to print it out.
For this reason it has only a few complex pieces: basically the base.
As it can be seen in the Figure 5, these two big pieces have two critical points:
1. The first one is the complexity of making both fix without any problem. For this
reason they both were printed with the same printer and plastic. Also it was needed
to maintain the same configuration in both printing processes.
2. The other critical point was the fact that both pieces were big but the problematic
parts were printed at the end. In this way if something was wrong in that part all the
piece must be rejected. Taking into account that the problematic parts were the
junctions because of its thickness.
After having every piece of the arm printed, there two things left to do. The first one, is
deciding the functionality of the arm, this means: which would be the extremely piece
that defines which activities this arm is able to carry out.
The other thing left was mounting every piece together. In order to make this, it is
necessary to make some tiny holes that allow joining the parts with screws. At this
moment is time to introduce the servos in the correct place so that the building process
moves on.
When the arm is almost finished, more specifically, when there is just left the last link or
piece, then it can be seen that every servos is located in its final position and after
verifying that every servo is moving correctly it is time to define the usefulness of the
2.3 Arm Functionality
Before explaining the idea of which applications may simulate or be done by the robotic
arm developed in this project, a general view of what can be done by real and 3D
robotic arms will be carried out.
Nowadays, we are living in an innovation age where there are many works that are
developed by robots and each month there is a new application example of task made
by robotic devices. In industry dangerous task or jobs that need of strength are now
developed by non-human devices. In this section we will see some of this task and
more precisely how one of them will be adapted for a 3D arm.
Just to show some examples of robots that are used in industry and its functionality I
have used the FANUC Web page to take some real photographs. FANUC is the
number one in factory automation and in the last 60 years has been innovating in order
to increase its productivity.
They are mainly dedicated to build robots. As it is shown in the Figure 6, there the
typical utilities are: printing, palletized, welding, handing and vision. But they may
combine two or more different tools in the same arm or use for another task such as
writing or pushing object.
As in the project from which the arm is, the only thing that is not maintained from the
previous project is the arm functionality.
As the objective of this study is to demonstrate how powerful is the Real Time Control
and give more than one example of controlling using this type of control, the idea was
to allow the arm to do from simple to difficult tasks. However, with a clamp this
functionality may seem the same as the one obtained with an Arduino.
The idea that was finally carried out was to develop a tool that allows the user changing
the utility of this prototype. Taking the idea of one of the pictures from that web page,
the objective was to design a piece that may be equivalent but made in 3D. For these
reasons, the functionality of the arm will be defined with a simple but powerful piece
that may allow the user to try many different tasks.
In the Figure 7 is shown how was made the transformation. In the FANUC tool they
used it from repetitive task such as screw or label to control the movements in order to
make the arm write something by making it holding a felt-tip pen.
The 3D piece show, which is the one that is printed already, may be used to pick any
cylindrical tool such as a pen, or a punch to make the demonstrations. This piece was
thought to complete the arm simulating some real robots that may be used not only to
write, but also to make jobs that in industry would be dangerous and difficult to be
developed by a human worker. The task I am thinking about are welding or picking
some big elements with a suction pad.
This piece will be located at the end of the arm and despite the fact of its size; it is able
to take different pens by a screw mechanism that allows holding the objects.
Chapter 3: Controller and electronic
Chapter 3: Controller and electronic Hardware
For moving this robotic arm prototype the original servos chose by the designer of the
arm will almost be maintained. With this, only one of the seven servos used is replaced
by other known model.
In this final assembly there are only two different types of servos. The objective of this
section is to explain the main features of both, not that specific as in a datasheet but
the enough characteristics for understanding how they are going to be moved.
Firstly, a servo motor is an electric motor that runs using a control loop and requires
feedback of some kind. Commonly, it contains a train of reduction gears and a
potentiometer connected to the output shaft.
1. The first possibility is to control the position by using the output of the
potentiometer. This method is based on a simple methodology. What is done is
continually compare this position output to the commanded position from the
control. Any difference is traduced into a signal that makes the servo move in the
correct direction (either forwards or backwards).
When the servo becomes nearer the position desired it reduce the velocity so when
it reaches that specific position this signal becomes zero and the servo stops
If the servo position changes from that commanded, whether this is because the
command changes, or because the servo is mechanically pushed from its set
position, the error signal will re-appear and cause the motor to restore the servo
output shaft to the position needed
However the servos used in this project does not have this output of the
potentiometer accessible. For this reason, they would be controlled by using a
2. The second possibility is control the servos by providing then a PWM signal. This
will be the one used so a more specific explanation will be given. First of all, PWM
stands for Pulse Width Modulation. It is a common technique that may be used in
two different applications:
However, if you do not have a Digital To Analog converter you cannot get
information from an analog value as only you can detect if there is a specific
voltage, 0 to 5 volts for example ( digital values of 0 and 1 ), but this system is not
able to measure an analog value .
However, the PWM in conjunction with a digital oscillator, a counter and an AND
gate and door-step could easily implement an ADC. An example of circuit that may
be used to create this kind of signal is shown in the Figure 8.
The way it works is essentially controlling the amount of power, in the perspective
of the voltage component, which is given to a device by cycling the on-and-off
phases of a digital signal quickly and varying the width of the "on" phase or duty
cycle. Duty cycle can be defined as the percentage of a total period in which the
signal is active being the period the time it takes for a signal to complete an on-and-
off cycle.
If we define D as the duty cycle, t the time the signal is active and T the total period.
The duty cycle may be calculated as:
To the device, this would appear as a steady power input with an average voltage
value, which is the result of the percentage of the on time. The duty cycle is
expressed as the percentage of being fully (100%) on.
- The other application and its main purpose is actually to control the power that is
supplied to various types of electrical devices, most especially to inertial loads such
as AC/DC motors. For illustrating this second use the Figure 9 shows an example
with one of the servomotors that will be used in this project and how its position
change depending on the pulse with the user fix.
In the practical part, the way to move the robotic arm that has been printed is by
generating 7 different PWM signals. Depending on the position desired by the user,
the project will allow by means of a user interface to vary the position of the servos
by changing the value of the pulse with.
Once it is clear the control mode with which the servos in this project are controlled, it
will be explain the main characteristics of these two models used.
The first thing that must be said regarding to servo motors is that most of them have a
three wire interface. Commonly, they have a red wire for the input voltage, a black wire
for ground and a white or orange wire for the control signal.
Before taking into account the characteristics of the servos used, it is necessary to
know how they would be feed. In the beginning the idea was to take advantage of the
myRIO capacity to supply voltage signals. However, this idea was discard because of
the possibility the controller does not have enough capacity. What is more, it was
tested and with the myRIO just four motors may be fed.
Taking into account that the arm needs to have seven servomotors feed in order to be
able to move the way desired, the final decision was to use an external power supply in
order to be sure that there is no problem of supplying. However, if the arm needs to be
moved the supply may be done with the controller with some additional supply such as
a battery.
After knowing how they are feed, the objective of this section is to review the important
features of the motors. In this part, it is explained not only the ones used but also the
other with which the arm has been tested too. Servos used
Futaba S3003
The first type of actuator used to move the robotic arm is the Futaba S3003. This first
type is the biggest one. Its size is 40x20x36mm volume and it can be move 120º range
from one extreme to the other. It needs 5-7, 5 Volts to work correctly.
As it may be seen in the datasheet, this is a servo motor that is control by a pulse with
modulation that may vary from 500 to 3000 micro seconds and it will be used for the
base and the first two joints. As it is bigger, it’s with is bigger too so it will help the arm
to be more static.
In order to have a bigger range in the base, there will be two of this servos located in a
way that both range does not coincide. For this reason the arm will be able to move
double its base position. This is the only model finally maintain after the test because is
cheap and it fulfill all the requirements.
This actuator is known as micro servo because of its size and weight. At first, the idea
was to maintain the one specified by the designer of the arm but that other type did not
work correctly. This micro servo is offered by Arduino and its weight is only 9g.
It fits the arm because he dimensions are very similar to the order, from the
specification sheet: 22.2 x 11.8 x 31 mm and its movement range is 180º. They are
also controlled with a PWM signal and needs 5V to work correctly.
This is one of the 2 models that have been changed from the one that were selected by
the arm creator. This servo was chosen because of its higher par and its lower price
regarding to the one previously chosen.
As it can be seen in the datasheet, this servo also is feed with 5V its movement range
is only 60 degrees and its torque goes up to 9.5 kg-cm.
The second kind of servo that will be used is the Tower Pro MG90. This is a smaller
servo that will be very useful in the latest parts because of its small size and weight. Its
data is: 23x11x24mm and only 9,5g. For this reason it will be used in the wrist to move
the arm.
One of the advantages of this servo is that despite its small dimensions it is able to
move 1,5kg/cm and has a range of 120º. This makes possible some applications for
which the arm will be used.
Finally, this servo needs to be feed with a voltage that may vary from 3 to 5 Volts and
has a neutral pulse with of 1500 micro seconds.
Dinamixel xl -320
This servo was tested for various reasons. The main one was its modularity, this
means that although in this case was tested the smaller one, this servos are design to
work the same way with the bigger ones.
In this case, they were finally not used because of the price and the difficulty of needing
7.4 V to feed them.
After knowing the servos that will be used and having every piece printed, it is time to
show the connections of the arm. In this section, it will be shown not only how to take
every cable coming from the servo motors to the arm base but also the pins used in the
controller for every servo and how it is needed to locate the cables to allow the
maximum efficiency of the arm and the largest movements.
For this part some images from the Final Degree Project made by Antonio Castro are
used. Some connections are maintained but some others have been changed in order
to use newer materials available in electronics shops.
It is also important to take into account that in this case, there are only three cables for
each servo contrary to the arm built by Antonio. In that case he controls the servos by
taking an additional cable from the servo to now the position by using the potentiometer
output. In this case, at is has been explained it will be used the signal cable to fix the
position using PWM signals.
Finally it must be mentioned that for making the instructions easer to follow, there will
be maintained the nomenclature of every am and servo in the arm that is used in
Antonio Project. Just to clarify each piece and name is:
- Part 0: This is the base of the arm. It is fixed to a wooden piece that allows the arm
to be stable. This piece is composed by 3 big pieces that has been mentioned in
the printing section and there it is inserted the servo motor A1
Figure 9. Robotic Arm: Part 0
- Part 1: This second part is located on the top of the first one and it is composed by
4 pieces. It has two servo motors inserted on it. One of them allows the arm to
move 360º if it is correctly fix with servo A1. This second servo is the A2 and the
third one, located in one of the sides, is used to move part 2 and it will be named
- Part 2: The third part is used to move the main arm; it is composed by 14 pieces
and is moved by servo A3. There is no servo motor located on it but in this piece
there will be cables from the upper motors fixed on its intermediate part.
- Part 4: This part is used to provide one of the 3 DOF (Degree Of Freedom) to the
end of the arm. It is composed by three small pieces and servo motor A6 will be
located on it.
- Part 5: This is the last part that is taken from the original device. It is composed by
3 pieces and to this part is connected also the tool design. The servo left is located
here and will be named as A7.
This part will be shown the how to connect the cables from the servo motors along the
arm. For this reason, it will be shown mainly with images:
The Figure 16 show the appearance of the complete arm mounted. For connecting
every cable there are some materials needed:
- Unipolar cables (de Arduino): these cables are used in order to take the signal from
the servo to the controllers. They are cables that already have the connector when
bought it so it is faster to build these connections.
- Perforated plate: It is used in order to feed every servo motor together with one
source. With this perforated plate every positive and ground supply cables are
welded together. This is shown in Figure 18.
- Lined heat shrink tube: this special material allows to group together in the same
tube as cables as needed. With this, only are shown 4 tubes and not 3 small cables
for each motor (total of 21) and is weirder that a cable may be disconnected or be
fastened with any piece of the arm.
- Heater: This tool will be used in order to heat the lined heat shrink tube and make it
tighten itself.
- Screwdriver: it would be used to rebuild some parts of the arm in order to locate the
cables in between.
This step is very arduous because there are some problematic parts that require
unbuilding some parts of the arm. These problematic ones will be shown now in order
to allow the user to build this prototype if needed.
1- The first thing is to measure approximately the length needed to have the cables
connected to the controller but with enough play. In the table it is shown the
measurements of each of the cables connected.
Servo motor A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 A7
Length (cm) 28 28 28 48 37 57 57
2- The cables coming from the three smaller servos must be located inside the arm
parts. It is needed to unscrew the intermediate part so that it may be taken off and
then locate the cables there.
3- It is also important to know that the groups off cables that are connected in the
controller are divided in two different parts in order to have the maximum movement
freedom. For these reason there are 3 servos connected together and the other two
separately. It can be seen in the Figure 16 (la del principio)
After having all the cables coming from the servos down to the base, it is the time to
describe how they are connected to the controller. Although the controller is not jet
explained, it is important to take into account that the one used is a myRIO 1900.
The myRIO is a device that has been design only for student use. It is composed by a
micro controller and a PFGA. The idea behind is to allow students getting used to Real
Time and FPGA control applications and also be familiarize with applications of Data
Acquisition and Conditioning.
This section is focused on the I/O available in the controller, but this device has also an
available accelerometer and Audio I/O. From the datasheet it may be seen that there
are not only analog and digital I/O but also preconfigured PWM I/O. However, as the
signals that are used to control the arm are totally generated from zero, the I/O use are
the digital ones from connectors A and B. There are two kinds of cables on this:
1. Supply cables: these are 14 in total, one positive and one ground for each servo. In
this case it was decided to use an extern supply in which the seven motors were fed.
For doing this, all the supply cables will be weld in a perforated plate.
As it has been said before, in the beginning the idea was to feed them with the myRIO
but, afterwards it was decided to connect this way in order to avoid bigger problems
and unpredictable servos movements.
2. Signal cables: these are connected to the DO signals of the myRIO. Depending on
the sample project in one pin or others. In this part it is illustrated the connection of the
servo signal cables for the RT process which is the most complex one.
In the control field there are some different levels depending on various factors that
defines how complex does the system may be, the accuracy and response time of the
control process.
Depending on these factors there may be found different types of control. In this
chapter it will be presented one of the most complex concepts when talking about
control: Real Time concept.
Real Time concept is based on synchronous languages. The idea is to have a system
that will execute its tasks in a certain time, for sure. When designing a Real Time
System there are some key aspects to have in mind:
1. The system will have a code divided in some parts that need to be executed in a
specified time. In order this to happen, first the user needs to fix the time that the
code has to be executed.
2. In a complex system there will be more than one task. Each task will have its own
priority and the objective when designing the system is to define the priority with
which the code will be executed.
3. Not every function and not in every target it can be implemented this kind of codes.
For example, a common RT Application is a closed-loop control that would benefit
from using RT because it must produce an output based on input values in a
guaranteed time frame. This will be the case of a PID control system or an ECU
(Engine Control Unit) modeling that may be simulated with a closed-loop.
For this reason, it is important to learn which applications need to run in a Real Time
Operation System (RTOS) or can be considering General Purpose Applications. In this
second group there can be included Data Acquisition, Offline Analysis or instrument
control whether it is advisable to use RTOS for time critical decisions or extended run
time applications.
In this chapter first will be explained the base of the Real Time Control. Afterwards,
there will be explained the main features and the main environments that may be used.
Finally, the environment chosen for this project, LabVIEW, will be better introduced.
One of the main factors that may introduce delay in the control system is the presence
of more software but the one needed to control. As it will be explained, one of the most
important advantages that are introduced when talking about Real Time concept is that
there are used targets that do not need any additional software installed, such as
4.1.1 Real Time Base
1. Transformational Systems: are used to take some inputs and deliver them as
outputs after a processing procedure. Once executed, they stop until they are
asked to execute again. An example of this system may be a compiler.
2. Interactive Systems: interact continuously with the environment. Its state and
outputs depend on its inputs, for example the web.
3. Reactive Systems: they are computer systems in which iterations with the
environment are prominent aspect; this means that they are periodically executed.
They must therefore react to stimuli from the environment within strict time bounds
when they are running. For this reason they are often also called real-time systems,
and are found often in embedded systems
The problem of specifying, programming and verifying Real Time reactive systems,
together with the definition of appropriate development environments, is still an
important research problem that has been doing some important progress, the
following being widely accepted.
There exist appropriate design methods, programming languages and environments for
transformational systems. In the case of reactive systems, like Real Time process
controllers the need for formal verification methods and tools is even more crucial than
for transformational ones because strong reliability requirements are associated with
Synchronous programming languages were born in France in the 1980s. The first
SRPs were Esterel, Lustre and Signal but afterwards, there appeared some more new
ones. Nowadays, the most important ones in this field are:
- Lustre: was created in the 1980s. In has been progressing to a more practical,
industrial use as a core language of the SCADE environment. It is used for critical
control software in aircraft, helicopters and nuclear power plants.
- Esterel: the main functionality that characterizes this synchronous programming
language is the fact that it allows the simple expression of parallelism and, for this
reason; it is well suited for control model designs.
To take a concrete example, the Esterel statement “every 60 second emit minute”
specifies that the signal “minute” is exactly synchronous with the 60-th occurrence
of the signal “second”.
- SIGNAL: was the first designed for signal processing applications in the beginning
of the 1980s. Since then, it has adopted a dataflow and block diagram style with
array and sliding windows operators.
- Atom: was created in 2007 by Thomas Hawkins. It is a DSL in Haskell for hard Real
Time embedded programming. It is a programming language design for embedded
systems that offers compile-time task and generates code deterministically.
Moreover, it eliminates the need for using mutex locks.
CASE Tools
CASE stands for Computer Aided Software Engineering. These tools represent a
combination of programs which objective is increasing the performance and reliability in
software development. The idea behind is to reduce the amount of time and resources
needed for the system development.
In order to reach this entire objective, a CASE tool uses programming languages based
on graphical tools. They provide a high level abstraction that helps the user to define
the functionality desired in a more intuitively way. Additionally, these tools automate all
the writing processes: they used code in textual format and also they automate the
error checking and adjust all so that they all fulfill the security laws.
These Tools may be work in different fields. There exist some CASE tools oriented only
to the design of user interfaces; others are focus on simulation o programming
embedded hardware devices.
In order to be more specific and have a concrete idea of which is CASE Tools it may be
mentioned some ones such as MATLAB/SIMULINK, LabVIEW and every tools that
belongs to IBM Rational.
- MATLAB and SIMULINK are tools that normally are used in embedded control
applications and one of the advantages that can be found is the big amount of
additional software tools that helps the designer when creating the application.
This additional software packs are known as toolboxes.
- LabVIEW has large of industrial hardware devices that are design only to
control with this tool. Although the controller used in this project is controlled by
LabVIEW it was design for students.
- IBM Rational is able to support large and different kinds of applications, from
embedded control systems to user interfaces located in a PC. However, it does
not have additional toolboxes.
After having a general view about RT concept, its origin and some tools used, the
objective of this section is to provide a look over the most important environments in
the market that also allow this kind of control by offering hardware compatible with it.
These environments are the actual solutions used for RCP in sectors such as
aeronautic or industrial one.
The idea is to show briefly some of the possibilities that are available for these
graphical tools, its advantages and some disadvantages too. Although cRIO and
myRIO are not included in this section, they will be explained in the next one.
In this first part it is explained the way to work with MATLAB/SIMULINK is the one
shown in the Figure 22. First, it is necessary to create a model of the plant that will be
used in the application, which is the one containing every element to control.
Afterwards, a control algorithm is created and then the RCP Hardware is programmed
and tested before applicate everything in the real plant.
These I/O targets are designed in the way that they may be placed one up to the other.
In this configuration they are connected to a PCI interface that stands for Peripheral
Component Interconnect. For this reason, the appearance of these RCP Systems is
used to be a large vertical tower.
The way to work with this RCP system consists in using Simulink to create a visual
model of the control system that is desired. Simulink allows the user to modify
parameters of the controller as well as to purify the performance of the system of
control. Simulink will compile this final model and will load it in the working station. This
working station needs to have installed the RT software of xPC Target; this in the xPC
target where the model of control will be executed. The communication between both
computers is done via Ethernet.
When working within this environment is necessary to know that in order to have a
computer working in RT it is needed a host PC where the Simulink model is developed
and from where data is received and sent from and to the Target. As it is shown in the
Figure, it is also possible to have the system working completely alone but
For this issue, there is a box from MathWorks that allows running the model as
executable; this box is known as xPC Target Embedded Option.
The process to create a digital embedded controller based on a PC of this type is made
by using an intermediate element that allows the target two different things: on one
hand to know how the system is configured and on the other hand to be able to
communicate with the different I/O that in this case are connected directly to the xPC
target. This intermediate element may be a special SD card (in the first case the
system will be a Single Board Computer (SBC)) or a compact CD ROM that contains
all the information.
The main disadvantage of this architecture is that the size and energy use are not
designed to be embedded control systems. Moreover, the shortage of these
intermediate builders in industry makes the price of an xPC Target based system being
very high. For this reason this is not the environment that is used for education or in
any university laboratory.
Within the large programming applications made using the xPC Target toolbox there is
no way to control different RT tasks. One of the problems that will be found here is that
every I/O needed is added with PCI Targets. However, this Toolbox is used in industry
for controlling exoskeletons or mechatronic robots. They are mainly control task for
electronic systems, motors and electric storage. dSPACE
dSPACE was created in 1988 and it is focus on providing products, not only software
but also hardware for Rapid Control Prototyping (RCP). The software and hardware
products that dSPACE® offers are integrate in Matlab/Simulink as additional tools in
the form of specific toolboxes, largely oriented to control. They are used in industrial
fields such as the automotive, aerospace, medical devices and production lines.
dSPACE Systems may be splitted in two different tendencies:
1. The first one is focused on testing the different control models by using an
intermediate RT Targets that are only used to prototyping. When creating the visual
model in Simulink, there are used some simulated models which are known as PIL
that stands for Processor-in-the-loop.
2. The other one is oriented to test the RT model and the plant simulation, all
executed in a RT simulation model known as HIL that stand for Hardware-in-the-
loop. In this model there is a virtual industry plant and a RT controller , both running
on Real-Time hardware, with sampling times of the order of microseconds
dSPACE hardware is design to work with HIL. It has a high computational power
mainframe. Most of the RCP from dSPACE systems use IBM PowerPC processors that
will be briefly explained in the following section. The FPGA is only used to treat high-
frequency digital signals by using expansion modules I / O.
The processor that executes the Simulink model is located in a PCI target, running
under the Real-Time Operating System QNX. Similarly to the case of xPC Targets,
these cards are used as expansion parts, providing I / O capabilities to PC. In the
Figure 24 is shown an example of one of the cards that can be included in this group of
This is the DS1104 card. It also has a microcontroller from Texas Instruments with a
processor unit that allows 16-bit floating-point calculation, operating at a clock
frequency of 20 MHz, with 32KB of ROM program memory and 8 KB of RAM. It
provides 7 PWM outputs, 4 inputs PWM 1 SPI port and 14 digital I / O further. Its
estimated cost is 950€ or 4800€ together with its toolboxes for Simulink.
Apart from this card, there are others which have larger capacities. On them each part
is separated; one example of this may be a card with a RT processor of 1GHz which
has additionally expansion cards that provide I / O module connectors. There is a wide
portfolio adapting to the complex or specific needs that are required.
Regarding the RCP systems whose operation is completely independent from a PC,
dSPACE offers a hardware called Micro-Autobox in smaller format that uses the IBM
PowerPC processor with 900 MHz, or a slightly larger format with Intel ATOM
processor size. The version with Intel processor may not work in Real-Time with the
QNX operating system.
It should be noted that this is a RCP system that is slightly oriented to be used in
automotive applications. For this reason, its CAN and LIN interfaces are supported for
car control calibration protocol standardized by bus or through other communication
interfaces, in that case being referred Calibration Protocol extended (XCP).
To provide I/O capabilities to these RCP will be providing the appropriate I/O cards. In
Real-time Micro-AutoBox systems an expansion card I/O can only be installed. The
price for universities, together with its toolboxes Simulink and card I / O, is around
12,500€ per unit. The Figure shows how these expansion cards Micro-AutoBox system
are connected.
Each I/O available functionality has its own toolbox that is sold separately. It can be
found a generic toolbox for managing Real-time processor, controlling the RT operating
system QNX tasks and associated toolboxes they will be needed to cards expansion.
In the Figure it is shown the graphical programming blocks available for the CAN bus of
any RCP belonging to dSPACE systems. There are set of blocks called RTI (Real-Time
Interfaces) CAN.
Figure 26. dSpace Real Time Interface for CAN
The family of IBM Rational software covers a wide spectrum of applications’ making
heavy use of UML and SysML languages. There are programs within this family for
creating user interfaces and applications management and query databases for PC
computers, primarily through language that generates graphics based on the textual
source code in C, C ++, ADA or Java.
Other programs belonging to Rational family are used to carry out simulations of
multidomain systems. All programs that belong to Rational family can be integrated
with each other, like a single model-based environment is involved, complementing its
Both Simulink and Rhapsody features are so similar that the software can be related to
each other, transferring graphics from Rhapsody to Simulink models and vice versa,
although Simulink is not based on UML/SysML. In the Figure 28 it is illustrated a
Rhapsody model imported into Simulink. One of the relevant when using multiple MBD
software simulation for the same reasons is the comparison of results.
RIO stands for Reconfigurable Input Output. CompactRIO and myRIO are
reconfigurable embedded controllers designed for control, data acquisition and data
processing. The hardware architecture of cRIO and myRIO systems is based on
FPGA. This FPGA acts as means of input/output and will be explained in the following
This architecture also has a processor (microcontroller) where the Real Time Operating
System (RTOS) works; in this case the RTOS is VxWorks.
One of the things that is needed to be in mind of the reader is that the processor does
not have any input/output configured at first. In spite of having peripherals, in order to
have available I/O it is necessary to communicate to the FPGA. The FPGA transfer the
data from the I/O interfaces that have been synthesized in the silicon chip, or are
connected to the FPGA trough external expansion modules.
There are two different ways for programming in LabVIEW. In this small example first I
will illustrate how to make some quick checking of how a system or specific device
works using what is called VI Express and afterwards, it will be show as a block
diagram completely building in a lower level of programming.
At first, it has been built a simple example that takes data from a device and plots it in a
graph. The VI will look like shown in the Figure.
In order to have an idea of how different would the two Vis be, I have developed the
same example as before but with simple Vis. In this case, the advantage is that anyone
that wants to understand how the project works, can. This is possible before each
blocks its own task and by following the data flow it may be understood the functionality
of the VI.
However, being able to design every part of the application code requires a high level
of knowledge of LabVIEW Environment and there are not many users that are able to
design the whole application from zero.
These methods depend on the model and which FPGA that is being used. The
communication procedure requires that both parts are synchronized for sending and
receiving data between both parts. This can be explained by continue thinking in an
acquisition example.
If we think in the previous example, one of the parts acquires data from a sensor and
writes it in a communication element. The function of the other part, normally the Real
Time target is to read data from this communication element. If both elements do not
read and write data with same or similar frequency, the communication element would
be empty or overwritten and this will cause a crash in the system.
In the same way as working with xPC Targets based systems; cRIO is used in large
different fields of applications in embedded control. In these different fields, there may
be found applications from vision acquisition systems to exoskeleton control going
through high frequency signals treatments, encrypt data systems in digital format or
traditional control systems.
The basic format of cRIO: the NI cRIO-9076 has an integrated processor integrates a
RT processor with 400 MHz LX45 FPGA and has four module slots I / O C Series
These input / output provide delivery capabilities and acquisition of analog , digital data
and pulse trains of pulse width modulated (PWM ) , CAN bus , LIN bus , Profibus , RS -
232 and RS -485 serial port timers ... there is a wide repertoire , and within each mode
can be selected voltage ranges , exit / or unipolar differential input , opto ...
Parallelly, the myRIO is a controller that allows using the same concepts that have
been explained in this section for cRIO but within a lower level. The myRIO is a device
that has been design only for student use. The idea behind is to allow students getting
used to these king of controlling devices and the use of the environment.
When working with myRIO you can use the SPI interface processor to access the
peripheral input/output without using the FPGA , so can avoid long synthesis times
FPGA . CompactRIO system for the communication interface with the PC uses
Ethernet; however, the MyRIO system uses USB interface.
The errors made in the programming of the FPGA may be found at the stage of
generation of VHDL code and synthesis. Contrary, LabVIEW cannot detect these
errors before entering this phase.
In this section I would try to introduce the main characteristics of software used. In
order to explain this, first of all LabVIEW will be explain as the main concept and then it
will be splitted into two main sections: Real Time and FPGA. After the general view and
explanation of the most important concepts, there will be a section explaining the basic
concepts of the LabVIEW project developed.
One of the improvements that are introduced in this project with respect to the one in
which the robotic arm was design is the usage of a different controller. The myRIO, as
it has been explained before, is a powerful device compared to an arduino. One of the
advantages of this device is that it can be programmed using LabVIEW.
Historically, LabVIEW programs are called Virtual Instruments, or VIs, because their
appearance and operation imitate physical instruments, such as oscilloscopes and
One of the reasons for programming in LabVIEW is that, despite the fact that for being
able to develop a project it is needed to be familiarized with this environment, anyone
that has never programmed may be able to understand the code or at least, use it. This
can be explained with various reasons:
1. Every project in LabVIEW usually has a user interface that allows the user
interacting or making a program run. If this front panel is correctly documented any
user may be able to run the VI.
3. LabVIEW projects can also include non-LabVIEW file types. For example, you can
include documentation files. The idea is to explain the usage and the main
characteristics of the project in this files and save everything together so that
anyone that opens the project may read it and understand the code.
There are two different components in a VI. Each one has its own functionality and is
structured in different ways.
The front panel is the user interface of the VI. As it has been explained, this must be
the simplest part of the VI. The front panel of the main VI is the one that is known as
the User Interface of the whole project. This one will be better explained in the
corresponding part above.
1. Control: Input device. It may be knobs, buttons or slides. Its functionality is supply
data to the block diagram.
2. Indicator: the opposite element is an output device that displays the data that is
acquired or generated in the block diagram.
3. Toolbar: in LabVIEW there are two different toolbars depending if you are in the
block diagram or in the front panel. The one that can be found in the front panel
looks like this.
This toolbar allows you to run, stop or pause the VI (control the program execution),
reorder the elements present in the interface or search for an element.
4.4.2 Block Diagram
On the other side, the block diagram is where the main programming is located. In this
section of the VI is where the designer decides which codes will be executed, in which
order and in which device.
You build block diagrams by connecting the objects with wires. The color and symbol of
each terminal indicate the data type of the corresponding control or indicator (shown in
the front panel).
Similarly as it has been done before, types of elements that may be found here will be
enumerated and briefly explained.
1. Constants: are terminals on the block diagram that supply fixed data values to the
block diagram.
2. Terminals: data values you enter on the front panel controls enter the block
diagram through the control terminals on the block diagram. During execution, the
output data values from the block diagram pass from indicator terminals to the front
panel indicators.
They can be displayed as icon or not.
3. Nodes: are objects on the block diagram that have inputs and/or outputs and
perform operations when a VI runs. There are different nodes; they can be
functions, subVIs or structures.
Nodes are analogous to statements, operators, functions, and subroutines in
text-based programming languages.
4. Wires: elements that transfer data between block diagram objects. They may
indicate that the user is trying to connect terminals that are not compatible; if there
is something wrong the wire appears as broken. It looks like a dashed
black line with a red X in the middle.
Wires are different colors, styles, and thicknesses, depending on their data
5. Tool bar: it has the same elements as the one in the front panel but also it allows
the user to debug the VI. It has the buttons needed to debug the program: look for
an error, see the execution order and how the program works (this functionality is
not available in FPGA).
Now that there has been presented an overview about LabVIEW it is going to be
explained the basic functionality elements.
One of the important things in this programming environment is that LabVIEW is based
in Dataflow. This means that it does not use a control flow program execution model
like Visual Basic, C++, JAVA, and most other text-based programming languages. In a
control flow model, the sequential order of program elements determines the execution
order of a program.
In LabVIEW, when a node executes, it produces output data and passes the data to
the next node in the dataflow path. For this reason, the movement of data through the
nodes determines the execution order of the VIs and functions on the block diagram.
For a dataflow programming example, consider a block diagram that subtract two
numbers and then multiply by 2.00 from the result of the subtraction, as shown in
Figure 35. In this case, the block diagram executes from left to right, not because the
objects are placed in that order, but because the Multiplication function cannot execute
until the Subtract function finishes executing and passes the data to the Subtract
Remember that a node executes only when data are available at all of its input
terminals and supplies data to the output terminals only when the node finishes
execution. In this case, this example code has been developed in order to demonstrate
that no matters if there is a multiplication after a subtraction if, as in this case, the order
of the calculations is fixed by code.
In a situation where one code segment must execute before another and no data
dependency exists between the functions, other programming methods may be used in
order to force the execution order, such as error clusters.
Chapter 5: LabVIEW Modules and
Chapter 5: LabVIEW Modules and Examples
After having a general view about what LabVIEW is and the basic concepts of a
generic project the idea is to introduce both options able in myRIO to program. In this
device, the user can choose whether to program in LabVIEW Real Time or in LabVIEW
FPGA. In this section Real-Time concepts supported in this module of LabVIEW will be
Here, there are treated concepts such as what real time is oriented to programming,
determinism, and jitter focus that have been already introduce in the Real Time section
but more specifically explain for programming.
Here also myRIO Real-Time will be presented including the host and the target and
which possibilities are included by now in LabVIEW.
For a review, Real Time means in-time. In other words, a Real-Time system ensures
that responses occur in time, for this to happen, every operation in the system must be
in time. One of the problems when using general purpose operating systems is that you
cannot ensure that a response occurs within any given time period, and calculations
might finish much later or earlier than you expect them to.
For a system to be considered real time, all parts of it must be real time. Therefore, if in
an application where every part but one is working on real time, until this last element
also works in real time this application will not be working in RT. This is the case of
many applications in the world. In order to be clearer, an example may be given:
A critical test application would benefit from using a real-time system because the
system must work reliably, possibly for an extended amount of time. If you think in a
system that is used to measure and store some measurements in a hard disk, you will
find three main elements:
1. Writer: this is considered the sensor element. In this case, this would be the part of
the system where a sensor element take some measurements and write it on a
communication element.
3. Reader: its function is reading the data that has been already written by the writer
in the communication element, and then save it in a hard disc.
Figure 35. Communication Diagram
A Real-Time application will write, communicate and Read in a reliable and fixed time.
If one of these three elements does not work in real time, that is, has no reliability of
finishing in a specific time the whole system will not Real Time.
For having a general but accurate view of this platform some concepts must be
explained. In this part, some terms that apply to real-time applications will be
enumerated with its correspondent brief explanation.
For example, a control loop is a deterministic task because the control algorithm
must complete within an expected time for the control algorithm to function
correctly. An example of a non-deterministic task is logging data to a file because
file I/O operations can occur with a lot of jitter. Deterministic tasks should execute at
a high priority.
In LabVIEW, the execution order may be configured. What is more, correctly timed
structures in RT programs should have a priority associated with them. This priority
provides the RTOS with and order of importance when deciding what needs to be
3. Loop Cycle Time: this may be described as the time required to execute one cycle
of a loop.
4. Jitter: is known as the variation of loop cycle time from the desired loop cycle time.
In order to understand this feature better I will explain it with an image.
Figure 36. Jitter Description
In this Figure, it can be seen the variations that an ideal signal may suffer when
working in a real system. It must be known that, even with Real-Time operating
systems, the loop cycle time can vary between cycles. The maximum amount that a
loop cycle time varies from the desired loop cycle time is the maximum jitter.
As it has been said, the objective of this chapter is to explain the main features of the
two LabVIEW modules with which myRIO may be programmed. This explanation can
be splitted in two classes: the main characteristics that are equal as the ones explained
for LabVIEW full development system and the ones that are specific characteristics for
Real Time Module.
There are some basic things that are characteristic from LabVIEW that are maintained
in the module. Included in this group of features it can be found:
- The project is composed by Vis. These VIs are the place where the user code is
located, this means that, in the same way as explained before, user can defined the
functionality of the system with Vis.
- Every VI is composed by a front panel that may be used as user interface and the
block diagram. For a user not familiarized with this environment, both block
diagrams (The one belonging to LabVIEW and the one from Real Time Module)
may look likes the same one. However, as the reader will see in the following
section the functions available in both, have some differences.
- It is possible to create an application from the source code that allows the user to
run the VI without having LV installed (it is only necessary to have a driver called
LVRun-Time engine).
As well as there are new concepts when talking about Real Time environments. When
programming this kind of systems and, in particular the controllers some additional
functionality will be needed.
In this second group of features that are included in the module, there will be explained
the new functions added for Real Time performance. Included in the characteristics of
the module it can be found that:
- Inputs and Outputs from the target may be access from the project.
- There are new functions which objective is to monitor and control Real Time main
features such as determinism.
In LabVIEW there are many devices that may be programmed with the National
Instruments software. The way it works is the following: a device may need special
features to be installed in the PC or controller in order to make the environment
compatible with the device.
This concrete features may be even drivers, libraries, toolkits or a combination of some
of them. In order to use the myRIO, despite the fact that it is a device from the same
company it is necessary to install a toolkit.
As it may be seen in the Figure 38, there is already a PWM implemented among other
things. For this reason, the example that has been implemented with this module may
be seem less complex that the one from FPGA since the starting point was not an
empty project.
First, it is needed to open the myRIO palette and after finding the function desired, it
will be dropped on the block diagram.
The advantage for using this method is that it is faster than building it from zero.
Additionally, in this Vis you can access to the code so it may be included in a bigger
project with the certainty that it works fine.
In this case, the code used to generate a PWM seems simple but it has subVIs that
uses the FPGA resources and some complex structures. This is normally the main
problem of using code that it is done, that you need to understand it completely in order
to avoid execution problems.
In the Figure 40 it is shown the higher lever of the PWM Generator VI.
5.2 FPGA
The aim of this work-study is to understand the concept of Real Time control and,
particularly, go through two of the modules provided in LabVIEW environment to
control a robotic arm. Now, that the reader has just been introduced in Real Time
concept and seen one of the modules, it is time to described the most basic
architecture when talking about programming.
The second and last module described from LabVIEW is FPGA programming. In this
section, it would be explained not only the concept behind but also which function does
the FPGA has in a complete myRIO application. Finally, there will be implemented an
example of how would the arm be controlled using this LabVIEW module.
5.2.1 What means FPGA?
First of all, an FPGA corresponds to Field Programmable Gate Arrays. They are
reprogrammable silicon chips with unconnected gates and other hardware resources.
The idea of FPGAs is basically to program these gates in order to make the system
works as desired.
The user can define the functionality of the FPGA by using software to configure the
FPGA gates. There are several environments to do this, in this project it will be done
using LabVIEW but normally it is done by programming the FPGA directly in VHDL. VHDL
Every VHDL design description consists of at least one entity / architecture pair, or one
entity with multiple architectures. The entity section of the HDL design is used to
declare the I/O ports of the circuit, while the description code resides within architecture
It is important to understand the benefits of using FPGAs in spite of any other target or
computer. The most important one is that these silicon chips are reconfigurable
through software, making them very flexible.
For these two reasons, FPGAs provide the ultimate in execution reliability and provide
a powerful way to have a completely full hardware system working with different
functionalities designed by the user.
In order to understand this feature let me give an example. Imagine that we need to
calculate separately and at the same time two portions of code in the same chip. The
way to do it is by using parallelism.
In this simple scheme can be seen how the FPGA will execute two different codes
separately. In this example, the objective of this compilation of the silicon chip is to
execute at the same time two operations: on one hand to calculate F and on the other
hand, to calculate Z.
The advantage of this feature is that it is possible to have two separate parts of codes
in different execution times.
In the myRIO, the FPGA may be use on one hand to control the whole system with its
correspondent programming configuration and without the need of RT target in the
whole system. On the other hand, it may be used as an intermediate device in the data
acquisition process.
In this second configuration, the FPGA makes possible to establish a data processing
before being retrieved by the processor. This data processing only can be done by
using integers, fixed-point decimal numbers or just bits. It is important to know that
when working with FPGA decimal floating point numbers are not supported, they can
only be used if the FPGA has one or more co processing units. These units are not
allowed in myRIO and low cost cRIO.
One of the main aspects that must be taken into account is the length expressed in bits
of the data that is being processed. This data makes the number of logic cells available
in the FPGA decrease very fast.
One of the limitations of FPGA is its processing capacity. This is restricted to a limited
repertoire of operations, such as addition, multiplication, subtraction and low level
operations, this peculiarities limits its scope.
Generally, they are systems that are very used by telecommunication engineers in
applications like modulation and demodulation or script of digital signals. These
operations are supported by these limitations and an FPGA is able to make them in
nanoseconds. However, for complex operations, such as conditional executions, is
better avoid the FPGA and programming a RT processor like the ones explained in the
previous section.
In the following section an example of how controlling the arm with just programming
the FPGA will be illustrated.
The advantage of programming the FPGA with LabVIEW Module is that there are
some features, the main ones that are maintained with respect to the common
As shown in the previous RT part, it is maintained the block diagram and the front
panel, the graphical programming design, the data flow. But additionally it has some
functionalities that are not allowed in order targets.
With FPGA you can create logic that can execute in one clock cycle, contrary to other
programming habits, when developing code in FPGA it is important to think regarding
to clock ticks. Although this may be also possible by using ASICs which generally have
higher performance than FPGA, the development cost and flexibility are the tradeoffs.
In this line, there exists an specific type of loop, only available for this module which is
called single cycle time loop.
The single-cycle Timed Loop does not include enable chain registers inside the loop,
which saves time and space. This means that LabVIEW automatically optimizes code
inside a single-cycle Timed Loop to execute more quickly and consume less space on
the FPGA, compared to the same code inside a While Loop.
In the following block diagram, the code within the While Loop takes four clock cycles
to execute, excluding the overhead of the While Loop, which takes two additional clock
cycles to execute. The red vertical lines indicate where each clock cycle ends inside
the While Loop. The same operation in a single-cycle Timed Loop executes within one
clock cycle, if the clock period is long enough.
It is highly deterministic. With FPGA, you can implement code that synthesizes
deterministic hardware down to the tens of nanoseconds. Moreover, it is a frequent
habit to create different clocks based depending on which functionalities are desired.
For creating a derived clock it is necessary to know which based clock is included in
the FPGA used. Then the user just need to fixed the new time base as a multiple of the
other one.
In the Figure it is show how would a derived clock of 100MHz looks like in a myRIO
project. In this case, the controller has a 40MHz clock by default so it is possible to
work with derived clocks creating from it.
Offload processing:
- When programming FPGA there is some needed time to compile the code and
translate it to hardware. This step may long from 5 minutes to hours and is here
when some errors may be found.
In this last part before explaining step by step how to build a complete application, it will
be show a sample project created to be executed in the myRIO. The objective of this
example is first, show how the arm may be control just using FPGA, familiarizing with
this environment and also to understand which limitations it has.
As it can be seen the first limitation is that in FPGA it is also possible to access to the
controls and indicators by doing a reference to the specific VI. For this reason, it is
shown both, the FPGA VI and the RT one. It is important to have in mind that both Vis
are running in the myRIO and there is nothing in the laptop as show in Figure 45.
In this Figure 46 is shown how a PWM can be generated in the FPGA manually. As it is
a Digital Waveform which its only parameter is the duty cycle or pulse with the only
thing needed is to fix the signal TRUE or FALSE depending on it. In this example, it will
be possible to fix the signal period depending on the servo (not every device work with
the same signal range). Afterwards, it is possible to vary the pulse with of each servo
from the front panel in order to vary the position of each servo.
In the FPGA VI shown the PWM is generated. Then, it is necessary to send this
position to the RT Target in order to access to the control that allows moving the servo
when running the VI.
To access to the FPGA VI from RT there is a LabVIEW functionality called FPGA
Reference VI. After selecting the correspondent VI it is used an Invoke Node of each
parameter to vary the pulse with and Move the Servos.
Finally, the Front panel may be personalizing. In this case the controls are created by
following this manual and using Inskcape (previously explained):
The objective of this section is to explain step by step the approach of solving an ECM
system (Embedded Control and Monitoring System). As shown in Figure 47, it uses a
human machine interface (HMI) and hardware containing both a real-time processor
and FPGA, where the FPGA is directly connected to modular I/O.
This architecture provides power and flexibility and it uses LabVIEW graphical
programming environment to design the entire system. The steps needed to implement
the hole systems are:
a. Identify I/O and I/O Rate Requirements: define the timing of each task in the
real-time application by asking yourself the following questions:
- What type of I/O do you need to acquire from and generate to your application?
In this case there will be used PWM output signals in order to control the
position of the seven servos and Bluetooth input to read commands from the
user to control the servos.
c. Identify Process Timing: this means to define how much time it is needed to
execute every part of the code correctly. In order to develop this step correctly
the following questions should be answered.
d. Identify Data Transfer Types: after you define the high-level processes that
make up your application, define the data transfer relationships between those
processes. There exist three main types of data transfer:
-Tag: transfer current value only and may have more than one writer and
-Stream: transfers every value of a continuous stream of data and usually there
is only one writer and one reader
4. Accessing the I/O: when using LabVIEW there are more than one way of
accessing I/O depending on the device used. One of the advantages of using
myRIO is that it is easy to access to any channel of the device.
For accessing I/O in the myRIO it is needed to use the concrete Vis available in the
myRIO palette. For example, if it were desired to access to the data from the
accelerometer first it is needed to create a channel specifying the name, and then
user can read and do the calculations desired with the data obtained.
If working only with FPGA it is possible to pick the I/O module from the project and
leave it on the block diagram as shown in the Figure 51:
5. Programming FPGA: now that every configuration is defined and it is known how to
access I/O is time to implement the code. In the case of FPGA it is already
explained in the previous section but is important to know that in real projects the
first thing to implement is the FPGA. Then it is gone to the upper level: Real Time
Target and finally the host.
6. Programming Real Time: in case of the myRIO, there are many functionalities
already implemented. However, is not always recommended to program this device
using them because this RT functionalities may use some FPGA resources and if
the FPGA is already programmed an error will be obtained.
In this sample project, the Real Time Target is used as intermediate between the
host and the FPGA. In this part of the system data is transfer and it is possible to
make some calculations if needed and some control if desired.
7. Create User Interface: the user interface is the element located in the host, in this
case the laptop, which allows the user to understand and control the arm.
In the sample application it is shown the two wiimotes used in order to monitor the
commands is pressed and then the position of every servo. In this application there
are two different UI, the second one is the User Interface in RT is the one shown in
Figure 47.
Chapter 6: Conclusions
Chapter 6: Conclusions
6.1 Conclusions
To conclude, what does Real Time control really mean? I believe to help to put it in
context Real Time control vs general-purpose control.
Many general purpose control systems run open loop. Meaning you run the controller
with no death line. This type of control involves no determinism, but not only general-
purpose control include this concept, but also there are many applications that may be
done with no death line. Some examples may be save data to a file or move a piece
from one point to another. In both cases the important thing is that at the end all task
will be done, no matter how long does the system takes to do it.
Real Time control systems are typically closed loop systems where you have a tiny
time window to gather data, process the data and then update the system. If you
missed that time window, means you have a delay in some task, your system becomes
unstable. That is not an option for application such as power conversion, data
acquisition of High Speed I/O and advanced motor control in industrial processes.
So, firstly when developing a Real World industrial application, one of the main things
to think about it is: Does the system really need to be deterministic? If so, which parts
need to be executed in a concrete period of time and which do not have death time?
It is about thinking in the entire system. It starts with the I/O. Regarding the system, it
has been said that Real Time Operating systems need fast, accurate integrated ADCs
(Analog to Digital Converters) to keep up with the speed of the math engine core.
These inputs directly communicate with the brain of the system which is the RT Target,
in this case the micro controller of the myRIO.
Real Time Operating Systems require high performance that involves high efficient
target to handle complex control algorithms. Then, there is the outputs of the system
which in this case are PWM. These PWM should be smart and flexible to meet every
possible applications regarding motor control.
Finally there is the mouth of the system, or communication with the external world,
which is more important than ever before as customers need to bring more intelligence
through networking. Furthermore, is not just about having this complete system
components, is about having the right control architecture that integrates these
components in order to meet the needs of the customer and that is what is not just
about the silicon. It is necessary to provide complete Real World development tools
and software design for an application from the ground up.
Figure 51. Real Time System Diagram
Concluding, the difficulty for developing a RT System is to correlate every part and
learn how to manage the priorities of each task and also how to define which ones
need to be deterministic. Additionally, the user should have to think about each task
timing in order to avoid unexpected results or possible system crashes.
Finally, let’s take a look of the example that has been developed to support the
theoretical concepts. Although the control of a 3D printable robotic arm may be done by
using general purpose control, in this case the objective was to learn how to define
which task were deterministic and to differentiate every element that compose the
For the control of the robotic arm, firstly was defined that the Stop (emergency) and the
generation of the PWM, this means motors movement, must be the deterministic tasks
in this application. Furthermore, the Stop bottom will have the higher priority.
Additionally, the idea was to include also a non-deterministic task. For this, the wiimote
was included in the project allowing the user to see one of the possibilities of how every
element may be related.
The conclusion that I have taken by developing this example is that the most difficult
thing is to take advantage of the characteristics of each part of the controller and also
to manage timing in order to leave time to the processor to develop every task as
At the end, it must be said that the comparison of both, the movement of one arm
controlled by an Arduino and other controlled with myRIO has no sense. This is
because as it is a project developed by student (with low budget) there is no sense in
comparing the movement of servo motors that are no more expensive than 5€. In order
to be such cheap, its precision is not as good as needed to compare the results of both
Furthermore, as some servo models have changed it may be seen that both complete
executions are very similar. However, in this project it is controlled with wiimote that
uses another protocol different from the one used for moving the seven servos, in this
case the protocol used is ActiveX.
In this last section it will be enumerated and briefly explained the next implementations
that may be included to continue this project.
There are two possible lines in which this process can be completed. On one hand it
may be thought in use every concept explained in the report to build a RT application
able to be used in industry.
On the other hand, it may be thought about including some more elements to this 3D
robotic arm to make it more complex and robust. In this second case I would include:
1. Inverse kinematics: In this project, as it will be explained in the first annex, the
kinematic base used is the forward one. In order to make the prototype moving only
by knowing the end position of the arm and the base position, it is proposed to use
the inverse kinematic.
However, it is important to take into account that the calculations needed to control
the arm with this kind of theory is more complex and needs more knowledge about
In the myRIO there is also an available Vision Palette that could make able to
implement some ideas that complete the project.
3. Arm tool: this third possible improvement is oriented to create more that one project
that allows using the prototype with more than one functionality such as designing a
clamp in order to use it with the camera.
ANNEX I. Kinematics
In this annex there will be seen a general review about kinematics and more precisely,
the movement based on inverse kinematics. For this part of the project, there is already
available a Final Degree Project that studies the kinematics of this particular robotic
arm. The kinematic model that will be presented has been made by Carlos Rodriguez
Zambrana in his final Degree Project: “Modelo cinematico y control de un brazo
robótico imprimible”.
The idea of this subchapter is to first, introduce the main theoretical basis of kinematics
and then, present a summary of the analysis made by Carlos Rodriguez about the
relative movement of the extreme of the arm with respect to the base.
Kinematics is a branch of mechanics that study of the motion of the bodies without
reference to mass or force. For this issue there are used words, diagrams, numbers
and equations. The goal of any study of kinematics is to develop sophisticated mental
models that may be used to describe and explain the motion of real-world objects, in
this case, the robotic arm.
In this chapter it will be assumed that there are some concepts known such as
velocities, accelerations and momentums. From this point it is necessary to know that
kinematics may be splitted in two main groups: inverse and direct kinematics. These
two subgroups consist on solving two different problems in order to understand how the
arm is moving. In serial linkage type robot, Forward and Inverse kinematics are
methods to calculate co-ordinate of end-effectors and joint angles respectively. It is
important to have in mind that they are opposite concepts.
Inverse kinematics
The given inputs are the coordinates of the end-effectors, the outputs to calculate are
the joint angles. The objective is to get all joints angle from given co-ordinate(s), path
trajectory plan. This means that in this case, coordinates will be searched:
for every
Equation 3. Arm Position
In case of the robotic arm some restrictions must be done in order to allow any user to
solved this problem. This can be explained by thinking about a concrete position and
orientation of the arm and how much solutions exist that fulfills the equation above.
This solution will be obtained by means of geometrical methods.
In order to simplify this study and taking into account that the three last DOF
correspond to concurrent axes, the inverse kinematic study will be focus on calculate
the values of the coordinates that fix the position that should take the arm. For this
reason, the inverse kinematic problem is based on find out for which values of q 1, q2
and q3 the arm will be in the (x,y,z) position.
For this study, we know the length of each part, (L1, L2, L3) and the position desired for
the arm (px,p y,p z) and the objective is to find out enough equations that relates of q 1,
q2 and q3 with this known data.
From Figure 53, by trigonometry it can be obtained q1 applying the following equation:
Equation 4. q1 Calculation
For obtaining q2 and q3 we will be focus on the plane that is formed by parts 2 and 3 of
the arm. By using the Cosine Theorem we have that:
There will be two possible solutions for q3 depending on the sign of the angle. These
two possible solutions are represented in the Figure.
This Figure also helps to visualize how q2 will be obtained. In the picture of the left, it
can be seen that:
Equation 6. q2 calculation
It is used to get co-ordinate of end effectors from given angles of all joints. This is used
if it is known the joint angles and the lengths, then it is possible to compute the
position and the orientation of the end effectors with respect to the base
For a multiple DOF robot, the forward kinematics is quite straightforward. In order to
calculate the angles between axes it is used the Denavit-Hartenberg algorithm. The D-
H parameters are associated with particular convention for attaching reference frames
to each of the links that are present in the robot.
1- Compute the link vector ai and the link length. Considering that ai is the
perpendicular distance between the axex of the jointi and jointi+1
2- Attach coordinate frames to the joint axes as shown in the Figure 55:
3- Compute the link twist αi: define which is the value of the angle between the axes of
jointi and jointi+1 It is measured around xi axis.
4- Compute the link offset di: is the distance between the origins of the coordinate
frames attached to jointi and jointi+1. It is measured along the axis of jointi
5- Compute the joint angle φi: it is the angle around zi axis between the link lengths αi-1
and αi
join ϕI dI aI αI
1 q1 L1 0 90
2 q2-90 0 L2 0
3 q3 0 0 -90
4 q4 -L3 0 90
5 q5 0 0 -90
6 q6 -L4 0 0
Table 2. Join parameters Results
6- Compute the transformation (i-1)Ti which transforms entities from linki to linki-1. In
order to compute this transformation matrix it must be applied this equation for
each join:
From the last row of this Transformation Matrix it can be obtain the position values that
originally are searched:
In this annex the objective is to explain how has been possible to control the robotic
arm by using the Wiimote. This documentation has been taken from two different open
web pages that will be summarized here.
The examples used for introducing this element in the project rely on a third party .NET
Managed Library called “WiimoteLib” that allows to establish the link between the
controller and the remote controller. This library is freely downloadable from the web.
For this project I hav used the version 1.7 that is the stable one. However, there exist a
beta version with Wii MotionPlus support, but it is buggy and incomplete and it's mostly
unsupported at the moment.
The explanation about Wiimote will be divided in two different parts. On one hand, it will
be briefly explained how to connect the wiimote with the PC and the main features of
this kind of connection and how internally is done.
On the other hand, it is explained the LabVIEW part. This means that it will be briefly
shown how has been included this components in the project and which kind of
communication is used. In this part it is needed to take into account that the
communication protocols are not compatible for every environment and programming
tools. For this reason, this communication is not directly used in FPGA. However, this
pint has allowed focusing the project in showing a complete RT project and not a one
that only has FPGA.
AS it has been explained in this first part the idea is to have a general view of the first
steps needed to connect the Wiimote to the PC and the background of the
communication that will be created.
Because Wiimote uses Bluetooth to communicate with the Wii, it can be connected to
and used by practically any Bluetooth capable device. This will likely be the biggest
sticking point. It is important to mention that he Wiimote will not pair and communicate
successfully with every Bluetooth device. In case your device is compatible the steps
to follow in order to connect it are:
4. Click Next to move your way through the wizard. If at any point you are asked to
enter a security code or PIN, leave the number blank or click Skip. Do not enter a
5. You may be asked which service to use from the Wiimote. Select the
keyboard/mouse/HID service if prompted (you should only see one service
At this point the LEDs at the bottom should continue to flash and you should see the
device listed in your list of connected Bluetooth devices. On one hand, if you run the
test application included with the source code and you see the numbers change, the
device is already successfully connected. On the other and, if you don't see them
change or you get an error, try the above again, but it is possible that the device is not
compatible and it is not possible to connect to your PC.
When the Wiimote is paired with the PC, it will be identified as a HID-compliant device.
In order to connect to the device, it is necessary to use the HID and Device
Management Win32 APIs.
As there is no built-in support for these APIs in the current .NET runtime, It will be used
the P/Invoke. P/Invoke allows one to directly call methods of the Win32 API from
.NET. The difficulty of this is finding the right method signatures and structure
definitions which will properly marshal the data through to Win32. In this project it will
be used part of code already design but if it is needed to change some parts, a great
resource for these signatures is the P/Invoke wiki.
In the world of HID, data is sent and received as "reports". This means that it is a data
buffer of a pre-defined length with a header that determines the report contained in the
buffer. The Wiimote will send and can receive various reports, all of which are 22 bytes
in length, and all of which are explained at the links above.
When we obtain the FileStream on which to communicate with the Wiimote, we can
start communication. Because reports will be sent and received almost constantly, it is
essential that asynchronous I/O operations are used. In .NET, this is quite simple. The
process is to start an asynchronous read operation and provide a callback method to
be run when the buffer is full. When the callback is run, the data is handled and the
process is repeated.
LabVIEW Environment
In this second section it will be explained some of the examples used to understand
how the Wiimote communicates with LV. These examples that will be show are
available on the Internet and they may be easily download from one of the links
included in the Bibliography.
I will be mentioned some off the sample Vis available on this project. As it has been
said this is the version 1.7, which has been chosen because of stability and reliability in
this environment.
First of all, it will be shown the simplest example in the project. The comments about
the Figure 57 will be divided in two parts:
- Front Panel: Although it is not used in this project, this screen shot is shown in
order to allow the reader to see that there are plenty of possibilities to customize
the User Interface.
In this case, it has been created a User Interface that is very similar to a Wiimote.
Figure 57. Wiimote VI
- Block Diagram: it can be seen that the protocol used for this is the .NET. Although I
have not used this protocol before, the advantage of programming in LabVIEW is
that every communication protocol has the same elements:
After having a general idea of how it is done, in order to end up this annex it will be
show which elements would be added for use more than one Wiimote. In this project,
there are used two of them.
In this case, there are some things that change with respect to the previous example.
The first thing is how the communication is establish. As now there is more than one
device it is needed to design the code to read from all of them.
In the example that I have used, the data obtained from the Wiimotes are shown in the
front panel by using the Array shown in the Figure 59. When pressing stop bottom, the
all communication busses are disconnected and clear.
However, in the project in spite of displaying the data from the devices in the front
panel, the data obtained is send through a communication transfer element to make
the proper control in the FPGA Target.
Amount Element Price
1 myRIO for students + software 250,00 € 250,00 €
1 Tower Pro MG995 0,00 €
3 Tower Pro SG90 4,75 € 14,25 €
3 Futaba S3003 0,00 €
Circuit & connection
1 Perforated Plate 5,15 € 5,15 €
8,49 m Cable 0,1573 €/m 1,34 €
Plastic used to build the arm
0,03 ABS 40€ 1,2€
0,03 PLA 50€ 1,5
2m Lined Heat shrink tube 1€ 2€
Total Budget 275,34 €
Table 3. Budget material used in the project
Wiimote part
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