Cognizance On Fish
Cognizance On Fish
Cognizance On Fish
Date Received: January 17, 2018; Date Revised: January 10, 2019
Abstract - Public markets are prone to bacteria. It is where the source of livelihood
for fish vendors is located. That is why the important characteristic of a market should
have is cleanliness. How vendors handle their products for the safety of consumers is
also important in order to avoid the risk of getting diseases caused by a filthy
environment and improper handling of fish. The purpose of this study is to determine
the fish handling practices and sanitation procedures of the fish vendors and to provide
information about the current condition of Magsaysay public market. The method used
in this research is qualitative data. The techniques used were interview and a
questionnaire wherein the respondents were the fish vendors. Findings showed that the
vendors are doing their work properly. But they also need instantaneous actions like
the rehabilitation of the drainage systems and the proper usage of market facilities.
The researchers recommend the rehabilitation of the drainage systems and the proper
usage of market facilities. The researchers also recommend the information gathered
by the researchers should be disseminated for the awareness of the people about the
current situation of the market. In addition, further study should be conducted to
determine the changes in the public market.
Keywords: Fish vendors, Fish handling practices, sanitation
Practical Research I, STEM B (Banyuhay), Group 9, January 2019
dwellers who rely their food needs and fish ponds and is dependent on natural food
income on fishing. In 2015, the fishing (Philippine Statistics Authority, 2018).
Industry contributed P240 billion to the
economy of the Philippines. Although the city is categorized as
urban in its entirety, one third of the 31
However, like most of the rest of barangays are still devoted into agricultural
agriculture, fisheries production is production and nine remain as fishing
declining over the last decade. Whereas communities. (Philippine Statistics
Philippines have not invested enough in Authority, 2018). That is why the major
modern vessels and fishing gear. source of income among the coastal
Additionally, the Philippines has not residents today is fishing and salt making.
established enough fish ports with the In addition, Dagupan City is known to be
appropriate dry and cold storage facilities to the biggest entreport not only in the
minimize post-harvest losses (Javier, Province of Pangasinan but the whole of
2018). However, the following year, Region I (Dagupan City, 2016).
according to Food and Agriculture
Organization (2017), the Philippines ranked Since Magsaysay public market is
eighth among the top fish producers in the the largest fish port in Dagupan City, the
world with Central Visayas at the forefront. aim of this study is to observe the fish
handling practices and sanitation
Dagupan City is located on the procedures of the vendors.
northern part of Pangasinan province and is
approximately 200 kilometers north of Sanitation refers to the maintenance
Manila. The city is bounded by Lingayen of hygienic conditions, through services
Gulf in the north, Mangaldan in the east, such as garbage collection and wastewater
Calasiao in the south and Binmaley in the disposal. Inadequate sanitation is a major
west. It has an area of 37. 2 square source of disease world-wide and
kilometers and is comprised of 31 improving sanitation is known to have a
barangays. The major land formation in the significant beneficial impact on health both
area includes a coastal plain having an in households, communities and facilities
almost flat terrain slopes ranging from zero (World Health Organization, 2018).
to three percent while the rest are In fact, food poisoning from fish is
considered swampy areas, ponds and other very rare, although some cases about
forms of wetlands. Among the coastal consuming fish are reported every year in
municipalities in Pangasinan, Dagupan many places, such cases are mostly caused
City has the second largest wetland area of by bacteria like Escherichia cold, vibrios
25.3 square kilometers (Philippine and salmonella, which could be attached on
Statistics Authority, 2018). fish. That is why many local fish markets
The city is long regarded as the have now been undertaking various
prime producer and exporter of the popular activities aimed at managing quality control
milkfish, and is the "Bangus Capital of the and safety of fish products from landing to
Philippines". In addition, Dagupan City is transport and selling in order to ensure the
the Philippines' leading aquaculture safety of local consumers (Sato, Matsumoto
industry (Dagupan City, 2016). From 2001 & Kawata, 2010).
to 2003, Dagupan's milkfish production OBJECTIVES
totalled to 35,560.1 metric tons,
contributing 16.8 percent to the total The main purpose of this study is to
provincial production. Bonuan bangus is determine the fish handling practices and
preferred by many because of its savoury sanitation of fish vendors at Magsaysay
taste and palatability that is grown only in public market in Dagupan City.
Practical Research I, STEM B (Banyuhay), Group 9, January 2019
Specifically, the study aimed to: (1) to In 2009, the Philippine Statistics
determine the awareness of fish vendors on Authority (PSA) conducted a survey and
the fish handling practices and sanitation in showed that the poorest Filipinos among
terms of: (a) market floor (b) preserved the poor are the 1.6 million households of
fish temperature (c) sorting of fish (d) fisher folks and coastal dwellers who rely
containers. (2) To determine the status of their food needs and income on fishing.
the drainage system at Magsaysay public The survey demonstrated the difference
market in Dagupan City. (3) To determine between the mean annual income of fisher
the availability of washing facilities in folk to other households which was P70 000
Magsaysay public market. and P144 000, respectively (Javier, 2018).
Practical Research I, STEM B (Banyuhay), Group 9, January 2019
the fish pens, fish cages and fish ponds Gulf, an important commercial fishing area.
there will be more investments in It has been an important transportation
aquaculture to improve hatchery and grow- centre and fish landing port that was
out technologies (Javier, 2018). enhanced by the opening of a now defunct
railway line to Manila. As a result of good
Based on the data of PSA, there was transportation and fisheries, a number of
a fish supply deficit of coastal marine secondary industries have grown up in the
fisheries in 2015, particularly in the inland area which include boat and fishing gear
areas of Mindanao. That is why Mindanao manufacturing and sales, as well as fish
only produced 35% of the country’s total processing (World Aquaculture, 1998).
municipal marine fisheries and 30% of its
municipal inland fisheries (Guerrero, In the local language of Pangasinan,
2017). “Dagupan” means "gathering place", since
the city has been a local market core
However, the following year throughout the centuries with an area of
according to Food and Agriculture 37.2 square kilometers and is comprised of
Organization (2017), the Philippines ranked 31 barangays. The city is long regarded as
eighth among the top fish producers in the the prime producer and exporter of milkfish
world with Central Visayas at the forefront. and known for its high quality milkfish
In 2017, the total agriculture output products that is why it is the “Bangus
results was 17.40 percent. The fisheries sub Capital of the Philippines”. Additionally,
sector registered a 4.27 percent decline in Dagupan City is the Philippines’ leading
output from a decline of 2.58 percent last aquaculture industry, aside from milkfish
year. According to the Philippine Statistics other principal cultured fish species are
Authority (2017), the country’s milkfish tilapia, shrimp, and seaweeds (Geography,
production contracted by 0.73 percent due 2018).
to heavy siltation in the marine cages in Although the city is categorized as
Davao del Sur which prompted the local urban in its entirety, one third of the
government unit to issue an advisory to barangays are still devoted into agricultural
limit fishing activities because of water production and nine remain as fishing
pollution brought about by too much feeds. communities that is why the major source
Meanwhile, the harvested smaller sizes of of income among the coastal residents
milkfish from brackish water fish ponds in today is fishing and salt making
Bulacan was the result of sudden rains from (Geography, 2018).
hot weather in July. Likewise, the use of
poor quality fingerlings and the effects of METHODOLOGY
changes in weather conditions negatively
affected the production of milkfish in Research Design
Zambales. While in CALABARZON due
to possible dismantling of fish pens by the This study uses descriptive-survey
Laguna Lake Development Authority there research design in investigating the
was a temporary stoppage of some farming awareness on fish handling practices and
operations (Miraflor, 2017). sanitation in Dagupan City, Pangasinan.
Practical Research I, STEM B (Banyuhay), Group 9, January 2019
Practical Research I, STEM B (Banyuhay), Group 9, January 2019
Figure 4. From the total of 50 respondents, Figure 7. From the total of 50 respondents,
68% said that sometimes there are animals 94% said that the fishes were always
strolling inside the market with a count of arranged according to their kind while 6%
34 respondents while 10% said always, and said sometimes with a count of 3
22% said never. respondents.
Figure 5. From the total of 50 respondents, Figure 8. From the total of 50 respondents,
78% said that the fishes always have clear 82% said that the fishes were never
eyes with a count of 39 respondents while arranged randomly with a count of 41
22% said sometimes. respondents while 16% said sometimes,
and 2% said always.
Practical Research I, STEM B (Banyuhay), Group 9, January 2019
Figure 10. From the total of 50 Figure 13. From the total of 50
respondents, 90% said that fish tubs were respondents, 78% said that the drainage
always used in storing the fishes with a total always contain market wastes and garbage
number of 45 while 10% said sometimes. with a count of 39 while 22% said
Practical Research I, STEM B (Banyuhay), Group 9, January 2019
Practical Research I, STEM B (Banyuhay), Group 9, January 2019
Practical Research I, STEM B (Banyuhay), Group 9, January 2019
Practical Research I, STEM B (Banyuhay), Group 9, January 2019