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Evelyn L. Lazaro BEED 1: Linguistic Dimensions

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Evelyn L.

Lazaro BEED 1

Child and Adolescent Development

Biological Dimension

Human development is the process of growth to maturity. The process begins with
fertilisation, where an egg released from the ovary of a female is penetrated
by sperm. The egg then lodges in the uterus, where an embryo and
later fetus develop until birth. Growth and development occur after birth, and
include both physical and psychological development, influenced by genetic,
hormonal, environmental and other factors. Development and growth continue
throughout life, through childhood, adolescence, and through adulthood to senility,
and are referred to as the process of ageing.

Reference: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Development_of_the_human_body

Linguistic Dimensions

Linguistics is the words a person uses to express themselves. Talking, singing, and
sharing with people they can converse with. Literacy is the written words a person
reads or writes, not expecting conversation. Development of anything is the way it
grows or changes as we do. Kids chat about kid things and read kid books. Adults
usually only do with and for kids.


Cognitive Development

cognitive development was a progressive reorganization of mental processes as a

result of biological maturation and environmental experience. Children construct an
understanding of the world around them, then experience discrepancies between
what they already know and what they discover in their environment.

There Are Three Basic Components To Piaget's Cognitive Theory:

(building blocks of knowledge).

2. Adaptation processes that enable the transition from one stage to another.
3.Stages of Cognitive development
● sensorimotor
● Pre operational
● concrete operational
● formal operational.

Reference: https://www.simplypsychology.org/piaget.html

What is social and emotional development? 

Social and emotional development is the change over time in children’s ability to
react to and interact with their social environment.
Social and emotional development is complex and includes many different areas of
growth. Each is described in more detail below:

●temperament: the way a young child acts and responds to different situations,

caregivers, and strangers
●attachment: the emotional bond between a child and caregiver
●social skills or social competence: the ability to get along with other people
●emotion regulation: the ability of a child to control his or her emotions and
reactions to the environment.
Milestones of Social And Emotional Development

What is temperament? 
Temperament is the beginning of personality. It typically refers to the way a young
child acts and responds to different situations 

What is attachment
The ability to form an attachment is present from birth and plays two important
roles for young children. First, it motivates children to stay near a caregiver, which
keeps them safe. Second, it allows children to depend on their caregiver as a source
of support as they explore their surroundings. Children who do this successfully have
what is often called “secure attachment

What is social competence? 

Social competence refers to a person’s ability to get along with others and adapt to
new situations. 11 Children learn social skills very early in life that determine their
social competence. For example, babies make eye contact, imitate facial expressions,
and respond to voices. As children age, they interact more with other children and
adults, which helps them to learn additional social skills.

What is emotion regulation? 

Emotion regulation is the ability of a child to control his or her emotions and
reactions to his or her environment. This does not mean that a child should be
happy, brave, and calm all of the time. It is normal, for example, for babies to cry to
communicate needs or for toddlers to throw temper tantrums and push boundaries.
But some children have a harder time calming down.

Reference: http://www.urbanchildinstitute.org/resources/publications/good-

Factors that affect the progress of development of learners

It has been found out that the pupil’s difficulty in learning may be due to many
factors within the child himself.

1. Intellectual factor:

The term refers to the individual mental level. Success in school is generally closely
related to level of the intellect. Pupils with low intelligence often encounter serious
difficulty in mastering schoolwork. Sometimes pupils do not learn because of special
intellectual disabilities.
A low score in one subject and his scores in other subjects indicate the possible
presence of a special deficiency. Psychology reveals to use that an individual possess
different kinds to intelligence. Knowledge of the nature of the pupil’s intellect is of
considerable value in the guidance and the diagnosis of disability.
The native capacity of the individual is of prime importance in determining the
effectiveness of the, learning process.
2. Learning factors:

Factors owing to lack of mastery of what has been taught, faulty methods of work or
study, and narrowness of experimental background may affect the learning process
of any pupil. If the school proceeds too rapidly and does not constantly check up on
the extent to which the pupil is mastering what is being taught, the pupil
accumulates a number of deficiencies that interfere with successful progress.
In arithmetic, for instance, knowledge of basic addition is essential to successful
work in multiplication. Weakness in addition will contribute directly to the deficiency
in multiplication. Likewise, failure in history may be due to low reading ability or
weakness in English.
Similarly, because of faulty instruction, the pupil may have learned inefficient
methods of study. Many other kinds of difficulty which are directly related to
learning factors may interfere with progress.

3. Physical factors:

Under this group are included such factors as health, physical development,
nutrition, visual and physical defects, and glandular abnormality. It is generally
recognized that ill health retards physical and motor development, and malnutrition
interferes with learning and physical growth.
Children suffering from visual, auditory, and other physical defects are seriously
handicapped in developing skills such as reading and spelling. It has been
demonstrated that various glands of internal secretion, such as the thyroid and
pituitary glands, affect behavior. The health of the learner will likely affect his ability
to learn and his power to concentrate.

4. Mental factors:

Attitude falls under mental factors attitudes are made up of organic and kinesthetic
elements. They are not to be confused with emotions that are characterized by
internal visceral disturbances. Attitudes are more or less of definite sort. They play a
large part in the mental organization and general behavior of the individual.
Attitudes are also important in the development of personality. Among these
attitudes saw interest, cheerfulness, affection, prejudice, -open mindedness, and
loyalty. Attitudes exercise a stimulating effect upon the rate of learning and teaching
and upon the progress in school.
The efficiency of the work from day to day and the rapidity with which it is achieved
are influenced by the attitude of the learner. A favorable mental attitude facilitates
learning. The factor of interest is very closely related in nature to that of symbolic
drive and reward.

5. Emotional and social factors:

Personal factors, such as instincts and emotions, and social factors, such as
cooperation and rivalry, are directly related to a complex psychology of motivation.
It is a recognized fact that the various responses of the individual to various kinds of
stimuli are determined by a wide variety of tendencies.
Some of these innate tendencies are constructive and others are harmful. For some
reason a pupil may have developed a dislike for some subject because he may fail to
see its value, or may lack foundation. This dislike results in a bad emotional state.
Some pupils are in a continuing state of unhappiness because of their fear of being
victims of the disapproval of their teachers and classmates. This is an unwholesome
attitude and affects the learning process to a considerable degree. This is oftentimes
the result of bad training.
Social discontent springs from the knowledge or delusion that one is below others in

6. Teacher’s Personality:

The teacher as an individual personality is an important element in the learning

environment or in the failures and success of the learner. The way in which his
personality interacts with the personalities of the pupils being taught helps to
determine the kind of behavior which emerges from the learning situation.
The supreme value of a teacher is not in the regular performance of routine duties,
but in his power to lead and to inspire his pupils through the influence of his moral
personality and example. Strictly speaking, personality is made up of all the factors
that make the individual what he is, the complex pattern of characteristics that
distinguishes him from the others of his kind. Personality is the product of many
integrating forces.
In other words, an individual’s personality is a composite of his physical appearance,
his mental capacity, his emotional behavior, and his attitudes towards others.
Effective teaching and learning are the results of an integrated personality of the
Generally speaking, pupils do- not like a grouchy teacher who cannot control his
temper before the class. It is impossible for a teacher with a temper to create
enthusiasm and to radiate light and sunshine to those about him.
Pupils love a happy, sympathetic, enthusiastic, and cheerful teacher. Effective
teaching and learning are the results of love for the pupils, sympathy for their
interests, tolerance, and a definite capacity for understanding.
The teacher must therefore recognize that in all his activities in the classroom he is
directly affecting the behavior of the growing and learning organism.

7. Environmental factor:

Physical conditions needed for learning is under environmental factor. One of the
factors that affect the efficiency of learning is the condition in which learning takes
place. This includes the classrooms, textbooks, equipment, school supplies, and
other instructional materials.
In the school and at the home, the conditions for learning must be favorable and
adequate if teaching is to produce the desired results. It cannot be denied that the
type and quality of instructional materials and equipment play an important part in
the instructional efficiency of the school.
It is difficult to do a good job of teaching in a poor type of building and without
adequate equipment and instructional materials. A school building or a classroom
has no merit when built without due regard to its educational objectives and

Reference: http://www.yourarticlelibrary.com/learning/7-important-factors-that-

Reflection in Biological

When we say the word biological, for me it is about the changes in size in a person or
the physical appearance of a person. As a human, I can reflect myself as an example
of it. Changes in our body like height and weight, these two I’ve mention is the
common and the same changes that a person will develop. But in my situation as a
female, I experienced different kinds of changes in my body like the development of
my chest or breast, appearance of hair in my armpit, appearance of the pubic hair,
widening of the hips and the onset of my menstruation. And for my observation of
the development of my niece, when she was in her six months she was so heavy but
when she reached the age of one year old and learned how to walk I observed that
she was losing weight but she’s healthy, so in my reflection the biological dimension
depends on the development of an individual and there are like stages that we
people may experience as we grow and reach the age of maturity. All of us will
experience this kind of changes in our body from being an infants until being an aged
or old person. Because of this study, the biological dimension I can understand and
gain knowledge and to react or share my thoughts and ideas about the different
changes or development of the human. I can now recognize the fact that human is
really developing and this can also help me answer the question that I’m always
asking to myself back then. This lead us to the bridge of the importance of the
developing process which we really need so that we can improve in every aspect.

Reflection in Linguistic

Linguistic is part of our daily life. We uses this as an instrument to socialize and
express our feelings. It is an human language that observe an interplay
between sound and meaning. Each human language is a complex of knowledge and
abilities enabling speakers of the language to communicate with each other, to
express ideas, hypotheses, emotions, desires, and all the other things that need
expressing. When we were infants we are already using this kind of dimension, when
the day we started to talk. Language is all around us. It can make us laugh, make us
cry, convey our emotion or feelings, make things happen. We use it everyday, It’s an
essential part of what makes us human. We humans usually use linguistic as our
professions like singing, host and etc. Because language is such a central feature of
being a human, Linguistics has intellectual connections and overlaps with many
other disciplines in the humans and for me, the main purpose of the study of
Linguistics in an academic environment in which it is the advancement of knowledge.
However, because of the centrality of language in human interaction and behavior,
the knowledge gained through the study of linguistics has many practical
consequences. Because as a person my observation the people in my surrounding
uses this to manipulate, insult and discriminate others. Time passed by, the language
is changed based on the pronunciation of the word given I commit this mistake all
the time, because sometimes I’ll be confused on how to pronounce the word given
so I asked others to read it for me, but it end up by arguing to each other because
they also are confused. But yes, with no doubt using language is one of the most
amazing things we do.
Reflection in Cognitive

Is the mental action or process of acquiring knowledge and understanding through

thought, experience, and the senses. It encompasses processes such as attention,
the formation of knowledge, memory,  and working memory,  judgement
and evaluation, reasoning, problem solving, decision making and production
of language. Cognitive processes helps us use existing knowledge and at the same
time generate new knowledge. We usually use this when we are in a situation which
we need instant reasoning. In school when we are having a test this is the process in
which we can remember our past discussions. I can analyze and think fast to solve a
problem. You can apply this when you reach the stage of maturation. I assume that
all of us need self-determination and competence in one self so that we will be
challenge in every work we will do. Base on Vygotsky’s theory of cognitive
development, “As the children grow older, their cognitive processes become
sharper.” I agree to that because as we grow we gain new informations that can
make our reasoning more advance and developed. We can analyze things faster and
enhance good decision making. Vygotsky’s theory and Piaget’s theory was very
helpful for me, It helps me analyze and understand things easily. We seek for new
knowledge by our peers and adapt acceptance in our surroundings. So as now I’m
using my working memory to process all this information that I am gaining. Thinking
is the way on how to reason and also this cognitive development helps us to live and
survive in our daily life because we use this different kinds of functions that we can
be useful in our work, school and in our surroundings so that we can socialize to

Reflection in social and emotional development

Social and emotional, this is already familiar and known to us people because we
do this all the time and it depends on how we are being handled like when we
were infants, we are loved, nurtured, well-handled, and develop trust to the
people that surrounds us, so as we grow up we will bring this kind of behavior
while in the other hand if we are not well-handled, we are abandoned and
abused we will bring this as we grow. We will have trust issue and emotional
breakdown or trauma. Being a person, life is very essential to us so we should
take good care and love the people that is important to us. There are four stage
of social and emotional development, there is temperament which is about a
child dependant to its parents, next is attachment this talks about how a child or
a person attached to his or her parents and the needs of guidance and love, third
is social competence a situation wherein a child or a person have the ability to
get along with others adapt new situation without their parent around them,
lastly is the emotion regulation is the child’s ability to control his or her
emotions, attitudes and reactions to his or her environment in order to build
friendship to others and adults but it doesn’t mean that he or she will not show
any emotions because it is normal to not to handle your emotions or throw
tantrums sometimes because it’s also their way in making their selves to be
recognize by their parents. It is also important as a person to have a positive
social and emotional skills because it can have an impact throughout life, how to
functions at home, in school and in the community.

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