Cdev0101 Notes

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Chapter 1

Development is the pattern of change that begins at conception and continues through
the life span. Most development involves growth, although it also includes decline.
Influences on Development
1. Health and Well-Being
o Physical Health: Questions about how physical health, such as nutrition
and exercise, affects development are critical. For instance, inadequate
nutrition can impact cognitive and emotional development.
o Mental Health: Increasing concerns about mental health, exacerbated by
factors like the COVID-19 pandemic, highlight the importance of addressing
psychological well-being from a young age.
2. Parenting
o Responsive Parenting: The quality of parenting, including emotional
responsiveness and support, plays a crucial role in healthy development.
Parenting practices can significantly influence a child's emotional and
behavioral outcomes.
3. Education
o Educational Impact: Educational experiences shape a child's cognitive and
socioemotional development. Effective education systems and relationships
with educators are vital for fostering a child’s growth.
4. Sociocultural Contexts (context- setting in which development occurs)
o Culture and Ethnicity: Cultural and ethnic backgrounds influence
developmental experiences and expectations. Cross-cultural studies examine
how these factors affect development across different societies.
o Socioeconomic Status (SES): SES impacts access to resources and
opportunities, which can affect developmental outcomes. Lower SES is often
associated with higher risks for developmental challenges.
o Gender: Gender identity and roles can influence various aspects of
development, including self-perception and social interactions.

Culture encompasses the behaviour patterns, beliefs, and all other products of a
specific group of people that are passed on from generation to generation. Culture
results from the interaction of people over many years Whatever its size, the group’s
culture influences the behaviour of its members.

Cross-cultural studies compare aspects of two or more cultures. The comparison

measures the degree to which development is similar, or universal, across cultures, or is
instead culture-specific

Ethnicity (the word ethnic comes from the Greek word for “nation”) is rooted in cultural
heritage, nationality, race, religion, and language.

Socioeconomic status (SES) refers to a person’s position within society based on

occupational, educational, and economic characteristics.
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The factors that influence a child's growth and development are also related to the time
or era in which they are born. A cohort is a group of people who are born at a similar
point in history and share similar experiences as a result.


resilience is a capacity that can be developed and involves having access to resources
and the opportunities to practise coping skills in the presence of supportive relationships.

A child's resilience is determined by their experience with these individual, family, and
social factors. Children who experience adversity are more likely to thrive if they
experience even a few of these factors.
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Biological processes produce changes in an individual’s body. Genes inherited from

parents, the development of the brain, height and weight gains, growth in motor skills,
and hormonal changes during puberty all reflect the role of biological processes in

Socioemotional processes produce changes in relationships with other people,

emotions, and personality.

Cognitive processes lead to changes in an individual’s thoughts, intelligence, and


Biological, cognitive, and socioemotional processes interact and can influence each
other. These processes are deeply intertwined.


The prenatal period is the time from conception to birth, roughly a nine-month period.
During this amazing time, a single cell grows into a fetus and then a baby, complete with
a brain and a vast range of capabilities.

Infancy is the developmental period that extends from birth to about 18 to 24 months of
age. Infancy is a time of extreme dependence on adults. Many psychological activities
are just beginning—the abilities to speak, to coordinate sensations and physical actions,
to think with symbols, and to imitate and learn from others.

Early childhood is the developmental period that extends from the end of infancy to
about 5 or 6 years of age; sometimes this period is called the preschool years. During
this time, young children learn to become more self-sufficient, and they spend many
hours in play and with peers. With support, children develop self-regulation in the early
childhood years.

Middle and late childhood is the developmental period between about 6 and 11 years
of age; sometimes this period is referred to as the elementary school years. Children
master the fundamental skills of reading, writing, and arithmetic, and they are formally
exposed to the larger world and its cultures. Achievement becomes a more central
theme of the child’s world, and self-regulation increases.

Adolescence is the developmental period of transition from childhood to early

adulthood, beginning at approximately 10 to 12 years of age and ending at about 18 to
19 years of age. Adolescence begins with rapid physical changes—dramatic gains in
height and weight; changes in body shape; and the development of sexual
characteristics such as enlargement of the breasts and widening of the hips, growth of
pubic and facial hair, and deepening of the voice.
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The nature-nurture issue involves whether development is primarily influenced by

nature or by nurture. Nature refers to the child's biological inheritance, nurture to their
environmental experiences.

Feral children are children who have grown up with limited human contact, either by
accident or because they have suffered severe neglect.

The continuity-discontinuity issue focuses on the extent to which development

involves gradual, cumulative change (continuity) or distinct stages (discontinuity).

Continuity- development is the gradual growth or addition of skills and abilities that to
some degree were already there; it is a matter of quantitative change e.g. puberty

Discontinuity- each person is described as passing through a sequence of distinct stages.

This change is a “qualitative,” discontinuous change in development.

The early-later experience issue in human development revolves around the debate
about the relative importance of early versus later experiences in shaping an individual's
development. This issue explores how experiences at different stages of life impact
development and whether early experiences have a more significant influence than later
ones, or vice versa.
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Psychoanalytic Theories

 describe development as primarily unconscious (beyond awareness) and as heavily

coloured by emotion.
 behaviour is merely a surface characteristic and that a true understanding of
development requires analyzing the symbolic meanings of behaviour and the deep
inner workings of the mind.
 early experiences with parents extensively shape development.

Freud’s Psychosexual Theory

The primary motivation for human behaviour is sexual in nature

Our basic personality is shaped in the first five years of life

early experience as far more important than later experiences

Erikson’s Psychosocial Theory

Primary motivation for human behaviour is social and reflects a desire to affiliate with
other people.

Personality is shaped throughout the life span.

Both early and later experiences are important.

Trust versus First year trust is achieved as the infant experiences consistent and nurturing caregiving.
mistrust Infants who are not cared for will develop a general mistrust of their world.
Autonomy 1 -3 years After gaining trust in their caregivers, infants begin to discover that their behaviour
versus is their own. They start to assert their sense of independence or autonomy. They
shame and realize their will. If infants and toddlers are restrained too much or punished too
doubt harshly, they are likely to develop a sense of shame and doubt.
Initiative 3 – 5 years As preschool children encounter a widening social world, they face new challenges
versus guilt, that require active, purposeful, responsible behaviour. Feelings of guilt may arise,
though, if the child is irresponsible and is made to feel too anxious about failures.
Industry 6yrs- puberty Children now need to direct their energy toward mastering knowledge and
versus intellectual skills. The negative outcome is that the child may develop a sense of
inferiority inferiority—feeling incompetent and unproductive. Schools play a significant role in
this stage of development.
identity 10-20 years individuals confront the tasks of finding out who they are, what they are all about,
versus and where they are going in life. If adolescents explore roles in a healthy manner
identity and arrive at a positive path to follow in life, then they achieve a positive sense of
confusion. self; if not, identity confusion reigns.
Intimacy 20’s 30’s individuals face the developmental task of forming intimate relationships. If young
versus adults form healthy friendships and an intimate relationship with another, intimacy
isolation will be achieved; if not, isolation will result.
Generativity 40’s 50’s By generativity Erikson means primarily a concern for helping the younger
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versus generation to develop and lead useful lives. The feeling of having done nothing to
stagnation, help the next generation is stagnation.
Industry 60s onward a person reflects on the past. If the person’s life review reveals a life well spent,
versus integrity will be achieved; if not, the retrospective glances likely will yield doubt or
inferiority gloom
Cognitive Theories

Piaget’s Cognitive Developmental Theory

 children actively construct their understanding of the world and go through four
stages of cognitive development.
 Two processes, organization and adaptation, move us through the four stages of
 To make sense of our world, we organize our experiences. For example, we
separate important ideas from less important ideas, and we connect one idea to
another. In addition to organizing our observations and experiences, we adapt,
adjusting to new environmental demands.
 the child’s cognition is qualitatively different in one stage compared with another.

Vygotsky’s Sociocultural Cognitive Theory

 Development of memory, attention, and reasoning involves learning to use the

inventions of society, such as language, mathematical systems, and memory
 Children’s social interaction with more-skilled adults and peers is indispensable to
their cognitive development. Through this interaction, they learn to use the tools
that will help them adapt and be successful in their culture.
 knowledge is situated and collaborative. knowledge is not generated from within
the individual but rather is constructed through interaction with other people and
objects in the culture, such as books. This suggests that knowledge grows through
interaction with others in cooperative activities.

Information-Processing Theory

 individuals manipulate information, monitor it, and strategize about it.

 does not describe development as happening in stages.
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 individuals develop a gradually increasing capacity for processing information,

which allows them to acquire increasingly complex knowledge and skills

Behavioural and Social Cognitive Theories

Behaviourism: we can study scientifically only what can be directly observed and

Pavlov’s Classical Conditioning

This theory focuses on how a neutral stimulus can come to elicit a response after being
paired with a stimulus that naturally brings about that response.

Skinner’s Operant Conditioning

 The consequences of a behaviour produce changes in the future probability of the

 two main consequences to behaviour that shape its development: reinforcement
and punishment.
 A reinforcement increases the likelihood that a behaviour will be repeated. Positive
reinforcement involves using a reward, such as a smile, a snack, money, or praise.
Negative reinforcement involves taking away something unpleasant to encourage
behaviour, such as telling a child they don't have to do the dishes if they eat their
 Punishment is intended to stop a behaviour and can be positive, such as adding an
unpleasant consequence after an unwanted behaviour, or negative, such as taking
away something desirable to stop a behaviour.

Bandura’s Social Cognitive Theory

 behaviour, environment, and cognition are the key factors in development.

 cognitive processes have important links with the environment and behaviour.
 observational learning (also called imitation or modelling), which is learning that
occurs through observing what others do.
 Social cognitive theorists stress that people acquire a wide range of behaviours,
thoughts, and feelings through observing others’ behaviour and that these
observations powerfully influence children’s development.

Ethological Theory (Konrad Lorenz (1903–1989)

 Behaviour is strongly influenced by biology, is tied to evolution, and is

characterized by critical or sensitive periods.
 Critical Periods: there are critical periods during which certain behaviors must be
 Imprinting: refers to a form of rapid learning occurring during a critical period
shortly after birth. Imprinting is crucial for animals to form attachments and learn
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essential behaviors. For instance, baby ducks imprint on their mother and follow
her around, ensuring their survival

Ecological Theory (Urie Bronfenbrenner (1917–2005)

Microsystem: This is the innermost layer of the ecological system and includes the
immediate environments that directly impact an individual. These include family, school,
peers, and neighborhood. Interactions within the microsystem are bidirectional; for
example, a child's behavior influences and is influenced by their family dynamics.
Mesosystem: The mesosystem involves the interactions between different
microsystems. It refers to the connections between the various settings in which an
individual is involved. For instance, the relationship between a child's family and their
school, or between their home life and their extracurricular activities, falls within the
mesosystem. Positive interactions across these settings can support development, while
negative interactions can create conflicts or stress.
Exosystem: The exosystem includes broader social systems that do not directly involve
the individual but still affect them. These can include the parent’s workplace, community
services, and social networks. For example, if a parent experiences job stress or
unemployment, it can indirectly impact the child’s development through changes in
family dynamics or economic stability.
Macrosystem: The macrosystem encompasses the larger cultural, economic, and
societal influences that shape an individual’s environment. This includes cultural values,
laws, and economic conditions. For example, societal attitudes towards education and
child-rearing practices are part of the macrosystem and can influence the overall
development of children within that society.
Chronosystem: The chronosystem refers to the dimension of time and how changes
over time impact development. It includes life transitions, historical events, and socio-
economic changes that influence an individual’s development. For example, the effects
of growing up during a time of economic recession or a global pandemic would be
considered within the chronosystem.
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Chapter 2

Natural Selection and Adaptive Behaviour

1. Natural Selection Overview
o Definition: Natural selection is the process by which individuals of a species best adapted to their
environment survive and reproduce, passing on their traits to the next generation.
o Darwin’s Observations:
 Organisms reproduce at high rates, but populations remain constant because many young do not
survive due to competition for resources (food, water, etc.).
 Those who survive are better adapted to their environment and pass these advantageous traits on
to their offspring.
 Over time, traits that improve survival become more common, leading to gradual population
2. Adaptation and Adaptive Behaviour
o Physical Adaptation: Traits that increase survival chances, e.g., an eagle’s claws help in predation.
o Adaptive Behaviour: Behaviours that enhance survival, e.g., the attachment between a caregiver and an
infant helps ensure the child’s safety and survival.
o Environmental Changes: If the environment changes, different traits may become more advantageous,
guiding natural selection in new directions.
3. Desmond Morris Quote:
o Highlights that humans (Homo sapiens), unlike other primates, are relatively "hairless," emphasizing their
unique evolutionary path.
Evolutionary Psychology
1. Overview of Evolutionary Psychology
o Focuses on how evolution shapes behaviour by favouring traits that increase reproductive success (ability
to pass genes to the next generation).
o Key Concept: "Fitness" in evolutionary psychology refers to the ability to reproduce successfully and
pass on genes.
2. David Buss’s Contributions
o Argues that evolution has shaped not only physical traits but also human behaviours, such as decision-
making, aggression, fears, and mating patterns.
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o Hypothesized that traits like spatial thinking in men were advantageous in hunter-gatherer societies and
became more common over generations due to reproductive success.
3. Criticism of Evolutionary Psychology
o The scenarios described (e.g., spatial skills in hunters) might not have occurred exactly as proposed.
Critics argue that these are speculative and not always based on concrete evidence.
4. Current Hunter-Gatherer Societies
o Hadza Study: In hunter-gatherer societies like the Hadza, mothers and grandmothers' foraging
contributes more to family sustenance than hunting by males.
o Implications: This research highlights the importance of cooperative social behaviour and explains why
human females live past reproductive age, suggesting that grandmothers' roles were crucial for the
survival of grandchildren.
Evolutionary Developmental Psychology
1. Extended Childhood Period
o Humans take longer to reach reproductive maturity compared to other mammals, likely because of the
time needed to develop large brains and acquire complex societal skills.
o Human Development: The extended childhood period is thought to allow humans to learn and adapt to
the complexities of human society, which is key for survival and reproduction.
2. Domain-Specific Psychological Mechanisms
o Evolutionary psychology suggests that human minds are not general-purpose but consist of specialized
mechanisms to solve specific problems (e.g., spatial thinking, language, trading skills).
o These mechanisms evolved in response to recurring challenges faced by early humans.
3. Evolved Mechanisms and Modern Society
o Some evolved behaviours, while adaptive for early humans, may no longer be beneficial in contemporary
 Example: The tendency to crave high-calorie foods, which was advantageous in food-scarce
environments, now contributes to obesity in modern food-abundant societies.
Evaluating Evolutionary Psychology
1. Criticism
o One-sided Evolutionism: Critics like Albert Bandura argue that evolutionary psychology
overemphasizes the role of biology in behaviour, ignoring environmental influences.
o Bidirectional View: Instead of evolution dictating behaviour, it is suggested that biological and
environmental factors interact. Changes in the environment can create new evolutionary pressures,
leading to further biological changes (e.g., tool use led to the development of specific biological systems
for thought and language).
2. Cultural Flexibility
o Evolution provides humans with biological potentialities, but these do not strictly determine behaviour.
Human cultures vary widely (e.g., aggressive vs. peace-loving societies), showing that biology allows a
range of possibilities influenced by culture.
3. Challenges in Testing Evolutionary Psychology
o The long timescale of evolution makes it difficult to empirically study the development of human traits
through natural selection.
o Research on specific genes and their links to traits may offer the best method for testing evolutionary
psychology theories.
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1. Genes and Their Influence on Development

 Genes are units of hereditary information made up of DNA.
 Each gene occupies a specific location on a chromosome.
 Genes regulate the development of cells, influencing the body's structure and functions by assembling proteins.
 Proteins are the building blocks of cells and are crucial for directing the body’s processes.
 Human Genome Project mapped the entire human genome, identifying approximately 43,000 genes, far fewer
than earlier estimates of 100,000.
2. Genes and Chromosomes
 Chromosomes are structures within the nucleus of cells that contain DNA.
 Every cell, except gametes (sperm and egg), has 46 chromosomes arranged in 23 pairs.
 Genes work collaboratively, both with each other and with environmental factors, to influence the body’s
 External factors such as stress, radiation, and temperature can affect gene expression.
 Fertilization: The process where sperm and egg fuse to create a zygote, resulting in 23 paired chromosomes in
the zygote, half from each parent.
3. Genetic Principles
 Meiosis is the process of cell division that produces gametes with 23 unpaired chromosomes.
 Mitosis is the process by which the zygote and all other cells reproduce, ensuring that each cell has a full set of 46
 Genes exhibit variability through different combinations during the formation of gametes, allowing for greater
diversity in offspring.
 Mutations, or permanent changes in the DNA sequence, can occur, leading to further genetic variation.
4. Variability in Development
 Genetic diversity is essential for the survival of species as it allows natural selection to operate.
 Phenotype vs. Genotype:
o Genotype refers to an individual’s entire genetic material.
o Phenotype refers to the observable traits and characteristics (e.g., height, intelligence), which are
influenced by both genes and the environment.
o There is a range of possible phenotypes for a given genotype, influenced by environmental factors like
5. Chromosomal and Gene-Linked Abnormalities
 Some developmental issues arise due to abnormalities in the structure or number of chromosomes.
 Chromosomal abnormalities may include conditions like Down syndrome (trisomy 21), where an extra copy of
chromosome 21 is present.
 Gene-linked abnormalities may result from mutations in specific genes, leading to disorders like cystic fibrosis
or sickle-cell anemia.
6. Gene-Environment Interaction
 Genes do not act independently; their expression is influenced by both internal and external environmental
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 Gene expression is the process by which information from a gene is used to synthesize proteins.
 Environmental factors such as hormones, light, nutrition, and behavior can turn genes "on" or "off."
 External stressors like radiation or high levels of stress hormones (e.g., cortisol) can lead to DNA damage or
affect the rate of DNA repair.
Genetic Principles
1. Genotype and Phenotype
o Genotype refers to the genetic makeup of an individual, while phenotype is the observable
characteristics. The expression of a genotype to create a phenotype is complex and influenced by genetic
and environmental factors.
2. Dominant-Recessive Genes Principle
o Dominant gene: Always exerts its effects, overriding the recessive gene. For example, brown hair
dominates over blond hair.
o Recessive gene: Exerts its influence only if both paired genes are recessive.
o Example: Two brown-haired parents (with one dominant gene for brown hair and one recessive for
blond) can have a blond-haired child if both pass on their recessive blond hair genes.
3. Sex-Linked Genes
o X-linked inheritance occurs when a mutated gene is carried on the X chromosome. Since males have
only one X chromosome, they are more likely to express X-linked diseases (e.g., hemophilia, fragile X
syndrome). Females, with two X chromosomes, may carry the gene but are less likely to express the
disease unless both X chromosomes are affected.
4. Polygenic Inheritance
o Most traits are determined by the interaction of multiple genes (polygenic inheritance), not just by a
single gene or gene pair. For example, traits like height and intelligence involve the interaction of several
genes and environmental factors.
o Gene-gene interaction: Studies focus on how multiple genes work together to influence traits, behaviors,
and diseases (e.g., immune system functioning, asthma, cancer).
Chromosomal and Gene-Linked Abnormalities
1. Chromosomal Abnormalities
o These occur when there are issues with chromosome separation during meiosis, leading to conditions like
Down syndrome (extra chromosome 21), Klinefelter syndrome (XXY), Turner syndrome (missing or
altered X chromosome in females), and XYY syndrome (extra Y chromosome in males).
Common Chromosomal Abnormalities:
o Down syndrome: Causes intellectual disabilities, distinct facial features, and physical abnormalities.
Occurs more frequently with advanced maternal age.
o Klinefelter syndrome: Affects males (XXY), leading to physical abnormalities like undeveloped testes
and enlarged breasts. Hormone therapy can be helpful.
o Turner syndrome: Females with one X chromosome missing or altered. Causes short stature, webbed
neck, and fertility issues. Hormone therapy is a common treatment.
o XYY syndrome: Males with an extra Y chromosome are often taller than average, but no special
treatment is required.
2. Gene-Linked Abnormalities
o Gene-linked abnormalities arise from harmful genes rather than chromosomal issues. Over 7,000 such
disorders exist, though most are rare. Some well-known examples include:
Gene-Linked Disorders:
o Phenylketonuria (PKU): Individuals can't metabolize phenylalanine, leading to intellectual disability if
untreated. A special diet can prevent the disorder from manifesting.
o Sickle-cell anemia: Affects red blood cells, limiting oxygen delivery and causing pain and anemia. It is
more common in African Americans.
o Cystic fibrosis: A glandular dysfunction hampers breathing and digestion, shortening the lifespan.
Treatment includes physical therapy and medication.
o Tay-Sachs disease: Causes progressive mental and physical deterioration due to lipid accumulation in the
nervous system, leading to early death.
o Hemophilia: Causes delayed blood clotting, leading to internal and external bleeding.
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o Spina bifida: A neural tube defect leading to spine and brain abnormalities, often treated with surgery
and therapy.
Heredity-Environment Interaction
 Genes interact with the environment, and environmental manipulation can prevent certain genetic disorders from
developing. For example, the effects of PKU can be mitigated by avoiding phenylalanine in the diet.
 This interaction illustrates that genes are not destiny. The right environmental conditions can prevent certain
genetic risks from becoming phenotypic disorders.
Considerations of Genetic Abnormalities
 Every individual carries DNA variations that might predispose them to diseases. However, not all individuals
develop disorders. The development of a genetic disorder often depends on environmental factors or the presence
of compensatory genes.
 Genetic counseling helps families understand genetic risks and make informed decisions about managing these
risks. Genetic counselors analyze inheritance patterns and suggest strategies for offsetting potential effects.
Key Takeaways:
 Dominant-recessive genes determine many traits but can vary in expression depending on the combination of
genes inherited from both parents.
 Sex-linked genes are especially impactful on males, as they lack a second X chromosome to counter harmful X-
linked mutations.
 Polygenic traits reflect the complexity of genetic inheritance, often involving multiple genes and environmental
 Chromosomal and gene-linked abnormalities present in various forms and degrees of severity, but treatments
can improve quality of life for affected individuals.
 Environmental interactions can mitigate the effects of genetic disorders, emphasizing the importance of both
heredity and environment in development.
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Behaviour Genetics
1. Introduction to Behaviour Genetics
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 Definition: Behaviour genetics is the field that examines the influence of heredity and environment on individual
differences in human traits and development.
 Purpose: Rather than focusing on how much heredity or environment affects a person, the goal is to understand
why people differ—whether due to genetic differences, environmental factors, or their interaction.
2. Key Methods Used in Behaviour Genetics
 Twin Studies:
o Compare behavioural similarities between identical twins (genetically identical) and fraternal twins (no
more genetically similar than regular siblings).
o Helps researchers examine the role of heredity in traits, such as conduct problems.
o Example: Identical twins show greater similarity in conduct problems compared to fraternal twins,
suggesting a genetic influence.
o Caveat: Identical twins may also have more similar environments, which could exaggerate genetic
 Adoption Studies:
o Compare adopted children with their biological parents (heredity) and adoptive parents (environment).
o Seek to determine whether children's behaviour is more similar to their biological or adoptive parents.
o Another form of adoption study compares biological siblings with adoptive siblings.
3. Heredity-Environment Correlations
 The interaction between genetics and environment is complex. Heredity-environment correlations describe how
an individual’s genes influence the types of environments they are exposed to.
 Three Types of Heredity-Environment Correlations (Sandra Scarr):
1. Passive Correlation:
 Parents provide both genes and a rearing environment.
 Example: Musically inclined parents pass on musical genes and create a music-rich environment
for their children.
2. Evocative Correlation:
 A child’s genetically influenced traits elicit specific responses from the environment.
 Example: A cheerful, outgoing child elicits positive social interactions, reinforcing social traits.
3. Active Correlation (Niche-Picking):
 Children seek out environments that match their genetic propensities.
 Example: A child with a genetic interest in sports may spend more time in playgrounds or sports
fields, engaging with others who share similar interests.
 Developmental Changes:
o As children grow older, passive correlations diminish and active correlations become more prominent,
especially during adolescence when children gain more control over their environments.
4. Shared and Nonshared Environmental Experiences
 Shared Environment:
o Experiences common to siblings, such as parents’ socioeconomic status, parenting styles, or the
o Example: Children in the same family share the same home environment and parental values.
 Nonshared Environment:
o Unique experiences for each child, both within and outside the family.
o Includes differences in peer groups, different school experiences, and individual interactions with parents.
o Plomin’s Research: Found that shared environments contribute very little to differences in personality
and interests among siblings.
5. Research Findings in Heredity-Environment Interaction
 Robert Plomin:
o Shared environments have limited influence on personality.
o Nonshared environments are more important in explaining why siblings differ, even when raised in the
same family.
o Example: One sibling might pursue sports, while another might focus on music, due to inherited
tendencies and the environments they seek out.
 Influence of Intelligence:
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o Early in childhood, parenting (e.g., parental intelligence) plays a strong role in creating enriching
environments (e.g., providing books, museum trips).
o As children age, their own intelligence becomes more predictive of the quality of the environments they
seek (e.g., academic clubs, advanced classes).

6. Longitudinal Studies on Environmental Influences

 Early Childhood:
o Environmental factors such as parenting have a strong influence during early development.
o Example: A mother’s intelligence correlates with the presence of stimulating materials (books,
educational outings) in the home.
 Middle Childhood to Adolescence:
o As children grow, their genetic tendencies (e.g., intelligence, talents) become stronger predictors of the
environments they choose.
o By ages 8-9, and especially in adolescence, children's own intelligence more strongly predicts the quality
of their environment compared to maternal influence.

Summary of Key Concepts:

1. Twin Studies and Adoption Studies: Help differentiate genetic vs. environmental contributions to behaviour.
2. Heredity-Environment Correlations: Describe how genetic traits influence the environments children
3. Shared vs. Nonshared Environments: Shared environments are common family influences, while nonshared
ones are unique to each child.
4. Longitudinal Findings: Early development is more influenced by environment; later development shows greater
influence from children's genetic propensities.

Prenatal Development
1. Conception
 Conception occurs when a sperm unites with an egg in the female's fallopian tube, resulting in a fertilized egg, or
 Fertilization leads to a genetically unique zygote, directing developmental changes.
 Identical twins (monozygotic) come from a single zygote that splits, while fraternal twins (dizygotic) develop
from two eggs fertilized by different sperm.
2. Course of Prenatal Development
Prenatal development lasts around 266 to 280 days (38–40 weeks) and is divided into three periods:
1. Germinal Period (0–2 weeks)
o Begins with conception, involving zygote creation, cell division, and attachment to the uterine wall.
o By the end of the first week, the cells differentiate into the blastocyst (inner cells become the embryo)
and the trophoblast (provides support/nutrition).
o Implantation occurs 11–15 days after conception.
2. Embryonic Period (2–8 weeks)
o Cell differentiation intensifies, and life-support systems develop. Major organs begin to form
o The embryo forms three layers:
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 Endoderm: Digestive and respiratory systems.

 Mesoderm: Circulatory system, bones, muscles, reproductive system.
 Ectoderm: Nervous system, brain, skin, sensory organs.
o Life-support systems include:
 Amnion: Fluid-filled sac protecting the embryo.
 Umbilical cord: Connects embryo to placenta, allowing nutrient and waste exchange.
 Placenta: Exchanges oxygen, nutrients, and waste between mother and embryo, but prevents
mixing of blood supplies.
3. Fetal Period (2 months to birth)
o This period sees rapid growth and development.
o By 3 months, the fetus is 8 cm long, moves its arms and legs, and shows facial features.
o By 5 months, the fetus is around 30 cm long and 454 g. The skin, fingernails, and toenails develop.
o Viability (chance of surviving outside the womb) occurs around 24 weeks.
o At birth, the average fetus is about 50 cm long and weighs around 3.4 kg.
3. Brain Development
 Neurogenesis begins around 5 weeks after conception, with up to 200,000 neurons generated every minute.
 Neuronal migration occurs between 6 to 24 weeks, where cells move to their correct locations in the brain.
 Connections between neurons begin forming around week 23 and continue postnatally.
 By birth, the brain contains approximately 100 billion neurons.
4. Teratology and Hazards to Prenatal Development
 A teratogen is any substance or environmental factor that can cause birth defects.
 Critical periods during organogenesis are when teratogens can have the most severe effects.
 Common teratogens:
o Drugs (e.g., alcohol, nicotine, illicit drugs)
o Environmental pollutants (e.g., lead, mercury)
o Infectious diseases (e.g., rubella, Zika virus)
o Maternal conditions (e.g., diabetes, obesity)
 Neural tube defects:
o Anencephaly: The highest regions of the brain fail to develop.
o Spina bifida: Incomplete closing of the neural tube, often leading to paralysis.
o Prevention: Adequate intake of folic acid by the mother.
5. Prenatal Care
 Regular prenatal care helps monitor the health of the mother and fetus.
 It includes nutritional guidance, fetal monitoring, and education about potential risks (e.g., avoiding harmful
6. Normal Prenatal Development
 First Trimester (0–13 weeks): The germinal and embryonic periods occur, and organ formation begins.
 Second Trimester (14–26 weeks): The fetal period begins. By 24 weeks, the fetus may be viable outside the
 Third Trimester (27–40 weeks): Significant growth in size and weight. The organs mature, and the fetus
prepares for birth.
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Teratology and Hazards to Prenatal Development

Prenatal development is a complex process that can be significantly influenced by various environmental factors, even
though the mother's womb offers a protective environment for the developing embryo or fetus. This section discusses the
concept of teratogens, their effects on prenatal development, and various factors that contribute to potential risks.
General Principles of Teratology
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 Teratogen Definition: A teratogen is any agent that can potentially cause birth defects or negatively alter
cognitive and behavioral outcomes in a developing fetus. Given the prevalence of teratogens, nearly every fetus is
exposed to some level of these agents, making it challenging to pinpoint the exact causes of specific
developmental issues.
 Field of Study: Teratology is the study of the causes of birth defects. Relatedly, behavioral teratology focuses on
how certain exposures might affect cognitive and behavioral functioning without causing physical defects.
 Influencing Factors:
1. Dose: Increased exposure to a teratogen typically results in greater effects.
2. Genetic Susceptibility: The genetic makeup of both the pregnant individual and the fetus can influence
the impact of teratogens. For instance, male fetuses are often more vulnerable to teratogens than females.
3. Timing of Exposure: The timing of exposure to a teratogen is crucial; the embryonic period is generally
more sensitive than the fetal period. Critical periods for organ development are vital, as damage during
these times can lead to significant issues.
Categories of Teratogens
1. Substance Use in Pregnancy
o Prescription Drugs: Some medications can have teratogenic effects. Women are advised to consult
healthcare providers about the safety of any medication during pregnancy.
o Psychoactive Drugs: Substances such as caffeine, alcohol, nicotine, and illicit drugs like cocaine and
methamphetamine can harm fetal development.
 Alcohol: Heavy drinking can lead to fetal alcohol spectrum disorders (FASD), which result in
physical, cognitive, and behavioral deficits.
 Nicotine: Associated with low birth weight, preterm births, and long-term developmental issues.
 Cocaine and Methamphetamines: Linked to various adverse outcomes, including reduced birth
weight and developmental challenges.
 Marijuana: Although findings are mixed, marijuana use during pregnancy may lead to negative
outcomes such as low birth weight and premature birth.

2. Environmental Hazards
o Exposure to environmental toxins (e.g., radiation, heavy metals, chemical pollutants) can pose risks to
fetal development. X-ray radiation, for instance, can be particularly harmful in early pregnancy.
3. Maternal Factors
o Maternal Diseases: Conditions such as rubella and sexually transmitted infections can cross the placental
barrier and cause harm.
 HIV/AIDS: Can be transmitted during pregnancy, birth, or breastfeeding.
 Diabetes: Associated with higher rates of congenital malformations and other complications.
o Maternal Nutrition: A well-balanced diet is essential for healthy fetal development. Deficiencies,
particularly in folic acid, can lead to neural tube defects and other issues.
4. Incompatible Blood Types: Rh incompatibility can lead to severe complications in fetal development, including
miscarriage and brain damage.
5. Maternal Age: Both younger mothers (adolescents) and older mothers (35+) face increased risks for various
complications, including higher rates of miscarriage and congenital anomalies.
6. Emotional States and Stress: High levels of maternal stress and anxiety can lead to negative outcomes, including
preterm birth and developmental issues in offspring.
Paternal Factors
 The father's health and behaviors also influence prenatal development. Exposure to environmental toxins, paternal
smoking, and genetic abnormalities in sperm can all lead to adverse outcomes in offspring.
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Prenatal Diagnostic Tests

 Purpose: To determine whether a fetus is developing normally.
 Common Tests:
o Ultrasound Sonography: Imaging technique to visualize the fetus.
o Fetal MRI: Non-invasive imaging for detailed fetal assessment.
o Chorionic Villus Sampling (CVS): Sample taken from the placenta to detect genetic disorders.
o Amniocentesis: Sampling of amniotic fluid for genetic analysis.
o Maternal Blood Screening: Tests to check for markers of potential issues.
o Noninvasive Prenatal Diagnosis (NIPD): Analyzes fetal cells and DNA in maternal blood.
 Trends:
o Increased research on less invasive methods like fetal MRI and NIPD, which pose lower risks compared
to CVS and amniocentesis.
o Advancements in technology improve pregnancy monitoring and fetal abnormality identification.
 Ethical Considerations:
o Prenatal testing raises complex issues for parents, such as the decision to abort if defects are found.
o CVS allows for earlier decision-making about pregnancy termination when it may be less traumatic.
 CVS Risk:
o Earlier studies indicated CVS had a slightly higher risk of pregnancy loss than amniocentesis, but more
recent studies show comparable risks between the two (Caughey et al., 2006).
 NIPD Advances:
o Focuses on brain imaging, isolating fetal cells in maternal blood, and analyzing cell-free fetal DNA.
o Successfully used for testing genes related to cystic fibrosis and Huntington’s disease.
o Exploring early detection of baby’s sex and Down syndrome.
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Infertility and Reproductive Technology

 Infertility Statistics:
o 10-16% of couples in Canada experience infertility, defined as not conceiving after 12 months of
unprotected intercourse.
o Causes can be related to either partner (e.g., ovulation issues in women, sperm count/motility issues in
 Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART):
o Couples increasingly seek help for infertility, often turning to high-tech methods.
o In Vitro Fertilization (IVF): Common ART method where eggs and sperm are combined in a lab;
successful embryos are transferred to the uterus.
o IVF success rates vary with maternal age; approximately 1.7% of U.S. births result from IVF (Kawwass
& Badell, 2018).
 Implications of ART:
o Fertility treatments have led to a rise in multiple births (25-30% of ART pregnancies).
o IVF twins are at higher risk for low birth weight and premature birth, requiring additional prenatal care.
 Definition: Social and legal process establishing a parent-child relationship between unrelated individuals.
 Outcomes for Adopted Children:
o Early adoption (before 18 months) generally leads to better outcomes than later adoption, reducing
exposure to adverse conditions.
o Studies show children adopted early have better long-term behavioral and cognitive outcomes compared
to those adopted later (McCall et al., 2019).
 Adjustment of Adopted Children:
o Majority of adopted children adjust well, with parents expressing satisfaction with the decision to adopt.
o Research shows no significant difference in self-esteem between adopted and non-adopted children
(Juffer & van Ijzendoorn, 2007).
 Definition: Arranged pregnancy where another woman carries a child for an individual or couple.
 Types of Surrogacy:
o Gestational Carrier: Carries fertilized embryos.
o Genetic Carrier: Supplies her own eggs for fertilization.
 Legal Framework in Canada:
o Governed by the Assisted Human Reproduction Act (AHRA).
o Commercial surrogacy (paying surrogates) is illegal; surrogates can only be compensated for expenses.
 Demographic Trends:
o Surrogacy is increasingly utilized by same-sex couples and individuals facing fertility challenges.
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The Birth Process

Stages of Birth
The birth process, or labor and delivery, consists of three main stages:
1. First Stage:
o Duration: Longest stage; lasts approximately 6-12 hours for first-time mothers and shorter for
subsequent births.
o Phases:
 Early Labor: Uterine contractions begin, causing the cervix to stretch and open.
 Active Labor: Contractions intensify, occurring every 2-5 minutes.
o Cervical Dilation: The cervix dilates to about 10 centimeters (4 inches) to allow the baby to move into
the birth canal.
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2. Second Stage:
o Onset: Begins when the baby’s head starts moving through the cervix and birth canal.
o Duration: Typically lasts 45 minutes to 1 hour.
o Process: The mother pushes with each contraction, which occur almost every minute and last for about a
o Completion: Ends when the baby is completely born.
3. Third Stage (Afterbirth):
o Duration: Shortest stage, lasting only a few minutes.
o Process: The placenta, umbilical cord, and other membranes are detached and expelled.
Childbirth Setting and Attendants
 Common Settings:
o Majority of births occur in hospitals (97-99% in Canada), with only 1-3% taking place at home (Public
Health Agency of Canada, 2018).
 Cultural Variations in Attendants:
o North America: Fathers or birth coaches typically accompany mothers.
o East African Nigoni Culture: Male partners are excluded; female relatives support the mother, while the
husband departs until after birth.
o Pukapukan Culture (Pacific Islands): Childbirth is a community event, with women giving birth in
shelters open for public observation.
 Global Practice: Midwifery is practiced widely; in Holland, over 40% of deliveries are by midwives.
 Increasing Popularity in Canada: Midwifery is becoming more integrated into provincial healthcare systems
(Mattison et al., 2020).
 Benefits: Midwife-led care for low-risk women shows fewer procedures during labor, greater satisfaction, and
fewer adverse outcomes compared to physician-attended births (Raipuria et al., 2018).
 Role: A doula provides continuous physical, emotional, and educational support to mothers before, during, and
after childbirth.
 Research Findings: Presence of a doula has positive effects on the childbirth experience (McLeish & Redshaw,
Methods of Childbirth
 Family-Centered Approach: Canadian hospitals offer a variety of options regarding delivery methods, focusing
on the safety and comfort of both mother and baby.
Types of Medication Used:
1. Analgesia:
o Used to relieve pain (e.g., narcotics like Demerol).
2. Anesthesia:
o Blocks sensation or consciousness, typically used during late first-stage labor and delivery.
3. Pitocin (Synthetic Oxytocin):
o Stimulates uterine contractions to induce labor.
Natural and Prepared Childbirth:
 Natural Childbirth: Focuses on reducing pain through education, breathing techniques, and relaxation methods.
 Prepared Childbirth (Lamaze Method): Emphasizes controlled breathing and detailed education about
childbirth anatomy and physiology, typically involving a partner as a coach.
Alternative Methods:
 Techniques: Water birth, massage, yoga, acupuncture, hypnosis, and music therapy promote relaxation and
wellness during labor.
Caesarean Delivery
 Definition: A surgical procedure where the baby is delivered through an incision in the abdomen, typically
performed when the baby is in a breech position or in other complicated scenarios.
 Risks and Benefits: Ongoing debate about the advantages and disadvantages of Caesarean sections, which have
increased significantly; in Canada, 26% of births are Caesarean deliveries, a 50% rise over the past 20 years
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Assessing the Newborn

Immediate Post-Birth Assessment
 Initial Actions: Weighing, cleaning, and testing for developmental problems.
 Apgar Scale: Assesses health at 1 and 5 minutes after birth based on:
o Heart rate
o Respiratory effort
o Muscle tone
o Body colour
o Reflex irritability
o Scoring:
 7-10: Good condition.
 5: Possible developmental difficulties.
 3 or below: Emergency situation.

Additional Assessments
 Brazelton Neonatal Behavioral Assessment Scale (NBAS): For typical infants.
 Neonatal Intensive Care Unit Network Neurobehavioral Scale (NNNS): For at-risk infants
(premature or substance-exposed).

Preterm and Low-Birth-Weight Infants

 Low Birth Weight: Less than 2,500 grams (5½ pounds).
 Very-Low-Birth-Weight: Under 1,600 grams (3½ pounds).
 Extremely-Low-Birth-Weight: Under 900 grams (2 pounds).
 Preterm Infants: Born before 37 weeks of gestation.
 Small-for-Date Infants: Below normal birth weight for their gestational age.
Causes and Trends
 Preterm Birth Statistics: 8% of infants born preterm in Canada; increasing rates linked to older maternal age,
multiple births, medical interventions, substance abuse, and stress.
 Survival Rates: Improved by 25% in Canada from 2004–2017 due to better care practices.
 Ethnic Variations: Higher preterm rates among Black infants compared to white infants in North America.
Consequences of Preterm Birth and Low Birth Weight
1. Health Outcomes:
o Preterm and low-birth-weight infants are generally healthy, but they exhibit higher rates of illness and
developmental issues compared to normal-birth-weight infants.
o Definitions:
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Extremely Preterm: Infants born before the 28th week of pregnancy.

Very Preterm: Infants born before the 33rd week of gestation.
2. Correlation with Gestational Age:
o The number and severity of health issues are inversely related to gestational age; earlier births and lower
birth weights correlate with increased complications.
o Despite improved survival rates for very early and low-birth-weight infants, there are rising instances of
severe brain damage and developmental challenges.
3. Common Developmental Issues:
o Increased risks of:
 Cerebral Palsy
 Sensory Issues
 Learning Disabilities
 Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
 Breathing Problems (e.g., asthma)
 Childhood Autism (associated with very low birth weight)
o Low-birth-weight children are often overrepresented in special education programs.
Nurturing Low-Birth-Weight and Preterm Infants
1. Interventions:
o Two primary interventions in the NICU:
 Kangaroo Care:
 Involves skin-to-skin contact where the baby is held against the parent’s bare chest.
 Typically practiced for 2-3 hours per day, recommended worldwide.
 Benefits:
 Helps stabilize heart rate, temperature, and breathing.
 Leads to increased weight gain compared to non-kangaroo care infants.
 May have long-term cognitive benefits.
 Reduces mortality risk in low-birth-weight infants.
 Massage Therapy:
 Historically used across cultures to promote growth and well-being in infants.
 Research by Tiffany Field at the Touch Research Institute focuses on its effects on
preterm infants.
2. Research on Massage Therapy:
o Study Design:
 Preterm infants in a NICU were divided into a massage therapy group and a control group.
 The massage group received three 15-minute moderate-pressure massages for five consecutive
o Observations:
 Behavioral stress indicators (e.g., crying, grimacing, yawning) were assessed before and after the
 Findings indicated that massage reduced stress behaviors, which is crucial for hospitalized
preterm infants facing multiple stressors.
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The Postpartum Period

 The postpartum period, also known as the "fourth trimester," lasts about six weeks after childbirth or
until the mother’s body returns to a nearly prepregnant state.
 This time involves significant physical, psychological, emotional, and social adjustments for the new
mother and family.
1. Physical Adjustments
 Energy Levels:
o New mothers may experience fluctuating energy levels, ranging from exhaustion to increased
o Fatigue can negatively impact a mother's well-being and confidence in managing a new baby and
family life.
 Sleep Deprivation:
o Sleep loss is a significant concern during the postpartum period; many women report poor sleep
quality during pregnancy and postpartum.
o Sleep deprivation can lead to increased stress and impaired decision-making abilities.
 Hormonal Changes:
o After delivery, there are dramatic changes in hormone production:
 Estrogen and progesterone levels drop sharply with the delivery of the placenta and
remain low until the ovaries resume hormone production.
2. Emotional and Psychological Adjustments
 Emotional Fluctuations:
o Emotional changes are common, with many mothers experiencing postpartum blues,
characterized by feelings of worry, anxiety, and sadness within days after birth.
o About 70% of new mothers in the U.S. experience these "baby blues," typically peaking around
three to five days postpartum and usually resolving within one to two weeks without treatment.
 Postpartum Depression (PPD):
o PPD is a more severe condition that can occur about four weeks after delivery, characterized by
prolonged feelings of sadness, anxiety, and despair.
o PPD affects approximately 23% of new mothers in Canada, and many do not seek help due to
stigma and lack of support.
 Seeking Support:
o Many women report seeking emotional support from loved ones or health professionals. In
Canada, 85% of mothers with PPD sought help.
o Antidepressant medications are effective for PPD, although their safety during breastfeeding is
o Psychotherapy, particularly cognitive therapy, and physical activity may also aid in alleviating
PPD symptoms.
 Impact on Mother-Infant Interaction:
o Mothers with PPD often exhibit less sensitivity and responsiveness towards their infants,
affecting caregiving activities such as feeding and sleep routines.
o Fathers may also experience similar symptoms, with about 8-13% of new fathers facing
postpartum depression. Paternal depression can negatively influence child outcomes in cognitive,
emotional, and behavioral domains.
 Role of Father’s Support:
o A father’s supportive behavior can mitigate the risk of PPD in mothers, particularly for non-
working mothers.
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 Diversity in Parenting Adjustments:

o Non-gestational parents may face unique challenges, such as concerns about hospital procedures
and lack of support for non-heteronormative families. Recent years have seen improvements in
inclusive support for diverse family structures.
3. Bonding
 Definition of Bonding:
o Bonding refers to the emotional connection between parents and their newborn, which is crucial
in the early days after birth.
 Barriers to Bonding:
o Certain medical practices, such as pain relief medications and separation after delivery, may
hinder bonding.
o Close skin-to-skin contact is important for emotional attachment, which is essential for optimal
 Research on Bonding:
o While some studies support the importance of early bonding, other research suggests that close
contact in the first days is not as critical as previously thought.
o The bonding hypothesis has been challenged, indicating that while early interaction is beneficial,
it is not strictly necessary for optimal development.
 Hospital Practices:
o Many hospitals implement rooming-in arrangements, allowing infants to stay in the mother’s
room, promoting bonding. However, choosing not to do this does not adversely affect the infant.
 Nontraditional Families:
o In nontraditional families (e.g., adoptive or surrogate families), parents are often highly
motivated to bond with their infants.
o Studies show that bonding perceptions vary but generally develop over time, regardless of
biological connections.

Body Growth and Change

Developmental Changes in the Body
The journey of childhood begins at birth, transitioning through various bodily changes from infancy to
adolescence. Understanding the patterns of growth provides insight into these developmental phases.
Patterns of Growth
Growth follows two main patterns:
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1. Cephalocaudal Pattern: This "top-down" growth pattern indicates that the most rapid growth occurs at
the head. For instance, the brain and eyes develop faster than the jaw. In sensory and motor
development, infants can see before they gain control over their torso, and they can use their hands
before they can crawl or walk.
2. Proximodistal Pattern: This "center-out" growth sequence begins at the center of the body and extends
toward the extremities. Muscle control of the trunk and arms develops before that of the hands and
fingers. Infants typically use their whole hand before mastering finger control.
Infancy and Childhood
Newborns average about 50 cm (20 inches) in length and weigh around 3,500 grams (7½ pounds). After losing
5-7% of their body weight in the first days of life, they gain approximately 140-170 grams (5-6 ounces) weekly
during the first month. By 4 months, they double their birth weight and nearly triple it by their first birthday.
Their height increases by about 2.5 cm (1 inch) per month, reaching 1.5 times their birth length by the end of
the first year.
By 2 years, infants typically weigh 12-14 kg (26-32 pounds) and are about 89-90 cm (32-35 inches) tall.
Early Childhood:
As children grow, the percentage increase in height and weight decreases. By preschool age, girls and boys are
nearly equal in size. During these years, children begin to slim down as their trunks lengthen. Though they still
have larger heads relative to their bodies, this proportion changes significantly as they approach 5 years of age.
Environmental factors, alongside heredity, impact growth patterns. Nutrition plays a crucial role; unfortunately,
malnutrition remains a significant issue worldwide, with UNICEF reporting that approximately 3 million
children die annually from related causes.
Middle and Late Childhood
During middle and late childhood (ages 6-11), growth slows. Children gain about 5-8 cm (2-3 inches) per year
and approximately 2-3 kg (5-7 pounds). Muscle mass and strength increase as baby fat decreases, with children
doubling their strength capacity during these years. Growth patterns in this stage are marked by improvements
in muscle tone and physical coordination.
Following childhood, puberty triggers rapid physical changes. Puberty, marked by hormonal shifts, occurs
earlier in girls (ages 10-14) than boys (ages 12-16). The average age of menarche has decreased over the
decades, often attributed to improved health and nutrition, although factors such as obesity and decreased
physical activity also contribute.
Hormonal Changes:
During puberty, androgens (mainly testosterone) dominate in males, while estrogens (mainly estradiol)
dominate in females. These hormones are responsible for various physical changes, including the development
of secondary sexual characteristics.
Growth Spurt:
The most significant growth spurts occur during puberty, with girls experiencing peak height gain around 11.5
years and boys around 13.5 years. Girls grow about 9 cm (3.5 inches) per year, while boys grow about 10 cm (4
Sexual Maturation:
In boys, the sequence of changes includes increases in penis and testicle size, pubic hair development, and voice
changes. For girls, breast development and widening of hips occur before menstruation begins, which may
happen between ages 9-15.
Understanding these growth patterns and changes helps recognize the complexities of physical development
throughout childhood and adolescence.
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Neuroconstructivist View of Brain Development

 Historical Perspective:
o Earlier beliefs held that genetics solely determined brain wiring; environmental experiences were thought
to have little impact.
o Current understanding emphasizes brain plasticity and the significant role of environmental context in
brain development (Diamond, 2013; Nelson, 2012).
 Key Components:
1. Biological and Environmental Interaction: Brain development is influenced by both genetic factors
(biological processes) and environmental conditions (enriched vs. impoverished environments).
2. Brain Plasticity: The brain is capable of change and adaptation based on experiences.
3. Cognitive Development Link: The development of the brain is closely related to cognitive development
in children, which shapes their ability to construct cognitive skills (Diamond, 2013).
 Epigenetic Perspective: Similar to the neuroconstructivist view, which highlights the importance of interactions
between experiences and gene expression.
Brain Physiology
 Key Structures:
o Neurons: Primary cells responsible for information processing.
o Glia: Support cells in the brain, matched in number to neurons.
 Major Brain Structures:
o Forebrain: The top portion, consisting of the cerebral cortex.
 Cerebral Cortex: Comprises about 80% of the brain’s volume, essential for perception, thinking,
and language.
 Lobes of the Cortex:
 Frontal Lobes: Involved in voluntary movement, personality, and intentionality.
 Occipital Lobes: Responsible for vision.
 Temporal Lobes: Facilitate hearing, language processing, and memory.
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 Parietal Lobes: Assist with spatial location, sensation, and motor control.
 Deep Structures:
o Hypothalamus and Pituitary Gland: Regulate various bodily functions.
o Amygdala: Involved in emotional processing.
o Hippocampus: Critical for memory and emotion.
Neuron Functionality
 Basic Operation:
o Axons: Send electrical signals away from the neuron’s central part.
o Dendrites: Receive signals from other neurons.
o Synapses: Tiny gaps where neurotransmitters facilitate communication between neurons.
 Myelin Sheath:
o A layer of fat cells that encases axons, speeding up electrical impulses.
o Developed over time, analogous to the evolution of highways for efficient transport of information.
 Neural Circuits:
o Groups of neurons that work together to process specific types of information.
o For example, circuits in the prefrontal cortex and midbrain are crucial for attention and working
 Hemispheric Specialization:
o Left hemisphere: More involved in speech and grammar.
o Right hemisphere: Associated with humor and metaphor use.
o Complex functions often require both hemispheres to work together.

Infancy and Brain Development

 Early Brain Development:
o Significant growth occurs during the prenatal period and continues into infancy (Hodel, 2018).
o Technologies like EEG are used to study brain activity in infants, given the limitations of other imaging
techniques (e.g., MRI and PET scans).
 Impact of Early Experience:
o Deprived environments can lead to reduced brain activity; however, the brain shows resilience and
flexibility, with the potential for recovery and adaptation (Zeanah, Fox, & Nelson, 2012).
 Case Study:
o Michael Rehbein underwent surgery to remove his left hemisphere due to seizures; his right hemisphere
adapted to take over functions such as speech.
 Neural Connection Formation:
o Infants’ brains are primed for experiences to shape neural connections after birth. Genes initially guide
basic wiring patterns, but postnatal experiences significantly influence neural circuit formation.
Changes in Neurons
 Growth Patterns:
o At birth, the brain is about 25% of its adult weight; by age two, it reaches approximately 75%.
o Myelination: Rapid myelination occurs postnatally, particularly in visual pathways (complete by six
months) and auditory pathways (completed by ages 4-5).
 Dendritic Development:
o Dendritic branching (arborization) and synapse formation (synaptogenesis) occur extensively, with many
connections being made but only some being utilized.
 Pruning Process:
o Unused synaptic connections are eliminated in a process called pruning, allowing frequently used
connections to strengthen, resulting in more efficient brain function (Lieberman et al., 2019).
 Temporal Changes in Synaptic Overproduction:
o Different brain regions peak in synaptic overproduction at different ages, with pruning following
overproduction. For instance:
 Visual areas peak around 4 months.
 Language areas peak slightly later.
 Prefrontal cortex peak occurs just after age 3.
Structural Changes in the Brain
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 Hemisphere Specialization:
o Newborns show more electrical activity in the left hemisphere for speech sounds.
 Developmental Trajectory:
o Primary motor areas develop earlier than sensory areas.
o Frontal lobes remain immature at birth, gradually developing the ability for physiological regulation and
cognitive skills as the child matures (Bell & Cuevas, 2013).

Childhood Brain Development

1. Overview of Brain Growth
o The brain and nervous system develop significantly through childhood and adolescence.
o Enhancements in planning actions, attention, and language development occur during this period
(Diamond, 2013).
2. Rapid Growth in Early Childhood
o Brain and head growth is more rapid than height and weight growth.
o Figure 3.21 illustrates growth curves for head/brain vs. height/weight.
3. Factors Contributing to Brain Growth
o Myelination: Essential for maturation of various abilities.
 Myelination in hand-eye coordination areas completes around 4 years of age.
 Advanced myelination is linked to improved cognitive abilities.
 Breastfeeding supports better myelination compared to formula feeding (Deoni et al., 2018).
o Dendritic Growth: Increase in the number and size of dendrites.
4. Anatomical Changes from Age 3 to 15
o Although the brain isn't growing as rapidly as in infancy, significant anatomical changes occur.
o Distinct bursts of growth identified through repeated brain scans (Gogtay & Thompson, 2010).
o Local brain area sizes may nearly double in one year, followed by tissue loss as unneeded cells are
o Most rapid growth occurs in:
 Ages 3-6: Frontal lobes involved in planning and attention (Diamond, 2013).
 Ages 6-Puberty: Temporal and parietal lobes associated with language and spatial relations.
5. Role of the Prefrontal Cortex
o Prefrontal Cortex: Central to orchestrating functions across various brain regions.
o It enhances neural connections beneficial for problem-solving (Johnson et al., 2009).
6. Cognitive Development and Brain Activation
o Changing activation patterns occur with development, shifting from diffuse to more focal areas due to
pruning (Durston et al., 2006).
o Increased efficiency in cognitive performance, particularly in cognitive control, develops from ages 7-30
(Friedman & Miyake, 2017).

Adolescent Brain Development

1. Structural Changes in the Adolescent Brain
o The adolescent brain undergoes significant changes, continuing into early adulthood (Blakemore & Mills,
2014; Giedd et al., 2012).
o Neuronal Pruning: Strengthens connections used frequently while others disappear.
o By the end of adolescence, individuals have fewer, more effective neuronal connections (Kuhn, 2009).
2. Findings from fMRI Studies
o The Corpus Callosum thickens, enhancing interhemispheric communication.
o Prefrontal Cortex: Involved in reasoning, decision-making, and self-control; matures into the early adult
years (18-25).
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o Amygdala: Matures earlier than the prefrontal cortex and is linked to emotional responses, such as
aggression (Romeo, 2017).
o Figure 3.22 illustrates key brain areas: corpus callosum, prefrontal cortex, and amygdala.
3. Developmental Social Neuroscience
o Examines interactions between development, brain changes, and socioemotional processes (Blakemore &
Mills, 2014; Salley et al., 2013).
o Charles Nelson’s Perspective: Adolescents experience strong emotions but lack the prefrontal cortex
maturity to manage them effectively.
o Highlights a disparity between emotional intensity and cognitive control during adolescence.
4. Influences on Brain Development
o Ongoing debate about the sequence of brain changes and experiences (Lerner et al., 2009).
o A study showed that resisting peer pressure can enhance prefrontal cortex development (Paus et al.,
o Factors influencing adjustment in adolescents include:
 Biological Factors: Smaller hippocampal volume correlates with academic achievement.
 Psychosocial Factors: Parental cultural socialization plays a role (Qu et al., 2018).
 IMAGEN study: Suggests a strong relationship between biological and social/environmental
factors affecting brain development (Modabbernia et al., 2020).
5. Nature vs. Nurture Debate
o The question remains whether biological changes precede experiences or vice versa, highlighting the
nature/nurture issue in development (Giedd et al., 2012).

Key Points to Remember

 Early childhood features rapid brain growth influenced by myelination and dendritic changes.
 The prefrontal cortex is critical for cognitive development, coordinating other brain regions.
 During adolescence, pruning leads to more selective neural connections, influenced by experiences and
environmental factors.
 The maturation of emotional regulation systems like the amygdala versus the prefrontal cortex leads to unique
adolescent behavior.
 Ongoing research continues to explore the intricate relationships between brain development, social experiences,
and individual outcomes.
Sleep Patterns Across Developmental Stages
 Duration of Sleep:
o Newborns sleep 16 to 17 hours daily, with some variance (10 to 21 hours).
o Average sleep for infants (0-2 years) is approximately 12.8 hours, ranging from 9.7 to 15.9 hours .
o By 6 months, most infants sleep through the night, waking only once or twice a week .
 Sleep Cycle Changes:
o Infants transition from several long sleep bouts to multiple shorter sessions throughout the day .
o By 1 month, most infants start sleeping longer stretches at night, achieving more adult-like sleep patterns
by 6 months .
 Common Sleep Issues:
o Nighttime waking is a prevalent issue for 20-30% of infants .
o Less disrupted sleep correlates with maternal emotional availability and household stability .
 REM Sleep:
o Infants spend about half of their sleep in REM, which may aid in brain development and self-stimulation .
o REM sleep declines to 40% by 3 months and shifts to non-REM sleep at the start of the sleep cycle .
 Shared Sleeping:
o Shared sleeping (co-sleeping) can promote breastfeeding and quicker responses to the baby’s needs,
though it raises SIDS risks .
o SIDS risk factors include bed-sharing, soft bedding, and maternal smoking .
 SIDS Awareness:
o SIDS is the leading cause of infant death in the U.S., with risk peaking at 2-4 months .
o Placing infants on their backs to sleep has been linked to reduced SIDS incidents .
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 Recommended Sleep Duration:
o Canadian Paediatric Society suggests 10 to 12 hours of sleep for school-age children .
 Sleep Structure:
o Most young children experience one daytime nap and typically sleep through the night .
o Quality of sleep is critical, with interruptions leading to adverse outcomes .
 Challenges in Sleep:
o Over 40% of children encounter sleep problems, which can lead to long-term developmental issues .
o Sleep deprivation at age 12 predicts higher risk of substance use in adolescence .
 Factors Influencing Sleep:
o Emotional security in family relationships promotes better sleep quality .
o Strategies for improving sleep include maintaining a cool, dark bedroom, consistent sleep schedules, and
calming pre-bedtime activities .
 Recommended Sleep Duration:
o Teens are advised to get 8 to 10 hours of sleep, but averages are closer to 6.5-7.5 hours .
 Sleep Deprivation Consequences:
o Lack of sleep is associated with poor academic performance, risk-taking behaviors, and increased
substance use .
o A significant percentage of teens report falling asleep in school or arriving late due to oversleeping .
 Biological Changes:
o Adolescents undergo a hormonal phase shift that delays melatonin secretion, resulting in later sleep onset
compared to younger adolescents .
o Screen time and social media usage are linked to decreased sleep duration .
 Research Insights:
o Mary Carskadon found that older adolescents tend to be sleepier during the day due to this biological
clock shift .
o Increased sleep is correlated with improved mental health and fewer behavioral problems .

Major Threats to Children’s Health Today

Children face various health threats, including major illnesses and injuries, poor nutrition and eating habits, and lack of
exercise. The development of healthy habits in childhood, such as consuming fruits and vegetables and engaging in
regular physical activity, is crucial for preventing premature health issues in adulthood, such as heart disease, stroke,
diabetes, and cancer. Adolescence is particularly significant for adopting health-enhancing behaviors (e.g., exercise) and
avoiding health-compromising behaviors (e.g., smoking) (Dunne et al., 2017).
I. Illness and Injuries Among Children
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A. Patterns in Causes of Illness and Death

 Examines broad trends in illness and mortality among children and adolescents.
 Focuses on the challenges faced by underprivileged children in Canada and globally.
B. Early Childhood
1. Injury Risks
o Active and exploratory nature of young children increases their risk of injuries.
o Minor injuries are common; however, serious injuries can occur.
2. Leading Causes of Death (Children Under 4)
o Unintentional Injuries: Leading cause of death.
 Examples: motor vehicle accidents, drowning, falls, burns, and poisoning.
o Cancer: Second leading cause of death in children 1 to 14.
3. Statistics:
o Unintentional injuries accounted for the highest mortality rate among children under 4 (Statistics Canada,
C. Middle and Late Childhood
1. Health Status
o Generally characterized by excellent health.
o Disease and death are less prevalent compared to early childhood.
2. Leading Cause of Severe Injury and Death
o Motor Vehicle Accidents: As pedestrians or passengers.
 Importance of using safety-belt restraints to reduce injury severity.
3. Injury Prevention
o Educate children about hazards.
o Recommend safety equipment (helmets, protective gear) for sports.
II. Risks at Home
1. Parental Smoking
o Increases risks for asthma, wheezing, and higher blood pressure in children.
o Associated with sleep problems in young children (Plancoulaine et al., 2018).
2. Lead Exposure
o Canada has stringent lead exposure guidelines.
o Children with high blood lead levels face risks such as lower IQ and attention issues (Hauptman et al.,
o Poverty increases the risk of lead poisoning (Muller et al., 2018).

III. Cancer in Children

1. Prevalence and Vulnerability
o Childhood cancer is a leading cause of disease-related death, though relatively rare in Canada (880 cases
2. Common Types of Childhood Cancer
o Mainly affects white blood cells (leukemia), brain, bones, and nervous system.
3. Survival Rates
o Advances in treatment have significantly improved survival rates (80% for acute lymphoblastic
IV. Health, Illness, and Poverty
1. Poverty in Canada
o 1 in 5 Canadian children lives in poverty.
o Programs target family conditions to improve children’s health.
2. Global Poverty Issues
o Poverty in developing countries contributes to high under-5 mortality rates.
o Factors include maternal health, immunization, access to clean water, and overall safety.
3. Impact of HIV/AIDS
o High rates of HIV/AIDS in impoverished areas increase vulnerability among children.
o Over 15 million children globally have lost one or both parents to AIDS.
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Nutrition and Eating Behavior

1. Influence of Poverty on Nutrition
 Poverty affects health, partly through its impact on nutrition.
 Health-related nutrition problems are not exclusive to low-income families; there’s an overall increase in
overweight and obesity among Canadian children across all income levels.
2. Nutritional Needs in Infancy
 Growth in Infancy:
o Infants triple their weight and increase length by 50% from birth to 1 year.
o Caloric Needs: Recommended intake is approximately 50 calories per day per pound of body weight,
more than double an adult's requirement.
 Dietary Patterns:
o By 6 months, 37% of infants consume snacks; by 12 months, 25% of their energy intake is from snacks.
o Poor dietary habits: 25% of 6- to 11-month-olds and 20% of 12- to 23-month-olds consumed no
 Consequences of Poor Nutrition:
o Poor dietary patterns can lead to increased rates of overweight infants.
o BMI classification: Overweight (85th-95th percentile), Obesity (≥95th percentile).
 Factors Influencing Weight:
o Maternal weight gain during pregnancy and maternal pre-pregnancy weight can influence infant weight.
o Breastfeeding vs. Bottle-feeding: Breastfed infants tend to have lower weight gain rates and reduced
obesity risk (about 20% lower).

3. Breastfeeding vs. Bottle Feeding

 Breastfeeding Recommendations:
o Exclusive breastfeeding for the first 6 months, continued breastfeeding with complementary foods for at
least one year.
 Health Benefits for Infants:
o Fewer gastrointestinal and respiratory infections.
o Lower incidence of asthma, otitis media (ear infections), and atopic dermatitis.
o Reduced risk of overweight, obesity, type 1 and type 2 diabetes, and SIDS (Sudden Infant Death
 Maternal Benefits:
o Lower incidence of breast and ovarian cancer.
o Reduced risk of cardiovascular disease and metabolic syndrome.
 Controversies:
o No conclusive evidence for breastfeeding benefits on cognitive development and cardiovascular health.
o The impact of breastfeeding on the mother-infant relationship is debated.
4. Malnutrition in Infancy
 Causes:
o Early weaning to inadequate sources (e.g., unsuitable cow’s milk, tapioca/rice substitutes).
o Malnutrition leads to severe conditions like marasmus (protein-calorie deficiency) and kwashiorkor
(protein deficiency).
 Effects of Malnutrition:
o Detrimental to physical, cognitive, and socioemotional development.
o Chronic malnutrition linked to executive functioning deficits in cognitive development.
 Nutritional Interventions:
o Nutritional supplements for mothers and infants shown to enhance growth and cognitive development.
5. Childhood Nutrition
 Issues:
o Poor nutrition more prevalent in low-income families.
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o Epidemic of overweight children due to unhealthy eating habits.

6. Eating Behavior and Parental Feeding Styles
 Influence of Caregivers:
o Children's eating behavior improves with structured meals, modeling healthy eating, and responsive
feeding styles.
o Restrictive feeding styles correlate with increased overweight risk.
7. Childhood Obesity
 Prevalence:
o Approximately 1 in 7 Canadian children classified as obese.
o Links between childhood and adult obesity (80% of overweight 3-year-olds remain overweight by age
 Health Consequences:
o Increased risk of diabetes, hypertension, elevated cholesterol, low self-esteem, and social exclusion.

8. Factors Contributing to Overweight Children

 Genetic and Environmental Influences:
o Genetic predisposition significant; overweight parents have a higher chance of overweight children.
o Environmental factors include food availability, sedentary lifestyle, and screen time.
 Interventions:
o Effective programs engage parents in healthy lifestyle changes.
o Behaviour modification strategies and healthier school food environments show promise.
Key Takeaways
 Early nutrition is crucial for healthy development and can be significantly impacted by both maternal health and
socioeconomic factors.
 Breastfeeding is associated with numerous health benefits for both infants and mothers, while malnutrition poses
serious risks.
 Childhood obesity is a critical public health issue that requires interventions at both familial and community
levels to promote healthier eating behaviors and lifestyle choices.
1. Importance of Exercise in Child Development
 Physical Development: Regular exercise significantly contributes to children’s physical health.
 Cognitive Development: Exercise is linked to improved cognitive skills such as attention, memory, and
 Mental Health: Regular physical activity is associated with better mental health outcomes.
2. Recommendations for Physical Activity
 Daily Activity: Young children should engage in approximately three hours of physical activity daily, including
mild, moderate, and vigorous intensity.
 Activity-Centric Lifestyle: Emphasis should be on creating a life centered around physical activities rather than
sedentary pastimes.
3. Research Findings on Physical Activity
Early Childhood (Preschool Age)
 Activity Levels with Parents:
o Mothers and young children engage in moderate to vigorous physical activity only less than 1% of their
time together (Dlugonski et al., 2017).
 Outdoor Play:
o Increased outdoor time and living in safe neighborhoods correlates with higher physical activity levels
(Schmutz et al., 2017).
 Screen Time Impact:
o Increased screen time (TV, computer use) at ages 4-6 is linked to lower physical activity levels and higher
obesity rates (te Velde et al., 2012).
Middle and Late Childhood
 Physical and Cognitive Benefits:
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o Exercise contributes to physical development and enhances cognitive skills, including attention and
creativity (Han et al., 2017; Best, 2010).
 Vigorous Activity Advantages:
o Vigorous exercise yields more benefits than moderate activity (Owens et al., 2017).
 Metabolic Health:
o Higher physical activity levels are associated with lower risks of metabolic diseases (Nyström et al.,
 Sedentary Interruptions:
o Brief interruptions of sedentary behavior (e.g., three minutes of walking every 30 minutes) can improve
metabolic health in overweight children (Broadney et al., 2018).
 Decline in Exercise:
o Physical activity declines from early to late adolescence, particularly in American teens (Allison et al.,
 Gender Differences:
o Male adolescents tend to be more active than females, with 40% of females and 57% of males meeting
activity guidelines (Butcher et al., 2008).
 Health Outcomes:
o Regular exercise is linked to better weight regulation, lower blood pressure, and reduced risk of type 2
diabetes (Goldfield et al., 2012; So et al., 2013).
Positive Effects of Exercise on Adolescents:
 Substance Use: Higher levels of exercise correlate with lower rates of alcohol, cigarette, and drug use (Teery-
McElrath et al., 2012).
 Mood and Sleep: A daily running program improves sleep quality, mood, and concentration (Kalak et al., 2012).
 Depression: Exercise interventions can reduce depression among adolescents (Dopp et al., 2012).
 Cognition: Regular physical activity improves cognitive functions, including memory and creativity (Misuraca et
al., 2017).
4. Influences on Children’s and Adolescents’ Exercise Habits
Role of Parents
 Positive Modeling: Children with exercising parents are more likely to adopt active lifestyles (Lindsay et al.,
Role of Peers
 Support and Influence: Peer support and the quality of friendships influence physical activity levels in
adolescents (Mollborn & Lawrence, 2018).
Screen-Based Activity
 Negative Correlation with Fitness: Increased screen time is associated with lower physical fitness and higher
rates of overweight (Potter et al., 2018; Sisson et al., 2010).
 Health Problems: High screen time correlates with various health issues, including obesity and depression
(Costigan et al., 2013; Twenge et al., 2018).
5. Strategies to Increase Exercise in Children and Adolescents
 Enhance School Fitness Classes: Improve the quality of physical education programs.
 Volunteer Programs: Offer more community-run physical activity programs in schools.
 Increase Community Engagement: Foster community initiatives that promote physical activity.
 Screen Time Regulations: Implement regulations at home and school to limit screen time.
 Child-Led Activities: Encourage children to plan their own physical activities.
 Family Involvement: Challenge families to engage in more physical activities together.
Chapter 4
Piaget’s Theory of Cognitive Development
Processes of Cognitive Development
1. Schemes
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 Definition: Mental representations or frameworks that organize knowledge and facilitate understanding
of the world.
 Types of Schemes:
o Behavioral Schemes: Characterize infancy, involving physical activities (e.g., sucking, looking,
o Mental Schemes: Develop in childhood, encompassing strategies and cognitive activities (e.g.,
classifying objects by size, shape, or color).
 Evolution of Schemes: As individuals grow, they construct a vast array of schemes for various
activities, such as driving or managing finances.
2. Assimilation and Accommodation
 Assimilation:
o Definition: Incorporating new experiences into existing schemes.
o Example: A toddler learning the word "car" may initially label all vehicles as cars, using
existing knowledge to understand new experiences.
 Accommodation:
o Definition: Modifying existing schemes or creating new ones to incorporate new information.
o Example: Upon realizing that motorcycles and trucks are not cars, the toddler adjusts their
understanding and creates new categories.
 Process Interaction: Assimilation and accommodation work together, continuously refining schemes
through experiences.
3. Organization
 Definition: The process of connecting schemes to create a higher-order cognitive system.
 Function: As children encounter new information, they organize their understanding, which evolves
with their experiences.
4. Equilibration
 Definition: The process of balancing assimilation and accommodation to achieve a stable understanding
of the world.
 Equilibrium: A comfortable cognitive state when most experiences fit existing schemes.
 Disequilibrium: A state of cognitive conflict when new information does not fit existing schemes,
prompting a need to adjust understanding.
 Example: A child who believes pouring liquid into a different shaped container changes its amount may
initially be confused but will resolve this through exploration and experimentation.

Stages of Cognitive Development

Sensorimotor Stage (Birth to 2 Years)
 Definition: Infants construct knowledge through sensory experiences and motor actions.
 Substages:
1. Simple Reflexes (Birth to 1 Month): Coordinated reflexive behaviors.
2. First Habits and Primary Circular Reactions (1–4 Months): Coordination of sensation and
two types of schemes (habits and primary circular reactions).
3. Secondary Circular Reactions (4–8 Months): Object-oriented actions, beginning of imitation.
4. Coordination of Secondary Circular Reactions (8–12 Months): Intentional actions,
coordination of schemes.
5. Tertiary Circular Reactions, Novelty, and Curiosity (12–18 Months): Exploration of object
properties, experimentation with new actions.
6. Internalization of Schemes (18–24 Months): Development of symbolic thought, understanding
of the world through mental representations.
 Object Permanence:
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o Definition: Understanding that objects continue to exist even when out of sight.
o Importance: Marks a significant cognitive achievement in the sensorimotor stage.
Critiques of Piaget's Sensorimotor Stage
1. Transition Processes:
o Research has questioned Piaget's claims about the necessity of certain processes for transitioning
between substages, particularly the A-not-B error, which may be influenced by memory rather
than cognitive understanding.
2. Earlier Cognitive Abilities:
o Studies suggest infants possess a more advanced understanding of the world than Piaget
proposed. The violation of expectations method demonstrates that infants are surprised by
unexpected outcomes, indicating prior knowledge.
3. Role of Nature:
o The core knowledge approach argues that children are born with innate learning abilities tailored
for specific domains (e.g., space, number sense, object permanence). This perspective implies
that Piaget underestimated innate cognitive capabilities.
4. Number Sense:
o Research indicates that infants can distinguish quantities, challenging the notion that numerical
understanding is absent in young infants.

Preoperational Stage (Ages 2 to 7)

 Definition: The Preoperational Stage is the second of Piaget's four stages of cognitive development, characterized
by the emergence of symbolic thought and the ability to represent objects mentally.
 Duration: Approximately ages 2 to 7.
 Key Features:
o Symbolic representation of the world (words, images, drawings).
o Development of stable concepts and mental reasoning.
o Presence of egocentrism and magical beliefs.
o Divided into two substages: Symbolic Function Substage and Intuitive Thought Substage.
Importance of Preoperational Thought
 Not a Waiting Period: While it is termed "preoperational," this stage is crucial for cognitive development and
lays the groundwork for later stages.
 Lack of Operations: Children at this stage cannot perform operations, which are reversible mental actions. Their
thinking lacks logical structure.
Substages of Preoperational Thought
1. Symbolic Function Substage (Ages 2 to 4)
 Definition: The first substage where children develop the ability to mentally represent objects not present.
 Key Developments:
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o Symbolic Representation: Children use symbols (words, drawings) to represent objects and ideas. For
example, a child might use a broom as a horse.
o Pretend Play: Engaging in imaginative play, enhancing creativity and understanding of roles.
Limitations of Symbolic Function:
 Egocentrism:
o Definition: Difficulty in seeing the world from perspectives other than their own.
o Example: A child assumes everyone sees what they see; during a phone call, they might nod instead of
verbally responding, assuming the parent can see them.
 Animism:
o Definition: The belief that inanimate objects have lifelike qualities.
o Example: A child might say, "The tree pushed the leaf off," attributing human actions to non-human
Illustrations of Creativity:
 Drawings during this substage can be fanciful and imaginative, like blue suns and yellow skies, reflecting their
unique perception of the world.
2. Intuitive Thought Substage (Ages 4 to 7)
 Definition: The second substage characterized by the beginning of primitive reasoning and a desire to know the
answers to questions.
 Key Developments:
o Primitive Reasoning: Children start asking “why” questions, indicating a growing interest in
understanding their environment.
o Questions: A 5-year-old might ask an average of 76 questions per hour, seeking to learn about their
Limitations of Intuitive Thought:
 Centration:
o Definition: Focusing on one characteristic of an object to the exclusion of others.
o Example: In a conservation task, a child might focus only on the height of liquid in a container rather than
its volume.
 Lack of Conservation:
o Definition: Failing to understand that altering an object’s appearance does not change its fundamental
o Example: In Piaget's conservation task, children may believe that pouring liquid into a taller, thinner glass
increases the amount of liquid because they focus on height rather than volume.
Key Concepts in Preoperational Thought
1. Egocentrism
 Inability to differentiate between one’s own perspective and that of others.
 Illustrated by Piaget's three-mountains task, where children select photos from their perspective rather than the
doll's perspective.
2. Animism
 The belief that inanimate objects possess human-like qualities or feelings.
3. Centration
 The tendency to focus on one aspect of a situation while neglecting others.
4. Lack of Conservation
 The inability to understand that quantity remains the same despite changes in shape or appearance.
Cognitive Limitations and Variability
 Children may perform differently on various conservation tasks, showing that cognitive development is not
uniform across all areas.
 Research indicates that attention and brain development, particularly in the prefrontal cortex, play significant
roles in performance on conservation tasks.
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Concrete Operational Stage (7 to 11 years)

 The third stage in Piaget's theory of cognitive development.
 Logical reasoning replaces intuitive reasoning, but only when applied to specific, concrete examples.
 Children at this stage can perform reversible mental actions on real objects.
Key Concepts
1. Development of Conservation
 Conservation Tasks: These tasks assess a child's ability to understand that certain properties of objects remain
the same despite changes in their form.
o Example: Two identical balls of clay; one is rolled into a thin shape. A child must determine that both
forms contain the same amount of clay.
 Reversibility of Thought: Children can mentally reverse an action, indicating an understanding of conservation.
 Mastery of Conservation:
o Not all conservation skills develop simultaneously; the order typically follows:
1. Number
2. Length
3. Liquid Quantity
4. Mass
5. Weight
6. Volume
 Horizontal Décalage: Similar abilities emerge at different times within the concrete operational stage. For
instance, a child might understand that a clay stick can be reshaped into a ball before understanding that the
weight remains the same.
2. Development of Classification
 Children develop skills in reasoning about properties of objects, including:
o Interrelationships among sets and subsets: Understanding family trees, where a child can identify roles
(e.g., father, brother, grandson).
o Seriation: The ability to order objects along a quantitative dimension, such as length.
 Example: Organizing sticks by length rather than categorizing them as “big” or “little.”
o Transitivity: Understanding relationships among items.
 Example: If Stick A is longer than Stick B, and Stick B is longer than Stick C, then Stick A is
longer than Stick C.
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Formal Operational Stage (11 to 15 years)

 The fourth and final stage of Piaget's cognitive development.
 Adolescents develop the ability to think abstractly, logically, and systematically, moving beyond concrete
Key Concepts
1. Development of Abstract, Idealistic, and Logical Thinking
 Abstract Thinking: Adolescents can think about concepts that are not tied to concrete experiences.
 Idealism: Adolescents begin to compare real situations to their ideal standards.
o Example: They contemplate the qualities of an ideal parent or future aspirations.
 Hypothetical-Deductive Reasoning: Adolescents can develop hypotheses and test them systematically to solve
2. Changes in Thought Processes
 Initial Assimilation: When adolescents first encounter formal operational thought, they incorporate new
information into existing frameworks.
 Later Accommodation: As they gain experience, adolescents adjust their frameworks to accommodate new
Adolescent Egocentrism
 Defined by David Elkind: A heightened self-consciousness in adolescents characterized by two types of social
o Imaginary Audience: The belief that they are the center of attention and everyone is observing them.
 Example: An adolescent might feel everyone notices a minor imperfection, like a hairstyle.
o Personal Fable: The belief that one's feelings and experiences are unique and that they are invulnerable
to the risks that affect others.
 Example: Feeling that no one can understand their emotional pain after a breakup.
Research Insights
 Vulnerability vs. Invulnerability: Some studies show that adolescents might actually feel more vulnerable than
o Dimensions of Invulnerability:
 Danger Invulnerability: Indestructibility and risk-taking behaviors (e.g., reckless driving).
 Psychological Invulnerability: Feeling invulnerable to emotional or psychological distress (e.g.,
getting hurt emotionally).

Applying and Evaluating Piaget’s Theory

Concrete Operational Stage
 Age Range: Approximately 7 to 11 years.
 Characteristics:
o Logical reasoning replaces intuitive reasoning when applied to concrete examples.
o Concrete operational thinkers struggle with abstract concepts (e.g., algebra).
o Ability to perform reversible mental actions on concrete objects.
Development of Conservation
 Conservation Tasks: Measure a child's understanding of matter conservation.
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o Example: Two identical balls of clay; one is shaped into a long piece. Children learn that the amount of
clay remains the same despite the change in shape by ages 7-8.
o Conservation involves recognizing that transformations alter appearance but not the properties (length,
number, mass, quantity, area, weight, volume).
o Mastery order: number → length → liquid quantity → mass → weight → volume.
o Horizontal Décalage: Similar abilities don’t emerge simultaneously; some conservation tasks are
mastered before others.
Development of Classification
 Key Skills:
o Classification: Understanding relationships among sets and subsets.
o Seriation: Ordering objects along a quantitative dimension (e.g., length).
 Example: Ordering sticks by length rather than categorizing them as “big” or “little.”
o Transitivity: Understanding relational logic (e.g., if A > B and B > C, then A > C).
Formal Operational Stage
 Age Range: Between 11 and 15 years.
 Characteristics:
o Ability to think abstractly and logically beyond concrete experiences.
o Development of idealistic and hypothetical thinking (e.g., imagining ideal parents, future possibilities).
o More systematic problem-solving through hypothetical-deductive reasoning.
o Increased capacity to reflect on one’s own thoughts (metacognition).
Adolescent Egocentrism
 Concepts:
o Imaginary Audience: Adolescents feel as though they are the focus of attention (e.g., worrying about
their appearance).
o Personal Fable: Sense of uniqueness and invincibility, leading to a belief that others cannot understand
their feelings.

Application of Piaget’s Theory to Education

1. Constructivist Approach: Emphasizes active learning where students explore and discover rather than passively
receive information.
2. Facilitate Learning: Teachers create opportunities for students to learn through doing, observing, and
3. Consider Child's Knowledge: Recognize that students have prior knowledge that differs from adults and
respond accordingly.
4. Promote Intellectual Health: Learning should occur naturally without undue pressure to accelerate cognitive
5. Exploration and Discovery: Classrooms should encourage play-based learning where students explore their
interests without rigid structures.
Evaluating Piaget’s Theory
 Conceptual Framework: Established foundational concepts in cognitive development, including assimilation,
accommodation, and conservation.
 Active Learners: Revolutionized the view of children as active, constructive thinkers.
 Research Foundation: Generated extensive research on cognitive development.
1. Underestimation of Competence:
o Cognitive abilities may emerge earlier than Piaget proposed (e.g., aspects of object permanence,
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o Not all children exhibit “preoperational” thinking uniformly; some may demonstrate advanced
understanding earlier.
2. Stages of Development:
o Piaget’s notion of stages as unitary structures is challenged; not all concepts appear simultaneously.
o Development is not strictly stage-like; children may display different competencies at varying times.
3. Effects of Training:
o Children can be trained to think at higher levels than suggested by Piaget, indicating potential for
cognitive development through targeted instruction.
4. Cultural and Educational Influences:
o Cultural context plays a significant role in cognitive development, which Piaget underestimated. Practices
in education can accelerate or inhibit skill acquisition.
Neo-Piagetian Approach
 Revisions Needed: Argues that Piaget's theories require significant updates.
 Emphasis on Processing: Focus on children's attention, memory, and strategies in problem-solving.
 Task Division: Attention to specific tasks and dividing problems into manageable steps provides a more accurate
portrayal of children's thinking.
Piaget's theory has provided valuable insights into cognitive development, influencing educational practices. However,
contemporary research suggests the need for revisions, acknowledging cultural, individual, and contextual factors in
children's learning. The Neo-Piagetian perspective offers a more nuanced understanding, focusing on cognitive strategies
and the variability in children's cognitive abilities.

Vygotsky’s Theory of Cognitive Development Study Notes

Overview of Vygotsky's Theory
 Lev Vygotsky emphasized social interaction as central to cognitive development, contrasting with Piaget's focus
on individual exploration.
 Children construct knowledge primarily through social contexts and cultural tools.
Key Concepts in Vygotsky's Theory
1. Zone of Proximal Development (ZPD)
 Definition: The range of tasks that a child cannot yet perform independently but can accomplish with guidance.
 Lower Limit: Skills a child can perform alone.
 Upper Limit: Skills a child can achieve with assistance.
 Importance: Highlights the potential for cognitive development that can be reached through support from adults or
more skilled peers.
2. Scaffolding
 Definition: Support given to a child to help them achieve a task within their ZPD.
 Dynamic Support: Adjusted based on the child's level of understanding and competence.
 Dialogue: Essential for scaffolding, facilitating the transition from spontaneous to systematic thought.
 Example: A teacher guiding a student through a math problem by breaking it down into manageable steps.
3. Language and Thought
 Vygotsky argued that language plays a crucial role in cognitive development:
o Private Speech: Children use self-talk to guide their actions and regulate their behavior.
o Contrasts with Piaget, who viewed private speech as egocentric.
o Transition from social to internal speech, where children internalize their verbal guidance.
Applications of Vygotsky's Theory in Education
1. Reassessing Child Abilities
o Evaluate children’s capabilities by considering what they can achieve with assistance rather than only
what they can do alone.
2. Individualized Assessment
o Look at each child's ZPD to tailor instruction based on their unique needs.
3. Dynamic Teaching Strategies
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o Begin teaching at the upper limit of the ZPD, providing sufficient support for children to reach higher
levels of skill and knowledge.
4. Peer Learning
o Utilize more-skilled peers to facilitate learning, creating collaborative learning environments.
5. Encouraging Private Speech
o Foster children’s use of private speech, promoting self-regulation and problem-solving abilities.
6. Meaningful Contexts for Learning
o Contextualize instruction in real-world applications to enhance engagement and understanding.
7. Transformative Classroom Environments
o Implement flipped classrooms and integrated grade levels to promote student-centered learning and peer
Evaluating Vygotsky’s Theory
 Contributions:
o Emphasized the role of social interaction and cultural context in cognitive development.
o Introduced practical concepts such as ZPD and scaffolding, which have influenced educational practices.
o Highlighted the importance of language in thought processes.
 Criticisms:
o May downplay the role of individual cognitive processes in favor of social interactions.
o Lack of precise mechanisms on how ZPD and scaffolding work in practice.
o Some researchers argue that cognitive development can occur without significant social interaction,
challenging the centrality of social factors in Vygotsky's theory.
Comparison with Piaget’s Theory
 Similarities:
o Both view children as active learners who construct knowledge.
o Emphasize developmental stages, though their views on the nature and sequence differ.
 Differences:
o Piaget: Focuses on individual exploration and cognitive structures; children learn through interacting with
the physical world.
o Vygotsky: Highlights the social context and cultural tools in learning; cognitive development is heavily
influenced by social interactions.
Evaluating Vygotsky’s Theory of Cognitive Development
 Vygotsky’s theory, although contemporaneous with Piaget's, gained recognition later and has not been evaluated
as thoroughly.
 Emphasizes sociocultural influences on children's development and the contextual factors in learning.
Key Distinctions from Piaget’s Theory
 Inner Speech:
o Vygotsky highlights the importance of inner speech in cognitive development, while Piaget views it as a
sign of immaturity.
 Constructivist Approaches:
o Both theories are constructivist, but Vygotsky’s is specifically a social constructivist approach,
focusing on knowledge construction through social interaction.
 Focus Shift:
o Moving from Piaget to Vygotsky represents a shift from individual learning to collaboration, social
interaction, and sociocultural activity.
Endpoint of Cognitive Development
 Piaget: The endpoint is formal operational thought, representing a stage where logical and abstract thinking
becomes possible.
 Vygotsky: The endpoint varies based on cultural values and the skills deemed important within that culture.
Knowledge Construction
 Piaget: Knowledge is constructed through transforming, organizing, and reorganizing previous knowledge.
 Vygotsky: Knowledge is constructed through social interactions with peers and teachers.
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Implications for Teaching

 Piaget’s Theory:
o Suggests that children need support to explore their environment and discover knowledge.
 Vygotsky’s Theory:
o Highlights the need for opportunities to learn with teachers and more skilled peers.
 Role of Teachers:
o In both theories, teachers act as facilitators and guides rather than directors, encouraging a collaborative
learning environment.
Criticisms of Vygotsky’s Theory
1. Lack of Specificity:
o Critics argue that Vygotsky was not specific enough about age-related cognitive changes, making it
difficult to apply his theory consistently across developmental stages.
2. Socioemotional Contributions:
o Vygotsky did not adequately describe how socioemotional capabilities contribute to cognitive
3. Overemphasis on Language:
o Some believe he placed too much importance on the role of language in thinking, potentially neglecting
other cognitive processes.
4. Collaboration and Guidance Pitfalls:
o The emphasis on collaboration raises concerns:
 Facilitators might become too helpful, leading to dependence rather than independence.
 Overbearing guidance from adults could hinder a child's ability to learn through experience.
5. Expectations of Assistance:
o Children might become reliant on external help, potentially stunting their ability to tackle challenges

Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience

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 Understanding Cognitive Development: Developmental cognitive neuroscience (DCN) examines how cognitive
development is supported by changes in brain structure and function (Johnson & de Haan, 2015).
 Neurobiological Framework: DCN frames cognitive development as a neurobiological process, which enhances
our understanding of how learning occurs.
Historical Context
 Piaget and Vygotsky: Both theorists emphasized interaction and social context in cognitive development but did
not address the brain's role. Their ideas are foundational but limited in light of modern neuroscience (Ward,
Key Concept: Curiosity
 Neural Activation: Studies using fMRI show that different regions of the brain activate when individuals are
curious, suggesting that curiosity can vary among children and can influence learning outcomes (Kidd & Hayden,
Stress, Emotions, and Cognition
Executive Function Skills
 Prefrontal Cortex: Adele Diamond's research focuses on the prefrontal cortex, crucial for executive functions
such as:
o Reasoning
o Working Memory
o Cognitive Flexibility
o Inhibitory Control
o Attention
 Training and Improvement: Evidence suggests that executive function skills can be improved through targeted
training programs for all ages (Diamond & Ling, 2016).
Impact of Stress on Cognition
 Cortisol and Executive Functions: High levels of cortisol, a stress hormone, negatively affect prefrontal cortex
functioning and specific cognitive capacities, including:
o Visual and verbal memory
o Working memory for numbers, words, and mathematical concepts (Heffelfinger & Newcomer, 2001;
Lupien et al., 2005; MacKinnon-McQuarrie et al., 2014).
 Link Between Learning and Emotion: There is a strong connection between emotional well-being and cognitive
performance. Stress must be addressed to optimize learning conditions.
Math Anxiety and Performance
 Neuroscience Findings: Research shows that math anxiety disrupts functioning in brain regions associated with
working memory, affecting math performance (Ramirez et al., 2016).
Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience and Education
Collaboration Between Neuroscience and Education
 International Mind, Brain and Education Society: Promotes the merging of neuroscience research with
educational practices.
 Caution Against Misleading Products: Educators must be wary of commercial brain-based learning products
lacking scientific backing (Ansari, Coch, & De Smedt, 2011).
Applications in Education
1. Training Executive Function Skills:
o Programs aimed at improving skills like reasoning, working memory, and cognitive flexibility can
enhance academic performance (Cortés Pascual et al., 2019).
o Computer-based training programs have shown success in strengthening these skills (Diamond, 2012).
2. Addressing Stress and Emotions:
o Recognizing the impact of neurophysiological stress on learning emphasizes the need for a calm and safe
environment for children.
o This understanding informs how educators support students’ emotional and cognitive needs.
3. Incorporating Neuroscience in Educator Training:
o Basic knowledge of brain structure and function should be part of teacher training to better support
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o Educators must discern between valuable research-based programs and those lacking scientific evidence
(Ansari, 2011).
4. Informing Educational Priorities:
o Recent findings on stress and emotional needs are shaping educational practices and policies.
o Greater emphasis is being placed on addressing socio-emotional needs to enhance cognitive potential.
Developmental cognitive neuroscience provides critical insights into cognitive processes, emphasizing the relationship
between brain function, emotional health, and learning. Its integration into educational practices has the potential to create
more effective and supportive learning environments for children.

Chapter 5
Dynamic Systems View and Reflexes in Motor Development
1. Arnold Gesell’s Maturation Theory (1934)
 Gesell believed motor skills develop through a genetic plan or maturation.
 He observed that infants develop motor skills like rolling over, sitting, and standing in a fixed order and
within specific time frames.
 His work emphasized the hereditary nature of motor development.
2. Dynamic Systems Theory
 Proposed by Esther Thelen (1941–2004), dynamic systems theory suggests motor development is an
interactive process involving multiple factors.
 Infants develop motor skills by perceiving the environment and acting on it. Perception and action are
Key Points:
o Motor skills are assembled as solutions to infant goals.
o Infants are motivated to act (e.g., reaching a toy), leading them to develop a new motor
o A motor skill results from the interaction of several factors:
 Development of the nervous system.
 The body’s physical properties (e.g., leg growth, muscle control).
 Motivation to achieve a goal.
 Environmental support (e.g., a parent encouraging a child to walk).
Motor Skill Development Process:
o Infants explore different movement patterns to solve motor challenges.
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o Motor development involves a process of adaptation through repeated cycles of action and
o Even universal milestones like crawling or walking are learned through fine-tuning movements
to fit new tasks.
Example of Motor Skill Development:
o Gabriel (from Thelen’s study) must adapt his body and movements to grasp a toy from a sitting
position, adjusting in real-time.
3. Reflexes in Infants
 Reflexes are automatic responses to stimuli and serve as survival mechanisms for infants.
 Some reflexes are important for survival (e.g., rooting and sucking reflexes) as they help newborns
obtain nourishment.
Examples of Reflexes:
o Rooting Reflex: When the infant’s cheek is stroked, they turn toward the touch and begin to
o Sucking Reflex: Newborns automatically suck objects placed in their mouth, a crucial reflex for
o Moro Reflex: In response to sudden movement or noise, newborns arch their back and fling
their arms and legs out, then close them. This reflex was a survival mechanism for primate
Reflex Persistence and Disappearance:
o Some reflexes, like coughing, sneezing, and blinking, persist throughout life.
o Other reflexes, like rooting and Moro reflex, disappear by 3 to 4 months as the infant gains
voluntary control over movements.
o The persistence or reappearance of reflexes can indicate neurological issues.
4. Grasping Reflex and Transition to Voluntary Action
 The grasping reflex is triggered when an object touches the infant’s palm.
 By 3 months, infants begin to develop voluntary control over this reflex, transitioning into more
refined and purposeful grasping.
5. Differences in Reflexive Behaviors
 Variability exists in reflexive behaviors among newborns. For instance, newborns' sucking abilities
differ, with some being more efficient than others.
 The process of mastering feeding reflects changes in the nervous system and coordination with
environmental factors (e.g., how the infant is held, the flow of milk).
6. Reflexes in the Context of Dynamic Systems Theory
 Earlier views treated reflexes as entirely genetic and automatic.
 The modern view aligns with dynamic systems theory, suggesting that reflexes can be modulated by
infants to achieve goals. For instance, they can adjust their movements to make a mobile move or
change their sucking rate to hear a recording.
7. Studies on Infant Reflexes and Sucking Behavior
 T. Berry Brazelton’s Study (1956): Observed changes in infant sucking behavior over time.
o 85% of infants exhibited non-feeding-related sucking (fingers, pacifiers).
o By age 1, most had stopped, but 40% continued thumb-sucking into school age (Kessen, Haith,
& Salapatek, 1970).

Key Concepts to Remember:

 Motor development is not purely based on genetic unfolding; it’s an active, adaptive process where
the infant responds to goals and environmental challenges.
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 Reflexes serve as building blocks for more complex motor behaviors, transitioning from automatic to
voluntary control as the infant matures.
 The dynamic systems theory emphasizes the active role of the infant in motor development, showing
how infants use their perceptions to continuously adjust their actions to reach their goals.

Gross Motor Skills

Introduction to Motor Milestones
 Gross motor skills involve large-muscle activities, such as moving one’s arms, crawling, walking, or
standing. These developmental milestones are often proudly shared by parents as they witness their
child’s progression from a baby unable to lift their head to a toddler actively interacting with the world.
Development of Posture
 Postural control is essential for gross motor development and allows for skills like head stabilization
and balance, both necessary for actions like tracking moving objects or walking. Posture is dynamic and
depends on sensory information from:
o Skin, joints, and muscles (help with spatial awareness)
o Vestibular organs in the inner ear (regulate balance)
o Vision and hearing (coordinate movement)
 Postural milestones:
o Newborns: Cannot control posture.
o 2 months: Can hold heads erect while supported.
o 6-7 months: Can sit independently.
o 8-9 months: Can pull themselves up to stand.
o 10-12 months: Often stand alone.
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 Cultural influence: Cultural beliefs and practices regarding caregiving can impact how motor skills are
stimulated and supported.
Learning to Walk
 Locomotion and posture are closely linked, especially in walking, which involves balancing on one leg
while swinging the other forward. Early leg alternation is present even before birth due to established
neural pathways.
 Challenges in walking:
o Infants initially take small steps due to limited balance control and strength.
o Occasionally, infants take large steps, indicating improved balance and strength.
 Learning surfaces: Infants learn through trial and error about safe and risky surfaces for walking, as
seen in Karen Adolph’s steep slope experiments. Experienced crawlers and walkers learn to avoid
steep slopes and assess their skills against environmental challenges.
 Practice and learning: Infants accumulate immense experience with balance and locomotion. Each step
varies slightly due to different terrains and bodily constraints, which aids in refining walking skills.
First Year Motor Milestones and Variations
 Infants go through a standard sequence of gross motor milestones, but timing can vary due to
environmental factors like the introduction of sleep positions (e.g., sleeping on the back delayed
 Cultural variations: Some infants may never crawl or may discover alternative locomotion methods,
such as rolling.
 Individual differences: Not all infants follow the standard motor milestones, with some skipping
crawling or walking later than expected.
Development in the Second Year
 Motor accomplishments in the first year lead to increased independence in the second year. Gross motor
skills by 18-24 months include:
o Pulling a toy on a string
o Walking quickly or running
o Walking backward without losing balance
o Kicking and throwing a ball while standing
o Jumping in place
 Structured exercise classes are generally not recommended for infants, though vigorous handling (in
certain cultures) may advance motor development.
Motor Development in Early Childhood (3-5 years)
 3 years old: Children enjoy simple movements like hopping, jumping, and running.
 4 years old: Children become more adventurous, climbing low jungle gyms and learning to go down
stairs using one foot per step.
 5 years old: Children become more confident and perform more complex motor activities, such as
running races and attempting stunts.

Motor Development in Middle and Late Childhood

 Motor skills become smoother and more coordinated. Physical skills such as running, swimming, and
playing sports improve with practice, and children gain confidence and pleasure from mastering these
 Physical activity: Elementary school children benefit from frequent physical activity, which helps them
develop motor skills and improves their cognitive function and well-being. Activities like running,
jumping, and playing sports are essential for both physical and mental health.
Role of Sports in Motor Development
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 Organized sports are widely available and offer children opportunities to improve motor skills, learn
competition, persistence, and develop peer relationships.
 Positive impacts of sports:
o Improved physical fitness
o Enhanced motor skills
o Socialization and teamwork
o Reduced likelihood of obesity
 Negative impacts:
o Pressure to achieve and win
o Risk of injury or burnout
o Stress related to performance expectations
 Active participation: Encouraging active, rather than passive, activities benefits children’s gross motor
development, cognitive functioning, and overall health. Structured play and sports are essential in
promoting these skills throughout early childhood and beyond.

Fine Motor Skills Development

Fine motor skills involve precise, small muscle movements, especially those requiring coordination of fingers,
hands, and arms. Examples include grasping objects, using utensils, buttoning clothes, and stringing beads.
 Early Development: At birth, infants have limited fine motor control. Reaching and grasping mark
significant milestones in their ability to interact with objects and the environment.
o Reaching Progression:
 Initially: Involves crude shoulder and elbow movements.
 Later: Wrist and hand rotation, and thumb-forefinger coordination.
o Grasping Development:
 Palmer grasp (whole hand): Seen in early infancy.
 Pincer grasp (thumb and forefinger): Develops towards the end of the first year.
 Grip flexibility: Varies depending on the object’s size, shape, and texture.
 Perceptual-Motor Coupling:
o 4 months: Infants rely on touch to coordinate grasping.
o 8 months: Vision becomes a key guide, allowing infants to preshape their hands before reaching.
 Role of Experience:
o Sticky mittens experiment: Infants trained with "sticky mittens" demonstrated earlier reaching
and grasping abilities.
o Safety Considerations: As infants develop a pincer grip, they begin exploring objects by
mouthing them, necessitating close monitoring of their environment.
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Toddlerhood (18-24 months)

 Building Blocks:
o Initial stage: Toddlers can balance two- to three-block towers.
o Later stage: They can stack more blocks as fine motor skills and cognitive planning improve.
o Tower-building requires motor precision to release blocks smoothly, without toppling the tower.
 Cognitive Involvement: Tower building requires planning and sequential movements.
Early Childhood (3-5 years)
 3 years:
o Children have developed a pincer grip but are still somewhat clumsy.
o High concentration is required to build block towers, though blocks may not always be aligned
o Puzzles are completed with some rough handling.
 4 years:
o Fine motor coordination becomes more precise.
o Children may have trouble stacking blocks perfectly as they become overly focused on precision.
 5 years:
o Greater mastery of hand-eye coordination allows children to engage in more complex building
activities, such as constructing houses or skyscrapers.
Middle to Late Childhood (6-12 years)
 Myelination: Increased myelination of the central nervous system speeds up neural communication,
leading to fine motor improvements.
 6 years:
o Children develop the ability to hammer, tie shoes, and fasten clothes.
 7 years:
o Hands become steadier, and children prefer pencils over crayons for printing.
o Reversal of letters becomes less common, and printing size reduces.
 8-10 years:
o Hands work independently with greater precision.
o Writing replaces printing, and letters become smaller and more uniform.
 10-12 years:
o Children develop adult-like manipulative skills, allowing them to engage in complex crafts and
play musical instruments proficiently.
o Girls tend to outperform boys in fine motor skills, but there is a wide range of abilities within
each gender.
Key Concepts:
1. Grasping Types: Palmer (whole hand) and pincer (thumb and forefinger).
2. Perceptual-Motor Coupling: Progression from reliance on touch to vision for object handling.
3. Experience Matters: Training, like using sticky mittens, enhances fine motor development.
4. Myelination: The process that improves neural transmission, directly impacting fine motor skills in
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Sensory and Perceptual Development

What Are Sensation and Perception?
 Sensation: Occurs when sensory receptors (eyes, ears, tongue, nostrils, skin) receive stimuli from the
environment (e.g., light waves, sound waves) and transmit it to the brain.
o Example: Hearing happens when airwaves hit the ear and are transmitted to the brain via the
auditory nerve.
 Perception: The brain's interpretation of sensory information, allowing us to make sense of stimuli.
o Example: A sound wave might be perceived as noise or music, and light waves as colors or
The Ecological View of Perceptual Development
 Eleanor and James Gibson’s Ecological View:
o Perception brings us into direct contact with the environment and is designed for action.
o Objects have affordances: opportunities for interaction based on the individual’s capabilities.
 Example: A chair affords sitting, and a toddler might perceive a pot as something to
o Infants learn through interaction, and motor skills improve as they perceive and adapt to their
o Karen Adolph’s Research: Studied how infants perceive and adapt their motor actions (e.g.,
how they respond to slopes, gaps, and drop-offs).
 Experienced crawlers/walkers perceive slopes as risky and adjust their actions
accordingly, whereas new learners don’t perceive the risk as accurately.
Visual Perception
 Studying Infant Vision:
o Visual Preference Method (Robert Fantz): Infants prefer looking at patterned stimuli (e.g.,
faces, bulls-eyes) over plain colors or shapes.
 Infants as young as 2 days old show this preference.
o Habituation and Dishabituation:
 Habituation: Decreased interest after repeated exposure to the same stimulus.
 Dishabituation: Renewed interest when a new stimulus is introduced, indicating the
ability to differentiate between stimuli.
o High-Amplitude Sucking: Measures infants’ response to sound by tracking sucking rates.
Changes in sound lead to increased sucking if the infant finds the new sound interesting.
Other Senses (Hearing, Smell, Taste, Touch)
 Hearing:
o Newborns have a strong sense of hearing, which continues to develop in complexity.
o Orienting Response: Turning the head toward a sound is a way to determine if infants can hear.
 Smell and Taste:
o Infants can differentiate smells and tastes from birth. They prefer sweet tastes and their mother's
 Touch:
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o Touch is one of the earliest senses to develop, with newborns responding to physical touch,
which plays a key role in emotional bonding.
Intermodal Perception
 Intermodal Perception: The ability to integrate information from two or more senses (e.g., sight and
o Example: Infants can associate the sound of a voice with the sight of a moving mouth.
Nature, Nurture, and Perceptual Development
 Gene-Environment Interplay: Both genetics and experiences shape sensory and perceptual
o Cochlear Implants: An example of how medical technology (nurture) can alter sensory
development in children with hearing loss.
Techniques for Studying Infant Sensory and Perceptual Development
 Eye-Tracking:
o Tracks where infants are looking to study their visual focus and attention.
o Helps in understanding cognitive development and social interaction.
o Used to study at-risk infants, such as those born prematurely or those at risk for autism.
 High-Amplitude Sucking:
o Measures auditory perception by tracking sucking responses to sounds.
 Habituation and Dishabituation:
o Used to assess infants' ability to recognize and differentiate between stimuli.
 The Orienting Response:
o Measures the infant's ability to hear or see by observing whether they turn their head towards the
Key Studies and Methods
1. Fantz’s Visual Preference Method: Demonstrates infants' preference for patterns over plain stimuli.
2. Habituation and Dishabituation: Shows that infants can distinguish between familiar and new stimuli.
3. High-Amplitude Sucking: Tracks how infants respond to auditory changes.
4. Eye-Tracking Technology: Advances the study of infant perception, such as understanding gaze and
focus during social interactions or media exposure (e.g., Sesame Street study).
 Sensory and perceptual development begins at birth and progresses rapidly as infants interact with their
 Both nature (genetics) and nurture (experience) play crucial roles in shaping how infants sense and
perceive the world.

Visual Perception
1. Visual Acuity:
o Newborn vision is very limited: estimated at 20/240 on the Snellen chart. Objects far away are
o By 6 months of age, vision improves to 20/40.
o This gradual improvement is a typical part of visual sensory development.
2. Face Perception:
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o Newborns show interest in human faces soon after birth.

o By 12 hours, infants prefer looking at their mother’s face over strangers.
o By 4 months, infants:
 Match voices to faces.
 Distinguish between male and female faces.
 Discriminate between faces of their own racial/ethnic group and others.
3. Pattern Perception:
o As early as 2-3 weeks, infants show preference for patterned displays (normal human faces,
bull’s-eye targets, black-and-white stripes).
o Researcher Robert Fantz revealed these preferences using a “looking chamber.”
4. Colour Vision:
o Colour vision develops by 8 weeks, possibly earlier (around 4 weeks).
o By 4 months, infants prefer saturated colours (e.g., royal blue over pale blue).
o Experience and maturation are both necessary for proper colour vision development.
5. Perceptual Constancy:
o Size constancy: Ability to recognize objects as the same size despite retinal image changes.
 Babies as young as 3 months exhibit some size constancy, but it continues to develop
into early childhood.
o Shape constancy: Recognition of object shape consistency despite orientation changes.
 Infants also show some shape constancy by 3 months but struggle with irregular shapes.
6. Perception of Occluded Objects:
o In the first two months, infants only perceive visible parts of occluded objects.
o By 2 months, they develop the ability to perceive occluded objects as complete.
o By 3-5 months, infants can track briefly occluded moving objects.
7. Depth Perception:
o Tested using the visual cliff experiment (Gibson & Walk, 1960).
o 6-12 months old generally avoid crawling onto the “deep” side, indicating depth perception.
o By 3-4 months, infants can use binocular cues to discern depth.
1. Colour Perception:
o By 3-4 years, children become efficient at detecting colour boundaries (e.g., between red and
2. Eye Muscle Development:
o By 4-5 years, eye muscles develop sufficiently to allow smooth movement across letters.
o Farsightedness is common in toddlers but usually resolves by kindergarten.
3. Understanding of Physical World:
o At around 2-4½ years, children struggle with object tracking tasks like those involving dropping
balls through curved tubes.
o With verbal instruction and experience, children begin to overcome errors in predicting
outcomes related to object trajectories.
Key Points:
 Visual perception develops progressively, with significant changes in acuity, face recognition, pattern
and colour vision, constancy of objects, and depth perception in infancy.
 Childhood involves refining these skills, particularly in the ability to discern colour boundaries, track
objects accurately, and engage in perceptual problem-solving tasks like understanding physical
properties of objects (e.g., object permanence, gravity effects).
These developments reflect a combination of biological maturation and experiential learning.
Sensory Development During Infancy
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 Prenatal Hearing:
o By the last two months of pregnancy, fetuses can hear sounds from outside the womb,
including music and their mother’s voice.
o Recognition and Learning:
 DeCasper & Spence (1986) study: Fetuses that heard The Cat in the Hat preferred it
after birth over a different story, indicating prenatal learning of rhythm and sound.
 Mother’s Voice Preference: Fetuses and newborns prefer their mother's voice over the
father's. Studies (Lee & Kisilevsky, 2014) showed that fetuses increased their heart rate
when hearing their mother's voice.
 Postnatal Changes in Hearing:
o Loudness: Newborns cannot hear soft sounds as well as adults. They need louder sounds for
perception, making it difficult to diagnose hearing impairments early on.
o Pitch: Infants are more sensitive to high-pitched sounds but less to low-pitched ones. By 7
months, they can process multiple pitches and by 2 years, they can distinguish different pitches
o Localization: Even newborns can detect where a sound originates, but this skill improves
significantly by 7 months.
 Hearing Interventions:
o Cochlear Implants: Used for children born deaf, as early as 12 months. Early intervention with
cochlear implants or hearing aids, along with supportive language exposure, improves speech
and language outcomes.
o Otitis Media: A middle-ear infection common in infancy that can affect hearing and language
development. Chronic otitis media may require tubes to drain fluid from the ear.

Touch and Pain

 Touch Sensitivity:
o Newborns react to light touch, as evidenced by reflexes like rooting (turning head when cheek is
touched) and sucking.
 Pain Sensitivity:
o Newborns can feel pain, demonstrated through behavioral, physiological, and brain responses
during medical procedures.
o In the past, surgeries were performed on newborns without anesthesia under the false belief that
they couldn't feel pain. Advances in neonatal care now ensure pain management for infants
during surgeries.
 Odor Differentiation:
o Newborns can differentiate between pleasant and unpleasant smells. For example, they react
positively to vanilla and strawberry but negatively to rotten eggs.
o Mother’s Scent:
 At 6 days old, breastfed infants prefer the scent of their mother’s breast pad over a clean
one, showing recognition of their mother’s unique scent.
 This recognition typically develops after a few days of experience with the mother’s
 Prenatal Taste Exposure:
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o Sensitivity to taste begins before birth, with fetuses learning about different flavors through
amniotic fluid and later through breast milk.
o Preferences:
 Newborns show a preference for sweet tastes.
 2-hour-old infants react differently to sweet, sour, and bitter tastes, displaying facial
expressions that reflect their preferences.
o By a few months of age, infants also develop a preference for salty tastes, which is nutritionally

Intermodal Perception
 Definition: Intermodal perception involves integrating information from two or more sensory modalities
(e.g., vision and hearing).
o Example: When watching a basketball game, individuals combine the visual input of a ball
bouncing with the sound of it hitting the ground.
 Development in Infancy:
o Early Reflexes: Newborns exhibit primitive intermodal abilities, such as turning their head
toward a sound.
o Visual-Auditory Integration: By 3 months, infants look longer at their mother when they hear
her voice, showing coordination between visual and auditory cues.
o Visual-Touch Integration: By 2-3 months, infants can coordinate visual and touch information,
and this ability develops rapidly across the first year.
 Maturation:
o Early forms of intermodal perception become sharper through experience. During the first six
months, infants have difficulty connecting sensory inputs, but by the second half of the first
year, their ability to mentally integrate these inputs improves.
Nature, Nurture, and Perceptual Development
 Nature vs. Nurture:
o Nativists believe that perception is largely innate (inborn), while empiricists argue that
perception is learned through experience.
o The Gibsons’ ecological view leans toward nativism, suggesting that infants are born with the
ability to detect size and shape constancy and other perceptual skills, but also acknowledge that
environmental interaction plays a role.
o Piaget’s Constructivist View: Perception develops through cognitive stages, implying that
infants learn complex perceptual tasks through experience rather than being born with them.
 Research on Cataracts:
o Maurer’s research on infants born with cataracts highlights the role of early visual input in
perceptual development.
o Infants whose cataracts are removed in the first few months show normal visual development,
while delayed surgery leads to impaired visual perception. This emphasizes the importance of
early sensory experience for normal perceptual development.
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 Infants are born with innate perceptual abilities, but their skills improve dramatically through
experience and interaction with their environment.
 The development of perception involves a dynamic interaction between nature and nurture, with
environmental experiences shaping and refining sensory abilities.
 Early intervention in cases of sensory impairments (e.g., hearing loss, cataracts) is critical to ensure
normal perceptual and cognitive development.

Perceptual-Motor Coupling
Definition and Overview
 Perceptual-motor coupling refers to the interconnectedness of perception and motor action.
Traditionally, psychology has distinguished between perceiving and doing, but contemporary research
emphasizes that perception and action are tightly linked.
 Key researchers:
o Esther Thelen’s dynamic systems approach examines how individuals organize motor behaviors
to coordinate perception and action.
o Eleanor and James J. Gibson's ecological approach focuses on how perception guides action and
vice versa.
Main Concepts
1. Dynamic Systems Approach (Thelen)
o People organize motor behaviors to engage in both perceiving and acting. Babies, for example,
must coordinate their movements with perceptual information to balance, reach, and move
through space.
o Infants are motivated to move by what they perceive, such as reaching for a toy. Their
movements may initially be awkward, but they learn patterns that help them achieve their goals.
2. Ecological Approach (Gibsons)
o Perception and action are not separate processes; they work together. Action can guide
perception (e.g., moving introduces new views of objects and people), and perception can guide
action (e.g., reaching for a toy based on seeing it).
o Through active movement, individuals learn how to adapt to their environment by perceiving
and acting in response to new situations.
Perceptual-Motor Development in Infants
 Example of infant action-perception coupling:
o Infants see an attractive toy and must figure out how to move their limbs to reach it. Initially,
their attempts are uncoordinated, but over time, they learn to adjust their actions to reach their
desired object effectively.
o Locomotion (e.g., crawling or walking) helps babies understand different visual perspectives
and how surfaces support their weight.
o Mouthing objects introduces object properties, such as texture and hardness, further educating
 Importance of Interaction Between Perception and Action:
o Action educates perception: Exploring objects through touch, vision, and movement helps
infants learn about the world. For example, when infants manipulate an object, they learn about
its texture, size, and weight.
o Perception motivates action: Infants are driven to move by what they see. For instance, if they
see a toy they want to play with, they must figure out how to use their motor skills to reach it.
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How New Perceptual-Motor Skills Develop

 Traditional View (Gesell):
o The traditional view was that motor development followed a fixed sequence determined by
genetics, where infants would develop motor skills at prescribed stages.
 Dynamic Systems View (Thelen):
o This modern approach replaces the fixed-sequence idea with a more flexible concept. Infants
actively assemble new perceptual-motor skills by interacting with their environment.
o Key Principle: New skills are developed by infants through active participation in achieving a
goal. This process is dynamic and depends on the infant’s body and environmental conditions.
Key Takeaways
 Perception and motor skills develop together in a coupled system. Infants perceive to move and move
to perceive.
 Perceptual-motor development is not a passive process but an active one where the infant must engage
with their environment to develop and refine motor skills.
 Environmental factors (like surfaces or objects in space) and biological factors (like an infant's
physical capabilities) interact to guide perceptual-motor development.


The Information-Processing Approach
Overview of the Information-Processing Approach
 Key Focus: This approach analyzes how children manipulate, monitor, and create strategies for
handling information. It focuses on cognitive development and how children overcome processing
limitations by expanding their capacity, speed, and strategies for processing information.
 Like Piaget and Vygotsky’s cognitive development theories, the information-processing approach
rejects behaviorism, which focuses on the stimulus-response relationship. Instead, it emphasizes how
children think.
The Computer Metaphor
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 Computer comparison: Just as a computer’s ability to process information is constrained by its

hardware and software, children’s information-processing abilities are limited by capacity and speed, as
well as their ability to manipulate information.
o Hardware: Represents the brain's biological foundation (e.g., myelination, neuron connectivity).
o Software: Refers to strategies or methods children use to process information.
 Cognitive development involves increasing processing capacity and speed and acquiring new
strategies for handling and using information.
Cognitive Resources: Capacity and Speed of Processing
1. Capacity:
o Capacity refers to how much information can be processed and held in mind at once. As
children grow, their capacity improves, allowing them to consider multiple aspects of a topic or
problem simultaneously, whereas younger children might focus on only one aspect.
o This growth in capacity is influenced by both biological development (e.g., brain changes) and
2. Speed of Processing:
o Processing speed is linked to children’s thinking competence. Faster processing allows for more
efficient memory and problem-solving.
o Examples: Children who can process words quickly are often better at remembering them and
are also more proficient readers.
o Individual differences exist in processing speed, and slower speeds can be compensated for by
effective strategies.
o Reaction-time tasks and other tests are used to measure processing speed.
Biological Foundations of Cognitive Resources
 Myelination: The covering of neurons with a myelin sheath, which speeds up electrical impulses in the
brain, aiding in faster information processing.
 Brain structures: Changes, especially in the frontal lobes and neuronal connectivity, play a
significant role in improving cognitive resources as children grow.
 These changes contribute to better memory, problem-solving, and the ability to hold more information
in mind.

Mechanisms of Cognitive Change (Siegler, 2013, 2016)

1. Encoding:
o The process of getting information into memory, either automatically or with effort. Children’s
development involves better encoding skills—focusing on relevant information while ignoring
irrelevant details.
o Example: A 4-year-old may see cursive and printed letters as entirely different, while a 10-year-
old understands they are the same letter and can ignore differences in shape.
2. Automaticity:
o The ability to process information with little or no effort. As tasks become more automatic (e.g.,
reading whole words instead of focusing on each letter), children can process more information
quickly and handle more tasks at once.
o Example: Once reading becomes automatic, children no longer think about each letter but
instead recognize entire words effortlessly.
3. Strategy Construction:
o The creation of new strategies for processing information. Children develop these strategies to
help with tasks like reading comprehension or problem-solving.
o Example: A strategy such as stopping periodically while reading to think about what has been
read improves comprehension.
4. Self-Modification:
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o Children apply what they have learned in previous situations to new ones, showing adaptability
in cognitive tasks. This process is supported by metacognition—thinking about thinking.
o Metacognition example: Children learn to remember better by relating information to personal
experiences, showing a deeper level of understanding and processing.
Comparison with Piaget’s Theory
 Similarities:
o Both approaches emphasize that children actively construct knowledge and understanding.
o Both recognize cognitive limitations at different stages of development and seek to explain how
these limitations are overcome.
o The information-processing approach, like Piaget’s, can be seen as constructivist, where
children actively direct their own cognitive development.
 Differences:
o Piaget's theory involves distinct, qualitative stages of development (e.g., sensorimotor,
preoperational, etc.), while the information-processing approach sees cognitive development as
gradual and continuous.
o The information-processing approach places greater emphasis on the precise analysis of
cognitive processes, focusing on mechanisms such as encoding, automaticity, and strategy
development to explain change.
o Piaget's theory highlights major transitions between stages, while the information-processing
approach suggests that cognitive skills develop continuously without abrupt shifts.
Key Takeaways
 The information-processing approach views children as active participants in their cognitive
 Cognitive resources like capacity and processing speed are essential for memory and problem-
solving, and both improve as children grow.
 Mechanisms of change, such as encoding, automaticity, and strategy construction, drive cognitive
 Continuous and gradual development is a hallmark of the information-processing approach, in
contrast to Piaget’s stage-based theory.
Practical Implications
 Understanding how children process information helps educators develop effective learning strategies
and interventions, especially for children from disadvantaged backgrounds.
 Metacognitive strategies (e.g., thinking about how to remember information) are especially useful in
improving learning outcomes.

Attention: Definition and Developmental Changes

What Is Attention?
 Attention is the focusing of mental resources on specific stimuli, enabling cognitive processing and
 It enhances performance in tasks such as solving problems, playing sports, and interacting with others.
 Attention is limited, meaning that individuals (including children) can only focus on a certain amount of
information at a time.
Types of Attention:
1. Selective Attention: Focusing on relevant stimuli while ignoring irrelevant information (e.g., focusing
on one conversation in a noisy room).
2. Divided Attention: Concentrating on more than one activity simultaneously (e.g., reading while
listening to music).
3. Sustained Attention: Maintaining focus on a stimulus for an extended period (e.g., focusing on a math
assignment for 30 minutes).
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4. Executive Attention: Managing goal-directed tasks, detecting errors, and monitoring progress (e.g.,
planning and adapting strategies in a complex game).
Attention in Infancy
 Newborn Attention: Even newborns can detect contours and fixate on them. Over time, infants become
better at scanning objects.
 By 4 months, infants can selectively attend to specific objects.
Orienting/Investigative Process:
 Involves directing attention to important locations and recognizing features of objects.
 Between 3 and 9 months, infants rapidly improve their ability to flexibly and quickly deploy their
Sustained Attention in Infants:
 New stimuli prompt an initial orienting response, followed by sustained attention.
 At 3 months, infants can maintain focus for 5–10 seconds, increasing through the second year.

Habituation and Dishabituation:

 Habituation: Decreased responsiveness to repeated stimuli (infants get bored with repetitive stimuli).
 Dishabituation: Recovery of attention when a new stimulus is introduced.
Joint Attention:
 Joint Attention: Shared focus between infant and caregiver on an object or event (emerges around 7-8
 Essential for language development and self-regulation.
Attention in Childhood
 Significant improvements in attention occur during the preschool years.
 Preschoolers develop better executive attention (goal-directed actions) and sustained attention
(focusing for longer periods).
Salience vs. Relevance:
 Younger Children (Preschoolers): External stimuli, like flashy toys, tend to grab their attention,
regardless of relevance.
 Older Children (6–7 years and above): Can focus more on important aspects of tasks, such as
instructions, even if less exciting.
School Readiness:
 Sustained attention in preschoolers is linked to school success, language development, and peer
Attention in Adolescence
 Adolescents typically have stronger attentional skills, especially in sustained attention and executive
 They are more capable of focusing on complex tasks that require longer periods of concentration.
Multitasking in Adolescence:
 Adolescents often engage in multitasking (e.g., doing homework while texting), which may reduce
efficiency, particularly for complex tasks.
 Multitasking can negatively affect academic and cognitive performance.
 Adolescents face distractions from both external sources (e.g., peers, media) and internal thoughts (e.g.,
self-doubt, worries).
 Lack of sleep can further impact their attention and cognitive performance.
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Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)

 ADHD is a neurodevelopmental disorder characterized by weaknesses in attention and executive
functions, such as working memory and behavior regulation.
 Symptoms: Difficulty with sustained attention, hyperactivity, impulsiveness, and daydreaming.
 ADHD children struggle with following instructions, finishing tasks, and may exhibit "acting out"
 ADHD is managed through behavioral strategies and medications.
 Canadian researchers, such as Dr. Janet Mah, focus on understanding ADHD treatment, particularly
the role of parents in managing medication.
Impact of COVID-19:
 The pandemic disrupted children's routines and activities, potentially exacerbating symptoms of ADHD.
 Parents were advised to maintain routines, encourage physical activity, and limit screen time to help
children manage attention challenges during the pandemic.

What is Memory?
 Definition: Memory is the retention of information over time, allowing individuals to connect past
experiences with present situations. It is essential for performing daily activities and functions.
Key Processes of Memory
1. Encoding: The initial process of transforming sensory input into a format that can be stored.
2. Storage: The maintenance of encoded information over time.
3. Retrieval: The process of recalling stored information when needed.
Types of Memory
 Short-term Memory:
o Capacity: Limited (7±2 items).
o Duration: Typically retained for 15 to 30 seconds.
o Role: Acts as a temporary storage for information before it is either discarded or moved to long-
term memory.
 Long-term Memory:
o Duration: More permanent storage of information.
o Role: Stores more extensive information, such as personal experiences and knowledge (e.g.,
childhood games, first loves).

Working Memory
 Definition: A type of short-term memory that involves active manipulation and assembly of
 Components (Alan Baddeley’s Model):
o Central Executive: Manages and regulates attention and cognitive resources.
o Phonological Loop: Deals with verbal and auditory information.
o Visuospatial Sketchpad: Handles visual and spatial information.
Importance of Working Memory in Development
 Better working memory is linked to enhanced:
o Reading comprehension.
o Math skills.
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o Problem-solving abilities.
 Recent Studies:
o Working memory predicts emergent literacy in low-income children.
o It influences foreign language learning in fourth graders.
o Computerized interventions improve reading performance in children.
o Assessment in kindergarten helps predict future academic achievement.
Constructing Memories
 Memory construction is not a simple recording process. Instead, memories are formed and reconstructed
through several cognitive processes.
Schema Theory
 Definition: Schemas are mental frameworks that help organize and interpret information. They
influence memory encoding, interpretation, and retrieval.
 Example: A basketball fan and a visitor without basketball knowledge may interpret the same
conversation differently due to their existing schemas.
Fuzzy Trace Theory
 Definition: Proposes two types of memory representations:
1. Verbatim Trace: Detailed and precise information.
2. Fuzzy Trace: General ideas or the gist of the information.
 Developmental Trend: Preschoolers remember verbatim better, while older children and adults favor
gist, leading to improved memory with age.
Content Knowledge and Expertise
 The ability to remember new information is affected by prior knowledge. Expertise enhances memory
 Expert vs. Novice:
o Experts retain more information relevant to their expertise.
o Example Study: Experienced chess players remember chess-related information better than
novices, but novices outperform in unrelated stimuli.

Developmental Changes
 Memory improves with age due to increased expertise and knowledge across various subjects.
 Sociocultural factors also play a role in shaping memory development but are often overlooked in
Memory is a complex cognitive function that evolves throughout life stages, influenced by developmental
factors, knowledge acquisition, and social contexts. Understanding how memory works and changes can help in
fields such as education, psychology, and cognitive development.
Memory Development
 Early Memory: Contrary to past beliefs (Leach, 2010), research indicates that infants as young as 3
months demonstrate early stages of memory development (Howe, Courage, & Rooksby, 2009).
First Memories
 Rovee-Collier's Research: Infants can remember perceptual-motor information.
o Experiment: Babies were placed in cribs under mobile toys, with a ribbon tied to their ankle.
Kicking made the mobile move.
o Findings: Babies would kick again weeks later if the mobile looked the same as when they were
originally tied to it, demonstrating memory retention.
 Implicit vs. Explicit Memory:
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o Implicit Memory: Exists without conscious recollection; involves procedural memories (e.g.,
riding a bicycle).
 Infants display implicit memory from 2 to 6 months, capable of retaining experiences
until 1.5 to 2 years (Rovee-Collier & Barr, 2010).
o Explicit Memory: Involves conscious recall of facts/experiences; develops in the second half of
the first year (Bauer & Fivush, 2013).
Long-term Memory
 Maturation of Brain Structures: Between 6 to 12 months, maturation of the hippocampus and frontal
lobes facilitates explicit memory (Bauer & Fivush, 2013).
 Developmental Timeline:
o 6 months: Memory retention for 24 hours.
o 20 months: Memory for experiences from 12 months prior.
Infantile Amnesia
 Definition: Most adults recall little from the first 3 years of life (Riggins et al., 2016).
 Causes:
o Immature prefrontal lobes and lack of connections to the hippocampus hinder long-term
memory formation (Jabès & Nelson, 2015).
Memory Improvements
 Memory significantly improves after infancy (Bauer & Fivush, 2013; Bjorklund & Causey, 2017).
 Young children can recall more information with appropriate cues and prompts.
Factors Influencing Memory
 Expertise: Children's growing knowledge in various areas helps improve memory recall.
 Fuzzy Trace Theory:
o Young children encode and store verbatim traces.
o Older children start using gist memory, leading to more enduring memory traces.
Memory Span
 Development of Short-term Memory:
o Classic studies show memory span increases with age (e.g., from 2 digits at 2 years to 5 digits at
7 years; Dempster, 1981).
 Factors Influencing Memory Span:
o Processing Speed: Faster identification of memory items correlates with larger memory span.
o Rehearsal: Older children are more likely to use rehearsal strategies.
Memory Strategies
1. Organization:
o Organizing information enhances memory (e.g., remembering months in chronological order is
easier than alphabetically).
o By middle childhood, children often use organization to aid memory (Schneider & Ornstein,
2. Elaboration:
o Involves deeper processing of information, such as making personal associations or examples.
o Older children and adolescents are more likely to use elaboration strategies spontaneously.
3. Imagery:
o Using mental images aids memory retention, more effective for older children but beneficial for
young children in recalling visual information.
Teaching Strategies to Improve Memory
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 Repeat with Variation: Reinforcing lessons with variations enhances memory consolidation and
expands retrieval routes.
 Memory-relevant Language: Teachers should incorporate language that supports memory in their
instruction, improving student performance (Ornstein et al., 2010).
Reconstructive Memory in Children
 Schema Influence: Children’s memories are influenced by schemas, affecting how they encode, store,
and retrieve information.
 Susceptibility to Suggestion:
o Research shows preschoolers are the most suggestible age group (Ceci, Hritz, & Royer, 2016).
o Distortions can arise from suggestive interviewing techniques.

Memory Changes
 Memory Span and Working Memory:
o Memory span continues to increase during adolescence.
o Working memory also improves, as evidenced by cross-sectional studies showing substantial
increases from ages 8 to 24 (Swanson, 1999).
Neural Functioning
 Brain imaging studies suggest improvements in working memory during adolescence are linked to shifts
in neural functioning (Simmonds, Hallquist, & Luna, 2017).
Continuing Development
 Working memory capabilities continue to improve into adulthood.
 Memory development is a complex, dynamic process that evolves from infancy through adolescence.
Infants show early implicit memory, childhood brings improvements in both explicit memory and the
use of strategies, and adolescence marks continued enhancement of working memory. Understanding
these stages is crucial for educators and parents to support memory retention in children and adolescents.

Thinking: An Overview
 Definition of Thinking:
o Involves the manipulation and transformation of information stored in memory.
o Central executive role in Baddeley’s model of working memory.
o Functions include reasoning, reflecting, evaluating ideas, solving problems, and making
Infancy: Concept Formation and Categorization
 Focus of Research:
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o Investigates concept formation and categorization (Gelman, 2013; Rakison & Lawson, 2013).
o Concepts are cognitive groupings of similar objects, events, people, or ideas.
o Essential for generalization; without concepts, each object/event would appear unique.
 Do Infants Have Concepts?
o Yes, infants possess concepts, although the exact onset of concept formation is not fully
understood (Ferguson & Waxman, 2017).
 Research Findings:
o Habituation Experiments:
 Infants (3 to 4 months) can group objects by similar appearances (e.g., animals) (Quinn,
 Infants look longer at novel objects than at familiar ones.
o Jean Mandler's Contributions:
 Early categorizations are classified as perceptual categorization, based on perceptual
features (e.g., size, color, movement) (Mandler, 2012).
 Conceptual categories (e.g., distinguishing birds from airplanes) begin forming around 7
to 9 months.
 Example study: Infants (9 to 11 months) classify birds as animals and airplanes as
vehicles despite perceptual similarities (Mandler & McDonough, 1993).
o Second Year of Life:
 Continued advancement in categorization (Poulin-Dubois & Pauen, 2017).
 Early concepts remain broad (e.g., "food," "animal").
 As cognitive development progresses, categories become more distinct (e.g., "fruit" →
"apple," "flying animal" → "bird").
 Infants begin categorizing based on shape, a strategy that evolves in early childhood
(Ware, 2017).
 Importance of Categorization:
o Learning to categorize correctly is crucial for understanding the world.
o Gopnik (2010) emphasized that sorting the world into the correct categories represents a
significant cognitive advancement.

Intense Interests in Infancy:

 Emergence of Passionate Interests:
o From late infancy into early childhood, some children develop strong interests in specific
categories of objects or activities.
o Gender Differences:
 Boys show stronger interests in objects and repeated procedures.
 Girls tend to prefer creative and socially interactive interests (Neitzel et al., 2019).
 Example Case:
o Alex (18 to 24 months) developed a keen interest in vehicles:
 Categorized vehicles into subcategories (e.g., cars, trucks, earth-moving equipment).
 Detailed knowledge of types of vehicles, including classifications of cars (e.g., police
cars, taxis) and trucks (e.g., fire trucks, dump trucks).
o At 2 to 3 years old, Alex shifted to an intense interest in categorizing dinosaurs.

Key Takeaways:
 Thinking is a complex process that evolves throughout development.
 Infants are capable of concept formation and categorization, beginning in early infancy.
 Perceptual categorizations lay the foundation for more complex conceptual understandings as infants
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 Intense interests and gender differences in categorization preferences emerge in late infancy and early
Childhood Thinking
1. Executive Function
o Definition: A collection of higher-level cognitive processes linked to the prefrontal cortex,
essential for managing thoughts to engage in goal-directed behavior and self-control (Carlson,
Zelazo, & Faja, 2013; Miller & Marcovitch, 2015).
o Components:
 Cognitive Inhibition: The ability to suppress a strong tendency or response.
 Cognitive Flexibility: The capacity to shift attention between different tasks or topics.
 Goal-Setting: The ability to establish objectives (e.g., sharing toys).
 Delay of Gratification: Forgoing immediate rewards for greater future rewards
(McDermott & Fox, 2018).
o Development:
 Transitions from a stimulus-driven toddler to a child capable of flexible, goal-directed
problem solving (Zelazo, 2015).
 Linked with school readiness (Ursache, Blair, & Raver, 2012).
o Role of Parents and Teachers: Good parenting models executive function skills, influencing
children's self-regulation and success in school (Masten, 2012).
o Changes in Middle and Late Childhood:
 Self-Control/Inhibition: Essential for concentration and resisting impulsive responses.
 Working Memory: Crucial for processing information encountered in school.
 Flexibility: Important for considering different strategies and perspectives.
o Research Findings:
 Executive function may predict school readiness better than IQ (Duckworth et al., 2019).
 Activities like aerobic exercise, mindfulness, and certain curricula (e.g., Montessori) can
enhance executive function (Blair & Raver, 2014; Diamond, 2013).
 Inhibitory control in children correlates with positive long-term outcomes (Moffitt et al.,
o Critiques: The broad concept of executive function may lack consensus on components and
connections; further research is needed (Friedman & Miyake, 2017).
2. Critical Thinking
o Definition: Reflective and productive thinking that evaluates evidence and seeks to understand
how and why things happen.
o Key Aspects:
 Questioning facts and looking for supporting evidence.
 Arguing logically rather than emotionally.
 Recognizing multiple good answers and evaluating them.
 Speculating to create new ideas.
o Educational Deficiency: Many schools focus on single correct answers instead of encouraging
deep, meaningful thinking (Grigg & Lewis, 2019).
o Improving Critical Thinking:
 Presenting controversial topics and encouraging debates (Litman & Greenleaf, 2018).
 Implementing mindfulness to enhance awareness and cognitive flexibility (Farrar &
Tapper, 2018; Langer, 2005).
 Mindfulness training improves executive function, attention, and empathy (Roeser &
Zelazo, 2012).
 Techniques like yoga and meditation may benefit cognitive development.
3. Scientific Thinking
o Children as Natural Scientists: Children ask fundamental questions and seek answers, showing
curiosity and experimentation.
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o Key Differences from Adult Scientists:

 Children are influenced by coincidences more than overall patterns.
 They may cling to old theories despite evidence to the contrary (Kuhn, 2013; Lehrer &
Schauble, 2015).
o Education and Scientific Reasoning:
 Schools often do not teach the skills used in scientific inquiry (Zembal-Saul, McNeill, &
Hershberger, 2013).
 Good teaching involves understanding children's scientific concepts and scaffolding
learning effectively (Harlen & Qualter, 2018).
4. Problem-Solving
o Definition: Finding appropriate ways to achieve goals.
o Methods:
 Using Rules: Development of the ability to form representations of reality and
understand multiple perspectives (Perner & Leahy, 2016).
 Example: Children struggle with the concept of multiple descriptions of a
stimulus until about age 4.
 Older children learn better rules and strategies for problem-solving (Li et al.,
 Using Analogies: Drawing reasonable analogies to solve problems (Whitaker et al.,
 Study: 2½-year-olds struggle with using scale models as symbols; by age 3, most
can solve related problems.
o Effective Strategies:
 Good thinkers use effective planning and strategies (Bjorklund & Causey, 2017).
 Children benefit from generating various strategies and experimenting with problem-
solving approaches (Siegler, 2013, 2016).

Adolescence Cognitive Development

1. Variation in Cognitive Functioning
 Adolescents show considerable variability in cognitive functioning.
 They are considered producers of their own development, more so than children.
2. Executive Function
 Definition: Executive function refers to higher-order cognitive processes that include the ability to
monitor and manage cognitive resources.
 Key Aspects:
o Improvement in executive function is notable in adolescence.
o It involves task demands management, leading to more effective cognitive development and
o Seen as a crucial intellectual development during the second decade of life.
3. Monitoring and Managing Cognitive Resources
 Role: Executive function helps allocate cognitive resources based on the task at hand.
 Importance: This monitoring enhances cognitive development and learning efficacy.
4. Critical Thinking Development
 Transitional Period: Adolescence is a significant phase for developing critical thinking skills.
 Cognitive Changes Contributing to Critical Thinking:
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o Speed and Capacity: Increased processing speed and capacity allow for better allocation of
cognitive resources.
o Knowledge Base: Adolescents possess a broader knowledge base across various domains.
o Knowledge Construction: Enhanced ability to combine knowledge in novel ways.
o Strategy Use: Adolescents show greater spontaneity and variety in strategies for obtaining and
applying knowledge (e.g., planning, evaluating alternatives).
 Foundation: A solid basis in literacy and math from childhood is essential for the adequate
development of critical thinking skills in adolescence, though some may catch up later.
5. Decision Making
 Increased Decision-Making Opportunities: Adolescents face more decisions regarding friendships,
dating, sexual activity, education, etc.
 Competence:
o Older adolescents exhibit more competent decision-making than younger adolescents and
o Compared to children, young adolescents are better at generating options, considering
perspectives, anticipating consequences, and evaluating credibility.
 Imperfect Skills: Despite improvements, decision-making skills are not flawless, and practical
experience can heavily influence outcomes.
 Example: While adolescents may excel in driver training, they still have high accident rates, although
graduated driver licensing (GDR) has shown to reduce these rates.

6. Emotional Influences on Decision Making

 Emotional Intensity: Adolescents often experience intense emotions due to hormonal changes,
affecting their decision-making abilities.
 Calm vs. Emotional States: Decisions made in calm states tend to be wiser than those made under
emotional arousal.
 Social Context: The presence of peers can increase risky decision-making (e.g., a 50% increase in risky
driving in the presence of peers).
7. Stress and Individual Differences
 Stress Impact: Studies indicate adolescents may take more risks in stressful situations.
 Risk-Taking Tendencies: Individual differences in sensation-seeking and risk-taking tendencies play a
role in decision-making under stress.
8. Improving Decision Making
 Opportunities for Practice: Adolescents need more realistic decision-making opportunities in high-
stress situations.
 Role-Playing and Group Problem Solving: Engaging in these activities can enhance their decision-
making skills.
 Parental Involvement: Parents should involve adolescents in decision-making processes.
9. Dual-Process Model of Decision Making
 Theoretical Framework: Proposed by Valerie Reyna and colleagues, suggesting two cognitive systems
influence decision making:
o Analytical System: Engages in detailed, reflective analysis.
o Experiential System: Involves immediate experiences and gut feelings.
 Influence on Decisions: In risky contexts, the experiential system is more beneficial, as adolescents
need to quickly assess the situation and recognize dangers based on personal values and impulse control.
10. Role of Impulse Control
 Higher impulse control correlates with less risky behavior compared to more impulsive peers.
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 Both analytical and experiential systems can be beneficial, especially with ongoing improvements in
executive function.

 Metacognition refers to "cognition about cognition," or the awareness and understanding of one's own
thought processes. It involves knowing when and how to use various strategies for learning and
Forms of Metacognition:
1. Planning: Deciding how much time to allocate for a task.
2. Evaluation: Monitoring progress toward task completion.
3. Self-regulation: Modifying strategies based on task demands.
Importance of Metacognition:
 Enhances the effectiveness of cognitive tasks, leading to improved learning outcomes.
 Example: Training low-achieving students in metacognitive skills for math problems improved their
performance and attitudes toward math (Cardelle-Elawar, 1992).
 A specific form of metacognition that involves understanding memory processes.
 Includes:
o General knowledge about memory (e.g., recognition vs. recall).
o Personal awareness of one’s own memory capabilities.
Developmental Changes in Metacognition
 Children begin to develop metacognitive skills, improving their ability to assess and monitor their own
learning and problem-solving strategies.
 Metacognitive abilities continue to evolve, with adolescents becoming more adept at reflecting on their
thinking and applying strategies effectively across various contexts.

The Child’s Theory of Mind

 Theory of Mind refers to the understanding that oneself and others have mental states, such as thoughts,
beliefs, desires, and intentions, which may differ from one’s own.
Developmental Changes in Theory of Mind
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Infancy to Early Childhood (18 months to 3 years):

 Perceptions: Recognizing that others see what is in front of their eyes.
 Emotions: Distinguishing between positive and negative emotions (e.g., happy vs. sad).
 Desires: Understanding that others have desires different from their own.
Key Milestones:
 By age 2: Awareness that others have different perspectives.
 By age 3: Recognizing that desires influence actions.
 By age 4-5: Understanding false beliefs, marking a significant cognitive milestone.
Examples of False Belief Tasks:
 Band-Aids Box Task: 3-year-olds expect another child to think the box contains pencils, while 4-year-
olds recognize the false belief that it contains Band-Aids.
 Sally-Anne Task: Demonstrates understanding of others’ beliefs; younger children fail to see that Sally
will have a false belief about the toy's location.
Middle Childhood to Adolescence (5-7 years and beyond):
 Deepening understanding of the mind as a constructor of knowledge.
 Awareness that thoughts and behaviors may not always align.
 Ability to appreciate multiple interpretations of the same event.
Individual Differences
 Parental Conversations: Children who discuss desires and feelings with parents early on tend to
perform better on theory of mind tasks.
 Pretend Play: Engaging in pretend play can enhance theory of mind abilities.
 Executive Function: Better executive function skills are linked to a deeper understanding of theory of
 Metacognition and theory of mind are critical cognitive processes that undergo significant
development from childhood through adolescence.
 Both involve a growing awareness of one’s own and others' mental states, which is crucial for effective
learning, problem-solving, and social interaction.

Metacognition in Childhood
Developmental Milestones (Age 5-6):
 Awareness of Memory:
o Children understand that familiar items are easier to learn than unfamiliar ones.
o Short lists are perceived as easier to remember compared to longer lists.
o Recognition tasks (e.g., multiple-choice) are understood to be easier than recall tasks (e.g., essay
o Awareness of forgetting increases with time; they know that memory is less reliable as time
passes (Lyon & Flavell, 1993).
Limitations of Metamemory:
 Understanding of Relatedness:
o Young children struggle to grasp that related items (e.g., apple, orange) are easier to remember
than unrelated items (e.g., apple, car).
o They do not yet recognize that remembering the gist of a story is easier than recalling verbatim
o By fifth grade, students begin to comprehend that gist recall is easier than verbatim recall
(Kreutzer & Flavell, 1975).
Inflated Self-Assessment:
 Overestimation of Memory Abilities:
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Preschool children often have an inflated view of their memory capabilities. For instance, many
predicted they could recall all 10 items from a list of 10, but none succeeded in doing so (Flavell,
Friedrichs, & Hoyt, 1970).
o As children progress through elementary school, they start to evaluate their memory skills more
Cues and Memory:
 Appreciation for Memory Cues:
o Preschoolers have limited understanding of the importance of memory cues (e.g., using examples
to remember concepts).
o By ages 7-8, children begin to appreciate how cues can aid memory recall.
 General Improvement:
o Overall, children’s understanding of their memory abilities and their evaluation skills improve
significantly from early elementary years to around 11-12 years of age (Bjorklund & Causey,

Metacognition in Adolescence
Key Changes:
 Increased Metacognitive Capacity:
o Adolescents develop a greater ability to monitor and manage their cognitive resources,
enhancing their ability to tackle learning tasks effectively (Kuhn, 2009).
o Their metacognitive skills lead to more effective cognitive functioning and improved learning
Research Findings:
1. Study on Young Adolescents (Age 12-14):
o As adolescents age, they increasingly utilize metacognitive skills more effectively in subjects
like math and history.
o For example, 14-year-olds show improved monitoring of their text comprehension compared to
younger peers (van der Stel & Veenman, 2010).
2. Importance of Metacognitive Skills in College:
o Metacognitive skills (e.g., planning, strategy selection, monitoring) significantly contribute to
college students' critical thinking abilities (Magno, 2010).
Attention Allocation:
 Effective Resource Management:
o Adolescents demonstrate a better understanding of how to allocate their attention to various
aspects of a task compared to children.
o They develop a meta-level understanding of strategies, knowing when and which strategies to
apply in different learning contexts.
Individual Variation:
 Diversity in Metacognitive Abilities:
o There is considerable individual variation in metacognitive skills among adolescents.
o Some adolescents effectively utilize metacognitive strategies to enhance their learning, while
others may struggle significantly (Kuhn, 2009).

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 Metacognition develops significantly from childhood through adolescence, with children gaining
foundational skills and adolescents refining and applying these skills more effectively.
 Understanding one's own cognitive processes is crucial for effective learning and problem-solving, with
variations in development influenced by individual experiences and environmental factors.

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