Bit Twiddling (Playing With Bits)
Bit Twiddling (Playing With Bits)
Bit Twiddling (Playing With Bits)
Despite how much older we become we love to play. Don’t think marble or
bhadakuti or cricket only when I talk about play. Play means to entertain oneself or have
But for now you could think of childish play. You have made a small house out of
carton box consisting of 4 rooms. Each room has a LED and a fan and can be controlled
by switch. Instead of mechanical switch you have an AVR in place of that(I don’t think you
are amazed to hear AVR as switch. No matter if you are. Just consider that HIGH to a pin
means switch on and low, switch off). Further on AVR terms will be included but this is
not your first time using AVR so it doesn’t matter to you. PORTA of AVR which consists of
8 pins (8 bits) are connected to LEDs and fans of the 4 rooms. First room’s LED connected
to first pin i.e. PA0, and fan to second pin, PA1, second room’s LED, third pin, fan, fourth
pin and so on. At some instant all of them are in ON state. So PORTA has value
0b11111111. If fourth room is yours and you started feeling cold and wish to close the
fan i.e. PA7 to LOW. How could you do that? You may be thinking:
PORTA = (0 << PA7) if you have knowledge about the shift operators or 0b01111111.
The first method doesn’t work as you wish. It makes you feel as if load shedding has
occurred since every LEDs and fan in your carton house is OFF. Passing (0 << PA7) means
PORTA = 0b00000000 or (1 << PA7) means PORTA = 0b10000000. To talk about second
method, I believe you don’t always know whether the LED of others room is ON or OFF,
you only know about yours.
Here comes the concept of “bit twiddling” which is possible with bitwise logical
Let’s first play with the hardware and software. Do you know about Cylons?
They are the fictional robots in the original Battlestar Galactica TV series.
Fig 1
You may not see the animation in the word. You can search for “Cylon eye gif” in
the internet to see it. Now what are we going to do is to make demo of Cylon eye. For
this we require:
8 LEDs.
A resistor between 200 to 350ohm for LED protection
Note that as we are playing with AVR microcontroller and to burn program to it we
require software which are basic need and will not be included when I talk about
Fig 3
Note: Single resistor can be used as well considering the common point before the
resistor. And PORTC is shown here but we have used PORTA.
Note: Every program written in this article is considering specially ATmega32A
microcontroller. So exact copy of code may not work if you have different
LED_PORT = 0b10000000;
LED_PORT = 0b01000000;
LED_PORT = 0b00100000;
LED_PORT = 0b00010000;
LED_PORT = 0b00001000;
LED_PORT = 0b00000100;
LED_PORT = 0b00000010;
LED_PORT = 0b00000001;
return 0;
I believe you have also feel the same like me, monotonous writing 0b.... and imagine
of another possibilities. Sure there is and we should optimized code as possible.
As you could see LED_PORT and _delay_ms() repeated, they could be written only
once. In case of binary value ‘1’ is shifted from low bit position to higher, one step each
time. We can use loop if we can shift the ‘1’ to higher bit position. So we have shift
operators. This is our next topic.
Bit Shifting
Bit shifting can shift all of the bit positions to the left or right, depending on your
command. Bits that fall off either end just disappear, and any new bits added are all
zeros. Both the embedded C and C language instruction for shifting all the bits in a
number to the left or right is << or >>, respectively.
<<(Left Shift)
It takes two numbers as operands, left shifts the bits of the first operand, the second
operand decides the number of places to shift. As bits are shifted from right to left, 0
enters the LSB(Least Significant Bit), and the MSB(Most Significant Bit) is moved to the
C(Carry flag)(need to know for assembly language programming of embedded system
but is neglected in case of C). Notice that this left shift multiplies the content of left
operand by 2 for each left shift i.e. for single left shift the left operand is multiplied by 2,
for three times left shift, multiplied by 8.
0b10110011<< 1
= 0b01100110 (0b10110011*2, if additional 1 bit is the result of multiplication it is stored
in carry flag bit in the status register)
Fig 4
Fig 5
0b10110011 << 4
= 0b00110000 (0b10110011*2*2*2*2)
>>(Right Shift)
It right shifts the bits of first operand depending on the number in second operand.
As bits are shifted from left to right 0 enters the MSB and the LSB exits to the carry flag.
In other words, in LSR, 0 is moved to the MSB, and the LSB is moved to the C flag. Here
the left operand is divided by 2 and the carry flag contains the remainder of the division.
Again I would like to tell you that don’t worry about carry flag if you are unknown to it. It’s
just additional information to the known ones.
0b10110011 >> 1
= 0b01011001
Fig 6
Fig 7
0b10110011 >> 2
= 0b01011001
Again some more additional information. The standard C avoids the use of negative
numbers with any of the bitwise operators as the behaviour is undefined. But you may
have known about logical and arithmetic shift instruction. Logical shift is for unsigned
numbers and arithmetic shift for signed.
In case of signed number, the most significant bit is sign bit. Arithmetic shift
preserves the sign bit but not the logical shift. Arithmetic and logical left shift are similar .
In case of right shift also for positive numbers both the shifts are same. But for negative
numbers the MSB remains unchanged despite the shift operation preserving the flag bit.
Fig 8
Note the ‘>>’ operator in C and C++ is not necessarily an arithmetic shift. Usually it is
only an arithmetic shift if used with a signed integer type on its left-hand side. If it is used
on an unsigned integer type instead , it will be a logical shift.
If we write PORTB = 1, 0b00000001 is stored in PORTB register in case of 8-bit
microcontroller. In the Cylon eye program we need this 1 to be shifted 1 bit position left
each time. What happens when we left shift 1 by 0 i.e. 1 << 0. Since 1 is decimal and
microcontroller works in binary format, 1 is interpreted as 0b00000001(if 8-bit
microcontroller used). Shifting left 0 times means no shift at all. But if 1 << 1, then the
result is 0b00000010, 1 << 2 results 0b00000100.
Oh! The result is appearing as desired in case of Cylon eye. We can draw conclusion
that 1 when shifted left by certain number, moves that 1 to that bit position.
i = 0;
while(i < 7){
LED_PORT = (1 << i);
i = i + 1;
while(i > 0){
LED_PORT = (1 << i);
i = i - 1;
You can also use right shift method like:
i = 7;
while(i > 0){
LED_PORT = (1 >> i);
i = i - 1;
while(i <= 7){
LED_PORT = (1 >> i);
i = i + 1;
But left shift is preferred most. DELAYTIME can be any no as desired like 1000 if
delay of 1 second required.
Observe that I’ve used -0x80 i.e. -0b10000000 and perform right shift operation.
You must see slowly the LEDs glow from MSB to LSB and finally every LED remains ON.
Now try the same code without “-” sign of -0x80. Then you must see that at the
beginning LED connected to PA7 is HIGH. Then this HIGH value shifts to 1 bit right i.e.
LED connected to PA6 goes HIGH and finally reach to the PA0 LED.
As from above, for -ve number, arithmetic right shift is performed and for +ve,
logical right shift.
What if I replaced -0x80 with 00x7F. You see that LEDs connected to PA7 and PA0
remains in HIGH state at the beginning and then similar arithmetic right shift as above
appears. Why two LEDs ON at beginning?
You know that every instruction or data inside microcontroller is in the form of
binary. But you may or may not have known, how -ve numbers are stored in
microcontroller or your computer. There are two ways: for 8-bit microcontroller, out of
8 bit MSB is used to store sign and remaining 7 bit to store data. For eg: -0x79 is stored
as 0b11111111 as 1 in the MSB represents -ve number. Another way is to store 2’s
complement of the number. Previously I mentioned 1’s complement in NOT logical
operator which is obtained by changing 1 to 0 and 0 to 1. So, 1’s complement of 0x79 is
0b10000000. Adding 1 to this, we get 2’s complement is 0b10000001. So -0x79 is stored
as 0b10000001. With this you should get your answer.
Advanced Bit Twiddling
What if you want to make an even more interesting pattern? Multiple lights on at
once? Or control only the bit connected to your room’s LED as said before?
If you observe in the Cylon eyes program we’re writing a whole byte to the LED port.
It’s like asking the condition of LEDs and fans of each room, making a binary pattern of 8
bits and then sending to the PORT in order to control LED of your room. I feel
uncomfortable to write this then how difficult would it be to ask LED and fan condition of
each room. Its applicable in case of Cylon eyes as only one LED on at a time but not in
the case were multiple LEDs on. We have better method for this, bitwise logical operator.
It may be familiar or brand new to you. But don’t worry on that.
Bitwise logical operators take full bytes as their input. They do logical operations on
those bytes one bit at a time. Hence the name. This makes the bitwise operators an
absolutely perfect match for manipulating the individual bits inside a register byte.
Note that some time I talk about register, port or pins. It may be
unclear to you.
If we consider ATmega32, there are four group of 8 pins. Pins are what
stick out of an IC, and connect electrically to the outside world. Port is
collection of pins and we find PORTA, PORTB, PORTC and PORTD in this
microcontroller. But while writing program you have encountered with
DDRx, PORTx, PINx, x may be A or B or C or D in case of Atmega32. DDRx
is data direction register which specifies the individual pin of the PORTx
to be OUTPUT or INPUT. If a pin of the port is set to OUTPUT then it may
be either LOW or HIGH which is specified by PORTx register and if the pin
is set to INPUT, the state of the pin is stored in the PINx register. Again
PORTx has two meanings. If I say connect LEDs to PORTx then it means
the group of 8 pins pointing outside the IC. And if I assign value to PORTx
like “PORTx = 0xFF”, I mean to say PORTx register which define the HIGH
or LOW state of output pins.
A bitwise AND is a binary operation that takes two bit patterns of equal length
and performs the logical AND operation on each pair of the corresponding bits,
which is equivalent to multiplying them. Thus, if both bits in the compared position
are 1, the bit in the resulting binary representation is 1(1 * 1 = 1); otherwise the
result is 0 (1 * 0 = 0 and 0 * 0 = 0).
& 1010
= 1000
A bitwise OR is a binary operation that takes two bit patterns of equal length
and performs the logical inclusive OR operation on each pair of corresponding bits.
The result in each position in 0 if both bits are 0, while otherwise the result is 1.
| 1100
= 1110
A bitwise XOR is a binary operation that takes two bit patterns of equal length
and performs the logical exclusive OR operation on each pair of corresponding bits.
The result in each position is 1 if only the first bit is 1 or only the second bit is 1, but
will be 0 if both are 0 or both are 1,
^ 1010
= 0110
If PORTB = 0b10011010 (initially) and we want to set the 2nd bit (starting from 0)
PORTB = 0b10011010 // the current state
(1 << 2) = 0b00000100 // the bit we want to set (bit mask)
| = 0b10011110 // desired result
We are able to set the second bit without changing others.
You can also set multiple bits at once. For this you have to create a bit mask
with the two bits that you’d like to set.
PORTB = 0b10011010 // the current state
((1 << 2) | (1 << 6))= 0b01000100 // bit mask to set
| = 0b11011110 // multiple bits set at once
We can express it in program as below:
PORTB = PORTB | ((1 << 2) | (1 << 6));
PORTB |= ((1 << 2) | (1 << 6)); // Similar to i += 2 (Shorthand assignment
operator in C)
A bit is a single Boolean value (0 or 1), small sets of which makes a
bit-mask. A bit is said to be set if and only if it is “1”. For eg: in 10011,
0th, 1st and 4th bits are set while 2nd and 3rd are not.
“Mask” in bit-mask can be understood as a way to hide/show some
information. For clarity we assume a set of 5 characters {‘a’, ‘b’, ‘c’, ‘d’,
‘e’} and we want to make different strings from them. Here we’ll create a
mask of 5 bits where each bit will tell us if we are referring to that
character or not i.e. 10011 will represent string equivalent to “ade”,
11111 will refer to “abcde”.
In order to manipulate individual bits, we need some way to
identify the specific bits we want to manipulate. Unfortunately, the
bitwise operators don’t know how to work with bit positions. Instead
they work with bit masks.
A bit mask is a predefined set of bits that is used to select which
specific bits will be modified by subsequent operations. Similar to
masking tape used in window while painting its frame, bit mask blocks
the bitwise operators from touching bits we don’t want modified, and
allows access to the ones we do want modified.
We use 0s to mask out the bits we don’t care about and 1s to
denote the bits we want modified.
In case of ATmega32, a PORT consists of 8 bits so bit mask is of 8
bits and to set certain bit, the corresponding bit position in the bit mask
should be 1. Bit mask along with bitwise logical operator is used to
change some bits.
Eg: 0b10011010 : Initial value
0b01000100 : Mask to set 2nd and 6th bit
0b11011110 : Result after ORing value and mask
As we did with OR for setting bits, we’ll make a bit mask with a 1 where we want to
toggle a bit and 0 everywhere else. To toggle a bit in a register, we XOR the current
register value with the bit mask, and write it back into the register.
Example: To toggle the 2nd and 3rd position bit
PORTB = 0b10101011 // initial state
(1<<2) | (1<<4) = 0b0001100 // required bit mask
^ = 0b10100111 // Toggled the bits state
The one line representation which is also the programming representation of
the above operation is:
PORTB = PORTB ^ ((1 << 2) | (1 << 4));
PORTB ^= ((1 << 2) | (1 << 4));
Now come to bit mask. The bit mask we’ll have to use should have a 1 where we
want to keep the old data and a 0 where we want to clear the bit i.e. to clear the bit2, the
bit mask looks like 0b11111011.
But wait a a minute! That bit mask is the exact opposite of the bit masks we’ve used
before. It has ones where the others had zeros and vice versa. And as stated earlier, the
bit mask contains 1 at that bit position where we want to manipulate and remaining 0. To
match all these we gone a need NOT.
So to make a bit mask to clear bit2, we’ll first shift a 1 over into the right spot and
then NOT the whole mask:
(1 << 2) - > 0b00000100
~(1 << 2) - > 0b11111011
Now we AND that with the original value and our work in done.
So if I use PORTB &= ~(1 << 2), it will be legible to you and can immediately tell that
I’m clearing the bit2 of PORTB.
Similarly PORTB &= ~((1 << 2) | (1 << 4)) to clear 2nd and 4th bits at once. Be careful
that NOT is outside the parentheses.
You can also define some macros to do the same thing, and this can make your
code more easily readable.
#define BV(bit) (1 << (bit))
#define setBit(byte, bit) (byte |= BV(bit))
#define clearBit(byte, bit) (byte &= ~BV(bit))
#define toggle(byte, bit) (byte ^= BV(bit))
The main limitation of the macros is that they can only change one bit at a
time, while the standard method can accept any kind of bit mask.
Bit manipulation with DDR, PORT and PIN
The above part is the theory portion. It is widely used in embedded programming as
we have to play with the bits to make our microcontroller perform as our wish.
To be specific to start working with ATmega32, we have to specify the PORT pins
(GPIO, General Purpose Input Output pins) to be OUTPUT or INPUT. For this we have to
set the DDRx (Data Direction Register) register bits, then write or read PORTx or PINx
Fig 9
Before we use to set these registers like:
DDRA = 0xff or 0b111111111,
even if we have to work with single pin of that port. I don’t meant that all of you do like
that but when I was learner and before learning bit twiddling I used to do that. But now I
know its not a good practice. To be strong in handing microcontroller you should be used
to in bit twiddling.
If I need to connect LED to PA2 and PA4 and make them blink every second
You must have noticed that you use an infinite loop in each embedded
programming but not in C programming. Why is that?
In microcontroller applications, we don’t want out product to run for only one
time(unless you’re a bomb maker) copied answer as I liked it. For example you don’t want your
keypad of your phone to work only for specific time and then stop after that. You want it
to be functional as long as your phone is in well conditioned i.e. run for infinite times as
you never know till when your phone will work. While(1) is preferred as it takes less time
to convert into an infinite loop and it doesn’t need to define any other variables and
Suppose I’ve connected LED to each pins of PORTA and I program my
microcontroller like
DDRA = 0x0F;
While(1) {
You may observe that first 4 LEDs are bright and remaining 4 are dim. To know
why lets look to our program. We have set DDRA such first 4 pins are OUTPUT and
remaining 4 pin INPUT. Then in the infinite loop we have filled all the bits of PORTA
register with 1. As mentioned earlier if any pin set to OUTPUT and PORT register contains
1 at that pin’s bit position, the pin is set to HIGH. This is the reason you are seeing the
first 4 LEDs as bright. If the microcontroller GPIO pins provide 5V as HIGH then you might
need resistor to protect your LED.
What happens when we provide 1 to PORT register if set to INPUT mode? Well
some of the microcontrollers have built in internal pull-up resistor which can be enabled
or disabled through programming. Passing PORT register 1, when set to input will enable
the internal pull-up resistor and the pin will normally be in high state. As the pin is in high
state the LED connected to the pin is ON. But the internal pull-up resistor reduces the
voltage drop at LED and the LED glows dim. Don’t worry if the LED doesn’t glow in your
case. If so remember that due to internal pull-up resistor the LED doesn’t get enough
voltage to glow.
DDRA |= ((1 << PA0) | (1 << PA1) // Set PA0 and PA1 as OUTPUT
DDRA &= (~(1 << PA7))); // Set PA7 to INPUT
while(1) {
if(PINA & (1 << PA7)) // Checking whether the PA7 is 1 or not,
// if 1 true bc any value except 0 is true otherwise false.
PORTA = (1 << PA0);
PORTA = (1 << PA1);
Connection to this program includes two LEDs at PA0 and PA1 with resistor for
According to this program, the LED at PA0 should be ON if the input to the PA7 is
HIGH(for this connect PA7 pin with +5V of the microcontroller), otherwise LED at PA1
should be ON. But you observe the random result. Even the movement of your hand
also change the states of the two LEDs, you may even see both LEDs ON at the same
time with one LED blinking to quickly. This may be headache to you if you don’t know
what is happening.
This is due to external noise. When the pin is left as it is in INPUT state, no one
can tell whether the pin is in HIGH or LOW state as the environmental noise affect the
state of the pin. Even movement of your hand around that pin changes the state of the
pin as you have already observed.
So to avoid this we have to pre-defined the state of the pin to be either LOW or
HIGH. For this we have to use pull-up or pull-down resistor.
Fig 10
You can use 10k resistor as pull-up or pull-down resistor. If used pull-up resistor, the
pin will be normally in HIGH state and the switch should be closed to be LOW. And for
pull-down just reverse of the above. So the effect of noise can’t change the state of pin as
before and you will get the desired output. For detail you always have internet as friend.
As you can see, these are the external connections. But some of the microcontrollers
have built in pull-up resistors which can be enabled through software like we did above,
passing 1 to PORT register when set to INPUT mode. Remember that from now on
always enable the internal pull-up if available for INPUT mode, if not external circuit is
compulsory as well unless you want to face the same problem as above.
Tasks 1
Lets do what we have talk at the beginning, the house made of carton consisting
of 4 rooms, with each room consisting of a LED and a fan. Suppose PORTA as
Int main(void) {
DDRA = 0xFF; // OUTPUT mode
Now we have to feel the ............................ portion with code according to conditions.
Condition 1: Turn LED off D’s room:
PORTA &= ~(1 << D_L); // Turning off means passing LOW to D_L OUTPUT
// pin, i.e. clearing the bit.
Condition 2: B turn off his room’s LED and fan only if LED and fan of A is OFF,
but leaves as it is if any one is ON.
To perform set and clear operation in one line we can write like this:
DDRA = (DDRA | (1 << PA0) | (1 << PA1)) & ~(1 << PA2));
// Set PA0 and PA1 pins to OUTPUT and PA2 to INPUT.
To understand what value is stored in DDRA if you are confused, as I’ve told, take pen and
copy and then try to solve the expression in the right hand side and consider the
parenthesis as they decide which operation to perform first.
Remember DDRA initially has value 0b00000000.
(DDRA | (1 << PA0) | (1 << PA1)) is equivalent to:
0b00000000 | 0b00000001 | 0b00000010
i. e.0b00000011
Then, ~(1 << PA2) - > 0b11111011
So, (DDRA | (1 << PA0) | (1 << PA1)) & ~(1 << PA2)) is
0b00000011 & 11111111011
i.e. 0b00000011;
Try to understand bit twiddling like this initially until you are habitual.
Task 2
You’ve connected two LEDs at PA1 and PA2 and you are using PA6 as input. If PA6 is
HIGH, LED at PA1 should be ON and if PA6 LOW, LED at PA2 should be ON and PA1
should be off.
I’ve included the solution in the next page but try to solve yourself because if you do
then think that you have progress a lot in playing with bits.
#define F_CPU 1000000UL
#include <avr/io.h>
#include <util/delay.h>
int main() {
DDRA = (DDRA | (1 << PA2) | (1 << PA1)) & ~(1 << PA6);
PORTA |= (1 << PA6); // Internal pull-up enable at PA6
while(1) {
if(!(PINA & (1 << PA6))) { // Whe PA6 is LOW, turn on LED at PA2.
PORTA = (PORTA | (1 << PA2)) & ~(1 << PA1);
// Need to clear PA1 otherwise both LED will glow once you
// start changing the state of PA6.
else { // When PA6 is HIGH, turn on LED at PA1.
PORTA = (PORTA | (1 << PA1)) & ~(1 << PA2);
return 0;
Embedded C
(AVR instead of Arduino)
Keywords are always written in lowercase. These keywords must be defined before
writing the main program. The basic keywords are sbit (accessing of single bit),
bit(addressing of bit addressable memory of RAM), sfr(accessing of sfr register by
another name).