9.1 Bitwise Operations: Binary Operation Applications

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Binary Operation Applications

Our discussion so far has focused on logic design as it applies to

hardware implementation. Frequently software design also requires the
use of binary logic. This section presents some higher-level binary
applications, ones that might be found in software. These applications
are mostly for error checking and correction, but the techniques used
should not be limited to these areas.

9.1 Bitwise Operations

Most software performs data manipulation using mathematical
operations such as multiplication or addition. Some applications,
however, may require the examination or manipulation of data at the bit
level. For example, what might be the fastest way to determine whether
an integer is odd or even?
The method most of us are usually taught to distinguish odd and
even values is to divide the integer by two discarding any remainder
then multiply the result by two and compare it with the original value.
If the two values are equal, the original value was even because a
division by two would not have created a remainder. Inequality,
however, would indicate that the original value was odd. Below is an
if-statement in the programming language C that would have performed
this check.

if(((iVal/2)*2) == iVal)
// This code is executed for even values
// This code is executed for odd values

Let's see if we can't establish another method. As we discussed in

Chapter 3, a division by two can be accomplished by shifting all of the
bits of an integer one position to the right. A remainder occurs when a
one is present in the rightmost bit, i.e., the least significant bit. A zero
in this position would result in no remainder. Therefore, if the LSB is
one, the integer is odd. If the LSB is zero, the integer is even. This is
shown with the following examples.

166 Computer Organization and Design Fundamentals
3510 = 001000112 12410 = 011111002
9310 = 010111012 3010 = 000111102

This reduces our odd/even detection down to an examination of the

LSB. The question is can we get the computer to examine only a single
bit, and if we can, will it be faster than our previous example?
There is in fact a way to manipulate data at the bit level allowing us
to isolate or change individual bits. It is based on a set of functions
called bitwise operations, and the typical programming language
provides operators to support them.
The term bitwise operation refers to the setting, clearing, or toggling
of individual bits within a binary number. To do this, all processors are
capable of executing logical operations (AND, OR, or XOR) on the
individual pairs of bits within two binary numbers. The bits are paired
up by matching their bit position, performing the logical operation, then
placing the result in the same bit position of the destination value.

Value 1 Value 2


Figure 9-1 Graphic of a Bitwise Operation Performed on LSB

As an example, Figure 9-2 presents the bitwise AND of the binary

values 011010112 and 110110102.

Value 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 1
Value 2 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 0
Resulting AND 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 0

Figure 9-2 Bitwise AND of 011010112 and 110110102

Remember that the output of an AND is one if and only if all of the
inputs are one. In Figure 9-2, we see that ones only appear in the result
in columns where both of the original values equal one. In a C program,
the bitwise AND is identified with the operator '&'. The example in
Figure 9-2 can then be represented in C with the following code.
Chapter 9: Binary Operation Applications 167
int iVal1 = 0b01101011;
int iVal2 = 0b11011010;
int result = iVal1 & iVal2;

Note that the prefix '0b' is a non-standard method of declaring a

binary integer and is not supported by all C compilers. If your compiler
does not support this type of declaration, use the hex prefix '0x' and
declare iVal1 to be 0x6B and iVal2 to be 0xDA. As for the other
bitwise operators in C, '|' (pipe) is the bitwise OR operator, '^' (caret) is
the bitwise XOR operator, and '~' (tilde) is the bitwise NOT operator.
Typically, bitwise operations are intended to manipulate the bits of a
single variable. In order to do this, we must know two things: what
needs to be done to the bits and which bits to do it to.
As for the first item, there are three operations: clearing bits to zero,
setting bits to one, and toggling bits from one to zero and from zero to
one. Clearing bits is taken care of with the bitwise AND operation
while setting bits is done with the bitwise OR. The bitwise XOR will
toggle specific bits.
A bit mask is a binary value that is of the same length as the original
value. It has a pattern of ones and zeros that defines which bits of the
original value are to be changed and which bits are to be left alone.
The next three sections discuss each of the three types of bitwise
operations: clearing bits, setting bits, and toggling bits.

9.1.1 Clearing/Masking Bits

Clearing individual bits, also known as bit masking, uses the bitwise
AND to clear specific bits while leaving the other bits untouched. The
mask that is used will have ones in the bit positions that are to be left
alone while zeros are in the bit positions that need to be cleared.
This operation is most commonly used when we want to isolate a bit
or a group of bits. It is the perfect operation for distinguishing odd and
even numbers where we want to see how the LSB is set and ignore the
remaining bits. The bitwise AND can be used to clear all of the bits
except the LSB. The mask we want to use will have a one in the LSB
and zeros in all of the other positions. In Figure 9-3, the results of three
bitwise ANDs are given, two for odd numbers and one for an even
number. By ANDing a binary mask of 000000012, the odd numbers
have a non-zero result while the even number has a zero result.
This shows that by using a bitwise AND with a mask of 000000012,
we can distinguish an odd integer from an even integer. Since bitwise
168 Computer Organization and Design Fundamentals
operations are one of the fastest operations that can be performed on a
processor, it is the preferred method. In fact, if we use this bitwise
AND to distinguish odd and even numbers on a typical processor, it can
be twice as fast as doing the same process with a right shift followed by
a left shift and over ten times faster than using a divide followed by a

3510 (odd) 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1
Odd/Even Mask 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
Bitwise AND Result 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1

9310 (odd) 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 1
Odd/Even Mask 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
Bitwise AND Result 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1

3010 (even) 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0
Odd/Even Mask 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
Bitwise AND Result 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Figure 9-3 Three Sample Bitwise ANDs

Below is an if-statement in the programming language C that uses a

bitwise AND to distinguish odd and even numbers.

// This code is executed for even values
// This code is executed for odd values

The bitwise AND can also be used to clear specific bits. For
example, assume we want to separate the nibbles of a byte into two
different variables. The following process can be used to do this:

• Copy the original value to the variable meant to store the lower
nibble, then clear all but the lower four bits
• Copy the original value to the variable meant to store the upper
nibble, then shift the value four bits to the right. (See Section 3.7,
"Multiplication and Division by Powers of Two," to see how to
shift right using C.) Lastly, clear all but the lower four bits.

This process is demonstrated below using the byte 011011012.

Chapter 9: Binary Operation Applications 169
Isolating the lower nibble
Original value 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1
Lower nibble mask 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1
Resulting AND 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 1

Isolating the upper nibble

Original value 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1

Shift right 4 places 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0

Lower nibble mask 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1
Resulting AND 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0

The following C code will perform these operations.

lower_nibble = iVal & 0x0f;

upper_nibble = (iVal>>4) & 0x0f;

Using bitwise operations, write a function in C that determines if an
IPv4 address is a member of the subnet with a subnet
mask Return a true if the IP address is a member and
false otherwise.

An IPv4 address consists of four bytes or octets separated from one
another with periods or "dots". When converted to binary, an IPv4
address becomes a 32 bit number.
The address is divided into two parts: a subnet id and a host id. All
of the computers that are connected to the same subnet, e.g., a company
or a school network, have the same subnet id. Each computer on a
subnet, however, has a unique host id. The host id allows the computer
to be uniquely identified among all of the computers on the subnet.
The subnet mask identifies the bits that represent the subnet id.
When we convert the subnet mask in this example,, to
binary, we get 11111111.11111111.11111100.00000000.
The bits that identify the subnet id of an IP address correspond to the
positions with ones in the subnet mask. The positions with zeros in the
subnet mask identify the host id. In this example, the first 22 bits of any
IPv4 address that is a member of this subnet should be the same,
170 Computer Organization and Design Fundamentals
specifically they should equal the address or in binary
So how can we determine if an IPv4 address is a member of this
subnet? If we could clear the bits of the host id, then the remaining bits
should equal This sounds like the bitwise AND. If we
perform a bitwise AND on an IPv4 address of this subnet using the
subnet mask, then the result must be
because the host id will be cleared. Let's do this by hand for one
address inside the subnet,, and one address outside the
subnet, First, convert these two addresses to binary. = 11000000.10101000.00001111.00010111 = 11000000.10101000.00011111.00010111

Now perform a bitwise AND with each of these addresses to come

up with their respective subnets.

IP Address 11000000.10101000.00001111.00010111
Subnet mask 11111111.11111111.11111100.00000000
Bitwise AND 11000000.10101000.00001100.00000000

IP Address 11000000.10101000.00011111.00010111
Subnet mask 11111111.11111111.11111100.00000000
Bitwise AND 11000000.10101000.00011100.00000000

Notice that the result of the first bitwise AND produces the correct
subnet address while the second bitwise AND does not. Therefore, the
first address is a member of the subnet while the second is not.
The code to do this is shown below. It assumes that the type int is
defined to be at least four bytes long. The left shift operator '<<' used in
the initialization of sbnt_ID and sbnt_mask pushes each octet of
the IP address or subnet mask to the correct position.

int subnetCheck(int IP_address)

int sbnt_ID = (192<<24)+(168<<16)+(12<<8)+0;
int sbnt_mask = (255<<24)+(255<<16)+(252<<8)+0;
if((sbnt_mask & IP_address) == sbnt_ID)
return 1;
else return 0;
Chapter 9: Binary Operation Applications 171
9.1.2 Setting Bits
Individual bits within a binary value can be set to one using the
bitwise logical OR. To do this, OR the original value with a binary
mask that has ones in the positions to be set and zeros in the positions
to be left alone. For example, the operation below sets bit positions 1,
3, and 5 of the binary value 100101102. Note that bit position 1 was
already set. Therefore, this operation should have no affect on that bit.

Original value 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 0
Mask 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0
Bitwise OR 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 0

In a C program, the bitwise OR is identified with the operator '|'.

Assume that a control byte is used to control eight sets of lights in
an auditorium. Each bit controls a set of lights as follows:

bit 7 – House lighting bit 3 – Emergency lighting

bit 6 – Work lighting bit 2 – Stage lighting
bit 5 – Aisle lighting bit 1 – Orchestra pit lighting
bit 4 – Exit lighting bit 0 – Curtain lighting

For example, if the house lighting, exit lighting, and stage lighting
are all on, the value of the control byte should be 100101002. What
mask would be used with the bitwise OR to turn on the aisle lighting
and the emergency lighting?

The bitwise OR uses a mask where a one is in each position that
needs to be turned on and zeros are placed in the positions meant to be
left alone. To turn on the aisle lighting and emergency lighting, bits 5
and 3 must be turned on while the remaining bits are to be left alone.
This gives us a mask of 001010002.

9.1.3 Toggling Bits

We can also toggle or switch the value of individual bits from 1 to 0
or vice versa. This is done using the bitwise XOR. Let's begin our
discussion by examining the truth table for a two-input XOR.
172 Computer Organization and Design Fundamentals
Table 9-1 Truth Table for a Two-Input XOR Gate

0 0 0
0 1 1
1 0 1
1 1 0

If we cover up the bottom two rows of this truth table leaving only
the rows where A=0 visible, we see that the value of B is passed along
to X, i.e., if A=0, then X equals B. If we cover up the rows where A=0
leaving only the rows where A=1 visible, it looks like the inverse of B
is passed to X, i.e., if A=1, then X equals the inverse of B. This
discussion makes a two-input XOR gate look like a programmable
inverter. If A is zero, B is passed through to the output untouched. If A
is one, B is inverted at the output.
Therefore, if we perform a bitwise XOR, the bit positions in the
mask with zeros will pass the original value through and bit positions in
the mask with ones will invert the original value. The example below
uses the mask 001011102 to toggle bits 1, 2, 3, and 5 of a binary value
while leaving the others untouched.

Original value 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 0
Mask 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 0
Bitwise XOR 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 0

Assume a byte is used to control the warning and indicator lights on
an automotive dashboard. The following is a list of the bit positions and
the dashboard lights they control.

bit 7 – Oil pressure light bit 3 – Left turn indicator

bit 6 – Temperature light bit 2 – Right turn indicator
bit 5 – Door ajar light bit 1 – Low fuel light
bit 4 – Check engine light bit 0 – High-beams light

Determine the mask to be used with a bitwise XOR that when used
once a second will cause the left and right turn indicators to flash when
the emergency flashers are on.
Chapter 9: Binary Operation Applications 173
The bitwise XOR uses a mask with ones is in the positions to be
toggled and zeros in the positions to be left alone. To toggle bits 3 and
2 on and off, the mask should have ones only in those positions.
Therefore, the mask to be used with the bitwise XOR is 000011002.

9.2 Comparing Bits with XOR

This brings us to our first method for detecting errors in data:
comparing two serial binary streams to see if they are equal. Assume
that one device is supposed to send a stream of bits to another device.
An example of this might be a motion detector mounted in an upper
corner of a room. The motion detector has either a zero output
indicating the room is unoccupied or a one output indicating that
something in the room is moving. The output from this motion detector
may look like that shown in Figure 9-4.
logic 1
logic 0

Figure 9-4 Possible Output from a Motion Detector

To verify the output of the motion detector, a second motion

detector could be mounted in the room so that the two separate outputs
could be compared to each other. If the outputs are the same, the signal
can be trusted; if they are different, then one of the devices is in error.
At this point in our discussion, we won't know which one.

detector 1

detector 2

Difference indicates
an error occurred

Figure 9-5 A Difference in Output Indicates an Error

174 Computer Organization and Design Fundamentals
A two-input XOR gate can be used here to indicate when an error
has occurred. Remember that the output of a two-input XOR gate is a
zero if both of the inputs are the same and a one if the inputs are
different. This gives us a simple circuit to detect when two signals
which should be identical are not.

Signal A
Equals 1 when A≠B
Signal B

Figure 9-6 Simple Error Detection with an XOR Gate

This circuit will be used later in this chapter to support more

complex error detection and correction circuits.

9.3 Parity
One of the most primitive forms of error detection is to add a single
bit called a parity bit to each piece of data to indicate whether the data
has an odd or even number of ones. It is considered a poor method of
error detection as it sometimes doesn't detect multiple errors. When
combined with other methods of error detection, however, it can
improve their overall performance.
There are two primary types of parity: odd and even. Even parity
means that the sum of the ones in the data element and the parity bit is
an even number. With odd parity, the sum of ones in the data element
and the parity bit is an odd number. When designing a digital system
that uses parity, the designers decide in advance which type of parity
they will be using.
Assume that a system uses even parity. If an error has occurred and
one of the bits in either the data element or the parity bit has been
inverted, then counting the number of ones results in an odd number.
From the information available, the digital system cannot determine
which bit was inverted or even if only one bit was inverted. It can only
tell that an error has occurred.
One of the primary problems with parity is that if two bits are
inverted, the parity bit appears to be correct, i.e., it indicates that the
data is error free. Parity can only detect an odd number of bit errors.
Some systems use a parity bit with each piece of data in memory. If
a parity error occurs, the computer will generate a non-maskable
interrupt, a condition where the operating system immediately
discontinues the execution of the questionable application.
Chapter 9: Binary Operation Applications 175
Assume the table below represents bytes stored in memory along
with an associated parity bit. Which of the stored values are in error?

Data Parity
1 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 0
0 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 1
1 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 1
0 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 0
1 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 1

To determine which data/parity combinations have an error, count
the number of ones in each row. The rows with an odd sum have errors
while the rows with an even sum are assumed to contain valid data.

Data Parity
1 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 4 ones – even Æ no error
0 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 5 ones – odd Æ Error!
1 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 6 ones – even Æ no error
0 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 4 ones – even Æ no error
1 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 5 ones – odd Æ Error!

9.4 Checksum
For digital systems that store or transfer multiple pieces of data in
blocks, an additional data element is typically added to each block to
provide error detection for the block. This method of error detection is
common, especially for the transmission of data across networks.
One of the simplest implementations of this error detection scheme
is the checksum. As a device transmits data, it takes the sum of all of
the data elements it is transmitting to create an aggregate sum. This
sum is called the datasum. The overflow carries generated by the
additions are either discarded or added back into the datasum. The
transmitting device then sends a form of this datasum appended to the
end of the block. This new form of the datasum is called the checksum.
As the data elements are received, they are added a second time in
order to recreate the datasum. Once all of the data elements have been
received, the receiving device compares its calculated datasum with the
checksum sent by the transmitting device. The data is considered error
176 Computer Organization and Design Fundamentals
free if the receiving device's datasum compares favorably with the
transmitted checksum. Figure 9-7 presents a sample data block and the
datasums generated both by discarding the two carries and by adding
the carries to the datasum.
Datasum Datasum
(discarded (added
carries) carries)

3F16 D116 2416 5A16 1016 3216 8916 5916 5B16

Figure 9-7 Sample Block of Data with Accompanying Datasums

Upon receiving this transmission, the datasum for this data block
must be calculated. Begin by taking the sum of all the data elements.

3F16 + D116 + 2416 + 5A16 + 1016 + 3216 + 8916 = 25916

The final datasum is calculated by discarding any carries that went

beyond the byte width defined by the data block (5916) or by adding the
carries to the final sum (5916 + 2 = 5B16). This keeps the datasum the
same width as the data. The method of calculating the datasum where
the carries are added to the sum is called the one's complement sum.
The checksum shown for the data block in Figure 9-7 is only one of
a number of different possible checksums for this data. In this case, the
checksum was set equal to the expected datasum. If any of the data
elements or if the checksum was in error, the datasum would not equal
the checksum. If this happens, the digital system would know that an
error had occurred. In the case of a network data transmission, it would
request the data to be resent.
The only difference between different implementations of the
checksum method is how the datasum and checksum are compared in
order to detect an error. As with parity, it is the decision of the designer
as to which method is used. The type of checksum used must be agreed
upon by both the transmitting and receiving devices ahead of time. The
following is a short list of some of the different types of checksum

• A block of data is considered error free if the datasum is equal to

the checksum. In this case, the checksum element is calculated by
taking the sum of all of the data elements and discarding any
carries, i.e., setting the checksum equal to the datasum.
Chapter 9: Binary Operation Applications 177
• A block of data is considered error free if the sum of the datasum
and checksum results in a binary value with all ones. In this case,
the checksum element is calculated by taking the 1's complement of
the datasum. This method is called a 1's complement checksum.
• A block of data is considered error free if the sum of the datasum
and checksum results in a binary value with all zeros. In this case,
the checksum element is calculated by taking the 2's complement of
the datasum. This method is called a 2's complement checksum.

As shown earlier, the basic checksum for the data block in Figure
9-7 is 5916 (010110012). The 1's complement checksum for the same
data block is equal to the 1's complement of 5916.

1's complement of 5916 = 101001102 = A616

The 2's complement checksum for the data block is equal to the 2's
complement of 5916.

2s complement of 5916 = 101001112 = A716

Determine if the data block and accompanying checksum below are
error free. The data block uses a 1's complement checksum.

Data Checksum
0616 0016 F716 7E16 0116 5216 3116

First, calculate the datasum by adding all the data elements in the
data block.

0616 0616 FD16 7B16 7C16

+ 0016 + F716 + 7E16 + 0116 + 5216
0616 FD16 17B16 7C16 CE16

This gives us a datasum of CE16. If we add this to the checksum 3116

we get CE16 + 3116 = FF16, which tells us the data block is error free.
There is a second way to check this data. Instead of adding the
datasum to the checksum, you can use the datasum to recalculate the
178 Computer Organization and Design Fundamentals
checksum and compare the result with the received checksum. Taking
the 1's complement of CE16 gives us:

CE16 = 110011102
1's complement of CE16 = 0011000012 = 3116

Write a C program to determine the basic checksum, 1's complement
checksum, and 2's complement checksum for the data block 0716, 0116,
2016, 7416, 6516, 6416, 2E16.

Before we get started on this code, it is important to know how to
take a 1's complement and a 2's complement in C. The 1's complement
uses a bitwise not operator '~'. By placing a '~' in front of a variable or
constant, the bitwise inverse or 1's complement is returned. Since most
computers represent negative numbers with 2's complement notation,
the 2's complement is calculated by placing a negative sign in front of
the variable or constant.
The code below begins by calculating the datasum. It does this with
a loop that adds each value from the array of data values to a variable
labeled datasum. After each addition, any potential carry is stripped off
using a bitwise AND with 0xff. This returns the byte value.
Once the datasum is calculated, the three possible checksum values
can be calculated. The first one is equal to the datasum, the second is
equal to the bitwise inverse of the datasum, and the third is equal to the
2's complement of the datasum.

int datasum=0;
int block[] = {0x07, 0x01, 0x20, 0x74,
0x65, 0x64, 0x2E};

// This for-loop adds all of the data elements

for(int i=0; i < sizeof(block)/sizeof(int); i++)
datasum += block[i];

// The following line discards potential carries

datasum &= 0xff;
// Compute each of the three types of checksums
int basic_checksum = datasum;
int ones_compl_checksum = 0xff&(~datasum);
int twos_compl_checksum = 0xff&(-datasum);
Chapter 9: Binary Operation Applications 179
If we execute this code with the appropriate output statements, we
get the following three values for the checksums.

The basic checksum is 93

The 1's complement checksum is 6c
The 2's complement checksum is 6d

9.5 Cyclic Redundancy Check

The problem with using a checksum for error correction lies in its
simplicity. If multiple errors occur in a data stream, it is possible that
they may cancel each other out, e.g., a single bit error may subtract 4
from the checksum while a second error adds 4. If the width of the
checksum character is 8 bits, then there are 28 = 256 possible
checksums for a data stream. This means that there is a 1 in 256 chance
that multiple errors may not be detected. These odds could be reduced
by increasing the size of the checksum to 16 or 32 bits thereby
increasing the number of possible checksums to 216 = 65,536 or 232 =
4,294,967,296 respectively.
Assume Figure 9-8 represents a segment of an integer number line
where the result of the checksum is identified. A minor error in one of
the values may result in a small change in the checksum value. Since
the erroneous checksum is not that far from the correct checksum, it is
easy for a second error to put the erroneous checksum back to the
correct value indicating that there hasn't been an error when there
actually has been one.

First error makes only minor

change in checksum

Second error can

Valid checksum
easily mask first error.

Figure 9-8 Small Changes in Data Canceling in Checksum

What we need is an error detection method that generates vastly

different values for small errors in the data. The checksum algorithm
doesn't do this which makes it possible for two bit changes to cancel
each other in the sum.
A cyclic redundancy check (CRC) uses a basic binary algorithm
where each bit of a data element modifies the checksum across its
180 Computer Organization and Design Fundamentals
entire length regardless of the number of bits in the checksum. This
means that an error at the bit level modifies the checksum so
significantly that an equal and opposite bit change in another data
element cannot cancel the effect of the first.
First, calculation of the CRC checksum is based on the remainder
resulting from a division rather than the result of an addition. For
example, the two numbers below vary only by one bit.

0111 1010 1101 11002 = 31,45210

0111 1011 1101 11002 = 31,70810

The checksums at the nibble level are:

0111 + 1010 + 1101 + 1100 = 10102 = 1010

0111 + 1011 + 1101 + 1100 = 10112 = 1110
These two values are very similar, and a bit change from another nibble
could easily cancel it out.
If, on the other hand, we use the remainder from a division for our
checksum, we get a wildly different result for the two values. For the
sake of an example, let's divide both values by 910.

31,452 ÷ 9 = 3,494 with a remainder of 6 = 01102

31,708 ÷ 9 = 3,523 with a remainder of 1 = 00012

This is not a robust example due to the fact that 4 bits only have 16
possible bit patterns, but the result is clear. A single bit change in one
of the data elements resulted in a single bit change in the addition
result. The same change, however, resulted in three bits changing in the
division remainder.
The problem is that division in binary is not a quick operation. For
example, Figure 9-9 shows the long division in binary of 31,45210 =
01111010110111002 by 910 = 10012. The result is a quotient of
1101101001102 = 3,49410 with a remainder of 1102 = 610.
Remember that the goal is to create a checksum that can be used to
check for errors, not to come up with a mathematically correct result.
Keeping this in mind, the time it takes to perform a long division can be
reduced by removing the need for "borrows". This would be the same
as doing an addition while ignoring the carries. The truth table in Table
9-2 shows the single bit results for both addition and subtraction when
carries and borrows are ignored.
Chapter 9: Binary Operation Applications 181
1001 0111101011011100

Figure 9-9 Example of Long Division in Binary

Table 9-2 Addition and Subtraction Without Carries or Borrows

0 0 0 0
0 1 1 1 (no borrow)
1 0 1 1
1 1 0 (no carry) 0

The A + B and A – B columns of the truth table in Table 9-2 should

look familiar; they are equivalent to the XOR operation. This means
that a borrow-less subtraction is nothing more than a bitwise XOR.
Below is an example of an addition and a subtraction where there is no
borrowing. Note that an addition without carries produces the identical
result as a subtraction without borrows.

11011010 11011010
+01101100 -01101100
10110110 10110110

There is a problem when trying to apply this form of subtraction to

long division: an XOR subtraction doesn't care whether one number is
182 Computer Organization and Design Fundamentals
larger than another. For example, 11112 could be subtracted from 00002
with no ill effect. In long division, you need to know how many digits
to pull down from the dividend before subtracting the divisor.
To solve this, the assumption is made that one value can be
considered "larger" than another if the bit position of its highest logic 1
is the same or greater than the bit position of the highest logic 1 in the
second number. For example, the subtractions 10110 – 10011 and
0111 – 0011 are valid while 0110 – 1001 and 01011 – 10000 are not.
Figure 9-10 repeats the long division of Figure 9-9 using borrow-
less subtractions. It is a coincidence that the resulting remainder is the
same for the long division of Figure 9-9. This is not usually true.

1001 0111101011011100

Figure 9-10 Example of Long Division Using XOR Subtraction

Since addition and subtraction without carries or borrows are

equivalent to a bitwise XOR, we should be able to reconstruct the
original value from the quotient and the remainder using nothing but
XORs. Table 9-3 shows the step-by-step process of this reconstruction.
The leftmost column of the table is the bit-by-bit values of the binary
quotient of the division of Figure 9-10.
Starting with a value of zero, 10012 is XORed with the result in the
second column when the current bit of the quotient is a 1. The result is
XORed with 00002 if the current bit of the quotient is a 0. The
rightmost column is the result of this XOR. Before going to the next bit
of the quotient, the result is shifted left one bit position. Once the end
Chapter 9: Binary Operation Applications 183
of the quotient is reached, the remainder is added. This process brings
back the dividend using a multiplication of the quotient and divisor.

Table 9-3 Reconstructing the Dividend Using XORs

Quotient Result from XOR Value XOR result

(Q) previous step Q=0: 0000
shifted left one bit Q=1: 1001
1 0 1001 1001
1 10010 1001 11011
1 110110 1001 111111
0 1111110 0000 1111110
1 11111100 1001 11110101
0 111101010 0000 111101010
0 1111010100 0000 1111010100
0 11110101000 0000 11110101000
1 111101010000 1001 111101011001
0 1111010110010 0000 1111010110010
1 11110101100100 1001 11110101101101
0 111101011011010 0000 111101011011010
Add remainder to restore the dividend:
111101011011010 + 110 = 111101011011100

Perform the long division of 11001101101010112 by 10112 in binary
using the borrow-less subtraction, i.e., XOR function.

Using the standard "long-division" procedure with the XOR
subtractions, we divide 10112 into 11001101101010112. Table 9-4
checks our result using the technique shown in Table 9-3. Since we
were able to recreate the original value from the quotient and
remainder, the division must have been successful.
Note that in Table 9-4 we are reconstructing the original value from
the quotient in order to demonstrate the application of the XOR in this
modified division and multiplication. This is not a part of the CRC
implementation. In reality, as long as the sending and receiving devices
use the same divisor, the only result of the division that is of concern is
the remainder. As long as the sending and receiving devices obtain the
same results, the transmission can be considered error free.
184 Computer Organization and Design Fundamentals
1011 1100110110101011

Table 9-4 Second Example of Reconstructing the Dividend

Quotient Result from XOR Value XOR result

(Q) previous step Q=0: 0000
shifted left one bit Q=1: 1011
1 0 1011 1011
1 10110 1011 11101
1 111010 1011 110001
0 1100010 0000 1100010
1 11000100 1011 11001111
0 110011110 0000 110011110
1 1100111100 1011 1100110111
0 11001101110 0000 11001101110
0 110011011100 0000 110011011100
1 1100110111000 1011 1100110110011
1 11001101100110 1011 11001101101101
1 110011011011010 1011 110011011010001
1 1100110110100010 1011 1100110110101001
Add remainder to restore the dividend:
1100110110101001 + 010 = 1100110110101011
Chapter 9: Binary Operation Applications 185
9.5.1 CRC Process
The primary difference between different CRC implementations is
the selection of the divisor or polynomial as it is referred to in the
industry. In the example used in this discussion, we used 10012, but this
is by no means a standard value. Divisors of different bit patterns and
different bit lengths perform differently. The typical divisor is 17 or 33
bits, but this is only because of the standard bit widths of 16 and 32 bits
in today's processor architectures. A few divisors have been selected as
performing better than others, but a discussion of why they perform
better is beyond the scope of this text.
There is, however, a relationship between the remainder and the
divisor that we do wish to discuss here. We made an assumption earlier
in this section about how to decide whether one value is larger than
another with regards to XOR subtraction. This made it so that in an
XOR division, a subtraction from an intermediate value is possible only
if the most significant one is in the same bit position as the most
significant one of the divisor. This is true all the way up to the final
subtraction which produces the remainder. These most significant ones
cancel leaving a zero in the most significant bit position of each result
including the remainder. Since the MSB is always a zero for the result
of every subtraction in an XOR division, each intermediate result along
with the final remainder must always be at least one bit shorter in
length than the divisor.
There is another interesting fact about the XOR division that is a
direct result of the borrow-less subtraction, and the standard method of
CRC implementation has come to rely on this fact. Assume that we
have selected an n-bit divisor. The typical CRC calculation begins by
appending n-1 zeros to the end of the data (dividend). After we divide
this new data stream by the divisor to compute the remainder, the
remainder is added to the end of the new data stream effectively
replacing the n-1 zeros with the value of the remainder.
Remember that XOR addition and subtraction are equivalent.
Therefore, by adding the remainder to the end of the data stream, we
have effectively subtracted the remainder from the dividend. This
means that when we divide the data stream (which has the remainder
added/subtracted) by the same divisor, the new remainder should
equal zero. Therefore, if the receiving device generates a remainder of
zero after dividing the entire data stream with the polynomial, the
transmission was error-free. The following example illustrates this.
186 Computer Organization and Design Fundamentals
Generate the CRC checksum to be transmitted with the data stream
10110110100101102 using the divisor 110112.

With a 5 bit divisor, append 5 – 1 = 4 zeros to the end of the data.

New data stream = "1011011110010110" + "0000"

= "10110111100101100000"

Finish by computing the CRC checksum using XOR division.

11011 10110111100101100000

The data stream sent to the receiving device becomes the original
data stream with the 4-bit remainder appended to it.

Transmitted data stream = "1011011110010110" + "0110"

= "10110111100101100110"

If the receiver divides the entire data stream by the same divisor
used by the transmitting device, i.e., 110112, the remainder will be zero.
This is shown in the following division. If this process is followed, the
receiving device will calculate a zero remainder any time there is no
error in the data stream.
Chapter 9: Binary Operation Applications 187
11011 10110111100101100110

9.5.2 CRC Implementation

Up to now, the discussion has focused on the mathematics behind
creating and using CRC checksums. As for the implementation of a
CRC checksum, programmers use the following process:

• A single n-bit divisor is defined. Both the sending and receiving

devices use the same n-bit divisor.
• The sending device adds n-1 zeros to the end of the data being sent,
and then performs the XOR division in order to obtain the
remainder. The quotient is thrown away.
• The sending device takes the original data (without the n–1 zeros)
and appends the n–1 bit remainder to the end. This is the same as
subtracting the remainder from the data with the appended zeros.
• The data and appended remainder is sent to the receiving device.
• The receiving device performs an XOR division on the received
message and its appended n–1 bit remainder using the same divisor.
• If the result of the receiver's XOR division is zero, the message is
considered error free. Otherwise, the message is corrupted.

A number of CRC divisors or polynomials have been defined for

standard implementations. For example, the CRC-CCITT divisor is the
17-bit polynomial 1102116 while the divisor used in IEEE 802.3
Ethernet is the 33-bit polynomial 104C11DB716.
188 Computer Organization and Design Fundamentals
As for implementing the XOR division, most data streams are far
too large to be contained in a single processor register. Therefore, the
data stream must be passed through a register that acts like a window
revealing only the portion of the stream where the XOR subtraction is
being performed. This is the second benefit of using the bitwise XOR.
Without the XOR subtraction, the whole dividend would need to be
contained in a register in order to support the borrow function.
Remember that the MSB of both the intermediate value and the
divisor in an XOR subtraction are always 1. This means that the MSB
of the subtraction is unnecessary as it always result in a zero.
Therefore, for an n-bit divisor or polynomial, only an n-1 bit register is
needed for the XOR operation.
The code presented in Figure 9-11 appends four zeros to the end of a
32-bit data stream (data_stream), then performs an XOR division on it
with the 5-bit polynomial 101112 (poly). The division is done in a
division register (division_register). This division register in theory
should only be four bits wide, but since there is no four bit integer type
in C, an 8-bit char is used. After every modification of the division
register, a bitwise AND is performed on it with the binary mask 11112
in order to strip off any ones that might appear above bit 3. The binary
mask is labeled division_mask.
Running this code with a 32-bit constant assigned to the variable
data_stream will produce the four-bit CRC checksum 00102 for the
polynomial 101112.
There are better ways to implement the CRC algorithm. This code is
presented only to show how the division register might work.

9.6 Hamming Code

Errors can also occur in memory. One possibility is that a defect or a
failure in the hardware could cause a memory cell to be un-writable.
Random errors might also be caused by an electrical event such as
static electricity or electromagnetic interference causing one or more
bits to flip. Whatever the cause, we need to be able to determine if the
data we are reading is valid.
One solution might be to store an additional bit with each data byte.
This bit could act as a parity bit making it so that the total number of
ones stored in each memory location along with the corresponding
parity bit is always even. When it is time to read the data, the number
of ones in the in the data and the parity bit are counted. If an odd result
occurs, we know that there was an error.
Chapter 9: Binary Operation Applications 189

// This code generates a four-bit CRC from a 32 bit

// data stream by passing it through a four-bit
// division register where it is XORed with the last
// four bits of a five bit polynomial
__int32 data_stream = 0x48376dea; // Data stream
#define poly 0x17 // Polynomial=10111

// The XOR is performed in a char variable which will

// then be AND'ed with a 4-bit mask to clear the fifth
// bit. A mask allowing us to check for a fifth bit is
// also defined here.
char division_register = 0;
#define division_mask 0xf
#define division_MSB 0x10
// We will need to count how many times we've shifted
// the data stream so that we know when we are done.
// For a 32 bit stream, we need to shift 32+4 times.
int shift_count = 0;
#define shift_total (32+4)
__int32 temp_ds = data_stream;
while (shift_count < shift_total)
// The following code shifts bits into the division
// register from the data stream until a bit overflows
// past the length of the division register. Once this
// bit overflows, we know we have loaded a value from
// which the polynomial can be subtracted.
while ((!(division_register & division_MSB))
&&(shift_count < shift_total))
division_register <<= 1;
if((temp_ds & 0x80000000) != 0)
temp_ds <<= 1;
division_register &= division_mask;
// If we have a value large enough to XOR with the
// polynomial, then we should do a bitwise XOR
if(shift_count < shift_total)
division_register ^= (poly & division_mask);
printf("The four-bit CRC for the 32 bit data stream
0x%x using the polynomial 0x%x is 0x%x.\n",
data_stream, poly, division_register);

Figure 9-11 Sample Code for Calculating CRC Checksums

190 Computer Organization and Design Fundamentals
As mentioned before, parity is not a very robust error checking
method. If two errors occur, the parity still appears correct. In addition,
it might be nice to detect and correct the error.
One way to do this is to use multiple parity bits, each bit responsible
for the parity of a smaller, overlapping portion of the data. For
example, we could use four parity bits to represent the parity of four
different groupings of the four bits of a nibble. Table 9-5 shows how
this might work for the four-bit value 10112. Each row of the table
groups three of the four bits of the nibble along with a parity bit, Pn.
The value shown for the parity bit makes the sum of all the ones in the
grouping of three bits plus parity an even number.

Table 9-5 Data Groupings and Parity for the Nibble 10112

Data Bits Parity Bits

D3=1 D2=0 D1=1 D0=1 P0 P1 P2 P3
Group A 1 0 1 0
Group B 1 1 1 1
Group C 1 0 1 0
Group D 0 1 1 0

In memory, the nibble would be stored with its parity bits in an eight-
bit location as 101101002.
Now assume that the bit in the D1 position which was originally a 1
is flipped to a 0 causing an error. The new value stored in memory
would be 100101002. Table 9-6 duplicates the groupings of Table
9-5 with the new value for D1. The table also identifies groups that
incur a parity error with the data change.

Table 9-6 Data Groupings with a Data Bit in Error

Data Bits Parity Bits Parity Result

D3=1 D2=0 D1=0 D0=1 P0 P1 P2 P3
Group A 1 0 0 0 Odd – Error
Group B 1 0 1 1 Odd – Error
Group C 1 0 1 0 Even – Okay
Group D 0 0 1 0 Odd – Error

Note that parity is now in error for groups A, C, and D. Since the D1
position is the only bit that belongs to all three of these groups, then a
Chapter 9: Binary Operation Applications 191
processor checking for errors would not only know that an error had
occurred, but also in which bit it had occurred. Since each bit can only
take on one of two possible values, then we know that flipping the bit
D1 will return the nibble to its original data.
If an error occurs in a parity bit, i.e., if P3 is flipped, then only one
group will have an error. Therefore, when the processor checks the
parity of the four groups, a single group with an error indicates that it is
a parity bit that has been changed and the original data is still valid.

Table 9-7 Data Groupings with a Parity Bit in Error

Data Bits Parity Bits Parity Result

D3=1 D2=0 D1=1 D0=1 P0 P1 P2 P3
Group A 1 0 1 0 Even – Okay
Group B 1 1 1 1 Even – Okay
Group C 1 0 1 0 Even – Okay
Group D 0 1 1 1 Odd – Error

It turns out that not all four data groupings are needed. If we only
use groups A, B, and C, we still have the same level of error detection,
but we do it with one less parity bit. Continuing our example without
Group D, if our data is error-free or if a single bit error has occurred,
one of the following eight situations is true.

Table 9-8 Identifying Errors in a Nibble with Three Parity Bits

Groups with bad parity Bit in error

None Error-free
A P0
B P1
C P2
A and B D1
A and C D2
B and C D0
A, B, and C D3

The use of multiple parity bits to "code" an error correction scheme

for data bits is called the Hamming Code. It was developed by Richard
Hamming during the late 1940's when he worked at Bell Laboratories.
192 Computer Organization and Design Fundamentals
The Hamming Code can be shown graphically using a Venn
diagram. We begin by creating three overlapping circles, one circle for
each group. Each of the parity bits Pn is placed in the portion of their
corresponding circle that is not overlapped by any other circle. D0 is
placed in the portion of the diagram where circles B and C overlap, D1
goes where circles A and B overlap, and D2 goes where circles A and C
overlap. Place D3 in the portion of the diagram where all three circles
overlap. Figure 9-12 presents just such an arrangement.

Circle A Circle B
P0 D1 P1
D2 D0
Circle C P2

Figure 9-12 Venn Diagram Representation of Hamming Code

Figure 9-13a uses this arrangement to insert the nibble 10112 into a
Venn diagram. Figures 9-13b, c, and d show three of the seven possible
error conditions.

0 1 1 1 1 1
1 1
0 1 0 1
0 0

a.) Error-free condition b.) Parity error in circle A

0 1 1 0 1 1
1 0
1 1 0 1
0 0

c.) Parity errors in A & C d.) Parity errors in A, B, & C

Figure 9-13 Example Single-Bit Errors in Venn Diagram

Chapter 9: Binary Operation Applications 193
In 9-13b, a single error in circle A indicates only the parity bit P0 is
in error. In 9-13c, since both circles A and C have errors, then the bit
change must have occurred in the region occupied only by A and C,
i.e., where D2 is located. Therefore, D2 should be 0. Lastly, in 9-13d, an
error in all three circles indicates that there has been a bit change in the
region shared by all three circles, i.e., in bit D3. Therefore, we know
that bit D3 is in error. Each of these errors can be corrected by inverting
the value of the bit found in error.
Double errors, however, cannot be detected correctly with this
method. In Figure 9-14b, both the parity bit P1 and the data bit D0 are in
error. If we do a parity check on each of the three circles in this Venn
diagram, we find erroneous parity only in circle C. This would indicate
that only the parity bit P2 is in error. This is a problem because it
incorrectly assumes the data 10102 is correct.
This is a problem. Apparently, this error checking scheme can detect
when a double-bit error occurs, but if we try to correct it, we end up
with erroneous data. We need to expand our error detection scheme to
be able to detect and correct single bit errors and distinguish them from
double bit errors.

0 1 1 0 1 0
1 1
0 1 0 0
0 0

a.) Error-free condition b.) Two-Bit Error Condition

Figure 9-14 Example of a Two-Bit Error

This can be done by adding one more bit that acts as a parity check
for all seven data and parity bits. Figure 9-15 represents this new bit
using the same example from Figure 9-14.
If a single-bit error occurs, then after we go through the process of
correcting the error, this new parity bit will be correct. If, however,
after we go through the process of correcting the error and the new
parity bit is in error, then it can be assumed that a double-bit error has
occurred and that correction is not possible. This is called Single-Error
Correction/Doubled-Error Detection.
194 Computer Organization and Design Fundamentals

0 1 1 0 1 0
1 1
0 1 0 0
0 0
C 0 New parity C 0
a.) Error-free condition b.) Two-Bit Error Condition

Figure 9-15 Using Parity to Check for Double-Bit Errors

This error detection and correction scheme can be expanded to any

number of bits. All we need to do is make sure there are enough parity
bits to cover the error-free condition plus any possible single-bit error
in the data or the parity. For example, in our four data bit and three
parity bit example above, there can be one of seven single bit errors.
Add the error-free condition and that makes eight possible conditions
that must be represented with parity bits. Since there are three parity
bits, then there are 23 = 8 possible bit patterns represented using the
parity bits, one for each of the outcomes.
For the general case, we see that p parity bits can uniquely identify
2 – 1 single-bit errors. Note that the one is subtracted from 2p to

account for the condition where there are no errors. If 2p – 1 is less than
the number of data bits, n, plus the number of parity bits, p, then we
don't have enough parity bits. This relationship is represented with
equation 9-1.

p + n < 2p – 1 (9.1)

Table 9-9 presents a short list of the number of parity bits that are
required for a specific number of data bits. To detect double-bit errors,
an additional bit is needed to check the parity of all of the p + n bits.
Let's develop the error-checking scheme for 8 data bits. Remember
from the four-bit example that there were three parity checks:

• P0 was the parity bit for data bits for D1, D2, and D3;
• P1 was the parity bit for data bits for D0, D1, and D3; and
• P2 was the parity bit for data bits for D0, D2, and D3.
Chapter 9: Binary Operation Applications 195
Table 9-9 Parity Bits Required for a Specific Number of Data Bits

Number of Number of p + n 2p – 1
data bits (n) parity bits (p)
4 3 7 7
8 4 12 15
16 5 21 31
32 6 38 63
64 7 71 127
128 8 136 255

In order to check for a bit error, the sum of ones for each of these
groups is taken. If all three sums result in even values, then the data is
error-free. The implementation of a parity check is done with the XOR
function. Remember that the XOR function counts the number of ones
at the input and outputs a 1 for an odd count and a 0 for an even count.
This means that the three parity checks we use to verify our four data
bits can be performed using the XOR function. Equations 9.2, 9.3, and
9.4 show how these three parity checks can be done. The XOR is
represented here with the symbol ⊕.

Parity check for group A = P0 ⊕ D1 ⊕ D2 ⊕ D3 (9.2)

Parity check for group B = P1 ⊕ D0 ⊕ D1 ⊕ D3 (9.3)
Parity check for group C = P2 ⊕ D0 ⊕ D2 ⊕ D3 (9.4)

The data bits of our four-bit example were D3 = 1, D2 = 0, D1 = 1,

and D0 = 1 while the parity bits were P0 = 0, P1 = 1, and P2 = 0.
Substituting these into equations 9.2, 9.3, and 9.4 gives us:

Parity check for group A = 0 ⊕ 1 ⊕ 0 ⊕ 1 = 0

Parity check for group B = 1 ⊕ 1 ⊕ 1 ⊕ 1 = 0
Parity check for group C = 0 ⊕ 1 ⊕ 0 ⊕ 1 = 0

Assume that a single-bit error has occurred. If the single-bit error

was a parity bit, then exactly one of the parity checks will be one while
the others are zero. For example, if P0 changed from a 0 to a 1, we
would get the following parity checks.
196 Computer Organization and Design Fundamentals
Parity check for group A = 1 ⊕ 1 ⊕ 0 ⊕ 1 = 1
Parity check for group B = 1 ⊕ 1 ⊕ 1 ⊕ 1 = 0
Parity check for group C = 0 ⊕ 1 ⊕ 0 ⊕ 1 = 0

The single parity bit error reveals itself as a single parity check
outputting a 1. If, however, a data bit changed, then we have more than
one parity check resulting in a 1. Assume, for example, that D1 changed
from a 1 to a 0.

Parity check for group A = 0 ⊕ 0 ⊕ 0 ⊕ 1 = 1

Parity check for group B = 1 ⊕ 1 ⊕ 0 ⊕ 1 = 1
Parity check for group C = 0 ⊕ 1 ⊕ 0 ⊕ 1 = 0

Since D1 is the only bit that belongs to both the parity check of
groups A and B, then D1 must have been the one to have changed.
Using this information, we can go to the eight data bit example.
With four parity bits, we know that there will be four parity check
equations, each of which will have a parity bit that is unique to it.

Parity check A = P0 ⊕ (XOR of data bits of group A)

Parity check B = P1 ⊕ (XOR of data bits of group B)
Parity check C = P2 ⊕ (XOR of data bits of group C)
Parity check D = P3 ⊕ (XOR of data bits of group D)

The next step is to figure out which data bits, D0 through D7, belong
to which groups. Each data bit must have a unique membership pattern
so that if the bit changes, its parity check will result in a unique pattern
of parity check errors. Note that all of the data bits must belong to at
least two groups to avoid an error with that bit looking like an error
with the parity bit.
Table 9-10 shows one way to group the bits in the different parity
check equations or groups. It is not the only way to group them.
By using the grouping presented in Table 9-10, we can complete our
four parity check equations.

Parity check A = P0 ⊕ D0 ⊕ D1 ⊕ D3 ⊕ D4 ⊕ D6 (9.5)

Parity check B = P1 ⊕ D0 ⊕ D2 ⊕ D3 ⊕ D5 ⊕ D6 (9.6)
Parity check C = P2 ⊕ D1 ⊕ D2 ⊕ D3 ⊕ D7 (9.7)
Parity check D = P3 ⊕ D4 ⊕ D5 ⊕ D6 ⊕ D7 (9.8)
Chapter 9: Binary Operation Applications 197
Table 9-10 Membership of Data and Parity Bits in Parity Groups

Parity check group

P0 ×
P1 ×
P2 ×
P3 ×
D0 × ×
D1 × ×
D2 × ×
D3 × × ×
D4 × ×
D5 × ×
D6 × × ×
D7 × ×

When it comes time to store the data, we will need 12 bits, eight for
the data and four for the parity bits. But how do we calculate the parity
bits? Remember that the parity check must always equal zero.
Therefore, the sum of the data bits of each parity group with the parity
bit must be an even number. Therefore, if the sum of the data bits by
themselves is an odd number, the parity bit must equal a 1, and if the
sum of the data bits by themselves is an even number, the parity bit
must equal a 0. This sounds just like the XOR function again.
Therefore, we use equations 9.9, 9.10, 9.11, and 9.12 to calculate the
parity bits before storing them.

P0 = D0 ⊕ D1 ⊕ D3 ⊕ D4 ⊕ D6 (9.9)
P1 = D0 ⊕ D2 ⊕ D3 ⊕ D5 ⊕ D6 (9.10)
P2 = D1 ⊕ D2 ⊕ D3 ⊕ D7 (9.11)
P3 = D4 ⊕ D5 ⊕ D6 ⊕ D7 (9.12)

Now let's test the system. Assume we need to store the data
100111002. This gives us the following values for our data bits:

D 7 = 1 D 6 = 0 D 5 = 0 D4 = 1 D 3 = 1 D 2 = 1 D 1 = 0 D0 = 0
198 Computer Organization and Design Fundamentals
The first step is to calculate our parity bits. Using equations 9.9,
9.10, 9.11, and 9.12 we get the following values.

P0 = 0 ⊕ 0 ⊕ 1 ⊕ 1 ⊕ 0 = 0
P1 = 0 ⊕ 1 ⊕ 1 ⊕ 0 ⊕ 0 = 0
P2 = 0 ⊕ 1 ⊕ 1 ⊕ 1 = 1
P3 = 1 ⊕ 0 ⊕ 0 ⊕ 1 = 0

Once again, the XOR is really just a parity check. Therefore, if there
is an odd number of ones, the result is 1 and if there is an even number
of ones, the result is 0.
Now that the parity bits have been calculated, the data and parity
bits can be stored together. This means that memory will contain the
following value:

D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 P0 P1 P2 P3
1 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 0

If our data is error free, then when we read it and substitute the
values for the data and parity bits into our parity check equations, all
four results should equal zero.

Parity check A = 0 ⊕ 0 ⊕ 0 ⊕ 1 ⊕ 1 ⊕ 0 = 0
Parity check B = 0 ⊕ 0 ⊕ 1 ⊕ 1 ⊕ 0 ⊕ 0 = 0
Parity check C = 1 ⊕ 0 ⊕ 1 ⊕ 1 ⊕ 1 = 0
Parity check D = 0 ⊕ 1 ⊕ 0 ⊕ 0 ⊕ 1 = 0

If, however, while the data was stored in memory, it incurs a single-
bit error, e.g., bit D6 flips from a 0 to a 1, then we should be able to
detect it. If D6 does flip, the value shown below is what will be read
from memory, and until the processor checks the parity, we don't know
that anything is wrong with it.

D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 P0 P1 P2 P3
1 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 0

Start by substituting the values for the data and parity bits read from
memory into our parity check equations. Computing the parity for all
four groups shows that an error has occurred.
Chapter 9: Binary Operation Applications 199
Parity check A = 0 ⊕ 0 ⊕ 0 ⊕ 1 ⊕ 1 ⊕ 1 = 1
Parity check B = 0 ⊕ 0 ⊕ 1 ⊕ 1 ⊕ 0 ⊕ 1 = 1
Parity check C = 1 ⊕ 0 ⊕ 1 ⊕ 1 ⊕ 1 = 0
Parity check D = 0 ⊕ 1 ⊕ 0 ⊕ 1 ⊕ 1 = 1

Since we see from Table 9-10 that the only bit that belongs to parity
check groups A, B, and D is D6, then we know that D6 has flipped and
we need to invert it to return to our original value.
The same problem appears here as it did in the nibble case if there
are two bit errors. It is solved here the same way as it was for the nibble
application. By adding a parity bit representing the parity of all twelve
data and parity bits, then if one of the group parities is wrong but the
overall parity is correct, we know that a double-bit error has occurred
and correction is not possible.

9.7 What's Next?

In this chapter we've discussed how to correct errors that might
occur in memory without having discussed the technologies used to
store data. Chapter 10 begins our discussion of storing data by
examining the memory cell, a logic element capable of storing a single
bit of data.

1. Using an original value of 110000112 and a mask of 000011112,
calculate the results of a bitwise AND, a bitwise OR, and a bitwise
XOR for these values.
2. Assume that the indicators of an automotive dashboard are
controlled by an 8-bit binary value named dash_lights. The table
below describes the function of each bit. Assume that a '1' turns on
the light corresponding to that bit position and a '0' turns it off.
D0 Low fuel D4 Left turn signal
D1 Oil pressure D5 Right turn signal
D2 High temperature D6 Brake light
D3 Check engine D7 Door open

For each of the following situations, write the line of code that uses
a bitwise operation to get the desired outcome.
200 Computer Organization and Design Fundamentals
a.) Turn on the low fuel, oil pressure, high temperature, check
engine, and brake lights without affecting any other lights. This
would be done when the ignition key is turned to start.
b.) Toggle both the right and left turn signals as if the flashers
were on without affecting any other lights.
c.) Turn off the door open light when the door is closed.

3. True or False: A checksum changes if the data within the data

block is sorted differently.
4. There are two ways of handling the carries that occur when
generating the datasum for a checksum. One way is to simply
discard all carries. What is the other way? (2 points)
5. Compute the basic checksum, the 1's complement checksum, and
the 2's complement checksum for each of the following groups of
8-bit data elements using both the basic calculation of the datasum
and the one's complement datasum. All data is in hexadecimal.
a.) 34, 9A, FC, 28, 74, 45
b.) 88, 65, 8A, FC, AC, 23, DC, 63
c.) 00, 34, 54, 23, 5C, F8, F1, 3A, 34

6. Use the checksum to verify each of the following groups of 8-bit

data elements. All of the data is represented in hexadecimal.
a.) 54, 47, 82, CF, A9, 43 basic checksum = D8
b.) 36, CD, 32, CA, CF, A8, 56, 88 basic checksum = 55
c.) 43, A3, 1F, 8F, C5, 45, 43 basic checksum = E1

7. Identify the two reasons for using the XOR "borrow-less"

subtraction in the long-division used to calculate the CRC.
8. What problem does the checksum error correction method have that
is solved by using CRCs?
9. True or False: A CRC changes if the data within the data block is
sorted differently.
10. True or False: By using the CRC process where the transmitting
device appends the remainder to the end of the data stream, the
remainder calculated by the receiving device should be zero.
11. How many possible CRC values (i.e., remainders) are possible with
a 33-bit polynomial?
Chapter 9: Binary Operation Applications 201
12. Assume each of the following streams of bits is received by a
device and that each of the streams has appended to it a CRC
checksum. Using the polynomial 10111, check to see which of the
data streams are error free and which are not.
a.) 1001011101011001001
b.) 101101010010110100100101
c.) 11010110101010110111011011011

13. Compute the number of parity bits needed to provide single-bit

error correction for 256 bits of data.
14. Using the error detection/correction equations 9.5 through 9.8,
determine the single-bit error that would result from the following
parity check values.
Results of parity check
a.) b.) c.) d.)
Parity check A 1 1 0 1
Parity check B 1 1 0 0
Parity check C 1 0 1 1
Parity check D 0 1 0 0

15. Using the programming language of your choice, implement the

parity generating function of the single-bit error correction scheme
for eight data bits discussed in this chapter. Use equations 9.9
through 9.12 to generate the parity bits. You may use the C
prototype shown below as a starting point where the integer data
represents the 8 data bits and the returned value will contain the
four parity bits in the least significant four positions in the order P0,
P1, P2, and P3.

int generateParityBits (int data)

16. Using the programming language of your choice, implement the

parity checking function of the single-bit error correction scheme
for eight data bits discussed in this chapter. Use equations 9.5
through 9.8 to verify the data read from memory. You may use the
C prototype shown below as a starting point where the integer data
represents the 8 data bits and the integer parity represents the four
parity bits in the least significant four positions in the order P0, P1,
P2, and P3. The returned value is the data, unmodified if no error
202 Computer Organization and Design Fundamentals
was detected or corrected if a single-bit error was detected.

int generateCorrectedData (int data, parity);

17. Determine the set of parity check Parity check group

equations for eight data bits and four A B C D
parity bits if we use the table to the right in P0 ×
place of the memberships defined by P1 ×
Table 9-10. P2 ×
P3 ×
D0 × ×
D1 × ×
D2 × ×
D3 × ×
D4 × ×
D5 × × ×
D6 × ×
D7 × × ×

18. Identify the error in the parity check equations below. Note that the
expressions are supposed to represent a different grouping than
those in equations 9.2, 9.3, and 9.4. There is still an error though
with these new groupings.
Parity check for group A = P0 ⊕ D0 ⊕ D2 ⊕ D3
Parity check for group B = P1 ⊕ D0 ⊕ D1
Parity check for group C = P2 ⊕ D1 ⊕ D2

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