(I) (Ii) (Iii) (R) (Ii) : KLKGK, May
(I) (Ii) (Iii) (R) (Ii) : KLKGK, May
(I) (Ii) (Iii) (R) (Ii) : KLKGK, May
(A) 0 (B) I
b. A projectile has the following data
(C) Less than I (D) Morethan I
lnitial mass:200 kg
Mass of propellants = 70 kg
2. Crocco number of a flow of air with mach number 1.5 and acoustic velocity 460 lan/s is
Operating period:3 sec
(A) 0.457 (B) 0.s67
Average specific impulse :2400 Ns/kg.
(c) 0.ss7 (D) 0.6s7
Find the mass ratio of the vehicle, propellant mass fraction, vehicle acceleration and total
3- The Foperty which remains szrme in incompressible flow is
(A) Densrty (B) Pressure
*'i*** (C) Temperature (D) Entropy
4. The sound velocity of air having a temperature of 400K is
(A) 302 m/s (B) 402 rnls
(C) 502 m/s @) 602 m/s
5. The C-D nozzle is used in
(A) Subsonic flow @) Sonic flow
(C) Supersonic flow @) Critical flow
6. The order ofthickness ofnormal shock is
(A) 0.1 mm @) 0.01mm
(C) 0.001mm @) 0.0001mm
7. Impulse force is the sum of
(A) Pressure force and momentum force @) Pressure force and magnetic force
(c) Momentum force and velocity @) Mapetic force and velocity potential
8. In isentropic flow, increasing the stagrration prcssure increases the mass flow rate
(A) I time @) 2 times
(C) 3 times @) 4 times
9. The maximum entropy point in Fanno line occurs at
(A) M=0 @) M=l
(C) M=2 @) M=3
Paaa 4 of 4 25MA6MDl023 Page I of{ 25MA6MEIfitl
of of side
a square duct '/'is given by PART-B(5x 4=20Marks)
10. The hydraulic mean diameter
Answer ANY FIYE Questions
(A) / @) 2t
(c) 3/ (D) 4/ 21. Derive the equivalent of Bemoulli's equation for isentropic compressible flow?
I 1 . The heat added to air in a combustor if increase in stagrration temperature of 1000K is 22. Deive area ratio as a function of mach number.
(A) 1000 kJrkg (B) 1003 kJrkg
(C) 1005 kJ&g @) 99s kJrkg 23. lfa diffuser achieves compression of air ttrough a normal shock wave at an initial mach
number of 1.5, determine stagnation pressure loss and diffirser efficiency?
12. The percentage ofstagnation pressure loss in a combustor ifdrop in stagnation pressure 6.26 justiffing Fanno flow
24. Give three examples of Fanno flow in thermal systems. Give reasons
bar and initial stagnation pressure 56.5 bar
(A) rs% G) ll% in each ofthese cases.
(c) 16% (D) lo%
25. Discuss about the variation of flow properties in Rayleigh flow'
13. A longer runway is required for 26. Draw and explain the operation of pulsejet engine.
(A) Turbofan (B) Turbojet
(C) Turboprop @) Turbo vane 27. Explain the working of solid propellant rocket engine.
14. The propulsive effrciency of a jet engme having speed ratio 0'5 is PART-C(5x12=60Marks)
(A',) 33% @) 44% AnswerALL Questions
(c) ss% (D) 66%
28. a. Prove that for Y =1.4,
15. The range of mach number of Ramjet engine is around
(A) I (B) 2 t+Lu'*Luo
(c) 3 (D) 5
16. The thrust power (KW) of an aircraft having thrust 40.6 KN and flight speed 450 m/s is
b. Air is flowing in a duet has a velocity of 300 m/s, presswe I bar and ternperature 290K-
(A) 4l (B) 5l Determine
(c) 61 (D) 70 (i) Stagnation enthalPY
iiu velocity of sound in the dynamic and stagrration conditions
I 7. Thrust coeflicient of a rocket engine is (iiD Stagnation pressure assuming constant density,
(A) wnf(roe') <s) Fl(PoA') Assume 51.4, R:287 J/kgK for air.
(c) (rr,e')f r @) (eoe')fwp
29. a. Derive Prandtl Meyer relation-
18. The coasting time of a rocket having maximum velocity of 4 km/s is (oR)
(A) 208 s (B) 308 s b. A conical diffi.rser has entry and exit diameter of l50mm and 300 mm respectively' The
pressure, temperature and velocity of air at entry are 0.69 bar, 340K and 180
(C) m/s
408 s @) 508 s
respectively. Determine for isentropic diffirsion of air (y:1.4, R:287 J/kgK).
19. The propellant mass fraction of a rocket having MR 0.78 is (i) The exit Pressure
(A) 0.ll (B) 0.22 (ii) The exit velocitY
(c) 0.33 (D) 0.44 (iii) The force exerted on diffruer walls'
300 lNim2
20. The propulsive effrciency of a rocket engine with a speed ratio 2 is 30. a. Air is flowing through a l5cm diameter duct with a mach number of 0'5, pressure
(B\ ?0% and temperature 325K. Average friction factor for duet is 0.005. Assume
choked adiabatic
(A) s6%
(c) 76% (D) 80% flow with friction, determine
(i) Length of duet
(ii) Change in entroPY
(iii) Change in imPulse function
(iv) Loss in isentropic stagnation pressures'
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