Crystal Habit and Phase Attribution of U (Vi) Oxides in A Gelation Process
Crystal Habit and Phase Attribution of U (Vi) Oxides in A Gelation Process
Crystal Habit and Phase Attribution of U (Vi) Oxides in A Gelation Process
Abstract-The effects of key process variables on the product characteristics of urania microspheres prepared by an
internal gelation method are determined by studies of the crystal structure and morphology of urania in individual gel
microspheres . Three compounds in the system U0,-NH,-H 2 0 are identified, and their characteristic crystal
morphologies are determined . The results show that information obtained in this way provides a sound basis for the
attribution of phases, for evaluating process conditions and for optimizing process variables .
J.J.N.C., Vol . 38, No . 6-D
1 14 2 M. H . LLOYD et al.
used in the sphere forming column ; in some cases, two or more suspended in a bedacryl-acetone mixture on polyester film which
feed temperatures were evaluated since these factors influence was attached to the X-ray sample plate . In the case of spheres that
gelation rate and chemical reaction time . The effect of digesting had been washed in NH,OH, powders were prepared by grinding
gelled spheres in hot silicone oil was also investigated, and efforts air-dried material. Spheres that had not been washed were
were made to determine whether the age of the feed is a significant dispersed ultrasonically, centrifuged, and decanted to remove
process variable . In several experiments, microspheres were impurities, and then suspended in the glue mixture .
analyzed both before and after the NH,OH washing step .
Electron diffraction
Microsphere dispersion techniques It was observed that the electron diffractograms (ring patterns)
Techniques were developed in this study so that gel spheres changed immediately after irradiation with the 100 kV electron
could be ultrasonically dispersed to form colloidal dispersions of beam . This indicated a phase transformation as a result of
the primary particles without significantly altering the chemical or irradiation . All diffraction patterns obtained consisted of compara-
physical characteristics of the particles. tively few lines indicating that the crystallites have been
The procedure consists of crushing ten microspheres in 40 ml converted into uranium oxide . During this process they retain,
of distilled water and dispersing the resulting suspension however, all recognizable morphological characteristics of the
ultrasonically for 20 sec at a power output of 60 W and a original compounds .
frequency of 20 kc . A B-12 Sonifier manufactured by the Branson
Sonic Power Company was used .
Stable colloids were produced by this treatment when spheres
that had previously been washed in NH,OH were dispersed ; X-ray diffraction results
however, when spheres were dispersed prior to washing in The X-ray powder diagrams of three compounds in the
NH,OH, the dispersed solids coagulated shortly after the system UO,-NH 3-H20 were found . Two of the patterns
ultrasonic treatment due to the presence of impurities such as could be indexed as structures previously reported by
NH,NO,, urea, and unreacted hexa. To remove these impurities, Debets and Loopstra[3] ; the third pattern appears to be
the sample was centrifuged for 60 sec in a clinical centrifuge and identical with the structure reported by Garner[1] . These
the supernate was decanted . Stable colloids were obtained by
results can be expressed as follows :
mixing these solids with fresh distilled water .
Compound 1 : U03.2H2O ; orthorhombic : a = 14.01 A,
During initial efforts to disperse microspheres, the principal
concern was that the primary crystallites could be degraded or b=16 .76 A, c=14 . 92 A.
shattered ; however, crystal growth was found to be the most Compound 2 : U03 . 1/4NH3 .7/4H2Ot ; orthorhombic ;
significant artifact introduced by ultrasonic treatment . After about a =7-16 A, b = 12 . 24 A, c = 15 .09 A.
60 sec of treatment, the temperature of the sample began to Compound 3 : 2U0 3 •NH, •3 H2 Ot ; hexagonal ; a =
increase and changes occurred very rapidly . With a dispersion 14-03 A, c = 15 . 02 A.
time of 2 min, crystal diameters increased by as much as a factor Figure 1 shows X-ray photographs of the three
of 20, amorphous material invariably crystallized, and changes in compounds, along with the corresponding (hkl)-values for
crystal structure occurred . Aging in water at room temperature compounds 1 and 2 and the (hkil)-values for compound 3 .
also promoted crystal growth . This phenomenon was slow,
Compound 1 is well known . Its X-ray diagram has been
however ; no measurable change was observed after 2 hr, while an
aging period of 60 hr approx . doubled the crystal diameter . obtained both from synthetic products[10, 11] and from
There are no indications that significant artifacts are introduced mineral samples[12] . In this work, the interplanar
when an ultrasonic dispersion time of 30 sec or less is used or spacings and sin e 0 values determined for each reflection
when samples are prepared promptly after dispersion . Crystallite were in good agreement with those reports for /3-
degradation does not occur since only large (2000A-500014 U0 3 . 2H2O by Debets and Loopstra . Satisfactory agree-
well-formed crystals are observed even after 6 min of dispersion ment was also obtained between observed and calculated
time . Similarly, crystal growth or a change in morphology does not values .
occur until the dispersion time exceeds about 60 sec since, with Compound 2 was observed in two forms (Fig . 1) . The
shorter dispersion times, amorphous material and a wide variety
reported by Garner for U0 3 .. 7/4 H20-1/4 NH3 and is
of crystal sizes were found in various preparations .
very similar to that reported by Debets and Loopstra for
Electron microscopy their compound II (3UOVNH 3 . 5H2O) . A comparison of
Transmission electron micrographs were obtained with a lattice parameters is shown in Table 1, while comparative
Siemens Elmiskop la at 100 kV . The electron micrographs were powder data are given in Table 2 . Comparison of these
usually taken at 40,000 diameters magnification . The samples were lattice parameters clearly shows that our measurements
prepared by evaporating a small drop of the diluted colloid on a are in good agreement with those reported by Garner and
carbon foil supported by a 300-mesh copper grid . Because of are in satisfactory agreement with the strong reflections
water aging effects, the samples were prepared immediately after reported by Debets and Loopstra .
microsphere dispersion . The entire preparation required only a Compound 3 was observed in two forms (Fig . 1) . The
few minutes .
welldefined pattern (Fig . lb) was obtained from samples
in which crystal growth occurred due to heating as a result
X-ray diffraction
The X-ray analyses were performed with a Guinier de Wolff of ultrasonic dispersion and water aging . Although such
camera, using CuK a radiation at room temperature . The sine 0 samples are not representative of the true system, they
and the d-spacing were determined from each measured reflection . were helpful in indexing unaltered samples (Fig . lc) . The
The patterns obtained were complicated by the fact that many of latter samples display fewer reflections and these are all
the reflections were very diffuse . Therefore, it was rather difficult diffuse due to line broadening as a result of the very small
to determine the exact position of maximum intensity on the film, crystallite size (-100-A platelets, see next section) . The
even with a microdensitometer . Relative intensities were charac- d-values determined for this structure are indicated by
terized from visual estimations as very strong (vs), strong (s),
asterisks in Table 2 .
medium (m), weak (w), very weak (vw), and very very weak The reflections of compound 3 are broadened and
(vvw) . Samples were prepared by dispensing crushed spheres
diffuse (Fig . Id), which complicates unambiguous identifi-
cation . Nevertheless, the pattern can be indexed and
tBased on compositions prosed by Garner[1] and by Debets correlated with compound III (2U0 3 -NH3 -3 H20) re-
and Loopstra[31 . ported by Debets and Loopstra . Table 3 gives a
Crystal habit and phase attribution of U(VI) oxides in a gelation process 1143
Y- e
N a eON' ON ON eNN
O IN O(eht 1010 (0W i W I I
a a
N N O O O e N
ee (OtO (D a (D
Fig. 1 . Guinier de Wolff X-ray diagrams of compounds 1-3 . The corresponding hkl values for compounds I and 2
and the hkil values for compound 3 are given. (a) Compound 1 ; (b) compound 2 ; (c) compound 2, diffuse pattern due
to line broadening ; (d) compound 3 .
Table 1. Lattice parameters of compound 2 compared with values reported by Garner[1] and by Debets and
Loopstra [3]
comparison of observed and calculated d-values for our however, that these patterns can be best explained as
compound 3 with the d-values reported for their mixed crystalline phases . Electron micrographs of such
compound 3 . samples support this position since they invariably
A decrease in crystallinity and concomitant line indicate the presence of two types of crystal morphology,
broadening are characteristic of increasing ammonia as described in the next section .
content in the crystal structure[3] . This effect is
additionally complicated in our samples by the very small Electron microscopy results
crystallite size . However, despite the diffuse patterns Only two types of crystal morphology were observed in
obtained from compounds 2 and 3, it is significant that the samples in which crystal growth occurred due to
pattern are reproducible and that even small variations in excessive ultrasonic treatment or water aging . However,
the three basic patterns due to changes in process several effects were observed in unaltered samples . These
conditions are readily detectable . included a characteristic crystallite size and shape for
Variations were observed in the diffraction patterns for each of various feed compositions ; noncrystalline
several samples . Typically, such variations are manifested amorphous material ; and systems which appeared to
by the absence of some of the weaker reflections in the consist of mixed crystal phases .
principal pattern, plus one or more lines which could be Figure 2 shows electron micrographs that are charac-
assigned to a second pattern . The reason for the variations teristic of the two types of crystal morphology obtained
cannot be unambiguously determined since several when crystal growth occurred during sample preparation .
interpretations could have merit . It appears to us, These were identified as compounds 1 and 2 by X-ray
crystalline phases, the fibrous material does not give an Table 4. Variations in crystal structure and morphology with
electron diffractogram of a crystalline substance. chemical process variables
N03 /U Hexa/Uranium Crystal
Correlation of crystal form and morphology with process Mole Ratio Mole Ratio Diameter (a)* Compound
As previously indicated, this study was designed to 1 .5 0 .9 2500-5000 1
factors that affect the gelation rate must be selected to metal ratios are used ; this appears to be due, at least in
provide adequate reaction time for complete crystalliza- part, to variations in the crystal form of the urania .
tion . The very large effect on crystal size with variations in
The precise gelation time requirements for various feed the NO3 /U mole ratio is also a highly significant process
compositions depend on several parameters, including the variable . It affords a mechanism for altering the crystallite
mechanical operations of the sphere-forming column, and size without changing the chemical composition . In
therefore will not be described here ; however, several addition, it provides an explanation for an important
generalizations can be made . aspect of microsphere preparation . For example, during
The gelation or reaction times involved are of the order the preparation of (U, Pu)C microspheres, the best
of 2-6 sec . The time required for complete crystallization products were generally prepared at high hexa/U mole
decreases with increasing hexa/U mole ratio at a given ratios . This behavior was difficult to correlate with the
N0,-/U mole ratio, and is much more critical at low hexa concept of the very small crystallite size, which was
ratios where the crystallite size is large . Similarly, the thought to be produced at high ratios because such
gelation time is very critical for a NO3 /U mole ratio of material has a much greater tendency to crack during
1 .75 because of the large crystal size . For example, drying and sintering (this tendency is due to the very high
changing the column temperature by 5°C, which alters the surface area of the small crystallites and the smaller pore
gelation time by less than I sec, significantly affects size in the gelled spheres) . Such behavior can now be
formation of the larger crystals (>1000A) and the understood ; when plutonium nitrate is introduced into the
cracking behaviour of the microspheres . system, it is accompanied by a small amount of HNO,,
A useful process option involves curing gelled spheres which increases the effective N0 ; /U mole ratio of the
in hot oil after their formation . This technique improves uranyl nitrate and therefore increases the crystallite size
the physical characteristics of microspheres prepared obtained in the gelled sphere . Because of this effect, high
from most feed compositions . Transmission electron hexa/uranium mole ratios can be tolerated in mixed
micrographs of crystallites from cured and uncured plutonium-uranium feeds ; and high ratios are desirable
spheres indicate that the principal effect of curing is an because of their fast gelation rates, which counteract the
increase in crystallite size and, to a limited degree, decrease in gelation rate caused by increasing the NO, /U
continued crystallization of amorphous material . How- mole ratio . Such factors must be balanced in an operating
ever, when preparations contain large amounts of system because an excessively slow gelation rate will lead
amorphous material, the crystallization will not be to distortion of the microspheres and, in an extreme case,
sufficient to prevent subsequent microsphere cracking . will prevent gelation .
Curing has a very pronounced effect on product prepared A third highly significant factor is the interrelationship
at a hexa/U ratio of 1 .2, which contains two crystalline of feed composition and gelation rate . The chemical form
phases . Typically, such material converts primarily to and crystal morphology are determined by the feed
compound 1, thereby significantly improving the physical composition, although an appropriate gelation rate must
characteristics of the microspheres . be determined for each composition . If gelation occurs
Examination of microspheres both before and after too rapidly, crystallization will not be complete and the
washing showed that crystallization occurs during the resulting high concentration of amorphous material will
initial gelation ; however, interesting changes in the X-ray invariably lead to catastrophic cracking of the micro-
diffraction pattern were frequently noted during the sphere during air drying .
sphere-washing step . This was particularly true for It is apparent from the above considerations that
NH,-containing crystal material, in which diffraction lines correlation of the process variables with crystallization
found in the NH,OH-washed sample were frequently behavior by the techniques used in this study affords a
missing ; conversely, an additional line was sometimes useful method to better understand processes of this type
observed in samples prior to washing . A detailed analysis and provides a means for optimizing process variables .
of these features is beyond the scope of this paper .
Examination of microspheres both before and after air
drying indicates that no changes occur during this step .
CONCLUSIONS 1 . E . V . Garner, J. Inorg. Nucl. Chem . 21, 380 (1961) .
The crystal morphologies obtained in the experiments 2 . E . H . P . Cordfunke, J. Inorg . Nucl. Chem . 24, 303 (1962) .
reported here are not highly suited for study of the 3 . P . C . Debets and B . 0 . Loopstra, J. Inorg. Nucl. Chem . 25,945
crystalline ammonium uranate system . However, our (1963) .
interpretation of the data supports the idea of chemically 4 . H . R . Hoekstra and S . Siegel, J. Inorg. Nuc!. Chem . 35, 761