Weather Station Series Constructing A Hygrometer

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Weather Station Series

Constructing a Hygrometer

Name: ____________________________
Date: _____________________________

Attempt this worksheet in tandem with the class discussion and construction of the hygrometer, as
per the corresponding steps. The answers and concepts relevant to the question will be revealed
verbally by your teacher throughout the course of this experiment.

Part I: Construction of the Hygrometer & Understanding its Mechanics

[After Step 5]

We felt and saw that water gets in the air by us breathing out. Do you know any other processes that
add water vapor to the air?

List 3 weather conditions that might be related to humidity.


[After Step 11]

What keeps the pointer from falling down?


[During Step 12]

What do you think will happen to the pointer if the hair expands (becomes longer) or contract
(becomes shorter)? Why do you think this, and how can this help us measure humidity?

[During Step 13]

What do you think will happen to the pointer if the hair expands (becomes longer) or contract
(becomes shorter)?

Why do you think this, and how can this help us measure humidity?

Discuss ideas with your partners and write down what you think on your worksheet. Make a sketch
of how you think your hygrometer will look in dry and humid conditions.

[During Step 16]

The pointer should have moved up at least a tiny bit. How and why did the pointer move when you
blew warm air onto the hair?


[During Step 17]

How and why does the pointer move? Why does this happen?
Discuss ideas with your partner and write them down on your worksheet.

Make a quick sketch of how your instrument looks in humid conditions.

See if your prediction was correct. If it was not, try to explain why it was not.

Part II: Construction of the Hygrometer & Understanding its Mechanics

Location Humidity Reading

Outside, in an area protected from rain

*test other locations accordingly

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