Science Fair Project

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The key takeaways are that this document provides guidance and templates for students to plan and complete a science fair project. It includes sections for developing a question, researching the topic, writing a hypothesis and procedure, collecting and analyzing data, and presenting the results.

The main components of a science fair project include developing a question, researching the topic, writing a hypothesis, designing and conducting an experiment, collecting and analyzing data, drawing conclusions, and presenting the results on a display board.

The main steps involved in designing a science experiment are choosing a topic and question, researching the topic, writing a hypothesis, designing the experiment including listing variables and writing a procedure, gathering materials, conducting multiple trials of the experiment, recording observations and data, analyzing the data by creating graphs or tables, drawing conclusions, and explaining how to improve the experiment.


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Project Planner

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Science Fair Project Planner

Name(s): ___________________________________________________

P Due Dates

Choose topic and write project ques=on.
Get approval from your teacher.
Research your topic. Write science terms and
Write hypothesis.
Design experiment; list variables and write
List and gather materials.
Conduct experiment mul=ple =mes. Record
observa=ons and data.
Create a table, chart, or graph of the data.
Draw conclusions. Explain how you would
improve your experiment.
Make the project display.
Write and print abstract.
Present project at science fair.

Copyright by Nasreen Wahid. All Rights Reserved.

Project Question
Think of a Ques=on
Your ques=on will drive your en=re project. Make sure that your ques=on is
something that can be measured and answered by following the scien=c
process. You may use the project ques=on for your project =tle.

Brainstorm some possible ques=ons that you are interested in learning more

Once you have decided on your project ques=on, write it on the lines below and
then get approval from your teacher to begin your project.




Copyright by Nasreen Wahid. All Rights Reserved.

Project Research
Research Your Topic
Spend some =me learning more about your topic. Use reliable Internet sources,
books from the library, your science book, or other resources. Not only do you
want to be an expert on your topic, but you want to teach others about your

Science Terms - locate at least 3 key science words related to your topic. Your
science book is an excellent place to nd these. Make sure that the words you
choose are directly related to your topic. Provide a deni=on of each key word IN



Copyright by Nasreen Wahid. All Rights Reserved.

Project Research
A paragraph describing the science behind your project - a^er you have
completed your research give us, your audience, some background informa=on
on your topic in a complete and well-wriIen paragraph. Give us specic, rather
than general informa=on. Use the space provided to write a dra^. You will edit a
nal copy to place on your display board.















Copyright by Nasreen Wahid. All Rights Reserved.

Project Hypothesis
State Your Hypothesis
Based on your research, decide what you think the outcome of the project will be
and make a good guess as to what you think the answer to your ques=on will be.
Also explain WHY you think that will be the outcome. Remember, it is ok if you
don't have the right answer; that is how scien=sts make discoveries. Make sure
that your hypothesis is wriIen in a complete sentence.

Start by lis=ng some possible outcomes or answers to your ques=on.

Decide which outcome is most likely. This will be your hypothesis. Clearly write
your hypothesis in complete sentences.






Copyright by Nasreen Wahid. All Rights Reserved.

Project Experiment
Design Your Experiment
Clearly write out the procedure you are going to follow. Remember that your
experiment needs to follow the scien=c process and that you need to have one
variable that you are going to change (independent variable). There are three
variables in a scien=c experiment: independent, dependent, and controlled.
The independent variable is the one, and only one, variable you will change.
The dependent variables are those being observed and measured throughout the
The controlled variables are those that remain constant and allows you, the
scien=st, to understand how the experiment would react under normal
Independent Variable:


Dependent Variables:





Controlled Variables:





Copyright by Nasreen Wahid. All Rights Reserved.

Project Experiment
List all materials needed to complete the experiment. Be specic about type, size,
brand, etc.

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Project Experiment
Write out each step of your experiment. Remember to number each step and
clearly explain what to do. Other scien=sts should be able to follow the same
steps and get similar results.















Copyright by Nasreen Wahid. All Rights Reserved.

Project Experiment
Conduct experiment
Scien=sts conduct an experiment many =mes in order to get the most accurate
data, so make sure you also conduct your experiment mul=ple =mes. During your
experiment you need to collect data and make observa=ons. You will record
these in your Experiment Log. A^er you have completed the experiment use your
log to write down the data and observa=ons below. In your log you will need to:
Collect Data - you will need to collect numerical data; that means you need to
take measurements during the experiment. Measurements can be temperature,
distance, height, etc. Crea=ng a chart is a helpful way to organize your data. You
will analyze the data later to determine the results of your experiment.
Make Observa>ons - as you conduct your experiment you will use your senses
(sight, smell, touch, etc.) and write down any observa=ons you make during the


Copyright by Nasreen Wahid. All Rights Reserved.

Project Experiment

Copyright by Nasreen Wahid. All Rights Reserved.

Project Results
Determine the Results
Now it is =me to review your data and observa=ons to nd out what happened
during the experiment. Think about the best way to show your data: bar graph,
line graph, chart, etc. and then create a table or a graph below. This visual will
help you analyze your data for trends.


Use this space, or a separate sheet in your notebook, to

sketch 1 or more tables, charts, or graphs to analyze your data.

Copyright by Nasreen Wahid. All Rights Reserved.

Project Results
Determine the Results
You will also write out the results of each test in the experiment in paragraph
form using complete sentences. Make sure that you include the numerical data
(measurements) as well as any other important observa=ons that you made.















Copyright by Nasreen Wahid. All Rights Reserved.

Project Conclusions
Draw Conclusions
Analyze the results and determine how the results helps you answer your project
ques=on. Write your answer in a complete sentence using the ques=on to begin
your answer. You also need to tell whether your hypothesis was supported or if
the results contradict the hypothesis. If it was not supported, explain why you
think so. End this paragraph by saying how you would change or improve your
experiment in the future.
Answer to your project ques=on: __________________________________________




Did the results support or contradict the hypothesis? Explain. __________________




How would you improve or change the experiment? __________________________






Copyright by Nasreen Wahid. All Rights Reserved.

Project Presentation
Display board
Now that you have completed your experiment you will begin secng up your
display board to communicate the results of your experiment to others.
Remember, the board is graded on the informa=on you present, not how colorful
or preIy it looks. Your display board must have ALL of the following components
located in the same places.

Other board guidelines:
Font should be easy to read and at least a size of 16pt or greater.
Photos should not include faces of students.
Informa=on on the board can be typed or wriIen neatly by hand.



Photos or Drawings
Key Words and

Procedure and

Copyright by Nasreen Wahid. All Rights Reserved.

Project Abstract
The abstract is a short version of your science fair nal report. It should be no
more than 250 words. Most of the informa=on you will put in your abstract is
already wriIen, you will just need to copy it over. You must have the following
ve components in your abstract:
Project Ques=on
The only new thing you will need to write is the Introduc(on. This is where you
describe the purpose for doing this experiment or project. Tell why people should
care about the work you did. How does your experiment give us new science
informa=on? Can this informa=on be used to improve our lives? If so, how? This
is where you want to interest the reader in your project and mo=vate them to
read the rest of it.










Copyright by Nasreen Wahid. All Rights Reserved.

Project Component Score Sheets

Name(s): ___________________________________________________
You will receive a grade for comple=ng the required components of a science fair
project. Use this score sheet as a checklist as you complete your science fair


Science Fair Planning Packet

10 pts

Display Board with:

Science Terms/Research
Procedure and Materials
Chart or Diagram

10 pts

Experiment Log

10 pts


10 pts


Copyright by Nasreen Wahid. All Rights Reserved.

40 pts


Project Content Score Sheets

Name(s): ___________________________________________________
You will receive a grade for the quality of the content of your science fair project.
Use the score sheet as a guide as you complete your project.


* Ques=on is relevant and testable through

10 pts

* Science terms and research are relevant to the
ques=on being tested.

10 pts

* Hypothesis is based on observa=ons.

10 pts

* Procedure is clearly outlined and presents a
controlled experiment.

10 pts

* Results are communicated clearly through graph/
chart and well wriIen explana=on.

10 pts

* Conclusion includes appropriate evalua=on of data
and proves or disproves the hypothesis.

10 pts


Copyright by Nasreen Wahid. All Rights Reserved.

60 pts


Science Fair Reflection

Name: ______________________________________________________

What went well with your science fair project?


What didnt go so well with your science fair project?


How well did you/your group stay on task to meet deadlines?


What would you do dierently if you were to do your science fair project over again?


If you worked with a group, how well did you work together?

Copyright by Nasreen Wahid. All Rights Reserved.

Science Fair Self and Peer Score

Name: ______________________________________________________
Reect on how you and your group members worked together as a team. Complete the rst sec=on for yourself
and then the rest for each of your group members by circling the appropriate number on the scale. 1 is the
lowest score and 5 is the highest score. Provide comments to support your scores.

Name: Me
Ability to work as a group, share responsibility, and solve
problems appropriately.
Ability to stay focused and on task during science fair =me.


Ability to work as a group, share responsibility, and solve
problems appropriately.
Ability to stay focused and on task during science fair =me.

Ability to work as a group, share responsibility, and solve
problems appropriately.
Ability to stay focused and on task during science fair =me.

Copyright by Nasreen Wahid. All Rights Reserved.

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