Blu-Ray Disc: K.Aarya K.Madhuri CSE III Year

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CSE III year.

A blu-ray disc is shown in fig: 1
Blu-ray disc (bd) is a next
generation optical disc format meant for Fig: 1
storage of high definition video and
high-density data. As compared to the
hdvd format, its main competitor, blu-
ray has more information capacity per
layer, 25GB instead of 15GB. Blu-ray
discs not only have more storage
capacity than traditional DVD’s, but
they also offer a new level of
interactivity. Users will be able to
connect to the internet and instantly
download subtitles and other interactive
movie features.
Blu-ray gets its name from the
shorter wavelength(405nm) of a
“BLUE” (technically blue-violet) laser
that allows it to store substantially more
data than a DVD, which has the same
physical dimensions but uses a longer There are different plans for bd-
wavelength(650nm red laser). rom(read only), bd(recordable) and bd-
The blue-violet laser's shorter re(rewritable) drives for pc’s and with
wavelength makes it possible to store the support of the manufactures, it’s very
more information on a 12 cm CD/DVD- likely that the technology will be
size disc. adopted as the next-generation optical
The blue-violet laser's shorter disc format for pc data storage and
wavelength makes it possible to store replace technologies such as “DVD+-R”,
more information on a 12 cm CD/DVD- “DVD+-RW” and “DVD+-RAM”.
size disc.
storage capacity and the ability to
play previous generation formats
INTRODUCTION: are key elements for a new format to
 This new format has
 When the CD was arrived with the advent of Blu-
introduced in the early '80s, it ray Disc, the only format that
meant an enormous leap from offers a considerable increase in
traditional media. Not only did it storage capacity with its 25 to 50
offer a significant improvement GB data capacity.
in audio quality, its primary  This allows for the next
application, but its 650MB big application of optical media:
storage capacity also meant a the distribution and recording of
giant leap in data storage and high definition video in the
retrieval. highest possible quality.
 For the first time, there was a  In fact, no other format can
universal standard for pre- offer the data capacity of Blu-ray
recorded, recordable and Disc, and no other format will
rewritable media, offering the allow for the same high video
best quality and features quality and interactive features to
consumers could wish for create the ultimate user
themselves, at very low costs. experience.
 Although the CD was a very  As with DVD, the Blu-ray
useful medium for the recording Disc format is based on the same,
and distribution of audio and bare disc physical form factor,
some modest data applications, allowing for compatibility with
demand for a new medium CD and DVD.
offering higher storage capacities
rose in the '90s. A BLANK REWRITABLE
 These demands lead to the BLU-RAY DISC (BD-RE) is
evolution of the DVD shown in fig: 2
specification and a 5-10 x
increase in capacity. This Fig:2
enabled high quality, standard
definition video distribution and

Now, in the next millennium, high

definition video demands a new solution.

 History proved that a

significant 5-10 x increase in
information on a 12 cm

Media type High-density optical disc Panasonic Internal Blu-ray ROM

notebook drive is shown in fig: 3
25 to 50 GB (single-layer)
50 to 100 GB (dual-layer) Fig: 3
Block size 64kb ECC
400 nm laser:
1× @ 36 Mbit/s(4.5 MByte/s)
2× @ 72 Mbit/s (9 MByte/s)
Read mechanism 4× @ 144 Mbit/s (18 MByte/s)
6× @ 216 Mbit/s (27 MByte/s)
8× @ 288 Mbit/s (36 MByte/s)
12× @ 432 Mbit/s (54 MByte/s)

♦ The minimum
"spot size" on which a laser
TECHNICAL can be focused is limited by
UNDERSTANDING diffraction, and depends on
ABOUT BLU-RAY: the wavelength of the light
and the numerical aperture of
the lens used to focus it.
LASER AND OPTICS: ♦ By decreasing
the wavelength,
♦ Blu-ray Disc uses a increasing the numerical
"blue" (technically violet) laser, aperture from 0.60 to
operating at a wavelength of 405 0.85, and making the
nm, to read and write data. cover layer thinner to
♦ The diodes are InGaN avoid unwanted optical
(Indium Gallium Nitride) lasers effects, the laser beam
that produce 405 nm photons can be focused to a
directly, that is, without smaller spot.
frequency doubling or other ♦ This allows
nonlinear optical mechanisms. more information to be
♦ Conventional DVDs and stored in the same area.
CDs use red and near-infrared ♦ For Blu-ray
lasers, at 650 nm and 780 nm, Disc, the spot size is 580
respectively. nm. In addition to the
♦ The blue-violet laser's optical improvements,
shorter wavelength makes it Blu-ray Discs feature
possible to store more improvements in data
encoding that further BD KEY
increase the capacity.
TECHNOLOGY: a) Broadest Industry Support
b) Lifespan
• Since the Blu-ray Disc data c) Content Protection
layer is closer to the surface of d) Cost
the disc compared to the DVD e) Capacity
standard, it was at first more f) Robustness of Disc
vulnerable to scratches.
• The first discs were housed in
cartridges for protection,
resembling Professional Discs, a
cartridge would increase the Broadest Industry Support
price of an already expensive
medium, so hard-coating of the • History has shown
pickup surface was chosen that unified industry
instead. support for a particular
• All Blu-Ray Disc media are format is most likely to
required by specification to be lead to success.
scratch-resistant. DVD media are • Therefore, the
not required to be scratch- participation of the
resistant. world's most renowned
consumer electronics
REGION CODES manufacturers and IT
companies are leading in
the success of the best
standard for next-
generation storage Blu-
ray Disc.
• Blu-ray Disc is
supported by leading
hardware manufacturers
across the CE and IT
fields from the U.S.,
Europe, Japan and Korea,
including Dell, HP,
As with the implementation of Hitachi, LG Electronics,
region codes for DVDs, Blu-ray Disc Matsushita (Panasonic),
players sold in a specific Mitsubishi, Pioneer,
geographical region are designed to Philips, Samsung, Sharp,
play only discs authorized by the Sony and Thomson/RCA.
content provider for that region • Finally, major
blank media
manufacturers including • This will of course
TDK are supporting the require multiple investments
Blu-ray Disc format as in production equipment, and
the successor of DVD. will lead to increased
• This broad industry consumer confusion.
support will lead to a
broad selection of Blu-ray Content Protection
Disc products, including
home video decks, PC
drives, PCs line-fitted • Blu-ray Disc
with Blu-ray Disc drives provides some of the strongest
and blank media, to be copy protection methods ever
available when the format developed for any consumer
is launched in the various format.
regions in The world. • It makes Blu-ray
Disc the best choice for any
content publisher wanting
Lifespan assurance that their valuable
assets are protected from
• The Blu-ray Disc format piracy.
is designed to stay relevant • Based on feedback
for at least 10 to 15 years. from the content industry and
• Its high storage capacity taking a cue from the lessons
of 25 to 50 GB allows for the learned by other formats, the
best-possible High Definition Blu-ray Disc format
video quality and satisfies incorporates a robust copy
even the most demanding protection mechanism, which
data storage needs. not only relies on
• As we have seen with implementation at the
DVD in the past, most playback device, but which
premium titles require two also includes precautions at
discs. This is why Blu-ray replicator level, which will be
Disc incorporates the strictly controlled.
additional storage space that • Unlike the voluntary
is required for a High implementation of CSS
Definition feature film protection in DVD, the copy
including bonus bonus protection mechanism for
material in the new standard Blu-ray Disc is mandatory
from the beginning. and will be governed by strict
• Formats with a lesser licensing procedures.
capacity are only suitable as
interim solutions, requiring
them to be replaced much
sooner than a format that
takes tomorrow's data storage
needs into account from day
Cost • The Blu-ray Disc
format offers the highest
• Blu-ray Disc is developed capacity of any consumer
to offer the best long-term media format to date, also
profitability model for content greatly surpassing the
providers. capacity of other format
• Although it might require proposals.
a nominal investment in advance, • Blu-ray Disc's huge
it provides greater and longer- capacity allows not only for
term profit potential. This is the highest quality High
because the format is designed to Definition video to be
last for a period of at least 10 to recorded at large bit rates
15 years. (thereby eliminating the need
• Due to its enormous for tight compression that
storage capacity, short-term could affect picture quality),
replacement of the technology is it also opens the doors to new
unnecessary, unlike other format and existing applications.
proposals that might require less • Think of extra sessions
investment in advance, but on a disc that could be
higher investments in the long unlocked when a user's Blu-
term due to the replacement of ray Disc player connects to
the technology when it becomes the Internet to validate
outdated. authorization.
• At comparable volumes, • Or what about bonus
Blu-ray Disc production costs are material and special features
within 10% of DVD production that will eventually also be
costs, although a Blu-ray Disc recorded in High Definition
offers 5-10 x the capacity. quality? With Blu-ray Disc's
• It is by far the cheapest large capacity, these extras
format measured in cost per GB. can be included in high
Since Blu-ray Disc requires quality on the same disc, so
fewer slots in a replication line there is no need for separate
compared to other formats, it will bonus discs to accompany the
bring costs on par with DVD, or movie title. Only Blu-ray
even cheaper, much sooner. Disc will be able to offer
these value-added options.
• Production facilities can
produce many more Blu-ray
Discs in the same time period as
DVDs. Also, contrary to some
rumors circulating, Blu-ray Discs
do not require cartridges for any
of the format variations (BD
ROM, BD RE, and BD R).

Robustness of Disc
The AACS decryption process
• As the result of
recent breakthroughs in
the development of hard
coating for Blu-ray Disc,
the discs offer much
stronger resistance to
scratches and fingerprints
than other existing and
proposed formats.
• Hard-coated Blu-ray
Discs do not require a
cartridge and can be used
as a bare disc, similar to
DVD and CD. This The Advanced Access Content System
avoids extra production (AACS) is a standard for content
costs, and allows for distribution and digital rights
small form factor management.
applications, such as the
implementation of Blu-
ray Disc drives in a BD APPLICATIONS
notebook computer.
• The hard-coating 1. High Definition Television Recording
technology is used for BD 2. High Definition Video
ROM discs, giving them Distribution
the same bare disc look 3. High Definition Camcorder
and feel consumers know Archiving
from DVD, and it can be 4. Mass Data Storage
applied to rewritable and 5. Digital Asset Management and
recordable Blu-ray Discs 6.Professional Storage
as well.
 The Blu-ray Disc format was
designed to offer the best
performance and features for a
wide variety of applications.
Digital rights management  High Definition video
distribution is one of the key
The Blu-ray Disc format employs features of Blu-ray Disc, but the
several layers of digital rights format's versatile design and top-
management. of-the-line specifications mean
that it is suitable for a full range continues to grow, so does the
of other purposes as well. demand of consumers to create
their own HD recordings.
High Definition Television  With the advent of the first
Recording HD camcorders, consumers can
now for the first time record their
own home movies in a quality
 High Definition level unlike any before.
broadcasting is vastly  As these camcorders are
expanding in the U.S. and tape-based, consumers cannot
Asia. benefit from the convenience and
 Consumers are direct access features they are
increasingly making the used to from DVD players and
switch to HDTV sets to enjoy recorders.
the best possible television  Now, the Blu-ray Disc
experience. format, with its unprecedented
 The Blu-ray Disc format storage capacity, allows for the
offers consumers the ability HD video recorded with an HD
to record their High camcorder to be converted and
Definition television recorded on a Blu-ray Disc.
broadcasts in their original  When the HD content is
quality for the first time, stored on a Blu-ray Disc, it can
preserving the pure picture be randomly accessed in a way
and audio level as offered by comparable to DVD.
the broadcaster. Furthermore, the disc can be
 As such it will become safely stored for many years,
the next level in home without the risk of tape wear.
entertainment, offering an
unsurpassed user experience. Mass Data Storage
 And since the Blu-ray
Disc format incorporates the
strongest copy protection  In its day, CD-R/RW meant
algorithms of any format or a huge increase in storage
proposal to date, the format capacity compared to traditional
allows for recording of digital storage media with its 650 MB.
broadcasts while meeting the  Then DVD surpassed this
content protection demands amount by offering 4.7 to 8.5 GB
of the broadcast industry. of storage, an impressive 5-10 x
High Definition Camcorder  Now consumers demand an
Archiving even bigger storage capacity.
 The growing number of
broadband connections allowing
 As the market penetration of consumers to download vast
High Definition TV sets amounts of data, as well as the
ever increasing audio, video and
photo capabilities of personal stored in a different location for
computers have led to yet backup and safekeeping.
another level in data storage
requirements. BD vs. DVD
 In addition, commercial
storage requirements are growing
♦ Just as DVD meant a five
exponentially due to the
to ten time increase in
proliferation of e-mail and the
storage capacity compared to
migration to paperless processes.
CD, Blu-ray Disc will
 The Blu-ray Disc format increase DVD capacity by
again offers 5-10 x as much five to ten times.
capacity as traditional DVD ♦ This is due, among other
resulting in 25 to 50 GB of data reasons, to the usage of a
to be stored on a single blue instead of a red laser and
rewritable or recordable disc. improved lens specifications,
 As Blu-ray Disc uses the allowing for a much smaller
same form factor as CD and focus laser beam which
DVD, this allows for Blu-ray enables the recording of
Disc drives that can still read and much smaller and higher
write to CD and DVD media as density pits on the disc.

Digital Asset Management and

Professional Storage

 Due to its high capacity, low cost per

GB and extremely versatile ways of
transferring data from one device to
another (because of Blu-ray Disc's
extremely wide adoption across the
industry), the format is optimized for
Digital Asset Management and other
professional applications that require
vast amounts of storage space.
 Think of medical archives that may
contain numerous diagnostic scans in  Due to the fact that the data
the highest resolution, or catalogs of layer on a Blu-ray Disc is placed
audiovisual assets that need to be much "closer" to the laser lens
instantly retrieved in a random than in DVD (or even the HD-
manner, without the need to "restore" DVD proposal), there is less
data from a storage carrier. distortion resulting in
 One Blu-ray Disc may replace many significantly improved
backup tapes, CDs, DVDs or other tolerances.
less common or proprietary storage
media. And contrary to network • Hence, more precision and
solutions, the discs can be physically ultra high storage densities are
made possible. like notebook computers.
• As a result of Blu-ray Disc
being manufactured as a single
substrate disc comparable to CD,
but unlike DVD (and the HD-
DVD proposal), the BENIFITS TO
manufacturing process does not
involve the bonding of two INDUSTRY
substrates, resulting in less
production material, a shorter
production time.
Consumer Electronics

 The consumer electronics

industry is rapidly migrating
toward High Definition.
 In the U.S., over seven
million digital televisions
(DTVs) have already been sold.
 Demand for HD
programming is rapidly growing.
Digital TV is currently
established in the U.S., with 85%
household penetration by 2010.
 In this light, consumers will
demand playback and recording
equipment giving them the most
benefits from their High
• Hence lower production costs Definition television sets.
per disc  Blu-ray Disc offers the
• Blu-ray Disc has the same best of both worlds.
physical characteristics as DVD  It is the ideal content
and CD, and like its delivery system for pre-recorded
predecessors, it also does not media, while, at the same time,
require a cartridge featuring the most advanced
• This makes it possible to recording capability for owners
create Blu-ray Disc products that of HDTV’s.
are backwards compatible with  In fact, only Blu-ray Disc,
CD and DVD, allowing for a due to its enormous storage
seamless transition to the new capacity, allows consumers to
technology. record large amounts of High
• Likewise, the technology is Definition broadcasts in the
perfectly suitable for integration absolute best quality, retaining
in small form factor equipment, all the details from the original.
 Likewise, increased existing PCs to take advantage of
popularity of Blu-ray Disc will the larger storage capacity
likely stimulate awareness and offered by the format.
sales of High Definition TV sets.  Likewise, PC vendors can
As more and more enriched equip their PCs with a Blu-ray
content or special editions Disc drive as a line-fitted
become available exclusively on solution, to make their products
stand out of the crowd.
Blu-ray Disc, this will drive  The world's largest
consumers toward the adoption of computer companies, including
HDTV, even in areas with little High Apple, HP and Dell, have
Definition broadcasts, such as adopted the Blu-ray Disc format,
Europe. offering it as a line-fitted option
in their top-of-the-line models.
 Blu-ray Disc is supported  As line-fitted drives in PCs
by all major consumer currently make up for about 75%
electronics companies, including of DVD drives sold, such a
Hitachi, LG Electronics, widespread adoption in the IT
Matsushita (Panasonic), industry will boost acceptance of
Mitsubishi, Pioneer, Philips, the Blu-ray Disc format.
Samsung, Sharp and Sony. This
will help accelerate the
widespread adoption of the
format in the consumer Discs
electronics world.
 Blu-ray Disc is the solution Media manufacturers, both active in
to this growing need. blank media (recordable and
 Offering 25 to 50 GB of rewritable) and pre-recorded media
data on a single-sided disc, and (used to distribute software, movies
boasting a physical size identical and other content on ROM discs)
to that of today's DVD, storage will enjoy great benefits by taking
needs will be solved for many up production of Blu-ray Disc
years to come. media.
 A Blu-ray Disc is also a As the Blu-ray Disc format is
very economical storage supported by almost all consumer
medium, offering the lowest cost electronics manufacturers in the
per GB. world, as well as the world's two
 What's more: a Blu-ray Disc largest IT companies, there will be
drive in a PC is also likely to an enormous boost of Blu-ray Disc
allow reading from and recording players, recorders and drives,
to CD and DVD media, making greatly accelerating demand for
Blu-ray Disc the ideal upgrade. Blu-ray Disc media.
 PC drive vendors will be • At the same output levels,
able to sell Blu-ray Disc drives in production costs for Blu-ray
the after-market, enabling Discs are about 10% higher than
consumers to upgrade their DVD per disc.
• A production line can
produce more Blu-ray Discs per
hour, due to the curing times
required for the dyes. CONCLUSION:
• This results in increased
productivity and lower costs per • . Blu-ray discs not only
disc. Investment costs to convert have more storage
a DVD production line to Blu- capacity than traditional
ray Disc are expected to be DVD’s, but they also
comparable to the change from offer a new level of
CD to DVD. interactivity.
One of the major design goals of • Blu-ray disc (bd) is a next
Blu-ray Disc is that the format generation optical disc
should be viable for at least 10 to 15 format meant for storage
years. of high definition video
For this, a major leap in storage and high-density data.
capacity was needed, and this has
been achieved in the form of 25 to
50 GB disc capacity.
Other formats might have required
• Blu-ray Disc authoring
less initial investment fees due to
• Blu-ray Disc recordable
their similarities with DVD
(although similarity with DVD also
would have involved extra costs due
the bonding process), but they were
not likely to last as long as Blu-ray
This would have required an
additional change in the production
lines as soon as the format becomes
outdated and newer formats appear,
overall resulting in much higher
investment costs.

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