EXCONDE v - Dante, a minor, was accused of double Whether or not - The court ruled that the father is liable
CAPUNO homicide through reckless imprudence for Delfin, the father, for any damages that may caused the
GR L-10134 the death of Isidoro and Amado. can be held civilly minor children who lived with them and
JUNE 29, 1957 - The mother of Isidoro, reserved her right to liable, jointly, and is a necessary consequence of the
bring a separate civil action for damages severally with his parental authority.
against the accused. Dante then was found son Dante, for - The law “teachers and directors of arts
guilty of the crime charged damages and trades are liable for any damages
- The mother of Isidoro filed a present action caused by their pupils or apprentices
against the father of Dante, Delfin, asking for while they are under their custody” is not
damages in the amount of P 2,959 for the applicable to this case because it was
death of her son. specifically mentioned “arts and trades”
- Delfin contends that he should not be held and not to any academic educational
liable for the death of Isidoro because he institution
was not under the control and supervision of - The only way by which they can relieve
Dante at the time the accident happened. themselves of his liability is if they prove
that they exercised all the diligence of a
good father of a family to prevent the
damage, which in this case, the
defendants failed to prove
MERCADO v CA - Manuel Jr and Augusto Mercado, both Whether Manuel is - The court held that the plaintiff-appellant
GR L-14342 minors, were classmates in a catholic school entitled to receive should not recover moral damages as
MAY 30, 1960 in quezon city. They both fought over a toy moral damages by the effect of the moral shock is not on
which led Augusto to aggressively push reason of wound by the injury caused
Manuel then later on he cut Manuel on the Augusto - Moral damages can only be recovered
right cheek with a piece of razor when the circumstance is caused by
- At the first action, 50 pesos was collected criminal offense or a quas-delict,
from Augusto for the medical expenses of however in the case at bar, it is just a
Manuel minor fight between 2 minor children and
- At the second action, Manuel’s parents filed it does not appear that Augusto acted
a case against Augusto’s parents for 5,000 with discernment when he inflicted
pesos for moral damages contending that physical injuries
they suffered due to their son being - The court also ruled that none of the
wounded and 3000 for attorney’s fees cases mentioned in Art. 2210 of the CC
which authorizes the grant of moral
damages, was shown to have existed.
Hence, the grant of moral damages is
not justified
PALISOC v - Parents of the deceased, Palisoc, filed an Whether the school - The court held that the head/president
BRILLANTES action against (1) Daffon, defendant (2) officials should be and teacher of MTI (Valenton and
GR L-29025 Valenton, the head/president of MTI, (3) held liable for the Quibule respectively) were held liable
OCTOBER 4, 1971 Quibule who was the teacher in charge at death of Palisoc jointly and severally for the death of
the time of the incident, and Palisoc at the hands of defendant Daffon
(4) Brillantes who is a member of the board at the school's laboratory room.
of directors and former sole proprietor of - No liability attaches to Brillantes as a
MTI. mere member of the MTI board of
- The trial court held Virgilio liable but directors. Similarly, MTI may not be held
absolved the other defendants-officials. It liable since it had not been properly
stated that the clause “so long as they impleaded as party defendant.
remain in their custody” contained in Article - The rationale of such liability of school
2180 of the Civil Code applies only where heads and teachers for the tortious acts
the pupil lives and boards with the teachers, of their pupils and students, so long as
such that the control or influence on the they remain in their custody, is that they
pupil supersedes those of the parents., and stand, in loco parentis to a certain extent
such control and responsibility for the to their pupils and students and are
pupil’s actions would pass from the father called upon to “exercise reasonable
and mother to the teachers. supervision over the conduct of the
- The trial court held that Article 2180 was not child.”
applicable in this case, as defendant Virgilio
did not live with the defendants-officials at
the time of the incident.
AMADORA v CA - Amadora was shot by a gun fired by Daffon Whether or not Art, - the petition is DENIED. The rector, the
GR L-477445 while in their school auditorium. He was 2180 of the civil high school principal and the dean of
APRIL 15, 1988 there to submit a graduation requirement in code applies to this boys cannot be held liable because
physics case none of them was the teacher-in-charge
- Daffon was convicted of homicide through as previously defined. Colegio de San
reckless imprudence. The parents of Jose-Recoletos cannot be held directly
Amadora filed a civil action for damages liable under the article because only the
under Art. 2180 of the civil code against the teacher or the head of the school of arts
school, its rector, the dean of boys, the and trades is made responsible for the
physics teacher and Daffon together with 2 damage caused by the student or
other students apprentice
- The complaint against the students was later
dropped which held the remaining
defendants liable. However, the decision
was reversed and all the defendants were
completely absolved
- The trial court ruled that Art, 2180 was not
applicable to colegio de san jose recoletos
as they are not a school of arts and trades
but is an academic institution of learning
- It also held that the students were not in the
custody of the school at the time of the
incident as the semester had already ended
GR 84698
FEBRUARY 4, 1992
GR 66207
MAY 18, 1992
GR 156109
NOVEMBER 18, 2004
GR 164012
JUNE 8, 2007
GR 150843
GR 142305
DECEMBER 10, 2003
GR 171545
DECEMBER 19, 2007
GR 175490
GR 159709
JUNE 27, 2012
GR 128690
JANUARY 21, 1999
GR 155001
MAY 5, 2003
GR 146364