Tutorial Letter 101/0/2020: Civil Management II

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Tutorial Letter 101/0/2020

Civil Management II

Year module

Department of Civil and Chemical Engineering

This tutorial letter contains important information

about your module.


Open Rubric

1 INTRODUCTION .......................................................................................................................... 3
2 PURPOSE AND OUTCOMES ...................................................................................................... 3
2.1 Purpose ........................................................................................................................................ 3
2.2 Outcomes ..................................................................................................................................... 3
2.3 ECSA Graduate Attribute ........................................................................................................... 7
3 LECTURER(S) AND CONTACT DETAILS................................................................................... 7
3.1 Lecturer(s) .................................................................................................................................... 7
3.2 Department ................................................................................................................................... 8
3.3 University ...................................................................................................................................... 8
4 RESOURCES ............................................................................................................................... 8
4.1 Prescribed books .......................................................................................................................... 8
4.2 Recommended books ................................................................................................................... 8
4.3 Electronic reserves (e-reserves) ................................................................................................... 9
4.4 Library services and resources information ................................................................................... 9
5 STUDENT SUPPORT SERVICES ................................................................................................ 9
6 STUDY PLAN ............................................................................................................................. 10
7 PRACTICAL WORK ................................................................................................................... 10
8 ASSESSMENT ........................................................................................................................... 10
8.1 Assessment criteria..................................................................................................................... 10
8.2 Assessment plan ........................................................................................................................ 11
8.3 Assignment numbers .................................................................................................................. 11
8.3.1 General assignment numbers ..................................................................................................... 11
8.3.2 Unique assignment numbers ...................................................................................................... 11
8.4 Assignment due dates ................................................................................................................. 11
8.5 Submission of assignments ........................................................................................................ 11
8.6 The assignments ........................................................................................................................ 13
8.7 OTHER ASSESSMENT METHODS ........................................................................................... 16
8.8 THE EXAMINATION ................................................................................................................... 16
11. FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS ........................................................................................ 16
12. SOURCES CONSULTED ........................................................................................................... 16
13. IN CLOSING ............................................................................................................................... 16
14. ADDENDUM ............................................................................................................................... 16


Dear Student

As part of this tutorial letter, we wish to inform you that Unisa has implemented a transformation
charter based on five pillars and eight dimensions. In response to this charter, we have also
placed curriculum transformation high on the agenda. For your information, curriculum
transformation includes the following pillars: student-centred scholarship, the pedagogical
renewal of teaching and assessment practices, the scholarship of teaching and learning, and
the infusion of African epistemologies and philosophies. These pillars and their principles will be
integrated at both the programme and module levels, as a phased-in approach. You will notice
the implementation thereof in your modules, and we encourage you to fully embrace these
changes during your studies at Unisa.

Welcome to the subject Management: Civil II (MCL2601) at UNISA. This tutorial letter serves as
a guideline to this course. It provides you with general administrative information as well as
specific information about the subject. Read it carefully and keep it safe for future reference. We
trust that you will enjoy this course.


2.1 Purpose
This module is compulsory and core for the National Diploma in Civil Engineering. The purpose
of this module is to introduce students to the need for planning and scheduling of civil
engineering construction works and to provide them with knowledge of all facets of the planning
and scheduling processes.

2.2 Outcomes
Specific outcome 1: The student must be able understand project management.
Assessment Criteria:
• Correctly define the term “project management”
• Understand why it is necessary to manage projects adequately.
• Understand the benefits of project management.
• Know what project management entails.

Specific outcome 2: The student must be able understand an organizational structure.
Assessment Criteria:
• Correct define and describe an organizational structure.
• Understand and discuss the importance of dynamic organizational structures.
• Planning stages in a civil engineering project.

Assessment Criteria:
• List the main planning stages of a civil engineering project.
• List the factors that influence the planning procedures within a company.
• Understand and define the pre-tender planning stage.
• Understand and discuss all the activities involved in the pre tender planning stage.
• Understand and define the tender planning stage.
• Understand and discuss all the activities involved in the tender planning stage.
• Understand and define the pre-contract planning stage.
• Understand and discuss all the activities involved in the pre contract planning stage.
• Understand and define the contract planning stage.
• Understand and discuss all the activities involved in the contract planning stage.

Specific Outcome 4: The student must be able to understand different planning techniques
available to schedule project activities.

Assessment Criteria:
• List the planning techniques available to the planner and discuss each technique’s
• Correctly choose the most appropriate planning technique for a specific project.
• Understand and list the advantages, disadvantages and applications of a bar chart.
• Correctly draw-up a bar chart.
• Understand and list the advantages, disadvantages and applications of the activity-on –
the-arrow diagram are.
• Correctly draw-up the activity-on –the-arrow diagram.
• Correctly calculate the early start, early finish, late start, and total float of an activity.


Specific Outcome 5: The student must be able to understand the different planning techniques
available to schedule project activities.
Assessment Criteria:
• List the planning techniques available to the planner and discuss each technique’s
• Correctly choose the most appropriate planning technique for a specific project.
• Understand and list the advantages, disadvantages and applications of a bar chart.
• Correctly draw-up a bar chart.
• Understand and list the advantages, disadvantages and applications of the activity-on –
the-arrow diagram.
• Correctly draw-up the activity-on –the-arrow diagram,
• Correctly calculate the early start, early finish, late start, and total float of an activity.

Specific Outcome 6: The student must be able to understand different planning techniques
available to schedule project activities.

Specific Outcome 7: The student must be able to understand the purpose of resource
scheduling and draw up a resource schedule.

Assessment Criteria:
• Understand the purpose of resource schedule.
• Correctly draw up a resource schedule.

Specific Outcome 8: The student must be able to understand different types of

interrelationships that occur between activities and prepare a precedence diagram.

Assessment Criteria:
• Understand and explain the four types of interrelationships that occur between activities.
• Correctly prepare a precedence diagram

Specific Outcome 9: The student must be able to explain what the advantages and
disadvantages and applications of linear scheduling methods are, show conversance with the
terminologies used in the line-off-balance schedule, and clearly calculate and prepare a line of
balance schedule.

Assessment Criteria:
Understand and list the advantages, disadvantages and applications of linear scheduling
Understand, explain and calculate all the terminology involved in preparing a line-of-balance

Specific Outcome 10: The student must be able to understand the grievance procedure,
disciplinary procedure, retrenchment process, negotiations, the interaction between employees,
trade unions and workplace forums, and their functions and rights.

Assessment Criteria:
• Understand how to deal with employee grievances
• Understand how to conduct a disciplinary hearing correctly.
• Understand how to assist in the retrenchment process.
• Understand how to take part in negotiations.
• Clearly show the interaction of employees, trade unions and workplace forums, with full
knowledge of their functions and rights.

Specific Outcome 11: The student must be able to understand the various
Acts about employment, and also acquire knowledge on trade unions, strikes and lock outs,
workplace forums, dispute settlement and unfair dismissal.

Assessment Criteria:
Understand and describe the purpose of the Acts.
Understand and discuss trade unions rights, strikes and lockouts, workplace forums, dispute
settlement and unfair dismissal.
Understand and discuss the prohibition of discrimination, affirmative action and income

Specific Outcome 12: The student must be able to understand organizational behavior,
situations that lead to conflict and how to resolve conflict, teamwork, and diversity management.
Assessment Criteria:
• Understand what organizational behavior is.
• Understand how to maintain sound human relations.


• Clearly illustrate understanding on what situations lead to conflict and how to resolve
• Show an understanding of the different types of teams as well as how to create an
effective team.
• Clearly show the diversity management advantages as well as how to facilitate diversity
management effectively. Budgeting process entails how to determine unit rates, how to
compile cash flow estimates, and how budget is utilised to control costs.

Assessment Criteria:
• Understand and discuss the budgeting process.
• Explain the importance of communicating objectives through budgets.
• List and explain the typical segments of a master budget.
• Calculate unit rates.
• Draw up an S-curve and compile a cash flow estimate.
• List and discuss the types of budgets that form the backbone of the Civil Engineering
• Explain how budgets utilised to control costs.

2.3 ECSA Graduate Attribute

To satisfy ECSA Graduate Attribute 7, the students must demonstrate knowledge and
understanding of the impact of engineering activity on the society, economy, industrial and physical
environment, and address issues by analysis and evaluation.


3.1 Lecturer(s)
Your lecturer is MR C van Niekerk
Cell phone: 0818290316

Email: [email protected]

Monday evening and Thursday evening are the best contact times.

Kindly WhatsApp him to add you on the WhatsApp group

3.2 Department
If you have trouble contacting the lecturer directly, please contact the Department of Civil and
chemical, you can send an email to civil&[email protected].
You will have received a document named my Studies @ Unisa during registration. This
document contains all the important telephone numbers that you might need during this year.
Consult this document for the appropriate contact numbers. Please do NOT call the lecturer for
services supplied by the support departments (e.g. Assignments not received, exam results

3.3 University
When wishing to communicate with the University requiring administrative or other non-module
related queries, please use the contact details below.
Contact addresses of the various administrative departments are included in my Studies @
Unisa, which you received with your study package.
Physical address:
University of South Africa
Preller Street
City of Tshwane
University of South Africa
PO Box 392
Email: [email protected]
Online address: http://my.unisa.ac.za

4.1 Prescribed books
There is no prescribed book in this module.

4.2 Recommended books

The book below was previously the prescribed book for Civil Management I (MCL1501 and is
referred to in your study guide. You can use it as a recommended book for this module.

Book Details: NEL, W P, 2000, Management for Engineers, Technologists and Scientists, 1ST
Edition,ISBN: 0702152757.


4.3 Electronic reserves (e-reserves)

E-reserves can be downloaded from the Library catalogue. More information is available at:
4.4 Library services and resources information
The Unisa Library offers a range of information services and resources:

• for brief information go to: https://www.unisa.ac.za/library/libatglance

• for more detailed Library information, go to
• for research support and services (e.g. Personal Librarians and literature
search services), go to
The Library has created numerous Library guides: http://libguides.unisa.ac.za
Recommended guides:

• request and find library material/download recommended material:

• postgraduate information services:
• finding and using library resources and tools:
• Frequently asked questions about the Library: http://libguides.unisa.ac.za/ask
• Services to students living with disabilities:

Important contact information:

• https://libguides.unisa.ac.za/ask - Ask a Librarian
[email protected] - technical problems accessing library online services
[email protected] - general library related queries
[email protected] - for queries related to library fines and payments


Important information appears in your my Studies @ Unisa brochure.
The myUNISA system _https://my.unisa.ac.za is a facility for registered UNISA students that
enable students to perform study-related functions that are normally conducted by post,
telephonically or by personal visits to the campus or via the Internet.
Currently, the following services are offered by myUNISA:
• E-mail contact with lecturers.
• Submission of assignment (text and multiple-choice).
• Access to assignment marks.

• Access to personal information records.
• Student discussion forums.
• Notification of change of address or cancellation of study modules or examination.
• Downloading of tutorial letters.

Chapter 1 Introduction
Chapter 2 Principles of project management
Chapter 3 Introduction to organizational structures
Chapter 4 Introduction to project responsibility charts
Chapter 5 Introduction to contract planning
Chapter 6 Pre-tender planning
Chapter 7 Tender planning
Chapter 8 Pre-contract planning
Chapter 9 Contract planning
Chapter 10 Introduction to planning techniques
Chapter 11 Bar charts
Chapter 12 Critical path networks: activity on the arrow diagram
Chapter 13 Critical path networks: resource scheduling
Chapter 14 Critical path networks: updating the schedule & duration cost trade off.
Chapter 15 Critical path networks: precedence diagrams
Chapter 16 Linear scheduling methods: line-of-balance schedule
Chapter 17 Managing labour relations
Chapter 18 Labour legislation
Chapter 19 Managing people
Chapter 20 Operational budgeting and cost estimation

There are no practical sessions for this module.


8.1 Assessment criteria

The main purpose of the assignments is to encourage you to study your study guide and the
prescribed book, to read certain sections over and over again, and to think about the tutorial
matter in terms of its practical application. Some sections may be more difficult than others, and
you will have to read your prescribed book for more in depth understanding of the topic.
Formative assessment for MCL2601 takes place through a year mark system.


8.2 Assessment plan

Both assignment 1 and 2 are written assignments, ensure that you work through your
assignments clearly and submit on time.

You may submit a specific assignment ONLY ONCE. No duplicates of an assignment will be
accepted. Retain proof of your submission by making a printout or saving an electronic copy of
your submission confirmation report.
8.3 Assignment numbers
8.3.1 General assignment numbers
There will be two assignments in this module; Assignment 1and 2.
8.3.2 Unique assignment numbers

Assignment 1 790497

Assignment 2 628855

8.4 Assignment due dates

Assignment 1 22 May 2020

Assignment 2 07 August 2020

8.5 Submission of assignments

You must submit your assignments Electronically through MyUnisa. No hand written
assignments and submissions through post will be accepted.

An assignment is designed to be a product of your own study and your own thought. It
is not intended to be a piece of work which merely reproduces details, information or
ideas from a study guide, from books or articles, or from the Internet.
If you do this, you commit plagiarism. Plagiarism is the act of copying word for word
with or without acknowledgment from study sources (e.g. books, articles, the Internet).
In other words, you must submit your own ideas in your own words, sometimes
interspersing relevant short quotations that are properly referenced.
Yes, simply copying a few pages from the prescribed book is plagiarism. Pasting
paragraphs from Wikipedia into your assignment is plagiarism. And it does not stop
being plagiarism if you mention the source.
Skilled scientific writers can use direct block quotations to make a specific point. They
know what they are doing. You still need to develop your own voice, your own style of
arguing the point. Do not plagiarise.
Note that you also commit plagiarism if you copy the assignment of another student.
We do encourage you to work together and form study groups, but you are expected
to prepare and submit your own assignments.
When we receive two or more identical assignments, we are not able to work out who
copied from whom. We will therefore penalize both students.
If you commit plagiarism you will be penalized and given no marks for your
assignment. This will have a serious effect on your chances to succeed in your
studies because you will have no semester mark.
Furthermore, you may be penalised or subjected to disciplinary proceedings by the
University. Plagiarism is also an offence in terms of the law.
A Signed Declaration
Every essay-type assignment we receive must include the following declaration along
with your name and the date:

“I declare that this assignment is my own work and that all sources quoted
have been acknowledged by appropriate references”.

We will subtract marks if this declaration is absent from your assignment, just as we will
subtract marks if your assignment does not have a Table of contents, List of references cited,
and so on.


8.6 The assignments


Project Management Assignment I question:

Imagine you are required to carry out planning of implementing a new Project Management
Software system in your company. Write a report to outline the activities from initiation to close
out phases. The Report must include flow charts as the basis for each of the Phases.
The following will be required:
1. Write the topic of your project and introduction.
2. Write very brief site description, methodology (from initiation to implementation),
3. Include a Execution Gant Chart as part of the Planning Phase
4. Use closure phase as result.
5. Read literature, cite them and write reference section at the end of your text. Anything you
cite will be in the reference list.
6. Maximum limit: 3 pages
Mark load for each activity:
Introduction [15 Marks]
Phase 1 [18 Marks]
Phase 2 [18 Marks]
Phase 3 [18 Marks]
Phase 4 [18 Marks]
References [13 Marks]
Total = 100%
Be ethical and do not copy from your friend. If you are found coping from a friend or any other
source, you will be disqualified.
You are not allowed to copy word by word from any literature or on-line source. You can use
literature to support your work. You can summarize what you read. In that case you must cite
and then write the source under Reference Section-at the end of your assignment. Do not forget
that any information that you use for citation must be in the Reference Section.
Please also read “How to prepare scientific report of a project” from your handouts.

Question 1 [50 marks]

Your company was awarded a culvert contract. The contract manager has appointed
you to manage the project and has requested you to provide a schedule for the client.
The contract manager handed you the table below, showing a breakdown of activities
involved, together with their duration. The Start date is the 01/02/2021 (1 st February
2021). Working week of 5 days, 40 hours must be use.

Task Name Duration Predecessors Resource Names

Culvert P31 ?? General Forman[20%]

Milestone 0 days

Reinforcing Inspection 0 days 13

Surveying ??

Setting out Excavation 0.5 days Surveyor

Setting out Blinding 0.5 days 8,9FF Surveyor

Earth Works ??

Bulk Excavation 3 days 5 Excavator

Compaction of Culvert
2 days 8 Compactor, General Labour

Concrete Work ??

Concrete Foreman, General Labour

Blinding 2 days 6

Formwork (Base 1-8) 2 days 11FF+1 day Carpenters, General Labour [300%]

Steel Fixing (Base 1-8) 2 days 12SS Steel Fixer [400%], Reinforcement [4.6t]

Concrete [20m³], Concrete Foreman,

Concrete Pour (Base 1-8) 1 day 13 General Labour [600%], Poker Unit

Stripping Formwork
0.5 days 14 Carpenters, General Labour [400%]
(Base 1-8)


Resource Name Type Std. Rate

Group: Concrete

Concrete Foreman Work R200.00/hr

Group: General Labour

General Labour Work R48.00/hr

Group: Material

Concrete Material R1 600.00/m³

Reinforcement Material R13 000.00/t

Group: Overhead

Surveyor Work R200.00/hr

General Forman Work R250.00/hr

Group: Plant

Excavator Work R750.00/hr

Compactor Work R62.00/hr

Poker Unit Work R62.00/hr

Group: Shuttering

Carpenters Work R65.00/hr

Group: Steel

Steel Fixer Work R65.00/hr

1. Draw up a Network diagram and Gantt chart and indicate the critical path.
a. Network Diagram (Arrow chart) (20)
b. Critical Path (10)
c. Start Slag (flout) (10)
d. Resource loaded Gantt Chart (Bar chart) (20)
e. Total Resource cost (20)

Question 2

1) Discuss the term “Project” according to Kerzner. (10)

2) What is the purpose of the following Acts
a. Employment Equity Act 55 of 1998. (6)
b. Occupational Health and Safety Act 85 of 1993. (2)
c. Basic Conditions of Employment Act 75 of 1997 (2)

[20 marks]


There are no other assessment methods for this module.
Use your my Studies @ Unisa brochure for general examination guidelines and examination
preparation guidelines.
This module is offered in a year period. This means that your examination will be written in
October/ November 2020, and the supplementary examination will be written in Jan/Feb
Your exam will be a 3 hours closed book examination and none programmable calculator is
You will be informed by the Examination Department regarding the date, time and venue of the
examination. If you have any queries pertaining to this, please contact the Examination
Department at [email protected] .
The assignments will contribute 20% to the total year mark, and the exam mark will contribute
80% towards the final mark.


The myStudies@Unisa brochure contains an A-Z guide of the most relevant study information.






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