Gender As Risk Factor For Mouth Breathing and Other Harmful Oral Habits in Preschoolers
Gender As Risk Factor For Mouth Breathing and Other Harmful Oral Habits in Preschoolers
Gender As Risk Factor For Mouth Breathing and Other Harmful Oral Habits in Preschoolers
Gender as risk factor for mouth breathing and other harmful oral habits in
8 149
6 authors, including:
Sandra Bussadori
Universidade Nove de Julho
Some of the authors of this publication are also working on these related projects:
All content following this page was uploaded by Sandra Bussadori on 29 January 2017.
PhD, Professor of Pediatric Dentistry of Nove de Julho University (UNINOVE), São Paulo, SP, Brazil
DDS, Graduate Student of Dental Clinic, Graduate Program of Federal Fluminense University (UFF), Niterói, RJ, Brazil
Msc, Private practice, São Paulo, SP, Brazil
PhD, Professor of Rehabilitation Sciences, Graduate Program, Nove de Julho University (UNINOVE), São Paulo, SP, Brazil
Aim: To analyze associations between the mouth-breathing pattern and other harmful oral habits
among preschoolers. Methods: An observational, cross-sectional study was carried out involving
198 children from 3 to five 5 of age. A questionnaire, clinical evaluation and specific tests (mirror
and water tests) were used for confirmation of the mouth-breathing pattern. Results: Mean age
of the participants was 4.13 ± 0.8 years and 57.1% were male. A total of 87.4% exhibited one or
more harmful oral habits. Harmful habits were more common in the male gender (61.8%); this
association was statistically significant (p<0.001). Mouth breathing was the most prevalent habit
(49%), followed by biting/sucking on objects (33.3%). Regarding gender, statistically significant
associations were found for bottle feeding (p=0.02) and nail biting (p=0.02). Mouth breathing was
associated with biting on object (p=0.00), pacifier use (p=0.02) and thumb sucking (p=0.00).
Conclusions: The results of the present study suggest that mouth breathing is significantly
associated with biting/sucking on objects, pacifier use and thumb sucking in preschoolers and that
the occurrence of harmful oral habits is more prevalent among the male gender. Early diagnosis
and intervention should be established in order to avoid future consequences involving the
orofacial region.
when physiological tolerance is surpassed (response to the single examiner who had undergone a training process and
action performed), leading to alterations in the dentition, was supervised by an otolaryngologist for the confirmation
musculature and temporomandibular joint 8. Temporoman- of the mouth-breathing pattern. The clinical evaluation
dibular disorder may be caused by the intensity of the action involved the determination of the presence/absence of the
of a particular harmful habit 9-11. Bone malformations may following signs: long face, drooping eyes, dark circles under
also result from the duration and frequency of harmful habits1. the eyes, thin upper lip, dry lips, hypotonic lips, inverted
As such habits require a multidisciplinary approach to lower lip, narrow nostrils, high-arched palate, inadequate lip
provide integral care to pediatric patients, the aim of the present seal and anterior open bite. The mirror test consisted of
study was to analyze associations between the mouth-breathing placing a two-sided mirror below the child’s nostrils and
pattern and other harmful habits in children aged 3 to 5 years. observing the formation of vapor condensation stemming
from respiration. Fogging on the upper part of the mirror
Material and methods indicates nasal breathing and fogging on the lower part or
both parts indicates mouth breathing 9. The water test was
performed after the mirror test. For such, the child held a
An observational, cross-sectional study was carried out
small amount of water in his/her mouth and maintained the
involving students enrolled in public preschools in the city
lips in contact without swallowing for three minutes, during
of São Roque, state of São Paulo, Brazil. Convenience
which time the effort of the lip commissure was observed.
sampling was employed, with the evaluation of all children
Children who were unable to maintain the lips in contact for
enrolled in the schools between three and five years of age
three minutes were considered mouth breathers 12.
in 2008. All parents/guardians received information regarding
Data analysis was performed using the SPSS 17 program
the objectives of the study and signed a statement of informed
(IBM Corp., Chicago, IL, USA) and involved the chi-squared
consent in compliance with Resolution 196/96 of the
(÷2) test and Fisher’s exact test, with the level of significance
Brazilian National Health Council. This study received
set to 5% (p<0.05).
approval from the local Human Research Ethics Committee
under process #82622/08.
A questionnaire containing objective, closed-ended
questions was used to gather information on age, gender
and the presence of harmful oral habits. This questionnaire The sample was made up of 198 children between three
was filled out by the parents/guardians with no time and five years of age. Mean age was 4.13 ± 0.8 years and
constraint. The aim of the questionnaire was to investigate 57.1% were male. A total of 87.4% (n = 173) exhibited one
the presence/absence of harmful habits and associations between or more harmful oral habits: 29.3% (n = 58) had one habit,
the mouth-breathing pattern and nail biting, biting/sucking on 30.8% (n = 61) had two habits, 18.2% (n = 36) had three
objects, thumb sucking, pacifier sucking, bottle feeding and habits and 9.1% (n = 18) had four habits.
bruxism (teeth clenching/grinding). Children using systemic Harmful habits were more common in the male gender
medications for treatment of the airway problems (colds and (61.8%; n = 107) than the female gender (38.2%; n = 66).
influenza) and those with orthodontic or orthopedic The association between the male gender and harmful habits
appliances of the maxillae were excluded from the study. was statistically significant (x 2 = 12.773, p<0.001).
Besides the questionnaire, a clinical evaluation and Regarding the type of habit, the mouth-breathing pattern
specific tests (mirror and water tests) were performed by a
Table 2: Associations between mouth breathing and other harmful oral habits
Present Absent Total p-value
n (%) n (%) n (%)
Biting/sucking on objects 24 (36.4%) 42 (63.6%) 66 (100%) 0.00*
Bottle feeding 30 (50.8%) 29 (49.2%) 59 (100%) 0.42
Pacifier sucking 31 (62.0%) 19 (38.0%) 50 (100%) 0.02*
Nail biting 18 (42.9%) 24 (57.1%) 42 (100%) 0.23
Thumb sucking 17 (73.9%) 6 (26.1%) 23 (100%) 0.00*
Bruxism (clenching and/or grinding) 12 (70.6%) 5 (29.4%) 17 (100%) 0.05
* Statistically significant (p < 0.05)
was the most prevalent (49%; n = 97), following by biting/ point out that stressful events in life are related to an increase
sucking on objects (33.3%; n = 66). Gender was significantly in the number of harmful oral habits in children.
associated with bottle feeding and nail biting (Table 1). The Bruxism was the least prevalent habit in the present
mouth-breathing pattern was significantly associated with study and was not associated with mouth breathing. While
biting/sucking on objects, bottle feeding and thumb sucking few studies have been carried out on this subject, Serra-Negra
(Table 2). et al. (2010) 17 report a high prevalence rate of this habit
(33.0%). Carra et al. (2011)15 assessed the prevalence and
Discussion risk factors of sleep-related bruxism and wake-time tooth
clenching in a population ranging from seven to 17 years of
age who sought orthodontic treatment. The results indicate
The results of the present study suggest that the mouth-
that sleep-time and wake-time parafunctions are often
breathing pattern is significantly associated with biting/
associated with signs and symptoms of temporomandibular
sucking on objects, bottle feeding and thumb sucking and
disorder, sleep problems and behavioral problems and
that the occurrence of harmful oral habits is more prevalent
therefore merit attention during dental evaluations.
among the male gender.
One limitation of the present study was the failure to
Mouth breathing is a potential etiological factor for the
evaluate the presence of snoring, which is reported to be
alterations to the occlusion and normal facial growth. When
common in children. The repercussions of snoring are mainly
combined with other parafunctional habits, the harm to the
related to cognitive development 18-19 and high blood
stomatognathic system is even greater. According to Cattoni
pressure20. Moreover, snoring may be common in individuals
et al. (2007) 13 , children with this habit exhibit pathologic
with the habit of bruxism21.
adaptations regarding postural and morphological
In general, the presence of such habits can compromise
characteristics of the stomatognathic system. Thus, the early
the stomatognathic system 1,8-11 . A study involving both
diagnosis of mouth breathing and proper intervention are
children and adults sought to determine associations between
suggested to avoid the emergence of orofacial abnormalities.
parafunctional habits and the emergence of temporoman-
A number of acute and chronic conditions can lead to
dibular disorder through the evaluation of the frequency of
the mouth breathing pattern. Acute conditions included
diurnal bruxism and nail biting, the results of which
infectious processes and the introduction of foreign bodies.
demonstrated that the female gender was at a significant risk
Chronic conditions include choanal atresia, adenoid
for myofascial pain10. Another study with the same line of
hypertrophy, chronic tonsil hypertrophy, nasal septum
reasoning found that parafunctional habits were associated
deformity, nose fracture, allergic rhinitis (and respective
to important symptoms of orofacial pain, indicating that such
medication), polyps, tumors and narrow nasal cavities 14. In
habits are risk factors for temporomandibular disorder. A study
order to avoid bias in the results of the present investigation,
with a 20-year follow up found that parafunctional habits
children in use of systemic medication for the treatment of
can be persistent, as Angle class II malocclusion and tooth
the airways and those with orthodontic or orthopedic
wear in childhood were predictors of increased tooth wear in
appliances on the maxillae were excluded from the study.
adulthood 22. These findings underscore the importance of
However, non-reported chronic conditions could have led to
the early diagnosis of harmful oral habits and proper
the mouth-breathing pattern in the children evaluated.
intervention in order to avoid future consequences involving
Considering the aim of the study, the researchers did not
the orofacial region.
seek to establish the reason for the habit, but rather its
presence or absence.
The present study found a high percentage of harmful References
habits among the children evaluated. Similar findings are
reported in the literature6,15-16. Emodi-Perlman et al. (2012)6 1. Agurto PV, Diaz RM, Cadiz OD, Bobenrieth FK. Oral bad habits frequency
evaluated parafunctional habits in children in the primary and its association with dentomaxilar abnormal development, in children
and mixed dentition phases, reporting high prevalence rates three to six year old in Santiago Oriente. Rev Chil Pediatr. 1999; 70: 470-
for biting/sucking on objects and nail biting. The authors 82.