Allergy Skin Test
Allergy Skin Test
Allergy Skin Test
A skin prick test, also called a puncture or scratch test, checks for
immediate allergic reactions to as many as 40 different substances at
once. This test is usually done to identify allergies to pollen, mold, pet
dander, dust mites and foods. In adults, the test is usually done on the
forearm. Children may be tested on the upper back.
Allergy skin tests aren't painful. This type of testing uses needles
(lancets) that barely penetrate the skin's surface.You won't bleed or
feel more than mild, momentary discomfort.
▪ After cleaning the test site with
alcohol, the nurse draws small
marks on your skin and applies a
drop of allergen extract next to
each mark. He or she then uses a
lancet to prick the extracts into
the skin's surface. A new lancet is
used for each allergen.
▪ About 15 minutes after the skin pricks,
the nurse observes your skin for signs
of allergic reactions. If you are allergic
to one of the substances tested, you'll
develop a raised, red, itchy bump
(wheal) that may look like a mosquito
bite. A nurse will then measure the
bump's size.
5 – 10 2+ Mildly sensitive
10 – 15 3+ Moderately sensitive