1.) Define The Following

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Section B
Assignment: Integrative Medicine

1.) Define the following:

a) Healing – is the the process of becoming well again, especially after a cut or other
injury, or of making someone well again and in which a bad situation or painful
emotion ends or improves.

b) Conventional Medicine – a system in which medical doctors and other healthcareco

professionals treat symptoms and diseases using drugs, radiation or surgery.

c) Complementary Medicine – a group of diagnostic and therapeutic disciplines that are

used together with conventional medicine. An example of a complementary therapy
is using acupuncture in addition to usual care to help lessen a patient's discomfort
following surgery.

2.) Differences between conventional, complementary, and alternative medicine:


Conventional medicine is A therapy that has not been A remedy that has not been
traditional medicine in which accepted as conventional shown by scientific study to be
responsibility is more on the medicine but is used together safe and effective but is used in
clinician and emphasis on with conventional medicine. place of conventional medicine.
diagnosis and prescription.
For example: Surgery, For example: using massage For example: using a special
chemotherapy Radiotherapy. therapy along with prescription diet to treat cancer instead of
medicine to treat anxiety. anticancer drugs that are
prescribed by an oncologist.

3.) 5 Reasons why people use complementary and alternative medicine:

- People often use complementary and alternative medicine to help them feel better
and cope with having illness and treatment.
- There is growing evidence that certain complementary therapies can help to control
some symptoms of cancer and treatment side effects. For example, acupuncture can
help to relieve sickness caused by some chemotherapy drugs.
- Many patients like the idea that complementary and alternative medicine seems
natural and non toxic.
- There are claims that certain complementary and alternative medicine can boost
their immune system.
- Some people believe that using specific alternative therapies instead of conventional
cancer treatment might help control or cure their condition.
4.) What are the risks associated with the use of herbal medications?
- Herbal medication is not suitable for many diseases, it lacks dosage instruction, lack
of regulation, longer duration of treatment and there’s poison risk associated with
wild herbs.

5.) What are the challenges regarding complementary and alternative medicine in terms of:
a) National Policy and regulatory frameworks
- Recognition and credentialing of complementary and alternative medicine
providers, regulatory and legal mechanisms, equitable distribution of benefits and in-
formation, and adequate allocation of resources for complementary and alternative
medicine development are all issues that must be resolved.

b) Safety and efficacy

-Unilateral research protocols generally tend to be poorly developed, lacking
either an adequate study design or a well-developed address of specific constructs
of complimentary and alternative medicine approach studied.

c) Access
- Reductions in the absolute price of CAM therapies could lead to changes in the
relative price between CAM and conventional medicine. If people are more likely to
report problems in access when they are sicker then the greater use of CAM may
simply represent greater use of care of all types by those in poorer health..

d.) Rational use

-The challenge for both complementary and alternative medicine is to fulfill the
role of patient advocate by engaging in reciprocal open communication, facilitating
the patient's informed choice, avoiding harmful or useless practice.

6.) What are the roles of CAM with regards to primary, secondary and tertiary prevention:

- Among the means to promote lifestyle change is modeling healthy behavior, notably
diet and physical activity. A number of CAM whole systems consider dietary habits
and therapeutic nutrition as a cornerstone of health, including Traditional Chinese
Medicine and naturopathy. Some dietary guidance is consistent with current
mainstream recommendations for chronic disease prevention,whereas some
traditional recommendations conflict.

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