2 Solar Panel Install the Solar Panel ELE/N5902 55 0 Mounting and installing the solar panel in the customer premises. It also includes connecting
Installation the solar panels with the inverters and ensuring the functioning of solar power system.
( ELE/Q5901)
3 Electrical Integrate electrical sub system ELE/N6301 36 0 "Integrating all control boards and any other electronic components to obtain the electrical sub system of the product."
( ELE/Q6301)
4 Electrical Coordinate with others ELE/N9971 36 0 The individual?s level of communication with colleagues and other departments
Technician within the organisation. It determines the ability to work as a team member to achieve the required deliverables on schedule
( ELE/Q6301)
5 Solar Panel Coordinate with colleagues at ELE/N9952 55 0 The individual?s level of communication and coordination with
Installation work colleagues and other departments within the organisation. It also describes about how an
Technician individual interact with the team to achieve desired workflow.
( ELE/Q5901)
6 Electrical Maintain safe work surroundings ELE/N9972 37 0 The individual?s effort to maintain a safe, healthy and secure working environment.
( ELE/Q6301)
7 Solar Panel Ensure safety at workplace ELE/N9953 54 0 The individual?s effort to maintain safety in the workplace and avoid any hazards during the work.
( ELE/Q5901)
8 Solar Panel English Skills ELE/ ENG 87 0 There are activities with online exercises and worksheets to help you improve
Installation 0001 your English skills. Listening skills practice. Practice and improve your listening
Technician skills for your studies or for work. Reading skills practice. Practice and improve your reading skills.
( ELE/Q5901) Writing skills practice
10 Solar Panel SOFT SKILLS `ELE/SOFT 29 0 Soft skills are a combination of people skills, social skills, communication skills,
Installation 0001 character traits, attitudes, career attributes, social intelligence and emotional intelligence
Technician quotients among others that enable people to navigate their environment, work well with others, perform
( ELE/Q5901) well, and achieve their goals
11 Solar Panel OJT SKILLS ELE/OJT000 272 0 Personal attributes that enable someone to interact effectively and harmoniously with other people.
Installation 1
( ELE/Q5901)