Chapter Ii
Chapter Ii
Chapter Ii
A. Theoretical Review
definition that has admirably withstood the test of time. His concept of
approach as well.1
objective, it can be called method, before she/he gives the acting in the
classroom. There are many methods that can be used by teacher in the
Douglas Brown, Teaching By Principles : An Interactive Approach To Language
Pedagogy, San Francisco State University, Second Edition, 2001, p.14
teaching method had already done. They used the method to design
people to be able to speak read and write Latin. The most popular
method that used was Grammar Method; they used it because the
Ibid p.18.
teaching method, and his method was devided into two parts: (1) rules
and paradigms, and (2) sentences for translation into and out or target
learning to put grammar labels on words, and learning apply the rules
that mental diciline was essential for strenghtening the power of the
mind.” 5
Bambang Setiyadi, Teaching English As A Foreign Language, Graha Ilmu, Yogjakarta,
2006, p.31.
Ibid, p.31-32.
Hery Yufrizal , An Introduction to second language Acquisition, Pustaka Reka Cipta,
Bandung, 2008, p.153.
principles are :
Although many new method that have been introduced to this day,
little teaching is done in the target language. The area which is much
Bambang Setiyadi, o. cit,. p. 34.
learned through direct translation from the native language in the class.
Instead, readings in the target language are translated directly and then
Bambang Setiyadi, loc,.cit, p. 36-37.
Larsen Freeman, Diane, Technique And Principles In Language teaching, Oxfort
University press, 1986, p.12.
As Hornby, Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary of Current English, Oxford
University Press, New York, 2010, p. 2
b. Concepts of Reading
for reading, but here the writer will take several definitions
process of mastering the content from the text which related with
one’s knowledge.
ofskill that involves making sense and deriving meaning from the
Thomas S.C. Farrel, Planning Lesson for a Reading Class, Singapore,SEAMEO Regional
Language Centre,2002,p.1
Albert Josiah Harris, How to Increase Reading Ability, The Alpine Press, united States of
America,2002,p. 12
printed word. In order to read, must be eble to decode (should
This skill is also realized by the ability of the readers to identify the
events that happen one after the other of his world experiences in
order his readers can see and feel it as he can. This story can be
along by explaining what happens next and why. They are written
in such a way as to place the writer, the reader, or both rights in the
center of the action. When written in the third person ("he," "she,"
Thomas S. Kane. Essential Guide to Writing. Barkley Books. New York, 2000, p.366
Sanggam Siahaan, Issues in Linguistics, Graha Ilmu, Yogyakarta: 2008, p. 217
Furaidah,dkk., Advanced Writing, Universitas Terbuka, Jakarta:2007, p. 1.36-1.37.
the events. In first person ("I," "me," etc.), the writer acts as the
main character and takes the reader along for the ride. The
of narative paragraph.
meaning and rhetoric steps in simple short essay by using kinds of the
Sanggam Siahaan, op. cit., p. 5-6
and narrative form. The material of instructional for the students are text
narrative and recount, the students know using simple past or past
students write a short recount and narrative text based on their experience
1. Theoretical Framework
There are two variables in this research. They are independent variable
(X) and dependent variable (Y). The independent variable (X) is Grammar
Translation Method. Then the dependent variable (Y) is the students’ narrative
train the students to translate the text. Because, this method is used to help the
students identify the main idea and find out the specific information from
narrative reading after they translate the text first. Therefore, by using
students’ narrative reading ability at the tenth grade of SMA N 1 Metro in the
2. Paradigm
paradigm as follows:
Figure 1
Good P
Grammar O
bb The student’s
Translation Fair
narrative Reading T
Method (GTM)
ability H
Poor E
reading ability. If the grammar translation method can be given a good and
the students can understand it, so their narrative reading ability can get
C. Hypothesis
translation method toward the students’ narrative reading ability at the tenth