G150 09 2010 PDF
G150 09 2010 PDF
G150 09 2010 PDF
66-500-4768 | +1-401-781-8220
Grinnell Figure 71
Flange Adapters
2 to 24 Inch (DN50 to DN600)
General Technical
Description Data
The GRINNELL 71 Flange Adapter Sizes
allows a direct transition from flanged 2 Inch to 24 Inch (DN50 to DN600)
components to GRINNELL grooved Maximum Pressure
components. Flange bolt patterns Refer to Figures 1 and 2.
conform to ANSI Class 125 and 150
standards as well as PN10 and PN16 Approvals
as indicated. UL, ULC, FM, LPCB, VdS, and
•warning Housing
Never remove any piping component Ductile iron conforming to
nor correct or modify any piping defi- ASTM A 536, Grade 65-45-12
ciencies without first de-pressurizing Protective Coatings
and draining the system. Failure to do • Non-lead orange paint
so may result in serious personal injury,
• RAL red (optional) non-lead paint
property damage, and/or impaired
device performance. • Hot-dipped galvanized conforming
to ASTM A 153
It is the Designer’s responsibility Gasket
to select products suitable for the • Grade “E” EPDM, Green color code
intended service and to ensure that -30°F to 230°F (-34°C to 110°C)
pressure ratings and performance
data are not exceeded. Material and The Grade “E” EPDM Gasket is
gasket selection should be verified to NSF-61 Approved.
be compatible for the specific applica- • Grade “T” Nitrile, Orange color code
tion. Always read and understand the -20°F to 180°F (-29°C to 82°C)
installation instructions. Refer to data sheet G610 for aid in
The GRINNELL Products Figure 71 selecting proper gasket.
Flange Adapter described herein must Segment Bolt Data
be installed and maintained in compli- Refer to Table A.
ance with this document, in addition to
the standards of any authorities having Nominal Segment Bolts
jurisdiction. Failure to do so may result Pipe Size
in serious personal injury or impair the Bolt
performance of these devices. ANSI O.D. Size Torque
Inch Inches/ Dia. x Lg Range
Owners are responsible for maintaining DN (mm) Inches Lbs.-ft. Certified to
their mechanical system and devices (Nm) For Fire Protection pressure rating, listing
table a
segment bolt torque
Size 2" (DN50) - 12" (DN300) Size 14" (DN350) - 24" (DN600)
Figure 1
figure 71 flange adapter
for use with ansi class 125 and 150 flanges
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Figure 2
figure 71 flange adapter
for use with PN10 and pn16 flanges
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Limited Ordering
Warranty Procedure
Products manufactured by Tyco Fire GRINNELL Products are available glo-
Suppression & Building Products bally through a network of distribution
(TFSBP) are warranted solely to the centers. Visit www.grinnell.com for the
original Buyer for ten (10) years against nearest distributor.
defects in material and workmanship When placing an order, indicate the full
when paid for and properly installed product name. Specify the following:
and maintained under normal use
and service. This warranty will expire • GRINNELL Figure 71 Flange
ten (10) years from date of shipment Adapter;
by TFSBP. No warranty is given for • Quantity;
products or components manufac-
tured by companies not affiliated by • Size: ANSI Inch size, DN, or pipe
ownership with TFSBP or for products O.D.;
and components which have been sub- • Flange Bolt Pattern Designation:
ject to misuse, improper installation Class 125, 150 or PN10, PN16
or maintenance, corrosion, or other
external sources of damage. Materials • Protective coating: non-lead orange
found by TFSBP to be defective shall paint, RAL red non-lead paint, or
be either repaired or replaced, at hot-dipped galvanized; and
TFSBP’s sole option. TFSBP neither • Type of gasket: Grade “E” EPDM
assumes, nor authorizes any person to or Grade “T” Nitrile.
assume for it, any other obligation in
connection with the sale of products or
parts of products. TFSBP shall not be
responsible for system design errors
or inaccurate or incomplete infor-
mation supplied by Buyer or Buyer’s
In no event shall TFSBP be liable, in
contract, tort, strict liability or under
any other legal theory, for incidental,
indirect, special or consequential
damages, including but not limited to
labor charges, regardless of whether
TFSBP was informed about the possi-
bility of such damages, and in no
event shall TFSBP’s liability exceed an
amount equal to the sales price.
The foregoing warranty is made in
lieu of any and all other warranties,
express or implied, including warran-
ties of merchantability and fitness for a
particular purpose.
This limited warranty sets forth the
exclusive remedy for claims based
on failure of or defect in products,
materials or components, whether the
claim is made in contract, tort, strict
liability or any other legal theory.
This warranty will apply to the full
extent permitted by law. The invalidity,
in whole or part, of any portion of this
warranty will not affect the remainder.
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